In Our Minds, Part 1

Story by Canadian Hamster on SoFurry

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#1 of In Our Minds

-The Buzzer rang loudly at 7:00 in the morning. And as with every morning, Bruce turned over and hit it to silence its tone, and returned to his rest. But the damage was done, and he already noticed something wasn't quite right. He felt the second sleeping spot next to his king sized bed, but no one was there. He got up and sat on the side of the bed to check himself over.

-He was a brown and white stallion, bigger then everything around him, so big that he almost had to bend himself to get through doorways. His hair was still there, he can still see his snout, and both horseshoes were right where he left them. Quickly gasped under his breathe and check his crotch to see if the engine could still turn over. Spark flared and his huge brown and white dotted penis rose to life as his third arm and went back to normal. Shrugging himself off, Bruce then said "well I'm glad she didn't take my organs, best check my stuff." But no further then 2 feet from the door, a sizzling could be heard.

-Bruce reared his head into the kitchen, and there he saw it, the silk laden cat of the Savannah. Under Bruce's description, she had the most perfect pelt of fur that looked like grass in the summer's meadow, and her cheetah dots were so well spaced that even with her camouflaged you could stare at her aimlessly. The silk shirt covered just enough for her tail to swing back and forth, back and forth that would reveal tidbits of her round, tight butt that could only make you want to rip the shirt off. But you would waste a shirt, that did such a good job at hiding, showing, and couple 2 of the spheres that could cater someone as big as Bruce.

-"Oh good, I thought you were going to fuck and steal, but instead you prefer to make a lunch and then make a break for it" Bruce gives off the wide grin that horses are known for.

-"Oh well you know, I had such a fantastic time last night, I'd thought I could cook you a little something." She turns her head to wink and then goes back to cooking.

-Bruce sits down and resumes his gazing at the cheetah. "You know where you'd look good? On my wall... and the couch, and the table top, and the shower."

-"Hehe, stop it." She blushed, turned and bent down to put before Bruce what she was cooking. He didn't see it cause he was paying to close of attention for her bending down also showed as much of her unbuttoned cleavage as possible.

-"Are you going to even look at what I made?" She asked intently.

-"I love pancakes as much as I do watermelons." He replied.

-"But... I didn't use any watermelons." She gave a confused look.

-"I think we're talking about different ones." He winked and started eating.

-She grabbed the seat infront of Bruce's and sat down. She stared at him as he ate, with her elbows on the table and hands cupped on her cheeks. Bruce looked at her, then the clock on the table, and then back at her. "Not to be a spoilsport in your personal staring contest, but aren't you late for work?"

-A shocked look appeared on her face. She whipped around to look at the clock and then quickly ran around looking for all her clothes. All Bruce did was continue eating his pancakes, laughing silently under his breathe. After she was finished rummaging through the apartment for her clothing, she got dressed as quickly and as poorly into her business outfit. But then suddenly she was grabbed by Bruce and pulled into his arms. He towered over Her, but they held eachother tight.

-"Where do you think you are going?" Bruce said.

-"But I'm going to be late!" She gasped.

-"That Clock has always been behind an hour. I didn't tell you cause I like it when your sweaty and hot."

-"Ooooh..." She said with a suggestive look on her face. "Well in that case..." she charged her head at Bruce's face and started licking the inside of his mouth

-Bruce slowly let his hand slide down her sides to her hips, squeezing and letting go so softly. She wrapped herself around his thick, muscle bound chest and let her panty covered pussy rub against his dick. He carried her over to the kitchen table and sat her down. His hands reached up her skirt to find her wet panties, slipped his hand underneath them, and pull them across her long, furry legs. He lifted those legs onto his shoulders and let out his long, wet tongue to lick, up and down her wet pussy, in and out, all around. She was bent backwards, purring and meowing, all the while clawing the table.

-Bruce, using amazing control over his dick, erected it to the size of a small bowling pin, "Are you ready for this?" Bruce said.

-She cried out, "Just give it to me!"

