Abomination, Chapter 1

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

Abomination, Chapter 1

By William W. Kelso

Debra rode the moaning man with a big smile on her face as she rocked back and forth on his rock hard cock, grunting in pleasure as his hardness slid in and out of her. He really had no choice in the matter, being securely bound like he was, and the orgasm inhibitor she'd given him would keep him hard for as long as she wanted, and she would let him cum only when she felt like it, if she even did. This wasn't a required part of the spell, but it was SO much fun! Besides, thinking of what was to come had aroused her, extremely. So as long as she had him, why not play with him first?

It had been easy to find a 'willing' male, but of course he hadn't known what she really wanted him for, and there was no way he could have ever imagined it in his wildest dreams, or nightmares. She doubted he'd have come so quietly if she'd told him, but he had no choice now. He was hers, period, to do with as she wanted. So far as she was concerned his old life was over now. What was his name, Don, Doug?? Something like that. The potion she'd given him not only made him hard, it made him weak and virtually helpless as well, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to subdue him so easily. Heck, he even seemed to enjoy it; at least for the first hour or so, but since she'd been raping him off and on for ten hours his enthusiasm had faded somewhat, especially since she hadn't let him cum yet and his cock had been rock hard the whole time. He gave a muffled moan; eyes pleading, as she rocked back and forth, but she just gave his nose a tweak, and said "Not yet honey!" She knew it was horribly mean of her, but the idea of raping a man had always fascinated her, and she gave a big grin as he gave a deep groaning gurgle from around the ball gag she'd shoved in his mouth earlier when she'd tired of his whining.

Only two more hours to go until midnight, when she planned to perform the spell. It wasn't necessary, but she liked the 'traditional' aspect of it. She ground down again, and gave a shrill squeal of ecstasy as yet another massive orgasm exploded in her sex, then rose up and stepped off the weakly struggling man. He gave a muffled moan as his cock slid free of her pussy, slick and throbbing, pre oozing from the tip. He looked at her with pleading desperation in his tearing eyes, but she just leaned over and gave the rampant phallus a quick kiss. Then she went to make sure everything was ready.

I'd watched as Debra left the room, slobbering and moaning around the gag, my cock was so hard it hurt. As the door shut I raised my head and looked at my erection, thick drops of pre welling from the tip. Oh God, I needed to cum so bad! The bitch had been raping me for hours! And that's all it was, plain rape. Why the Hell couldn't I cum?? She'd used me to pleasure herself several times, and with every stroke I'd felt like I was going to explode, but nothing! Just a horrible aching, growing, need in my throbbing pulsing cock and balls that I desperately needed to satisfy. With a groan I pulled against the heavy cuffs on my wrists and ankles, but could only squirm helplessly. I felt weak and disorientated, almost like I was drunk, but was perfectly lucid. I struggled again, whimpering.

As she walked down the stairs into the basement her full firm breasts jiggled a little bit as she was still nude, and would stay that way until the spell had been completed. She liked doing her spells, chants, and incantations in the buff, added a nice little kink to it, but she hadn't been a witch; or sorceress, for very long. In fact this would be the most powerful spell she'd tried to date since she had found the spellbook about a year ago.

It had been quite by accident, and at first she'd thought it was a lot of rubbish. The old well worn leather bound book had been amongst the possessions of an old woman down the street, and when she'd died had been thrown out with all sorts of other junk into the dumpster in the alley. Debra liked to go dumpster diving, you never knew what you'd find, and she'd found some fantastic stuff. It was amazing what people would throw away! Her father had been a 'sanitation engineer' for the city, and had passed on his gift for finding treasures amongst the trash to her, often taking her with him while he was on the job. She had initially been attracted to the dumpster by a nice old table sitting next to it; all it needed was a little wax and Pledge, and one thing had led to another and she'd ended up with several boxes of old books, some good china, and her favorite, knick-knacks. She'd been surprised when some of the books turned out to be on witchcraft, demonology, and other 'dark arts'. And Mrs. Prescott had seemed like such a nice old lady! But the jackpot had been the spellbook, it wasn't dated, but she could tell it was old, really old. And in a small compartment in the thick cover had been a solid gold amulet & chain, the pendant had a large red stone in the center she thought was a ruby, and was covered in strange symbols and designs worn almost smooth from use. She had to wear it whenever she cast a spell, and she liked the way the heavy pendant nestled between her breasts, and it would get warm and tingle as little when she used it. And the most amazing thing was, the spells worked! Well, at least most of them, the ones she could figure out anyway, some were in languages she'd been unable to identify, but most were in old fashioned sounding English.

She'd tried a small spell first, one that was supposed to 'enhance her natural attributes'. When she'd cast it her hair had grown a little longer and fuller, her tits had grown two cup sizes, her hips had swelled, and her waist had narrowed. Her few acne blemishes had also vanished. She'd been good looking before, but now she was drop dead gorgeous and voluptuous. She quit her job after she found a spell that could be used to turn lead into gold, but only in small quantities once a month. But at the value of gold nowadays it was more than enough. She'd inherited her big old house from her parents; it was paid for, so the money from the gold was more than enough to pay the utility bills with plenty left over. And of course she'd tried out other spells of various types. One made a seed grow into a young tree in minutes, another drove away all the vermin in the house, and others did all sorts of things. Some didn't seem to really make much sense, why turn a bottle of wine into water, and not the other way around? And why the heck would anyone want a beak? She started with the easier spells towards the front of the book, and slowly worked her way back. Then they began to get really...interesting. There were even spells for summoning 'demons and other creatures', but she'd stayed away from those. Some of the ingredients required were...disturbing. But maybe later. And the sex change spell was intriguing, but she'd wait to give that a try until later, she was also worried about getting stuck with a cock and balls. While it would be interesting for awhile, she sure didn't want to get stuck as a dude permanently.

As she reached the last step and her foot settled onto a soft carpet she reached up and flicked a light switch. A series of lights in old fashioned fixtures; original to the period the house was built, flickered into life. The large room revealed contained very little. The floor had an old threadbare carpet on it, and an old fashioned rolltop desk was tucked in one corner next to a lawyer's bookcase. The desk and case contained her collection of arcane references and the spellbook, and there was a sturdy workbench & chair against another wall where she worked her spells and magic's that required ingredients; and those ingredients were inside the jars and other containers on the sturdy shelves above it. The rest of the large room was bare, except for a couple of heavy doors in one wall that led to storage rooms.

