Chiricov- Chapter 7: Through the Smoke and into Danger
Chiricov Chapter 7 Through the Smoke and into Danger I woke Nina; cradling her in my arms. I gave her a gentle kiss to stir her sleeping body. She opened her eyes; blinking twice. She smiled sweetly and I leaned in; giving her...
Faction: The Corpus Archives- Operation Phantom Operative intro
- Shadow stared at the papers on her desk, her face straight as ever, minus a slight frown. "I'm not too sure this plan would work," she said, leaning back in her chair. She opened up a drawer and withdrew a folder, laying it atop the dark wood...
6 bestias - Capítulo 10: Naufrago
Un enorme dolor de cabeza fue suficiente para despertarlo. Era como si lo hubieran golpeado con un martillo por detrás, sólo que varias veces, y era tan intenso que no podía hacer otra cosa que sujetarse la cabeza y gemir de dolor. No sabía donde...
The Book Worm
She moaned in terror as the tentacles continued to slither over her now nude and vulnerable body.
Best Laid Course (Otherwise Untitled)
~ with a glance behind her, terror took over from determination, her feet hoisting up amongst the sand to resume her cowardice.
Five Nights at Furries
_Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!!!!!!_ "Hello? Hey! It's Toni McAlister! You know, the big blue fox that you talked to over the phone a little while back. The one with the high feminine voice despite being a male? The one who blew you a kiss over the camera on...
Chiricov- Chapter 8: Bad to Worse
Chiricov Chapter 8 Bad to Worse I pulled the machine gun that was stowed in my bergen. Extending the bipod, and loading a double drummed clip in; I set up on some sandbags that the BLA had set up. Trey and Nina had done the same;...
Castle of Terror
Snowy's Pov The gang and I were on our way to the second destination, to a dark palace to track the next Devilish Seven member, Lord Baron. Lord Baron, a dark wizard that lived in a dark castle along with his harmful minions, when Lord Baron was a...
Terror Dogs
# terror dogs ## a story for jdog5785 driving home from the fire station, oliver is gently rubbing the lower part of his back. today had a hectic call out to a crumbling furnace of what once used to be a cosmetics studio.
Night Terrors
He began to sob quietly, his broad shoulders shaking as the terror was replaced with despair.
Night Terror
Acutely aware of just how much of a terror he looked, he stayed still, checking with hearing and smell for someone else at home. he was pleased that he could detect no one, and continued on to his kitchen.
the Lord of Terror
Saying nothing the warrior watched as the lord of terror strode forward up to him. smiling, diablo looked at the fallen warrior.