Punishment 3: Trust.

Story by SirRazalus on SoFurry

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#3 of Punishment

Punishment 3: Trust. By Sir Razalus

(This story continues right after Punishment 2 - The Return) ________________________________________________________________________

Razi stood there in front of the fireplace with Alice hugged tightly in his arms. His paws slowly sliding up and down her back as she sobbed against his chest. A single tear falling from his eye as happiness swelled up within him....but then the thoughts came. She had been gone a year. A whole year with another guy. She belonged to him and in a since, he belonged to her. A feeling of dread washed over him as he pushed his kitty away from his chest. His paws on her shoulders. Alice looked up into her masters eyes. Her baby blues surrounded by a twinge of red from all the tears. His sorrow filled expression soon turning into anger, discomfort and disappointment. He loved her, more then anything in the world....but that was a year ago.

And now that she's hear again, the thoughts just couldn't stop coming of all of the things she did while she was away. What did he do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. His live continued, work and play. But no one was able to fill the void that Alice left. All his efforts were futile. Jennifer, his trusty maid, was there of course but aside from what happened this evening...her "persuasive" techniques, there wasn't much to be had in his life. At first he spent many nights alone, focusing on his other hobby's as well as work to pass the time. Often sitting at his desk, raising right paw off to the side to rub over Alice's head as she usually sat there but fell short due to her absence. In the middle of the night when he'd have trouble sleeping, he'd crawl over to the edge of the bed. "Hey Kitty..." he'd speak in his softest voice as he'd reach down to her little pet bed to wake her to come join him...but she wasn't there. These moments lead to tears.

Deciding to move on, he tried to get away from the master/pet scenario. He went on dates, even established a casual relationship with a few people. Being a bisexual male, you have options of course but none of those options were good enough. The moment would be right, and he'd bring a lovely fur back to his manor, the moment would be intense, the passion would be rising, and he'd stop it. And the times where he managed to finish, the orgasmic bliss would fade and he'd feel hollow again. The sex was meaningless. Some understood his feelings, others were upset. He kept the good people around, and lost the contact info of the people who shunned his broken heart.

One of the people he had become close to spoke of something that could possibly help him. This was a venture back into the world of master and pet. A convention of sorts for people involved with the BDSM lifestyle. He attended, saw some things he would never want to try as well as things he thought would have been nice to do to Alice which sparked an evil grin to stretch across his cheeks. He even decided to bring someone in as a pet though after spending a few days with her, it was pretty obvious that she just wanted a master...ANY master. And Razi meant just as little to her as she did to him. Her collar was something generic and store bought, it didn't even have a tag that said she was his so he just let her go. And as he'd come to find in his local BDSM community, she quickly found another master.

Back to square one it was, missing Alice. Unable to establish and maintain anything other then friendship. Meaningless one night stands that often ended mid way through. He was broken. He gave up. But then she came back.

Alice continued to look into Razi's eyes, waiting for him to speak...but he didn't. He slipped his paws off her shoulders and walked passed her. Jennifer spoke up. "Razi? Wha...." He glanced up at her angrily and she decided it would be best to shut her trap as he made his way up to his room. The doors shut behind him and the whole house was dead silent. A bit on the shocked side, Jennifer padded over to Alice who was very confused by this. The tender loving moment ending abruptly. Jennifer slipped a paw onto Alice's back. "I...I think you'd better sleep down here tonight hun..."

The Next Day.

Razi laid there in his bed, the emotions drained him enough to allow him to sleep but it was a very discomforting rest. His dreams wild and uncontrolled which was something he didn't like. People who hurt him in the past making guest appearances only to further sadden him within the dream state. Now awake, he laid there with his arms behind his head, blankly staring up at the ceiling as thoughts continued to rush through his mind. He turned his head to his left, glancing at his alarm clock...1:35pm. He usually never stays in bed this late and if he ever did, someone would come and try to wake him, or make sure he's ok. It seems everyone knew to stay away from him as he collected his thoughts. He closed his deep violets once more and took in a deep breath, holding it until his body forced him to breath again. He exhaled heavily and stretched his arms out to the sides, pushing the bed as he sat himself up. He swung his legs off the side of the bed and sat there for a moment longer. His paws rubbing over his face before he decided to head to the bathroom for what would have been the morning ritual had he woke up earlier.

Alice had been up for awhile. When she woke up in her old home again, it made her happy. She smiled brightly smelling the old scents of the breakfast she used to wake up to every day. She waited for someone to come get her, not feeling it was her place anymore to move freely around the manor, even though she had her collar back, and soon Jennifer did. Opening the double doors to the room, She poked her head in. "You awake Alice?" Startled, Alice rolled to her right off the couch, falling to the floor! Jennifer laughed aloud. "I guess so! Hehe, come and eat hun, I'm sure you're gonna need you're energy today." She said with a little chuckle that made Alice shiver. She pushed herself off of the floor and adjusted her clothes. Jennifer had went up into Alice's room and brought her some of her...nicer...night wear. Razi had often had her dressed very scantly clad for bed but she figured that wouldn't really be what he'd want to see when he woke up given his actions the night before.

