Zoo Keeper - Epilogue - pt1

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#19 of Zoo Keeper

"Paul, come on or you will be late!" Jenny, my best friend urged me as I finished my breakfast.

Eating as fast as I could I managed to finish quickly and ran back to my room to finish getting dressed. Coming back out to the main room, admiring the my partially feline friends curves I said, "Lets go!"

Wrapping an arm around my shoulders she kissed me on the cheek, "Come on smooth-skin, its time you met a real male." she said, making me blush.

It was my twentieth birthday. I had spent the last four years of my life, like any other male growing up, learning in school and fucking. For most of my life I had been learning to be an engineer, a well sought after occupation, but the last twelve months had seen me learning the art of soldiering, as was every adults duty.

Being male, it had been my fate, since my body became fertile, to pass on my genes to as many children as I was able to and with luck willing, when my soldier duties were done, I would bear some children myself.

"What are you looking so serious about? Today you finally lose that cherry of yours!" Jen told me, half joking. It was true, today I would give myself, willingly, to one of the big felines, and continue to have do that weekly for the next five years, as was my duty. It was one thing to produce a population that was steadily growing and quite another to keep them safe and fed.

Jenny was special, from the moment it was considered safe, she had been made feline. She had been found to have an incurable disease at age ten she struggled and fought for her life until her sixteenth birthday, when she was given over, for good or for ill, to a feline to change her. Since that day, since her body had taken on the very potent feline DNA, she had been a healthy, if not very frisky, cat-girl.

As she would for the rest of her life.

We reached the military section of town and made our way to the initiation area, Jenn wandered off to the side while I took my place in the rank of human recruits.

"Now that we are all here, it is time for your first change." the Sergeant at the front informed us, "I would recommend you each strip off now to save your clothing, and find somewhere comfortable. The guys will be here shortly." she continued, ending with a slight purr.

Those who made a career of the military, every single one, continued the policy of remaining feline.

Undressing, I stripped off my shoes, shirt and pants first, I was just bending forward to remove a sock when I felt something touch my rear, something furry.

Standing frozen, I none the less felt his attention continue, inhaling and eventually rubbing his muzzle along my flank.

My mind registered the change, the gender shift, only peripherally, a sudden aching need building within my new sex.

Forgetting the second sock and only barely getting the opportunity to remove my underwear before my mind fogged completely I found myself cuddling and petting at the big cat, body revelling in the contact and its affects on me.

Sure of his task, he pushed me forward, to my hands and knees, a position I was suddenly not averse to.

I would have asked for him to go gentle, to be kind, but at that moment, as his chest fur brushed over my rear, I didn't want either of those things. I wanted to be fucked.

Whimpering in need I pushed back into his attentions, feeling his member press against my thigh. Wanting it within me I tried to help him, tried to line myself up, as a male I was experienced in the matters of mateship, but as a feline, I was a novice.

Obviously tiring of my games and wanting this himself, the big cat leaned forward, gripping at my neck, issuing a small growl to get my attention. Instinctively I arched my back for him, holding very still, his next thrust found his shaft just within my entrance and I was mewling like a kitten, wanting his next thrust more than I wanted my next breath.

Pain and pleasure poured into me in equal measure as he took my virginity from me with one thrust and held very still. I felt soft tears in my eyes and welcomed his gentle respite. Slowly getting used to his size, and the feelings, I urged him on with a needy little whine. From then onward he needed no encouragement.

Hips pistoning, I felt him drive into me again and again, lighting an inferno within me along every part that his shaft touched, his withdraws causing his spines to drag along my tunnel, causing me to gasp, and his thrusts back into me causing little grunts of delight.

My first female orgasm tore through me suddenly, with no warning or mounting pleasure, one moment I was enjoying his attention, the next my mind turned to cotton wool as I simpered in absolute, agonising pleasure. Slowly, feeling his thrusts not falter for a moment, the world returned and I was filled with a wonderful understanding, what just happened would likely happen again before this was over.

Growing larger and larger within my folds, I wanted more and more of him, and I was not disappointed. He let go of my neck to lap at my shoulders, giving me the freedom to start rocking into his thrusts, causing our hips to crash soundly together with each delight inducing thrust.

I felt him nearing the end of his stamina, his rod swollen nearly to its limit and I ached to have him fill me, to impregnate me. His thrusts grew erratic but no less powerful as he reached his limit and I cried out loudly as he began to paint my insides, even causing my belly to swell slightly with the volume of his potent seed.

Not pulling from me, he lay down upon my back, bringing me down to the padded ground, purring softly.

I froze for a moment, my breath stopping as I realised what I was doing, then, with one wiggle of his hips, I began again, just happy to be in that predicament.

~"You are my first too."~ I felt suddenly, alien thoughts within my mind. ~"Yes little one, it seems you have a gift, the ability to hear us."~

His purring grew further, and I could understand why. Very few half-humans could hear the thoughts of the felines, it was a rare and valuable talent.

"Wait, I was your first?" I asked softly, my purrs not missing a beat.

