Chapter 16

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#16 of Next Generation- The Digivolution Saga

Here is more from my random exercise turned popular story series...thing...yeah.

Anyway, it's another cutesy type chapter that explores a few of Craig's new powers, as well as the now somewhat strained relationship between him and Namico. And Nee makes Namico cry!

The shadow of the tall rock suddenly pulsed, startling the lizard-like digimon sitting under it as the dark orb that formed suddenly grew, bursting to reveal four digimon unknown to it. Startled by their sudden appearance, the lizard turned tail and fled immediately.

Karen blinked in surprise as she watched the digimon flee, turning back as the rustle of fabric filled the air, Craig's strange cloak suddenly retracting, forming into an open shirt as it revealed the familiar face underneath. Karen took a step forwards to hug him, but stopped when she saw the pained look on his face, unsure of what to do.

"You bastard!" the punch caught everyone by surprise as Namico's fist slammed into Craig's face, knocking him back as he stared at the sobbing feline in astonishment, her other fist raised, "You bastard!"

Craig expertly caught the fist as she swung again, pulling her in and placing a soft kiss on her lips, before wrapping his arms tightly around her. Karen and Nee watched as Namico's shoulder's tensed, then shuddered as she began sobbing uncontrollably. When her sobs had died down Craig kissed the top of her head gently, still holding onto the distraught feline.

"You almost died," Namico's voice croaked from his chest.

"I know," he said softly, squeezing her slightly.

"I...I said I'd kill you if you did something like that again," Namico continued, sniffing slightly as her voice grew stronger.

"I know," Craig said again.

"Even though I'm letting you hug me, I'm still pissed off at you right now," she growled, looking up at him.

"I know," he sighed, his body tensing suddenly as he fell back, sparks jumping across Namico's fur.

"That's enough for now," she huffed, looking down at the paralysed male, "And don't you dare try anything, or I'll fry you!"

"I-I know," he groaned, his body smoking slightly as he twitched on the floor.


"So what's up with your new jacket thing?" Karen asked, snuggling up beside Craig as Nee curled up in his lap, dozing. It was about an hour after they had escaped from the Master's Arena, and after careful consideration, they had opted to make camp where they were. After giving the girls new clothes, Craig had taken the opportunity to test his new powers, gouging a hole into the large rock to form a cave of sorts in which they were now all seated, Namico lying on the opposite side of their small camp fire, facing away from them.

"What, my mantle?" Craig asked, grinning when Karen looked at him in confusion, "That's what it's called. Don't ask me how I know that, I just do. Anyway, I got the mantle after I attached the second face to my 'vice, it was the clasp on the Master guy's cloak. I grabbed it just before he blasted me."

"But what is it?" Karen asked, tugging on the seemingly ordinary fabric, "It was all leathery earlier, but now it's like this."

"I don't really know what it is myself, but it seems to be a symbiotic extension of my digivice, which I can control instinctively and..." Craig trailed off as Karen began looking more and more confused, finally shaking his head before kissing he on the nose, "Basically, I can now control my the functions of my digivice just by thinking about it."

"Is that how you were able to pull our clothes out of it? 'Cause its part of your 'vice?" Karen yawned, nuzzling closer as she closed her eyes, falling asleep before Craig had time to answer.

"Heh, silly girl," he chuckled, glancing over the fire at Namico, frowning when he saw her shivering. Closing his eyes, he focussed the mental image he wanted, smiling when he opened his eyes, Namico now covered by a blanket. Closing his eyes again, he felt the soft fabric of another blanket form around Nee, Karen and himself, leaning back against the wall of the cave as he spoke to no one in particular, "I could get used to this thing. Now, how to tell Namico I'm sorry?"

Craig sighed as he drifted off to sleep.


Namico stared up into the cold eyes as the warmth drained from her body, freezing her to the core. The wings slowly closed around her as the unknown figure pressed his lips to hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth, both feeling like the touch of frost. Pulling away, the figure smiled down at her, running his hands over her almost completely numb body, her sides freezing up as he squeezed her thighs, pulling down the pants Craig had given her earlier.

The figure suddenly halted, looking up at her as though hurt, opening its mouth to speak, the words cold and dead, "Why do you think of him still? He is not here to help you in your time of need. But I am, and I shall relieve you of your pain."

"N-no..." Namico breathed, her throat closing up as the figure ran its tongue along the side of her neck.

"He cannot save you," It hissed, "He will never come for you again! He has the others, why would he need you? All you do is yell at him, and hurt him, and have sex with him. Do you truly think that your relationship is more than that? Do you believe he truly loves you? Why would he? Why?"

"Because you are beautiful to me, not matter your faults, no matter your problems, I will always love you just as much as I did on the day we first made love, and never less," Namico stared up at Craig's face in shock, the red glow of the fire's embers casting low shadows across his features. Slowly realising she was awake, Namico felt herself shivering, her voice gone when she tried to speak to Craig again.

