Not So Retired Any More XXI

Story by Arlen Blacktiger on SoFurry

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#21 of Not So Retired Any More

Hi yall, sorry for the delay in getting a new chapter out. Its been nuts around here.

Anyway, there's M/F porn ahead, so its your own fault if your eyes get melted.

Also, feedback is very much welcome. If my story is dragging on too long or needs more character development or whatever, please please please let me know. The silence is a killer!

Chapter XXI - Moving Forward

Tamra let out a trilling growl as she typed, banging the keys with her fingertips hard enough that she'd already bruised her pads during her several-hour online stint. The headache wasn't helping anything, and she took a break to bring both paws up and rub at her temples, little circles right where the jaw muscles connected at her temples.

Fucking Luddite mercs. Why can't they make my job easier?

Over the speakerphone on her desk, Arlen's voice crackled through, grainy and slightly delayed.

"Control, do you have any data for us? We're looking at some buildings, but need floor plans, over."

Tamra muttered under her breath, tick-tacking her way through a database of old government building blueprints.

"Shadow team, I'm sending the blueprints to your field computer. I don't know how accurate they are any more, though. Bombed-out buildings in Sarajevo don't tend to stick to the architects' wishes y'know. Over."

Her voice was cross, aggravated, and she knew it was because of the headache and because she couldn't be there with them.

"I copy that. Hey, could you check up on Sato for me before the next call-in? Thakns. Out."

The line hung up, and she slowly, carefully stood to stretch, pushing her chest out and arching her back until her head nearly hit the top rest of her chair. With a groan of relief, she straightened, flicking her arms out to loosen them up.

Her office, a brownstone-style building in Soho, was a hell of a setup, she knew. Walking down the hall, she passed the operations office of Kiyosato Goza's legal and legitimate business interests, and all the various furs who worked for him without knowing much about his shadowy dealings.

She was glad for them. Having participated in this shadow war for the last year, Tamra knew the paranoia could really get to a girl. These furs, on the other paw, only had to worry about making shipments match time tables, or scheduling, or whatever normal corporate professionals did.

She, to the contrary, was acting as a combination of fixer, manager, director, spy, hacker, and coordinator for the three teams they had in the field, constantly going after Simon Gecko's operations whenever they could be identified in time.

Rio de Janeiro, Sarajevo, and next Mogadishu. Damnit, how long is that fucker going to keep ahead of us?

With a frustrated growl, she stormed into the break room, ignoring the annoyed looks of various 'coworkers' she never talked to or had anything to do with. Nobody in the office really had a good idea what she actually did on a daily basis, just that Mr. Goza had put her in charge of building security and told everyone to leave her alone.

Tamra grabbed the coffee pot and sullenly poured herself a cup, as dull throbbing continued in her skull. The cat hated being stuck on the communications and coordination side of things again...But the head injury in Sao Paolo had taken away some of her sense of balance and given her headaches that could sometimes make her vision go blurry unpredictably.

Across the room from her, a lanky young ferret girl dressed in a suit but looking teenaged all the same, noticed her presence and walked on over holding out a tray of sugar and cream. The others in the room were politely making their exits, leaving the high school girl they all quietly assumed was their boss' dirty little secret and the crazy cat bitch woman to their business.


Tam looked up, her eyes red-rimmed from the all-nighter she'd just pulled. The cat managed a weak smile, blowing out a breath and slumping her tensed shoulders as she took the creamer tray.

"Hey. Sorry, I don't mean to give you stink-face, if I did or something."

The ferret girl just shrugged and pulled out a chair, sitting down across from Tam.

"How are things? You know, with...With them."

Tam quirked an eyebrow and wondered, as she often did, how the girl knew so damn much. Maybe she was just that smart, Tam figured. She sighed and surrendered, putting her head against the back of her paw on the table.

"Running around all over looking for the people who attacked us a year ago. Not making much money. How're you doing, Raven?"

The skinny girl shrugged and sipped at her coffee.

"Working weekends in a business office that appears totally legitimate for people who I'm sure aren't...Getting ready for the SAT's, ACT's, AP tests..."

Tam looked up at her, moving her chin to the table instead of her forehead.

"Someday when you're older and I'm less involved, ask me about it. Until then, the less you know the better. Just have faith that we're not bad people and that the boss man doesn't want you getting hurt or involved. Right?"

The ferret frowned and shrugged, looking down at her coffee.

