Classtime, Part 2

Story by Ridayah on SoFurry

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Author's Note: In case you hadn't guessed, I do enjoy some very naughty things. I hope you enjoy these stories! Please comment if you did enjoy; it helps encourage me to write more.

Lelyiah pressed down the edges of her skirt and looked in the rear-view mirror of her car. It had been a day since she had successfully gotten accepted into the Math and Physics study program, and won herself the attention of her Professor, Ridayah. He had made sure she got into the program, and Lelyiah felt her loins tighten in memory.

Tormented in class, with vibrators filling her nethers... a butterfly teasing her nub endlessly... winding up on his desk, being pounded into the cool metal as his cock thrust deep and finally came within her body... and lastly, his invitation to supper to congratulate.

She carefully eased out of her car. The green dragoness had dressed to show, in a short black skirt with pink accents, and a button-up blouse in a matching pink. Nothing would please her more than to look good at supper. So with a calculated swaying of her hips, Lelyiah walked up to the Professor's door and rung the doorbell.

Footsteps sounded behind the ornate oak door, and Lelyiah clearly heard a 'click' as the lock was disengaged. The door swung open.

Ridayah had dressed simply, in a pair of jeans and a dark brown sweater, that if a bit worn certainly looked comfortable. On his muzzle were a pair of square-edged glasses she couldn't remember seeing him wear before. The drake's face wore an expression of annoyance that converted to a smile when he saw who was there. Lelyiah wondered why he would have been looking so dour at first.

"Ahhh, thank goodness you're here. For a moment I thought you were another door to door salesman, I've had three today. I told them I am quite happy with my tupperwear, my vacuum, and my kitchen tile," He said, nodding a bit to the dragoness. So that explained it, she thought to herself! She bowed back and smiled wide. "Well I'm not selling anything, I came as you asked."

"So you did, so you did," Ridayah said with a nod. "Come in, for you are most welcome. I hope you don't mind fried fish and mashed potatoes for supper?" He stepped aside, inviting her into his home with a flourish of one paw.

Carefully, Lelyiah stepped inside and looked around. It was what she could have expected, a room on her left held numerous bookshelves and books, many on histories and math and sciences, and also included a roaring fireplace with a very old and worn if comfortable looking chair. Before her stretched out a hallway, with a staircase leading up another level. Pictures of Ridayah at various places lined the walls, and off to her right was the dining room, with the large table set for two. A door at the back was open and from it Lelyiah could hear the sounds of boiling water.

Ridayah quietly shut the door and locked it once Lelyiah was inside. "I don't have company too often, but I do treat guests well," He said. "If you want to look for a bit, I must finish cooking and that will take maybe ten minutes."

"Sure," Lelyiah murmured, blushing slightly. She turned and looked into the room with all the books as Ridayah padded towards the kitchen, his clawtaps reverberating off the wooden floors.

With the drake gone, Lelyiah turned her attention to the books. The first few racks held nothing more than histories of various parts of the world, although many of the spines she could tell were at least a hundred years old. She slowly browsed, spotting several sections of fantasy and sci-fi, making her smile as she could have expected such. Then she came upon two rows of books just left of the fireplace.

Titles sprang out at her, titles such as "Kama Sutra", "Sex through the Middle Ages", "Guide to Anal Pleasure", "Knots and Ties", "Keys to Woman's Arousal", "Fetishes and How to Relish Them", "Oral Sex Expertise", "Tantric Sex", "Elliciting Ecstacy", and dozens of others. She blushed at this collection, leaning in and taking closer looks at some of the titles. Some when she pulled them out had various images of dragons or other species in very twisted and what looked to be arousing positions. She blushed hotter when she found her paw had wound up pressed against her panties unintentionally, pressing through the fabric of her skirt.

Lelyiah quickly turned to another section, hoping her blush would fade. Her body felt warm all over as her mind began playing scenarios in his head, figuring he had indeed read all those books. With her thighs pressed tightly together, she took a seat in the only chair, and a big breath.

It took a few minutes but she managed to calm her body somewhat, until she heard the clacking of Ridayah's toe-talons on the floor again. He stuck his head into the reading room and smiled. "So, found my chair I see? Unfortunately you'll have to get up as supper is just about ready, if you want to take your seat I'll start serving," he said brightly, before turning and heading back to the kitchen.

