Pleasant suprises: Ch 3 - Plans for the near future

Story by LuCkY25 on SoFurry

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Third chapter. Trying to make em a bit longer every time.

Same as every story, this probably makes more sense if you read the first chapter first.

By being here on this page, im going to assume you've read both of my other chapters.

Anyways, hope you like it!


Lucky was in the bathroom, in front of the mirror again.

But today, he wasn't staring at it out of boredom. He was making sure he looked nice for his guest. The guest whom he hoped would somehow make everything better.

Friends can do that. Can't they?

He remembered his old friends from High School:

Mikey, his best friend. He was a charmingly handsome Beagle, but he was too modest to admit it. They had been best friends since he had come to that high school in Grade 9. And he had never let Lucky down. Not even once.

Chris, someone who shared many of Lucky's interests. He was an excitable cat with long grey fur. He always went along with him to parties and things like rehearsals for the school musical (Which they both had always got main roles in), and they also both really liked parkour and freerunning. Neither of them had actually ever tried it though.

Harry, someone who he could talk to. A bright golden coloured lion, quite a similar colour to Lucky. If he was ever feeling sad, he could just come to Harry, and he would listen and offer advise.

These were the only 3 people who Lucky ever told certain information to. The only 3 people who he trusted enough to keep it a secret. The 3 people he knew would understand.

Sadly, Mikey was now over in America, guiding a large construction project.

Chris was currently working on a 'top secret project for the government'.

Harry was over somewhere in New Zealand cooking away in his very own restraunt.

But Lucky was here. Queensland, Australia. No work. No girlfriend. Nothing.

He hadn't really got back in touch with them after they left school. He would ring them every now and then just to see how they were doing, but all he really wanted was to hear thier voices again.

He studied his fur. The gold colour on his back, the golden-cream sort of colour on his front and that golden-brown colour on his ears. He liked being gold. It was probably his favourite colour.

Those deep brown eyes. He hated brown. He would much prefer blue, but they probably wouldn't go so well with his fur as the brown ones did.

And those annoying floppy ears...

He didn't like those one bit.

He couldn't prick them up to listen, all he could do was flop them back a bit so that he could hear a bit better.

People could never really tell if he was listening or not. This was pretty useful during school as it got him out of doing some work.

Otherwise he could see nothing good about them.

His gaze wandered down away from his face to his tail.

He swayed it to the right of his body so he could see it properly.

He ran his hand along it. It was a long, silky tail.

He liked it.

It may have been useless, but atleast it looked and felt cool.

Lucky liked to dress very basic.

A plain black shirt and a pair of white shorts looked fine. As long as the clothes matched, He looked pretty good in them.

Combing his fur, trying to get it straight, he wondered to himself...

"What's he going to look like? Will he be as nice as he was to me on the computer?" He hit a knot.

"Dammit." He said to himself as he eventually got the comb through it, leaving his fur a bit sore.

He continued to wonder as he finally finished combing and went downstairs to get breakfast.


"Ahhh toast.

Who doesn't love toast?

So simple yet so good...

Whoever came up with it deserves a medal or something."

Lucky had learned to appreciate the simplest things in life.

He always would stop and think about the most irrelevant of things, and admire thier beauty and purpose.

Excited about his guest, he turned on the TV and started to watch.

One of his favourite comedies were on. He loved watching people make jokes and get themselves into unfortunate situations and try the most ridiculous things in an attempt to get out.

For such a great day, it was starting off pretty ordinarily...

He coud fix that.


2 minutes later there was some of his favourite metal playing on the radio downstairs in the living room. Lucky had his guitar out and started to play along with the amp turned up rather high.

He hadn't done this for ages. But it was still fun.

He loved to listen to music.

Though he actually had very little idea how to play a guitar, he had taught himself notes and chords. When one of his favourite songs on the radio came on, he would try to keep up, rarely ever succeeding.

His favourite solo came on, and he turned up the amp with his footpaw, playing along enthusiastically.

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door.

Lucky had completely forgotten about his guest. But he hadn't actually specified when he would be coming over, so in a way it wasn't really his fault.

He quickly turned down the radio and put down his guitar and raced to the front door.