"I don't know why Mr. Goza is so dead-set on avenging my father. I don't think that's what's really going on, but it's the only thing I can figure out with what I know. In any case, I wish he'd either lay off or let me get involved."

Tam could hear her frustration, and sat up straighter in the chair with a sigh.

"I'm not a lot older than you, Raven. But I do have a lot more worldly experience. Trust me when I tell you this; you want nothing to do with my world, and the more you dig into this the more tied into it you'll be."

The girl gave her a sullen look, and shrugged, meeting eyes for only a moment.

"I'm not stupid. Just...Don't treat me like I'm stupid. I don't want to be in the dark any more."

The cat shook her head, sighed, and rubbed the bridge of her snout.

"If it were up to me, I wouldn't leave you in the dark. But its not. Sorry kid."

Tam got up, leaving her half-finished coffee so she could escape the quiet, boiling girl, and strode out into the hall while popping the cell phone off her belt. She didn't bother dialing, just spoke his name.


The silver wolf had been laying out under the porch overhang on his favorite lawn chair for at least an hour, watching the driving rain bluster over the hills, listening to trees rustle, and endlessly enjoying the lack of traffic noise, when his cell phone thrummed to life where it lay on his reclined chest.

Sato grunted softly and took the cell in paw, lifting it to his ear as he used the other paw to shift his bad knee, painfully bending it enough that he could sit up without hyper-extending it again.

"Moshi moshi?" His voice came out somewhere between sleepy and content, he noted, and the cat's response was as it usually was...Vaguely guilty, definitely stressed.

"Uh hi Sato. Arlen wanted me to call and check on y-"

He interrupted her with a light smirk so obvious it was in his voice too.

"Little kitty, you don't have to sound so recalcitrant. You do know I'm the one who told him to sleep with you, yes?"

The pause made him snicker, though he hid it from her with a paw over his muzzle. Playing with the poor cat had always been enjoyable, given how excitable she could get.

"I uh...L-look, Arl is overseas like you know I'm sure and...Um...Yeah. Checking up. Is that rain or tv static?"

Sato held the phone away from his ear long enough for the cat to hear the dripping of water pooling at the edges of the porch being hit by falling drops, then brought it back to his ear to speak.

"Arlen is mostly straight. I wouldn't restrict him from having sex with a girl of my choosing. So stop sounding guilty every time we talk, alright?"

The cat clearly realized they were having two different conversations, but was too embarrassed to concede the point.

"S-so you're o-okay right?"

Sato laughed loudly, his musical voice carrying and vanishing into the rain's background white noise.

"I am fine, kitty. Come visit us when you have a chance. Arlen will give you the address."

"Y...Yeah. Okay. That'd be...Um...Nice."

The silver wolf chuckled and nodded with the phone to his ear.

"Finally, we can both talk about the same topic. Which means it is time for you to go, as you are unwilling to resolve what is making you so nervous."

She laughed, though it had the reedy sound of a person trying not to say or do something, or maybe trying not to reveal something. He wasn't sure, but it was an amusing game, something to alleviate the boredom of his de facto retirement from exciting work. Being an accountant for his uncle did let him work from the comfort of his home, but it lacked the enjoyment and satisfaction of getting into trouble and fighting his way back out over and over again.

"Haha, mutt. I'll call you when I get a few days free, alright? Bye."

Sato smiled and kissed the phone loudly, before hanging up, then lounged back down into the chair, using his paw to move his mostly-immobile knee back into place.

He had long ago stopped grimacing at the constant pain.

She could hear the shushing of snow under skis, and it gave her a thrill of warmth despite the biting cold that ran through their modest cabin home. Tasha Tzarov got off their soft cloth couch and ambled into the kitchen, where she put their metal coffee pot back onto the burner and cranked up the gas while starting up more of the liquid life alchemy she enjoyed so much.

Standing as she was, she could easily see out the window and down the slope, into the white wonder of their little skiing town. It was a tourist place, at least part of the year, a town built to rest in the palm of a gigantic paw that reached towards the sky with clawed rock fingers, even the shortest of which kept snow during the summer.

Go figure, I end up moving someplace even snowier and colder than Saint Petersburg.

The smile was wry, but more happy than bemused. She had trouble admitting it sometimes, but this year of hiding out had been a good one. Tristan had found work as a network administrator for the surprisingly modern wi-fi systems available in the town's hotels, and she had found a job as a ski patrol leader. Her linguistics training had certainly paid off, given they hired her mostly because she could speak almost every major tourist language.