"Nami, I don't know what kind of dream you were having, and I know that you're probably still pissed at me, but believe me, I will never love you, or Karen, or even Nee, any less than I possibly can," Craig's voice echoed softly through the cave as he spoke, making Namico relax as she felt the warmth gradually return to her body, "You are my girls, and I will claw my way out of hell just to be with you."

Namico smiled up at him, feeling fresh tears begin to well up behind her eyes. Opening her mouth again to speak, she was cut off as Craig kissed her, pressing the warm roughness of his feline tongue into her mouth, playing with her tongue gently. She quickly gave in, allowing herself to held up as their tongues wrestled, darting between each other's lips as they kissed passionately. A soft rustling made Namico open her eyes, staring at the dark environment the two now sat in.

Breaking the kiss, she leant against Craig's chest as she looked out into the infinite blackness, "What is this?"

"My mantle," Craig chuckled, "I can use it to make little pocket dimensions and stuff, it's pretty cool."

"Pocket dimensions?" Namico asked, sitting up to inspect her partner as he sat on the invisible floor.

Craig's basic build hadn't changed much after his digivolution during the fight, his body still the same familiar form Namico had slept against many times, but there were still several noticeable differences in her mate. Firstly, he now had two long, sleek tails, each one splitting in two several inches from the ends. Namico found them strange, though these new appendages didn't seem to bother Craig at all. The other biggest change in his form was in his eyes, more specifically his right eye. It had lost its dark hazel colouring, the iris now a dark golden colour that seemed to flow beneath his gaze. The only other differences were in his markings, which were no longer the simple straight line, instead two of the lighter grey stripes now curved from between his shoulder blades around onto his stomach, were they ended just above his crotch, two other pairs coiled around his forearms and thighs.

"Yeah, basically we're still in the cave, but not "in" it, if you get what I mean," Craig said, watching as Namico stood and looked around again, stretching slightly, "It's actually separate from the cave while not bein-,"

"Can you make it different? Like make stuff?" Namico asked suddenly, turning around and planting her hands on his shoulders, giving Craig a perfect view of her cleavage.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked, grinning up at the feline as she began to push him back.

"Well for instance, a bed," she said as the pair collapsed onto a massive four-poster bed that suddenly appeared beneath them, "Very good. Now how about a handsome, grey furred digi-destined to make love to?"

"Oh, I don't think I can do anything that complicated just yet," Craig laughed, "I guess you'll just have to settle for me."

"Oh, that'll be more than enough," Namico growled as she pressed her lips back against his, moaning as his hands slipped around her, the top he had given her earlier vanishing, along with her pants as she felt his member press against the inside of her thigh.

"Nami," Craig gasped as he broke the kiss, rolling the white feline over, he ran his tongue over her neck, making her moan softly as he began moving slowly down her body, "Let me apologise for earlier."

"Please dooooooh!" the girl managed before letting loose a massive moan of ecstasy, Craig's tongue dancing over one of her nipples as his hand found its way to her crotch, gently tickling her folds before slowly inserting his fingers.

Namico gasped in pleasure as Craig continued to caress her gently, shuddering as she suddenly came onto his hand. She watched as he pulled the soaked appendage out of her folds and licked it slowly, cleaning his palm of her juices quickly, before trailing his still wet fingers up her stomach, leaving a wet trail up to her breasts. Namico giggled as he began playing with her nipples, trailing his finger slowly around one, then the other, covering them in her juices before offering what was left to her. Taking his hand, she sucked the sweet taste of her own orgasm off of him, moaning slightly as she did so.

"You've wanted this for some time, haven't you?" Craig teased as he gave her lips an affectionate lick.

"You've been so busy," Namico sighed lustfully as she watched Craig play with her nipples, "Back at the Citadel you were always being called away for something, you didn't have time for any of us!"

"Oh crap," Craig chuckled, kissing Namico again as the feline looked up at him in confusion, bursting into laughter when he explained, "I left Mary bound and naked in our room at the Citadel, she's gonna be more pissed off than you were!"

Craig watched as Namico continued to giggle uncontrollably on the bed next to him, snuggling up as she did so. Wrapping his arm around her, Craig nuzzled her thick blonde hair, inhaling her scent as he pulled her closer.

"Craig," Namico had stopped giggling suddenly, her voice now surprisingly serious, "What do you think of Nee?"

"Nee? Well, I guess she's like a daughter to me," he said, "Why?"

"It's just that...well..." Namico shuffled closer s her face began to redden, Craig joining her when she suddenly said, "I want a kitten,"

"A kitten?" He repeated, staring down at the embarrassed digimon.

"Yes, our own kitten."

Craig stared at Namico in shock for a few seconds as his brain tried to comprehend what was being said. Shaking his head jokily, he looked back at Namico's serious face and stopped, her eyes more serious than he'd ever seen them. Not knowing what to do, Craig rubbed the back of his neck nervously, staring off into the infinite distance. A sudden dampness on his chest pulled him from his thoughts as he watched Namico cry, his heart suddenly wrenching as she looked away from him, pushing away as she gathered the bed covers around her.

