Vagueness Makes The Griffoness Go Round
#1 of Inflation
Vagueness Makes the Griffoness Go Round
Rejection... It happened again, and to put it lightly, it pissed one Iria Pearlwind off to no end. THE Iria Pearlwind: Sole princess of the Pearlwind griffon tribe found in the distant jungles of Cleyria. The pearl-white griffoness, with golden beak and hand talons, and sky clad as all of her kind, growled to herself in an agitated tone, throwing her arms up into the air as her tail lashed behind her, her footpads stomping her along, "Ughhh!! I don't get it, damn it! That's the fifth drake of the tribe this week I tried to court myself with, and what happens?"
The plodding princess looked down with her striking brown eyes, cupping her breasts with her hand talons, "I get the same complaint! 'Oooh... look at the itty-bitty bee stings on you.' 'Nyaahh... Haven't you even hit puberty yet?' Grrrrrrrrah!! I'm sick of it!" In truth, she wasn't cupping much at all. Perhaps her reflections on what people said about her chest size were a bit off, as she did have more than "bee stings" as one previous suitor noted... but if anything, they were a B-cup at most, and compared to the other hens of the tribe, particularly those that weren't her, Iria was flat... to put it bluntly. The griffoness rolled her eyes, "Stupid fucktards... "
Over the course of an hour, accompanied by constant fuming bile mumbling from her beak, Iria entered what appeared to be an old set of ruins, hidden away over the centuries of the jungle's constant growth, yet the princess either didn't realize or even care too much. Eventually though, her angry state of mind was temporarily broken with a chirp, her gaze looking straight ahead with ear tufts perked in curiosity, "...What's that?"
No more than half a football field away; there stood a large statue of a naked, male anthrojackal, holding something shiny in its cupped hand paws. Iria raised an eyebrow, then smirked, "Shiny is good... Maybe it's some kind of trinket I can use to my advantage. Pay off some drake to get wed off. Yeah... I think I hit the jackpot!" Unfolding her wings, the white griffoness darted off to inspect. Her flight was fast, and it took mere seconds to find out just what this "shiny" was, and at first glance, her glee dissolved into fury again, a frown forming on her beak, brow furrowing, "Oh, what the fuck... A glass orb? Seriously? Stupid piece of shit..." She craned her head forward to gaze at the rather mundane-looking object, when another voice from all around her caught her by surprise, her feathers puffing out as she lead out a squawk.
The voice was male, and its demeanor was a dead heat scramble to out-arrogant the griffoness's arrogance, "Stupid piece of shit? How utterly colorful your language is, you feathered tramp..."
Iria's eyes widened at the voice's comment, which she could've sworn was coming straight from the glass orb she was hovering in front of with a constant, gentle flapping of her wings, "D... Did you just call me a feathered tramp?!"
The voice chuckled coldly, "Did I stutter? I could be nastier and call you something even more deplorable like-"
"SILENCE!!" With a thundering screech, Iria lashed out her right hand talon's open palm... going *SLAP!* against the sphere in the statue's hands and making it sail through the air and clatter to the ground. The surface cracked lightly as it rolled up against a nearby wall.
"Hoo hoo hoo... I think I got someone's feathers all in a ruffle. Time of the month, deary?"
"I swear... Whatever you are, if I got my hands on you, I would make your last moments a swift, living hell!"
A whistle came from the glass orb, "Temper, temper, flatty... All honesty, my ball aches, no thanks to your slap there. Could you do me a favor and give it a rub?"
Iria's beak dropped in shock at the rampant lewdness of the voice, "You... insolent...!"
Iria's beak was stuffed with words as the voice cut back, "Yeah, yeah, insolent creature. All that garbage. Tell you what, feather duster... You give my ball a good stroking and I'll make it worth your while. Djinni's honor!"
The reply surely made the griffoness eat her words, a shocked expression forming on her facial features. Her beak mouthed for the right thing to say, but it simply came out as "...Did you say 'djinni'?"
"By all the gods that are good and evil, you're awfully slow. Yes! I said 'djinni'!"