The vixen laughed softly at the mental image of how her old military trainers would take it if they found out all that special forces training had gone to something so simple and inane as babysitting idiot thrill-seeking tourists.

Sure, the pay wasn't great on the international scale, but she figured if it was enough to keep the two of them comfortable that would do just fine.

As she pondered their present and tentatively prodded the mental door labeled 'future', the shushing stopped. Following a pair of thuds from skis coming off, the door to the cabin opened, and she turned to face the man she'd come to consider more friend than hostage, more lover than companion of convenience.

The wolf had taken to their new life well. The high altitude exercise and constant skiing to get around had taken away most of his body fat, filling his large frame with leanness, though none of a body builder's rippling physique. It had given him confidence, too, much more so than he'd had when they first met.

Which was something he seemed determined to show, as he stripped off his gloves and strode over to the shorter vixen, grabbing her around the hips as he brought his muzzle in and kissed her hard enough to fog his glasses with their combined, panted breaths.

When he released the kiss, Tasha grinned up at him, and reached up to smooth a bang of long headfur out of his eyes.

"Good day?"

He grinned and kissed her forehead, while shifting forward, pinning her against the counter, his snow pants giving her a nice idea of what he was thinking as he pressed a hardness into her thigh.

"Better every minute."

Tasha laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, wriggling to get into a better position until he moved back, scooped his arms around her lower back, and put her up on the counter before leaning in for another heated kiss. The coffee pot started hissing steam, and he reached over to turn the stove off, as his other paw lovingly caressed the vixen's cheek, playing through the down-soft fur there.

She was already softly panting, he noted, as he brought both paws to undo her shirt, rolling it up and breaking their kiss as it passed over her head. He leaned in then, taking a nipple between his lips, sucking it until it peaked up, while the vixen giggled and combed her paws through his headfur.

"Like an animal today," she murmured, though clearly not in protest. He just grinned, and gave her breast a nip that had made her jerk and laugh, slapping him on the top of the head playfully.

All it did was get him to smirk at her and continue downward, nipping her flat belly as deft computer programmer paws went to work getting her pants unsnapped and tugged down. He stopped to snort in amusement at the arctic camouflage-patterned boxer briefs underneath.

"Planning to go somewhere in your underpants, love?"

Tasha shook her head, blushing a color nearly that of her fur, laughing softly and kicking her feet so that her toes poked him in the chest.

"In this weather? I'm Muscovite, not Siberian. There is a difference, you know. Heating, for instance."

The wolf grinned and nibbled her inner thigh before brushing his broad flat tongue over the small wet spot growing on the groin of the undergarment.

Tasha shivered, already feeling a warm weight in her core thanks to Tristan's passionate approach to today's naughtiness, and put her paw on the back of his head, petting to encourage her wolf lover.

After a bit of shifting around to get a good position, Tristan pulled the boxer briefs down and off of her, tossing them to land haphazardly on the couch, and dove into her, spreading her lips with two fingers and going straight for her little red nub.

The vixen sucked in a breath and clenched her athletic stomach, thighs trying to close around his head before she realized it and forced them to relax, leaning back on her elbows as her boyfriend's tongue danced over her, dipping inside now and again then going back to trace over her sensitive, aching button.

As the paw holding her open shifted, she bit her lip, then groaned as a finger slid into her sodden channel, hooking upward to go after the bundle of nerves inside that Tristan had long since learned was a sensitive spot for her. The vixen wriggled, her upper back against the wall for support now, and brought her paws up to her breasts, kneading them as she arched and tried not to slide off the countertop onto him.

Tristan looked up, resting his snout against her mound as his lips and tongue did their work on that deliciousness below, and brought his free paw up to rest on her flat belly. She met his eyes in return, squirming, and agreement passed between them as it always did. Ever since the incident at the hotel in Sao Paolo, she'd had trouble getting off without anal play, and they had been trying to fix that fact for a while now.

With another careful motion, he spread her wider sliding a second finger in, scissoring gently with it to open her up so he could loop that one up too. The nerves just behind her pelvic bone tingled, and the vixen let out a huffing breath, closing her eyes trying to concentrate as her fingers curled up in his headfur. She was so close she could almost taste the orgasm in the shivers radiating from her groin. Again and again she approached the precipice, but something inside her pushed her back. Images she had gotten so good at pretending not to notice that they didn't even register any more, but still kept re-setting her orgasm reflex.