Debra sat down in the old swivel chair at her desk and casually flipped through the spellbook again just to double check, she knew the spells had to be precise. You could never be too careful, and, yes, she had everything. She had become fascinated by the 'Spells of Metamorphosis and Transformation" section. It included spells on how to curse someone by turning them into various animals such as rats, dogs, snakes, etc. Or even grosser things like slugs, cockroaches, worms, etc. Yuck. There was even one on how to make yourself into a werewolf or other were creatures, but the ingredients were just too sick, and it sounded really painful, and some of the results were permanent. Nope, she was happy just like she was, she had no interest in running around and barking at the moon. The only one she'd tried was to turn a rat into a cat. However the new cat had seemed to have severe mental problems, and had run off before she could catch it. But the spell had worked!

Then she got to the part about familiars, and decided she liked the idea of having a familiar bound to her to help make her spells more powerful, and also to provide her with other...services. Since she'd cast the 'self-improvement' spell on herself she'd been really horny; a side effect she guessed, and having a male around who was basically her slave sounded tempting, especially since he wouldn't be entirely human OR animal, but an erotic combination of both, and could take on his partly human form at her command. So she had decided to make herself one, but something really special, unique. Forget a cat or a bird; she wanted to have a one-of-a-kind familiar. So she studied the various ways of obtaining one more thoroughly. There were several options. Get one from a demon, but no thanks; she wasn't ready to mess with demons yet. She could bind an animal to her, but then it would just be an animal with some magical powers. Nope. Then she found a spell mentioned in one of the older, harder to decipher, tomes. It was a little...drastic, but would give her exactly what she wanted.

She had hesitated at first, the 'ingredients' were unusual, and it would require some pain on the part of the 'subject', and would also require another spell of binding and servitude once the first spell had been completed. Otherwise the new familiar could be 'unpredictable', according to the text. Well, no pain, no gain, she thought, after all she wouldn't be the one suffering the pain. She had triple checked the spell text until she was sure she had it right, the binding spell was easy enough though. Then she had proceeded to assemble the 'ingredients', and the only one she still needed was a...living human. Since she doubted she'd find a volunteer she got one the only other way possible, by seducing, then drugging and kidnapping him. She didn't have to rape him, but she'd gotten so turned on by kidnapping him.

With a happy sigh she closed the book; everything was ready, at last! She reached down and fingered her sex, and gave a smile. Still enough time for one more ride! Then she'd bring him down in the cellar and perform the spell. Maybe she'd let him cum this time.

I looked around the room as I tried my bindings again, and thought about how I'd come to be in this rather frightening situation. I certainly wasn't a lady's man, and had been surprised when the beautiful young woman had come on to me at the local bar where I was having a beer after work. Not that I was a zero or anything, I'd kept my decent good looks and belly fairly flat despite being just the wrong side of fifty, but my girl chasing days were pretty much over. I was a confirmed bachelor, and got enough to keep me satisfied, but wasn't interested in marriage, and neither were the women I dated, which worked just find for both of us. I was good in bed, so had some 'regulars'. But this was the first time a girl had chased me! A younger, incredibly beautiful, girl, but she was definitely a fully mature woman. I guessed she was in her early thirties, so no problems with her age or anything. I stayed away from jail bait, it just wasn't worth the risk. And the way she came on to me, practically begging me to take her home and fuck her brains out. Not in so many words, but her intent was pretty obvious. I should have known better, suspected something, but by that time I was so aroused I wasn't thinking straight. It had been a long time, and I'd never been with a woman anywhere near as nice as she was.

After a couple of beers she'd 'suggested' we 'go to her place for a little 'fun'. Tell me the truth, what would you have done? And damn it, I was flattered. I had guessed she might be a nympho or something, or just liked older men, but boy was I wrong. She was fucking insane, a sadistic bitch. What she would do to me was...unforgivable. She fixed us some drinks, and I realized that must have been when she drugged me. Then after we finished them she'd done a slow strip tease while I lay back in a chair and watched, mesmerized as more and more of her perfect body was revealed. Then, nude, she'd pulled me to my feet and stripped me, and I'd just stood there trembling, my cock harder than it had ever been. She led me into a bedroom and we collapsed onto a large four poster bed, and didn't waste any time. And fuck foreplay, I was too far gone, and started fucking her immediately. And, oh God, it had been heaven at first as she groaned and writhed under me, my cock sliding in and out of her slick hot pussy as I humped her. Then after awhile I began to get increasingly desperate, fucking her harder and faster as I tried to reach orgasm, but the pleasure and need just kept growing past anything I'd ever felt before, becoming unbearable. She'd already cum several times, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't reach my own release. I felt a pleasurable nausea slowly wash over me, my thrusts slowing down as I began to fell weak, and when she rolled me off of her all I could do was flop around almost bonelessly.

She'd spread my arms and legs and put heavy cuffs on my wrists and ankles, then tightened the chains they were attached to them until I was spread eagle, naked and helpless. At first it was kind of kinky, and I more or less 'cooperated' as I thought I was just a little bit drunk and she just wanted to make things more interesting. And when she straddled me and lowered herself onto my cock I'd groaned and done my best to push up into her, but the chains were so tight I could only buck a little bit, so she was the one doing the fucking. And fuck me she did, she was in full control, and I soon learned the meaning of the term 'agonizing ecstasy'.

I lay there watching her perfect tits bouncing and jiggling as she rode me, at first moaning in pleasure, but as it went on and on and she brought herself to orgasm after orgasm I begin to gasp and groan, then to beg her to let me cum, or stop. When I started sobbing and my sounds of agonizing ecstasy got louder she'd shoved a ball gag into my mouth to shut me up, and then kept on raping me. She's have an orgasm or two, her body shuddering as she squealed in pleasure, her juices running down my shaft and soaking my pubic hairs and balls, then she'd get off and leave for awhile, then come back and mount me again, my cock still just as hard after hours of torment. I turned my head as I heard the door open again, and watched as she walked over to the bed, still naked, and I knew was coming.

"Puhllssss, mppfff, oh Gud, no mur!!" I moaned as she straddled me and then slowly impaled herself on my cock again, and began to rock back and forth. "UGGGHHH, NUUUHHHH, OHHH GUDDDD!"

Debra grunted in pleasure as she rode the helpless man again, and his nice hard cock felt so wonderful as it slid in and out her sex and rubbed against her pussy lips and clitoris, her vaginal muscles clenched around it. He was nice and big, about a six incher, and filled her very nicely. She looked at him and smiled; he was quiet now except for some gurgling squeals, his eyes rolled up inside his head. She leaned forward and gripped his shoulders, then began to ride him even faster and soon gave a deep groan as she orgasmed again. What was that, the tenth?? As she lifted herself off his hardness he gurgled, and she thought he might have passed out. She was surprised he'd lasted so long; she must have overdone the orgasm inhibitor potion just a tad, but no big deal, once the spell was over he'd get to cum as much as he wanted, she'd make sure of that.

