Life's a Beach, Wave 2.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#2 of Life's a Beach

Life's A Beach.

Life's A Beach.

_ By: Wolfie Steel. _

The story may contain acts of gay sex with bad language to boot.

Wave: 2.

With my shift over, I head back up the beach towards my modest beachfront home, and the cool relaxing shower that I will soon be in. I enter the house and suddenly I'm reminded of the emptiness of my life, there is no one home waiting for my return, oh sure there used to be, a male Collie from work, but we always found that we were on different shifts so I rarely got to see him, one day I got home to find a Dear John note on the breakfast bar. Man I cried for days, I loved Chris with all my heart, but I guess it wasn't enough.

I walk into the kitchen and take an ice cold can of soft drink from the fridge, using a claw I pull the ring pull and begin to pour the contents into my dry maw, once the can is empty, I place it on the breakfast bar and head off towards the welcoming shower. As I step into the shower room, I remove all of my sweaty clothes and then step into the shower cubicle, I turn the shower control and a steady stream of cool refreshing water hits my fur.

As I shower my mind wanders back to the Dalmatian, those tight fitting shorts, that gorgeous looking muzzle, the even more gorgeous looking rump that filled the shorts. My thoughts begin to have an effect and my rod begins to swell, I know that there is only one way to cure it so I gently take hold of my sheath and begin to stroke.

After a few minutes my cock is fully out of the sheath, my knot is also fully formed, and I know that pretty soon it will be all over, what depresses me is the thought that the only thing that will be eating my cum is the drain in the shower. This thought though does nothing to diminish my climax and soon all of my pent up juices are flowing down the drain with the shower water.

With my climax at an end, I continue to get my fur clean. After ten minutes of cleaning I shut off the stream of water and climb out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and then head into the kitchen to fix myself some dinner. Since my split with Chris my life has taken the same routine, wake up, breakfast, work, ogle the fit looking guys, lunch, work, ogle the fit looking guys, maybe save a few lives, home, shower, paw to the memory of the fit looking guys, dinner and then bed. I guess you can say I'm living in my very own version of Groundhog Day.

With dinner out of the way and everything cleaned up I head towards my bedroom, as I enter I see my computer which is still on standby so I decide to check my emails while I'm getting ready for bed. I see that there is an email from my boss, so I open it and read it.

"Yo Max, I heard about your great save earlier, it never ceases to amaze me, ten years on the job and still your lifesaving techniques are such that one would swear that you were reading a lifesaving manual as you were working, apparently it was text book stuff. There is another reason for this email too, there is another lifesaving contest coming up and I want you to enter it, this is no other contest though, only the elite lifeguards from all over the world will be attending, and what is better for you is the fact that you will have home grown knowledge, as the contest will be taking place on the very beach that you patrol. Now I know that since Chris left you you've been looking for a challenge, and I know for certain that you are reading this email as you are getting ready for bed, so have a good night's sleep, and then call into my office in the morning and let me know what you decide. Goodnight my friend. Dougie"

In truth, Dougie the Stallion, otherwise known as my boss, was right, ever since Chris did a runner on me, I had felt that I was still second best and that I needed to get my teeth into something, maybe this elite contest would be just what the doctor ordered. I looked at my other emails, most of which were either spam or just advertisements, all of which got deleted and then I closed my computer down and got into the empty double bed.


"It's five am on another gorgeous Hawaii morning" My paw reaches over and I sleepily shut off the radio alarm, with the alarm silenced I get out of bed and head to the kitchen for breakfast. As I sit eating two slices of toast and drinking a glass of orange juice I come to a decision about the contest, yup it's time for me to compete again, so I finish my breakfast and get changed into jogging pants, even at this early hour, the temperature outside is still a balmy thirty five degrees, so I elect to go topless.

