Lyte's Story

Story by HansonProductions on SoFurry

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Lyte: The Initial One


This story embarks on the epic encounters of an amazing female ti-griffin called Lyte. In all the times of darkness a light so bright stands to the initial breaking point. In encounters with time, and she will face her ultimate enemy. What has come and gone must be revived and in this turn of events, she will face it all. But will she survive the trouble fated by her timeline? Will she escape her feat her foes? Will she know where to go?

Like in life, we all have our destiny, decided by what path we choose to go. But for this creature, these paths are branches on what life has in store, and in life for her will reveal the angst the unfortunate and the downright unluckiness of what one creature must face.

But through it all who can save her? What will save her?

This creature will endeavor through the world and she will receive what one must need, from hardship in the time of her foes, what way will she go?

Will you decide?

In all, you can never know what way she will go. The light is your greatest gift, but for this creature her greatest gift is also her fatal flaw. And when she grasps it by her mandible claw, how will she change it all?

This calls for a region of self-discovery, with the initial realization. In the story the creature will learn. "If at first you don't succeed, you try and try again".

She will yearn for an answer, she will yearn for the truth, and she will yearn for her right to remain a free ti-griffin. She will yearn for this all, but alas, what she yearns for the most... Is it... What she really want?

Is it what she will expect?

Or is it all more and more a play into her alumnus plot line?

Or is it just everything that she has done and seen has it all been...?

Chapter I

The Story Unfolds.

An Enchanted Forest.

In an enchanted forest, deep buried in the hedge-growth of much strange and wonderful wildlife, lies a dis-torn ti-griffin, laying there with a pool of liquid from her mother's carcass, and her family destroyed she weeps in vein of being left to cry in the mist of what has waged war on her family.

She breathes; she ponders, and in the mist of the morning sun as it awakens the noise of the forest around her.

She crawls through the hedge-grow, stealth with the eyes of a tiger, but in her mysterious griffin glow, as the sun radiates through the trees and down on her white fur. Red stained patterns built on the injustice of what she has seen; she emerges from the grasses tall and blossoming green.

She hesitates momentarily and lets out an echoing scream, the forest shakes in terror, the trees rustle with fear, not a breeze or another noise fills the open air. From the edge of a cliff she flies to land on the cooler ground, this soil does not burn; this soil does not have the foul scent of injustice.

With all this one single tear to the floor, what was once blue filled sky rages with black booming clouds she stares solidly past the edge of the enchanted forest, a place she dared not go, she stares at it with more anger than she has ever felt before, this young cub of not much of half a score, rages into the open, and vanishes from the forest. But behind her lays pool after pool of red stained tree, pool after pool of what she has seen.

With the griffin tracks that lay bleached onto the forest floor, a lone young cub snooped quietly away from the heard; she follows the griffin out into the big wide open world.

Following the prints step by step what will this uncover, as Lyte took her courage in the blinding worlds sun from her protecting trees all behind her she sits and elegantly lets what anger she has go, from the river she flows from her eyes, is just one more victory for her be-gaining foe.

Chapter II

"A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed."

The Plains.

As tear after tear flows, a small cub sticks her head up from behind the rock; it's a small leopard cub, its spots glow in the light, the sun just bellows from its perch on the sky.

The cub formally bows, to introduce herself to the elegant griffin who now wipes the final tear from her face. To where she can finally make out a small leopard cub bowing to her elegance, she twiddles and nods her head, unsure whether or not to speak or to stay in silence.

The cub looks confused, mainly others would say something, but she understood the griffin, she understood what being in fear meant, as a youngin' she knew she had to constantly fear her predators, for she was easy prey, more so than the griffin who could easily just fly away. B

But nothing at all, dryness descends on the burnt dead floor below, as the griffin finally says.

"Why must you be out here, can you see, can you see how I am so upset, who are you?"

The cub did not answer if a giggle counted it what was first to come.

"Well you were crying, I'm sorry for being so silly, but I wanted to see if you need a friend, my names Skye, and although I may be young, I wanted to see if your alright, you looked like you just need a friend"

Lyte looked puzzled to why this creature now nuzzled into her, to show her affection. Lyte took her wing to shyly pet the cub who now purred to a level that made her smile so bright show. Lyte had a power, yet to unfamiliar to her. She basked onto the cub below and took her wing, away.