Debra slid off the bed, then walked around the sides and undid the cuffs around his wrists and ankles. He'd really been struggling, and his wrists and ankles were rubbed and raw. She rolled the weakly protesting man on his stomach, and tied a heavy silk cord around his wrists. Then she got him to his feet; holding him as he swayed, and guided him out of the room and towards the basement door. He had no real choice but to 'cooperate' as the potion had made him susceptible to obeying her promptings. She helped him down the steep stairs, going slow and careful as if he had a fall and broke his neck that would really screw things up. He groaned and mumbled around the gag; his still rigid cock drooling strands of pre, but otherwise was easy to handle. When they reached the cellar she led him to the center of the rug, and hooking a leg around his she tripped him and lowered him to the floor. Boy; was he heavy! He lay on his side, saliva dripping around the gag and pooling on the carpet, breathing heavily, eyes nervously flicking back and forth as she tied his ankles together with more silk cord.

She went to the desk, got a funnel and a bottle containing a thick greasy looking fluid, and walked back to him. Squatting down she rolled him on his back, and taking the sopping gag out of his mouth she threw it in a corner, and as he opened his mouth and sucked in air she shoved the funnel down his throat, and poured the potion into it, the man gasping and choking on the thick foul smelling fluid. Then she held his nose shut and rubbed his throat until he'd swallowed most of it, just a little dribbling down his chin. But the bottle wasn't empty; she'd only given him about half. Standing up she went across the room to a door in the far wall, and shut it after her.

I sobbed as she lifted herself off of me again, my cock so hard it went beyond painful now, an aching throbbing need that was agonizing. I was so far gone in my lust and need I hardly even noticed as she undid the cuffs, rolled me over, and tied my hands behind my back. I wanted to grab her, throw her down, and fuck her until I came no matter how long it took, but I couldn't! What the fuck was WRONG with me!?! All I could do was squirm and drool like a baby, my efforts totally uncoordinated. Then she helped me get up, and she led me like I was a feeble old man, my head hanging as I stared down at my rampant cock, grunting in lust.

"Ummpppffff, uh, uh, 'slobber', uhhhh!" I gurgled.

She helped me down some stairs into a large dim room, and then helped me to lay down on a carpet. Oh God, I thought, she was going to rape me again!! Part of me was horrified, but another part desperate, anything to satisfy my horrible need! But instead she took out the gag, and as I tried to take a deep breath she pushed a metal tube down my throat, and poured the nastiest, smelliest, crap I'd ever tasted or smelled down my throat. it smelled, and tasted, like rancid fish oil. I felt my stomach heave, but didn't puke, and almost instantly a strange sickening warmth grew inside my stomach, and began to seep into the rest of my body, and I closed my eyes and moaned, my senses reeling. I felt so weird and strange, almost like I was floating, detached from reality. But I was horribly aware of my aching throbbing cock, my lust increasing even more.

"Ummm, oohhhh", I groaned, what WAS that shit, I thought?? "Urrrrp, urk!"

Debra looked down at the huge snake in the cage. It had taken her a long time to find what she was looking for, and even then she'd had to use a spell to make the snake grow even larger. It had cost her a fortune, but been worth it. In the cool basement the snake was fairly somnolent and lethargic, and didn't react much as she gently stroked its large blunt snout. It did react a little; giving a soft hiss, as she forced the funnel between its hard scaly lips, and then poured the rest of the potion down its throat. What the snake thought about the nasty taste it didn't say, just regarded her with its emotionless fixed stare. But as the potion began to take effect it began to stir as the strange warmth coursed through its cool body. She looked down at the dark green and black anaconda as it finally began to move, its thick tapered blunt snout rising as it lifted its head. She had bought the snake from an underground exotic pets dealer as it was the largest he had, being about twelve feet long at the time. She thought the black scales with darker green spots and blotches were truly beautiful, and had always liked reptiles, and opened the door to the cage. The snake was now over twenty feet long, several growth potions had seen to that. As it slowly began to slither out of the cage she turned and left, leaving the door to the room open.

Going back into the main basement room Debra walked over to her work bench and picked up a medium sized bottle, and removing the lid took a good sniff. Yuck, she thought, but then again the specially blended 'marinade' oil was not designed to appeal to a human...appetite. She walked over to the comatose man, and poured a liberal amount of the pungent oil all over his nude body, then returned the now mostly empty bottle to the bench. She went back to him, and sitting on her knees she rubbed the slick aromatic oil all over his body, and he groaned in pleasure as she also liberally coated his cock and balls with the stuff. Once she'd made sure he was well 'anointed' she got up and went over to her desk, and sat down in her swivel chair to watch the fun, getting the spellbook ready to read the verbal part of the spell, and slipped the pendant around her neck.

I back to full awareness as I felt a thick warm fluid being poured over my increasingly flushed and nauseated feeling body. I looked up to find Debra standing over me, still nude, pouring the fluid out of a bottle. It reeked, and I wriggled in distaste as she poured the stream of fluid up and down the length of my prone body. Then she sat down next to me and rubbed it all over me, and when she lubed my aching cock and balls I couldn't help but gasp in pleasure, hoping she was going to jack me off and finally give me relief, but she just made sure I was completely coated in the slick oily gunk, then got up and left me even more rampant and needy then before.

"W-What the Hell is that stuff?!" I asked, my vocal skills having improved somewhat though I was still weak, mainly from that strange feeling radiating out from my churning stomach. I wanted to be sick, but couldn't no matter how I gagged. And my cock, God, it was unbearable!

"Don't worry she said, it's to make you more, er appealing to our friend."

"What friend!?" I said, drooling uncontrollably now as bile backed up in my throat from the strong smell of the oil. Oh, Jeez, I needed to puke something awful! Then I heard a faint sound, a slow rasping sound, and turning my head I looked down past my body, and saw the biggest snake I'd ever seen in my life slithering into the room through a dark doorway. I saw the eyes first, reflecting the light, then the huge head, followed by the thick muscular body.

The snake paused at it entered the lit room, even the dim lighting temporarily dazzling it after the darkness it had spent most of its time in. It lifted its head and flicked its tongue, then again, faster, excited by the scent the sensitive organ brought it, the scent of...food. The snake had not eaten in weeks, and its stomach was painfully empty. And despite the strange warmth soaking through its body it headed for the source of that enticing smell, tongue flicking eagerly.