Lelyiah rose and quickly went to the dining room, sitting down. The table had a fancy array of dishes and silverware, and a pair of glasses as well. One held water and the other one to her surprise and delight held chardonnay wine, her favorite drink!

"Here comes the food," Ridayah sang as he pushed open the kitchen door. In one hand he had a plate with two slices of fish, and in the other was a pot holding mashed potatoes. "Just a second and I'll bring out the corn. Serve yourself." He disappeared into the kitchen again, and Lelyiah eagerly dished herself up generous portions of the food. When Ridayah returned she took of the corn, and they settled down for an easy meal.

Talk progressed about the class, and how only half the students applying for the various programs had been accepted. Ridayah took pleasure in telling Lelyiah some of the experiments they would be doing together, and places they would visit in the program. As he was not only head of the expedition but also head of his entire department, he had clear say over where they went. He gave examples of some previous trips with descriptions of the very unique places visited, because Ridayah pushed his students hard and felt the exotic locations were a good reward for their work.

Soon the meal was over and Ridayah smiled and leaned forward. "You know, Lelyiah. Overall you are the smartest in my program, aside from your attrocious grades in my class. Now what we have addressed that fact," he said with a smirk as Lelyiah blushed, "I find myself in need of an assistant. She will need to be smart, for certain, and also willing to follow me around and spend extra time with me on notes and keeping track. Since you are here, I may as well ask you first and you can say you heard about this directly from me after class. Would you be willing to be my assistant?"

Lelyiah's heart fluttered a second. A chance to follow him around during the program, all the time in the world? "Y-yes," she stammered gratefully. "I'd love to, I'm sure I can keep on top of things."

With a twinkle in his eye and that smirk once more, he whispered, "I'd need to test you again as well, since this is a more demanding position than just for the class."

Lelyiah thought her heart would burst. For that matter, she thought the same about her sex!

She blushed and lowered her muzzle a bit, then whispered softly, "Test me all you need to."

Ridayah rose from the table with a scraping of the chair across the floor. Carefully he wove around the table, and then took Lelyiah's hand in his. "Follow me to where your test will be conducted then." He smiled as she rose, never once taking her hand from his.

The drake walked down the hallway to what looked to be a closet door. Ridayah opened it and then pushed aside a few hanging clothes to reveal a second door in the closet! This one however had a lock on it. Digging in his pocket, Ridayah extracted a set of keys and inserted one, opening the door to a dark, slightly reddish lit staircase. Lelyiah simply stared for a moment.

"This is part of the reason I bought this house," Ridayah said, amused. "Some old friends of mine built it with this room for their more... amorous pleasures and parties, so when they had triplets instead of just the one child they expected they wanted to move out and I quickly bought it up. Since I already knew about this room they also knew there would be no awkward questions from unknown potential buyers." He led Lelyiah down the stairs as he explained, letting her get a glimpse.

The first thing she noticed was the floor. It was covered all over in a soft limestone tile that would be easy to wash, and that sloped off towards one corner by the stairs. Set into the floor at the bottom of the slope was a large drain, with several showerheads on flexible hoses surrounding it. They hung from walls and from rods mounted on the ceiling. Those rods continued out of that corner and across the entire room in fact, although at first guess Lelyiah couldn't figure out what for. Shoved into the far corner was a massive silk covered bed, capable of holding at least six full-grown adults dragons, and a pair of couches to boot that had leather on them. Beside each chest was a large trunk and opposite the bed was a massive wardrobe. And finally, two whole walls were covered in nothing but mirrors. Floor to ceiling they reflected the contents of the space a million fold, fading away into the imagined distance. She gasped, and Ridayah simply chuckled.

Her wings, which normally were held tightly against her back, fluttered at the sight. Lelyiah made it all the way down before reclosing her wings, her mouth ajar at the site.

"This is where your exam will be. I suggest you get ready," Ridayah murmured into her ear. He disappeared back up the stairs.

Lelyiah hastily looked around and then made her way over to the bed. Quickly she tugged at the skirt's hem, pulling them down and finally stepping out of it. Her shoes and top followed as well, and then placed all the clothing together beside the bed against the wall. She turned to hear Ridayah coming back down the stairs. With a twirl she looked at him.

He had gotten out of his jeans, in fact he'd gotten out of... everything. She saw his sheath in his groin, the hide a bit duller on his stomach and legs than elsewhere, but that was the only concession of his true age. Most of his body was fairly fit, his feathers still shone in the faded light of the basement sex den, and he stepped off the stairs with a look at her. The drake frowned slightly. "You are not ready yet," He said, eyes taking in the sexy black lingerie she had worn. "You will not need those."

