I am, By Honour, Bound – The War for an Empire and A Soul [Introduction]

Story by Hatred27 on SoFurry

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#8 of Honour Bound

I am, By Honour, Bound - The War for an Empire and A Soul

[Author's Notes]: Hello everyone. I am a Degree level Creative Writing Graduate and this is my debut upload on SoFurry. It's been a long time coming, trust me. I've uploaded this partly to build some early interest in this Original Story of mine and partly to force myself back into a routine of getting a decent amount of writing done in a reasonable period of time. Hopefully you'll like this short Introduction and, if I garner enough support for this story, that will force me to actually get it written, finished and uploaded for you. My next upload will include the first TWO chapters to get things going, so I hope this gets you excited.

This story will likely be long and winding (because I can't even seem to write dirty, dirty, dirtiness without it becoming a long-winded exploration of the soul, plus I like to give my characters' naughtier moments context to make it more poignant. I also have to note that this story is EXTREMELY DARK. Seriously, you will not believe how dark this story is. I couldn't even believe it as it started to take form. All those who are easily offended or upset should not read this. This story has been categorised as EXTREME and every episode will be uploaded as such, even those that don't have extreme content in them.

So sit back and enjoy the dramatic opening of this winding tale of love, war, deception, prejudice and just a little bit of furry on furry action. Please feel free to leave comments below, even if it's just 'This is boring.' All praise and criticism helps.]


Calael is a beautiful galaxy, but also one of great hardship.

In the J-17 sector, two sentient races once waged a seemingly endless war of dominance; The large and powerful Boaren and the sleek and agile Panthren. Once sworn enemies, the Boaren have since been brought to heel, their numbers thinned, reduced to unwilling servants and labourers in what was once the great and powerful Panthren Empire, a star-spanning power built on the empty principles of Strength, Discipline and Honour...

But two centuries ago, this space-faring union was shattered by the deadliest of Panthren principles... ambition. Now all that remains is a shell of its former glory, disjointed shards of a once proud empire caught in an endless struggle against itself. And as the vacuum of power forever shifts, new Panthren will always vie for control, noble families, such as the Telequinn of Ferros II.

Into this warring sector, unwanted and unloved, I was born. Kyren, a young Panthren who had no right to even exist. I am less than a vagrant, less than a slave, less than dirt... I am nothing. But it is from the most unlikely of places that I am given a reason to exist and swept up in a series of events that are set to forever change the future of Calael and the Panthren. The galaxy may be perilous and I may be loathed by Boaren and Panthren alike, but though every hardship than can be mustered may be thrown at me, ones that may even cost me my soul, I will stay the course... for I am, by honour, bound...

[I am, By Honour, Bound] © Hatred27 2011]