At first I didn't understand, I really didn't, even as the huge snake kept coming through the door, foot after foot of its thick scaly body. Good God, I thought, that thing is gigantic! Then as I saw the intent look in its cold eyes, and the way it was heading straight for me, I suddenly knew.

"OH, OH GOD!!" I screamed, "NO, NO, PLEASE!!"

And I tried to get up, but was still too groggy and unsteady from the sickening nausea in my guts, the burning warmth flowing through my veins. So, in a desperate parody of the great reptile that was coming for me, I tried to slither away on my belly, trying to push myself along with my bound feet. The thick oil coating my body made that almost impossible though, and I could get no traction on the slick carpet, and in fact all I did was help smear the thick fluid even more evenly over my frantically squirming body. And as I tried to push myself across the floor my cock rubbed against the smooth oily carpet, and I moaned as intensely painful pleasure washed over me, causing me to start humping at the carpet without even realizing it, my need for sexual release was so great, and I was so close! It felt like I'd cum with each stroke, but was soon reminded of my horrible predicament when powerful jaws closed over my feet.

I turned and watched as the great snake swallowed my legs up almost to my knees in one quick lunging swallow, and as I tried to roll over to kick at it in terror, it clamped down hard so I remained helplessly on my stomach. Then it started eating me alive, its small teeth digging painfully into my soft flesh as I was pulled inside of its body. I looked up at Debra in disbelieving horror as I felt the jaws inch over my knees; then the snake paused as it unhinged its jaws, and then started swallowing again, slowly, relentlessly, as its mouth stretched impossibly around my desperately squirming body. I writhed and bucked, gibbering in utter terror as the jaws crept over my thighs, moaning as my cock slid inside its mouth and my still rampant erection rubbed against the slick wet insides of its lower jaw, and I felt its tongue lick over my crotch as it tasted me.

It was almost erotic in a horrible way, the tight vise of its slick wet mouth and throat slowly encasing me like a soft, wet, slimy tube. With a powerful tug my waist slid into its throat as it worked its jaws over the bulge of my rear, my arms in its mouth almost up to the elbows now, my wrists still bound by the silk cord. As its jaws reached my stomach I gave up my desperate struggling, and stared at Debra, and begged for my life.


Debra worked her fingers between her pussy lips as she watched the snake slowly devour the struggling man. She'd always got a thrill out of watching pet snakes she'd had eat mice and other small animals alive, but hadn't seen anything like THIS before! She just ignored his pleas, her eyes fixed on the terrible scene being played out before her. Ohhh, she thought, what a turn-on!

My pleas became fainter and more breathless as my chest and shoulders slid into the snakes gaping maw, its tongue licking over my face now. It was getting hard to breath, the tight vise of its body crushing my rib cage, so I was soon gasping for air.


It swallowed again as it moved its head from side to side and I slid in another inch, and I gave a wheezing gasp of pain as a shoulder dislocated; and now only my head remained outside of that terrible, final, embrace. Oh dear God, I thought, I'm being eaten alive! This horror is really happening, it's not some sick nightmare!

Debra was amazed the snake, even as large as it was, could swallow a full grown man, but it didn't seem to be having all that much trouble. Of course the slick 'seasoning' oil had helped as well, making his body slick. But it was almost over, only the man's head was still visible, his bulging eyes filled with utter terror as he gasped for breath. He'd stopped begging as he was forced to concentrate on breathing, but gave one last wheezing plea, just as she orgasmed with a moan of pleasure.

"P-Puhlease, gaaasp, h-help mee! Oh god, wheeze, n-noooooo! Not...like...gasp...this!"

The snake gave another swallow, and my head slid inside its mouth, and I found myself staring at the inside of its bottom jaw, the slick pinkish flesh slimy and wet, its breathing tube pumping, long forked tongue licking lovingly over my face as I sobbed and gasped. I knew that soon my head would slide into its throat and my final journey would begin. I just hoped that I would be dead before I reached its stomach and would be spared the agony of being digested alive. Another swallow, and the opening of its throat closed around my neck, and I stared out of its gaping jaws for one last look at the world I was leaving forever. I gave a sob of resigned despair, I didn't deserve this!! No one should have to die like this! Damn her, damn her!!! Why?!?

Debra suddenly snapped out of her daze of sexual pleasure as her orgasm slowly faded. Oh shit, she'd almost waited until too late!! All she could see of the man now was the top of his head in the back of the anaconda's wide open mouth, and it was starting to swallow again! She hoped he was still alive, he'd really been having trouble breathing there at the last, and she'd heard bones snapping. If he was already dead all she'd have was a fat happy snake! She picked up the book, and started to read the spell.

Suddenly I felt the snake pause as a shudder ran through its body, and then the shudder moved into my own body. I was in agony, both my shoulders dislocated, my ribs crushed to the breaking point, and it was so hard to breath. But it was nothing like the agony that now exploded in my body as the sickening warmth burst into a terrible burning heat, and I felt my body MELTING! That's the only way I can describe it, I felt my flesh, muscles, and bones soften and become malleable, then dissolve as they began to flow and...soak into the flesh encasing my body as the snake and I began to...merge.

The snake went berserk as a horrible burning sensation exploded throughout its body. It had been almost through with its meal, happy and content that its aching belly would soon be full of warm meat, but now this!! Desperately it tried to vomit out the writhing thing inside of it, even as it felt its own body starting to...change. It twisted and coiled, roiling and rolling over, hissing in agony, tail lashing.

Debra kept reading the spell; it was fairly long, her eyes wide as the snake began to convulse and spasm horribly, a high pitched keening hiss of pain filling the room. Jesus, she thought, she hadn't expected this kind of violent reaction! She'd known the human and animal forms she wanted to combine into her familiar had to be joined, she figured by sex if she'd picked a more common mammalian familiar, but had thought for a snake having the human inside the snake was the best way, plus it was horribly arousing. She watched as it reared up almost half its length, then fell over and coiled in on itself before twisting and rolling over and over again, and she noticed the large bulge in its body was shrinking. It's really working, she thought!

