The Plush Lover

Story by BobbyThornbody on SoFurry

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#17 of Stories

Hi there. My name's Warren. I'm a wolf. Well, sort of. I wasn't always one though...

Hi there. My name's Warren. I'm a wolf. Well, sort of. I wasn't always one though. Confused? It's a long story, but I don't mind sharing.

It all started about a week ago. I had just gotten home from my usual afternoon walk. The first thing I usually did when I got home was head to my room for a little fun. Call me a pervert if you want, but I enjoyed a good pawing off after a walk. I walked up to my room, pushing open the bedroom door. I quickly stripped down before popping one of my favorite porno movies into my DVD player. "Plush Playmates." As you might guess, the movie consisted a lot of males having sex with plushies; jerking off and cumming all over them. I'm what people call a plushophile. I love this sort of thing, and the cum-covered plushies on my bed were proof of that. Grabbing hold of the nearest one, my wolf plush, I stuffed my cock into its' muzzle. I modified a few of my plushies to give them the appropriate holes, but my wolf was my most commonly used one; mainly because he was almost my size.

As I watched on, the males on the TV were fucking and humping their plushies. I did the same; grunting and groaning as I muzzle fucked my wolf. I humped it furiously as I watched, one by one, as the males let loose their loads. How and why it made me so horny I never was able to find out, but it did. Almost as quick as I had started, I felt my balls tickle and my load shoot out of my cock. I felt every part of my body shake as I coated my hands and the lower part of my stomach. I laid there watching the television with the men all in one giant orgy of plush and male hormones. It wasn't until the very end that I noticed something that I'd never seen before. You see, I never actually watched the entire DVD. I was always too tired.

Looking on, I saw what appeared to be an ad for a shop. I read what appeared on the screen aloud. "Want to let loose with your deepest, darkest desires? At Teddy's, we guarantee you will be satisfied."

I sat up and turned off the DVD. I recognized the area that the store was supposedly at, but I don't recall having seen the shop. Deciding to take my chances, I got up, cleaned myself off, and dressed myself in some new clothes. I walked out of my house, locking my door again and headed in the direction of the store. I was on foot for a good ten minutes before I walked in front of the store.

In big purple letters I saw the word 'Teddy's' above the store. I walked inside, and saw that most of the inside of the building also had purple walls. I heard a bell before a man walked out into the open area of the store I stood in. "Uh... hi," was all I could come up with.

The man just smiled at me. "Welcome to Teddy's Mystery Shop. How can I help you today? Want a bigger cock? Do you desire to have sexual control over someone? Or maybe..."

I interrupted him. "Um, actually I'm not entirely sure. I just saw an ad for this place in a DVD and..."

He interrupted me now. "I see, so your desire is something a bit more on the strange side, then?"

"Come again," I looked at him confused.

"Tell me, what is your deepest wish? What's the absolute strongest thing you desire to have in your life? Name it, and it can be done." The man stepped closer to me. He seemed to be in his mid-thirties if I had to guess.

"Well, there is one thing. You see, I'm a plushophile, and... well what I want most is to have a plush lover as a mate." I told him.

He stood there for several moments, before turning away from me and walking to his counter. He fetched a bottle that had a deep red colored liquid in it. He turned back to me, but the smile was now gone. "Are you sure this is what you want? Once you do this, there is no turning back. Are you sure this is exactly what you wish?"

I looked at him and blinked. I had no clue what the man meant but I nodded. "If you can truly give me a plush lover as a mate, I'd take any consequences it meant me dealing with."

"Very well," the man said, handing me the bottle. "Drink this, and go home. You will find your wish has been granted."

I reached for the bottle. "How much?"

"Twelve fifty," the man said.

I handed the man the money, and he smiled at me once more. I took the bottle and undid the cork in it, swallowing the contents. Nothing felt different at all. I looked back at the man, who simply nodded before turning away and vanishing back into the back room. Had I been duped?

I walked all the way home thinking that I'd just been set up. When I got back home, I walked inside and went back to my room. I was just about to give up on the potion's effects when I noticed something. On my bed, where I had left my wolf, I had noticed something different about him. Walking up closer to him, I noticed the wolf now had a cock on it. Curiosity took over and I sat on my bed putting him in my lap. I had no idea how the change had happened, but I decided I was, once again, too horny to care. Putting him on the bed beside me, I took in the plush's cock and gently began to suck on it. It tasted rather interesting. It didn't taste like a human cock, yet it didn't taste fleshy like I would have thought a wolf cock might taste. It tasted like velvet. Don't ask how I knew that. I continued to suck on the velvet cock and was slowly beginning to get into the moment. I took the paws of the plush and put them to the back of my head.

What surprised me though was the fact that the plush's paws seemed to have stiffened, and were now moving on their own. I heard a light chuckle as I felt the paws push me down on the cock I was sucking on. Suddenly, the wolf began humping and thrusting upward into my mouth. This was starting to feel really awkward. Was this what I wished for when I drank that potion? I decided I'd see what happened as I resumed sucking the fake wolf cock.

The wolf seemed incredibly pleased by this and humped back into my mouth. I actually was really starting to enjoy this. I then heard the plush let loose a small howl as I felt the cock in my mouth pulse rapidly. An interesting taste filled my mouth. I thought it was cum, but it was far too strange tasting. It actually tasted like... wet stuffing. The wolf gripped my head, ramming his cock deep into my mouth, and pouring the 'plush cum' down my throat. When he finished, he removed his paws and lifted my head to look at him.

