Distraught: The Start

Story by Demi Azurewing on SoFurry

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#1 of Distraught

First chapter of Distraught. IDK how long it will take me to right each succesive chapter.

Adult content of a male on male type. Don't read if you don't like, and look at the tags!


I took a shuddering breath, looking towards the glass double doors and shaking slightly. Others were flooding in and I took a breath. I just had to appear, at a glance, to be fine. After all, a glance was the only thing other students payed to me.

I got caught in the tide as a group of other furs passed, caught in the flow that they made, and then I was in the chill halls of school, bodies pressed as tight as the lockers were. My ears were layed back as I walked, keeping pace and manuevering the jams with my lithe body, wolfen tail wrapped around my right leg to keep it from being caught... and also because that's where it had been since last night. I shuddered and suppressed a sob, keeping a facade to the uncaring students around me.

Idly, my mind flicked to the stereotype wolves seemed to get. Big, muscled, born leaders, rough around the edges. I, however, fit into none of those. Although I was slightly tall, I was not 'big'. I was lean and wiry, the only muscles, if any, being from the task of walking to and from the school. Leader I was not. In fact, I am pretty subby, clean cut with well kept fur. And my fur... A nice shade of grey that had brown undertones that shone in the sun! Not that anyone would notice or care...

Except... No! I shoved him out of my mind and slipped my way to my small locker, quickly stuffing my bag in and retrieving books for first block history. I winced as another fur bumped my upper left back. Normally it would have passed unnoticed, but that was where the worst of the bruising was, caused, most likely, by a well known pair of steel toe boots.

Another shudder wracked my body as I fled to the classroom, well before first bell. Ms. Heiden looked up, giving me a smile as I walked in. I tried to return it, but I think the effort was shaky, like the rest of my body. I sat in my seat and lowered my head to the desk, closing my eyes and sobbing quietly. I knew that I would be uninterrupted. I didn't refer to myself as a teacher's pet, but many others did...

I blanked my mind and let the ears flow, repressing my thoughts effectively and letting it all out... again... I jumped, a paw resting on my shoulder as I whipped my head back to see.

"No!" I half shouted, half sobbed. Standing behind me was Calsin, a handsome Doberman who had had my affections until quite recently. I freaked out so bad that I fell from my chair. I was expecting a painful fall to the floor, but then I was in Cal's arms. I sobbed at how nice it felt, eyes burning with more tears as I wrenched myself out of his embrace and sat firmly back in my chair, this time the sobs being loud.

"Do you mind if I sit here, Ms. H?" Calsin's rough voice asked politely. I heard Ms. Heiden reply positively, probably hoping to make me better. I swore that teachers had the best intentions at the worst of times. By now, a few more students were flowing in, each giving me a weird look, mostly directed at Calsin, who was sitting out of his seat.

"All that came out was blood, you know." I whispered, lips quivering as I held back more tears, sniffling. Calsin wrapped an arm around me and I flinched away, earning a sad frown from the doby.

"I love you, Azure, really I do, how can I prove it?" he whispered in return. I was shocked at the hurt and longing tone in his voice, so much so that I unconsciously leaned towards him. I felt a small blossom of hope sprout from the ashes of despair caused by last night, after all, he was the only one that hadn't...

I shook myself mentally and decided that maybe, just maybe, I could give a second chance. "As a start, you could just comfort me, and maybe we could be together for lunch." The whisper was more demanding then I had ever heard my voice be, and my face heated a little. Cal hated public affection, and would never accept this. It was my way of pushing him away after everything.

"Sure." My ears twitched up and I turned to look at the doby. Sincerity was written across his face and he wrapped an arm around me again, scooting his chair closer so that I could lean against him from my own. A few surprised glances were exchanged from classmates. They knew that I was gay, but Calsin? A popular, sports driven doberman? They had no idea.

Class flew by, me taking mental notes, but mostly content in the embrace of my doby. For the first time that day, I smiled, though it was still a little shaky and I was still crying every now and then. It was as if the sun was heating my back, but all that was there was Cal. I slowly let myself think that everything would be alright.

As the bell rang, I was disappointed in the fact that Calsin wasn't in my second block. All through the period I sat and worried about whether he was playing me for a fool. A few more tears leaked out as I remembered some things from last night. Cal's note in my locker, inviting me to a game that night. Being the fool I was, hopelessly smitten, and going. Then the utter shock when Cal lead me to an empty field. Empty, except for the six jocks who had been standing there and grinning. There had been no game...