A big grin formed on the princess's beak. She would let the insults fly over her head, for now. She truly may have hit the jackpot to solve all her problems, "I do believe that fortune finally shines upon me. So I just have to rub your ball, huh?"
A haughty snicker came from the disembodied voice of the orb, "That's right... Rub it good and I'll give you a treat..."
"Very well, pig... I'll hold you to your claim." She bent over and picked up the glass ball, starting to rub at it furiously, "...But you dare to cross me and I'll make sure you pay."
"Yeah, yeah... Now, get strokin'..."
Much to Iria's dismay, her ball rubbing antics were getting her nowhere, and she was already at it for a good fifteen minutes. The voice of the djinni was letting off playful, lustful-sounding moans as her meaningless orb massage went on, and it only continued to make her agitation swell. The griffoness hissed, "I'm growing tired of this game, djinni!"
Between the moaning, the djinni laughed, "Oh? I'm sure not! I could do this all day! Mmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrr...."
"That's it, damn it!! Stop jerking me off!" The white griffoness was fed up, rage boiling over the proverbial pot as she made a big wind-up with the glass ball and threw it like a pro against the wall. The impact shattered the orb into shards that appeared to evaporate rapidly into teal-hued vapors almost instantly, which made Iria step back a bit, especially when she saw them coalescing together into a thick, fat fog about five feet in diameter, "Wh... Wha...?"
The fog pulsed and continued to compress together, slowly taking a humanoid shape, a rather large shape. A few moments later, the cloud took shape and there stood an eight-foot tall, teal anthrojackal, naked aside from a simple, red loincloth falling to his knees and not leaving much to the imagination. Unlike typical, thin-as-a-rail jackals, this guy was very muscular, yet oddly chubby as well. With a groan, he stretched his arms and legs a bit as he floated there, giving off a load of bone-cracking sounds, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~~ Much better... Can't believe how stiff and cramped you get when stuffed away in containment."
Iria blinked, then smirked, "I'm surprised they were able to stuff so much fat into a small thing like that orb."
The jackal blinked, and then looked over at the griffoness with a smirk in return, "My... You're awfully affixed on appearances, aren't you? Haven't you forgotten I'm a djinni?"
That last word made Iria's brain snap to attention again. That's right... He offered 'a treat' if she freed him, and being a djinni, that meant... "So how about that treat, like a nice trio of wishes?"
The djinni's smirk grew, "Three wishes, you say? Pfft... Sorry, but I'm not feeling so generous." He held up a single finger, "One wish... That's it."
The griffoness's beak dropped in exasperation, "Wh... WHAT?! One wish? That's it? Why?!"
The jackal chuckled with a shrug, "Number one: You slapped my ball. Number two: You weren't so good at a ball rub. You a virgin or something?"
Iria's nares and white-feathered cheeks reddened fiercely, beak clacking as she was thrown into speechlessness. The djinni hit her right on the beak with the comment, a very meek chirp coming from her, "...yes."
"I know a few reasons why, but no more joking right now, my dear... Tell me. Who are you and what's your name, girl?"
"My name? I... I'm Iria, princess of the Pearlwind griffon tribe."
"Oooooooh... A princess, you say? And a virgin, no doubt!"
"Can it, ok? I'm not exactly proud of it!"
The jackal chuckled, "Obviously not... All that aggression probably isn't helped with rejection. What makes you think you're turned away so much? What would make you the happiest?"
Iria's ear tufts sank, cupping at her small breasts, "I think it's because of these."
"You mean the fact that you're the head of the tribe's itty-bitty titty committee?"
The princess let out an angry, but embarrassed huff, "...To put it bluntly. So I get one wish from you, right?"
The djinni nodded, a smile forming on his muzzle, "Correct, no strings attached. I have a feeling I know what you're edging towards." With a flourish of his hand paws, a writing quill and parchment appeared in them, as if he was prepared to take notes. "Whenever you're ready, Miss Iria. Please begin with your wish."
Iria crossed her arms, tapping the tip of her beak with a fingertip, "Mmm..." With a deep breath for composure, she came right out with her wish request: "I'm sick of being flat. I wish to be bigger, so the tribe will finally take notice of me!"
