Those Who Forgot to Die - Part 5

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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This is a work of original historical furry fiction written by me David Bennett. The people of historical significance that are referred to in this story is purely there to make the story go on. Any likeness to someone living or dead is purely by accident. All characters except for Wolfpac are ©Bennettworks: Wolfpac is © his owner and creator Kyle B. For more on Wolfpac, visit .

This story tends to contain very extreme themes. It contains homosexual content, man-boy love, and extreme sexual intercourse - as well as a concentration camp environment. If gay romance and erotica is not your thing, or if you are under the legal age, then take your cute little ass away from this page and scoot. Otherwise read on, unzip your fly and have a blast!

If you enjoy what you read, contact me, the author at [email protected] or [email protected] . I am taking commissions at this time.


Work was exactly what it sounded like. It was backbreaking, mind numbing, sweat dripping work. Zeke never expected anyone to survive work conditions like these, not even himself. 4 months had gone by since he had been thrown into the concentration camp, and already he had lived beyond the expectancy that the Nazis had guessed of him. The Nazis underestimated the skills and the strength of this particular male.

Zeke looked up at the mid-day sun, and whipped his brow. His fur was soaked with sweat, and his body ached. He stood there, his hair growing back slowly, and his shirt opened. His chest maintained its muscle mass, despite his malnutrition. Zeke was still beautiful. Zeke looked down at the grave he was digging. He had to dig graves all day...that was his job. Zeke dug the dimensions that the Nazis had asked of him, which was 3 feet wide, 8 feet long, and 3 feet deep. Zeke would probably dig 25 to 50 graves a day, and then fill them with the bodies that had been executed that day. Sometimes the graves were filled at night, and sometimes they were filled after they were dug. On this day he was filling them as he went.

Zeke leaned down with his shovel and went back to work, he was on gave number 13 of the day...ironic? Zeke chuckled a labored chuckle and set into digging; thrust, stomp, lift, toss, repeat. Zeke wondered what kind of a body would fill this grave, and how this one would have been executed. Hanging? Guillotine? Gas? Or maybe just plain shot in the head. Zeke had become an expert on death after a while, it was easy to tell how they died and weather or not they struggled when they died.

When the grave was dug, a soldier walked up, rubbing his chin. He was impressed. The male pointed and suggested making the next grave smaller however, decreasing the dimensions to 2x5x3. Zeke nodded, and climbed out of the grave, and a pair of the Poofs from his barracks grabbed a body off of a cart. Zeke saw the cart, and sighed. It reminded him of stories he had read as a child, of the black plague; stories where men would walk the streets with bells, pushing carts full of bodies requesting you to bring out your dead. The Poofs dropped in an adult male Jew. He had his arms up near his chest, and they seemed to be tucked in a little bit. The male's neck was back and his tongue was out. Based on the color of the tongue, Zeke guessed that this male died in the gas chambers.

Zeke was handed a piece of wood to mark the grave with, and he carved the number of the Jew into it, and gave the piece of wood a hammer into the ground, and slowly filled the grave.

"Ashes to ashes...dust to dust...may the great war machine of the Nazi's be bathed in your blood and rust..." Zeke whispered. It was a ritual he completed after each body was dropped in and the grave was filled.

Zeke sighed and moved about 2 feet to his right, and started work on this smaller grave. He could only guess why he was digging the smaller grave; it was probably a child. These were the graves that he hated filling the most. Why should the children have to pay for sins they can't pay penance for? It sickened him. Zeke could admit his crimes, and admit what he had done, and he would be guilty of them all. The children on the other hand had barely begun to live, and to sentence them to death was an utter crime.

Zeke then felt a flirting hand pass over his buttocks as he dug. He looked over his shoulders, and saw the wolf that he had fallen in love with. His wolf was digging a row of graves right behind him. When the Nazi's weren't looking, sometimes he would get a little naughty and give him a little grope. Zeke was the same way; it was a game that kept them entertained. Zeke stopped for a moment, and tapped his newfound love on the shoulder. The male turned around and looked confused.


"They're having me dig another small grave." Zeke muttered.

The male shrugged, almost as if he didn't care. "One you won't have to take so long doing." He said. The other male was entirely shirtless, and stood only in his prisoners' pants and boots.

Zeke shook his head and leaned against his shovel once more. "Yeah, but it's a god damned kid's grave sweetie." Zeke said softly.

"Look, kids are going to die here too Zeke. Not to sound like an ass or anything, but if you fret over every kid that you have to dig a grave for, then you'll never get your work done, and you'll be the one that I'm digging a grave for." The male said as he turned around and started digging once again. Zeke sighed and nodded.

"You're right." Zeke agreed.

"Of course I'm right, now get back to work before Schmidt sees you not doing anything and shoots you." The wolf warned.


