my life page 3 and 4

Story by jakefolf on SoFurry

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I opened my mouth to protest but my mom cut me off "We will leave you two alone." They never liked her. One night after she left I asked them about her. My mom, being the more polite one said simply that I could do better then her but my dad let me know what he really thought. "She is a self centered little bitch and the only reason I'm letting you date her is because you made the mistake of asking her out in the first place." After that I never did ask them of their opinions about her but there actions spoke loud and clear. To be honest I didn't care as much about her as I did when we first went out.

"Is that a new dress?" I asked, trying anything to get her to stop making me feel like I did something wrong.

"Yes, yes it is. It's Zincha. It was on sale for $95 can you believe that. I thought it was a steal so ... " She kept talking but I zoned out almost instantly, because I knew she would be talking like this for a while. So instead of listening to her talk about Zincha and Globinth or whatever, I decided to go back to think about those stunning blue eyes but this time they were not alone they were accompanied by a big beautiful smile.

"Why can't I get him out of my head." I thought to myself "It doesn't make any sense. I'm not gay, I have never been turned on by guys before. I mean I have never even looked at a guy that way."

"GOD DAMMIT!" I yelled out loud.

"Are you OK?" the nurse asked, running in. Before I had a chance to say anything else, "I think you better go. Visiting hours are over in a few minutes anyway." And with that she rushed Gina out of the room, but not before she leaned in and kissed me on the muzzle. I kissed back but more so just to get her away from me.

After the nurse deemed me perfectly fine and left I got up and pulled the curtin back only to be met with those blue eyes and smile I spent the last few hours obsessed about. I walked over and sat in the chair next to his bed. "That is my wonderful family." I said taking a glance at the book on the night stand. "Oceans Grasp huh? Any good?"

"I like it, don't know if you would though. It's a gay romance novel about an otter and a wolf. The otter finds the wolf injured and nurses it back to health and the wolf falls for the otter but the rest of his pack disown him because he lost the fight for the alpha position. Thats where I'm at." Sid answers picking up the book and hands it to me.

The cover of the book had a white wolf holding an otter floating in the ocean. Seeing that picture of the otter and wolf together made me think of the otter and fox I saw on the bus "I wonder if they read this?" I thought as I put the book down. "I'll pick it up sometime." I say giving the fox a smile.

"So thats your girlfriend?" He asked taking his glasses off.

"Yea ... well ... I don't know."

"Ha ha well it's either yes or no. So which is it?"

"I guess technically she is but I don't feel the same way," I say as I sit down on the foot of his bed, "I mean I use to really love her but then her dad got a new job as the C.E.O. of this big company and she just changed into this ... But I guess part of me still cares for her but ... I don't know ... You know?"

"You mean she changed into this self-centered controlling bitch that doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone but herself."

If anyone else said that I would get pissed and beat the shit out of them, but for some reason when he said it I didn't get mad at all. In fact I agreed with him. "Yea what you said. It just feels like I don't wanna be around her. In fact I was relieved when the nurse told her to leave.

"Well if you don't like her why are you still dating her?"

"I don't know I still care for her I guess. Just not as much as I use too."

"Well it sounds to me like your just eye candy."

"Me? Eye candy?" I said doubtfully.

"Yea you're right. A few earrings then you would be some sweet sweet eye candy." He said as he put his glasses on and picked up his book.

If my fur wasn't black I'm sure everyone would be able to see my face turn bright red. I had no idea what to say to that "Wait ... You ... What do ... Huh?"

"Aww," he smiled one of those annoying, aggrovating, irritating, erotic, beautiful, sexy, foxy smiles that could swoon almost anyone, "how easily flustered you can get. Kinda cute." And of course the nurse walks in at that very moment and rushes me off to bed saying some bull shit about me needing rest.

"God damn nurses. They either have the best or worst timing in the world." I thought to myself bitterly as she turned off the light above my head.

No sleep came to me that night. All I could think about was what he said "Kinda cute." and "Sweet sweet candy." Those words swam around in my head over and over. Then came his smile mixed with those words and I was hopelessly lost but snapped right back to reality when I felt my full erection and knot about to burst. "What the fuck" I thought as I reached down. Just reaching down almost sent me over the edge and it doesn't help that I can smell the fox sleeping in the bed right next to mine. "I need to take care of this or I WILL explode" I thought as I listened to hear if his breath showed proof that he was asleep and after I came to the conclusion that he was asleep I rushed over to the bathroom and tore off the gown and grabbed my fully erect member. It didn't take long cause my knot was almost already fully swelled but for some reason while I was pumping getting my knot nice and big I couldn't keep Sid out of my mind. I tried to think of Gina and her big breasts but for some odd reason Sid kept slipping back in. After several minutes of fighting I gave in and let Sid take over my mind but he didn't do anything erotic, all he did was smile and look at me. Just as he turned around and flicked his tail is when I grabbed my now fully plump knot and sprayed my seed all over the wall and as weird as it was that I just cam to the thought of another dude it made me have the largest orgasm I have had since I discovered masturbation. Panic suddenly came over me "Oh shit it didn't go in the toilet. He will be able to smell it when he wakes up. Shit shit shit shit shit shit." I thought as I grabbed the soap and paper towels and went to work scrubbing the wall. By the time I finished cleaning as best I could I was all the way back in my sheath and could barely smell my cum on the wall, so I set to work on my sheath. I stifled a yelp, as my groin was still a little tender. Setting the soap and paper towels back I throw on my gown and walk out and tiptoe back to bed and finally find sleep.