Alice followed Jennifer towards the dining room, looking up the stairs along the way to see that Raziao's doors were still shut. She sighed softly and whispered to the maid. "Is Master Razi awake?" To which Jennifer replied. "If he is, he hasn't moved about. I haven't heard anything upstairs today...it kinda worries me but I'm not gonna be foolish enough to go check on him just yet!" She laughed. "Not with that temper of his, screw that!" Alice giggled sheepishly, the mention of a temper making her shiver again as they made their way to the dining room. Alice sat down and was served. She ate and assisted in the clearing of the table. Still no Razi. She went into one of the lower bathrooms to wash up, Jennifer went upstairs to grab Alice some more clothing as well as a new toothbrush. "Here's a toothbrush honey and I also brought you these." She said, handing Alice a knee length, blue skirt with a matching white button up blouse that had a blue collar. A pair black, heeled slip on's for her feet. The outfit almost looked school girlish and Alice remembered it, smiling at being able to wear it again.

"Now lets get you cleaned." Jennifer spoke, reaching up into the cabinet above the sink for some grooming items. She lifted a paw into Alice's hair, fuzzling it. "You let your hair get a bit out of control girl!" She chuckled and Alice smiled again looking into the mirror as Jennifer padded around her, trimming split ends here and there, shaping it properly as she brushed out kinks. "I guess I did...I didn't really notice." Jennifer made her hair look nice enough, she'd do more after Alice showered. "I got the drapes a bit nicer but it still needs some work, what about the carpet?" Alice rose her brow a bit in the mirror. "Carpet? Oh!" She meeped, clasping her paws over her crotch even though she was still clad in shorts. "Well ya know Razi doesn't like bush hun!" Jennifer exclaimed. Alice blushed heavily and tugged out the front of her pink shorts. "I...um...s-suppose it's a little wild down there too." Jennifer giggled and set her scissors down, reaching into the cabinet again for trimmers. She placed a little edge guard onto the blades that would trim her fur short but not bald. "I suggest ya get that jungle trimmed down." She said, handing the clippers to Alice with her left paw as the right tugged out the front of her shorts again. Alice squirmed, shifting her thighs together as the maid inspected her. Squirming even more as Jennifer tugged her shorts down."I..I can do it Jenn!" Alice meeped. "I know, just hurry it up!" The maid laughed again.

With a click and a several buzzing noises, Alice turned the trimmer on and proceeded to trim down her pubic fur. Small locks of black fur fell to the floor in front of her. Smoothing out the area. "I...I got it Jenn." Jennifer was checking out other area's of Alice's body as Alice did the shaving. "Ok. Sit up on the sink and let me see." Alice went wide eyed. "What?!" The fox swished her tail about behind her as she continued to grin. "Just gonna make sure it's all uniform, nothing dirty." Alice nodded and turned to face the vixen, placing her paws behind her on the sink and hiking herself up onto it. Her thighs hugged together. Jennifer clicked her tongue and placed her paws on Alice's knees, spreading her legs apart wide. "Quit being shy!" Alice meeped and covered her face with both paws as Jennifer took the trimmer off the counter. "You got the top, but it's still a little thick on the sides." The clippers clicked and started to buzz again in the foxes paw. "Don't get all ticklish now." She said as her paw brought the trimmer to Alice's crotch, shaving down her inner thigh near her pussy. "Eeeeehehehehehe!" Alice fought to hold herself still! The vibrations didn't tickle her when she did it but when someone else does, it's quite the tickling sensation with that area being so sensitive. The trimmers clicked off and Jennifer set them down on the counter. "There, that wasn't so hard." She said as she brushed a paw over Alice's nethers, making sure she didn't miss a spot. Alice's cunny fur was as it should be, short and flowing nicely into the rest of the fur on her body."Now she's a pretty kitty!" The maid chuckled, patting her paw on Alice's crotch which made the emerald cat blush even more. "Now hop in the shower. Don't worry, I'm not gettin in with you. Just make sure you wash every where and shampoo and condition your hair." Alice nodded to the maid, slipping off of the counter. "Okie." Jennifer spoke up again as she grabbed a little hand vac out of a closet near by the bathroom. "Oh and brush your teeth too." "Yes ma'am!" Alice giggled as she turned the shower on. Jennifer behind her cleaning up the fallen hair and fur. Alice stripped off her top and slipped into the shower, doing as she was told.

