The Secret Lives Of Video Game Characters

Story by BobbyThornbody on SoFurry

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#9 of Stories



Fox McCloud's secret love.



Fox McCloud's secret love.

Fox had been hidden away in his room for hours now secluded away from the other members of the Star Fox team. He'd had a lot on his mind after a recent mission. He'd been sent with Krystal and Falco to do some exploring for some suspicious activity that had arisen on Corneria. Though the mission was resolved with minimal casualties, Fox was the only one who didn't seem too happy. Fox had a problem. Fox deeply loved Krystal, but as time began to pass, Fox found himself facing something he never expected. About two or three missions ago, Fox began to find himself feeling rather awkward around his Avian friend Falco. Not in a bad sense, but in the sense that he was somehow beginning to feel something with him that he didn't know was there. Ever since then, if Fox wasn't asked to lead a mission, he'd remained cooped up in his room on the Great Fox, only coming out for food.

Just as Fox was heading for the bed, there was a knock at his door. From behind it came the voice of one of his other crew members; Slippy, his toad friend. "Fox, please come out. Everyone's worried sick."

"Not now Slippy." Fox said with a heavy sigh. "I'll be out later." Fox sat on his bed.

Slippy's fist hit the back of Fox's door. "You've been like this for three days, Fox. What's wrong?" It was clear Slippy was worried.

"Nothing, please just leave. I don't feel like talking right now," Fox told him as he lay on his back on his bed.

Slippy didn't say another word and walked off.

Fox on the other hand continued talking. At least to himself. "What the heck is wrong with me? I'm in love with Krystal, but I just can't take my mind off Falco." He couldn't tell anyone, especially not Krystal, but he was slowly beginning to think he wanted to be with Falco. His blue feathers, his gorgeous beak, even his smooth talking attitude seemed to have Fox thinking about him. Fox looked to make sure his door was shut still before he reached his paw into his pants, his other paw releasing the fastening on them. Alone in his room, he slid his pants down to his ankles.

Taking his member into his paw, he closed his eyes and began to gently stroke it. He wasn't thinking of anyone in particular, but this often helped him relieve some of his stress after a mission. His cock began to stiffen as he ran his paw up and down it. He could feel himself getting harder as he pawed, but, much like his other pawing sessions recently, his mind soon drifted into fantasy, and it was one he'd had frequently as of late: one involving Falco. Of course, what did you expect when your paw is exciting you? Fox quickly found, as usual, keeping his mind clear of the fantasies was next to impossible. While one of Fox's paws worked his organ, his other cupped his sac as he began to rub it gently, silently moaning in pleasure. "F... F... Falco..." he said, though it came out louder than he'd hoped, and a second knock on the door froze him in his tracks.

"You alright, Fox?" It was Falco. He had to have overheard him. "I heard ya call me. What is it?"

Fox immediately jumped up from his bed, pulling his pants back up and buckling them. For the first time in hours, Fox opened the door. "Falco, come in here for a minute."

The avian entered Fox's room and closed the door behind him. He followed Fox over to his bed and sat beside him. "What is it, Fox?"

Fox sat on the edge of the bed and didn't say a word. He really had no clue what to say. This didn't exactly come easy to him. He had feeling for Krystal, but now those feelings were clouded with the thoughts of Falco that rushed through his head. How could he say that he'd been thinking of him in that way? "I need to talk to you about the last few missions we've had."

Falco turned and looked at him curiously. "What about them? They were all successful. Nobody got hurt."

"True but there's been something else on my mind since those missions this last week or to be more precise, someone." Fox gulped hard. As he sat on the edge of the bed, he kept his head down, not giving Falco direct eye contact. "Over these last few missions, I've been feeling like I have a need to be with someone, and it isn't Krystal."

Falco had a serious face as he turned to look at Fox, not quite understanding what he was getting at.

"Falco, I can't explain it, but something has had be thinking about you for days, and I can't figure out why. When I'm out on these missions, you're there protecting me as you have all these years. Even before Krystal came into the picture, it seemed I could always trust you to back me. Slippy and Peppy have done the same for me, but it just seems that you're the one who tries his hardest to watch my back."

"Fox, just what are you trying to say?" Falco looked confused.

Fox gave a long, heavy sigh as he moved his paw across the bed to touch Falco's wing. "Falco, I think I'm falling in love a second time."

"Say what?!" Falco jumped up off the bed and looked at Fox in surprise. "Fox, are you serious? What about Krystal? What would she say if you told her about this?"

"I don't know, Falco. I've spent days trying to sort this out, but something keeps leading me back to you." Fox looked at him. As the leader of the Star Fox team, he had to be strong in his decisions, but this was one thing he didn't know how to handle. "Falco, I want to ask you to do something with me. I don't know what will come of it, and I hope it doesn't sour a friendship in doing it."

Falco sat back down. "I don't know about this, Fox. What if Krystal finds out?" He already had a vague idea of where this was going, but the fact it was being asked of him surprised him nevertheless.

"I have to find out if there is a reason I feel the way I do. I want you to stay with me tonight. Let me be with you, just tonight, so that I can try to make sense of these feelings." Fox seemed nervous even asking this, but it seemed to him the only way to resolve the curiosity at hand.