Zeke turned round and set into work once again. Zeke trusted the advice of his love, and friend. The male was the only one keeping him sane, aside from the occasional visit from Fowler, but those were becoming less and less frequent.

Zeke sighed, and felt the male's tale wrap around his. He held it, and entwined their tails. It was as if they were holding hands. The action wasn't much, but it gave Zeke what he needed, security. Since he had met him, he had come to know the male's name to be Benjamin Von Bleek. Zeke gave the male the nickname Wolfpac, because of the way the Poofs flocked around him. Zeke and Wolfpac had received a near celebrity status for surviving as long as they have in the conditions they are working in. Word was spread throughout the camp that they were tough to break. Many soldiers themselves, the ones required to keep tabs on them, felt that they would be a challenge that would be impossible to overcome.

As Zeke finished the hole, he took another short break and stared up at the sun. He could see come clouds moving in, ones that were going to bring rain (bad rain?). Zeke looked around, and spotted Fowler, who was walking around with a couple of canteens, giving the tired laborers some liquid refreshment. Zeke whistled once, and tightened his grip with his tail, he felt Wolfpac tighten his grip in response. Fowler hopped from side to side over the graves, and moved over to Zeke. Besides Wolfpac, this male was Zeke's only ally in the entire camp, and Zeke hoped to god that he would find more.

"Yes 1110624?" Fowler asked kindly.

"Can I get a drink?" He asked, pointing to one of the canteens.

"Yeah, of course. You two are the best workers out there, I wouldn't be surprised if they let you carry your own if you keep working the way you do." Fowler said as he handed Zeke a canteen. Zeke looked at the circle shaped water holder and uncapped the lid. He looked inside, and saw the almost crystal clear water inside and licked his lips. He lifted the canteen and let the heavenly cool water cascade down his gullet. He had to train himself not to drink too much, or he would take away from the other workers. He stopped drinking, and healed the water that was surplus in his mouth and gave the thumbs up to Fowler as an indication that he can proceed. Fowler nodded and left, as he turned and gave Wolfpac his drink. When he was done, Fowler left the two alone.

Behind Zeke, he heard the sound of a body being thrown into the grave, and when he turned around, he spit out the water in his mouth and backed into Wolfpac, nearly sending him stumbling into the grave that he was digging.

"What the fuck?" Wolfpac said as he turned around. He saw Zeke, looking terrified at the hole that he had dug, and the being that was lying there. The pair looked down and saw the body of a naked 14-year-old Jewish girl. The sight of the body didn't mean much to Wolfpac, but to Zeke it meant a lot. He held his hand over his mouth, and had to keep from vomiting.

"God..." Zeke said softly.

"What?" He asked.

"I knew her!" He said pointing to the body.

The two stood in silence, staring at the body. She wasn't rigid at all, unlike many of the other bodies. She was like a rag doll. Zeke leaned down, and looked her over. She had bruises around her neck, and the area around her vagina was crusted over with something. Zeke had a clue what it could be, he had that same substance crusted on himself a few times. Semen. Zeke stood back up, and looked to see if there weren't some rags to cover her with, but as he looked, he saw his boss, and most hated enemy Schmidt approach. Schmidt had been riding horses that day, and had his goggles down over his eyes. The sun glaring off of the glass made it look like he was some kind of demon. Schmidt folded his arms behind his back, and looked down at the grave, and then up at Zeke. He paused for a moment, and then repeated the action of looking at the grave and then back at Zeke as he licked his lips.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked.

"I...knew her..." Zeke said softly.

"So? You act as if I care.' Schmidt said as he kicked a small amount of dirt onto the face of the dead girl.

"What happened to Martia?" Zeke asked, gripping his shovel tightly.

Schmidt laughed, and looked down at the body. "What didn't happen to her? Her father told me she was quite the nice little girl of you understand my meaning so, and like a good officer that shares a bottle of champagne, I gave her to whoever asked."

Zeke growled low, and re-adjusted the grip on his shovel in almost a threatening manner. "How did she die?"

"Well you after man came in that beautiful little orifice of hers. She was so silky...and so soft...little Jewish girls are always that way. Anyhow, I then tossed her to the retards and let those boys have at her. When they had finished cumming in her...I let the lesbians have her...and then the gypsies...and finally...when she begged for me to make it stop I snapped her neck." Schmidt said with no remorse.

Zeke lost it. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Zeke screamed as he tossed the shovel aside as a distraction and threw a right cross to the temple of Schmidt. Schmidt, neither ready for it, nor really trained in how to take a punch, went down hard, holding the side of his face. Zeke jumped forward to do more, but Wolfpac lunged on him and held him down. Wolfpac had to work hard to hold him down, but he succeeded. Schmidt produced a familiar Mauser from his side holster and stood, drawing it to aim at the struggling individual under Wolfpac.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Zeke shouted from under his love. "YOU ARE A WORTHLESS CHILD KILLER!"

