A Mad, Mad, World - Chapter 2 Love and Hate...

Story by The Wandering Writer on SoFurry

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#2 of A Mad, Mad, World

Ch 2: Love and Hate..

-Well second chapter up finally. Sorry for anyone interested in my work for the somewhat long wait.. Also only adult really because of torture at the end.. Not too bad but wanted to be safe =p. Anyways enjoy!

Still having his newly found friends in mind, Ruuk was outside. Finally getting out of the cramped and depressing atmosphere of dread that is the building he was just in. He had a fresh pine smell flow through his nostrils having finally breathing in fresh air as he walked down into a dusty warehouse where behind them a huge quarry was placed. The forest was beyond the quarry and in front of the forest, a barrbed wire fence that seemed like it was coarsing with an electrial current as it sparked out energy constantly.

The group he accompanied earlier finally made it to the warehouse where there was a large pile of old and new pickaxes and shovels for them to work with.

"Alright listen up we just got a batch of 'fresh meat' so to speak." one guard said while standing on what looked to be a podium, getting everyones attention while pointing and waving his hands around representing that he was talking about Ruuk's party.

"You will all be assigned to a random inmate and put to work. One will grab a pick, the other the shovel and so on." Making sure everyone got his attention he kept trying to address everyone accordingly.

"Well you damn freaks hurry up and get to work!" His mood quickly vanishing and returning to that 'tough guy' sort of assertiveness.

Ruuk was surprised when he was assigned to his first soon to be friend, Leera; as was explained by a guard who shoved him a pick into his paws finding it heavy for him to almost carry, he slinged it over his shoulder for comfort. Heading on the other side of the warehouse where the entrance to the quarry was. Searching for her he kept wandering off in the efforts of finding her eventually.

Leera smiled seeing Ruuk who said,

"Hey! Over here. This is where we are assigned hurry up slowpoke!" she playfully said as she was waving to him.

Ruuk turned around seeing her with all of her beauty and those piercing blue eyes cheerfully eyeing him. He shyly waved in a short motion back and forth a couple of times and headed his way towards her.

Leera was the first to respond to Ruuk saying,

"Sorry about before how I kinda got you in trouble.." she said as she kicked a nearby pebble.

Ruuk not wanting to worry her and still very shy but alarmed she cared said,

"No...worries.It's no biggie.."

Silence surrounded them both feeling that they got off on a wrong start. Leera thought of breaking the 'ice' so to speak by saying,

"Wow.. So hey how was your first breakfast here huh?" Leera said as she readied her shovel in her hands awaiting for Ruuk to start picking into the clay like earth.

"Besides the serving lady creeping me the hell out." he responded with a shiver that ran across his spine and effected his fur on his body also."Just fine! But next time I'm sure to ask for something else on the menu with a lot more taste!" saying with a big smile as he showed his pearly white canines to her with his answer, feeling a little bit better than before.

Leera responded with a giggle with her tails swaying back and forth to his answer, which Ruuk found kinda cute as he enjoyed her attention.

"Well good luck with that because we are having it for dinner too, but i wish we had more variety.. Also, if we had a nicer serving lady we probably could stomach the food given." she said as she lightly tapped the nose of the shovel into the ground indicating that she wanted Ruuk to finally start.

Ruuk finally catching on said, "Oh sorry." Started picking at the clay as she shoveled it onto a minecart that was led onto some tracks that was brought to another pair of working furs and so on.

"So do you remember.." Ruuk said.

"Huh? Remember what?"

"Well, how you got here anyways.." Still very shy in both questioning and responding to her.

"Hmmm lets see not much."

"I was examined by lots of other people in white, probably scientists and they all did tests on me as such. It's still very hazy.. I can't remember really."

Being defensive Ruuk resonded back with "Did they examine you closely like well you know..." still very embarrissed in speaking with her and also blushing red under his fur, looking away for a second as he said his comment.

Catching onto what he said as they were working said "Oh no! No! Nothing like that!! It was more like blood tests and such, you know that sort of thing." being careful about what to say to him but yet admiring and respecting his chivilary towards her, putting a smile on her face.

Being naive Ruuk let out a sigh, "Oh good I'm glad!" as he picked at the earth yet again for its resource.\par \tab But little did Ruuk know that she remembered all too well what really happened. She was contantly taken advantage of when some of the other perverted scientist's colleagues weren't looking; her being powerless to the fact, tried to fight back but to no avail. She hoped being transferred to another facility would change that, so far she has been safe...

Feeling kind of depressed in thinking about it she repeated back to Ruuk with almost the same answer with " Well do you remember what happened before with you?"

Ruuk thought deeply to her question in saying "Well yes and no."

"Why's that?" being kind of curious of his answer.

"Well..." pondering about what happened.

He explained to her about how he was in a medical gown and everything else that happened to him .