"Fox," Falco said. "I'll do this... for you, but only because we're such good friends." Falco put his wing on top of Fox's paw. "I'll stay here tonight and help you."

Fox couldn't believe what he just asked Falco to do, and yet he felt relieved in knowing he was willing to do it. "Falco," he said, but he didn't finish the sentence. He grew quiet as he felt Falco's feathers brush against him.

Falco's feathers were warm too. The blue avian gently brushed Fox's cheek. "Hush, Fox. You get to be leader all day. It's my turn to be in control." He was doing just that too. He slid his hand down to Fox's shirt and clawed at it, ripping the front of it open with one move. He couldn't help but overhear the gentle moan Fox made as he brushed his chest lightly. Slowly, Falco moved down to Fox's stomach. Very lightly, the touch of Falco's wing sent a shiver through Fox's body.

"Falco, that feels nice." Fox told him, his eyes closed as his friend continued.

Falco said nothing though. He merely continued to gently stroke Fox's fur until his wing met with Fox's pants. With a gentle maneuver, he undid the clasp that held Fox's pants up, sliding them to his ankles, and revealing Fox's full hard on along with his naked furry body.

Fox shivered again as he was fully exposed to his bird friend. He didn't move a muscle however and just lay there as Falco slowly moved closer and closer to his crotch. As Falco's feathers brushed his fur, Fox felt as though his cares and worries were just melting away. Somehow, for some reason, this felt right to him, and he couldn't and didn't want to fight the feeling.

Falco continued to go toward Fox's crotch, finally resting his wing upon Fox's erect penis, which was at least a good seven or eight inches long. As Falco wrapped his wing around the cock, Fox had to bite his lip to keep from groaning too loudly. Almost immediately, Falco began softly stroking it up and down.

As Falco's warm wing worked his cock, Fox couldn't help but shoot a tiny bit of precum out of pleasure. "Oh..." was the word that escaped, but none other than that as he felt himself being pleasured with wave after wave of sexual feeling. The more Falco did, the closer Fox got to an orgasm, but every time Falco would get Fox close, he would stop momentarily, which made Fox want it even more.

After about three or four times of taking him to his limit, Falco put his face next to Fox's cock. As he stroked him, he now began licking the underside of his shaft, which, after a minute, pushed Fox to his limit. With one paw covering his own muzzle, he groaned loudly, firing his load of cum into Falco's open and awaiting beak.

Falco licked his beak clean and looked at Fox, who couldn't have looked happier. "So, Fox, how was that?"

Fox looked at him. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it again thinking of something else he wanted. Fox flipped himself around so he was on his stomach on the bed, and made a small moaning noise.

Falco must have gotten the hint because, within seconds, his naked body hovered over Fox, with his cock pointed right for his tailhole. Lowering himself onto it, Falco's cock slid right in. Even Falco had to admit by now that he was enjoying this. He was fucking Fox, how much more intense could it get? Working his cock in and out of Fox's ass, he slowly built up the pace as he felt Fox's insides begin to heat up from the friction. Of course, through all of this, Fox was moaning and groaning into his pillow as the sexual thoughts flowed through his mind.

Fox couldn't make any of the thoughts make sense, and by now he didn't care to do so. He just lay there as his friend fucked him into submission; his claws digging at the sheets with each thrust. "Mmmm harder Falco. Harder."

Falco seemed only too happy to oblige as he picked up the pace. He could feel Fox clenching his ass muscles which made fucking him all the more enjoyable. "Fox, I won't... lie to you. I've always hoped for this moment to come." As he said those words, he pushed his cock deep into Fox's ass, flooding his insides with his avian seed.

Fox pushed back against him, forcing Falco's cock as deep in as it could possibly go. He felt Falco's seed pour into his body, and when it finally stopped, and Falco pulled out, Fox looked as though nothing right then and there mattered except Falco.

"So, did that help," Falco asked him, noticing by the outside window that it was now late into the night.

"Yes, Falco, it did." Fox said to him as he sat up. "Falco... thank you. You've helped me feel better than I have in days. I hope... we can share moments like that again."

Falco took a minute to register what Fox just told him, but when he finally got the hint, he placed his feathered hand on Fox's cock again and smiled. "Fox... anytime. I'm here for you."

"I love you, Falco."

"I love you too, Fox," Falco replied as the two of them got beneath the blankets of Fox's bed. Falco fell asleep with his wing over Fox, and Fox fell asleep with a smile on his face... for the first time in three days.


Link's hidden secret.

Hyrule Town had grown quite peaceful as of late. Since Link managed to completely destroy Gannon, it left the town rather peaceful. Link actually seemed to have a lot more freedom and free time than he knew what to do with nowadays. So much so, in fact, that he spent a lot of time in wolf form exploring his world in the eyes of an animal.

Taking off full speed from the border of Hyrule Town's drawbridge, he headed into the Field that was basically the center of the entire area. His blackish, brownish fur was blown back as he ran against the wind heading for a particular forest that lie near the castle town. His paws tread rather quickly across the grass. It seemed as though his speed was near unmatched as a wolf now: the perfect way to make sure he was not followed where he went. Why would he be so concerned about whether someone followed him, you ask? Well, it just so happened that Link would run to 'explore' the same exact spot any time he would run off. The reason behind this wasn't because he got lost, but because it was the only place where, as a wolf, he felt he was safe to 'relax' so to speak.