The jackal sagely scribbled away on the parchment in illegible runes to most mortals, looking up at Iria every few moments as he wrote away, "Ok... So let's get this straight... No more being flat... Want to be bigger... Noticed by all..." He finished and looked right at her, as if staring into the griffoness's soul, "Last chance, my dear... Are there any alterations to the wish before I go ahead and grant it?"
The griffon thought long and hard for a bit, then shook her head, "No. That is my wish."
With a beaming, and rather unsettling-toothy smile, the djinni waved his hand paws, making the writing tools vanish. He leaned in and pointed a finger out on his right hand, the tip sparkling with golden energy, "Your wish is..." The arm reached out, giving Iria a firm, somewhat hard prod between the eyes. The griffoness couldn't see it due to the vantage point, but for a moment, a strange, yellow rune that gave off a strange caricature of a rounded figure before fading away in light sparkles, "...granted."
Iria stepped back at the hard prod, blinking and looking at herself. Nothing had happened. The griffoness's eyes narrowed as she glared at the djinni, "Hey! What gives? What happened to my wish?!"
"Good things come to those who wait, my dear. Just wait and savor in the results!"
Iria's anger was starting to percolate once more. She was gypped by the magical creature, and it wasn't helping her blood pressure much at all, "Now look h-" The griffoness suddenly went tense with a yelping squawk. A burning tingle began to flood her small mammaries, making her feathers bristle madly on end and her gaze to lock on her chest, "Aw... awwwwkkk~~?!"
With a heated moan, her hand talons trembled and reached to her breasts, which began to bulge up slowly between her digits. Her beak dropped in extreme awe, "M... my boobs...! They... They're swelling up!" A giddy giggle squeaked from her beak, the princess sounding like a spoiled child in a candy store, equipped with a thousand-dollar shopping spree and a massive sweet tooth... because she was telling the truth. Her breasts were swelling up, just as she hoped for. Already past C-cups, they continued to grow, growing more tender with each second... slowly passing a healthy D. A lustful purr rolled from her throat and chest as she closed her eyes... A few seconds more and her breasts finally stopped growing like a pair of buns in the oven. Her eyes opened and she was amazed with what she saw: her itty-bitty titties were now an extremely supple set of F's... bloated enough to have her teats puffed enough to perk through her chest feathers.
The griffoness gasped and purred, hand talons rubbing and smooshing at them, "Oh... oh my...!" She dropped to her knees and bowed her head, as if she wanted to kiss her benefactor's plump foot paws, "Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!"
The djinni chuckled, "My pleasure, princess. Now go and reap the rewards of my gift to you..."
She quickly nodded, springing to her foot paws and turning back to rush back to the village, a happy spring to her steps, "Matehood, here I come!" She glanced to her new, large breast size as she skipped along, taking note of an odd buoyancy and act of gravity-defiance by them, but she paid it no heed, "They don't even feel weighty. Talk about an efficient djinni! *urp...*"
The teal jackal watched the griffoness bound away, snickering and shaking his head, "It's a pity she doesn't know that the wish hasn't fully kicked in yet." He gave a shrug to himself, "She could've just wished for a handsome male for the rest of her days to spend with in happiness, but I suppose birdbrains can't process specifics so well. Oh well, time to see this plays out!" Not wanting to miss the full results of her wish and his application, the djinni floated in the same direction she left... Oh what hell has Iria brought upon herself?
Iria giggled happily as she skipped along the jungle, heading back for her tribe's village, "There's no way any drake will turn me down now back at the village. I'm sure of it!"
It was slowly striking noon, and as a result, the tribe's hunters were starting to head back towards home as well. One certain hunter named Nikran, a rather dashing, black griffon male, with steel gray beak and handtalons, was cleaning his spear after his last kill of the shift. Looking around as he did so, he froze upon seeing the approaching, oblivious Iria bounding his way happily. If there was one thing the hunter couldn't help though, it was staring at her chest, "...Princess Iria?" He shook his head, murmuring to himself, "No... It couldn't be. She didn't have breasts like that."