But before another word was uttered the sky started its own tears, Lyte pouted, she hated that the rains hit her so hard, without those trees, nothing would be easy, she could now finally feel a breeze, she finally saw what nature was meant to be. She gazed and the cub below her hid into the protecting wing and smiled as Lyte's bright smile almost made the rain seem unnecessary.

But beyond these mystic planes in the Queen-Dom of Far-Cry stood an evil wench of women deformed from beauty, in this deformation, she grew to despise beauty, and wanted everything to be as ugly as she was.

She had many, and many dislikes, but the forest, on the far edge of the plane was so beautiful it made her sick, she vast and set to destroy the forest, whatever it would take for the whole plane to be a wasteland of ugly despair, and in her way were the Griffin family, which Lyte, survived, were standing to protect their forest.

The queen had finally sought victory she looked from her terrace glanced down over the planes and laughed maniacally, it echoed and echoed, and Lyte shivered as if cold on the sun beaten day, and she sneezed a bright white light shot towards the sky, it turned the sky a very deep blue, the sun shone brighter and the Queen nearly blinded demanded her servants to find that light, but before they could step away the light beam faded and vanished, all in moments it was back to cloudy skies and just the normal rays of light beaming on the forest ground.

Lyte sought to find the Queen, and her apprentice, or to Skye her new friend, were on a journey, planning to cast these shackles from belayed walls, and reveal that Lyte was not just an ordinary griffin.

"Lyte"_Questioned Skye, _"Yes, Skye?" Skye hesitated and tugged Lyte behind the gorse bushes on the road. It was a servant of the queen, he wore the mask of disfigurement all royal creature were never to show their true beauty, the queen believed it did not exist in her queen-Dom she knew of no such things.

The servant slides through the paths down the hill looking for this light, it was just too strange he seemed to look at Lyte, with an eye so dead so callous, it was like a shark had come or that Lyte had seen a ghost.

Skye could not see but for a moment, Lyte was whiter than she had ever seen white, almost transparent from that moment. Lyte looked on daring no move, daring not even to blink, and then the servant turned and hunched his way further down the hill.

Lyte crumbles down, Skye licks her cheek, and Lyte's face gains color, Lyte petted Skye, and before then, they took from the gorse a rare berry known as roués-berry it had such a foul scent, it could allure anyone from your track. Lyte placed four on the ground and rumpled them into the souls of her paws, trammeling them to release the scent quicker, agitations made the smell accentuate greater and greater.

Skye needed no such thing she had her own "markings" to throw off her prey, alas they took up a hill, a farmer, and a strong Pig came over to feed his chickens, he blinder than a bat walked graciously up and down the corn field. Lyte froze another one of the people, Skye noticed although a part of the queen-Dom he did not wear a mask, but it was not that he was seen as not fit, it was because the queen believed in animals whom dwell in their own entrails, how could anyone love them, they are more disfigured than I.

But at last Lyte took her friend Skye, and into the maze of the gorse they stumbled until, suddenly they heard someone whisper "Hey, over here".

It was the pig. Skye and Lyte looked up, double take, and followed him, his éclat was damn fine his house was dawn small. Lyte barely able to find a place where she felt comfortable to sit, the pigs walking stick made her more confused, "how did he see us?" she thought aloud.