I screamed as long as I could, the pain totally overwhelming my senses as I felt my body literally flow down into the snakes as I liquefied. Was I being digested already, was this what it felt like, some part of me wondered? Then I felt my head collapse and spread out as the snake closed its mouth crushing me, and realized I was becoming part OF the snake!! This can't be happening, it's impossible!!! I screamed in my mind as I suddenly felt my TAIL whipping back and forth, and everything went dark as my head merged with the snakes and I felt a presence growing in my mind, a cold, alien entity almost insane from pain, our mutual pain joining as our minds flowed together and merged, the pain increasing tenfold and becoming unbearable, and I opened my mouth and gave a screaming hiss of complete and utter agony unlike any pain I/we had ever felt before, and holding my head in our/my hands I/we gave a final great convulsion and darkness claimed us, the horrible pain fading into welcome oblivion.

Debra slowly got up and approached the now still and quiet creature lying on the ground in front of her. Oh shit, she thought, is it dead?? But then she breathed a sigh of relief as she realized its chest was rising and falling, a faint wheezing coming from its open and slake jaws. She stood over it, and looked at it in amazement. This was not exactly what she had been expecting. For one thing she had thought it would have arms AND legs, and not be quite so...large. She had known the two forms would blend and merge, but had thought it would be in more of a were-snake form, not a form that was definitely more reptile then human! The head was much larger now, and still entirely reptilian, except the braincase was larger, the open jaws lined with small sharp fangs, forked tongue lolling out of its tube. It had shoulders and arms, but the shoulders were fairly narrow, the arms completely covered in fine scales and its fingers tipped with long sharp claws. The chest bands were a little wider and narrowed as its body did, and about where a waist should have been was a slight bulge in-between two bands, a horizontal slit that she recognized as a cloaca. Damn it, that was no good! It was supposed to have a human cock! How could this...thing THING be her familiar, it was too damn big, and not human enough! Its eyes were a blend of human and reptile, the pupils round and vaguely human, but the rest reptilian, and like a reptile they were fixed and staring, but right now were dilated and blank.

As she fumed she suddenly realized the creatures breathing had slowed and deepened, its tongue now flicking slower as it closed its mouth, and the eyes; which had been dazed and unfocused, were now intently fixed on her, and she shivered as their cold emotionless orbs scrutinized her. The spell, the remembered, the spell of binding!! Slowly she turned, and then tried to run to her desk. She only got a couple of feet before thick powerful coils looped around her body with incredible speed, rendering her pinned and helpless in seconds.

"NO! Let me...goo! She gasped as the breath was crushed out of her.

Slowly I woke up, and my sight returned, first as a dim blur that finally became much brighter as my eyes snapped into focus. I tried to blink, but nothing happened. My whole body ached, and I realized I was staring down a long tapered...snout? One covered in scales, but for some reason that seemed...normal? Then something stirred in my mind, something that wasn't me, and sensing movement I locked my gaze on a nude woman standing beside me, and recognized her. Before I even realized I was doing I reacted, and whipping my tail around I grabbed her in my/our...coils?? I looped several around her, and squeezed.

Debra gasped as the thick muscular coils tightened painfully around her body, and she could hardly even squirm. Damn it, she thought, I have to get the spellbook! She tried to remember the spell, but it was complicated, but if she could just remember the first few lines the snake thing should be rendered helpless until she finished. But every time she tried to take a breath and try to say something the coils tightened even more. And there was something wrong with the creature, it was holding its head and swaying, hissing loudly in apparent pain.

Oh God, I thought, stop it!! Get OUT of my head!! The other inside my mind was trying to take over, strange thoughts and needs flowing into my own mind, and I held my hard slick head in my hands and squealed and hissed loudly. And it was strong, so strong, and what the HELL was wrong with me!?! I stared around the room as I swayed back and forth, mouth open in a silent scream, still not understanding. I remembered flashes of pain and horror, being eaten alive, then the agony had come, and...something...? I ran my hands over my long tapered face, feeling hard scales, trying to blink, to close my eyes, to blot out the horrible sight of my scaly snout. Slowly I managed to beat back the alien presence; but was still there, and turned and looked at my...body, and gave a high pitched squealing hiss of horror as I saw the long thick tubular tail, and tried to feel legs which I no longer had. I ran my hands down a chest covered in hard bands, my arms and hands covered in dark black and green scales, my long tapered fingers ending in obsidian black razor sharp claws. There was no soft skin, no nipples, no hair, no sign of my sex, nothing HUMAN! Hissing I desperately ran my fingers over my large flat head, my hard scaly snout and thin hard lips, staring eyes I couldn't shut or blink, and that other mind came back again, stronger than before, and I battled it to try and retain some of my awareness, and keep from going insane. But even as I fought it I felt it seeping into my own mind, strange memories surfacing, new needs, new...hungers.

Debra watched as the snake man swayed slowly back and forth, stopping to examine his body for awhile in apparent disbelief, before suddenly screaming and starting to sway again, holding his head. She tried to say something, and the coils tightened again, and all she could do was grunt as air exploded out of her mouth. It was getting very painful now as her tits were being crushed, and she moaned in pain.

"Pffff, umffff, p-pllzzzz..." She squeaked, but the huge snake thing didn't seem to even know she was there.

The physical change was over, the two forms had been merged, but the two minds were so different, alien to the other, that the mental assimilation took much longer. One mind highly evolved and intelligent, the other cold and primitive, but still intelligent in its own way, and each battled for supremacy as the horrible blending and merging of two completely separate entities continued as they were combined against their will.

My whole horrible inhuman body shuddered and quivered as I battled the other mind inside my head, but suddenly something happened. It was like a dam breaking, and the others thoughts and memories suddenly flowed into, and merged with my own. In a split second 'we' were both gone, and only 'I' remained. I shut my mouth; my wail of horrified pain fading, tongue flicking as I tasted the air. Oh God, I thought, what am I now? The other mind wasn't gone; it was part of me now! It felt so strange, but somehow right, and 'I' was in control, but what WAS I now?

Suddenly I was aware I had an animal trapped in my coils, and it was hardly breathing. Quickly I turned and doubled back along my body until I was hovering over Debra, but she had passed out. I was squeezing too tightly, suffocating her, I realized, and loosened my coils. She gasped, and soon recovered as her lungs filled with enough air, and, dazed, looked up at me. I lowered my snout until it was a foot from her face, flicked my tongue over her face, and hissed,

"What have you DONE to me!!?? Sssssss!?"

"L-Let me go!! Debra gasped, the spell isn't through yet! I need to f-finish it!"

I moved a little closer, and tightened my coils a little, and repeated "SSSSS, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME, TO US???!!! WHAT AM I!?!"

"Huggghhh", Debra moaned, and stammered, "Y-You're going to be my familiar! L-Let me go, now! Obey your Mistress!"