Iria barely caught that last sentence, stopping her happy skipping and looking over at the drake with a sultry purr, "...Nik? Is that you?"
Again, a thought to himself... "There's no way that can be her... She's too bubbly and pleasant." Unfortunately, the effects of seeing her breasts were evident as Nikran shifted in place uncomfortably, the naked griffon's sheath bloating lightly from arousal, "P... Princess..." The hunter quickly lowered to a knee and bowed his head in respect, a hand talon moving to cover his chubby.
Iria took note of the movement and grinned. The wish worked... She finally had her chance. The snowy griffoness smiled and padded closer, "Please, rise. I trust hunting has been going well today?"
Nik gave a rapid succession of nods, "Well! Very well...!"
A giggle escaped Iria, "There's no reason to be bashful, Nik... Tell me. Are you free?"
"Y... Yes, your highness. I just finished my hunt..."
"Good, because I had some big plans... and I think I want to spend some time with a hunky male such as yourself."
"R... Really? I'm honored..."
"No, no, hon... The honor's all mine. I-" Iria froze for a moment, blinking and shifting a bit in place as she felt a strange warmth wash over her... a warmth that particularly welled up in her bowels, a sensation not unlike what she felt in her breasts before they ballooned out from her wish. She shook her head and passed it off as nothing, "*ahem* Pardon me. What I was saying was I would love to spend time with y- *URRRRRrrrrrrrrp!*" The griffoness squeaked, her handtalons quickly moving to her beak and covering it, her nares and cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
Nikran blinked, then frowned at the belch from the princess, "...Yep. You still haven't changed."
Iria whimpered, "Excuse me." She let out an uneasy giggle, "Just some breakfast bubbling up, that's all."
There was a dead, awkward silence between the drake and hen as they looked at each other, until Nikran chuckled faintly, "Oh, what the hell... With you being the princess, I took you as the type who never burped..." The drake's chuckle grew, rubbing the back of his neck, only to twitch in surprise with perked eartufts when a sharp *PRrrrrrrrmp!!* trumpeted from behind the princess, the redness in her face growing. Nik cleared his throat, adding, "...or farted...?"
An uneasy giggle came from Iria, her eyes fraught with embarrassment from her gassy expulsions, "Um, aheheh, you know what they say, Nik. Hold in your gas and you just might blow up and float away!"
The black male snickered, looking back towards the direction of the village, not noticing the continually worsening fidgeting of the princess, "Oh gods... I remember when my grandmother would scare me with that when I was a fledgling. I could never get the idea out of my head that I'd blow up fat and round if I didn't pass my gas, but then again, it was just an old wives' tale used to children, right? I mean... Nothing could happen like that..."
** *FRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmpt!!***
Nikran blinked, rolling his eyes, "Ok, Iria. Breaking wind can be funny intermittently, but this is just getting-" He turned to face her, only to jolt in shock at what he saw, "-ridi...cul...ous...?"
To say the vision was odd was an understatement, but it was almost as if that old wives' tale was becoming reality for Iria. Her trim tummy seemed to be slowly widening out to the sides and pushing out on front of her in a strange buoyant manner, swelling lightly and larger with a little pulse each time. The princess was squirming, hand talons pushing at the strangely plumping tummy as she looked pleadingly at the ebon hunter, "N... Nikran...?! What's happening to me?! *BURRRP!*"
It was an awkward moment for Nikran. Part of him was horrified at the sight of the princess apparently swelling like a balloon, but the other part of him? That was evident with the raging erection growing to fullness between his legs, his own deep blush forming on his nares, "Aaaah... um... You're getting fat...?" *SLAP!!!* went a handtalon across his face as he continued to watch befuddled, "...That came out wrong."
" *URRRRP!!* D... Do something, you dolt!!" growled the griffoness, as she flailed her arms, her wish-gifted breasts now starting to swell again, past her hopes ever wanted them to be, starting to creep towards a proper duo of cantaloupes.
Nikran frowned, looking around frantically before straight back to Iria, "What do you expect me to do? I don't even know why you're getting fa-er... blowing up!"
