Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Twenty-five

Story by SpecOpsElite on SoFurry

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#25 of Tyler x Shadow

Perhaps I should've made this JoltxSeed: Chapter One

Chapter Twenty-five

"Why are you always after your sis anyway?" Seed asked, lying down on her stomach

Jolt settled down next to the chikorita, lying on his side like a canine.

They were in a garden, surrounded by sweet smelling flowers of any number of species and currently lying in well cared for grass. The smell mixed and accentuated Seed's own lovely scent for Jolt's sensitive nose

"Why do you care? I like a fuck, and she's the only sister I haven't yet"

"Well, you haven't slept with anyone else in your family. Unless you count that time with Phyllon," she gave him a mocking look

Jolt blushed and lowered his head and ears, 'why did I tell her about that,' he whimpered in his mind. Seed giggled alittle

"Didn't you want to do something?" he asked, changing the subject

"Ya, I missed you at the care center. Too busy fucking to hang with me?"

He opened his mouth to respond, but closed it before he said something stupid and lowered even more. There had just been too many free fucks to pass up. He hadn't been in that kind of position since he left the farm. Even so, Seed was definitely the only girl he enjoyed for more than just sex. They actually did just hang out every once in a while and had a lot in common. But for the past week he'd been busy training or experimenting with Jessica, to the negligence of his friend


"I, um, hadn't thought of it. Sorry."

"I see, so I'm not even worth a passing fuck anymore"

"No," he said quickly, "I mean yes...I mean, *arg*"

"Ever since you fucked Jessica," tears started welling up in her eyes, and she ducked her head behind her leaf, "I'm just not good enough for you"

Jolt wasn't sure what to say, "no, you're still just as great as ever. I've just, been busy. Don't cry"

"Then*sniff*how come you haven't done me in so long?" she asked, smiling behind her cover

"Jessica's just demanding, I'm sorry, please Seed," he begged

Any other girl and he probably would have left them to sob alone. But Seed he couldn't stand to see saddened. Worse yet, he sometimes just couldn't get his words to come out how he wanted

"But ever since Cherry Town, you haven't even looked at me"


He didn't know how to answer. When the team arrived in Cherry Town, just after Jessica's first fuck, Jolt and Seed had gone out into the forest for alittle sex. During the usual foreplay that he and Seed had, he kissed her. He didn't kiss people he was just fucking. The last person before her he had kissed was his short lived gf Sandra, an ekans, a good year ago.

Worse yet, while they were having sex, he'd let slip the 'L' word. Before she could respond, he finished up and left. That had just been another reason for him to avoid her. He'd hoped she had forgotten

"I didn't," no, that wasn't right, "I meant to say. It was just. I don't know, it just slipped out"

"So you didn't mean any of it?*sniff* You don't love me?"

"Stop, please," he begged, pushing his head under her leaf, "I lo-"

Just as the leaf began to move around his muzzle, a pair of lips met his and he was pushed onto his back. Seed now stood above him, his legs pointing up in the air around her body and her belly resting just against his. Jolt wrapped his front legs around her neck and the two began making out with his barbed tongue playing with her dark green, chlorophyll filled muscle while, slowly, her crotch rubbed over his sheath, which began firming up under her

As Seed pulled away, Jolt added a lick to her nose, "you faking bitch"

By now, most of Jolt's cock was exposed and was rubbing directly against her moistening pussy

"Hey, you're the one who hasn't fucked me in a week. You deserved it"

"Hey, I said I was sorry"

"So, about Cherry Town"

"Wha-what about it?"

"I thought the only person you kissed was whoever you were going out with?"

"It was an accident, I just slipped up a bit"

"And saying that you 'loved' me?"

"I, just," he thought about it a moment, "I've never fucked around with someone I know as well as you. Except Frosta"

"And she's a bitch"

"Oh yes"

Despite his craving for pussy, he never went to Frosta for sex unless he was incredibly desperate. Having a frozen snatch was one thing, but she gave 'ice queen' a new meaning

"So, it was just a slip of the tongue? You didn't mean it at all?" she asked like he'd forgotten to forward a message

"Um, ya, just a slip up," he tried, hoping it was right

"Good, I don't think I could date someone who's such a whore"

"Hey, you're just as much of a slut as I am!"