The dragoness blushed softly, and nodded. So as Ridayah headed towards one of the chests, she turned around and slowly undid her bra. With that gone, she made sure to bend over with her rump facing her teacher, and slid her panties down slowly. And it wasn't just her hope, Ridayah had indeed turned to watch her take off those undergarments. He got a clear sight of the damp spot underneath her vent, and more than a good look at her folds as she eased the lacy panties down. "When you're done, head over to the showers," he called out, returning his attention to the chest.

"Okay," Lelyiah said. She couldn't help but keep blushing, and once she had her panties off she pressed her legs together both out of embarassment and arousal. Her toe claws tapped softly upon the tile floor until she was in the corner with the showers.

Ridayah joined her a moment later, and she looked into his arms. He held a series of bars and leather straps, with rope holding the whole contraption together. At first glance it was a tangled mess but it became clear what it was as he hooked it up. First Ridayah reached up and took the largest bar, attaching it to one of the rods mounted in the ceiling, letting the rest dangle. Some of the pieces fell all the way to the floor, but there was rope to spare.

Once in place, Ridayah turned a stern gaze to Lelyiah. "Turn around, while we get you ready for the first part of your test. Oftentimes in the field as my assistant you have to haul packs, and have to have them fitted to you. This will be your test to see if you can handle having such a pack fitted to your body."

Lelyiah just shivered and turned her back to her professor, skin afire for his touch.

With delicate paws Ridayah carefully took her wrist and pulled it behind her back. The dragoness's hide-clad paw tingled as the male slipped something down over her wrist and tightened it. A flexing of her hand told her that the binding was soft on the inside but unyielding, and knew she would not be getting out until Professor Ridayah let her. Within moments her other wrist was bound beside the first, and her arms could no longer move.

She couldn't see most of what he was doing, but Lelyiah did see when Ridayah took a large leather strap and slipped it underneath her armpits. It sat on her hide, just above her perky boobs and ran behind her shoulders. The band tugged at her body as Ridayah locked and tightened it at the small of her back. This effectively bound her wings against her soft hide in addition to immobilizing her chest. Finally the drake took two ropes that hung on the band just behind Lelyiah's armpits and attached them to the bar on the ceiling.

Once the chains were in place Lelyiah gasped, looking up at the ceiling rods. It looked like she would be able to slide along a rod in its entirety without getting stuck, thanks to how the 'hooks' on the bar had been mounted. but her attention was drawn to Ridayah again as he took the next piece of the harnes and pressed it to her body.

This one settled around her waist, just where her wrists were bound on her back. two ropes again, but heaver than the ones for the chestband, dangled loosely from its sides as Ridayah tightened it. Just as the others, the black leather with silver clasps had some soft lining on the inside to as not abrade her hide or wings, a fact which she was soon grateful for. With the band tightened Ridayah hooked the straps around her wrists to it, and looped the ropes up over the bar before taking them in his hands.

"This will haul you up. Just relax, and all will be fine," Ridayah said. He waited a few seconds as Lelyiah visibly eased herself, and then with a grunt and pull, he left Lelyiah swinging lightly in the air. Her talons dangled down and her tail still touched, but after a few tugs Ridayah had her positioned in at a 45 degree angle with the floor.

Lelyiah felt her weight sink into the straps, and while they did press against her flesh a fair amount they were not in any way painful, just tense. She squirmed for a few seconds as she adjusted to the sensation, then tailswayed slowly as she watched her professor.

Within his paws was a long bar. He placed himself at her hindfeet, and then looked up over her damp sex and to her muzzle with a wicked grin. "Sometimes in the field we find ourselves standing over crevices or other wide gaps and we must adjust to having our legs... spread." As Ridayah heard her sharp intake of breath, the drake bound first one ankle and then the other into the bar's ends with leather loops, and then took the ropes and hooked them onto the main supports. He tightened them up until her legs were similarly suspended as the rest of her body, higher up than her waist however. And with that done, Ridayah took pleasure in slowly spreading the footbar wider, until Lelyiah's entire sex was exposed.

In the faded light of the subterranean room, her sex glistened and glimmered. Not only from its natural pinkish tones inside, but as well from Lelyiah's arousal with her fluids coating the velvetine lips of her nethers. To Ridayah it was a wonderful sight, and he took his time admiring.