~"Yes, you are my first, as I am yours. It is a most agreeable condition is it not?"~ he asked me, the thoughts carrying a smile, both satisfied and full of mischief.

We lay there, talking softly to each other, for maybe half an hour before the Sergeant's voice called, "Ok ladies and lions, play time is over."

~"Until next week."~ his mind-voice was low, full of the promise of what he would do to me next week. I felt warm shivers travel up and down my spine.

"Until then." I replied, running one paw over his back as he padded off, leaving me to my training.

It took all of about three minutes for the need to begin, by then we were in the cages with a large rubber dildo each and a whole lot of need our sole companion.

My mind drifted out of its heat-crazed state two days later and I found myself among the first to be released.

"You did well soldier." the Sergeant said as she unlocked the cage, letting me leave behind the smell of raw sex that was in the cage, "I understand you could hear him?"

Her question drew a, "Sir, yes Sir." from me, despite my depleted state.

"Good, good. Could use another with the talent around, and I understand your breeding years were quite successful?" now that question was one that had, when I first began my duties, made me blush, but later made me swell with pride.

"Sir, I have fathered over thirty children. I was good at that task, Sir." I said then, feeling that pride still.

"Good to hear... Jakeson? THE Jakesons?" she asked surprised.

I grinned, "Yes sir, He was my great grandmother, Sir." I said, feeling more pride, although of a different sort now.

"Shit girl, you can hear the big bastards and your the descendant of the first Feline Soldier?" she paused a moment, the rhetorical question still falling into place in his mind. A hardness came back to her then, "You know we will not show any leniency to you because of your heritage."

Nodding I said, "I don't expect any Sir."

"Good to hear soldier, good to hear. Any plans for after your five years? Thought about following your grandmothers profession?" she asked me, putting me a little off my train of thought.

"I have been trained as an engineer Sir, but I have thought about it. I think I will see at the end of my duty." I said and she nodded, seemingly content.

All of a sudden all the wind was knocked out of me and I had a furry fist being withdrawn from my stomach even as I was doubled over, "Remember this, the last word from your mouth, will always be Sir. Do you understand me?" she said in a growl.

"Sir... yes Sir!" I managed, despite barely having the air to breath.


Two years to go, just two more years of being a grunt. I sighed.

He had been my mate for the first year and a half, my first male. Then one day, while out with a unit on wide sweep he had been brought down and killed by a pride of rogue males. I cried for a full day, our Sergeant had not blinked at this, allowing me to mourn for the male I had known for so long.

Not that the others males who had tended to me had been any less affectionate or loving, but he had been my first.

Six months ago I had received a promotion to Lance Corporal, it had brought with it much in the way of new duties but little respect, merely being a step up from the normal soldier, the Sergeant's 'go to girl' if she ever needed some dirty job done, but done right.

We were out on a long range run, we were to meet up with a patrol from Sydney and then work our way back through some hot-spots, clearing out any felines we found. We had not brought any males with us on this trip, preferring the speed of our truck to the slower vehicles that were built to move four legged soldiers as well as two.

We were two days out from the rendezvous when we were ambushed, nearly two dozen of the cats came on us from our flanks while we were stopped to update our position with HQ and while we scored a few quick kills with our rifles, it quickly fell to close quarters fighting.

My paws dripping red from the blood I had managed to draw from a few of the males, I turned to face a new threat, my mind detecting further assault.

Another forty or so of the big cats were racing to us, even as we were just finishing their brothers off.

"Incoming from the west, forty plus targets, on your rifles!" I yelled, the old adage of 'a non-com in motion outranking everyone' proving true as every soldier not giving a death blow to a cat lifted their guns, including the officers, and opened fire.

I realised then, we would not get them, the others however were close enough to the truck to get away.

My experience told me I was not and I gritted my teeth, pulling the near empty clip from my steyr and slamming home a new one.

"Jakeson! Get your arse over here!" the Sergeant's call rang out.

Making sure my rifle was cocked, even as the cats were drawing up to me, I flicked it to full auto. "Sir, get your arse gone! SIR!" I yelled and began to spray around me, tearing the attention away from the cats that had diverted to the truck.

I knew they would have been able to use the big gun on the truck, or even a squad machine gun to clear them, had I not been there.

Sometimes life just sucks.

I heard the roar of the diesel engine as the vehicle sped off, I also heard with a sinking feeling the click as my rifle reached the bottom of the clip. I began to replace it when the first cat leapt at me.

Dropping the clip I brought my bayonet fitted gun to bear on it, bracing the butt of the rifle, digging the improvised spear into the beasts chest and hoisting the cat through the air to collide, dead, with its brothers behind me.

Waiting for the next charge, my reflexes honed to precision by years of such fighting, I none the less got hit by three streams of musk laden cats piss at the same time.

Growling I charged, knowing I had just moments left in which I would be able to function. Cutting down three of the things I felt my body shudder, the smell of the males, the scent of the musk, driving my body to betray my intentions as my rifle fell to the ground.