I leave the beach house and begin my jog along the beach; I know that I have at least an hour before I need to head to Dougie's office, so with that in mind I know that I can go for quite a decent run. The beach is empty at this time of the morning; it's the perfect time for a training run, after fifteen minutes I reach a small outcrop of rocks so I sit for a few minutes to get my breath. Once I have rested I begin the run back to my beach house, I'm going to need another shower before I meet Dougie.

Once my shower is done, I quickly dress in my lifeguards' uniform and then head out towards the lifeguards main station for my meeting with the Stallion. I arrive at the station just in time to see the Stallion pull up in his huge four by four. He steps from the vehicle and lets out a man sized yawn.

"God damn it Max, you are here nice and early, do I take it from that that you are considering entering the contest?"

I gently nod my head and the Stallion continues.

"That's my boy, and I have every confidence that you will do yourself proud, you are already the best lifeguard we have, and I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I have had quite a few other lifeguard services contact me with a view to gaining your services, but what they are offering in return is nowhere near what you are worth"

I let out a slight chuckle, and then I get serious.

"Dougie, I was wandering if I could have a chat with you about something.... personal"

The smile vanishes from the horses face as he nods and leads me to his office. Once inside he shuts his door as I take a seat, he then places his hoofed hand on my shoulder and speaks.

"This visit isn't just about the contest is it?"

As usual the horse is right on the money, my sigh confirms his suspicions.

"You've seen someone that you like haven't you? And you're worried that you will get hurt again, does that sound about right?"

Again my sigh confirms his thoughts and then he continues.

"Max, I'm one hundred percent straight but I'll tell you this, if I was into guys and I wasn't already taken, I would be falling over myself to become yours, and Chris was a fool when he walked out on you. I have no problems with you being gay, and as long as the other guy is agreeable then there is nothing that anyone can say, all I will say though is this, Chris hurt you badly, please be sure that you are not falling for another Chris"

I look up to the horse and reply.

"The thing is though boss, the guy I'm interested in was the guy that I rescued yesterday, and I'm not even sure if I will ever see him again. I know that I shouldn't mix business with pleasure, but damn with him it was just so hard not to"

The horse gains a thoughtful look and then seems to come to a decision.

"Ok Max, here is what I'm going to do, I will ring the hospital to find out how the guy is, then providing he is still there I will go and see him on the pretence of getting some details from him, that way I can ascertain whether he's a local boy or just someone who is on vacation"

I thank my friend for his understanding and then I head out to begin my shift on tower 10. As I sit on my seat looking out over the beach, I see a scruffy looking Collie walking across the beach, he was doing his best to try and stay hidden from my eyes, and he was obviously up to no good. I watch as a female Labrador stands up from her beach towel and heads into the sea, the Collie spies his opportunity and heads quickly over to the ladies bag and begins to rummage through it, I stand from my seat and vault over the rail in front of me and run silently through the sand to where the guy is hard at work. I clear my throat to announce my arrival.

"Excuse me sir, but I don't like thieves and pickpockets on my beach, now put the bag down and then stand up nice a slowly"

The Collie lets out a resigned sigh and gently lowers the bag back down to the beach towel, by the time his paws were free of the handles, the female Labrador had returned.

"What the hell is going on here?"

I make my reply.

"Hello Ma'am, it seems that this guy was interested in whatever is in your bag, now it is entirely up to you what I do with him, I can radio for back up and have him arrested for attempted robbery, or I can drop kick him clean off the beach"

The Labrador looks kindly at me and replies.

"To be honest, he kind of looks hungry and in need of some friends, is there any way that you can get him something to eat and drink, if I pay for what he consumes?"

I gently nod.

"Ma'am as I said it is your call, but I won't accept money from you, I will sort out his food and drink, I also know that there is a possibility that I can find him a job"

At this the Collies ears perk up.

"Sir please, I need money to eat, if I can get a job then that will suit me down to the ground"

I thank the female Labrador and then I take the Collie to one of the beach front fast food places, I order some food and drink for the Collie, and I notice that the cook is a little short handed, he is not only trying to cook, he is also taking money from customers and trying to keep the tables clean, I know the Hyena by name so I decide to try and get the Collie a job.

