Chapter 11: What Got Into Tammy

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#11 of All In the Family

Chapter 11: What Got Into Tammy

Tammy stood frozen and felt her heart crumble. She saw Amanda smile smugly at her, then put her arms behind her head and recline in the pillows. Her pretty black face was unapologetic, even triumphant, and she licked her lips as if to say, "He's mine. Always has been. Always will be."

Tammy narrowed her eyes angrily on the sleek black wolf. Amanda was such a mean girl. How David could love her was beyond Tammy. She suddenly didn't care to figure it out and moved as if to hurry away, but David begged her to wait. She halted in the doorway again, breathless, tear-stained, and furious.

"Tam!" David cried. He fumbled back off Amanda, and with his pants and boxers tangled around his feet, he fell off the bed in a heap. His belt and the chains on his pants jingled as he struggled to sit up, the blue eyes apologetic and pleading.

Tammy's angry gaze shifted back to Amanda, who cupped her own little tit and rubbed it now, licking her teeth as she mockingly called for Tammy to join them. "We could have a real good time!" Amanda called when Tammy suddenly turned. "I like a little bitch on the side while fucking David! Ha, ha, ha!"

Tammy flew up the hall, blinded by tears. She could hear David and Amanda arguing in the room behind her, David's belt jingling as he yanked his pants up, Amanda's voice rising as they bickered and she, no doubt, did her damndest to keep him from leaving the room.

Tammy held back a sob as she flew down the stairs, her breasts bouncing as she took them two at a time. She had come to David in her nightgown. Underneath, she wore no underwear: she never wore underwear when she snuck in David's room. Her mane was loose and soon became tousled as she paused at the bottom of the stairs. She couldn't hear David and Amanda anymore, just the blasting of Debra's tv as she slept sprawled on her back in the master bedroom. Tammy waited a beat, thinking that perhaps David would come to her, apologize and stammer so that she could smack him a good one for lying, for using her, for pretending that it was really over with Amanda.

"What the hell was I thinking?" Tammy sobbed when she finally realized David wasn't coming. "I can't ch-change him," she muttered, dragging her wrist under her eye. "I c-can't - he'll always love Amanda!" She blinked and felt the cheap mascara stinging her eyes. She had worn makeup, had put it on so she could look her prettiest when she surprised David in his bed. Looking at the black stain of mascara on her wrist, she suddenly felt very stupid. How long had Amanda been sneaking in David's bedroom in the very same way? He had been fucking them both for god only knew how long!

Heart broken, Tammy finally gave in to a string of furious sobs. But the sobs halted in her throat when a voice from the living room slurred, "Tammy . . . issat chu?"

Tammy froze. John was in the living room. Her heart beat hard behind her breasts when he called in a low voice, "C'mere!"

Tammy wiped her tears and moved meekly into the living room. It was very dark, but peering at the sofa chair, she could see the outline of John in the gloom. An empty glass was on the coffee table and - oh god! - he was in his boxers and shirt. She had never been around him in his underwear before. It frightened her. She stood on the edge of the living room, feeling tense and miserable. She tried not to sniff, but he seemed to guess that she'd been crying, for he asked with sincere concern, "What's the matter, little girl?"

Damn. He'd heard her sobbing at the bottom of the stairs. Hating herself for letting David hurt her, Tammy stood stiff in her nightgown and did not move.

"Come in here," John said, and to Tammy's dismay, he clicked on the nearby lamp.

Looking at John, Tammy swallowed hard. He was just an older version of his son, after all: the same dark and handsome face, the same mocking blue eyes, the same lean, hard body. Only his body was more muscular and toned, he was taller, and his smell . . . Tammy breathed John's smell and held down a shiver. He carried the thick musk of an adult, not the softer scent of a boy.

John sat looking weary and tired in the sofa chair, but something seemed to become alert in his features as he took in Tammy's tear-stained face. There was no lust in his eyes, only concern. After glancing up and down Tammy's body for a moment, a weary sort of realization hit him, and he nodded for her to sit down.