Running deep into the forest, past many bushes and trees of all sorts of colors, Link arrived to a secluded area, shrouded by trees all over the place. The perfect place to be 'alone'. When he was sure he was, he flopped down onto the grassy field-like area and lay on his back. He lay there quietly for a few moments, allowing the cool breeze blow along his fur. As he lay there, the breeze began to pick up. Being on his back, though, his most sensitive part of his body was what really felt it: his sheath.

Truth be told, he didn't just come to the area to relax. He came because, as an animal, he felt he could let his sexual tension loose there. Again the breeze kicked in. This time, however, Link didn't just leave the wind to do the work. Bringing a paw down to his sheath, he stroked it a little, letting his claws gently brush the fur surrounding it. Each gentle stroke made him moan a tiny bit, and forced a little more of his large pink wolf cock out as well. Just as he was finally getting into it though, he heard rustling in the bushes nearby, and actually froze. "Hello," he said aloud, half hoping he was just hearing things. "Anyone there?"

"Yeah, wolf boy, there's someone here," came a voice behind the bush. The voice sounded quite a bit like his, and yet had a somewhat more dominant tone.

Link got up rather quickly, hoping his cock would slide back into his sheath before he was seen. This was one thing he was worried about: another resident of Hyrule or the Kokiri Forest seeing him. "Who... who's there?"

"Easy wolfie," the voice came again. "And I suggest you get back on your back unless you want me to force you into it."

Link didn't move, though the only reason was because he was trying to figure out who was talking.

The one making the voice spoke again. "I warned you." From behind the nearby bush came a wolf colored pure silver. He had quite a grin on his face, and, to Link's surprise, was showing a full hardened cock as he glared at Link. "You've been showing up here every day for six months, wolf. I've seen you here. At first I thought it was just you coming to look around, but I've learned what you've really been up to, and I must say, you're quite fun to watch."

Link growled a little as the silver wolf approached him, but he didn't move. "What are you talking about?"

"I've seen what you do hidden here in my forest." The wolf spoke. "Pawing off, spilling your wolf cum all over, and even sucking yourself. What exactly are you playing at leaving me to just watch like that?"

Link stepped back. "You've been watching?"

"And hoping you'd invite me to play, yes." The wolf looked at him. "Name's Vortex," He then took several steps toward Link, now no more than a foot away from him. "Unless you want to get hurt, I suggest you let me in on the fun."

Vortex didn't give Link much of a choice in the matter. As fast as Link was, it seemed that Vortex was just a tad faster and quickly managed to catch Link; his raging hard-on quivering a bit. "Be a good wolf and I won't hurt you." He quickly positioned himself on top of Link and pressed the tip of his wolfhood right against Link's lupine hole. Vortex moaned a tiny bit as his cock tip penetrated Link's ass.

Link just stood there on all fours, crouched slightly, unable to do much of anything in the position he was in. Every attempt to make a move was blacked, and it seemed every time he tried to move, Vortex would push more of himself in. "Why... are you doing this to me," he winced.

"Just shut it," Vortex said, seeming more concerned with cramming his cock deep in Link's ass than anything else. "You come playing in my home and don't ask me to join. It's about time you got a little 'punishment' for your actions." He smiled a bit as he pushed himself right to the edge of his knot. "And I think I know exactly how to do it."

Before Link even had a chance to protest, he could feel Vortex pressing his knot against his ass. His eyes watered as he felt Vortex forcing his ass wider to accept the knot. He couldn't help whimpering a few times, but it seemed that was exactly what Vortex was hoping for.

"Ha, hurts, doesn't it?" he said tauntingly.

Link whimpered again. "N... no... it feels good..."

"Oh really," Vortex sneered. He pushed the knot the remainder of the way in, thereby locking the two wolves together. "Mmmm... warm ass you've got, Link."

Link couldn't even wrap his mind around how Vortex would have even known his name. He was in too much of a mixture of mild pain and pleasure. He felt Vortex's cock ramming his insides over and over, pounding his walls. He could no longer hold back and actually let out a massive wolf howl as even his own cock stiffened, filling his sheath, and began dripping pre. "Vor... tex... my god! Harder!" He couldn't believe he'd just said that, and yet he just wanted it so bad he didn't even care anymore.

"Whatever you say," Vortex responded as he proceeded to pound the crap out of Link. The faster the pace, the more heated Link's growling became. As Vortex felt Link's ass tighten around his cock, he knew he wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer. His cock began feeling like it was on fire, and he knew he couldn't hold out long. "Get ready, Link because here... it... cummmmmmmmssss!" Vortex let out a long howl as he let loose the torrent of wolf seed that poured deep into Link's ass.

Link's eyes closed as he too let out a howl. When he did, due to all the pressure built up inside him, he also sprayed a load of wolf cum that blew from his cock like a fire hose. His howl was so loud, he felt sure it could have echoed all the way to Hyrule again. But he didn't care. For whatever reason, he didn't care. Though among other things, he was now so worn down, he could barely move and collapsed to the ground.

Vortex pulled himself free and looked at Link. "Unless you want me to do that again, stay out of my forest." He said in a serious tone, but Link also noticed the wink Vortex gave before vanishing into the trees again...