-Bruce placed her back on the table, and rammed his bowling pin in her. She roared with pleasure, and sunk her claws into his shoulders. Bruce didn't phase, he merely pulled his dick out and back in, arcing his back so his dick would scrap every inch inside her. She groaned and cried "Yes! Ooooohhhh. FUCK me!" Her pussy wrapping tight around every move of the penis.

-Bruce started to unbutton her shirt, to release her jumping boobs. He squeezed them and used his thumbs to circle around her nipples. "I'm coming... I'm coming!" she screamed. "Meeeeooowwwwww!" She laid back on the table, scratch marks all over.

Bruce leaned in "Round 1 goes to me..."

-"Then its to round 2 then..." she leaned in closer. "Get your ass on that couch."

Bruce picked her up, with his penis still in her, and walked over to the couch, where he sat and let her do her do it her way. She rocked her pelvis in circles, thrusts back and forth, all the way up and down his penis. He grunted and moaned, and held onto the couch cushion. She pulled out his dick, and place it on the end of her butt. She pushed down on it with all her body, keeping his dick in place with her hand. They both grinded their teeth on the very last push as it shot up her anus. She landed with a roar, her tail stiff and puffy.

-Bruce jerked his head back, and held onto the Cheetah, as she tried desperately to move her body up and down with a huge dick up her ass. Her butt held on tight, so she put her paws on his stomach for extra an extra push. It took all her strength to get up and back down.

-Stress was coming onto Bruce's face, "Shit... fuck! Nieeegghhh!" He yelled, cum spewed out of her butt and oozed around his dick. She got up stood over Bruce, as victory was hers. But then she plopped down and fell on him. "I guess its a draw." He said breathless.

-They just laid there and let the time pass, until the time came for her to get to work. She left Bruce's arm and started collecting her clothes again, then headed for the bedroom. Bruce looked up at the ceiling, and looked back at the clock. He got up and reached for a small date book on the coffee table. Looking through the pages he found the current date and time. He scheduled an appointment for today, an appointment with Dr. Joan Dergen, the physciatrist.

-The cheetah came back into the living room, all dressed and headed for the door. -"I'll see you later today." She said as she opened the door.

-"Don't keep me waiting." He waved goodbye when she went through the door. He sighed and went back to looking at the appointment today...

-"OH god, watching that made me masturbate sooo hard," a small voice said. Bruce tried to ignore it, but then the Voice had a gray wolf body infront of him. "So, lets go find the next sexy piece of tail, I want a threesome. God I need some hard-core fucking right now."

-Bruce clenched his fist and grinded his teeth. "Get out..." He said in an angry tone.

-"I can just picture the next one, a nice mouse. Tight TIGHT pussy... Imagine it being a virgin." The wolf slowly put his right hand into his pants, and started jerking it wildly. "OOOOOooooooooooooo, I CAN'T WAIT! Lets go get it RIGHT NOW!"

-Bruce quickly stood and yelled "GET OUT THE FUCK OF MY MIND!..." Bruce opened his eyes, and he saw the Cheetah standing in the doorway, dumbstruck, and the wolf nowhere to be seen.

-The cheetah spoke with her mouth stuttering. "I... I... came... for my purse..." She held her chest, as tears rolled down her cheeks.

-Bruce looked to the left where the purse was, picked it up and walked over to the door. He tried to hand the purse over to the cheetah, but she recoiled. "I'm sorry..." he said it in a low voice. She grabbed the purse and ran down the hallway. He watched her, even as she ran out of sight. He didn't try to catch her though, he just shook his head, sighed and pushed the door closed.

-"I'm glad she's gone, she didn't have a big enough chest anyway." The wolf was behind the couch, infront of the window, with the sun glinting off his fur. A smirk was on his face, a smirk of victory, a smirk that meant he got what he wanted and doesn't need to say no more.

-Bruce roared, grabbed the fridge next to the door and threw it at the wolf. It went crashing through the window, and fell into a dumpster on the street. The room fell silent, and the wolf was nowhere to be seen. Bruce was panting, fell back to the door, and covered his face. He looked up, and stared at his date book. The appointment was in 2 minutes, and 16 blocks away. He took his time getting ready, it was a small trip on hoof anyway.

To Be Continued.