"Was that all? I wonder who those people were in the window on the platform?"

As she was thinking to herself and shoveling away, Ruuk thought about what happened even later after the blinding light....

He opened the door to a white blank hallway the florencent lighting wasn't helping him see at all with his eyes trying to adjust. Ruuk kept walking steadily towards what looked like a bathroom decieded he needed to take a break and at least splash some cold water on his face.

He went into the bathroom noticing only a few stalls of a dark green color and chrome sinks with mirrors, and urinals of chrome as well.

Walking towards the nearest sink and turning the faucet on he stared at his reflection in the mirror as he splashed the needed water onto his furry face rubbing it into his fur for comfort. Still parcially shocked about the whole ordeal.

"What the hell and why the hell did i turn like this?" still staring at himself in an endless gaze.

He then finally was lost in his emotions and fell on his knees as he had his head in the bowl of the sink and tears started to produce in his eyes.

"Why oh why friggin me? Like my life isn't any complicated already!"he said as he made a fist with his paw and pounded the sink over and over constantly pitying himself. Recalling what he remembers before his transformation..

He only had vauge memories of him being abused and pushed by his step father to be successful in his life; he never was able to see his real father never knowing what really happened to him. His mother on the other hand, tried to comfort him constantly never really letting 'go' easily, especially when he was an adult.

The father always pressured him to make him strive when he just wanted to have a normal life always going to his room alone with only reading and solitude to comfort him. Only to make matters worse; it was bad enough that his little brother was killed at the age of 5 ,when he was only 15 at the time he blamed himself constantly for still to this day that he was to blame for his death; that was just the beginning of his spiraling depression...

With not having very many friends, no one barely knew about him besides him being in the honors society in college and in high school. He could never really have a social life, all they came to him for was for a shoulder to cry on and for someone to talk to since for him it came natuarally and that he always aspired to be a psychologist.

It was very hard to have an overprotective mother and a hard ass of a step father always discouraging you constantly, and aside from that it was always work,work,work; his only escape was within books and in effect to all this he never had a girlfriend and still was a virgin never had a first kiss,nothing just being in a shallow exsistance of nothingness and sorrow; aside he never really had the courage to ask anyone out anyway because of his insecurity, his parents definitly to blame.

The last thing Ruuk remembered when he was human, he driving alone at night on a windy and rainy night going home from college on the freeway.

Bursting into tears, the droplets running down his cheeks he said aloud,

"I can't take it anymore!!!"

Suddenly he drives into the opposite lane of traffic and eyes a large semi as he accelerates more and more..

He then hears the loud obnoxious horn from the incoming truck as he makes his way into colliding with it.

Quickly, he turns the wheel in time avoiding collision with the large vehicle, making him hypervenilate.

Gasping for much needed air, he pulls out onto the side road and stops the car quickly getting out.

"Coward, I'm a fucking coward! Why couldn't I do it!! What's the goddamn point anymore no one could care less about me! " He says as he repeatedly hits his head with his hands, because of another failed suicide attempt.

Calm now, he goes back into the car and as he sat down in the driver's seat he made his head collide with the steering wheel of his car as he says,

"Fuck.." as tears started to flow once again...

Hands trembling as he started the car, he drove off. He decieded that he should take the long way home, needing the much needed composure for himself about the resent event.

Thinking of his selfishness of his suicide, he can at least be happy for his mother who really is the only person on this earth who innitially gives a damn..

He was almost home when he saw a man trying to walk the street on the other end of the crosswalk.

After making eye contact;he motioned his hand, signaling the pedestrian to let him walk he started to walk while he drove on

Halfway across the street the pedestrian then stops in the middle of the crosswalk wanting to get hit by the car. He swerved accidently accelerating into a tree, losing conciousness, thereafter .. His only images was him being ripped out of his car, onto a strecher, and into a mysterious black van. He was then forced to breathe onto a rag soaked with chlorophyll, which knocked him out thereafter...

Now thinking about the present situation, he lifted his face from the bowl and his eyes puffy from the crying he did; he splashed more water on his face and then saying to himself trying to stay postive saying aloud,

"At least I'm morphed into something as proud as a wolf!" being now kinda more upbeat about the situation. He then said,

"Pfft,ya 'proud' exactly what I needed.. Self confidence in myself.." looking himself at the mirror again.

"Ya, I need that now.. No more tears. I need the optimism right now.." bringing himself out of his depression

"Well... they did said I was perfect, a success in every way, shape and form..Wait..." thinking about what they meant he then had a cold feeling go down his spine about it and yelled "Oh god!!!!"

He immediatly took his paw and grabbed his crotch and felt around hoping it was there and was ultimatly relived in doing so.

"Whew that was a relief". Then smiling and patting his manhood he thought he lost in his transformation.

Summing up the courage to leave; he turned off the faucet and started motioning his way towards the door. Once opened, he started his way down the hall.