Enemies In Battle; Lovers In Secret.

"Sonic, come on, you've been in there for half an hour," came the voice of everyone's favorite two-tailed fox, Miles Prower, or as he was more affectionately called, Tails. He'd spent so much of his time around Sonic, his hedgehog friend that he practically lived there. Somewhat impatient with the fact Sonic was taking forever in the bathroom (odd considering he's a speed driven hedgehog, right?) Tails knocked on the bathroom door again. "Come on, Sonic; don't use up all the water."

Before Tails had even another second to complain, the door was opened, and his blue hedgehog buddy appeared along with a room full of steam from the shower he'd just taken. "Sorry Tails," he said, trying to sound apologetic, though this seemed to happen a lot. The hedgehog was dressed as he usually was. Everything about him looked the same as usual. Everything from his spiked back hair to the sneakers he'd always worn. All that was different was the fact Sonic was wearing a towel around his waist; just as a precaution should his fox friend 'accidentally' see something. Not that he really minded, but, still, it just seemed the right route to go.

Tails quickly darted into the bathroom after Sonic left it. In fact, as it turned out, Tails did have a thing for Sonic, but even he wasn't sure if it was just curiosity or if he really did like him. Tails hadn't had a whole lot of luck in the dating department, but, at least, around Sonic, he felt relaxed and at ease. It was about fifteen minutes later before Tails had exited the bathroom to find Sonic on his couch with his feet propped up against his table, relaxing as though he didn't have a care in the world.

"Feelin' better, Tails," Sonic asked him, turning back to look at him. He gave a chuckle as his fox friend came into view, dripping wet. "I was thinking," he said, ignoring his friend's wet fur. "We haven't gone out cruising in a while. What do you say to you and I go for a walk today, huh?"

Tails nodded but looked at him seriously. "Only if you promise not to take off on me like you did the last time." Tails really did like Sonic, but the fact that Tails knew how to fly did nothing in comparison to the fact that Sonic was a blue blur when it came to speed.

"Sure buddy, anything you want." Sonic replied...

Just a little bit deeper into the area was the residency of one red echidna by the name of Knuckles. Knuckles saw himself as a bit of a rival to Sonic, and never really missed his chance to try to one up him whenever he could. He may not have had too much luck with the Chaos Emeralds, but he still had his own way of pushing the hedgehog's buttons. "I think maybe I should head out for a while," he said aloud to no one in particular. "It's been a while since I got some fresh air."

He did just that. Apart from his life as rival to Sonic, Knuckles felt his life was relatively normal unless you counted the fact he never really had anyone he really cared for in a way that he felt safe to open up to. Knuckles felt himself to be more of a lone wolf nowadays, and he'd grown accustomed to that.

He wasn't the only one though. Enter into the story of characters a black hedgehog. One who seemed to have more of an 'I don't care' attitude than anything else: a hedgehog named Shadow. Shadow's own particular style of life left him recently with too much time, and not nearly enough to do. Too often he'd chase after Sonic or Tails if only for the exercise, but it seemed, especially lately, that he didn't even have the intent to catch them anymore, and often let them get away just within moments of having them where he wanted them.

So you're probably asking, why exactly do these four even matter? Why bring everyone's attention on just these four? Well, you see, things for these for were about to get a heck of a lot weirder.

"Sonic, you promised," came Tails' exhausted voice as he tried to fly up to where Sonic had finally stopped, in the middle of a beachside clearing. As he landed, he looked at Sonic with a bit of anger in his eyes, at least until he saw why Sonic actually stopped.

The way the light of the sun had hit the ocean left a mix of orange and blue colors along the surface. "Beautiful, isn't it, Tails?"

The fox had to admit, the coloring along the surface of the water did, in fact, look rather nice, and after a few moments, he'd all but forgotten why he was even mad in the first place. "Sure is, Sonic," he said with a smile. How could he stay angry at someone who'd been such a friend to him over the years?

Oddly enough, the same question seemed to be running through Sonic's head as well. He'd always wondered why Tails had gone from being mad to being calm literally within seconds. Sonic did have a theory, but he never thought much on it as it would have meant revealing something he wasn't even sure he wanted to admit himself. You see, for all the time that Sonic and Tails had been together as friends, it seemed that each passing day brought more of a comfort that was past the boundaries of mere friendship. Sonic knew why he felt this way, and didn't really fight it, but he just wasn't sure of when he'd be able to admit it.

Just as Sonic and Tails finally seemed to be calming down, the two overheard some noise coming from in the distance.

'Shadow,' Sonic thought.

'Knuckles,' Tails thought.

As it turned out, both were right. Coming from either direction of where Sonic and Tails were, the black hedgehog and the red echidna came into view. Neither looked as though they were in any kind of mood for a fight, but both Sonic and Tails immediately got back to back, to guard each other.

"Well now, isn't this cute," Knuckles joked. "You two lovers out on a stroll again?"

Tails growled under his breath but Sonic held him back. "Why don't you get back to your job? We're not bothering anybody."

"That's funny coming from a fox that hasn't left his friend's side for... what's it been... six years?" Shadow sneered with a solemn voice.