"Oh I don't see very well, big critter, I hear awful good though, fine day to be out, and I scent rouse on your feet, are you trying to kill my crops, please wash that off, I have perfected a nicer smelling berry, it won't cause you harm, I'd doubt your from around here, you don't give a good impression, around here were all very harsh spoken and ill-mannered doppelgangers, we don't have much of an éclat, but we protect what éclat we have, alas we have no face to show the world, Let me tell you why I don't wear a mask, I'm a pillager, for non folks I am a farmer, I've worked my time in the walls, and been of high class, for a time, but alas, time doth go faster when you have fun, it indeed seems to just slip away faster than those gorse snakes, that bindle in the bushes, I heard titter tatter from that there bush, I begot that snakes not have feet, but be me, I came toward you like a gorse snake, I don't have to wear a mask because I do not fit the bill of beauty, if I was a handsome young buck like those in the walls, I'd never see myself as who I am, I see myself as what I must be. I must be 30 odd years over that day, those walls had me better part of all my life, if you see anyone from beyond the walls be not afraid, they be not one from the queen, we are against her, why I live here in this dreaded farm, working to feed me, my family have not yet been cast from her fire torn grip. I don't know if I will ever see my beloved wife again. You may rest here, beseech yourself and take that scent from off thy floor, and take my form from off thy floor, for now you must have been starving before you'n seen me, do you have any such problems from off the éclat that I present, well no problems please eat some bread or help yourself to a few vegetables, but stay off that corn, it aren't ready for tasting, you'll be sicker than a dog, beseech, beseech, sleep, and we will wake when the sun hits the hill, at for the walls been my only dawn problem, I'll wake you early, the guard come daily to be seek any strange activities, be it any of you that see that light the last dawn, it almost burnt my fragile skin, it defiantly caused some deadly drought that evening my plants took a lot of feedings, but best let you beseech your bed."

Lyte seems almost fanned from the speech glaring at the provocative sun as it bounces on through the fields of yore, and into the crops: miles and miles of them galore. A garden, a hill, a broken rickety fence, and this towering wall, all stood before her eyes.

She could hear her killer's laughter all but ringing, bellowing in the gusts of wind that barraged the front door, of the house, laughing that grew tormenting, laughing that grew to her screaming "STOP" and then vulgar silence falls flat in the house. She stares vacantly at her.

friend, and runs away, through the grass the tears heavy and heavier than before, even now she scream "Alas no more, alas no more".

Her eyes glisten her feather fragile in the wind, she bellow's bumping into a mystical Chinese dragon, he awakens bigger than her, his four paws that melt the ever softening ground, all around her she feels cold, but in his eyes she is the closest to hell she has ever been. Death's entailed grip clichés her throat like the farmer clutched straw, she looked deep in his eyes, gasping flaring her tormenting cry, and all of a sudden like the wind, she explodes her beams of light like a gun shots a bullet, it is so much the dragon is blinded he falls to the ground and in that moment she huffs, not once, not twice, but thrice.

In moments, her wings slowly decrease to arms the feathers start to shed, the water eyes turn blood red, her body from feathers before slowly disintegrate into scales inch, by angry inch she turns more and more, her anger unleashed as her horns berate from the top of her head, her color of the snow white, now turns a silken shade of cream, her teeth become pointy and sharp, her paws, turn to gripped and clenched claws. She speaks:

"Fool, I stand here before you in honor of my family, what your queen has done, has brought the worst out of me, I have come far, from heated plains to stormy forest grooves, I have even seen how the grass moves, you awoke my anger, and doth what punishment's I have to offer, aren't they even enough for what I've seen are rivers of what has made me, rivers of red, silver and even gold?, But these are more valuable to me then you'll ever be, why shunt I kill you, do what your queen has done?, Should I even care about you? Feel what the weight of a broken heart must feel like, what the weight of anger and frustration have caused such a demeaned version of myself, why you have made me? I do not know, stand forth here dragon, and stand forth here. For I myself have laid a challenge, and you were half the dragon that you are before, doth you not where your mask of shame from your owner, who would not be able to tell me your name. Does she care? Alas no more, Alas no more, for I have traveled through the fields of yore, and prey thee, I have sung 3 times a score. And anon to you dragon of the forest elder, what must faith it meets you, is this but harsh weather. Enlighten path of what I treasure, like birds of a feather, I stick together, do you take me to be your food? Alas no more, Alas no more, I tell thee, you have not seen not this nor, have you seen the end of my feathers that gather here, in many than more, I teach on you to not treat me like your mislaid whore. Go home dragon, fly doth away, your owner cries for you, like she knows who you are? Like she actually cares? She took my family and for that, she will soon be your affair. Stand down vile fiend thou, how you have troubled me, I am not your prey, or nor shall I ever be. You can go hunt on those that try to hurt thee, thou you away to cave for thinnest of many a year, and only come out when you have seen the face of your family's fears. Their bodies smashed and crumbled on the muddy floor, their bones been bitten forever and more, there is no tomb, that I can build, not even I grave, not even a yield, not even a stone to mark their name, not even their families name. I prey to thee to stand away, for I have no business no quarrel with you. It's your owner, that I seek to find my way too."