"So," he said, rubbing his paw along his hard thigh, "Davie did what I told him too, huh? He let you down easy, I hope."

Tammy sat slowly on the couch opposite, careful to keep her legs closed: it hit her afresh that she was not wearing panties or a bra. Her little breasts were pointing hard through her nightgown, which was all but see-through. John must have realized it too, for he swallowed hard and ran his paw back through his mane, as if he needed a cold shower.

"You understand why the two of you can't be together, don't you?" John said, watching Tammy apologetically. "We're a family now, little girl. I can't have you fucking your brother. Good god. He really must've done a number on you to make you cry like that. He didn't yell at you or anything, did he? I'll make him apologize if he did."

A little startled by the worry on her stepfather's face, Tammy shook her head uncertainly. "N-No," she mumbled, hating herself when a fresh tear trailed over her lips, "he didn't yell."

John watched Tammy a moment before answering, "Good. . . . good . . ." His eyes drifted away as if it was hard just to look at her. "I'm sorry about tonight. I was drunk when I said - j-just go back to bed . . ."

Tammy didn't move: there was movement going on in John's boxers. John clapped a paw to his eyes as it happened: his dick swelled behind the fabric, then suddenly stood upright.

"Look what you've done - I said go to bed!" he snarled when Tammy came to him.

Suddenly bitter and vengeful, Tammy could not stop herself crawling across the carpet. John watched in amazement when she halted between his open knees, and with slow seduction, she pulled her nightgown over her head and tossed it away, now kneeling before him completely naked. His eyes went at once to her shivering breasts, so high and perky and white, then to her pretty face and how it was framed by her thick, white mane in the dim light of the table lamp. He couldn't believe it when she reached for his dick. He grabbed her wrist quick and asked her what the fuck she thought she was doing. They stared into each other's eyes a long moment, and very slowly, John let Tammy's wrist go. She pulled his dick free of his boxers and he closed his eyes as it happened: her hot mouth consumed him, sucking and pulling with her lips and tongue, slobbering over his shaft. He sank in the chair and grunted as her head went up and down between his knees. Without thinking, he reached out blindly, and grabbing her head, he starting helping her move her mouth against him. He looked down at her, at her fluttering lashes, at the rings of lipstick her pretty lips left on his dick. He reached for her breast and squeezed it and couldn't believe it when she shivered with pleasure from his touch.

"Oh my g-god," John whispered breathlessly as his throbbing cock no doubt made Tammy's lips sore. "A slender, naked little female worshiping my dick. . . . Oh, Tammy . . . yes, baby, you're a good girl . . ." John closed his eyes when Tammy gave his dick a long and very wet slurp from balls to head. She pulled back and started licking the head of his cock very lightly, and looking down at her, he smiled and gently pushed her mane behind her ear.

"God, you're better than your mother," he whispered, closing his eyes as the tip of her deft tongue caressed him. "Tammy, why are you - oh, shit . . ." He grabbed Tammy by the sides of her head and forced her mouth over him just as he came. He sagged in the chair as he listened to her sputter on his cum. His dick didn't even go down, but he fully expected for her to just go away after that quiet session of pleasure in the dark living room. He was therefore shocked and surprised when Tammy climbed in his lap instead. He opened his eyes to find her rubbing her own tits, smiling at him. She shook out her mane until it fell behind her shoulders, then cupping one of her breasts, she offered it to him with a smile. He leaned forward to suckle her, and as if she tasted sweet, he suddenly crushed her to him. She lowered her pussy on his cock and sent him to heaven when she started riding him. In a sudden frenzy, he grabbed her ass in fistfuls, and her shrill cries filled the dark living room as she clung to his neck, as he brought her up and down with deep grunts and moans.

"Oh my god, little girl," he whispered, nibbling her neck as she moved in rhythm against him. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but I'm thinkin' it should be me for a while yet."

Clinging to his neck as she moved her slender body against him, Tammy laughed in triumph: John didn't know it, but standing behind them and watching from the dark hall . . . was David.