I felt a wave of cold rage wash over me, she'd done...THIS, to me/us, so she could have a PET?? A SLAVE, to play with??? Somehow I knew what she wanted, and decided that there was NO way in HELL I would submit to her!! Not after the...the atrocity she'd done to me/us! A thing like me shouldn't exist!! It wasn't right, it was...unnatural! And my rage turned to hate, a cold calculating hate.

Hissing loudly I flicked my tongue over her sweat drenched face, and didn't bother to reply. But I loosened my coils a little so she could breathe better, and as she gasped and sucked I air the red faded from her face as the flow of oxygen to her lungs resumed.

As my coils moved against her soft warm flesh I felt a stirring in my vent, and my lust; and need, returned even more intense and strong then before as twin hemipenes pushed out of my cloaca, and I stared at them in amazement as they swelled and became erect. They formed a "V", each about ten inches long, and they weren't human. They were a dark pink color, darker on the tips which were small globes covered in soft barbs, and more barbs lined the thick shafts. And they throbbed and ached, and I gave a hiss of pain filled lust. And I knew how I would satisfy that lust, I had no choice, and I felt it was only fair that she now provide me with what she had withheld before as she tormented me. With another lust filled hiss I began to position her for coupling.

Debra squirmed as the coils around her shifted, the ones around her legs and hips falling away, and at first she thought the creature was obeying her. But the coils around her upper torso remained tight, and as its tail moved her closer to its upper body she saw the strangely shaped organs jutting from its cloaca, and realized its intent. She stared at the large inhuman penises in growing fear, they were too big!! There was NO way, and they were NOT human!

"No, nooo, plea-urk!" Debra gasped as the coils around her chest tightened, the snake things meaning clear, be quiet.

I didn't mount her right away, but flicked my tongue over her body, shifting my coils so her breasts jutted out between two of them, her nipples rigid and a hard, and she gave a muffled moan as my tongue lapped at them, and I pressed my snout against the soft globes of flesh and sucked on her large swollen nipples, my hands caressing and kneading them. Part of me wanted to mount her right away, to mate, but it was compliant and fascinated as I kept exploring her body, pressing my snout between her legs and flicking my tongue over her wet swollen sex as I tasted it. As I slid my tongue between her nether lips I shuddered from the intense taste of her sex, responding as both snake and man to the feel of her soft vaginal muscles against my tongue, and the taste and scent of her female pheromones. My hemipenes begin to throb even more, their need irresistible, and it was time.

Debra moaned and kicked weakly as the snakes tongue flicked over her body, the touch soft and fleeting, and incredibly arousing despite the tight coils. And she could smell him, smell his arousal, and felt herself responding to it, her sex growing even wetter. She gasped as his tongue slid into her ripe pussy, her sensitive lips quivering as the muscular organ explored the depths of her sex, his hard snout rubbing against her clitoris as he slurped and lapped eagerly at her sex. Ohhhh, uggghhh!!" She groaned, toes clenching in helpless pleasure.

Pulling my tongue from her with a final wet slurp I coiled, and lifting her up I moved her till she was suspended over my rampant cocks. She knew what was coming, and struggled a little as I lowered her, mewling and begging softly as I guided one of my aching cocks into her pussy, her soft lips parting to swallow its swollen head, well lubed by her previous orgasms as she'd raped me, and my own pre and slick saliva. But I had two cocks, and guided my other into her anus, and she groaned as the barbed head began to push and slide into her tight sphincter with irresistible force. She kicked and gyrated desperately as the double penetration continued, but her struggles just helped to impale her further, and I gasped and hissed in ecstasy as both my strange penises slid deeply into her warm slick orifices. It took awhile as her pussy and ass were stretched to accommodate me, but after awhile my bands were finally rubbing against her warm hot thighs as I hilted both hemipenes, and with a guttural hiss I began to fuck her, holding her hips to help force myself in and out as I thrust into her.

Debra kicked and writhed as much as she could to try and prevent what was coming, but it was useless. She arched and squealed as she felt one of the creatures penises push between her pussy lips and slide into the sex, and then gave an even louder squeal as she felt the second began to penetrate her ass. She was no stranger to anal sex, which was probably fortunate as she was well stretched back there, and the hemipene was quite large.

"N-noo, please, d-don't !'' She gasped as she was slowly impaled, bucking and groaning as she felt herself being stretched more and more. God it hurt, it hurt so good! The creature's cocks were well lubed and slick, and slid in fairly easily as she was stretched and stretched as they relentless penetrated her. Suddenly she felt the cool hard bands of his belly rubbing against her crotch, and she gave a long drawn out moan of pain and pleasure as he began to fuck her.

As I fucked her it felt strange, but incredibly pleasurable. It was a combination of thrusting and grinding against her, my hemipenes wriggling and squirming inside her even as I withdrew a few inches before thrusting and grinding back into her warm soft writhing body. And soon I reached an incredibly intense and almost painful orgasm, thick cool cum flowing into her hot slick body as I ground against her, hissing in ecstasy. I let my coils slip from her upper body, and just held her with my hands as we remained joined, and after my release had faded a little I began fucking her again, knowing I was just getting started. And now that my initial aching need had been slacked I was able to take my time, and drew each mating out as long as possible as we copulated for hours.

Debra leaned against the slick hard scales of the snake creature's torso, moaning and groaning as his twin phalluses moved inside of her, the soft barbs tickling and rubbing against her sensitive vaginal muscles in an incredibly pleasurable way. All the pain was gone, and only the strange wrong feeling and sickening pleasure remained as his cool cum flowed into her again and again, and she orgasmed as well, her climaxes incredibly violent and pleasurable. Then finally her 'lover' rolled over with her underneath, and with a powerful pull his hemipenes popped from her body followed by a spray of sexual fluids. She had lost track of how many violently pleasurable orgasm's she'd been forced to, and could only lay exhausted.

When I'd finally slaked my lust, my loins empty, I pulled out of her, and then coiled and rested for a few minutes. During the coupling as waves of intense pleasure radiated out from my cocks every time I climaxed my 'minds' had finished merging, and at some point I could no longer tell one from the other. Where did the human mind end and the reptile mind start?? And the next question was, what did I do now?? And there was something else, something I'd noticed as I'd been fucking the woman. Uncoiling I ran my snout down the long tubular length of my body, and found what I'd expected, what I'd been feeling. I had another cloaca towards the base of my tale, a FEMALE cloaca! The snake had been a female, and as we merged we'd become a hermaphrodite with both sexes! I gave an angry hiss, this just got worse and worse! Not only an abomination, but a FREAK of an abomination as well! With another angry hiss I turned my attention back to the nude woman lying on the oil soaked carpet. Despite having just mated with her repeatedly I felt no desire, no love, no caring for her, I had done what I did out of desperate need, a need not fully human. And I did something else to satisfy a need not fully human, something that I regret to this day, but over which I had no real control at the time as I followed my new instincts.

