Alpha Raptor 3

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#3 of Alpha raptor



Baal and Naraak are property of NX-300 and are used with his consent.

Disclaimer:This is the continuation of the Alpha raptor series and it contains the same things as the previous two: M/M sex scenes and lots of violence, if you don't like that kind of thing, I suggest you go somewhere else, otherwise enjoy.

The groans of two males could be clearly heard coming from the general's tent, two raptors passed nearby and stopped for a few seconds.

"Seems like general Naraak has taken a like for the new guy" said one of them.

"Jealous?" asked the other raptor and nudged at his partner.

"Not really, I mean, I have you"

They both continued their way towards their own tent. Inside the general's tent, he and Baal were caressing eachother with passion, their claws scratched their scaled bodies leaving small marks, their erections rubbed between their sweaty bodies, Naraak took both members on his right claw and started stroking them.

"I'm almost there" said Baal. "Where do you want it?"

"All over my cock" whispered Naraak

The general released both cocks and Baal took his in his grasp, the young raptor continued stroking his member, his orgasm hit and he aimed the tip of his erection between his mate's legs, the hot spurts of raptor cream covered Naraak's erection and testicles, Naraak grunted approvingly and watched as Baal emptied his load all over his genitals. Baal shook his member, coaxing the last few drops out and then lay on his back, Naraak ran a hand through the mess on his crotch and then used that very same claw to lube Baal's hole with his own cum, once he was satisfied with his work, he aligned himself with his lover's entrance and slowly pushed his cum covered member in, Baal moaned at the feeling of the thick pole entering him, he was still not used to the size of his mate and felt a little pain, once he felt Naraak's hips touching his rear, the young raptor wrapped his legs around his lover's waist, Naraak remained motionless for a few seconds, both to let his mate adjust to his cock and to watch the face of utter bliss on his face, Baal's mouth was open and he was breathing fast, his lean chest expanded every time he inhaled, Naraak ran a messy claw through the raptor's face, Baal started licking the claw until it was clean, then Naraak slowly pulled a few inches of his cock out of the young raptor eliciting a shudder from him, then he drove back in, Baal's cum making things easier, the young raptor's cock was getting hard again, thick beads of sweat ran through Naraak's muscled chest, the air felt heavy and hot.

"Use your muscles just like I told you" he instructed Baal.

The young raptor started clenching his anal muscles around the throbbing flesh that invaded him, Naraak leaned and started licking the sweat from Baal's neck, the general started pushing harder and the bed started creaking with his movements, Baal just closed is eyes and enjoyed the ride, soon he felt the warmth of his love's fluids spreading through his insides, but Naraak didn't stopped, his cock remained rock hard and he continued pounding his mate's ass with unrelenting strength.

Almost two hours later, they were both basking in the afterglow of their furious mating, Naraak's arms were around Baal and his softening cock was still buried in the young raptor's entrance.

"Baal, you know how much I love you" started Naraak "I know it's been only two weeks since I meet you, but I already feel I couldn't live without you"

"I love you too" said Baal "and I can tell something's bothering you"

"We have not been in large battles lately, but that's about to change, we will be entering on enemy territory soon and things will get really dangerous"

"You don't have to worry about anything" said Baal hugging his mate "I will protect you with my life"

"Listen, if the dragon army finds out about our love, he could find a way to use it against us"

"What exactly are you thinking?" asked Baal a little concerned now.

"I am the general of the royal army, it could be an important victory for them if they kill me or capture me, that's why I must ask you something"

"What is it?"

"I tell this to all my men, but I haven't found the courage to ask this of you... if I'm ever killed or captured you must promise me that you will act according to the kingdom's best interests"

"You're asking me to let you die?"

"Yes, if it has to come to that" said Naraak.

"Well, then I'll make sure it doesn't comes to that" said Baal kissing his mate.

Baal slowly opened his eyes, still remembering the words of his mate.

He was in a cold cell, still naked and chained to the wall, his body hurt when he tried to move. All he remembered was being with his lover in the river and then fighting a gang of dragons, then nothing. The sound of approaching steps made him turn towards the door of the cell. The grey dragon that had captured him approached followed by a huge red dragon.

"Good, you're awake" said the grey dragon "we have a lot of things to do and sunset is not going to wait, Kantar, bring him out"

The huge dragon approached Baal and hit him in the stomach twice, then he released him and dragged out of the cell.