Schmidt sauntered over to Zeke, and took aim at his chest, cocking the hammer back. "I am more than that." Schmidt began. There was a sudden gunshot, and Zeke felt his right upper arm explode in pain. He had been shot. "I kill who I want. I have to admit to you Von Hurstleburg, I have never felt a punch like that before, and that's why I'm not going to kill you. However, this is your one free shot; the next time you hit me I'll put the bullet in your head. Now get over to medical and get patched up." He said coldly as Wolfpac helped him to a stand and accompanied him to the wellness center.

* * *

"Looks like he got you pretty good." Said the male nurse, sewing up Zeke's arm.

"No...really?" Zeke asked in sarcasm.

"You should have just let it go Zeke." Wolfpac said softly.

"I couldn't let it go. Not after what he did."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. I am just glad you aren't dead. I love ya Zeke." Wolfpac sighed.

The nurse finished sewing, and cut off the excess string, and placed his materials aside to be re-sterilized. The nurse groaned and headed out the door, and left the two sitting there.

"What are we going to do?" Zeke asked. "I can't stand this anymore. I didn't want to be here in the first place, and I can't get out of here!" He whined. Wolfpac circled the table that he was sitting on and snickered.

"You think I wanted to be in here? You think that little girl wanted to be in here? Zeke, the only ones that do want to be in here have serious issues, and problems, and aren't deserving of the freedom that we are waiting for. We are not going to be here forever, I know that we aren't. and I...are going to get our of here someday, hopefully soon." Wolfpac said as he hopped onto the table and sat facing his love.

"How can you be so sure? What if we die tomorrow?" Zeke asked.

"Zeke my beloved, you need to stop being so apathetic. So we die tomorrow, then our troubles are going to be over and we shall be reunited in the next life. We will live in a world without the Nazis, and their terrible régime; it will be a world all of our own where we can raise our children together, and see them spawn children of their own, and so on..." Wolfpac said, as he scooted closer to Zeke, pressing their chests together in a hug. Zeke let out a loving breath of air and laid his chin on Wolfpac's shoulder.

"I want to go home!" He cried softly.

"I do I." Wolfpac assured, running his hands softly across his love's back. He could feel that Zeke was toned, but tense. Zeke hadn't relaxed in years he assumed. He was in need of a good massage. He patted his love's back and gestured for him to lie down. Zeke nodded and did so, putting his arms under his chin and using them as a pillow. Wolfpac then moved over, and sat upon Zeke's buttocks, and set into massaging Zeke's shoulders. Wolfpac was surprised as to how tense Zeke really was. He found himself working hard to massage at Zeke's muscles and skin.

Below him, Zeke groaned in slight pain/annoyance at first, but then melted into gentle and reassuring motions of Wolfpac's gentle hands. Zeke could feel months and months of pent up tension being relieved from him, and it was good. Wolfpac's hands traveled lower and across Zeke's shoulder blades and spine; kneading and sorting their way across him. Zeke closed his eyes, and smiled, letting out small little moans of pleasure as Wolfpac scooted back a little bit and moved his way to the small of the back.

Zeke began to drift away, and reminisce of times long ago. He remembered his beauties back home in Dresden and wondered what they were up to. Gregory had to be quite the young adult now. He wondered what they were doing at that very moment. Were they still swimming? Zeke snickered, and imagined young Gregory frolicking around in the nude, wading his way to his lover, the brother.

"Oh Gregory, I hope you took good care of yourself little one." He thought to himself as the gentle, nurturing hands of Wolfpac slipped onto his buttocks. He grinned wider, and looked over his shoulder with his right eye.

"Did I say you could touch my butt?" Zeke said happily as his tail swished once. Wolfpac smiled and continued massaging.

"I figured that there was no sense in wasting this private room for now." Wolfpac said to Zeke softly.

"Yeah, shame we can't be in here by ourselves all alone."


Wolfpac started to travel his way back up Zeke's body, and the door to the room opened. Instinctively, when the doorknob turned, Wolfpac leaped off of Zeke and stood at his side. An officer waked into the room, and when the pair saw who it was, they gave a sigh of relief. It was Fowler. Fowler looked at the pair, and saw the comfortable look upon Zeke's face and the relatively calm look on Wolfpac, and he shook his head a few times and laughed.

"What?" Wolfpac asked him. Fowler held his hands up and leaned against the door, and then slipped his hands into his pockets.

"I was sent here by Schmidt to see how your wound was and weather or not you felt up to work." Fowler said with a knowing smile.