The professor called on me and I answered the question correctly. Even if my mind were on other things Science was my best class. I breathed deep and threw myself into the work. The true test would come at lunch.


Lunch came relatively quickly after I started concentrating. I moved through the line and went to my usual table, far back of the room where not many others came. I sat at an empty place and quickly scanned the room. I spotted Calsin immediately, head above the rest as he was, and held back my disappointment. Surrounding him, at his usual table, were his usual friends. Tears fogged my eyes and I moved to eating my food.

I didn't taste any of it, but I ate, knowing that I would need the energy when it came time to run home from school. I even considered leaving early. The more I thought of leaving this crowded and stuffed place for home, the better it sounded. A small building, far away from all these bodies and empty except for the furniture and me. A small smile came to my face as I set my empty tray at the exit and moved into the school's empty halls.

I jogged to my locker and took out what I needed, then all but sprinted to the exit. I was a mix of emotions, but the need to go away was the highest priority. I opened the door, activating the silent counter, and stepped into the warm sunshine and slightly cool breeze. Winter had not yet faded, but spring was well on it's way. Then I stopped, dead cold.

"Hey there, little Woof Woof," said the voice. I turned to see Cal sitting on one of the benches outside of the school. He had a smug grin on his face and advanced on me pretty quickly. "I thought we were gonna spend lunch together, but you didn't come over and than I saw you were trying to leave."

"You... were really waiting for me to come over?" I asked in disbelief. I wanted to believe his words so bad, but the grin... It was the same as last night, before he had let them at me and watched...

He placed a hand on my back,rubbing gently as I shuddered. I tried hard to block the memories, but they were still coming back. First they had surrounded me, teasing and striking out.

Pain lanced through my body a one clipped my ear, my piercing tugging painfully at the skin. They came forward, grouping tighter and laying their hands on me. One squeezed my balls tight, causing me to yelp loudly in pain as tears sprung to my eyes.

"Oh, the bitch is verbal now, is she?" a voice asked. I layed my ears back, stomach knotting as I glared at the puma. The one thing I hated most was the taunting derogatory names that came with being gay. Sure, I could take being called subby, or stuff like that. In fact, I loved those. But I hated these names. I winced at each catcall like a physical blow, as if I wasn't getting enough of those.

Then there was a tear. My shirt was ripped free from me, exposing my wiry upper body to the group, a few whistles causing me to blush.

"Sheesh, all she needs is some breasts!" I gave my hardest glare and loudest growl at that, only for it to turn into a yip as a kick landed between the legs. I collapsed to the ground, writhing. It had been a glancing blow, but it was to a very sensitive area.

"And I thought homos weren't supposed to feel stuff like that!" another called. I gave a growl that sounded more like a whimper. The next sound was my pants as the were torn in the back. Hands grasped me roughly and I heard a zip from behind me. Blood drained from my face as I tried to struggle, but I was too weak from the blows. A blunt head pressed against my hole roughly, dry.

I struggled more, until the hands at my hips slid to my shoulders and yanked me back, spearing me roughly on the good sized length. I screamed in pain as it flooded through me, the edges of my vision going dark as my voice cracked and my face twisted, the scream dying but the silence deafening.

"Oh, fuck!" cried the male behind me. "I thought he was supposed to be loose!"

"No, cleaned out, not loose!" another called back as a few bursts of laughter came from around me. My face was still in the silent scream. Tears ran down my face, half from the pain and half from the fact that they knew I cleaned myself out. That was a secret I had only told to. I clenched my eyes shut as the guy behind me began to pull out, pain intensifying as I clenched around him. I tried my best to relax, but...

It must have been some time later, because the length in me now was moving much more easily. There were cheers from farther away, but not as many close around me. Warmth filled me, and my sensitive nose caught the metallic tang of blood mixed with a lot of musk and semen. A groan came from behind me and the length in me twitched, sending ropes of warm goo inside me. It was almost pleasureable, except for the fact that the pain more then made up for it.

I heard a pop, and felt empty. That didn't last long as another dick pushed in in it's place. I looked around, my body one giant ache and barely able to move. What I saw was the last to pull out, the puma, wiping himself on my tatter of a shirt and walking over to the rest of the group. The one pumping into me seemed to be the last. He didn't last long, though, before he came and pulled out.