He was a little bit shocked at his sudden arrival, and was a bit nervous meeting him for real.

But here he was.


Lucky opened the door to reveal a black and white husky, about the same height as him, if not, slightly taller.

"Hi!" He said, not looking nervous at all.

"You must be..." Lucky didnt actually know his name.


"Oh well, ugh... ....good to meet you Desmond, I'm Lucky." He was still pretty nervous.

"Can I come in? Or are we just going to stand here and talk all day?" He mused.

"Oh, of course!" Said a slightly embarrassed Lucky.

"Nice place you got here. A bit big though, don't you live on your own?" Asked Desmond.

"Ugh yeah, my parents gave it to me, cause they don't really need it anymore..." Lucky said, not really wanting to talk about his parents.

"So. What do you do for fun around here?" Desmond asked, hinting that he wanted to go do something whilst talking, noticing that Lucky was a bit uncomfortable. "I have my laptop in the car? Want to play something?"

"Sure!" Lucky replied. He was much more comfortable talking while gaming.

While he waited for Desmond, he had a look at his car.

A nice, black sports car that looked like it may have even been convertible.

Lucky was impressed. He didn't look very rich? Maybe he really liked cars. That atleast gave him something to talk about with him. He liked cars too. He didn't really care for speed or fuel efficiency, but if he was going to have a car, he'd rather have one like Desmond's.

Desmond returned with a large black bag that almost resembled a briefcase.

"uhhh yeah, ummmm lets go upstairs, My computer is on my desk." He said as he led Desmond up the stairs.

Desmond looked around at his house. It felt way bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside. And all to one person? There was something else going on. But he didn't ask what.

Lucky booted up his computer while Desmond got out his laptop.

It was suprisingly big. A serious gaming laptop. He had a headset and everything with him.

"Nice laptop." Lucky commented.

"Yeah, it cost a bit, but I reckon it was worth it for the great graphics." He replied.

"I noticed you have a sports car?" Lucky asked.

He plugged in his mouse and his headset as he replied. "Yeah, its a convertible."

"I thought so." continued Lucky as he logged on.

"So uhh, Desmond..."

"Call me Des." He said, obviously trying to make himself seem as friendly as possible.

"Okay, ummm, Des..."

He couldn't think of anything to say.

"How is your life for you?" He asked, not really sure of what to say.

"Quite good." He replied happily. "I am making quite a lot of money where I am working. Enough so I could afford that car and this epic laptop."

"Where do you work?" Asked Lucky.

"I work for Channel 19. I'm not an actor like you, but I'm a producer."

Interesting. Lucky needed work. Maybe 'Des' would be able to get him on TV?

That would be so cool..

After an hour of talking and playing thier favourite game, Lucky decided that he really liked Desmond. He was comfortable playing and watching, as they teamed up and took down the entire other team by themselves.

This was a great day.

After another hour of playing, Lucky was starting to feel hungry.

He was so absorbed in thier game that he forgot about lunch!

After giving himself what he liked to call a 'Mental Facepalm', he went downstairs to the kitchen.

"What would you like for lunch?" He called.

"Ummm, do you have any bread?" He called back.

"Uhhh yeah, why? Do you want to make toast or something?" Lucky said, grinning to himself.

"Actually, yes." Desmond replied, coming down the stairs and coming into the kitchen.

"Ever had anything called 'French Toast' before?" he asked.

"I've heard of it. Never seen it though. Wanna show me how to make it?"

"Sure. Now you're going to need some of this..." He began, as he started searching through the cupboard.


Lunch was delicious.

Lucky hadn't ever thought about having toast for lunch, but this stuff was great. He wasn't really sure if it was fit for a meal, considering it was covered with cinnamon and sugar, but either way, he liked it.

He had learned a lot about Desmond. And he really liked him. Something felt right about him. He even felt like he might be gay for him, but he decided that that wasn't it.

They watched a bit of TV after lunch, though they weren't really paying attention as they were too busy talking.

In fact, Lucky had learnt more about Desmond in 1 day, than he had in a year about one of his other old friends Josh.

