The Shadows In White Places

Story by Siraki of the flame... on SoFurry

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#2 of To The Ends Of The Needles

Second volume in the 'Enchanted beyond Science' trilogy (Yes, there's one more to come =^.^= )

Whatshore stared into the half lidded eyes of species one, her pupils were slitted and gleaming as if awake. But who pays eighteen thousand for a canister of knockout gas and dares to say that whoever they use it on is conscious. Of course, he knew Species one was awake. Her brainwaves didn't read like someone who was asleep but it was only a matter of changing what the computer recognised as normal on Whatshores part, but he was not about to take money from his beloved general that could be put to better use.

He glances nervously over to the edge of the display where her heart was monitored. 'everything normal' he told himself, over and over again. He looked her right in the eyes, he saw a tear slide down her furred temple and gather at the edge of a small shaved point on the verge of her ear. 'Oh god she can feel it' he screamed inside his head. He watched her and fought the guilt that tore at his heart. There was an unheard shout from behind the one way glass, one of the three male humans was calling for a bleed to be burnt shut. Whatshore watched as her nicked vein was sealed by burning, a trail of smoke arose from her wound as the taller one with his mask down called for an end to the procedure. Then she was left, a huge shaven patch on the fur of her leg, neatly stitched along the centre with a streak of reddened flesh. Whatshore watched the three men filed out, their white uniforms passing him by, he caught a flash of her face, trails of tears spiralled out from her eyes, over her small black nose and around the base of those ears. She had put on alittle weight and her fur has lost its lustre, little shavings and cuts had appeared everywhere on her body. He watched as a thick plastic tube was pulled out of her mouth and the canisters taken away, up the platform and into ceiling. He lowered the table until it was apart of the floor again. Whatshore watched and waited, his little booth was his home, and his curse. He had not cracked a wise-ass remark in weeks and now he was just like every average IQ'ed ingrate working here. He was slipping down and down, and as he looked at the sleek form of the beauty before him he could feel nothing more than pity and remorse. 'They will bleed her till she's dead' she thought in a shaking echoing voice that was forever whispering to him. 'and they will make you watch'

Litem opened her eyes again. She sat up without thought and found her leg wouldn't move. So she dragged herself to the corner. Every time she awakened something else didn't work. With her greasy fur pressing against the rubber wall she spoke something. Just to see if she could still talk. She did it once in a while to allow herself the luxury hearing something and seeing if the furless ones had taken her voice this time.

"Acro-acroshiah..." She said creakily, with all the grace of a rusted door she swung back onto the rubber and pretended she was falling back onto some grass, she looked at the bright lights above her, it made everything else white and for a moment it was like being caught in a glare of the sun. When her back hit the rubber it sent shivers into her that gathered in the curves between her eyes and nose and rattled there until she began to weep. 'No days' she thought as the lights glared overhead and made everything day, then she said it

"Onma Tas."

Then she said it louder

"Onma Tas!"

And then she screamed it. She screamed it until she couldn't hear the buzzing lights or the bowl of pellets coming into the room. She threw an imaginary spear at the bowl, an odd jerky movement that was forced deep against the wall. She wept louder and asked the bowl 'Were you prey?' She stared at it and then looked at the hatch it came out of, she crawled over and knocked on it, it was solid as rock. She slumped against it and looked at the bowl. It was red this time. Sometimes it was blue. She turned it this way and that, looking at the writing on it. She tried to read it, and then there was a voice, deep within her skull, it spun around her mind and brushed her soul before she heard it, it said that it was the writings of the furless ones, and that she wouldn't want to read that. She took the bowl in both hands and pulled. Her teeth gritted and she pulled tighter, all her hope was in her strength and she felt weak. Her muscles bulged and she felt something, The ceramic face broke in two and as if answering, her lungs forced air through her mouth and then it turned into a roar, it was full and deep. She heard an intake of breath from behind the wall with a darker square in it. She knew it was fear. She tilted her head to it and for a moment she thought she could feel her wooden earrings swing against her ears. She drew up and stamped through the shower of little red pellets and ran at the wall.