The water warmed up quickly as it hissed out of the shower head. Alice purred softly as she began to lather herself up in fur shampoo. The emerald cat coated herself in it's vanilla scented foam, almost to the point where none of her original color shown through the thick suds. Jennifer finished sucking up the fur with the little hand vac. "Oh Alice, you don't have to use THAT much!" She chuckled. Alice continued to purr as she rubbed her paws all over her body, dragging her fingernails through her fur and getting the shampoo's cleansing down to her skin. "But it feels soooooooo gooooooooood!" Jennifer reached into the shower and tugged the head off of it's mount. Rolling the inner ring on the head it 'self to up the intensity of the water and began spraying Alice down. Alice groaned "Awww! My bubbles!" She pouted. Jennifer chuckled as she worked the stream all over the kitten's body. "I'm sure there will be more time for that later......alright...lets get you dried off and presentable." Alice nodded and watched as the maid hung the shower head back in it's place and reached for a towel. Alice stepped out onto the floor mat as Jennifer wrapped the towel around her. Alice proceeded to dry herself with the towel and being that her fur was so short, it didn't take too long to get dry. Alice sniffed at herself, taking in the sweet scent of the vanilla that rooted it 'self into her fur. "Mmmmm..." She cooed. Jennifer took the towel and began drying off Alice's hair as well as styling it back into it's usual position while Alice brushed her teeth. She brushed at Alice's hair as the cat rinsed her mouth.

"Alright. You smell good, you look good. Now get dressed. I'm gonna go check and see if Razi is awake." Jennifer said before she padded out of the bathroom. Alice turned to her little outfit, lifting it up off a small stool that sat under the towel rack. She slipped on the knee socks one at a time and the shoes followed. Next came the little blue skirt slipped right up onto her hips before the white blouse was buttoned up her front and tucked into the skirts waistband. The steam in the bathroom subsided and Alice looked at herself in the mirror....she then looked around the room. Back at the stool, the towel rack, and the sink. "I don't um...Jennifer didn't bring me any...." She nibbled on her bottom lip as she lifted the front of her skirt. Her lower regions quite bare. She blushed at the sight. Her thighs rubbing together a little from her embarrassment. Her eyes trailed to her short furred mound. A little bit of her pink flesh peeked through. With a little whimper she dropped her skirt down and thought to herself. "Master won't mind...I think...I should ask Jen before..." Her thoughts were cut off by the sound of the large door to Razi's room shutting as well as the sound of voices coming down the stairs. Her ears perked up a bit, trying to catch the tone of voice though all she could make out was that one was higher pitched then the other. Alice took a deep breath and another quick look over her body before stepping out of the bathroom, making sure to turn the light off on the way, and headed towards the main hall...

Alice peeked around the corner to find Jennifer and Raziao, who seemed to be in good spirits from what she could see, walking down the stairs. A smile stretched across her masters muzzle as he and Jennifer chatted. Her ears perked up at the word 'Shaved' which made her blush as was probably in reference to her. She decided it would be a good idea to hide no longer and go ahead with presenting herself to him. Slowly, she walked around the corner to the center of the main hall. A circular carpet was just before the stairs and she found her footing in the very center of it. Her paws clasped in front of her, head bowed in submission. She waited for his words.

Words didn't come however as Razi simply approached her. She could feel his eyes looking over her body which made her feel a little tingly. She fidgeted where she stood, rubbing one of her feet up her calf. Raziao's large paws grasped her shoulders as he stepped forward. Her eyes stayed glued to the floor though now Razi's feet. His muzzle lifted and planted a soft, gentle kiss on her forehead. She smiled and looked up at him, though keeping her head bowed, as he took a step back. Slowly she lifted her head to face him, the smile still on his face. She weekly smiled up to him. Razi lifted a paw up to her neck and she receptively lifted her head higher. His fingers stroking over the name plate for a second and moved on to her chin. His thumb and forefinger clasped onto her chin, guiding her to look into his eyes as he spoke. "You know yer in trouble right?" Alice meeped and her eyes widened! Her lips parted a bit to speak but Razi shook his head to shush her and her mouth clamped shut. Jennifer spoke up at this point. "I didn't think the spanking ya gave her last night was enough." Alice's eyes darted to Jennifer with a mixed look of sadness and anger to which Jennifer just held both of her paws up, bowed her head and backed away. Raziao interjected. "Well she' is right. And you know me Alice, I'm sure you didn't expect that to be the end of your punishment for being such a bad kitty." Alice whimpered now, not really wanting to get spanked again as her butt stung like hell after being spanked like a child the previous night. Her paws slowly slipped from each other and reached around behind her. Her tail lifting up as both paws clasped onto her bottom. The expression on her face as she gazed up at her master was of a pitiful, shamed puppy. Her ears drooping a bit as well. "Awww don't worry, there won't be any spanking...at the moment." An evil grin spread across his face after he spoke those words. He released her chin and headed towards the dining room.