A new voice cut in from behind the two griffons with laughter, one all too familiar with the princess who was still losing more and more of her trim frame with each second, her tummy already looking like she was full term with a pair of fledglings. It was the djinni jackal, "I think I have some 'splainin' to do..."
The bloating griffoness turned around, wobbling a bit off balance and thrusting a scolding, accusing finger at the djinni, "You're damn fucking right you do, djinni!! *FRRRRMP!!* What did you do to me?!"
"The answer's simple, deary! I granted your wish for you. What else?"
Nikran chirped and blinked, taking a step back, eyeing the jackal, then Iria again, "Wait... Djinni? Wish...?"
The chubby, teal jackal nodded with a beaming smile, "Uh-huh! That's right, big guy. I'm a djinni, and I grant wishes!" With a wave of his hand paw, a poof of lavender smoke burst from the hunter's hand talons, and a large, chocolate chip cookie the size of a Frisbee appeared in them, "Here! Have a cookie and enjoy the show!" With another wave of his hand paw, smoke billowed out from his own palms, a large bucket of butter popcorn appearing for his own consumption.
Nikran stared at the large, tasty cookie, then back at the djinni, "Oh... um... Thanks...?" Throwing caution to the wind, he raised the cookie to his beak and bit into half of it, "Mmmmmmm... that tastes good!"
Iria's eyes widened at the sight, " *BURRRRRRRP!!!* YOU TRAITOR!!!" She would've tried to swat her handtalon across Nikran's face again, but she instead reached back to her asscheeks, feeling them bulging out behind her, her swishing tail moving faster and faster in her growing anger, but even that seemed to be losing its fluidity.
The djinni stuck his tongue out at the growing griff'loon, "Oh hush. You brought this onto yourself."
Nikran tilted his head, "...What exactly happened?"
"A few things actually. For starters, she started the trouble when she saw the ball I was trapped in and slapped it off where it was held."
The griffoness belched, though they seemed to be getting weaker, wheezing as her facial features were starting to pudge out, "L... Lies!"
Nikran frowned a little, "...That does sound like her, alright. Iria has always been a bit of a hothead."
"Yep!" snickered the djinni, munching on some popcorn as he continued. "And then, in her rage, she picked up the orb I was in and threw it against the wall, shattering it and freeing me. While I was grateful for getting freed, boy, did that hurt like hell!"
Iria squeaked out a growl, feeling like she had to let out another fart, but a new issue for her started to rise: Her buttcheeks were bloating up like pumpkins, enough to trap her tailhole mostly shut, allowing for little to no escape! "D... Damn it, Nikran. Help me! *URP!*" It also seemed that her belches were getting shorter, as if it was some cruel by-product of the wish, a whimper coming from her, "Wh.... Why me?"
The jackal beamed over towards the swelling griffoness, "It's simple. You didn't word your wish very well at all."
"I did too!!" roared the griffoness, her beak opening for another belch, but nothing came. Just like her farts, they seemed trapped within her, her inflation now unhindered from any venting.
"Oh?" He waved a hand paw, having the notes he scribbled down appear in them, "Let me read off the exact wish... 'I'm sick of being flat. I wish to be bigger, so the tribe will finally take notice of me!' Tell me, do you see the problem here?"
Nikran cut in with a chirp, "That... didn't sound very detailed at all."
"Oh-ho... Definitely not, and unfortunately, that's the issue of being a djinni! When someone doesn't give specifics, we have to fill them in. A proverbial 'putting words into one's mouth'... or wish for that matter." He held a fist out at Nikran, "Bro-fist..."
The concept of a bro-fist confused Nikran, but he shrugged and complied, bumping his fist against the djinni's. He looked over to the griffoness, whose body continued to swell, particularly starting in her biceps and thighs now, starting to force her into a bit of a wide straddle and her arms to helplessly flap to her sides, "...She's not going to pop, is she? And... doesn't that hurt for her?"
The griffoness's speech began to muffle a bit as her cheeks and neck started to bulge up, "It hurts! It hurts like burning!"