"Yo Dwayne, I see that you're on your own again"

The Hyena looks at me and nods.

"Max you don't know the half of it, I've had three guys just turn tail and leave which has really left me in the shit, pardon my language"

I look at the Collie.

"Do you think you can help by cleaning tables, and serving customers?"

The Collies tail begins to wag madly as he replies.

"I just wanna work sir, to earn enough to eat, I know that it won't be enough for me to get a place to live, but hey I've lived on the beach for three nights now, and it ain't so bad"

I look to the Hyena.

"Dwayne, what would you say if I was to tell you that I know someone who is looking for work?"

The Hyena's ears perk up.

"Are you kidding, you would be a friend for life, and you will never go hungry or thirsty"

I gently nudge the Collie towards the Hyena.

"Dwayne, I caught this Collie trying to rob from a female Labrador five minutes ago, now he claims that he is absolutely starving and that he is just looking for work so that he may feed himself, so what do ya say? Will ya give him a chance?"

The Hyena looks at the Collie and then replies.

"Normally I would say not until he has been cleaned up, but I have a sink where he can at least wash his paws, so yeah, I'll take him on"

The Collie rushes to the back door of the stand and lets himself in; he quickly washes his paws and then stands next to the Hyena.

"Paws all washed and ready for action boss"

Dwayne gives a little chuckle and then asks the Collie his name, the Collie blushes as he realises that he hasn't told anyone his name.

"My name is Carlton Alanson"

Dwayne shakes Carlton's outstretched paw and then gives him the task of clearing the tables, without another word Carlton rushes off to begin the table clearance. With my good deed of the day done, I head back to my lifeguard station.

As I climb the steps I can hear my stations phone ringing so I answer it, the voice that I hear is that of my boss.

"Yo Max, it seems that you are in luck my friend, the guy you rescued yesterday, one Teal Watkins, is ready to be picked up from the hospital, now I have told the guys at the hospital that you will be there to collect him, so you better get your butt back here and pick up one of the four by fours, it's quite a distance to the hospital"

I sigh and the Stallion picks up on it.

"Hehehe don't worry, Tower Ten will be guarded, I have called one of the newbie's, Spike Newman and he should be with you soon"

I thank the Stallion and put the phones handset back into the charging unit, I then hear a very nervous voice call my name, so I head back out onto the deck of my station; there standing on the beach is Spike Newman, a young German Shepherd fresh out of lifeguard academy.

I let out a giggle as I speak to him.

"Well Spike, the tower won't come to you, so get your butt up here"

Spike clumsily makes his way up the steps that lead to the deck of the tower. I can see that he is as nervous as all hell so I take him inside to try and calm him down before I head off to collect Teal.

"Spike, relax I know that this will be your first stint alone on a tower, but you will be fine, just keep my area safe by staying alert with your eyes and ears, and I will relieve you once I have done what I have to do"

The Shepherd gently nods and heads out to take his seat on the deck of the tower; with him settled I head back to base to collect the keys for one of the four by fours. As I get to the door, the Stallion is standing in the doorway with a set of keys in his hand and a huge smile on his face.

"Take truck 301, and Max, good luck"

I take the keys from the horses hand and head towards the truck. I jump into the driver's seat and begin the half hour journey to the hospital; once I arrive I calmly walk into the waiting area of the hospital.

As I enter I see the Dalmatian sitting on a chair waiting for me, so I head over to him and introduce myself.

"Mr Watkins, my name is Maxwell Wing; I'm the guy that rescued you when that wave knocked you from your board"

The Dalmatian blushes to a deep red and then replies.

"Mr Wing, I owe you my life, and I can't thank you enough for your quick response that helped to save my life"

With the introductions over, we both head out to the truck to begin the journey that will take Teal back to his home.