"At least he's got a friend in me. Who exactly do you two have," Sonic started in.

"What does what happens in my life have to do with you," Shadow responded. "It's not like you care." The black hedgehog stepped up closer to the blue hedgehog and the fox. "You know, for all the talk you do for that matter, why don't you go and marry that fox friend of yours anyway. You two spend enough time together."

Knuckles started laughing. "This is pathetic. An emotionless black hedgehog and a pair of 'friends' that are so obviously mismatched it isn't even funny."

"Mismatched," Tails spat questionably. "What in the world are you talking about?"

"He's right," Shadow said. "A hedgehog and a fox. What kind of a couple are you two anyway?"

Obviously, this had struck a nerve with Tails, but it was Sonic who spoke up. "You know something, I happen to think Tails is very kind and caring."

For the first time since the four met that day, the conversation took an odd turn. "Well, duh," spat Knuckles. "If you don't think I already knew you loved him, you're mistaken."

Sonic turned to look at Tails, but he didn't protest the words the echidna spoke.

Tails looked back at him and cocked his head. "Sonic, say something." The fox prodded his friend, but Sonic just stood there motionless.

"Oh, this is priceless," Shadow said with a chuckle. "You mean it's true?"

Still Sonic said nothing, and, at this point, Knuckles decided to prove just how 'in love' with Tails that Sonic actually was. No one, apart from Knuckles, had actually realized Sonic had held one of his gloved hands over his crotch area since the subject came up, and Knuckles had a suspicion that he knew the reason. Running as fast as he could, Knuckles actually managed to knock directly into Sonic, knocking him over. Sure enough, the impact made Sonic forget about what he'd been hiding and he immediately used his hands to brace himself before he fell, thereby leaving, in full view of the other three around him, his fully erect cock. Both Shadow and Knuckles burst into laughter seeing this, but Sonic, with his secret out, didn't at all seem embarrassed.

"Yeah, okay, so what? So I love my little fox buddy. What's it matter to you?" Sonic got up and just looked at Tails, his cock still stiff as ever.

"Sonic, I didn't know," Tails said, looking at him.

"It's okay, little buddy," Sonic replied. "At least I don't need to hide it anymore."

"You seem to be laboring on the assumption we're going to just let this go." Knuckles told them. "You see, as it turns out. This works well for both of us. We've had to put up with you showing off for several years now, Sonic. We want our revenge."

"Kind of an awkward position to be asking for revenge, don't you think, Knuckles?" Sonic commented, but before he really had a chance to say anything else, he noticed him lunge forward. Much to his displeasure, once again he was knocked off his feet. Sonic, though, now understood what it was Knuckles had meant. Sitting on top of Sonic's blue body was Knuckles with his cock fully extended to its' length and resting on top of him. "What are you doing," Sonic glared at him.

"As I said, getting revenge, though if I'm going to humiliate you, I figure this is the best way to do it." Knuckles just smiled as he rubbed his cock in the fur of Sonic's chest. "You're in for a rough time, blue boy, so I hope you're ready."

Shadow, as silent as he had been, was actually starting to feel a little excited himself. He reached down and felt his own member stiffening. He turned to look at Tails who seemed to have forgotten Shadow was there, and yet seemed paralyzed with fear in trying to figure out what to do to help Sonic. Taking advantage of this, Shadow jumped at Tails, managing to get him to ground just before he had the ability to react.

"Get off me," Tails whimpered.

"You like Sonic too, don't deny it," Shadow said in a low whisper. "I'm going to teach you exactly how much fun hedgehogs can be."

"Sonic," Tails screamed, but, looking over at him, he saw that Sonic was in no position to help him, as Knuckles had Sonic flat on his back. "Shadow, I mean it, get off me."

"Take it easy, fox boy, and this might get fun." Shadow whispered. Making sure he never actually let go of Tails, he flipped him to his back as well. After he had, he seemed rather amused, in his own way, to see that, despite his protesting, Tails now was rock solid as well. He took this opportunity to sit on top of Tails' cock, and groaned a bit as the twin-tailed fox's length slid deep into Shadow's ass. "Ahh, good fox. You like that, don't you?"

"Shadow, I swear, when I get free I'm gonna..." Tails couldn't finish the sentence. As Shadow slid up and down his length, the fox let out a soft moan that all but stifled his complaints.

"You're gonna what," Shadow said with a smile. "I know you're enjoying this, so just admit it."

By now, Tails was completely speechless. Sonic, though seemed to be quite the opposite, but the noises he was making weren't from annoyance; they were pleasure, though they seemed rather conflicted. "Oh god," Sonic grunted as he felt Knuckles slide up and down along his shaft. "God, that feels... Ugh... Tails, I'm sorry, but this feels so good." Sonic lie there perfectly still. On the one hand, he couldn't believe he was getting violated like this, but on the other, with as horny as he was, he couldn't help but enjoy it. He didn't know what to say.

"You like that, huh," Knuckles laughed as he rode the blue hedgehog. "Then you're going to love this." Knuckles allowed himself to sink down completely on Sonic's member. As he did, he held his cock in one hand, aiming it upward a bit. With a seemingly content sigh, he closed his eyes, and, almost instantly, a stream of the echidna's yellow piss flowed from his cock. "Ohh, yeah, that's nice."