The djinni rolled his eyes at Iria as if she was lying, an Iria who was starting to look quite chubby all over now, "Please... I granted the wish, and I know what it allows. Sure, I may be evil, but I'm more of a humiliation and a lesson-teaching fan... Death, pain and agony's so overdone!" The plump jackal gave a shrug, "Back to my explanation, she didn't give me much to work with, so I had to use my discretion. She didn't want to be flat... wanted to be bigger and noticed by her tribe... Then I got it, once I thought about her tribe's name: Pearlwind. So I thought about it fast and went, 'She's white like a pearl, so... I think I'll make her round like a pearl and extremely full of wind! ...Or in this case, hot air.' Proper critical thinking, don't you agree?"
Nikran scratched his head in thought, then nodded, "I believe so." He bit into his large cookie again, which seemed to be conveniently regenerating over time... something he didn't mind one bit, since it tasted so good. "So you're saying the lesson learned here is-"
The djinni chuckled, finishing the quote, "Vagueness made the griffoness go round! Or... well... she will be round eventually once the wish is fully complete..."
Iria growled, trying to waddle over at the djinni, barely keeping on balance as her stance widened and her foot paws began to plump up nice and round, splaying her toes apart, "I couldph ringhh your neckph... bophh of you..." She tried to reach out with her swelling, stubby arms to do what she threatened, only to find she couldn't make purchase around her bloated form, which was starting to resemble a large, white weatherballoon... no, a pearl, just as the djinni advertised. That is... if a pearl that had chubby, conical arms and legs, a thick tube-like tail, a puffy head, and boobs... massive boobs. It also didn't help that her hand talons here fattening up like inflated latex medical gloves, forcing the overlaying yellow scales to strain and stretch apart to accommodate the growth.
Nikran couldn't stop staring as he munched on the regenerating cookie, "...She looks awfully fluffy and cuddly like that... like the biggest pillow I've ever seen."
The djinni laughed, "It sounds like you're enjoying this a bit too much."
The drake chuckled bashfully, averting his gaze from the others, "Aheh... I... I suppose... It's definitely surreal."
The princess-turned-parade-float squeaked as she found her bloated foot paws losing their firm grip on gravity, as it appeared the gas filling her was making her buoyant, "AAPPPHHHH!!! HELLLLPH!!!" Her speech was becoming more and more hindered as even her tongue was plumping up a bit in her beak, her basketball-sized cheeks and tire-like neck smooshing at her hard, hook-tipped maw in an attempt to close it shut. Even her eartufts and eyes were ballooning up somewhat comically from the pressure... just in time for the griffoness's inflation to finally subside. Well, that was a relief... albeit a short-lived one, as her form, approximately seven feet in diameter at the waist, began to drift upward, bouncing against branch after branch of the jungle's trees, "NNKRNNNPPHHH!!!" Her chubby wings flapped madly, only making the ascent worse as she spun and tumbled out of control.
Nikran blinked, unable to tell if he was amused, intrigued or terrified about the princess's plight as he looked upward to watch her slowly float up out of the trees' palms. He jumped a bit as the djinni poked him on the side, making him jump with a squawk, "ACK!!! Hey!"
The teal jackal snickered, "Oh, calm down. I'm not going to blow you up like her, unless of course you wish that to be true..."
"...Wish it?"
"Yeah... Another lie I gave her. Those two wishes I took away from her? I still have them, and since you were such a good sport, I think I'll grant you them."
"You don't say..."
"Yep!" With a flourish, the jackal summoned up his parchment and writing quill again, "I'll give you some time to think about it, but fire away when ready..."
Meanwhile, back at the Pearlwind village on the coast...
"Mommy, mommy! Look up there in the sky! I see a funny cloud!" chirped a young, bright-eyed, female fledgling, holding onto her mother's hand talon as they wandered through the village marketplace as she pointed upward.
The mother, a plumper hen, chuckled warmly as she looked down to the young girl, "Oh, honey, a lot of clouds are funny looking. What's so special about it?"
"Um... well... it's big... and puffy... and round."
Curious, the mother glanced upward, which most of the griffons in the marketplace were doing. Off in the distance, there was an odd, round, white object slowly floating upward, its form seeming to give off a cloud-like fluffing effect. "Odd... It seemed to be floating up out of the trees..."