Alice stayed there for a moment, watching as her master walked away. Her eyes focused on his fluffy, swaying skunk tail. He paused and looked over his shoulder. "Well come on then!" His voice chimed out to her making her tense up before swiftly rushing up behind him. "Have you eaten?" He asked as he stopped in front of a chair. Alice quickly grabbed on to the back of it, pulling it out for him. "Y-yes sir. Before you woke up." Razi nodded and took a seat in the pulled out chair. Alice placed a paw on the chair to his right, beside him where she usually sat. She began pulling it out when Razi snapped his fingers, looking up at her and shaking his head. He pointed to the floor next to him. Alice obeyed the silent command and kneeled down at his side. In this position, Razi would usually pet her which was something she enjoyed quite a bit but his paw stayed on the table as his breakfast was brought to him. "Turn around Alice." He commanded. She looked up at him with a slightly puzzled look but obliged and once her back was to the table, he reached over and pushed her forward. The kitty fell onto her paws and was now on all fours. She felt his paw slide up from her lower back to between her shoulders where he pushed again, making her hunch forward even more. His touch drifted away for a brief moment, only to reach for her hips which he hiked up high into the air. Her tail hung behind her, keeping her dress down around her bared behind. "Lift your tail." He commanded again and she slowly curled it up her back. "Higher." His voice teased out as one of his maids brought him a tall glass of orange juice. His gaze turned to the maid as he thanked her and she informed him that his breakfast would be out shortly. When his deep violet eyes settled on Alice's hunched position again, her tail was curled up high along her back as commanded. Curled slightly off to one side. "Good girl!" He praised as his he caught the hem of her skirt between a few fingers, hiking it very high up her waist.

Alice inhaled deeply and started to nibble on her bottom lip. As she could recall, he normally would request when he wanted her to go without panties as he preferred things to match so she expected to be scolded about this as she was in the past. But much to her surprise, all he said was. "Naughty kitty! Wearing a skirt without panties!" To which she blushed heavenly, burying her face in her open paws for a moment before speaking. "Apologies Sir...Jennifer...didn't bring me any." Razi chuckled and slipped his paw along her plush ass. Alternating between cheeks as he saw fit. Alice mewed and quivered a little, her hips still as her cheeks flexed from time to time under his touch. She exhaled softly as she felt her masters fingers drift up under her tail. With a little whimper she shivered again from the pressure he placed upon her tailhole. His fingers slowly slipped down from there, finding themselves wedged between the folds of her pussy. Alice gasped aloud. "Mmmmm!" She moaned over her bit lip. Her inner muscles clenched tightly as two of his fingers curled and pushed inside her tight hole. Her back arched a bit as Alice slowly breathed, trying to relax herself. Razi's fingers slowly pushed in and pulled out over and over, making her moan and drag her claws along the dining rooms soft, white carpet. Her ears wiggled at the sound of a few plates being set on the table and her nose wiggled a tad from the scent wafting from said plates. Razi's breakfast was served so she assumed he'd stop. But his intruding fingers kept up, sliding continuously between his pet's pussy lips and slipping free only to tease those wet fingers along her engorged clit. Rubbing it slowly at first but soon turning to a vigorous assault of pleasure. Alice panted and moaned from this attention. Her hips slowly rolling back and forth as her master's hand had it's way with her. Alternating back to her now slick canal and pushing those same two fingers inside of her again. She snuck a peek over her shoulder to see where his attentions lay and much to her surprise she found that he was eating the whole time! This was a first for them. Master was quite the multi tasker indeed. Her eyes watched as a fork with an imp ailed pancake was lifted to his lips and soon after, eggs followed by a piece of bacon. All washed down by the tall glass of OJ. This made her blush even more. He didn't do it often, but in the past, there were several occasions where he'd be busy or simply just not wanting to stop what he was doing but yet required to be pleasured as well. Memories of a business conference call via speaker phone and being told to be quiet as she rode him seemed to stand out the most. The vibe of being his pet again was returning for sure.

Razi's fingers continued right up to his last drop of OJ. When he set the glass down, his fingers slipped free of her cunny, leaving Alice panting and quietly moaning from her hunched position. Her body aching in pleasure as Razi let out a groan, leaning back in his seat and patting his belly. "Mmmmm...that was good." He murred. Alice looked over her shoulder again at him, staying in the position he put her. He looked down at her, catching her gaze. "Hehe...you can sit up." He nodded to her and Alice pushed herself up, weakly, by the paws. Her arms shaking just a tad as she came to a rest on her heels. Razi reached to her chin with his damp fingers, turning her to face him and her legs worked to shift her position as well. She planted her paws on the floor between her legs and leaned forward a bit. Her nose wiggling as she caught her scent on his digits and soon bumped his touch away, only to lap up his moist fingers. Her little tongue worked to clean them before she took them both into her mouth. Sucking and bobbing her head back and forth while her sky blue eyes focused on his own violets. Little moans and purrs vibrating in her throat as her eyes soon half-lidded. She rose a paw to his wrist, gripping it as she would his cock and practically began servicing his fingers. Her little paw even rubbed up and down his forearm as if stroking him into her mouth. Her tongue curling and licking between the two outstretched fingers as she sucked hard upon them. Razi giggled as she continued her servicing. Watching as her head bobbed and twisted along his fingers. "Hehehe..." His giggle made her eyes slowly open. She pushed forward again taking his fingers deep into her muzzle and paused, looking up at his grinning face. The blush on her cheeks deepened and stretched further as she shyly backed away. His fingers slipped free as she sheepishly giggled back to him, clearing her throat and speaking. "A-all clean Master!" To which Razi couldn't help but laugh and Alice soon followed. Her tail slowly curling side to side behind her. He lifted that paw to the table, wiping it off on a napkin before stretching it back to the top of her head, petting her as he pushed the chair back with his behind. He stood up and pushed the chair back in, stepping closer to Alice and patting her head again.