She gave a little whimper of frustration, pinching her own nipples, willing to try almost anything if it would work. Tristan looked up at her and grimaced softly, giving her mound a gentle kiss before speaking.

"Do you want me to stop?"

For a few seconds, he thought the quivering vixen might tell him to stop. Tristan knew it wasn't any failing on his part. Her trauma wasn't his fault, and they were both doing their best to help her past it.

Tasha shook her head, and whispered the words he half hoped for and was half resigned to.

"D-do it."

In a moment of thought, he gave her mound another gentle kiss, licked over her lips, and grabbed her by the hips, causing her eyes to slit open and look down at him curiously.

The wolf had a clever grin, the kind she knew meant he was up to something. She realized she was right as, instead of stuffing his finger up her ass to get her off, he picked her up as if she were weightless, slung her over his shoulder, and then walked to their bedroom.

She was too dazed from the near-orgasm frustration to think as they entered the spartan little room, though she was cognizant enough to squeak in surprise when he tossed her onto the bed, bouncing up thanks to the springs just in time for him to pounce on her.

Tasha grabbed his shoulders, growling playfully as he wrestled her, rolling her over onto her stomach with minimal resistance and surprising strength. He leaned in, then, and whispered into her ear, the heat of his breath tickling the fur and making her flick.

"Been doing some reading. Do you mind if I try something?"

Tasha tilted her head, trying tog et a look at him, as his weight kept her pressed down into the bed. Something about it made her loins twitch with pleasure, and she figured distantly that it must be the adrenaline. After a few seconds, she gave a nod, her face pressed to the bed.

Tristan smiled broadly and gave her ear an intimate lick along the outer shell, before whispering again.

"Safe word is onomotopeia."

The vixen snorted into the bed.

"You just don't want me to be able to say it."

"Heh that's the idea."

Tasha took a breath then as he let up some of the pressure, an tried unsuccessfully to get a look at what he was doing. She heard the snap and drop of his pants coming off, then the tear of a condom wrapper opening, as he held her down with the paw on her shoulder.

Something in her was nervous, she realized, then internally chided herself for being surprised. She'd been held down and raped once in the past, by this very fur's uncle and bodyguard...It was no surprise she would be conditioned to get nervous when not in total control.

When the bigger wolf shifted again, he was over her, trailing his latex-sheathed and pointed tip across the cheeks of her backside as she murred and flicked her bushy tail, right up until he grabbed it and pulled it aside, just hard enough to give her a twinge of pain that, to her shock, pulsed through her pussy in a way that made her clench her fingertips against the bed.


He leaned forward, letting go of her shoulder as he used a paw to aim himself, and the other to shift her thighs and pull her rear upward to present to him.

She licked her lips and panted softly against the bed, head tilted at an uncomfortable angle trying to see his face clearly.

They had made love in just about every position imaginable in the last year. Missionary, doggy style, all the fairly standard ones, and he'd taken Yoga for a while to see about trying out some of the more Kama-Sutra-esque things he'd read about. This time was different, she realized, as she tried to move and found herself being held down by both his paws and much of his weight as his massive spear started to push her sodden lips open and press inside her.

The pressure, as always, was a bit overwhelming at first. The sheer size of his staff compared to the athletic tightness of her body made it certain they would never be able to have sex without some kind of preparation on her part. Either heavy foreplay or a lot of lubricant was needed, even after a year of him fucking her at almost every opportunity.

She sucked in a breath and tried to move again, and found herself pinned down by the wolf, who was now nipping at her long pointed ears, making them involuntarily flick about as he stopped himself about halfway in, then pulled back, leaving her feeling a gaping emptiness for only a moment before stuffing into her again roughly, forcing a yelp from her muzzle as her body struggled to accommodate him. Tasha felt like her body wasn't sure whether it wanted to force the invading thickness out or yank it in and clench down on it, and she was gasping with stimulation within just a few smooth, punishing thrusts.

Still, despite her gasps and clenches, Tristan was unrelenting. He gathered her wrists, and pulled them behind her back into a joint lock she'd taught him nearly a year ago, taking them in one large paw so he could brace the other against the bed and hump into her hard. The wolf hoped she would safe word if this got too painful, but he figured he'd have to push the illusion as far as he could to see any real reaction.

His whisper into her ears made the vixen squirm impotently, her training unable to compensate for a lack of leverage against a much larger fur, not to mention the compromised position her sex-soaked nerves and muscles were in.