Still Sonic remained quiet as Knuckles was rhythmically riding his cock up and down as he was urinating all over his blue fur. "Tails... I..."

Shadow, having looked over to see what just happened, seemed to have sparked the same idea, and looked down at Tails who was still buried beneath him.

"Don't you even think about..." Again, he was stopped short. It was too late.

Shadow let out a groan, leaned back a little, and let the piss fly. He actually seemed to have perfect control of it, as it seemed to have gone exactly where he wanted it to; right into Tails' open muzzle. "Mmm, drink it fox. Drink it like a good boy."

Tails tried to turn away, but it appeared that Shadow had him cornered, and the blast of urine went right where Shadow had aimed. Out of instinct, Tails gulped it. "You're a pervert, Shadow," Tails squeaked after he swallowed.

"Hush, fox. Just drink your juice." Shadow began caressing Tails' fur as he continued to shoot the liquid right into Tails' mouth.

Tails badly wanted to protest, but it seemed with each gulp he had forcibly sprayed in his mouth, it seemed to do the exact opposite of what he was expecting. Rather than being sickened with each gulp, Tails began to get stiffer inside Shadow's ass, and seemed more anxious with each gulp to get another. "Sonic, this is starting to feel really..."

Sonic looked at Tails out of the corner of his eye. "Don't say it, Tails. I know. Why, I have no clue. But it is starting to feel good."

"Knew you'd 'warm up' eventually, Sonic." Knuckles grinned as he let loose a second burst, which this time landed directly in Sonic's muzzle.

This went on for a good few minutes before Shadow and Knuckles finally tapered off. Both of them though were now bound and determined to get their 'prey' to cum. Knuckles continued riding Sonic, as he saw in the hedgehog's eyes that he wouldn't last much longer. Shadow though, climbed off of Tails and instead began sucking on the tip of Tails' fox cock. Both of the pair found their treatment to be getting slowly more and more arousing as the time passed, and it wasn't long, prodded by Knuckles clenching his ass around Sonic's cock, before Sonic let loose his creamy seed into his rival. Surprisingly, as Sonic came, he held Knuckles in place so he could fill him. "How's that... feel, Knuckles?" Sonic said, out of breath. "Was it... worth it?"

"I'll let you know when I'm finished." Knuckles groaned. He had his hand wrapped around his cock and was now pumping away, hard as ever. It didn't seem to take long before Knuckles' seed was poured all over Sonic's body. "Does that answer your question... blue boy?"

Sonic seemed so relaxed right now that it didn't even appear to matter to him that his rival just pissed and came all over his fur. Instead, he actually locked eyes with Knuckles, pulled him close, and kissed him, with his cock still buried. "Can't believe I'm saying this... Thanks for the help, Knuckles."

"You're welcome," Knuckles said with a stern look as he climbed off Sonic. The two then looked to see Shadow still sucking away at Tails' cock, with Tails whimpering lightly.

Shadow seemed to be massaging Tails as he sucked him, stopping every few seconds to tease him. "Let's see what you've got, Tails."

Tails just looked over at Sonic, who actually now had a smile on his face along with the cum covered cock. He then looked back to Shadow. "Well, alright, but remember, you asked for it." Tails said nothing more. Holding Shadow in place to prevent his escape, Tails let loose all the piss he could muster, coating every bit of the inside of Shadow's muzzle, and equally as quickly filling it, forcing Shadow to gulp it. Tails seemed to have not only been enjoying it, but it actually appeared, after a while, that he was pissing so much, Shadow was choking on it trying to swallow it down.

"Easy there, buddy. Don't kill him," Sonic said.

Shadow muffled what sounded like 'Mind your own business' as he continued to gulp Tails' piss, which continued for several more seconds before it too subsided. Backing off of Tails, he looked at the fox with an odd smile.

"You know, I was honestly hoping this would go this way. It's a lot more fun knowing we can fuck with you and you won't fight." Knuckles said.

"I have to admit, that wasn't near as bad as I'd thought it would be, and besides, this got something out in the open that I think needed to be said." Sonic said as he looked at the other two. "We should do this again some time."

"I'll remember that next time I feel like fucking with you two lovebirds again," Shadow said in a monotone voice as he walked off without another word.

"Don't let him throw you off," Knuckles said to them as he started to walk away. "After all, he's got a picture of the two of you in plain sight of the front window of his home..."


Two Digimon and the lessons they learn from each other.

Another peaceful day in the Digital World; the skies were blue, the grass green, and the water calm. This was the usual for the Digital World since the Digital Accident Tactics Squad (DATS) had come and gone. After many months of chaos, things for the Digimon were at ease, and many had gone back to the way things were long before any of it ever even happened. It seemed that everyone was happy once again.

Far off in a great field in the digital world, we find a young blue Digimon. This one specifically was more the appearance of a dog; to be even more precise, almost husky-like. Having learned much from the incidents of the last several months, this Digimon found himself well trained, and proved to be a great protector to many of the smaller Digimon of the surrounding area.

"Master Gaomon, sir," came another Digimon's voice. The voice belonged to another of the inhabitants to the area, Elecmon; an electric type Digimon.

