Misplaced by Type - Chapter 4: Nothing Good Happens to Me

Story by BlazerRaylock on SoFurry

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#4 of Misplaced by Type

4th chapter

I don't own Pokemon in any such way. Plot belongs to me and if it is coincident to any other story out there, I'm sorry about that.

"What do you think you're doing with my little girl?" said a very deep voice behind me.

I was under the owner's shadow when he said that. 'I'm so dead!' I was sweating much more than I do when I do my morning jogs. My heart felt like a beeper telling me *Panic!* *Panic!* *Panic!* as my body moves simultaneously with the beat. My legs shiver, as anything could happen to me. All this was happening so fast, Gar and Flin looking up at the owner, my fears giving mental images as to what could be the Male behind me and what he would do to me. Unfortunately, I still have to take my responsibility as a man to talk back to this person no matter what happens to me.

I never felt my legs when I turned a round to look at the looming form of the Pokémon only to find, to my horror, a Garchomp standing right before my. 'This is turning out to be the worst thing that could ever happen' I told myself but, I still had a duty to be a man. "And who are you to say that, in that manner?" I told him as calmly as I can yet, I remember not having a straight face at that time.

He was as taller than I am yet, he was shorter than Gar. His eyes were as menacing as any killer would be yet his stance was not all that firm, like he was suppressing something in his actions. "If I told you, I am her father? What will you do "Fried Chicken"?" That deep and threatening tone pointed at me again.

My blood boiled at the mention of "Fried Chicken", the biggest insult to any Blaziken. This issue was much bigger than my fears over this Garchomp, that I practically saw him as a good-for-nothing Shark who could never swim! "Even if you WERE her father, I can't ignore the fact that you..." I gather my anger in one of my fist as that small little insult was swirling in my head "CALLING ME FRIED CHICKEN!" I shouted with all my anger, jumping high enough for my fist to connect with an Ice Punch! Yeah, that's right, I know Ice Punch, I worked hard for it, to learn a difficult move for my kind.

My fist encased in ice smacked dabbed on one of his cheeks and resulting to his body tumbling down on the sandy ground. My body chased after his as I landed, grabbing any part of his body. I raised his torso up got one of my fist ready for another good shot at him. My anger may have vanished a little but getting my point through was still far from being achieved. As I looked to his face was I did not see a face of fear or dread, anger and hate but, a smile on his face and his laughter passing through his sharp mouth. "Cousin, I think you found the right man! HAHAHAHAHA!" he said out loud.

(Wait a minute... did he just say cousin...? Oh Sh*t) "You're not Gar's father?" I asked reluctantly. and his answer was just a nod for me to see. In an instant I reviewed what had happened and I see myself make the biggest mistake in my whole life. "Sorry man, I just... well... I..." I stood up and a good inch away from him as I try to explain 'I just punched Gar's cousin!' was continously repeating as I focus on the situation.

He stands up straight and started to dust off some of the sand that got into his shorts. He still wore his smile as he greeted me "It's alright, I did call you fried chicken there although, your reaction was a bit extreme. If it was Gar's dad, there would have been a very big fight by now" he was giving a kind tone right now. I just punched this guy in the face and he acts like it was nothing. I never pondered any deeper to this matter and just settled to being civilized.

I stretched my hand towards him. "I think we got on the wrong foot there, my names Blazer" I kept my smile but it was greatly troubling to what I did to this guy. He stretched one of his clawed hands and returned the smile as well. "The names Nath, Gar's cousin" he said calmly. We shook each other's hand as we settle this small misunderstanding.

I did not notice that Gar and Flin were already behind me. Their clawed hands taking a hold of my greatly small frame, compared to theirs that is. "Nath you really have got to stop joking around" Gar said giggling in her happy voice. "Yeah Nath, look what happened to you, Blazer got a good hit at you!" Flin was also in the same state as Gar. "I know, I know but, you have to admit his response was plainly correct." he replied. (He was complementing on how I reacted?) "Really? Was it a good response?" I just had to know if how I acted was right. "If I REALLY was Gar's father, I'd say I like you to be my son-in-law."

We had a good hearty laugh at our moment as the sun was starting it's descend from its highest point. "So Nath, what brings you here in this beach shore?" Gar started to ask. Their claws grip ever tighter as they wanted to tell me to relax. I was stressed with the previous event. "I'm actually here to visit my fiancé's parents, you still remember Trish, right?" he was proud to announce the word "fiancé" and "Trish" as he told us. "Trish the Tropius? Of course we remember her. How is she? Did she lose some weight the last time we saw her?" Flin started to make the conversation seem friendly. "Can we please discuss this at your house? The sun is harsh to me today." Nath requested to the two dragon girls on either side of me. "Of course Nath, Blazer, can you please help us take the things inside?" Gar was giving me a loving look as she spoke, her claw was squeezing me affectionately but, I remember something. "But what about the Sun block I just put on your bodies?" my work was going down the drain in just as few minutes, I cannot accept that! "Don't you worry" Gar's head resting on my shoulder beside my head "Your work is not wasted..." Gar's tone has changed significantly to that of a lustful she wolf in heat, I can tell. Flin's head craned herself on the other side trapping my head between theirs "...We'll remember what you've done today" Flin whispered with a tone of lust freezing me right on the spot. As they left my body in peace they kept a small sway, teasing me with their slick scaled skin.