"Namico..." Craig said quietly, trailing off as she shouted at him.

"No! It doesn't matter! It was a stupid idea! It was a stupid-eep!" Namico could only stare up at Craig as he easily yanked her out of her cocoon of blankets, shocked by the sudden rage burning in his eyes.

"No, it's not a stupid idea!" he shouted back, his eyes quickly softening as he saw the fear in hers, "No, it's just...sudden. Namico, I would truthfully love more than anything to have a child with you, it's just that now may not be the best time."

"But when?!" Namico demanded, tears welling up in her eyes again, making Craig's heart ache all the more, "What happens if when all this is over, you go back to your world? What happens if you have to leave us behind?!"

"That'll never happen! I will never let that happen! If this is what you want, then let the Sovereign decide," he shouted, catching Namico off-guard as he kissed her passionately, gently pulling her back up the bed, "And if they say tonight, then it will be tonight."

Namico gasped as she felt Craig enter her, moaning as he began to slowly pump into her. Her thoughts suddenly leapt back to the first time they had made love, how he'd been so gentle, yet so passionate. This, however, was something else entirely; Craig was handling her as if she were made of glass, caressing her so softly and tenderly it was almost like breaths of air. And yet, it felt as though he was making love to her a hundred times more passionately than he had that night.

"Oh, Craig..." she gasped, her words drowned out by another sudden orgasm, his gentle and loving movements dragging her over the edge as she shook and moaned in his arms. A sudden thrust, which was quickly brought back under control, revealed to Namico that Craig was nearing his limit too, but was fighting it to keep pleasuring her. She dug her claws into his back as she felt another orgasm wash over her, unable to control herself as spots began flashing before her eyes. Sudden heat flooded her loins, sending her on a fourth, and even more powerful orgasm as Craig came inside her, locking lips with the his lover in ecstasy as they lay silently on the bed, riding their orgasms to the last second.

"Craig..." Namico gasped when they broke the kiss, "The next time you want to nearly die, I'll kill you myself."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," he laughed, pulling his exhausted mate in close as they both drifted off to sleep.


The figure gasped as Namico grabbed its wrist, steam spewing forth from the frigid skin.

"What did you say about my mate?" she asked, grinning as the creature suddenly contorted unnaturally, trying desperately to escape from her grasp.

"You will see!" it screeched, "You will know!"

A loud cracking noise suddenly filled the air, the creatures howling as its chest began to split, its body disintegrating into the nothingness of the dream.

"What I will see is MY mate holding MY child in his arms," Namico shouted at the expanse, "And all I will know is that he will always love me unconditionally!"

The words echoed around the expanse, ringing in the air as the empty world filled with light.


"I want a sister,"

"What?" Namico stared at Nee, who was crouched in front of her, a blank expression on her face as she repeated herself.

"I want a sister,"

Sitting up, Namico pulled the blanket around her as she yawned. Looking around the cave, she noticed that neither Craig nor Karen were present.

"Uhm, where's Craig?" she asked, jumping when the kitten suddenly sat in her lap.

"Dunno where Papa's gone, but he went with Aunty Karen. I already told them," Nee said softly, snuggling backwards into Namico's chest. Her mothering instinct suddenly kicking in, Namico found herself hugging the kitten gently to her chest as they talked, surprising herself with her own actions.

"Told them what?" she asked, already having an idea of the answer.

"That I want a sister," Nee said, making Namico smile.

Is this what it feels like to be a mother? She wondered, closing her eyes and inhaling the smell of Nee's soft hair, feeling the warm glow in her stomach, knowing that Craig's love was deep inside her at that moment, If so, then I want my own child now more than ever!

"Mama, if Papa and Aunty Karen have a baby, what will it look like?" the question caught Namico off-guard almost as much as being called "Mama", pulling her out of her thoughts as she blinked in surprise, Nee watching her quizzically.

"I don't know," she answered truthfully, images of possible hybrids entering her mind, "Why?"

"Cause I'd like it if the baby had a fluffy tail, like Aunty Karen," Nee answered quietly, a slight blush forming on her cheeks as she hastily explained herself, "It's nice to hug."

"It is, isn't it," Namico chuckled, hugging Nee more tightly against her, "You know what, let's see if Papa can show us with his 'vice when he gets back, okay?"

"Okay!" Nee said cheerfully, smiling cutely up at Namico, who had to fight back her tears, the young girl's smile fading when she saw he older female beginning to cry, "Mama?"

"It's okay," Namico croaked, tears running down her face as she clung to the confused kit, "Your beautiful smile just made Mama really happy right now."

Still confused, Nee decided it was best to let her new mother cry in peace, settling into the hug as Namico clung to her.