I lay there, whimpering softly as the big cats now fought above me. Watching them, aching for the release my body now craved, I found myself urging them on, wanting nothing but the strongest mate to sire my kittens.

One cat stood after the brawling melee of bodies subsided, he was huge and he began to pad my way.

Crying in relief I tore at my own clothing, ripping loose my fatigues, offering the big male my body as he would want it.

He reached me and I thought I felt something inside me give way, but in my state there was only one thing I wanted inside me, and that was his shaft.

Whimpering I turned, digging my muzzle and chest into the soft earth, offering him my rear, tail flagging to the side.

He wasted little effort on foreplay, mounting me and ramming home in seconds, my whine turned to a yowl as he started to pump into me, giving my body the release it needed, again and again.

As the first orgasm tore into me, I felt my rational, thinking mind finally retreat behind the bestial one, wanting nothing more than to be the target of this big males attentions.

Waking slowly, my mind alerted me to a few things all at once.

The first was that I was very feline, but not completely so.

The second was that my belly, full of the males seed, had proven the fertile bed it had needed to grow.

The third was his voice, inside me, urging me to wake and be still.

~"Do not move too much, or my brothers will see that you are not complete. And I don't think either of us want them to know that, or else I would be forced to finish what they made me start."~ he said, his voice clear and full of reason.

Purring slightly at still being embraced by him, I acknowledged his words with a slight tip of my head, ~"Good, we do this right and we will both get out of this with our hides intact."~

I realised all at once that his talking to me meant something. The years I had spent as a soldier I had never heard a feral cat talk to me, thinking softly, willing the thought outwards, as I knew the cats could hear, I said, ~"What's your angle on this? Why not just claim me and be done with it?"~

~"I don't want to be in this place, always fighting with my brothers, always being hunted by your kind. I want sanctuary, I don't care if I get another female for the rest of my life, I just don't want to live like this any more."~ he said, and I realised it was the most I had ever heard one of the cats say. He felt my mind express that surprise, ~"I would like to think I am at least intelligent enough to hold a conversation, but enough of that, I need to get you back to your people unharmed, well, at least with no permanent damage."~

~"You get me back there and you can have my arse every week for the rest of my feline days."~ I told him then, meaning the words, knowing that he could likely feel a lie if I had tried to tell one.

He began to purr then, for the first time since I had woken, and it felt nice against my back, ~"Ok then, I will not hold you to that though my mate. Follow my lead, on my right flank."~

He rose then, slowly, giving me time to slip out from under him and to one side, hiding the incomplete nature of my transformation.

We padded to the edge of their pride, and kept going, slowly, softly, 'making a run for it' at a walking pace.

~"We are out of ear-shot, lets run."~ he said then and broke into a lope.

It took a week of running to get back to our base, but we made it. My body was no less feline for the week, due to the litter of kittens I carried. We both stopped at the outer checkpoint, I was a little worried on how this would go, MIA soldiers returning was one thing, but in our history, no male felines had ever begged asylum before.

~"Why do we not go on?"~ he asked me.

Sitting there, I replied, ~"If we approach closer, without being cleared first, we will both be killed, no questions asked. If we wait here, there is a chance of becoming safe."~

~"Do not fear my love, I will be on my best behaviour."~ he told me warmly. I am not sure when our relationship had changed from tolerance, to acceptance, to love, but I felt the same way. He had rescued me from a fate I would not have welcomed, and for that alone I was in his debt, but he had shown enough restraint to let me have a chance at being human again, and for that, and his care and gentleness over the last week, he had a claim on my heart.

"IDENTIFY YOURSELVES!" the call over the loud speakers came.

I had been practising using my feline muzzle for words, and now was the big test. "Paul Jakeson, MIA returning with the help of intelligent male, be advised he is not hostile." I replied, knowing the directional mic they had aimed at this spot would pick up my voice perfectly well.

Soldiers came out then, armed and ready to put us down if we made any incorrect move.

My Sergeant was among them, "That you Jakeson?" she called, once close enough.

I purred a little, "Sir, yes... Sir." I paused before the last word, knowing she would recognise me from my first slip, all those years ago.

"Shit soldier, you find yourself a guy and bring him home?" she asked.

"Sir, he protected me from his pride, he smuggled me away from them. Yeah I am changed near to the limit, but he kept himself back from the final blow. Sir, I am proud to bear his kittens if nothing else. Sir!" I replied, my muzzle managing not to maul the words too badly.

~"This is going well?"~ the feline in question asked.

"On your word soldier, but know that he will be watched closely. If he puts a paw wrong he will be put down." she told me.

"Sir, yes Sir!" I said aloud, but to my love I said, ~"If you are a good boy they said its ok to stay here."~

I was suddenly on my back, a huge feline atop me, lapping at my face. I could hear the solders laughing at his antics, ~"My wonderful mate, know that I will be yours and yours alone till the end of my days."~

He paused from his lapping a moment, and I looked up into his eyes, and believed every word of it.