Whatshore watched as her form rocketed up at the glass and pressed a foot to the wall. Her sex tantalisingly close and a lush pink with the heat and stress. Her flowing feline curves were all mapped out in that heroic pose. He looked over her for a good few seconds, finding arousal hard to attain with the primal rage that was flooding her eyes. Her firm breasts were laying pert upon her chest, seemingly inches from his hand that was pressed against the glass. He was sweating, he felt it drip from his brow. Her slitted eyes were drinking his soul, he was falling into it himself, that primality. He watched her tail flick from side to side with his bottom lip quivering. She shouted something unheard but so threatening that it knocked Whatshore back into his seat. She drew back and sat in the centre of the room, her legs crossed and her hands massaging the stitching on her leg.

The General was standing outside of the complex, the rainforest was beautiful at this time of year. He mulled over the next few weeks in his head as he lit a cigar and puffed on it dramatically. He looked over at the medical consultant and then asked his questions.

"I'm an easy man to please..." He said silkily, a medal glinting in the sunlight.

"But I'm also an easy man to piss off, so. Don't lie to me." He drew himself back into his chair. The paper of his cigar vanishing in a consuming glow of amber. "What have you got?"

The Consultant steepled his fingers before himself and then opened a handsome file inlayed with blue and gold.

"Blood tests yield nothing be did not expect. We have detected enlarged adrenal glands slightly higher up from the kidneys than we expected an-"

The General waved his hand to silence him. "Is she going to cure cancer or what? Tell me what you've found that's useful..."

The counsellor smiled and nodded knowingly. "We don't know about that sir. But we've found outstanding similarities between Species one DNA and out own, so similar in fact that it would be a waste not to sample all we can and start working... on some 'splicing' methods."

The General laughed and knocked some ash from his cigar. "You're full of it... you're telling me what I want to hear to speed up the plans."

"In all fairness General Banks" The Counsellor interjected. "I feel that if we simply moved the extraction of an egg cell we would substantially decrease the ti-"

"I would let you do whatever you need, but there is the matter of Whatshore. He drew up the plans and I trust the man."

With growing annoyance the counsellor said. "Then get rid of the plan or force it changed. What we have found it exciting and its the start of what will be named after you! Is that not what you wanted."

That hit him where it hurt, that little line. 'named after you' the Banks project. Gregory Banks up there in the gigantic places in science legacy. He just nodded. Then his phone rang.


"Its Jack and Charles."

"This had better be worth my time."

"Yes. And we've found something, BIG we are tracking three things, just like the one we deliv-" A noise came out of the handset like a wheezing scream. Then it stopped, the sound of an impact. A few shots, shouting then another wheezing whoosh, and another impact, a scream. Then rustling leaves.

The general twitched his moustache and recognised that noise, he remembered his youth, his archery lessons, he remembered that sound, he remembered that impact. He gathered his thoughts, they were dead and by the reception they were close by. He heaved himself up and ushered the Counsellor into the complex, after the doors had shut behind them, the smallest of little lights flashed on the radio tower, and everything went into lockdown.

Whatshore choked on his breath as all the screens turned to the red and black print of the emergency operations procedure. It was telling him to get out of the booth, but he couldn't leave till she was asleep, he couldn't dose her with tranquillisers so soon after she had received another dose. Normally he would just run, he knew she was safe. But stupid thoughts crushed his urge 'there are shards from the bowl in there, she could kill herself' the echo of his mind brought to his ears. 'This is not me' came the stout side of himself that described how he would rape her while he lay in bed at night. 'why am I thinking like this' he asked. And then, his pale sweaty hands laid themselves on the control panel, they were shivering. He felt unwell. He felt his eyes droop, and then she was in his head, she was screaming for someone, screaming to be free. He awoke in a nanosecond, his head smacked against the glass, he watched Litem's ears flick towards him and then her head turned as well. 'Litem' he thought, 'how did he know that?'