"I'm going to fuck you, and I'm going to knot you, and you are going to cum for me whether you like it or not."

His voice was rough, harsh, whispering like a serpent's hiss, and it nearly panicked the vixen, her heart thudding in her chest as she scrabbled at the bed, trying to get up. The vaguely conscious part of her mind reminded her that this was a fur she could trust, that she loved, and it was all that kept her from screaming in terror. Despite that terror, or perhaps because of it, her tunnel got even wetter, sucking at him, clenching, milking at the wolf's enormous shaft.

With a growl of concentration, Tristan banged his already-growing knot against her abused vulva, getting a yip out of her as his tip banged into her cervix, causing her to arch her back and press her face into the bed, sucking breath like a suffocating person brought back into air.

The wolf snarled, baring his teeth unconsciously, then bit her shoulder hard enough to draw points of blood as his knot squeezed against her and then popped inside with enough force that she shouted out a yelp of ecstasy and surprise and pain all at once, his tip mashed up against her innermost boundary, his knot nearly tearing her open before it was past her spasming muscles and locked inside as her pussy twitched all over him. Her eyes shot open and she gasped, trying to pull her arms away from his paws, trying to grab onto anything she could reach, yelling incoherently as her body exploded from the groin outward, waves of orgasm blowing her mind away to a tiny point of light in a blistering storm of bliss and fullness, relief and adrenaline, sweetness and shock.

Tristan saw her tongue lolling out, felt her muscles clenching and fluttering all over his massive cock, heard her yiffing yelps, and smiled predatorily in victory. His gambit had worked, and the pride of that was almost as good as the feeling of his engorged knot and massive dick being squeezed and milked by his vixen's delicate insides.

He moved back into the mating bite, holding it more gently this time, feeling her spasms going on and on, intensified briefly by the instinct brought on by his jaw clenched on her, and then he was lost himself. His balls drew up and with a howl against her neck, he hunched his ass forward, banging his balls into her as his cock twitched once, twice, then exploded in glorious release.

They were locked there for what felt like hours, as he came and came, and she kept right going with him, clenching all over his knot and setting off new spasms every few moments for what seemed an eternity. Finally, panting, exhausted, he laid his head against her back, released her paws, and licked at the bite he'd left in her.

"Shit, s-sorry...Didn't mean to bite that hard."

The vixen's breath fluttered in her chest, and she shifted, trying to get free just on instinct alone, and jerked when she felt the huge knot lodged in her pussy, felt the still-stiff shaft's tip scrape across her cervix.

"F-fuck...Ungh...No apologies...That was g...Guh...great..."

Tristan smiled against her back, and rolled them both over, sliding his arms around her middle so he could slide his snout against her shoulder and cheek and kiss at her, cuddling his beloved fox girl atop their messy bed.

"Wasn't sure you would...Mm...Like that."

She nodded slightly, nuzzling into his cheek, unable to come up with more words.

Finally, his knot had started to deflate, and he popped free.

Tasha's eyes shot open, as the knot exited, and she felt a hot rush of sperm following it, flowing and dripping out of her gaping opening. When she tried to sit up, his arms were still holding her down, and she had to give him a light elbow before he released her and she could sit, putting her paw down to her lips and bringing it back up with a stunned silence.


Tristan looked up, then tilted his head around her, his eyes widening as he saw her paw covered in cum too thick and plentiful to be her own. Looking down his body, he saw his tip had pushed through the head of the condom at some point in their lovemaking, and let out a low curse under his breath.

"Goddamnit...Shit...I'm so sorry..."

Not So Retired Any More XX

Chapter XX - Higher Ground Aboard the air ambulance, Buck laid flat on the gurney, his left leg held up by being braced on Arlen's shoulder. Around his calf, a pressure bandage had been clamped to keep him from bleeding out thanks to the rifle...

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Not So Retired Any More XIX

Chapter XIX - Gavin had left the security office a few minutes after he last talked to his boss and psychotic battle-buddy, climbing up through the oversized vent systems used in the hospital. Getting out of the security room unseen had been easy....

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Not So Retired Any More XVIII

Chapter XVIII - Sailing Into the Storm _Great. Hot chopper landing under sniper fire. In the fucking RAIN._ Arlen held a paw over his eyes, trying to see through the sudden downpour. Next to him, Buck cracked a flare and started waving it...

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