An older male with a fishing spear slung over his shoulder, scratching his scarred beak, "I wouldn't worry about it so much. It was probably just a large geyser in the jungle belching up a large cloud of vapor. Happens all the time. I will say that it's one of the larger and thicker expulsions I've seen though."
The village watched the ascending "cloud" go higher and higher until it appeared to vanish into a large cloud bank. Seeing that, the villagers gave a collective shrug and began to go about their business... One thing the villagers could note though was the heavens gave out a strange, ominous boom like thunder... with nary a dark cloud in sight.
With a shrieking gasp, Iria woke up in the darkness of what appeared to be a tent's resting quarters, huffing and puffing in fright, feathers fluffed out in panic, "NO!!!" Her hand talons started to frantically feel all over her body, doing so for quite a few moments before stopping with a sigh of relief, "...Oh, thank the gods. It was just a bad dream..." Something felt off though... Again, her hand talons began to browse her body again in the dim lighting of the room, particularly her chest. "Wh... what...? My breasts... They... They're..." The talons gave an upwards heft, finding that she no longer had her little bee-stings, but instead had the large, generous melons she had wished for the lucid dream. The princess let out a confused, but not-entirely-unpleased purr, "...big. Really big." She gave herself and her large breasts a big hug, "Mmmmmmrrr..."
"Iria? I heard you scream... Is everything ok?" It was Nikran.
"AWK! N... Nikran?! Why are you-" She quickly covered up with a blush as the ebon griffon padded inside with a lantern in hand.
"Here?" The hunter chuckled, padding over and stooping down beside her "You're in my tent, Princess. You sure you had a dream?"
The griffoness gave him a scrutinizing eye, "Explain yourself... fast."
"That dream you had... well... it happened earlier today. It was no dream. You really blew up like a balloon and floated away."
"Then how do you explain your larger breasts?" suggested Nikran, pointing at her new, bountiful chest.
"Um..." Again, Iria looked down and hefted them, "...Well..."
"The djinni never meant to let you die, but... those two wishes he took away from you? He gave them to me."
"The fact is, Princess Iria, I'm a bit shallow in that I like a girl with a nice chest, and when I saw you earlier, I was amazed by your looks. You were gorgeous."
Iria's anger faded mostly, a blush forming on her nares, "Oh, um... R... Really?"
"Yeah. So my first wish after you popped up in the clouds? I brought you back to be alive, with the larger breasts you so desired, mainly because I... I want to be with you. I'd be honored if you'd accept me as your mate."
Iria blinked, giving the drake a long stare. She then realized something... He did nothing to help her during her actual plight, and it was NOT a dream! With a growl, the griffoness lashed out her hand talon and gave Nikran a hard slap in the face, "You asshole..."
Nikran winced a bit at the slap, chuckling uneasily, "Um... about the second wish..."
"Who gives a shit about your second wish, y- *URRRRRrrrrrrp!*" Quickly, the griffoness whimpered, clutching her beak with her hand talons, that all-too-familiar warmth threatening to flood all over her form. "Wh... what? Oh no..."
"Yeah... That second wish. It's something I wished for to help keep your explosive attitude in line."
Iria's eartufts flattened, a light *Frrrmp* escaping her, "Oh gods, no..."
Nikran chuckled, perhaps in a bit of a sinister tone, "Trust me... it'll help your standing with your people... I hope. I have a little triggered curse on you, in which you'll inflate into helplessness if you let your snooty demeanor or anger overtake your better judgment."
The princess's brow furrowed greatly, her arms crossing as she could feel her stomach beginning to swell up again, very very slowly, "...You ass."
The hunter chuckled bashfully, "I know it's a bit cold, but the djinni did say it wouldn't be as bad as before. No floating away or popping for that matter. He even said it might go away over time."
Iria growled out a burp and slapped Nikran hard again across the face, feeling her stomach bulge out a bit faster, "I'll say it again. You. Are. An. Ass."
At least Iria did have her wish come true...
On the other hand... it surely wasn't perfect...