This was very true, the first day she was on the farm she fucked four males and two females. "It's a way of staking my territory," she told anyone who asked. She and Jolt met two days later. A prolonged fight over who was the ranch slut devolved into fucking in the middle of a scorched battle ground. Both acts had an avid audience

Jolt moaned and clutched her against him as his fully hard tip caught in her snatch for a second. Seed sighed above him, continuing to grind her cunt and clit against his girth a bit more forcefully

"So are we gonna fuck or what?" Jolt queried, grinding back



"Are you willing to pay?"

The two had established a mutually beneficial currency system a while back. They traded anything from positions to favors to food. Really the only restriction was no re-gifting

"What do you want?"

"Knot, and you have to leave it in for once"

"Can do, anything else?"

"Depends on what you want"

"Vines?" he suggested

If Jolt ever loved something, it would be her vines. She knew exactly what he liked and how to give it to him. He just wished he could do something special in return other than just plowing her like any male could. Sure he had his electricity, but other than those little jolts he gave, he generally held back ever since his first time with Frosta

"Only if you do something for me"

"Ok, what?"

She kissed him, slipping her tongue back into his mouth. While he was distracted by the sudden intrusion, she moved her groin back. With a mutual moan into the other's mouth, Jolt's pink, tapered length sunk into her dark green depths down to the hilt with afew small shocks going up the shaft. While his cock rested inside her convulsing, still tight as ever, tunnel, two of her vines slithered out of the buds on her neck, noticeably the same color as her cunt, and down her sides.

Most of the time, whenever she was taken doggy she used them to stimulate herself a bit. But with Jolt, they had a special purpose. One vine wrapped gently around his slightly engorged knot afew times and, pulling it fully free of his sheath, softly massaged it to the soft sighs of the fox below her

Jolt jerked noticeably when the other stroked over his fuzzy nuts

"Oh yeah, I wanted to say sorry about that," Seed said during a break in their making out

So he'd cock blocked her from getting with a golem just so he could get a bj, did he really deserve a vine whip to the nuts? He'd gotten her back by spraying all over her face though. But he was wary of her own counter that would inevitably come someday soon

Returning to their fucking, the vine carefully caressed his sack, the firm tip circling around, juggling, and otherwise stimulating his potent testes. These roots were her species' specialty, and she used them to great effect, getting lusty groans and jolts out of him

Pressing their mouths back together, she lifted her back end upwards, letting the veined flesh slip free of her folds, covered in her green tinted lubricants. Her vine tip followed, trailing just behind her lips along the underside. Applying just enough pressure to make him sigh with afew spurts of energized pre.

Taking a moment to squeeze down on the tip and massage the length, she dropped down, retracting her vine as he was re-engulfed into her lovely sex. She continued to hump him with slowly increasing speed and quiet sighs and moans escaping their lip lock and little sparks of light arching from his groin to hers

When they pulled their faces apart again their groins were making quick wet slaps and squelches with audible snaps of energy

"Oh baby, you're just as tight as ever," Jolt cried

"And you still zap me like always," she said, her tone lost in a moan

"You like it don't you?" he queried, she was probably the only person he cared one way or another

She kissed him again, ignoring the question

The vine on his sack pressed between his balls and stroked the indent, then slid downward towards his own entrance. Jolt yipped when the bud circled his anus, the tickling and anticipation making him groan and both buck and spread his legs. Gently, the tip pressed against his sphincter

The jolteon did his best to relax despite the walls and vine stimulating his cock, especially his nearly fully enlarged knot. With a little outcry, the vine penetrated his ass and slipped into him. He would never admit it to anyone else, but he loved it when she did this.

The vine continued into his tract, wiggling slightly as it did, up to his prostate. Jolt yipped again and bucked upwards, loosing several jets of pre and strong electrical shots that made Seed moan loudly and squeeze down on the cock in her vag and vines.

"No one ever does that like you," Jolt gasped

"And to think, I learned it trying to get back at you for shoving it in my ass," she recalled the surprise butt-sex

"*he* yeah"

Seed again brought their mouths together and furthered her fucking speed as well as began moving her imbedded vine back and forth in his rectum, slowly at first but steadily catching up. Jolt groaned loudly, bucking back against her and releasing unintentional sparks. He wouldn't be able to hold out too much longer

Seed lifted up and paused a moment, looping her vine over his sack before he could notice. Jolt tried to buck, but the vines around his sensitive groin held him in place. She pulled her mouth away as well, staring at him with her ruby eyes

"I want you to beg for it," she said, her snatch just barely twitching around his tip and the vines on his sack and knot both continued to keep him stimulated. His cock was jerking and sputtering pre, just afew seconds away from orgasm, but she refused to let him get any closer and it was slowly slipping away. The down side to someone knowing just how to pleasure you


"I want you to beg," she reiterated with an evil gleam, "beg to let you knot me and cum all over by pussy"

"What if I don't?"