Being careful not to get caught he, peered around corners to check who was there. Being lucky so far not encountering someone, he continued on.

His luck finally ran out when he heard a loud siren like noise being rung, he knew he was caught not being in the examining room at the time someone noticed, he started running down the hall only running on addreniline now..

Huffing and puffing as he went right and left down endless corridors of doors. He then saw some humans in black combat attire at the other end who finally saw him yelling out,

"There he is after him!!", one said running after him with looked to be a taser of some sort in his hand.

Ruuk thinking he can run back in hopes of losing sight of his pursuers, turned around quickly and ran back the way he came.

The door he was then facing had more guards who were ready to apprehend him, blocking his only escape the other guards in black finally caught up with him.

Panicing, he struggled trying to break through the mob but was then tazed behind him feeling a sharp pain and making him fall on his knees and was finally apprehended. Only remembering him being punched in the face as he clearly gave into the guards; was knocked out cold..

Fading in and out with the only audible words being,

"Ruuk.....Ruuk...Ruuk..." from an all to familiar voice.

Ruuk awake from his daydream as Leera exclaimed, " Are you listening to me?" saying with concern, "Are you okay." she said as Ruuk shook his head to focus on her question.

"Well definatly better now! Thats for sure!" holding back his tears as he still thinking about before the transformation he then dawned on a question to her.

"Do you remember.....Well besides the examination what happened after that?" now more deepened with learning more about her.

"I only remember so much." unsure of how to answer

"I can tell you, but you first." she said playfully making Ruuk comfortable once again.

"Fine well I definatly know my life was just horrible.." he started to say as he went on with his life as a human trying to be as strong as he could when he said all the details and also leaving some out as well like his brother..

"My god..I'm so sorry..sssooo..soowry..."letting her emotions getting the best of her, some tears rolling down her cheek moistening the dry dust on her fur from the elements around her and the ground.

Leera now acting like Ruuk. Ruuk needed to be strong he thought, but at the same time was shocked at the reaction she gave him with some of the other furs around the site easdropping now on the conversation.

Leera dropped her intrenching tool and then fell foward onto Ruuk giving him a hug holding him tight crying on his orange jumpsuit, with Ruuk's face turning red at the sight of it all. Being embarrissed just knowing her today but at the same time loving every momement as he showed that feeling with the wagging of his grey tail. Not knowing what to do feeling bad now making her this way he closed his eyes and gave her a reassuring hug back.

" But Ruuk, suicide?! And having no one to love. I could never imagine..." feeling bad for the poor wolf she let him hold her more she then started crying on his shoulder now while holding the back of her head almost about to cry with her.

" But there is something that did happen in effect to it..." saying with a soild expression on his face.

Leera stopped and looked up to the wolf paying close attention now,

" I got stronger for it."saying proudly "Being eventually the better man..uh I mean wolf I am today.. I accepted that it was the cowards way out that it will not be the only solution to my problems. I can't dwell on the past any longer I need to look foward..towards the future a better brighter one.." amazed and proud of how well said his statement was gave off a reassuring grin.

As he was finished one easdropping fur stopped what he was doing and applauded him by clapping then that one clap came with another, and another, and another until eventually the area was in an uproar of praise and applaud bringing life to the once lifeless furs at work, finally hearing something out of the usual pessimistic atmosphere.

"Well said!!' one said as he cheered for him, ridding his bad mood with Ruuk's words and other moods went with it..

Eventually guards broke out and everyone was silent again, both the fox and wolf being the prime targets to the guards as they literaly assaulted them.

"You're coming with me ." the guard said as he grabbed Ruuk first.

Acting fast with the situation knowing what was to come next he said "Wait!!"

"Leave her out of this!" he said standing his ground.

Falling silent he listened to him respecting his wish.

"I caused the uproar, not her .Please be merciful, take me I don't care if I will be beaten half to death!! Just leave her be!!!" getting out of the guards hold, he snarled at the guard and stood in front of Leera, fur on end, tail alert, also his arms longated in efforts to hold them off if neccessary.

The guard now respecting the wolf, " Fine you Ruuk, come on I promise you a man to my word she won't be punished this time because of this.." he said twisting Ruuk's arms back as he cuffed the wolf, with him showing no resistance at all.

Leera inaudible for words stood there no sound coming out of her muzzle as she wittnessed Ruuk being carried away and her knowing she couldn't do a thing about it.

"Alright,alright its time freaks come on lets go." another guard said as he rallied everyone up.

Leera, being as calm as she could possibly be she thought she wouldn't see him again finding a sudden attraction to the once broken wolf now proud and strong. Her being hopeful whispered to herself,

"You're going to be okay. You have to be...please I..I" almost finishing, a fur bumped into her accidently ending her sentence.