"You're not getting anything from me" said Baal spitting blood.

"Don't worry, I have no intention to ask anything, I just want to have some fun until your mate arrives"

They started walking through the moist and cold dungeon, the red dragon carrying the helpless Baal.

"This is insane!" screamed a green and blue raptor "You can't do this on your own!"

"I have to" said Naraak "I can't risk everything we have accomplished and I'm not leaving him there"

Naraak was surrounded by at least 50 of his men, when they found out what had happened they immediately started making a plan to rescue Baal, but Naraak had stopped them.

"He is your mate, but he's also our brother in arms," continued the raptor "We can't just sit here and do nothing"

Several raptors nodded in approval and some of them growled.

"Have you forgotten why we are here in the first place?" asked Naraak to his men "We are soldiers fighting a war for the freedom of our kingdom, many of our comrades have died to allow us to get this far, I don't want to return home and tell their families that we lost this territory we buy with the blood of their loved ones just to rescue one men, I'm still your general, and I'm ordering you to stay here and protect our position, if I'm not back before the sun rises tomorrow you will follow Jakon's orders"

Naraak started walking out of the campsite, after a few minutes, he found the green and blue raptor waiting for him leaning against a tree.

"Marlon, you think you're coming with me, but you're not"

"oh, yes I am" said the green raptor "you know you can't win this one, not without help"

"You're the best warrior I have" said Naraak "they need you"

"YOU need me" said Marlon "Baal needs us both, I respect you a lot general and you can send me to martial court if we survive, but right now I want you to stop being so fucking stubborn and let me help you"

Naraak looked into the deep amber eyes of his friend, Marlon had never taken no for an answer.

Baal's screams could be heard even outside of the sound proof room, the smell of his own blood filled the raptor's nostrils, his arms were tied to the ceiling by chains and his legs were spread by a metal bar attached to his calves. Kantar was behind him, the huge red dragon lowered the whip again and Baal screamed as it hit his tail, the entire appendage was covered with slash marks, Baal's chest and back were also covered in marks, some of them bleeding profusely, Kantar dropped the whip and took a small branch. He stood in front of Baal and kicked him in the crotch, the raptor opened his mouth and the dragon forced a few leafs inside, Baal gagged and spat the leafs his mouth instantly started to sting.

"That's a species of ivy that only grows around here" said Kantar "it stings like hell isn't it? Just something to keep you awake"

He used the branch to hit Baal's chest twice, the raptor squirmed in his bounds, the pain was indescribable, the huge dragon dropped the branch and started caressing Baal's crotch, the dragon moaned in pain and Kantar removed his hand.

"I see you need a little encouragement there"

The dragon moved behind Baal and the raptor felt the tip of a huge limp member being rubbed against his anus, he felt the flesh becoming harder as it was rubbed against him, then a searing pain as it spread him apart without warning, Baal clenched his teeth and Kantar groaned.

"Fuck, you're tight!"

Kantar's cock was much bigger and thicker than Naraak. Even now, as he was being tortured and raped, Baal was thinking about his mate, knowing the buff raptor wouldn't let him die...even if that meant...

One of the dragon's claws started rubbing Baal's member again and his time he got his reward, despite the immense pain, Baal's member was responding to the merciless anal stimulation, Kantar took it in is grasp and jerked it to life.

"You like this, Don't you little bitch? You like being taken like this. Are you thinking about your lover? Would' you like to have him here with us? I wonder what would he think if he sees you all hard when I take your sweet ass?" said Kantar laughing.

"Fuck you" said Baal between gasps "Naraak is going to come for me, and for you, and when he does..:"

Before Baal could finish, a heavy claw slapped him in the face.

"Now you've done it" said Kantar "I was going to fuck you and take you back to your cell, But I guess you haven't learned your lesson"

He pulled his cock out of Baal and walked to a nearby table, Baal saw him put a glove on his right claw and take a jar from a shelf.

"You know what this is?" asked Kantar taking some of the jar's contents in his gloved claw. "A little special something I made"

He was now face to face with Baal, his hand was a few inches from the raptor's erection.

"Jellyfish cream, not enough poison in it to kill you but you sure as hell are going to feel it"

The dragon smeared the cream all over Baal's cock and the raptor screamed again, the pain was so intense he almost passed out.