Finally however his eyes had drunk their fill, and he spoke to his student again. "Oftentimes we get very very dirty out in the field. And being clean is of utmost importance otherwise you can get diseased. I think it's time to see if you can handle being fully cleaned, especially with others around. Most times we must all bathe as one for there is no way for privacy," he explained, reaching up. He grabbed the first showerhead that fell under his questing paws, and brought it down before him. Slowly he turned it on, the water going from a trickle to full force before he tested the temperature.

The temperature was just where he wanted it. And tantalizingly slowly, he brought the forceful flow of water up between Lelyiah's legs until it hit her sex and she gasped. "C-c-coold..." she stammered out, her entire body flinching from the sensation.

"That's right, dear Lelyiah... heated water in the field is a luxury. You must sometimes learn to do without." Ridayah pressed the showerhead right down against Lelyiah's nethers, the water bubbling past her labia to splash on the tile floor heading towards the drain. He moved it up against her clit, teasingly circling the cold water there and listening to her gasps and shivers. His free paw rested against her thigh, the thumb lightly stroking her soft hide as he teased her.

Lelyiah couldn't contain herself; she moaned and quivered, and arched her body as much as the bondage would allow. Her body that had felt so hot when her professor had begun tying her up now was at war within itself, blood rushing to the cooled parts of her groin. Lelyiah wanted to shrink back from the coldness against her tenderest areas, and press upwards against the unusual sensation and forceful pounding the water gave her. A loud cry escaped her muzzle when that showerhead found its way down to her vent, flooding her heated passage in seconds with ice-cold water. She squirmed and gasped.

The freezing water thundering deep into her body was exactly what Ridayah had hoped. And he hadn't been lying, sometimes the group was forced to bathe together, even in freezing cold water. But having Lelyiah under his power, giving her the 'exam' was doing wonders for him.

Drakeflesh pushed free of his sheath, eager and ready. He felt like a teenager again, and every vein was bulging. His eyes watched Lelyiah's pert breasts sway as she squirmed, heard every gasping intake of breath, and he could feel her heart pounding through the fingertips on her thigh. With one claw he thumbed the heat up, until after a few minutes the water finally warmed up to a reasonable temperature. Lelyiah cooed and sagged her body a bit, and now arched towards the water instead of away.

"Ooooooh, much better professor..." she murmured, closing her eyes. Now after the cold so much blood had rushed to her loins they felt positively afire, as if she could put a match to her flower and ignite it. Lelyiah even wondered if her hide was hot to the touch at this point.

Ridayah took his time in running the showerhead up and down her sex until he figured she had enough. At that point he ran it across the rest of her body until every inch of hide glistened, and gave himself a quick washdown. He kept his student preoccupied by brushing a finger between her folds, making her gasp until he turned off the water and hung the showerhead back up among the ceiling rods. The green dragoness panted and looked at him.

"Now, looks like you can handle cleaning up properly... but sometimes we go days without resupplying food, and you must be able to handle taking nourishment where you get it," Ridayah said with a savage grin. He reached up and lowered Lelyiah's frontend until she was looking upside-down at her very aroused teacher.

He looked down at her. "For this 'exam', you will get nourishment... from me. Suck."

At Professor Ridayah's words, Lelyiah swallowed experimentally and then opened her muzzle. With a paw as a guide, Ridayah placed his tip between the lips of her muzzle, and let her tongue draw him in. The dragoness shivered from head to tailtip until the first few inches were securely encased inside her maw, tongue pressing against the tapered tip. With a flick of his wrist, the drake moved his paw to Lelyiah's neck, rubbing her mane softly in encouragement.

It was a lot different to taste than Lelyiah had expected. It was slick from the insides of the sheath, musky and not a bit salty. Ridayah's scent filled her nostrils as she gulped in air, and then took a deep breath and slipped more of her muzzle over the dragon's penis. She could feel the tip at the back of her throat and he wasn't even fully in yet!

Ridayah kept his paw against her mane, feeling gingerly at the hide underneath them. He didn't expect her to be able to take his entire cock at once, but when he felt her muzzle-lips press against his sheath simultaneous with the tip of his penis reaching her throat under his fingers, he let out a gasp of his own. The drake emitted a deep purr before rocking his hips back and forth slightly. "Mmmm, you must have studied this part well, you get great marks my student..."