"What is it, Elecmon?" Gaomon looked at him. His red bandana was flapping in the breeze. Gaomon had the look of a fighter as well as a dog, as his trainer, Thomas, enjoyed boxing, and Gaomon had picked the habit up as well.

"Someone here to see you, sir," Elecmon replied. "It's... uhh..."

"BanchoLeomon?" Gaomon jumped to his feet. "How did you get here? I thought we lost you..." Gaomon looked directly at him. He'd learned to stay on his toes since the problems began so long ago. To the best of his knowledge, BanchoLeomon was forced to sacrifice himself when things became tougher for the DATS team. It was that very same day that Marcus thought he would be forced to part with his father, only to discover he was safe.

"Stand down," BanchoLeomon said in his usual sturdy tone. "There are more than one of us around, you know."

Gaomon eased up a bit. "Yeah, sorry, but I'm still thinking of all that happened when this mess began, and Thomas always taught me to think things through."

"A lesson you'd be good to remember, and that's part of the reason I'm here," BanchoLeomon looked at him. "Gaomon, what would you do if you ever found yourself in a situation where someone else had complete control of you. What if you were in a spot where you were forced to submit to someone else?"

"I don't quite follow what exactly you're getting at, BanchoLeomon," Gaomon looked at him quietly for several seconds, and he still couldn't figure it out. He stood there, eying him though, wondering if he might try to attack.

"Gaomon, if you're ever to be completely able to protect the Digital World, you must be ready to take anything that anyone might throw at you," The lion took a step forward. "And doing that means the willingness to do something that you might not like to do at first."

"Stop talking in riddles," Gaomon said, seeming to be in a mix of semi-annoyance and curiosity. The curiosity, though, was met with something that was far more than he would have expected to come from someone of BanchoLeomon's class.

"It's time for you to learn something new, Gaomon, and that's how a Digimon like myself shows his affection for another." BanchoLeomon took another step toward Gaomon, and it was now that Gaomon could see exactly what the lion had meant.

Taking a fighting stance, Gaomon glared at BanchoLeomon. "Stay right there," he said, growing angry.

"You're not exactly in a position to be making orders, Gaomon. Besides, this is merely a lesson in some of the more... mature aspects to growing older." BanchoLeomon took yet another step closer, giving Gaomon a, now perfect, view of BanchoLeomon's crotch area to the pants he was wearing, which supported a rather large bulge.

"If you try to trick me," Gaomon said, raising his fist, "you will regret it. Thomas may not be with me anymore, but I've learned to digivolve on my own."

BanchoLeomon shook his head. "Come here, Gaomon," he told him.

Gaomon, hesitantly, obeyed.

BanchoLeomon took Gaomon by the hand and slipped off both of his boxing gloves. "I want you to learn something by the end of all this, and I feel this is the best way to make you learn it."

As BanchoLeomon guided Gaomon's glove-free paw to the zipper of his pants, Gaomon did, in fact, get a little nervous; an unusual feeling for him. Gaomon took to the guidance and unzipped the pants the lion was wearing, undoing the clasp on the pants as well, allowing them to drop and revealing BanchoLeomon's cock, which appeared to be quite long.

"Good," the lion replied, as he watched Gaomon continue to undress him until he was completely nude; his clothes thrown into a pile. "Now, take a whiff. I want you to get my scent, as you and I will be busy for a while."

Gaomon looked at the lion as though he were insane, but thus far nothing seemed to be too terrible, so he went along with it. Getting to his knees to make it easier, he inhaled the musk coming from the crotch in front of him. The scent, though new to him, was strangely familiar, though he couldn't place why or how. All he knew was that things, as they stood, didn't seem as bad as he first thought.

"I see you're enjoying yourself," BanchoLeomon replied. "Good, then perhaps we should move on. I want you to taste it. I want you to lick my cock. Get a good idea of its' taste."

Again, Gaomon looked up at BanchoLeomon with the 'you're crazy' stare, but this time BanchoLeomon had caught it and stared right back. Gaomon turned his attention to the cock in front of him again and got very close to it before giving it a small lick which seemed to send a shiver all the way up BanchoLeomon's body. Seeming to have enjoyed seeing him squirm, Gaomon gave him another lick, and, sure enough, it was met instantly with another full body shake. Gaomon had to admit he was beginning to like this. Though he was unclear as to who was meant to have the control at the moment, Gaomon took the chance and decided to go a little further. Opening his muzzle, he took in the head of lion's cock.

This immediately caused the lion to squirm. He wasn't expecting it to come from Gaomon, especially considering it had been unprovoked. He didn't make any attempt to stop him though as it was feeling too good.

Gaomon continued to suck on BanchoLeomon, and appeared to be showing no signs of stopping. It would have appeared, by anyone that looked, that, right then, Gaomon had total control of him. Meanwhile, his own cock was beginning to unsheathe and harden. As Gaomon continued to suck BanchoLeomon's cock, he used his other paw to stroke himself lightly; just enough to heighten his own pleasure in the situation.

"You're... doing well," BanchoLeomon told him. "I'm impressed." He had now taken to lightly humping the dog Digimon's muzzle, which only proved to turn the two of them on further. "But now, it's time to move on to something different. Stand up and bend over."