"Awwww..I know what my kitty wants." He churred down to her, pulling her head closer to his crotch which made her stand up on her knees. Lewdly he rubbed and grinded the crotch of his pants against her nose. Teasing her as she panted and whimpered against it. Her lips brushing the bulge, her outstretched fingers clawing at his pant legs. And just as soon as he started teasing, he stopped. Taking a step back and commanding her to stand up. With a whimper she obeyed. Her thighs grinding against each other in need. "Later love. Lets go." He stepped to the side, holding an arm out towards the exit. She took the que to walk in front of him and just as she passed, Razi smacked her hard but playfully on the ass which made her gasp, moan and tense her whole body as she didn't expect it. With a soft chuckle, he slipped his paw onto the top of her head, leaning over to whisper into her ear. "Good girl." Alice smiled as they headed out of the kitchen.

They walked side by side out into the main hall again where Razi stopped. His muzzle turning up the stairs, his eyes focused on the door next to his own chambers. His brow furrowed for a moment. Alice stood beside him, looking up at her handsome master though his change of expression made her take a step back. He wasn't really prone to mood swings, but it seemed to her as if his mood changed to angry. "I..is something wrong Sir?" She asked hesitantly. Razi didn't respond right away, his gaze still on the door. But soon, silence was broken as he turned back to her. "You slept down here right?" He asked with the scowl still on his face. Alice nodded and bowed her head, feeling like she did something wrong. "I uh...you don't have to do that tonight." He said to her. The kitty looking up through the locks of hair that hung over her face. "No?" She replied and Razi sighed softly. "No. You must understand that I don't want to just...GIVE you all of your privileges back. But I admit I'm a bit of a softy, and I don't want my kitty sleeping on the couch." Alice smiled and lifted her head up a bit. "Thank you.." And Razi continued to speak. "That being said, I just don't know where I should put you. I think you don't deserve you're play room back, nor your place by my side. Even the little bed at the edge of my bed." Alice's ear's perked up high as she looked up to him fully. "Y-you...kept everything?" She was a bit shocked to hear that. "Underestimated how much I really loved you eh?" He teased her, a smile cracking his muzzle. Alice inhaled, her muzzle parting in preparation to form words but Razi shushed her with a finger on her lips. "Ya don't have to answer that." He said, shaking his head a little. "You already apologized last night. And I don't really wanna get into that. The past is the past and I do love you. You just have to regain my trust before I give you all those nice things. Though the clothes you can have. Because...well you know how I am." He chuckled and Alice did the same. "Hehehe...yes I know." She smiled up to him. "Um...well you don't have to come up with a place right now Sir...it's still very early in the day." Raziao nodded to her. "True, true. I slept a hell of a lot longer then I normally do." Razi rubbed a paw along his neck as he stretched a bit. "Ah...and my back and neck are all tensed up." Alice nibbled onto her lip for a moment as she watched him work his fingers into his shoulder. "May I...massage you?" Razi put his arm back at his side. "I was thinking of taking another shower...but sure." He said as he started to head for the stairs. Alice followed behind. This would be the first time she'd been in his room since before she left. Her tail curled and whipped around behind her. Thought's of giving him a great massage with a happy ending swirled around in her naughty little mind.

In Raziao's room, Alice headed into the bathroom while Razi proceeded to remove his clothes. "I'll run you a bath Sir. I'm sure the warm water will relax your joints and muscles." She said with a little giggle. "You remember how I like it?" He chuckled as he lifted his shirt up over his head. Alice turned around in the door way to face him. Her mouth slightly salivating as her eyes feasted on his buffed chest. His paws working over his belt and soon the button, tugging his waistband down. He seems to have forgotten his underwear on this day. Her eyes trailed down his form to his hanging, smokey gray length. The kitty quickly licked her lips. "I...mmmm...I remember." As Razi wiggled out of his pants, Alice managed to tear herself away from that lovely sight. Her dainty paws reaching down to the side of the tub, turning the knobs to send a torrent of water into the tub, slowly filling up with nice warn water. A button on the side of the tub, activated jets of heat giving the tub it's Jacuzzi feel. It had been awhile since she had seen it, memories of their very first night together, the night when she became his pet, rushing into her mind and making her rub her thighs together again, light stimulation for her needy sex. She dipped her paw into the water, to make sure she got the correct feel when Razi slipped up behind her. His paws grabbing onto her hips as he pressed his naked form to her back. "So how is it?" He spoke softly to her, startling the kitty a little and making her splash the water, though she quickly calmed down upon feeling his bare length pressed between her cheeks, it's tip just lightly brushing her pussy from how her skirt lifted in her bent position. Sneaky kitty reached for the front hem of her skirt, tugging it away from her body in hopes that the back would ride up more. Razi backed away just in time though to reach down and test the water, preventing her from getting a better feel. Alice pouted but her body quickly tensed, making her stand back up as Razi gave her another quick swat on her bared ass. "Good job Ali." He smiled over to her as he decided to step into the tub. She watched as he sat on the inside step that circled around the inside of the tub. Her paw reaching back and rubbing at the cheek he swatted, this time, making her blush a bit more and feel good about her actions. The water leveled out just below his pecks. He exhaled a deep moan, leaning back against the edge. "Ahhhh...that feels good." Alice nodded softly walked around behind him, placing both paws on his shoulders, beginning to kneed into them with her finger tips. "I'm glad you like it."