"Oh no my little one" said the dragon standing behind Baal and shoving his cock into him again "it won't be fun if you faint"

He continued fucking the young raptor and jerking him with his protected claw, the friction against his member only made things worse for Baal, he felt his cock would fall off any second, finally, after an eternity, the big dragon's body shuddered and he released his seed inside the abused Baal.

"You were a great fuck little one, I'll ask Zarkan if we can keep you instead of killing you" said Kantar slapping Baal's rear with his gloved hand.

The huge dragon released Baal and carried him back to his cell. The raptor landed on the cold floor, unable to move, still feeling the terrible stings of the ivy and the jellyfish.

Kantar closed the door and left. The next couple of hour Baal tried to breathe without so much pain.

A couple of dragons were making guard near the camp, they were resting against a tree enjoying the evening breeze, they saw a figure approaching through the dirt path and immediately recognized him as a raptor. They readied their weapons but the raptor didn't seem to notice that. They started running towards him, ready to kill the intruder.

"I am general Naraak, I'm here to talk to your general"

The dragons stopped the attack and instead they lead him to the camp without saying a word, in the moment the other dragons saw Naraak being escorted, they gathered around him causing some commotion, the grey dragon was in his tent when he heard all the noise and went out to see Naraak standing just outside his tent. The raptor was unarmed and he was only wearing a pair of shorts, his muscled chest was covered in sweat due to the long walk to the dragon campsite.

"Welcome to my humble place" said the grey dragon "I expected your army to be a little bigger... perhaps more than one man?"

"There are more than a thousand raptors on my army, but you're not seeing any of them" said Naraak.

"I take it you're not here to surrender then" said the dragon "that means you probably think you can rescue that poor excuse of a lover that's rotting in our dungeon"

Naraak gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, but didn't loose his composure.

"Not really, you see, unlike you who are little more than brainless beasts, we raptors have a high sense of honor and dignity, and that's why I came here today to kill the raptor I love, because that would be better than to live with the shame of being your prisoner"

"I must say I'm impressed by your words" said the dragon "but how exactly do you expect to kill him without a weapon?"

"Well, I was thinking to borrow a bow and arrow from one of your men, kill my lover, then kill you, and then kill as much as your men as I can before they kill me"

The grey dragon laughed and patted Naraak's shoulder, knowing the raptor wouldn't dare to attack him surrounded by his men.

"You really have lost your mind" said the dragon still laughing "I must say, you did fucked my plans to gain this territory without fighting, but this is just too fucking fun to let the opportunity go by, I shall butcher your army tomorrow"

The grey dragon took a bow from one of his soldiers and handed it to Naraak.

"I'll let you keep your mate's honor, and then I'll kill you with my own hands. Take the prisoner to the center of the camp!"

Naraak and the grey dragon walked side to side on their way to the center of the campsite.

"I don't believe I've heard your name" said Naraak "the last time we saw eachother you were to busy kicking me while your men held my arms behind my back"

"I am commander Zarkan of the northern dragon army"

"Well commander Zarkan of the northern dragon army, it will be a pleasure to take your head off, I'll be with you in a few minutes" said Naraak.

They dragon and the raptor took different ways, a group of dragons surrounded Karkan while he put his armor on and another gathered around Naraak, the buff raptor saw Baal entered the circle that had formed with a dragon on each side, his heart skipped a beat when he saw his mate, Baal's semi naked body was covered in cuts and bruises the young dragon saw Naraak standing in the middle of the circle holding a bow and his eyes watered, he knew why his mate was there. They exchanged looks for a few seconds before Naraak lowered his head.

"Do you know why your mate is here?" finally asked Zarkan

The grey dragon was protected by his armor and surrounded by a group of dragons, also armored.

"Yes" answered Baal "And it will be a joy to me if I die by his hands"

"You guys are insane" laughed Zarkan "But I will let you see how generous I am. Cut him loose!"

One of the dragons standing next to Baal cut the ropes that tied the raptor's wrists. Another dragon tossed a single arrow to the ground in front of Naraak.

"I'll give you a choice" said Zarkan "You can pick that arrow and pierce your lover's heart... or you can kneel right now and you two will be my servants, I even promise you to take a few prisoners when my army defeats yours tomorrow"

The dragon turned to look at Baal when he heard him laughing hard.