Gaomon was now in such a feeling of joy that there was very little he wouldn't have done at that moment. Getting up, he bent over just as instructed. Almost instantly, he felt his tail being lifted up behind him and his tailhole intruded. He looked back to see that BanchoLeomon now had done exactly what he was telling him about. Sure enough, BanchoLeomon now had complete control of him, and yet he didn't care a bit. As he felt the lion push his cock into him though, he let out a large yip, both from pain and pleasure.

"This, Gaomon, is one of the greatest ways to show your love for someone." He told him, "I'm... glad you're enjoying this." He pulled his cock out about halfway before pushing it back into the Digimon's ass even further. He did this several times, each one provoking a small yip from Gaomon. "I want you to just relax. The more relaxed you are, the better this feels."

All Gaomon could do at this point was groan. BanchoLeomon was right. As he relaxed to allow him to take over, he found that the thrusts were far easier to take, and the feelings grew in pleasure. "Keep... going," he said between thrusts.

It was obvious that BanchoLeomon had no intent of stopping and had actually begun to pump in him faster. "You're very tight back here, Gaomon."

"Most that's... ever been in my ass... up to now... was my own claws." Gaomon said between the thrusts.

"Well, you're... about to get a lot more," the lion groaned loudly. "Hope you're ready."

Gaomon grunted a yes, and BanchoLeomon began thrusting like mad, finally gripping Gaomon by the sides as he pumped his fresh lion seed deep within Gaomon's ass. It seemed to go on for several minutes and when he finally finished and pulled out, Gaomon's ass was dripping with the lion's cum, and both were gasping for air.

"I'm impressed, it appears you do, in fact, know how to handle yourself in these situations," BanchoLeomon smiled at him, rubbing his cum covered cock. He made a move to gather his clothes, but Gaomon seemed to be a bit faster, as he quickly pounced on top of the pile.

"You don't think I'm done, do you?" Gaomon said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" the lion asked.

"It's like you said. I need to be ready for everything that comes at me. You came at me, and came in me. Personally, I think turnabout is fair play." Gaomon said smiling.

BanchoLeomon looked at the dog Digimon for a moment. He already knew where this was going, but rather than being filled with fear, he seemed more amused. "Alright then, let's see what you can do."

Gaomon nodded. He glared at the lion for a second before he began to glow. "Gaomon digivolve to... Gaogamon!" Now where Gaomon once stood, his evolved form had appeared. This form appeared as a much taller, four-legged form that took on almost an exact look to a husky dog. "BanchoLeomon, you made me submit to you. Well, now it's your turn, only I'm not giving you much choice in what's going to happen."

Before the lion even had a chance to respond, Gaogamon had hopped into a tree, then down on top of BanchoLeomon, oddly enough putting his 'prey' in the exact position he wanted him in. Gaogamon took a couple breaths which relaxed him enough to unsheathe his full cock, which he pushed immediately into BanchoLeomon. "You may find my dick's a bit thicker than yours, so I hope you can handle it."

BanchoLeomon now seemed more concerned with keeping himself on all fours than anything else. "If you truly think you have learned what I expected you to learn, you'll know what to do to make this enjoyable for us both."

"Ha," Gaogamon chuckled softly. He pushed more of his cock in, which slowly got thicker and thicker until he got to the knot. Instead of pushing the knot in right away though, Gaogamon decided to be a bit more playful about it. He began humping BanchoLeomon over and over, each time going from tip all the way to his knot. Gaogamon had a smile of contentment on his face the entire time. After several moments, and several grunts between the two of them, Gaogamon decided to take it the rest of the way. Pushing his cock all the way back inside of BanchoLeomon, he braced himself and gave one larger thrust which put his swelled knot inside of his partner.

BanchoLeomon, for the first time, actually cringed a bit at this, but managed to relax himself once again as he felt Gaogamon's humpings return back to normal. With each thrust inside him, he felt his prostate being rammed into, which began to put an interesting tickle in BanchoLeomon's cock. The instant he allowed himself to relax, he realized that the feeling was him pissing on the ground. He hadn't expected that Gaogamon would have known how to force him to something involuntary like that, but he simply closed his eyes to allow the dog Digimon his fun.

Closer and closer Gaogamon was getting. The more he humped, the closer the feeling felt, and with the warmth of BanchoLeomon's ass to aid him, it didn't take too much longer before Gaogamon was forced to let loose the load of cum his cock was holding. As he let out the stream, he let out a large howl as well, feeling relief when he finally stopped cumming.

BanchoLeomon, at this point, made an attempt to try and get away, only to discover that Gaogamon had yet to get off him. "You can get up now."

"Oh no, I'm still not done." Gaogamon chuckled again. He grew silent as he began humping again, still buried deep within his ass. "I think I want to make sure I can find you when I want to do this again."

BanchoLeomon now seemed surprised as he suddenly felt something else inside of him. It didn't take long for him to realize he was being pissed in. Try as he might, he couldn't get away from Gaogamon, and it now appeared he was the one trapped.

When Gaogamon did finally back away, he dedigivolved, and looked at him. "Marcus isn't the only one who learns fast..."

"I can see that," BanchoLeomon said after gathering his bearings once more. "And you've definitely shown you can take care of yourself. I'll be back someday soon... if only to see how much you remember."

Gaomon looked at him and smiled. "Can't wait."

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