"Sorry" he whispered, kissing the back of my neck tenderly and patting my back. I felt the tears flow again. It would be so easy to simply hate them, but he had shown just a bit of kindness. It made me wish he would stand up to them. It didn't matter that he couldn't take it back, I just wanted him to pick me up and hug me, tell me everything would be alright. I wanted to let all this worry ago, and just be cuddled in his arms, but then he was gone with the rest. I sobbed, glad that I hadn't looked at him. I needed some kindness in my life right now.

It was almost an hour before I could stand again, and then I had to walk home... almost nude...

A hand brought me back to reality. It had slid from my back and was now over my mouth, a rag cupped over my nose. I inhaled in surprise and immediately regretted it as my nose burned and the world went lopsided. 'Shit' was all I could think.

It was dark. I groaned as my stomach rolled. It didn't feel as if I'd puked, but it also didn't feel like there was anything to puke. Opening my eyes groggily, I took in the half lit area around me. I groaned again, this time I pain. There was something on my balls that hurt horribly. And my neck and wrists...

I tried to move, then gasped as I came fully awake. Around me were bare stone walls. The floor had carpet layed down on it, but it was against a solid layer of concrete. My neck was trapped, as well as my wrists and ankles. I was in a stockade!

I grunted and pulled at my wrists, trying to wriggle them out but only succeeding in chafing them more. I attempted the same with my ankles, but they were even more tightly bound. I shivered in the cool air, noticing that I was unclothed. I ached all over and immediately thought of that wondrous healing cream that was sitting in the bathroom at my house.

A door creaked open somewhere behind me, and I stilled, watching as light stronger then what was here cast shadows over the wall. Then the door shut and I heard paw pads moving down some stairs and across the floor. A hand rested itself on my buttock and groped a bit. I cringed in pain, eyes squinting.

"I see your awake. I really should have gone with the less strong stuff, but I had no idea you would be out for three days!" Three days? My mind shuddered in comprehension of the aches and rolling stomach. Strangely I wasn't thirsty. Then I caught up and recognized the voice. Calsin.

"Mmmph!" I said, just realizing that there was a gag in my mouth.

"Ah! I see you're ready to begin your duties!" Cal stated, coming round front and exposing his nude body and hard shaft to me. My eyes widened at the unimaginable size of him. He had to be a good 10 inches and thick! "Let's get right to it, shall we?"

He moved forward directly after and shoved his length into my mouth, through what I now realized was a good sized ball gag. He thrust hard, fucking my mouth and causing me to gag as he reached my throat every time. Soon he was leaking pre, which dripped from my mouth along with spit that I couldn't swallow. He thrust a few more times then pulled out, panting.

"So good I almost came!" he stated grandly, stroking his now formed knot gently. "Now, it's time to breed!"

I paled a little, my tail wrapping tighter to keep from getting penetrated. He simply walked around and tutted. Picking something up, he slowly fiddled with something that clamped on my tail. I was confused for a second until a sharp tug lifted and held my tail in place, a small metal ping from a clasp coming from somewhere right behind my head.

Then, I felt it. The head of his cock, well lubed from fucking my mouth, rested against my hole and pushed in gently. I could almost say it was pleasurable, until he thrusted the rest in. Pain wracked my body and I let out a sound that I couldn't place. Cal pulled slowly out, then thrust back in hard, setting up a painful rhythm that slowly gave way to pleasure. It was as if he was making love to me, but I couldn't enjoy the feel, as my mind was screaming 'RAPE'.

I sobbed gently as he kept going for a good amount of time. Then the knot started pushing against me. At first it was a simple bumping against my rear, but then it was a pushing, my ass stretching wider with every thrust. I groaned in pain as it reached about half way before pulling back, then it was in. I made some pained noises as Cal twitched, giving short thrusts as he came in me, warmth spreading from the spot.

I relaxed for a second, thinking it was over, when there was a sharp, painful tug. The knot slipped out, followed by the rest. After fully out, Cal walked to my front again, cleaning himself off with a rag and grinning triumphantly.

"Get used to this, because you are my toy from now on." He laughed and walked away to the door, calling back over his shoulder, "And I may bring guests next time!"

I sat there as the light went dim again and sobbed, tears running down my face.