"Then I just stay here until you do. I can cum just fine without you"


"It's not a good idea to be insulting me right now"

This was rather normal, for the pair. Seed enjoyed dominating the little whore and he trusted her just enough to do it, plus it kinda turned him on. But whenever she got out of control, well he went off sex for about two days. A long time for him

"But, beg? You would actually do that?"

"You're my bitch right now; I'll do whatever I want"

"This is payback for jizzing on you isn't it?"

She just smiled

"Fine," he sighed, "please let me cum"

"Not good enough, let's make you mean it"

Before Jolt could figure out what she meant, the vine in his ass started moving over his prostate while the others continued holding him. He was getting closer to cumming, just a little more and-then she stopped. His orgasm faded back down. Then it started again.


"Gonna torture you until you learn how to beg right"

Just a minute or two and Jolt was twitching and whimpering. Another few and his cock was jerking and sparking like mad and he was trying to thrust regardless of the hold on his precious organs. He hadn't been denied like this in quite a while

"I don't hear you begging"

"Ple-please," Jolt whimpered, "let me cum"

"Still not good enough," she said, adding a rough stroke that nearly made him cum, "let's start with your position. What are you?"


"No, not your name, your place in our fucking right now"

"The bottom?"

"No, you're my bitch. Now say it"

When he failed to do so, she tightened her grip around his nuts and squeezed and poked his prostate at once. Jolt yelped in pain and pleasure, several sparks rolling off his sides

"Say it, or I'll castrate you"

"What!?" he yelped, "you wouldn't"

"I could use a trophy," the hold tightened, making him cry out, "plus it'll lower your sex craving. Shadow would throw me a parade"

"Please, no"

She gave the tiniest of pulls that sent pain, fear, and whimpers through Jolt

"Alright, alright," he cried pitifully, "I'm your bitch"

She lessened her grip and gently rubbed the sore skin, getting him to purr in pleasure and relief, "good boy. Well for now you still a boy"

"What do you mean?" he asked, fearing the answer

"Because now we move to the next lesson," she said with yet another whimper escaping him, "now what does bitch want?"

"I want*yipe*" he cried at another pull on his scrotum, "bitch wants?" the caressing returned. He went to do as she said, but looked away and blushed, flattening his ears to his skull in sudden shame; hard to believe he had that emotion. With more painful coaxing, he managed clenched his eyes and managed to mumble out "bi-bitch wants to cum"

"Huh?" she asked, giving him a hard tug, it felt like his balls were about to just fall off of their own accord, "don't make me take your cock too"

"*whimper* bitch wants to cum!"

With that, Seed dropped down. His knot entered with a loud pop and he gave a relieved sigh. This sigh soon turned into a howl as she returned to her work of pleasuring him. It was just a second before relief washed over him with the familiar wave of pleasure greater than he ever got with another female. He didn't even notice whether anything was coming out of his cock or not

His entire body shook and he couldn't help but unleashed several strong jolts into her and the area around them. Seed cried out with him, her walls convulsing as much from her orgasm as the electrons jumping into them. The garden was completely lit up from the electricity dancing around them, both nearly passing out for different reasons.

When it finally passed, several of the plants were scorched or burning and both of them were gasping for breath. Seed's vines retracted and she rolled over so that both were lying on their side with Jolt's knot still stuck deep inside her

"Did-did I even cum?" Jolt panted, almost afraid of the answer

Seed shifted back and forth, feeling something shift around his cock inside her, "well, unless that's all my cum, I think so"

"So I'm not sterile," he confirmed

"I don't know about that"

Jolt looked at her pleadingly, "please never do that again. It was way worse than having to wash off some jizz"

"Sorry, I guess I got carried away," she gently licked his cheek, "was it that bad?"

"Kinda, but I'm glad you came with me and Jessica," he gave her a lick, "you wanna hang tomorrow?"


The two kissed again, cuddling in the garden until they drifted off for a little nap