I stared at them as they folded the towels and getting their things. I did not notice Nath standing beside me until he spoke. "You are one lucky man, Blazer" He said in a defeated tone like he lost a raffle draw for a million dollars or more. "I know what you're going to say next but, the only thing that bothers me is, why me?" I know myself and that self is never lucky with a girl since my line of job takes me away from any real socialization yet, the question still remains, Why me? "I really don't know the answer, all I can say is that they have a certain string of connections that could have helped them" He said bluntly marking that he himself was not sure as to what it was. I was about to say more when the girls called for me to carry the things inside.


Inside, they started talking about everything, from catching up from lost time and even the wedding plan if ever. I learned a lot of things from what their saying. Trish, Nath's soon-to-be, is an old friend of the girls and was naturally... fat in terms of physical appearance. She and Nath have been dating for almost two years and soon were together and planning a wedding but not until winter. The reason for that was Trish liked the color white. They have conversed for so long while I listen to it all, we never notice the time passing by us and it was already 6:00 PM.

"Well, it's getting late. Got to get back before Trish thinks I got drunk somewhere" Nath jokingly said as he was getting ready to leave. "You better walk on the streets this time, people around here is friendly" Gar telling her cousin walking along him. "Gar! I'll start cooking for dinner!" Flin shouting out as Gar and Nath were at the door by that time. "Blazer, please set the table for us four?"

I started to get the plates when I remember Nath wasn't going to eat here. I needed to ask "Nath's not going to eat here so, who's the fourth Pokémon?" My question was chillingly answered when Polar phased through the ceiling and floating in front of me. "That would be me." She said coldly as she looked at me with menacing eyes freezing my mouth in a sense of terror until "Why did you forget about me? We just had great sex this morning." She completely changed, her body looked childish all of a sudden, her voice was a cute and innocent girl and now here eyes looked hurt and about to cry. Unfortunately for me, I just remembered that Flin was in the same room cooking our dinner where she could easily hear what Polar had said. In a split of fear and terror, I looked her way to see a sight I didn't want to see. In her hand was a chef's knife and what she was about to cut was a still complete Figy berry (If you don't know what it looks like, refer to the internet for answers). She slowly looked my way; her eyes were filled with such anger like a fire could exist in it. In an instant she drove the knife down cutting the Figy berry like it was never going to recover.

I felt my lower part go painful in a heartbeat. I looked back at Polar with my face of 'You just dug my grave' at her. But her reaction was that of triumph, she smiled an evil grin at me rushing to hug me like I was her mate "Oh, don't worry, I forgive you" she said playfully. Turning her head towards Flin as she liked my chest "Beside you are a GOOD FUCK!" she emphasized those words and soon Flin's face was ready to snarl not only at her but it included me in it.

Gar soon got back inside the house, I guess she waved goodbye to Nath until he's out of sight. I just pushed Polar away from me and setting up the place mats, plates and the utensils. What were missing were cups and for me to get those, I had to go past Flin for them. The table was rectangular with 3 seats each on either ends on the length. Polar took the one alone in one side. Gar took a seat on the other side where the middle and a corner plate would be left.

I gathered what little courage I had as I walk towards the cupboard with the cups. As I was about to pass her, she grabbed a claw full of feathers attached to me on my chest and yanked me close to her. She kept her angry face and tone "You go to my room after dinner" she demanded from me, her grip becoming tighter. "If what she said is true then you have to prove it to the both of us" her claw shivered a bit, I think she thought of the things they'd do to me. My terror still in my face "If you want me to" I replied weakly. 'It's a dragon not just a ground type, a dragon' I told myself. She yanked me closer to her face, where our eyes were just several inches away "I don't WANT you to be there, I LOVE you to be there" her tone was the same but this time she licked her lips indicating there is more to this visit than this. As she had let me go I quickly too four cups and made my way back. 'My day just keep getting worse and worse'

As Flin finished cooking she sat on the corner seat, trapping me between two dragon girls and Polar across me. The whole time I ate I kept quiet as Flin gave me angry looks from the corner of her eyes; Polar gave me affectionate looks while Gar was clueless to all that had happened so far in this evening.


As I finished dinner first, in account that Flin was still giving me angry looks, I quickly place my plate in the sink and proceeded upstairs. Ignoring everything except for my destination, I pondered as to what a mistake I made but, can you blame me? Reaching Flins door, the 2nd door in the left, I enter one of the rooms I never expect to enter. Inside it was all similar to the room I have but, she had a desktop computer ready and running, her bed was in the color green, the closet seem to be placed in the left side which was the wall adjacent to Polar's room and a door to the right...? (The door to the right?) I wondered in my mind as to why a door exists in this room. If all the rooms were similar then there would surely be a room between Flin and Gar's room. I walked in and closing the door as I enter. A breeze of salty air came through the window meaning it was night time already. I was curious as to what the door was and tried to turn it but, it was no use, it was locked. I sat down on Flin's bed since It was the only decent spot to sit on to wait.

From there I waited... waited...waited...and waited... There was a small clock on Flin's study that told me it was 8:39 PM. 'Wow! I waited that long...?' I was surprised I waited to this time but there was nothing else for me to do as I was deep in thought.

My time in Flin's room soon got me bored and I slumped on her bed, smelling her scent as I inhale, it was a pleasant smell of daisies and a hint of honey somehow, maybe from her perfume. Soon enough I heard a doorknob turn I sat up straight and stared at the door but there was one problem... The knob was not turning. The only other door in the room was to my Left and it was turning... TURNING!. Panic struck me as to who or what could be behind THAT DOOR!



Another chapter for this place. Now I just need to get started on furry stories... sooner or later. Anyway, The other chapters to my works can be found in *cough* Agnph *cough*. Though I wouldn't mind hearing the overall furry-fandom comments here.