"How was that, Warren?" the wolf asked me.

"How did you..." I started.

"It was what you wished for, wasn't it?" the wolf replied, questioning me again.

"Well, yeah... I mean... what was that you just did?" I asked, not quite sure what else to say.

"You'll find out. I still have some more in me. Call me Wally," the wolf said, finally giving his name. "Come here, Warren."

I was completely stunned by now, but I did as he asked. I think I finally figured out what the potion had done. Wally pushed me to the bed and jerked my pants down. He didn't give me much time to say anything before I felt him prodding my asshole. His cock had stiffened, and he wasted no time in pushing himself inside me.

Wally worked fast too. Almost immediately, Wally had frantically started pumping his cock in and out of my ass over and over. The feeling was just great; better than I could have ever imagined. I could feel him working faster and faster until he finally shot a second load. It felt strange, though not as strange as the first time, when he shot more of the wet stuffing up my ass. I actually moaned a little bit this time, and Wally just laughed. "Loving this are we? Well, how about I offer you one more little treat?"

I looked at him. I had absolutely no idea what Wally had meant, but this was feeling so wonderful I didn't even care. I nodded and waited to see what Wally would do.

"Do you trust me," Wally asked. "Do you truly want what you wished for?"

Again, I seemed confused at the question, but I nodded a second time.

"Close your eyes and rest. When you open your eyes again, you will indeed have your wish," Wally told me. When I closed my eyes, I felt him get off the bed. Strangely enough, shortly after he got up, I felt a tightness around my feet. It didn't hurt or anything, but it was definitely odd. I had to wonder what this had to do with my wish, but, still trusting Wally, my eyes remained shut.

I felt the tightness pushed up to my legs. Everything that was bound by this tightness also felt warm, like someone breathing on me. I let myself loosen up to allow Wally to continue. Whatever was going on, I was completely oblivious. The tightness and warmth then was all the way up past my knees. Now, I was sure something odd was going on, and I could no longer keep my eyes closed. Opening my eyes, I saw something I couldn't believe. My plush wolf, my friend, was eating me. I looked to see that everything from the knees down was gone inside of him.

A mixture of fear and confusion washed over me, but the look Wally gave me when he noticed I was looking made me instantly relax, though I now had absolutely no idea how this fit into my wish. I felt him take more of my legs, up to my thighs, into his plush muzzle. I closed my eyes again, and focused more on the warmth of what Wally was doing now. What part of me still was outside of him felt cool, while what part of me that was inside of him felt warm, almost hot. He took in my crotch next. Instinctively out of the feeling I shot a bit of pre as he took me inside him. Wally knew exactly what he was doing, whatever it might have been.

Wally pushed more of me inside him; up to my mid stomach. His plush tongue licked my back. Strangely, it actually was a little wet and made me laugh. I felt him push more in, up to my chest. There was definitely no escaping what Wally was doing to me now. I decided I'd make the last of this interesting experience easier for Wally. I crossed my arms across my chest to allow Wally to swallow me even further up to my neck. I took one more look around the room, opening my eyes, before closing them a final time, ready to escape the fate I was handed. I had in fact been tricked by that man, but now it looked like I had nothing I could do. I felt Wally push my head into his mouth as he finally closed his muzzle, concealing me inside his plush body. It was strange. It was tight inside the wolf's body. Feeling that my fate was finally sealed, I closed my eyes a final time fell asleep in my plush prison.

The next day came, and I awoke. Opening my eyes, I looked around the room. Everything looked normal. Was everything that happened just a dream? All of it? It couldn't have been. Oh well. I decided I would go out for my walk a little early, only to discover that I couldn't move well.

"Morning, Warren, my little Wolfie," a voice came. The voice seemed familiar though.

"Wally, is that you?" I asked.

"Sure is. Did you enjoy last night," Wally asked, though I'd still had no idea where he was.

"You mean that was real?" I asked him.

"Well, of course. You made a wish, and now it came true." Wally answered.

"How do you mean?" I asked him.

Finally, Wally showed himself, but it wasn't the Wally I knew, instead I was looking back at myself. Rather, what used to be me. I almost instantly realized now that I was still within the body of the Wolf plush, I looked down to see the same plush wolf cock that I was sucking on yesterday. "What's going on here? This wasn't my wish."

"Yes it was," Wally explained. "Your wish was, and I quote: 'what I want most is to have a 'plush' lover as a mate.' I'm your lover, I WAS a plush and now, thanks to your wish, you're my plush and I'm the plush lover."

"You mean I'm..." I looked up at him.

"That's right. You're now my 'plush' lover." Wally explained.

"This is a joke right," I questioned him.

"Nope, and I'll prove it," Wally took hold of my plush cock and began pawing me off. Surprisingly, he got me off incredibly fast, and when I came, I shot the same wet stuffing that Wally did when he was the plush.

"But... I don't understand." I told Wally.

He simply pointed at the DVD screen on the TV that I was looking at before. On it was the ad I saw before, but there was something extra on the bottom:

'Note: Be careful and specific in what you wish for. You get EXACTLY what you ask for. And we DO mean EXACTLY...'


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