Litem was suffering silently, she always had believed in her goddess with just as much devotion as her mother, she had lived no different from everyone else. She wondered why her goddess did not just sweep in on a cloud of warm sand and whisk her back to her pride. She looked over at that square on the wall, the loud bang was the most stimulating thing she had heard in weeks. She tried hard to remember what life smelled and felt like. Everything was unnatural here, she couldn't be comfortable. Her heat had come and gone, she thought it might have ended two days ago, or was it three? It did not matter. Whatever gave this place light, it shone forever. She flopped over onto her side, looking over the vast expanse of the floor. She closed her eyes after a minute or so, thinking of things that she had not done. In her minds eye she saw the males, rich brown fur over muscled bodies, every single one with a spear and a armband, and nothing else. She was what, five? It was all a game in her memory, with the other girls, laughing about how silly they looked, then noticing the differences, gradually learning from their mothers until those differences became something of a need. She remembered the way the older girls stared, giggling with her over that too, until she found that far away stare in her eyes too. Looking at nothing else other than their sheath, their neck. Not caring about their name or their spear, just to be held would be enough. The leaves parted as her face peeked out from the undergrowth, slowly her hand would reach between her thighs, stroking, stroking until she saw the one she liked. Someone not to broad in the shoulder, he flicked the spear at the beginning and the end of his exercises, she loved the way he was different, the way his fur was always sticking up along his arms and he never smoothed it. She loved the way his sac swung from thigh to thigh with each dramatic stance he took. She couldn't take her eyes off him, or her fingers out of her sex.

She opened her eyes sadly, feeling two of her fingers buried deep inside herself. She moved them up and down, biting her bottom lip and thinking of how sad she must look. 'don't worry' the male said 'I will save you, oh I will save you.' She was in his arms, he was all around her. Her fingers were raking along the bottom of her passage, pushing the feeling deeper, pushing her away from this white place, back to the leaves, back to him. Oh his sac was hanging against her petals now, his manhood tall and pressured between her stomach and his, throbbing, hot and scented of him. 'I will love you, I will save you' he whispers to her as her back pushes against the bark of a tree, her rump presses against it too, her tail is nestled sweetly between her backside and the bark, and the hard orbs in his sac are pushing against her netherlips. She was dripping with her nectar, she could feel it gather at the very edges of her petals and then fall. It spun her earthy scent around them both, his muzzle against hers. His hand on her knee and the slow friction as her calf moved up to his waist. Her thighs were glistening, his tip runs between her flower and he tells her how pretty she looks. Her fingertips are running up and down, swirling and twisting and clenching against her entrance, and then his tip parts her sex like an eel slips into to coral. She is moaning and clutching his arms, She is clutching him so tightly because she is the only thing there and if he let her go she would fall, because there is nothing under them, its just his arms, his manhood. Her hand was hurting from the sheer force, her fingers are soaked, her lush brown fur is a greasy black with her juices, she was writhing and moaning and encased in her mind. He is breeding her, he grunts in her ear and over her neck. She is lost in his arms, And when he roars out in triumph, claiming her womb she just grits her teeth and feels his manhood jerk and spew his seed deep into her. Its beating into her like blood its sliding down her thighs and the tree trunk.

She wakes up in the white room, her fingers are twitching inside her sex, she's wet and she's tired. She slumps over to lie on her back. Her eyes closing and blackness took her, stealing the white away.

Whatshore wiped the cum off his hand. He was still looking at her. Still cursing the lockdown for not letting him tape that. She was asleep. He was over the moon, he had just watched one of the best shows ever. With that he made his way out of the room. The doors shut behind him and he strode calmly to the cafeteria, satisfied he was himself again.