Fallout:New origins

Story by Terraphage on SoFurry

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This is pretty much the first story I have ever written for public viewing and by far the longest for me. It may not be as long as other stories but I find that I am unable to write huge amounts, so a lot of this story, if I ever complete it (I find it difficult to follow through with things), will be in numerous chapters. I thought by writing about something I enjoy and are familiar with (Fallout 3)I could get a little extra motivation. Everything may seem a little strange at the start but it should clear up later in the series of stories. Provided I finish. I probably won't, but still, maybe. There will be little in the way of anthro-creatures in the first part, however they will be introduced in past 2 and become more frequent in part three....Constructive criticism is welcome (Also need some suggestions for the name of the series.). Thnx J(This entire story is based upon my uber fallout 3 character) So part 1 I call: New origins

 The distant sun was setting; casting an eerie orange glow across the wasteland amidst the still shadows... a lone figure was perched on top of a sand dune lying prone, almost invisible against the sand completely oblivious to two different things that were watching him. There was a quick flicker as the image blurred out, then returned. A gust of wind swept up a ripple of sand in the bottom right... no, focus!  The scope panned right towards the wreckage of a burned out bus. A pair of cold lips mouthed,

"Where are th-"

The sand shook, there was a small grunt behind him.

 The man rolled to his right with lightning speed, narrowly avoiding a massive razor-sharp claw that crashed into the sand whipping up a cloud of dust. He tightened his trigger finger as he rolled and blind-fired his sniper rifle into the space of air above him where he knew the thing's head was. The bullet connected with the creature with a sickening thud as the man jumped to his feet and dropped the rifle. The man desperately fumbled at his waist to release another weapon as the dazed creature stumbled about wildly swinging at the air around him. The creature regained its senses and swung at him again, meeting only a blazing length of steel held at the ready. A maniacal grin crossed the man's face. "You're fucked now." He whispered as the startled creature drew back it's claw for another attack. The man charged at the creature with his sword like a crazed berserker, slashing at it wildly with a lack of personal safety that would make a barbarian warrior embarrassed.

 After unsuccessfully blocking most of the man's blows using its claws and hands to little avail, the creature finally got a swing in. The man ducked under the deadly mass of razors that almost seemed to buzz overhead. It was such a thrill to be this close to death, merely centimetres away from certain demise, to laugh in the face of death itself and spit in its face with a total lack of respect. With a mighty cry he thrust the sword directly into the belly of the beast, forcing it into the softer, exposed flesh.  The monster froze and stood ridged as a bubbling red liquid oozed from the wound. The man ripped his weapon out of the beast, sending a spray of blood through the air, and sheathed it with one fluid spinning movement as the beast toppled over behind him whipping up another dust cloud.

 There was a flash of movement by the bus; the man dived for his gun as a loud crack ripped the air. There was the all too familiar but nether the less welcoming sound of a bullet whizzing overhead. Welcoming in consideration that it was a miss. He raised the rifle as his mind worked in overtime.Scan right, up, right, fire! Right, down, fire! Right, fire! All targets quickly crumpled to the ground and lay still as crimson pools spread out around them staining the blank waste-landscape.

 The man stood up and casually scratched the stubble on his chin for a second before strolling over to the old bus. Two men and a woman lay dead, garbed in makeshift armour mostly comprised of kitchen objects that reflected the sun on the occasional clean patch, car tools and parts covered in patches of dried oil and random scraps of leather messily sewn together. Each had a pool of blood forming around their heads and soaking into the sand.

 He checked their pockets (or the closest things they had to them) and made a small pile of the bottle caps he found and put them in a small pouch on his waist before trudging up the hill to the corpse of the deathclaw. Its ridged head stared blankly into the sky. The man followed its gaze into the air.

 He looks up. But we do not fear. We shall wait. We have patience. We will have him soon enough...

 He wearily picked up a heavy leather backpack from beside a rock and hung it over his shoulders.

 "I'm too old for this shit." He said slowly walking away. He paused as he looked down at his strong fit body.

 "Fuck off I am!" He chuckled before heading off into the sunset...


 Sean sat at an old plastic table in a cold room drinking from a large pint glass half full of beer and twirling a knife about in his fingers. The only source of light was a lopsided window set into the rusted corrugated iron wall.

 There was a low click before light flooded his eyes as the door opened. Sean glanced at the newcomer, and holding his knife by the blade, tossed it with deadly precision.  The man's hand quickly flew from his side and caught the switchblade between a thumb and his forefinger.

 "Not now Sean, I'm too tired for these little games." Said the man placing the knife back on the table.

