Did you just open a can of Rape-Sauce?

Story by Exulen on SoFurry

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"Hey Alex, got anything to eat around here?" The fox said to his best friend who was deep in a video game.

"There should be some tomato soup or something in the kitchen you can eat, as long as you don't make a mess." The rabbit responded.

The fox walk around to the kitchen, and he found the cans of soup. He set a pot on the stove and began hunting for the can opener. He cranked the can opener and he heard his friend exclaim as he finish a boss. He finished opening the can and was taking the metal disk off when a mass of tentacles smacked into his body and knocked him against the floor.

"ALEX!" He yelled in his panic.

"What?!" The rabbit yelped as he ran to his friend. "Aww, come on man. I was saving that can of rape-sauce for when I got a girlfriend or something. I had it specially imported from Japan! Why did you have to go and open it?"

"Alex," The fox said surprisingly calmly as the mass of red tentacles tore off his clothes and began their slimy accent deep into the fox's ass. "I did not mean to open it. It looks just like a tomato soup can, it was put in the spot with all the other soup cans, and one last thing," The tentacles lifted the fox into the air as he spoke, wriggling their moist mass against his growing cock. Some of the tentacles wrapped around his cock while one slipped into his urethra, and others grew up around his head and threatened to enter his mouth. "GET ME DOWN!"

Alex grumbled as the tentacle violated his friend's mouth and other orifices. "I'll see if I can find the package it came in." Alex searched the house for the box, not realizing that the tentacle where creeping up on him. He found the box the moment after the tentacle had entwined themselves between his legs. The tentacles had his clothes off in seconds. He read as fast as he could while the tentacles dragged him to the kitchen with his friend.

'Rape-sauce returns to a liquid state after 48 hours.'