Lelyiah blushed at his praise, especially considering their activities! But she eagerly twisted her tongue about his heated pole, gasping lightly for air when he pulled partway out, determined to "pass" this part of the exam with flying colors and a snack for her efforts.

But her professor had to know she could take nourishment under distraction. So with care as he bucked his hips into her eager muzzle, he inserted a pair of fingers inside her dripping vent. He stroked at her g-spot and she gasped at the sensation, pausing for only a second before resuming her suckling. Ridayah felt her body clench, trying to keep those fingers against her sensitive interior, but he pulled out and pushed in regardless. From the teasing Lelyiah redoubled her efforts at pleasuring the male, lashing her tongue against his hard cock.

Pleasure built within the drake. But he did not give into it. he fought, stroking the dragoness's slit relentlessly and even rubbing a thumb against her nub to try and see if she would pause for even a second.

She didn't.

Ridayah had enough. He felt himself on the brink of orgasm and quickly withdrew, to the quiet sounds of a dragoness in pleasure. His claws came out of Lelyiah's sex dripping wet with her arousal and he made a show of cleaning it off. With a plaintative note she queried, "Did I pass?'

"You most certainly did. But now I will let you down, and I just see how well you can obey orders to do as you're told," she heard, and shivers ran down her body.

With a gradual pace Ridayah first raised her upright, then lowered her down. With a flick of his wrists he undid the bar holding Lelyiah's feet apart and the dragoness gratefully closed her legs once they were free. Having them spread so long and keeping them tense had made her muscles tingle, and relief came as they could once again relax. Lelyiah watched as her professor eventually undid her waist and shoulder straps, once more to stand on her own two feet. However her hands were kept bound.

Ridayah brought her over towards the bed, and gingerly helped her sit her body down on the cool tile. Lelyiah could feel the pulse in her nethers race throughout her entire body, and she wondered if her blushing from this night would ever fade. She watched as Ridayah extracted another device from a chest, a large tub filled with some kind of gel, a nozzle, and a hand-pump like those used to test blood pressure. He set the tub just inside her open leg, and passed the hand-pump under her knee back to her hands. She gripped it and looked at the drake professor.

"What is this for?" she asked. Lelyiah watched as Ridayah turned a knob on the tub, and then took the nozzle coming out of it and placed it against her sex, the tip pressed into her pussy. A gasp escaped her muzzle from the slightly cold metal, but it was not as cold as the water had been.

Ridayah's eyes did not meet her own as he positioned the nozzle. "It is for testing your ability to obey orders. As I tell you, you will keep pumping. This is a special lube that I will have you fill yourself with, and if you do as I say you will be almost past the exam." He got the end in place and then barked, "Pump!"

Startled by his order, Lelyiah took a second and then squeezed the bulb of the hand-pump. She saw the clear substance draw up the tube towards her body, and then pumped again. After a few more it reached her puffy netherlips, now more red than pink from arousal.

The clear substance was indeed thick; it squeezed inside her through the nozzle and immediately sank into the folds of flesh deep inside her vagina. It hardened slightly once being exposed to her heat, and she felt it as a warm weight inside. Pump after pump added more inside, until after a few minutes there was enough to equal the climaxes of a few males. Lelyiah felt very full inside, but as Ridayah gave no order to stop, she kept pumping.

With avid eyes Ridayah watched as she pumped. The jelly slowly filled up her passage, a bit squeezing out now and again to run down her folds towards the floor. The professor watched the lithe young female squirm as the amount of jelly equaled that of a fully aroused male, and then kept on going. Soon it wasn't every now and then, but nearly every pump that brought a bit of the lube squeezing out past her opening to run down. But still he had her continue to add more of the gel inside her body, until she was visibly straining against it. Her breath became more ragged and panting, and her legs quivered.

Finally he called out, "Stop!" He looked down as Lelyiah's gaze met his own. She continued panting, and whispered, "Oooh, oooh... I feel like I'm going to burst..." She shivered from head to tailtip as Ridayah reached behind her and took the handpump.

"Now hold still," he murmured, and pumped rapidly.

The jelly flooded into her body, with a gasp. The dragoness cried out from the tightness in her sex, feeling as if two or even three penises had somehow lodged themselves inside her tunnel. She strained against it until finally her professor stopped, and grinned. He leaned down to her ear and simply said, "It's empty. There is no more."