Alice massaged her masters shoulders in the tub for awhile, extending her loving touch down his back as well when he'd lean over to signal for her to do so. There was only so much she could do from that angle of her kneeling at the side of the tub, so after Razi took a moment to wash himself over with soap and rinse, he dried off a bit and they headed back into his bedroom. Razi rubbed the towel over his body a bit to make sure the water in his fur wasn't dripping all over the place before tossing it on the back of his desk chair. His body flopped down on the bed, his tail flagging about for a moment before he relaxed it, pulling his arms up under a pillow and resting his head on it. Alice approached the bed, about to slip onto it beside him but decided against it. "Shall I continue Sir?" She purred out to him. Razi closed his eyes and nuzzled into his warm, fluffy pillow. "Mmmhmm...please do." Alice smiled and hopped up onto the bed beside him. She leaned over and started kneading her paws into his back, using her knuckles for a moment before switching to her palms and stroking her way down to the small of his back. The massage continued for quite a bit. Razi murred deeply the whole way, enjoying everything his kitty was doing to his back. Eventually, he murred out to her. "Go lower." Her paws at his hips when the words broke his lips. Alice nibbled on her lip, turning her head to where lower was. His tail flagged off to the side exposing the white fur on his bare rump cheeks. His plump balls being held up and splayed by his flaccid cock, pointing downward along the bed. "Ummmm...your legs?" She asked, a little bit embarrassed about everything that was contained within his lower region. Razi responded with a little giggle. "All of that." Her her cheeks began to heat up over his words. Her eyes still fixated on the length of his legs and everything between. She scooted herself back on the bed a bit more, reaching her paws to his ankles as his feet hung off the edge of the bed. Slowly she rubbed and kneaded her way up his long, muscled legs, being careful as he was a bit ticklish under his knees. When her paws worked over his thighs, to her shock, he spread them. Her eyes feasting on everything her masters tail end provided. In her memories, he had never...presented...himself in such a way. However she had plenty of times. The kitty bit into her lip a bit more, thinking about the way his tongue use to roam...She exhaled a breathy little pant as her paws edged up closer along each thigh and soon onto her masters nice...firm ass.

He didn't object. In fact, his hips rose up just a little bit into her groping paws. Her blush became hotter and spread along her body though her level of interest picked up a lot more. She brought her other leg onto the bed, now on her knees, her rump resting on her heels. She leaned in a little bit to give her paws more force into the hard rub she gave him. A moan passed his lips. She smiled and repeated the action and got the same response. Not really knowing how to massage an ass beyond what he did to her in the past, she decided it would be best to follow his example though he didn't exactly have the same parts. She figured it felt good to her, it was sure to feel at least somewhat nice to him as well. So with that, she brought her paws down to the bottom curve of his rump. Her thumbs reaching between them gently, watching his face for objections. She gripped onto it, spreading them apart as her fingers gripped into the meat of his cheeks. No objections, in fact he spread his thighs out a little bit more, taking up more space on the edge of the bed. She released his ass to maneuver herself between his legs. Her little paws gripping into the mass of his thick bottom once again and spreading it wide as she continued her massage. Razi murred out. "Mmmmm....that feels good kitty." to which Alice replied. "Good..." Her eyes focused on the displayed area. His smokey gray pucker flexing each time she'd spread his cheeks apart. His thick sac slowly boiling with seed. She licked over her lips slowly at the sight, spreading his cheeks apart once again but this time, keeping her thumbs on his taint. She pressed into it, rubbing her fingers around the area, up and down. His hips rose up just a little bit as his cock started to thicken and extend along the bed. Keeping one paw on his ass, she gently traced her other down to his sac. Her fingertips slowly caressing his hot, full orbs, gathering them up and gently squeezing the pair before letting them back down. Rewarded with moans from every action, she decided to test the waters so to speak, lowering herself down onto her paws and knees, she planted a soft kiss on one of his cheeks, making it flex. Another soft smooch, then another, making her way down between his legs. Each greeted with a muscle flex or a soft hiss from his lips. Soon her lips fond their way on her masters taint. A louder hiss escaping his lips this time, though not filled with discouragement. She kissed again, and he pushed back. Slowly, she let her tongue slip free of her lips, her eyes peering up to see if he would stop her. He didn't, and she was allowed to slowly drag her tongue over her masters taint, right down to his sac. A low growly moan rumbled in his chest. It seemed he enjoyed this, so again, her tongue slowly drug it's way through his soft white fur and over each of his balls, which she kissed and gave a little suckle upon each one, slathering it in her warm saliva. She worked her tongue back up his taint, her eyes drifting up the trail. "Hmmmm..." She purred quietly, as her tongue swirled around on his taint. Her eyes peering up a little further between his cheeks. One of her paws was still on his rump, kneading and rolling it around in her palm, keeping it slightly spread. She reached her other up to his bare cheek, joining the two to spread them apart and drug her tongue up to a new target.