"The choice is obvious, my only regret is that I won't be there to see the look in your eyes when Naraak kills you" said Baal then turned towards his mate "Show them what we're made of my love, show them what true courage is"

Naraak took the arrow and placed it in position, aiming straight at Baal's chest. All the dragons around him unsheathed their swords. Naraak's and Baal's eyes meet again, there was no hesitation, no doubt about what they had to do, all the eyes were focused on the raptor holding the bow, which is exactly what Naraak wanted, he wanted to show this dragons what raptors could do for love. One of the dragons at the back of the circle noticed a strange sound coming from one of the tents along with a burning smell. Many things happened at the same time, Naraak fired the arrow, all the tents exploded, a second arrow was fired from the nearby trees also in direction to Baal and general Zarkan gave the order to attack. The young raptor caught he arrow that Naraak had fired in the moment the second one pierced the neck of the dragon to his right, Baal stuck the arrow he was holding in the head of the dragon to his left, the rest of the dragons were disoriented because of the explosions and Naraak took the opportunity to steal a sword from one of them, Baal took a sword from one of the dead dragons and Marlon fired another arrow hidden in the trees. Once he was out of arrows, the green and blue raptor took his sword and ran towards Naraak, killing as many dragons as possible on his way, the buff raptor was now holding a sword on each hand and the pile of dead dragons was growing around him, Baal reached his side and they started fighting back to back.

"Fuck, kill them! Send them to hell!" yelled Zarkan hysterically.

Marlon reached Naraak and Baal and together they formed a barrier that the dragons found impenetrable.

"What took you so long?" asked Baal to Naraak.

"I had to wait until Marlon had finished placing the charges on each tent" said Narak without stopping "How did you say that thing was called again?"

"A little something I brought from the east" said Marlon "Gunpowder I think they call it"

The dragons kept attacking them, one of them managed to wound Naraak on his right leg before being gutted.

"We're not going to last much like this" said the muscled raptor.

"Don't worry, the second surprise should be ready any second now"

Just then, a second set of charges exploded and the entire camp was covered by a thick layer of smoke. The dragons started coughing and bumping against each other, some of them even killing their own partners thinking they were the raptors. There was only mayhem in the entire place, the three raptors had vanished... or so they thought.

A group of dragons remained next to Zarkan, the grey dragon's body was shaking with rage.

"Three raptors! Three fucking raptors!" was all he said.

"Milord, I think we should retire for the time being, then we can..."

Zarkan killed his subordinate before he could finish his sentence.

"You know, you really should learn to treat your men better" said a voice behind his back "After all, you definitely could use their help now"

Before Zarkan could turn, he felt a hit in the back of his head and darkness enveloped him.

The grey dragon awoke feeling a dull pain on his head, he noticed things around him were strangely quiet and realized he was not on his camp anymore, they were in the middle of the woods, he also noticed Kantar next to him, the huge black dragon was unconscious too. He heard a noise to his left and saw Naraak standing next to him holding a sword. The raptor dropped the sword to the ground and stepped back.

"Pick it up" said Naraak.

"Fuck you"

Marlon picked his bow and Zarkan screamed in pain when he felt the arrow piercing his left hand.

"Take the sword or the next arrow will find its place between your balls" said Naraak unsheathing his own sword.

Kantar was awakened by his general's screams, he immediately stood up but before he could move Baal stood between Zarkan and him. The young raptor was unarmed.

"If you want to help your general, you're going to have to kill this hot tight little bitch first" Said Baal.

The grey dragon finally took the sword on his right hand and saw Naraak placing his left arm behind his back.

"I'll let you see how generous I am" said Naraak "I'll give you a choice...Do you want e to send your head to your king... or to you men?"

The buff raptor smiled and attacked the dragon, Zarkan tried to block the attack, the swords collided and Naraak managed to make a long cut on the dragon's chest, Zarkan didn't even had time to scream in pain, Naraak's sword made another cut in the dragon's leg, Zarkan swung his sword twice before Naraak finally slashed his claw, the dragon fell on his knees and saw the sword approaching him once again, Zarkan's head hit the ground and rolled a few times before stopping at Naraak's feet.

"I told you that was coming" said the raptor.

He turned to see Baal using Kantar as a punching bag, the huge black dragon could barely stand on his feet, the sound of cracking bones filled the place everytime Baal's fists made contact with the muscled body, finally, Baal kicked the dragon on his leg and Kantar fell to the ground. Marlon approached Baal and handed him a small jar. Baal kneeled next to Kantar and approached the jar to the dragon's face.