 "David. It's about time you got back." Sean rumbled in a low tone, standing up as his demeanour changed quickly from fat-ass drunkard to jolly Santa-clause, throwing up his arms in welcome and giving a warm smile.

 " So how fare thou, mighty warrior and your valiant quest?"

 "Cut the shit Sean." David replied managing a weak grin and un-slinging the bag and sniper rifle from his back.

 "It's nice too see you too." Sean laughed.

 "I'm not sure about this quest you're talking about, but got the meat you wanted." David said as he unhooked his bag." Gave me slightly more trouble than usual though." He pulled out a huge hunk of raw Brahmin meat.

 " Oh, was it raiders again?" Sean asked returning his bulk to his small plastic seat and twiddling with his knife.

 " And a deathclaw." David replied with a small smile.

 "Bull. Sure you did. I suppose you killed this one with your bare hands again did you?" Sean retorted.

 "No, I valiantly slew the foul beast with a deft slash of my mighty blade, sending it back to the fiery depths of hell from whence it came." David replied with a smile heading towards the stairs.

" Oh, by the way you can have your rifle back. It's not flexible enough for me." He called down the stairs behind him. David swung open the pale green door to his room and threw himself onto his bed and lay there, thinking. Thinking about life in general.  Just thinking and drifting into sleep...


David stirred a little in his bed, snuggling down into the warmth only half awake. Something was a little off this morning. It was warm. Too warm. He was covered by a couple of thick warm duvets. Comfortable duvets. Warm air flowed about the room.

 " What the fuc-"A loud shrill buzzing cut the air like a knife. His highly trained reactions kicked into effect as David jolted upright in a desperate flailing struggle against the heavy duvets before throwing them off, gasping for air and staring at his surroundings.

 He was inside a medium sized windowless room with dull metal walls that made him feel a little claustrophobic. The parts of the room that were not a steel-grey were painted a sickly yellow colour. He was sitting in a warm bed. There was a small box vibrating violently and buzzing on a table beside the bed. David just sat there panting, unsure of how to react. What was this place? It looked like vault 101, but no, it couldn't be, could it? He slapped the button on the top of the alarm and it ceased its shrill spasming. David scratched his chin thoughtfully. There was something else wrong. He ran his fingers over his smooth chin. Smooth? Did he shave maybe? He slapped himself. Not just to make sure he wasn't dreaming, but to remind him of how stupid he was being.

 "I just woke up in a vault and all I can think about is shaving?"

 He spun around as he heard a loud swoosh sound from behind him. A young man came rushing in through the sliding door panting and gasping for air.

 "David, huh, huh, its' your, huh, your dad." The boy stammered.

 "He, he just went crazy, he just started shooting people!" The boy keeled over gasping for breath.  

 "Yeah, um, I'd like to help and all," David started, "but first things first, I don't know where I am or how I got here, and for the record my dad is dead, alright? I saw him die myself right before my eyes, two years ago, and-"

" This is no time for jokes goddammit!" The boy screamed red faced.

" My mother is looking for you, the officers will be here any second to kill you, and you're asking questions!" He continued. David looked at the boy with a confused stare.

 "Who are you kid?" David asked calmly.

 "David, I am Amin!" Yelled the boy putting his hands on David's shoulders.

 "AMIN!" He yelled again shaking David. David froze.

 "What year is it?" David asked, panicking slightly on the inside, but retaining a calm tone.

 "2277, wha- you should know that! Arrrh!" Amin yelled tugging at his hair.

 "You need to go, now! Your dad has left the vault somehow! I don't know anything else, but you're going to be in some serious shit if you don't get out now! You have to follow him!" Without waiting for another warning David sprinted out the door and down the corridor to the right.

 As he ran he tried to make connections.

 "Amin... Amin as to Amata, my old friend in the vault, except she was a woman, Amin's mother is obviously the overseer, as Amata's father was... so Amata is now a guy and the overseer is a woman..." David tried to run everything through his head while resisting the urge to stick his hands down his jumpsuit to make sure everything was where it should be.

 As he ran he felt fortunate that he had kept up his fitness when he was young. Younger that is. Only two years ago. He looked out for specific signs as he sprinted down the corridor.

 "Reactor chamber... living area... Overseers office!" He exclaimed with a smile.

 He took a right and ran straight into a man in uniform. He was wearing a blue jumpsuit, darker than David's, a white police-type helmet and was brandishing a nightstick in a threatening way.