The dragon sobs pointing western, through the forest he does not speak but the message is clear, go that way. She slowly transforms into her normal self breathing one last sigh of relief for her safe passage, here she knew the wall seemed to become more well laid the bricks were tidy, in line, and fancier than those before.

She'd be honest in knowing vanity is really "it's on the outside that counts". As she follows the barraging wall suddenly massive towers form in her vision, erected to be 50 times higher than the wall, guards stood consistent watch, but not one tower stood there at this golden gated entrance, their stood 6, which held 4 guards each, Lyte had little time to ponder, but she saw, her chance. She took flight and dived deep under the soil and out on the underside of the wall.

But to her surprise nothing here, just another identical forest stood here, she walked but the wall on this side was painted, not like outside at all, it was plain, simple, and frustratingly it seemed to just never end, as she crawled what seemed like days through tree after tree she fell down, she sees the massive erect tower, she dashes back to the forest huffing in fear these guards had gun's cannons, some had bombs to destroy tanks.

Suddenly a familiar squeaking, the gates flung open, through it walked two rhino's in heavy armor, they held Skye, as Lyte covered her beak with her wind, The guards flung her in a van, a as quick as Lyte saw it happen, was as much as it took for the town to return to normal, the same creatures walking and talking about the same things, you could see it in their eyes, this conversation I have had is getting old, but nothing else is allowed here.

Lyte had to disguise herself somehow, she saw a family of dragons quickly held the form and became the same taking a mask from the house they stayed in, she walked elegantly behind them, and tried to stay as well in character.

The town saw no issue; the town saw nothing new an average day for an average town, but up way upon the hill top, landed a castle glimmering in emerald green, with a light faded ruby red sky setting behind it. Although beautiful, Lyte was sickened to beyond her stomach as she walked trying not to make much noise, these kits did not talk at all, let alone was she to be ratted out, she saw the family as almost a ruse to go see the queen until her fears were realized, they were not royal enough to go the her castle, a massive sign says 2nd tier this way, No 3rd tiers allowed without strict pass, the father took towards the sign and Lyte grappled his tail and climbed on his back as the barrier went up Lyte slowly felt herself slipping back into form, she lightly sneezed and kept in shape on the dragon as he assented to his job as a guard

Chapter III

I'm Off To "See" The Queen.

The Queen's Castle.

Within the walls Lyte hops off and vanishes into the shadows' she gallants away from the foyer and into a narrow corridor, door after identical door, file the corridor, the other side covered in glass panes, she walks each step taking her a step closer to her true form, she hears that eager cry, she stops and looks to the corridor "Skye!"

She runs now in her true form, there in a black casket of glass is her friend, trapped, so who made the noise, chains and ropes barricade her, pinning her to the granitite stained floor of the room, in walks the shady queen, cackling and laughing:

"Only a matter of time Lyte, I see you finally came, your all but too late, isn't that ironic. I could kill you here right now, or her she's less than herself right now, for you may have fooled me once shame on me, but fool me twice and shame on you. Lyte, Lyte poor defeated creature of the deepest beauty how you sicken me, how you make me want to die"

"That can be arranged"

With that a ball of light en-circles Lyte, she takes her wings he chains, slowly fall to the floor and the ball of light consumes the room freeing her friend. The queen laughs once more.

"All in all to impressive Lyte, I stand her bewildered by that power, But as you know, I know your every move"

She point's at a wall of gibberish to Lyte, in hieroglyphics.

But as while she is distracted the queen vanishes, slowly Lyte sees a puff of smoke and in the haze she falls down.

As she awakens the sun so bright as the trees rustle and whisper sounds to Lyte as she wakes to her family all about her.

"It all in your head"

"Oh Ma' there's no place like home to me"

The End