Alice's tongue slowly rubbed against his smokey gray pucker, making her master shiver and flex it. A louder moan escaping his lips and the sound of his fingernails dragging across the bed. His tail flicked up above her. She watched as it's shadow was cast over her face, thinking he was about to stop her with it....but instead it curled over the back of her head, rubbing up against her back, accepting such a naughty present. Her paws spread his cheeks wider now, her heart picking up it's pace under the excitement of doing such a thing. Her tongue began to lash hungrily over his tailhole and back down against his taint. Razi's moans picking up a bit, little pants to signal his enjoyment. She edged down his sac again, lapping and kissing all over it before trailing the tip down his thick length. "Mmmmrrrrrrr..." Razi churred as his dick was licked up and down his sensitive underside. Alice craned her head to both sides, coating his meat in her warm saliva as she worked down to his tip. She lowered her chest against the bed, laying her muzzle flat and taking it between her lips, sucking hard onto his inflated tip. His dick twitched hard under the suction that only lasted briefly. She pushed herself back up and trailed her tongue all the way along every sensitive area of flesh, right back up to his pucker which she darted her tongue against as if trying to push in. He moaned and groaned over every action as he brought one of his legs in to lift his hips higher. She released one of his cheeks, her right paw drifting her fingertips down his thigh, making it's way to his now slightly hanging cock which she grabbed onto tightly and began to stroke towards the bed, milking it as her tongue lashed and dipped against his pucker. "Ohhhhh goddess..." He moaned out as her paw intensified these actions. His cock throbbing hard under her grasp and starting to leak his sticky pre-seed onto the blanket. She released her other paw from his cheek, dipping it down under him and curling it up under his waist, grabbing a hold of his hip as he'd do her. Her tongue lashing continuing. The speed of her paw increasing, being rewarded by the moaning and shivering of her master. She managed to press her tongue into her masters tight ring, not very deep but enough to make him cry out in pleasure. Her own tail flagged high above her. Her little pussy slickening and starting to drool her own juices down her inner thighs as she panted and pumped her tongue into his clean, musky ring. Her own scent colliding with his and filling the air as they both panted along with his moans. Her heart swelled with happiness and passion. She had never done this before and despite his issue of trust with her, for this moment, it seemed like nothing had changed between them as a lusty moan slipped from his lips, wrapped around a command. "Mmmmm...stop baby...let me turn over." She heard it, but her tongue continued to flick around his tailring, teasing the outer area as he would her clit. Her paw continuing to stroke his rod, milking out more of his thickening pre-seed. Razi didn't object one bit, his teeth clenching onto a pillow as he pushed his hips back against her wet muscle.

Slowly, the brought herself to a halt, making sure to lap her down back down his taint and sac, even over his cock and gently sucking against his flesh before unwrapping her paw and pulling away. With one of his legs already up and slightly away from her, he rolled onto his back. His dick making a wet slap against his stomach followed by his panting and looking up to her with his eyes full of lust. He didn't order her movements as he too was lost in this moment. His trust for her swelling as well. Alice crawled up onto his body. Hovering her slit above his cock with no need to tease her flesh against his underside. She reached under her skirt, lifting his prick and pointing it up between her folds quickly. She lowered herself onto him, feeling his wet, throbbing cock pierce her flesh. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" She cried out as she dropped her hips down to his hilt. Razi's big paws reaching up her thighs and up her skirt as well, grabbing onto her juicy behind. She expected him to lift her and take over, but he didn't. He waited for her to began to work her hips over him. She started to grind at first, with his cock buried so deep inside of her. Her little clit mashed against his pubic bone, rubbing it as his dick stirred around within those tight, aching walls. Her juices flowing down over his cock, leaking sticky beads down onto his sac as he rolled up against her. Their passion intensified as she leaned forward the way he liked it, and bounced her ass up and down along his cock, bringing herself almost to the point of slipping out before slamming back down onto him. She looked down into his eyes which met her gaze. Her heart all a flutter as this reminded her of the moments they shared before she left. Her freedoms, and the freedom to control the pace of sex. A little tear began to trickle down her cheek on one side of her face. This intense happiness of being so trusted by her master making the pleasure intensify ten fold. Her body shuddering as she quickly bounced her hips up and down his cock, panting hotly and moaning loud as they stared into each others eyes. He slipped a paw free from her hips to wipe her tear away and she nuzzled against his paw. "I....I love you...Master!" She panted out. And at this point, Razi took control. The paw on her hip holding her in place as her pussy quivered and contracted against the tip of his cock. "And you'll never leave me again?" He churred as he slowly, achingly slowly pushed his shaft into her inch by inch. She panted out. "N-no...never!" And he slammed his meat into her before yanking it back down and holding still. His dick starting to throb and jerk harder, his pre nice and thick, leaking out of his tip. "How long will you be mine?" He murred out to her in his deep, lusty voice. "Forever!" She quivered above him as her pussy ached for climax. She was so close and once again in the palm of his hand. "Oh? Are you just saying that because you want to cum?" He teased up to her as he started to push his rod into her again just as slow as before. "I-I...want nothing more....then to serve you!" She purred. The paw on her cheek pulled her down close to him. He pressed his lips up to hers, kissing them and snaking his tongue into her mouth as she kissed back, joining her tongue with his. His other paw sliding back onto her ass and gripping onto the cheek as he began to buck his hips up into her rapidly. Pounding into his pet's pussy, his thick sac slapping up against her ass as she whimpered and moaned above him keeping their lips locked together until she could take no more. Her back arching hard as her hold body felt a thunderous force shoot through every inch of her. Her cunny clamped down hard onto his meat as she finally reached the climax she'd been dying for all day. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" She shouted as Razi thrust home. His shaft jerking violently and spraying out his thick, hot seed inside of her. The forceful strands splating hard against her cervix as it poised itself to accept every drop of his hybrid seed. "MNNNNNN!" He growled out along with her, both paws now squeezing onto her ass and holding it against her as he continued to pump his seed into her convulsing tunnel. Her finger claws dug into his chest as she attempted to hold herself up in that arched position, the afterglow starting to kick in and make her body weak. She was unable to hold out though, her chest flopping up against his as she whimpered and panted.