Josh was in a way, a passive friend. He would be friendly when it suited him. And though Lucky would try to learn about him, he always found a way to change the subject.

"Hey Lucky?" He asked.


"You doing anything this weekend?" He said, as though he was inviting him to something.

"Ummm nope. Why?"

"Your place is nice and all, but I would like to show you a place that I have all to myself."

"Your house?" Lucky asked.

"No. Somewhere special. But it might be quite a trip. Have you ever rode in a helicopter before?"

"A helicopter? Where would we be going that requires a helicopter to get there?" Lucky said, a little excited at the thought of flying in a helicopter.

"You'll see" He said.

It was thursday, so maybe he had to work tomorrow...

Now was a good chance to ask.

"Hey uhhh, you work at Channel 19?

"Uh huh." He replied.

"You think you could get me a job there? You know, something temporary, so I can pay the bills..." Lucky asked.

"I'm sure I can find you something." He said, even though he was hoping Lucky would ask, as he already had something in mind for him.

"In fact, how about I pick you up tomorrow at say... 8:00 AM?" He asked.

"8:00AM... Thats a bit early isn't it?" Lucky said, obviously being a fan of sleeping in.

Desmond laughed. "I'm sure you can make it. Wear something nice, but casual. You know, something comfortable."

Lucky couldn't believe it.

Work... at channel 19?!

What could Des possibly have in mind for him?

He couldn't wait to find out.

After another 3 and a half hours of blasting each other heads to pieces on their computers and laptops, Des decided it was time to go home.

"I probably have a ton of paperwork I have to catch up on..." Des said, trying not to sound rude.

"Its fine. Go home. We can still chat online." Lucky said, smiling widely.

This made Des smile in return. He liked Lucky. Maybe more than he liked anyone else. "That's probably not it..." He thought to himself as he packed up his laptop.

Lucky waved goodbye to the shiny black sports car as it drove around the corner. As much as he didn't want him to leave, it wasn't really up to him.

Time runs out. Things move on. That's life.

He wished it wasn't.

He wished he could have more time.

Lucky could treat himself to some takeaway, knowing that he had a job to go to tomorrow. He loved greasy burgers and fatty chips. Even though it sounded disgusting, he couldn't get enough of them.

Lucky wasn't fat. If anything, he was underweight. He doesn't know exsactly why, but it seems that he always burned off everything he ate.

He couldn't stand still.

He hated to sit.

He would eat standing up when he could.

And most of all, he loved to pace back and forth or around in circles.

It helped him think.

And it burned off everything.

"What was bad about that?" He thought to himself as he munched on a handful of salty fries.


He fell asleep satisfied, and somewhat full, considering what he had just managed to eat.

He wondered fir the 16th time that night what might happen tomorrow as he drifted off into a dream.

But this wasn't any dream.

This was the same dream he had been having for the past couple of nights, weeks maybe.

And each time, there was the black helicopter with the gold stripes. The colours of thier fur.

And each time, he fell short, slowly going down...

But tonight, it didn't feel like he was falling.

It was slower, like there was a resistance against his downward movement.

Almost as though he was in some kind of liquid that looked like air.

Almost as though he was sinking...


End of chapter 3.

I'll try to have Ch 4 out by some time tomorrow.

Until then, leave a comment, rate it, fav it and watch me (though I don't like the idea of being stalked).

Well, you don't HAVE to, but theres a little kitten out there that gets electrocuted every time you decide not to.

Do it for the kitty eh?

*No kittens were, or ever will be harmed in the making of any chapters past present or future.*

Pleasant suprises: Ch 4 - Just an average day at work

Fourth chapter. If you haven't read the first 3 chapters, make sure you read them first as the story probably makes more sense that way. ...

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Pleasant suprises: Ch 2 - Soaring through a concrete jungle

Second Chapter. If you haven't already, I would reccomend reading chapter 1 first. A story is always best told in the order it was written. Enjoy! ...

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Pleasant suprises: Ch 1 - Why is Lucky, Lucky?

_This is my first ever piece of writing, so feel free to tell comment on anything you think i should improve on._ _More chapters soon if you guys like it._ _I would like to first mention that this series has been inspired by the writings of...

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