Lelyiah just gasped in relief and rocked forward, squishing her netherlips and rump into the pile of gel that had squirmed its way out.

Her professor was still hard. His free paw encased his cock, stroking it lightly as a few drops of pre fell from its end. With his other hand, Ridayah reached down and extracted the nozzle, setting the pump apparatus aside for now. Lelyiah tried to ease the pressure between her legs by pressing her thighs together, but all that succeeded in doing was squishing some of the gel between her legs and getting some up under her belly. She closed her eyes and strained her inner muscles, imagining she was just trying to pee or similar, and managed to push some of the gel out at least making what remained more bearable.

Ridayah watched with amusement, until he finally grasped her forearms and pulled her up. Lelyiah continued blushing as she heard a less than sexy plop of the gel hitting the floor, but she followed Ridayah over by the mirrors. "What do I have left?" She asked tenatively, shivering and wondering if she really wanted the answer.

"Your last part of the exam is to see how well you and I will fit together, because if you are to be my assistant we must mesh perfectly..." Ridayah trailed off. Gingerly the older male settled himself on the floor, legs spread with his penis bobbing upwards against his chest. With care he took hold of Lelyiah's hips, and guided her down until she literally sat on his cock, the heated length running between her folds. Ridayah balanced her legs on his knees, and then nodded over her shoulder.

"Look there," he whispered to the female. "You must watch and tell me, what you see, because I must bear on your information sometimes to do the best job. So tell me."

Lelyiah's mouth gaped at his words and blushed, her cheeks as red as her vent. She gazed in the mirror, seeing her green body seated against her teacher. From the sleek sheen of her neck and mane, down towards her pointed nipples and boobs, past her tight stomach and finally dripping sex, both from her own arousal and what her teacher had done to her, she could hardly gasp what she had become. Even a week ago her shyness would not have led her here, and this teacher whom she adored had opened her up in entirely new ways.

With a bit of a stutter, Lelyiah spoke to Ridayah, guiding him. "M-my body is very hot, and my lips are red down there. I-I can see some of the gel squeezing out..." she trailed off as Ridayah encouraged, "From where? You must always be as explicit as possible so we get the right data." She gulped once more and continued, "From my vagina, it's slipping out from my fluids, and oooh... your penis is pressing against it now, it feels so good..."

The drake leaned in and nipped softly at her neck, adding, "And it feels very good here too. But we mustn't disturb what is going on within your pussy, or we will ruin the experiment results. So that leaves one other place."

Lelyiah's heart shot into her throat. True, she had always been aroused at the idea of being taken under the tail, but the most she had ever done was use one of her toys which had been the same size as the one Ridayah had used on her the day before. This male was much bigger than both of them had been, and longer. None of her other lovers had pushed in there, and she didn't quite know what to expect. But valiantly she nodded, and slowly wriggled upwards until his cocktip was in place at her rump.

It was nice and slick from the gel that had worked out of Lelyiah's cunt, in fact from her rythmic and unnoticed body clenching a bit had even slickened the edges of her asshole. But now her professor's tip smeared that jelly in earnest against it, preparing her for the final exam.

She wanted to clench. She wanted to shout. But Lelyiah knew from experience she had to relax, so she strained against her body and finally managed to ease up slightly. But once she did, she found herself spread. Her eyes watched as the pink, throbbing length she had so desired began pushing its slick way up into her body, spreading the tight ring of flesh until it strained at the growing girth. She gasped and remembered her orders. "I can see your penis, it's pushing in and my body... oooh... my body is having a hard time taking it, my anus is... it's stretched tight. Mmmmgods, ooooh slow... oooh I can feel you deep inside me, it tingles as you press in, oh you're so warm..."

Ridayah chuckled softly as Lelyiah closed her eyes. She clenched down on him as her voice died, and he took that moment to push the last bit of way inside. She screeched from the sudden sensation, her anal ring stinging slightly at how wide it was now spread but he had hilted within her body. Lelyiah opened her eyes and gasped.

"You're... you're all the way in, oh gods..." she muttered, shivering from head to tail again. Her bound paws grabbed at the drake's stomach, holding close and leaning back. "I look..." she blushed.

"What were you going to say?" Ridayah inquired with a devious grin, and suddenly he bounced her on his hips so his shaft came out slightly and sank back to his sheath. Lelyiah cried out and said, "I look sexy! But I shouldn't look sexy!" she gasped.