My aching lust had been satisfied, now I needed to satisfy another need. Every ounce of fat and much of my muscle tissue had been burned to fuel the horrible change, and my ribs showed, my hard scaly hide loose, my stomach painfully empty. I was starving, and the cold reptilian part of my new mind saw her as nothing more than food, and it was in control now though what followed seemed perfectly...natural. During the struggle, and coupling, she had become coated in the same aromatic; to me, oil I had been coated in, and it smelled delicious. Drooling in anticipation I lowered my head, and guided her feet into my mouth, and started swallowing. By the time she realized what was happening I had unhinged my jaws and was working them over her nice plump rear.

Debra lay on her stomach in a well satisfied daze of sexual bliss, maybe this weird new creature would make a good familiar after all. She had never been so well fucked before, or for so long at one time. Of course she couldn't let the thing go outside, she's have to keep it in the cage, and maybe later give it run of the basement. It never occurred to her that it might have ideas of its own. As she rested and dreamed about what she'd do with her new familiar she slowly became aware of a warm wet tightness enveloping her lower body. At first it felt kind of nice, comfortable, and that and the slick oil saturated carpet rubbing against her nipples reawakened her fading arousal. With a grunt she tried to roll over, but found herself held firmly in place. She tried to roll over again, tried to kick her legs, but could hardly move them. Propping herself up on her elbows she looked over her shoulder, and was puzzled at first.

She could see the snake man; its strange cold semi-human/reptile eyes were staring at her emotionlessly, and were very close. She let her gaze wander from those scary eyes to her rear, but found her ass crack now disappeared under the snakes hard upper lip. She froze in growing realization, and watched as the jaws worked and the rest of her rear slid into its mouth.

"N-NO!! Debra said, you...you CAN'T!! You belong to ME!! I MADE you!! LET ME GO!!"

She finally started screaming, pleading, as the snake ignored her commands, its jaws slowly, steadily working, her body disappearing an inch at a time into its gaping maw.

"NOOOO, PLEASE DON'T, AAAHHHHIIEEEE!!! STOP! STOP!!!" She shrieked, this couldn't be happening!! It was her slave!

She groaned and clawed at the carpet as the jaws slid up to the base of her breasts, her fingers slipping uselessly in on the slick material, sensitive nipples rubbing against it. The snake seemed to have some trouble with her breasts, and she reached down and pushed at its snout, only to have strong hands grab hers and then shove them into its mouth, and once her hands and lower arms had slid inside the slick tight grip she couldn't pull them out again. Then its hands crushed and popped her breasts one by one into its mouth, and she felt the jaws reach her chin and the back of her neck, its long wet tongue licking over her face. With horror she remembered she had seen a similar sight not so long ago, and now knew the terror the man had felt. But for her there would be no last minute 'salvation'.

"P-Please, Debra begged, let me go, I'll change you back, I swear, oh God, please don't eat me!"

I was lost in a new kind of ecstasy I'd never even imagined, the feeling of a warm living animal sliding into my mouth and down my throat was...exquisite, but some part of me was horrified as well. I heard the animal making increasingly desperate noises, but didn't really understand what it was saying. The way it was squirming and wriggling as I ate it was wonderful, it was a very large meal, but other than taking a little longer to swallow I was having no problems with it. With a few more powerful swallows I pulled its head into my mouth, and its increasingly loud and shrill sounds became muffled and wet sounding. Another swallow and my throat closed after the animals head, and except for a few long silky hairs trailing from my mouth it was over. Another swallow and I rehinged my jaws and gave a satisfied hiss as powerful ripples of muscles began to propel the large squirming bulge down my body and towards my gurgling stomach. Ahhh, delicious!

During her struggles her arms had been pushed by the tight tube of the snake's throat so her hands were between her legs, and almost without realizing it Debra began to finger her quivering pussy, and moans of pleasure joined her grunts and sobs of terror, her pleas becoming more desperate and louder.


As the snakes mouth closed and cut off the light for good Debra bucked and writhed as a massive orgasm racked her body, and as the daze of sexual ecstasy faded she realized with horror she'd been swallowed, and felt herself slowly sliding down the slick tube of the snake's throat. The soft warm; but tight, muscles kept her from doing much more then wiggling and squirming a little; slick mucus coating her body as she slid deeper into the snakes body, and she began to helplessly finger herself again still not quite believing this was happening. After quite some time she felt her feet pressing against a tight opening, then it began to expand as she was pushed into the snake's eager stomach.

I curled around and watched the large squirming bulge moving down my body with horrified fascination now that my horrible hunger had been satisfied. Debra's outline was clear against my tightly stretched skin, her large breasts and flare of her hips prominent, and I could see her hands busily moving between her legs, and faint muffled sounds of pleasure and terror could be heard from inside my body. Unable to help myself I put out a hand and squeezed one of her breasts as she slid along inside of me, and then felt her push into my stomach.

Debra moaned into the soft wet flesh pressing against her face, and somehow there was a little air, thick and foul, but enough to keep her alive. The inside of the stomach had a little more room then the throat, and she was able to move about a bit more and squirm more energetically even as she kept pleasuring herself. The feel of the slick slimy lining of the stomach as it churned and caressed her body; lathering her in thick digestive juices, was almost erotic feeling, and at first the faint tingling was pleasurable as the digestive acids began their work. So for awhile it was almost pleasant, until the burning started, and her moans became shrill shrieks of growing agony tempered by the pleasure she was giving herself as she desperately fingered her now burning sex.

As soon as she reached my stomach I felt a lethargy creeping over me, my thoughts growing dull and cottony, and slowly I coiled around the bugle in my belly, and resting my head on it I went to sleep, my eyes staring at nothing, my chest slowing rising and falling as I gave in to my utter exhaustion.

For another hour or two the bulge in the reptilian creatures body continued to move and squirm, then began to slow down, and finally stopped after one last violent quiver, and the faint gurgling screams faded away. As the snake man slept the bulge slowly began to shrink and loose its definition, finally becoming a smooth featureless lump as flesh, skin, and bone liquefied. For almost a week the great beast slept, oblivious to the world.

