Chapter 9: Harder Than You Think

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#9 of All In the Family

Chapter 9: Harder Than You Think

Wanting to hit something, David stormed up the stairs, leaving his miserable father in the living room with his drink - the only thing he really cared about, David grimly told himself. He passed his parents' bedroom and paused. The door was ajar, and laying sprawled on the wide, lavish bed was Debra. She was wearing an open see-through negligee, as well as her pink panties and bra. Laying on her back in the dim light of the tv, an eye mask was strapped half across her face and her mouth was open. David stood there looking at her shapely body and the way it twisted in the sheets, the way her big bosom swelled when she breathed, the way her slender legs dragged across the covers. He wanted to slip in there and touch his stepmother, suck her tits, peel her clothes off. But John was downstairs. John was still half-drunk. And under the influence, there was no telling what John might do should he catch David on his wife.

Thrusting the thought aside, David made his way up the hall and to his room. He thought about sneaking in on Tammy instead, but realizing how tired he was, he just opened his door and entered the gloom of his bedroom. He was taking off his shirt when he realized someone was laying on his bed. He froze: it was Amanda.

Amanda lay back on the sheets, her arms behind her head, a smile on her lips. The window was open, and David was not surprised to realize she had climbed through: she had done such a thing many times before this night. Sometimes when the two of them had been very small, Amanda would even runaway to David's house. After climbing through his window in tears that her parents were fighting, they would cuddle the night through.

Tonight, however, Amanda looked too happy to have climbed through the window because of her home life. She reclined in teeny shorts and a baggy jersey, her slender legs crossed one over the other. She had kicked off her shoes, and she wriggled her toes playfully at David through her socks. Her dark mane, meanwhile, was pulled into two braids either side her pretty gray eyes. As she wriggled her toes, she was grinning, but seeing David's strange expression, she sat up and frowned.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Amanda asked when David slouched through the room.

She watched him toss his shirt wearily over a chair as he came toward the bed. He flopped on it beside her, and without a word, pulled her close. Amanda smiled at the familiar warmth of his arms around her, his breath on her mane, his hard young body pressing through his clothes. She closed her eyes. God. She would never be able to let David go. She felt safe with David, that's what it was. Safe. And so loved.

"Everything's wrong," he whispered, drinking in Amanda's smell. She had never smelled very feminine. She had always, in fact, smelled very strongly of deodorant and basketballs. Sniffing her mane, he blinked as he realized for the first time just how different Amanda and Tammy really were.

Amanda looked up at him sadly, her gray eyes shining in the darkness. "Tell me?"

"My dad," David admitted wearily.

Amanda nodded against the pillows. "Ah, I should've guessed." She rolled onto her side and frowned anxiously at David. They were childhood friends, after all: she had grown up watching David arguing with his father. "So what was it this time? He get drunk and go into a rant again?"

"Remember when I told you how I think he's gay?"

Amanda nodded.

"Tonight, he told me he'd rather I fucked my stepsister blind than be a . . . than be gay." David scowled: he had always hated the word "faggot" and would rather not repeat it.

Amanda glowered. "So it's true then?" she said darkly. "You were really with Tammy?"

David blushed a little. "Well - yeah - but how did you know that?"

Amanda didn't answer him. "That's sick, David," she said, scowling. "How could you fuck your own sister?" She sat up, looking at him in disgust.

David sat up too. "You don't know what happened, Mandy," he begged. He touched her arm but she jerked it away. "She was making fun of me and you, and she flashed me and everything, so I was already pitchin' ah tent when she made me mad --"

"So you fucked her to shut her up?" Amanda looked at David incredulously and laughed.

"Geez, you act like she's my real sister or something."

"So . . . you don't have feelings for Tammy or anything?" Amanda demanded suspiciously.

David bit his lip. Oh, god. It was coming: that moment when he had to explain that they could not be together, that he had chosen Tammy. "Mandy . . ." he began awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Mandy, there's somethin' . . ."

"So what else happened with your father?" Amanda said over him. She sat back in the pillows again, her black braids tumbling around her as she studied David.

David flopped on his back beside Amanda and they both stared at the ceiling. "Nothin' else happened. Except that I hate him more," he answered darkly. "That fucking lameoid. Why can't he just go be gay? Why does he have to make everyone around him miserable by denying who he is?"

Amanda quietly answered, "Sometimes it's harder than you think, Dave."

David looked quickly at her, but before he could make anything of what she'd said, she was kissing him. She pressed her tongue to his and deepened the kiss, and before he realized what had happened, he was fumbling under her jersey. Suddenly impatient, he just tugged her shirt up and her bra down. Her little tits pressed out of the fabric, still restrained halfway by the bra. He squeezed them and pinched the nipples as they continued to kiss. Amanda heard his zipper and smiled to realize his pants were tangled fast around his feet. He fumbled to yank her shorts down, and in a sudden frenzy, he did not bother removing her panties. He pushed the thin fabric shielding her pussy aside and pressed himself in. Amanda sighed under him, and David's back flexed in steady rhythm as he moved inside. They kissed as they made love, and Amanda was whispering that she loved David when a gasp in the doorway made them both look around.

Tammy was standing there, tears in her eyes.