"Love you..." ending it with a smile across her muzzle.

She then joined the others as they went back to the mess hall for dinner.

_ Fifteen minutes later...._

Ruuk was in the disipline chamber (more or less a one of torture..) as he was hanging from his wrists on coarse thick ropes that was mounted above him and he also barely being able to touch the floor with his feet putting pressure on his wrists, also he was wearing a rubber bag that covered his face, with a few holes that were purposly punchured through for air. The room had a combined smell of rotting flesh, fur, and dried blood that seeped through the bag and almost made him gag at the thought and sense of having a good idea of what they did to innocent furs in the room supposidly didn't follow 'their' rules.

He then heard a crack from what sounded like a whip that was being cracked on the ground beside him. Ruuk bracing himself not really knowing when it was going to happen, he felt the sting of the whip slashing at his once 'pure' bare back that will now be riddled with marks of scars of his soon to be torture.

He was then whipped again and again. Then from outta nowhere was punched in the gut and the chest almost losing his breath. One guard that was present said,

" Alright, alright ladies damn give this one a break..The warden wants him alive so he can give him as an example to those other 'things'."

" Aww but come on this one still has a little fight in him left.."

" No wait for our warden to come and greet him then do whatever you want afterwards.." a then sinister smile rode across the torture's face.

" Can't wait..."

Still trying to constantly gasp for breath in the bag his only thought was Leera. If it wasn't for her,he would would have let them literally kill him just doing a favor but now having a will to live.

What sounded like a steel door opening came in someone wearing nice dress shoes and welding a cane as both tapped the ground, Ruuk still not sure because of the bag.

"Ok lets see this wolf's face" the man said

The guards surprised that he called him a wolf; not a freak, took off his large rubber blindfold. Ruuk finally seeing his outside world and where the smells came from in this hellish atmosphere.

He noticed that they unzipped half of his jumpsuit off for only his upper body exposed. Looking still noticing a body tore in half because of some barbaric streching table like device, a tank of water with what looked to be mostly blood than water as it was most prominent in the tank, stains apon stains of blood riddled the floor, walls, and even the ceiling a splatter of blood. There was even a rack of small assorted torturing devices, perfect for the very sadistic and ones who love getting their anger out.

Ruuk then paid attention to the man he heard from before, the warden standing in front of him. He was 5'8 wore what Ruuk described before as dress shoes, a tie of green and a suit to match, with a cane with what looked to be a ruby on top also having a large assortment of rings that riddled his fingers have almost 5-6 on each hand.

The wolf thinking he remembered this man before, kind of pondered about it but then realised as he was the first to respond,

" You.....I remember you..all too well." nodding his head in his sad discovery.

" Very observant,we only saw each other breifly from a far as we had you strapped to some table.. I'm surprised you remember me?" he says in a very strong prominent 'southern' accent ;truely being shocked never really introducing himself.

" Well that was easy, the green well everything." Ruuk said answering his question.

" I see..Well to get it outta the way I am the man who run's this fine establishment!! Full of you..what are you called 'furs'?"

" Anyways to the point so you doing what you did at the quarry is unacceptable..We don't want any of that positive reinforement you gave everyone..Bad for business hmm.." he said as he tapped his cane on the ground.

" Well it was nice knowing you, to be truthful I will keep you in here with these nice gentleman for the next hour or so." kind of snickering as he said it knowing it to be the polar opposite.

" They will teach you a valuable lesson in 'staying in your place'." being all too serious with his answer as he stared Ruuk down while walked away.

" Wait!!" Ruuk exclaimed trying to beckon him to come to him again.

" Can I ask you some things, why do this warden can you really live with this torturing your once human bretherin and sisters to no end and working them to death.." being as calm as can be staying strong with his answer.

The warden came back and backhanded him with his many rings all colliding with his face.. " First of all that's 'Warden Orson' to you wolf. Secondly you aren't human anymore, you hear? I am just in charge of holding you resistful types, not creating you in a friggin lab!!!" He said as he then punched him in the nose next making Ruuk finally bleed out his face like his back was with its consant wounds.

" Finally, I....love....my....damn....job, and keeping everyone in line!! Ya hear?!" With a sinister look of pure evil on his face.

" Ok..then..." Ruuk finally said after the beating..

" Ok what?" Orson being curious..

Ruuk then spits the blood he produced in his mouth on his face as he said with anger in his eyes,

" Fuck yourself Orson.." as he snarled at his being.

Repulsed at what happened, the guards then reacted and took Orson away while wiping the blood from his face..

" Do as you will, just keep him alive dammit!!!" as Orson walked away.

As Orson walked down the corridor he mumbled to himself,

"I knew he was a mistake ever since I saw him from a far but nooooo..No one listened to me?!"

As he grumbled those last words;the echos of Ruuk's howling and the screams he produced in the chamber were heard for all to hear....