I woke with a start, and the room; which I had been strangely aware of even as I had slept, came back into focus. My vision was sharp and crisp, but I also found I could see heat as well, a kind of soft glow given off by things warmer then the surrounding background. It was strange, but also seemed natural. With a sudden start I remembered, and with a hiss of horror looked at the now smaller bulge in my body, and when I pressed it my hand sunk into my scaly skin, the soft paste filling my stomach giving easily. Oh God, I thought, I'm a murderer! I ATE her ALIVE! I looked down at my horrible inhuman body and I think I would have cried if I'd been able to. I'm sorry, Debra, I thought, but you brought your horrible fate on yourself, I didn't know what I was doing. But at the same time while I did regret what I'd done I felt no real sympathy for the woman filling my belly. After all, she had fed me; or what used to be a part of me, to my other part, and then had transformed us both into the thing I was now. I shuddered as I remembered the horrible agony of that unnatural joining.

I looked at my hard scaly body again, the slight bulges and folds of thick flesh between bands that marked my male and female cloaca's, my long legless body, the large blunt scaly snout, the forked tongue that flicked out at regular intervals, and felt a horrible despair wash over me. How could I live like THIS? WHERE could I live like this?? I had no doubt that wherever I went, if I was seen, they would see nothing but a monster. And I was huge, a good twenty feet long, or longer. I coiled to try and think things over, and remained motionless except for my tongue, and with my arms folded against sides I looked even more like a giant snake than anything else.

Finally, with a tired hiss, I uncoiled and moved over to the desk to look at the books that I could see there. I found I could read the books if I got the angle right, but they made little sense to me. Next I moved over to the bench against the other wall, attracted by the smell coming from one of the jars. I knew it was the stuff she poured all over me, but now it smelled enticing and absolutely delicious. If she hadn't been smeared with it maybe I would have been able to resist my instinctive need to fill my belly, but then again, maybe not. My hunger had been terrible, but now I knew I wouldn't need to eat again for quite some time. But I swore I would never, ever, eat another human being. Next I moved the stairs, and it felt kind of odd as I moved up them to the landing at the entrance, I was designed to move over flat or rough surfaces, not regular sharp edged bumps. But I managed, and opening the door I explored her house.

I found a calendar, and was shocked to see it had been a week since my 'date' had started, and since I'd ceased being anything remotely human. My explorations found little of use, but I did find a kind of small zoo in one of the rooms. It had custom built terrariums and aquariums with several different kinds of snakes and lizards, some fairly large. I stared through the glass at them in fascination, and they stared back at me, probably wondering what I was. Hello little cousins, I thought. Then seeing they needed water I filled their little pools and watering dishes, and as I did in one a four foot long boa wrapped herself around my arm, and I lifted her out and held her in front of my snout, our tongues flicking against one another's in curiousity. I looked at her for awhile and felt a strange kind of envy, she was lucky, she knew what she was. Then I put her back in her comfortable home and shut the lid.

I found my wallet and looked at the photo in the driver's license, and already it seemed alien and strange. Had part of me ever really looked like that?? And I knew I had to accept that life was gone now, forever. For two days I moved restlessly around the large old house, trying to decide what to do. I thought about calling some friends, or maybe even the authorities. I could still talk, but my speech was sibilant and I stressed my 'S's', which was to be expected I guess. But what could I say??? That a witch had turned me into a snake monster, and then I'd eaten her? Even now that seemed...insane. Then I got a break, a ray of hope.

For some reason I found I was still interested in watching TV, and had been coiling up on a couch and watching the news and a few other shows in the evening. A part of me found it fascinating, not so much what it was, but that it could understand it. So I sat still and motionless, the screen reflecting my eyes as I watched intently. Plus it helped me to forget for awhile. Then suddenly I lifted my head and gave a loud hiss, and slithered off the couch and moved closer to the TV. A nature show had come on, and it was an episode about giant snakes in the Amazon! A woman was narrating as the camera zoomed in on a huge snake in some shallow water, and I flicked my tongue against the screen in excitement. It was an anaconda!! Like me! Well, at least sort of. I put my hands on each side of the screen and watched and listened intently. My hearing was much better than a normal snake, but I had to concentrate harder to understand the electrically produced sounds. Then I gave a soft hiss as the narrator said,

"This rare and amazing footage of an anaconda in the wild was taken by the renowned herpetologist Dr. Samantha Talbot during her recent expedition deep into the Amazon. She is one of the premier experts on anaconda's and other larger snakes, and has written several books on the subject. She has just returned from her latest expedition and has resumed teaching at the State University where she has tenure. Next week we'll have a fascinating look at the lives of...."

I turned the TV off at that point, and slithered back up onto the couch where I usually slept. I stared into the dark; the warm TV glowing, tongue flicking, as I thought about what I'd seen and heard. When I'd seen the footage of the Amazon I'd felt a memory stir deep in my mind, and felt a terrible longing. Something in me knew I belonged there, and I wanted to go...home. It was a weird feeling, to remember living in cages and other prisons, but at the same time remembering living with my family and then in apartments, the two mixed together in a confusing jumble. But the one of the Amazon kept coming back, haunting me. There I could fit in, live in peace. And I made my decision; I would try and contact Dr. Talbot, and see if she could help me, help me go home. The only home for something like me, I could lose myself in that green vastness.

I spent the next day slithering around the house starting to do one thing, then stopping and doing another, I was so excited! Finally I forced myself to calm down, and finding a large heavy duty vinyl travel bag I went back down in the basement and loaded all of the weird books and stuff into it. The only other things I put in it were some valuable looking jewelry, a small; but heavy, bag of gold I found, and nice wad of cash. I didn't need anything else. I took the books to give to Dr. Talbot, hoping that maybe, somehow, she could make me/us 'normal' again. I could use the cash and valuables to pay her, I hoped. As an afterthought I stuffed my clothes into the bag too. Then I waited for darkness to fall.

As I was about to leave a sudden thought occurred to me, what about the snakes and lizards in the private 'zoo'? It might be weeks before anyone came looking for Debra, and they would starve or die from thirst. I dallied, torn with indecision for awhile, but finally decided to call 911. But first I trashed the place to make it look like 'foul play' had occurred, and the chains and cuffs still on the bed would help with that impression. Then I slung the large heavy bag over my back and stuck my arms through the handles, and despite its weight hardly even noticed it. Next I called the cops and told them something terrible had happened, gave them the address, and hung up. And it was true, some truly terrible things had happened, but as I slithered out the door I took all trace of those events with me. A few minutes later I watched from the drain I'd slithered into as a patrol car pulled up in front of the house, and the cops cautiously entered the front door which I had left wide open in invitation. Then I turned and slithered deeper into the drain system, my hopes high.

The End