As they both came down from the high of climax, he slid his paws free of her rump and curled his arms around her upper body, hugging her to his chest as he panted and cooed in afterglow as well. Alice's eyes drifted shut as she cuddled up against her master, her cunny still lightly quivering along with his cock's sensitive throbs. They laid there in the moment, a deep, happy purr emitting from her throat as he stroked his paw up and down her back and neck. She curled her own arms under his shoulders and snuggled in tight. His eyes slowly started to drift shut as well as he watched her tail slowly curl and flick around behind her, sweeping the air. "Kitty?" He churred out to her. "Mmmmm?" She responded. "You have to get up." Alice gasped, the moment of trust lost in her mind. She nibbled at her lip with a soft little whimper and slowly pushed herself up with weak arms. "Y...yes sir..." She bowed her head as slowly lifted herself up off of his shaft. The feeling of him slipping free making her shiver and whimper again. She pulled herself off of him towards the edge of the bed where she dangled her legs off the edge. She pouted as she started to lower herself onto the floor. On weak legs she stood at the side of his bed. "Um...where...do you want me to...sleep tonight?" Her voice cracking in sadness as she spoke. Razi pushed himself up and turned to the side, sitting behind her he wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling into her back. "Honey..." He turned his muzzle to look at his bedside clock. "It's only 5...since when do we sleep at 5?" Alice looked up at the clock, then out of the window, the sun still shining through the blinds. A little embarrassment washed over her for getting so sad at being asked to get up. She weakly giggled with a little bit of a sniffle. "O-oh...hehe....I-I'm sorry.." Razi slipped his paws to her hips, turning her towards him. "Don't cry silly.." He said, nuzzling up against her breasts. "We still have stuff to do today!" Alice giggled again and bowed her head, nuzzling into the top of his. "I'm sorry sir...I just got lost in the moment." Razi chuckled and nodded. "I noticed!" And pulled her away from him so he could stand up. She took a step back, watching as he yawned and stretched. "Mmmm...you give great massages doll." Alice blushed and giggled again, reaching up to wipe at her eyes. "Lets get cleaned up and go into town. I think we need to get you some new things." He said as he padded past her and towards the bathroom. "Like underwear..." He teased and Alice blushed heavenly. "I-I swear I didn't forget! Jennifer didn't bring me any!" She pleaded to him, trying to convince. And he just laughed as filled the sink with warm water. grabbing a washcloth of the towel rack. She followed him into the bathroom and got cleaned up for the third time today.

They took awhile to clean, and Razi got dressed once again. Alice kept on her skirt and blouse because Razi said he wanted everyone to smell the sex on her which made Alice blush even heavier, knowing his scent had marked her. He didn't give her panties either. No, he wanted everyone to that she was his when they went to town, and to further her honored embarrassment, he clipped a leash onto her collar as well which made her feel proud. A smile beaming from her muzzle as they started to leave the room...but Razi paused. "Oh and one more thing." He looked down to her as he walked back into his room towards the foot of the bed. He reached underneath and pulled out her old, plush, pink cat bed. Alice smiled so hard she thought her lips would crack under the strain. Razi picked it up, though it was a bit heavy. He tossed it out of the door and it slid down the stairs. Alice's smile started to fade a bit when Razi spoke up. "Don't get all pouty on me, I'm gonna get you a new one while we're out." Alice nodded, the smile remaining on her muzzle as she took a deep breath, her heart racing with joy again. "Does that mean I can?!" Razi nodded to her, taking hold of her leash again with one paw as the other quickly swatted at her rump again. "Good kitties get rewarded."

The End.