"And why not?" Ridayah questioned. "Is it stated somewhere?" He bounced her again and again, adding a bit more force behind each. Lelyiah squealed until gasping out, "I never thought I would look sexy, especially with your cock buried deep in my ass!" She shuddered and threw her head forward, until she felt Ridayah's paw pull her back. "And it is not that which has made you sexy, but the confidence you have in enjoying this, because you know what you want."

At his words Lelyiah let out a little sob, and turned to look at Ridayah. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you how much I fantasized about you... I never envisioned this, but I... I want you so badly, please take me..." She clenched her eyes shut and felt his muzzle run alongside hers, and at his words her heart lifted. He said, "And I you. I had guessed early on -why- you were doing so poorly in my class, and have been waiting for you to come to me. And you are everything a teacher could ask in a student. Let us finish this."

Lelyiah shuddered and opened her muzzle. A good thing too, since Ridayah's next action sent her to squealing. His hips bounced up against her own and she leaned back against his body.

This was no gentle lovemaking. Her professor was driving into her with the full force of a male rut, and she loved it. Her body heated up and tightened about him, and Lelyiah felt every single thrust as his tip wormed deep into her bowels. It was an electric fire that powered her, and she nearly forgot how full her vagina was with the way she was being taken.

Ridayah had his paws pressed to Lelyiah's hips, pulling her down. His throbbing cock pounded into her tight ass, coming out to nearly the tip and then sinking all the way in. Lelyiah screamed in pleasure, pressing her own body down. Her claws were scratching at the flesh of his stomach and her tail had quickly bound in his own as tightly as possible. He knew she had enjoyed a particular thrust when her tail tightened about his own, and he went to pains to repeat every motion.

Throughout it all Ridayah whispered to her, and made her watch as he took her. She gaspingly would tell him what she saw before closing her eyes, although out of pleasure or embarassment he couldn't guess. Ridayah quickly learned that to get Lelyiah to open her eyes he could reach around and fondle her love button, for at this point she was hyperaroused and afire all over. Her body quaked for release, a release that could only be given at the control, under the power of her professor. Lelyiah knew she would cum only when he allowed her now.

The two watched as Lelyiah's body arched and opened for Ridayah's shaft, both of them catching glimpses of hot pink flesh driving her rump wide open. Once or twice Ridayah pulled entirely out, observing Lelyiah feel empty and see her anal ring stretched before he would dive back in and open her up. She moaned for his ears and pressed close.

"Please, please," Lelyiah began to beg. She blushed but continued, "Please let me cum, my body is so hot I need release.... cum in me so I can cum... Please professor Ridayah, cum in me..."

"Then have it and be at ease," Ridayah grunted, and thrust upwards with all his might.

Lelyiah screamed out in pleasure. She watched as her body tightened about the male shaft deep within and clenched downwards, feeling as though someone had set of a bomb within her tender hips. She rocked back and forth as the orgasm took her, some of her fluids coming out so forcefully as to squirt upon the tile floor. This tension set off Ridayah, who let out a roar of his own that reverberated through the room as his tip poured a deluge of semen deep into Lelyiah's bowels, coating them white with his hot seed.

He continued pounding upward as he came, shoving much of his cream further inside the dragoness. Ridayah panted until finally he lost most of his strength and eased back onto one arm. With the other he undid the cuffs that held Lelyiah's paws behind her, which were balled tightly in fists. She brought them about her and rubbed them lightly as she panted in the afterglow.

They rested there for a time, until Lelyiah wearily got up and watched a bit of Ridayah's cum dribble out of her stretched-open rear. She blushed at it until Ridayah suggested they shower together and clean up. During the shower their hands were all over one another, feeling each and every bit of body freely.

But the night had taken a toll. Both were exhausted beyond belief, and finally Ridayah took Lelyiah's hand in his. "When we're out in the field we may need to share a tent, and sleep together. Let's get a start of it," he whispered, and led her over towards the bed.

Together, they laid out atop the silken sheets and spooned against each other. Lelyiah snuggled back against Ridayah, murring softly as his still semi-hard penis poked between her thighs and against her sex. But he didn't do anything else aside from laying his arm about her body and rest it against the hide that made up her mound, and whispered, "Welcome to the program, my new teaching assistant. Sleep well."

Lelyiah and Ridayah drifted off together in a deep sleep. Professor and student did not awake until the dawn's light.