"You sure as hell are going to feel it" said Baal and emptied the entire content of jellyfish cream down Kantar's throat.

The dragon gurgled a few times before his eyes went blank. Baal stood up and embraced his mate.

"I knew you'd come for me" said Baal. "Thanks to you too Marlon"

"Anytime my friend" said the green and blue raptor "But how did you knew Naraak's plan?"

"I didn't" said Baal still hugging his mate "I actually thought he was going to kill me for real, but then I saw the look in his eyes and..."

"Naraak" continued Marlon "If I hadn't helped you. You would have really done all those things you said to Zarkan, right?"

Naraak and Baal just looked at eachother and then at Marlon.

"Fuck, he was right about one thing, you're fucking insane"

"Let's not worry about the things that could have been" said Naraak "our men are waiting for us"

"What about the dragons?" asked Marlon as they started walking towards their camp.

"They'll find the bodies of those two in a couple of hours" said Baal "Do you really think they could even consider an attack without their general against an army of raptors after seeing what the three of us did?"

"Guys, can you teach me how to be like you?"

They all laughed and continued walking.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Baal.

Two weeks after their terrible ordeal, Naraak and Baal were in Naraak's castle, the king himself had got it done for the muscled raptor and his mate, and this was their first night on the new chambers. Naraak was laying on his back and Baal was resting on top of him, they were both naked and the sheets were stained with their first orgasm, their hard members were pressed against eachother.

"I promised you" said Naraak "Besides, it's not like I'm not going to enjoy it too"

Baal aligned the dripping tip of his member with the muscled raptor's tight entrance smearing a generous amount of pre to make things slippery. Baal thrusted forwards and Naraak winced at the unusual feeling.

"Have you done this before?" asked Baal looking into his mate's eyes.

"Only once, a long time ago" said Naraak.

"I can tell" said Baal sliding the rest of his erection into the warm passage "You're tight"

Naraak squeezed his anal muscles and Baal moaned at the feeling, the buff dragon chuckled and let his lover pull a few inches before clenching is ass again, Baal was so lost in pleasure that he almost came immediately, Naraak felt the warmth spreading inside him and wrapped his legs around Baal's waist.

"What happened? Was it too much for you?" teased Naraak.

"sorry, but that ass of yours is just too hot" said Baal "But don't worry, I have at least one more in me"

"And I want it in me" said Naraak.

The buff raptor used his muscled to keep Baal's cock hard, the young raptor started moving again, Naraak's anus was leaking with his lover's orgasm and the room was filled with the wet sounds of Baal's cock hammering Naraak's entrance, as usual, they were both sweating copiously and the scents only heightened their pleasure, Naraak felt the veins that ran trough Baal's cock pulsed against his inner walls, is own member slapped against their bellies, sending drops of pre cum everywhere.

"Enjoy it for all it's worth my love" said Naraak "Push harder"

Baal grunted and started fucking his mate with long, powerful thrusts, the young raptor felt his arms were shaking and a chill ran through his spine, he took Naraak's member in his claw and started stroking it furiously. The buff raptor felt the scaled claws of his lover squeezing his cock and it was all it took to send him over the edge, his member throbbed and released gallons of semen, covering their fronts, Baal felt his mate's orgasm like his own and he added a second load to the one cooling deep inside Naraak, they roared in pleasure at the same time, feeling like they were a single being. That was the most intense orgasm any of them have ever felt, Baal felt his strength leaving his body and he fell on top of his mate, smearing the stocky cream all over their chests, both were still breathing heavily and Naraak hugged his mate. After a few minutes, Baal gathered enough strength to pull his limp member out of the wonderful passage and they both moaned at the feeling.

"You know" said Naraak "I could get used to this"

"Anytime my love, as long as you don't stop fucking me with that thick cock of yours"

The doors to the room opened and a green and blue raptor entered. Marlon stopped when he saw the pair of messy naked raptor thinking it probably would have been a good idea to knock first.

"Perhaps it should be a good idea if I return later" said Marlon.

"Wait" said Naraak "I called for you after all"

"We've been talking" said Baal "And we want to thank you for helping Naraak two weeks ago...that is if you want to"

Marlon just smiled and started removing his clothes.

"Just close the door" said Naraak "it's starting to get cold"

...and they lived horny ever after.

So, this how this ends, let me know what you think.