 "Got you now you little bastard!" He yelled, and without warning swung his weapon wide. Everything seemed to move in slow motion for David as his adrenaline levels skyrocketed, boosting his reaction levels tenfold. David quickly spun left, catching he guard's weapon in his right hand before he was able to get any momentum with it, and kicked forward into the officer's stomach. The quick flurry of movement was over in about half a second. The man released his weapon and keeled over forward as David ran past, weapon in hand. Holding the handle on the side, David spun the police baton a few times to get the feel of it.

 "Hey, stop you!" Came an angry yell from a corridor to his right as an officer followed in pursuit. David grinned as an idea came to him, purposely slowing a little to let the officer get to within a couple of meters behind and matched his speed, as he ran for a doorway which was slowly closing.

 "I hope I can still do this." David thought as the door closed further.

 "You'll never make it you prick!" Came another angry call from behind him. David smiled. He wasn't intending to make it. With a great yell, David ran straight up the door, curled up into a tight ball and flicked his body backwards into a small flip, then facing downwards he placed his hands on the door and kicked backwards into the officer with all his strength. Both feet hit the startled man square in the upper torso, sending him hurtling away from the door and crashing into the ground head first, knocking him out. David fell on the floor feeling a little dizzy and sore.

 "Got to keep practicing that." He thought as he stood up picking up his dropped weapon and followed the direction of the sign labelled: Overseer's office.

 After evading half a dozen security guards by sticking to the shadows, David slipped through the door to the office. There was nobody in the room. A computer terminal sat on the desk in the middle. David rummaged through the desk drawers hoping to find something of use. He reached into the back of the last drawer and felt something cold and metal. He smiled. This was his lucky day. He pulled out from the back of the drawer, not a 10mm pistol like he had last time he fled the vault, but a pair of .44 Magnums and about 50 rounds. It did not have a scope, like most magnums he found, but then again a Magnum looked better without a scope. David had hoped that he could use stealth to avoid any further confrontations, but now he had a funny feeling that there was going to be a shootout of kinds approaching. That was the way things worked for him. Incredible coincidences and such.

 David started the computer terminal, and without waiting for a prompt, typed in 'AMIN'. He knew that was the password. In this crazy fucked-up alternate world he was in everything had a counterpart. So if the real-world password was Amata, this one was Amin. The computer beeped in confirmation and displayed a menu. He selected 'OPEN OVERSEER'S TUNNEL' and stood back as the desk started shaking and lifting, revealing a dark secret tunnel beneath. David charged into the darkness brandishing his two fully loaded .44's with his trigger fingers ready for action.

 The metal tunnel soon turned into a rocky cave as the walls, roof and floor were replaced by rock.  "If my memory is still correct..." David thought, "then I should come out at the main entrance chamber." David approached a wall at the end of the tunnel with a small yellow switch beside it. Without a second thought he slapped the switch down. The wall started shaking violently and a loud beeping noise filled the air.

 "So much for being stealthy." He muttered as the wall slid to one side.

 The sight before him shocked him slightly. Right there, in front of his eyes, was the vault door. Wide open on the other side of the chamber. David's face changed from a look of shock to almost amusement in an instant. He managed to stifle a small laugh. It was so obviously a trap. David held his guns ready.

 "Time for some more acrobatics practice." He thought. David ran straight for the door. Instead of going around the rail in front of him and down the shallow ramp to the left, he ran straight for the rail.

 Sure enough, as soon as he had stepped out, numerous security officers stepped out from behind support columns and corners with guns readied. David ran straight at the rail while the guards tried to come to terms with where he was. David jumped up at full speed onto the rail and propelled himself off into the air with guns pointed in his general direction from all sides. Slowly pitching forwards, adrenaline coursed through David as he picked targets in front of and to the side of him. He fired at them with lethal accuracy, wasting no ammunition. The heads of two guards to his front-left exploded in a bloody shower as did one in front and to his right.

 Bullets whizzed about him as David fell into a roll and quickly got back to his feet swiftly. Pivoting on one heel, David spun around backwards picking off any stragglers he had missed as he span and fell roughly on his ass. David stood up and brushed himself down, marvelling at his handiwork.

 "Headshot times eight in a row, three seconds," He said smiling. "That's got to be worth at least ten bazillion points." A huge smile passed over his face as the seriousness of the situation was quickly forgotten and he turned around towards the giant vault doorway. As he walked out and down the tunnel to the open wasteland his smile faded.

 "I'm going to have so much shit to sort out now." He thought as questions floated about in his head.            "How did I get here? Why am I here? What the fuck has my dad done now!?"

...We are watching...