"I having troubles heart's really racing...I can hardly think!" Zeke said, looking back at Wolfpac.

"That's right, he is having a lot of trouble. Perhaps you should let him stay here with me for further study and observation?" Wolfpac asked as he shrugged his shoulders.

Fowler laughed as he walked over and petted the wop of Zeke's muzzle softly. "Sure. I'll allow you to stay here for the day, but you two have to be back to work tonight." Fowler said as he pointed a finger at them. They nodded and Zeke turned over on the table to rest on his back. His shirt was still opened, and Zeke's ungodly handsome chest and torso simply screamed out to be touched. Fowler had to control himself as he walked to the door. "Try to have fun." Fowler said as he locked the door from the outside. Once the two were alone, Wolfpac leaped back onto Zeke, this time sitting on his lap. He smiled and helped Zeke out of his shirt, and began to bring his hands across the toned abdomen of his sweetheart. Zeke lay there, and looked up into the eyes of his one.

Zeke was surprised at how gentle his hands were. Wolfpac seemed to be so harsh and unkind to others, but in the low light of this room, he seemed to be an angel. Then hands meandered their way lower, and grabbed the lip of Zeke's issued pants, and pulled them off, leaving Zeke in his white briefs. Wolfpac slowly slipped out of his clothes, and left his own underwear on, and crawled on top of Zeke, and pressed their lips together. Zeke began to wrap his arms around Wolfpac, and took a sharp breath, just as he plunged his tongue into the silken maw of the wonderful man above him. Wolfpac breathed just as sharply as he twisted and moved his head about as they kissed slowly. The event reminded Zeke of the first time they kissed, but this time they could finally go all the way.

Wolfpac slowly slipped his tongue out of his maw, and traced it under Zeke's chin, and brought it to lick and suck at his neck. Zeke gasped and gave a pleasant moan as he began to grind their groins together, bringing a long needed wash of pleasure of the pair. Zeke wanted to go fast, and get dirty, but he remembered how long it had been since he had made some real love, and he took it slower, and let Wolfpac kiss at him. Wolfpac went lower, and kissed at Zeke's pectorals; licking and suckling at anything that caught his fancy. Zeke pursed, and scratched gently behind Wolfpac's ears, making him moan in response to the tender and gentle gesture.

Wolfpac then moved back up, and started to hump their groins together slowly; the underwear covered cocks rubbing at the cloth and the other, desperate for release. Wolfpac started to wag his tail as he brought their lips together, and kissed him again. Zeke loved the sensation of Wolfpac climbing inside of him like that; the sensations were indescribable! Zeke leaned back as Wolfpac humped, and he gripped tight at his man's ass. There was a tandem moan between the two, and Wolfpac broke the kiss, and slid his way down Zeke's body slowly once more, and helped Zeke out of his undies. Zeke's proud pink member stood glistening in the light, moistened with his precum.

"'re bigger than I thought." Whispered Wolfpac.

"Thanks." Zeke said with a smile.

Wolfpac leaned down, and opened his maw, and let the long and hard sex organ of Zeke creep its way across the smooth surface of his tongue. Zeke bent his knees and gripped hard on the table's cushions as Wolfpac's lips wrapped around the skin of his cock and set into the motions of oral sex.

"Oh God..." Zeke moaned as he grinned. He couldn't believe this was happening! He was finally getting the chance to do this with the one that he cared for most. Zeke brought his hand to Wolfpac's head as he felt the warm and wet tugging and pushing on his penis. Zeke could feel himself shudder a few times, due to the exquisite talent that Wolfpac had in his working of his cheek muscles and tongue. With every bob, he would go lower, lower on the cock, eventually taking the knot itself into him. Zeke whined, and protested, the pleasure was too great! He was going to cum if he wasn't careful. However a reassuring hand on his chest that laid him back down helped him to relax, and almost like the sex had started anew, he reached a new level of pleasure he had never achieved before. Zeke felt like he was cumming with every twitch and movement of Wolfpac's mouth, he wondered if he was yet.

" you..." He moaned.

There came no verbal response from Wolfpac, only an increase in the speed of the action he was performing. Zeke cried out, as loud as he could without drawing attention to the room however. Zeke wanted to let his all rip into the gullet of the Adonis that was thrilling him.

Mere seconds before Zeke was going to expend his ammunition, Wolfpac slowly pulled off, and smiled. He gave the head of Zeke a kiss, and stood and helped Zeke to stand. Zeke stood, and kissed his way down Wolfpac's body, ending up at his love's cock bulge. The front of his underwear was soaked with precum. Zeke leaned in and kissed at the large groin in front of him. Wolfpac smiled and pulled the special hole in the front of the brief's open, and gave Zeke access. Zeke's boyfriend was hung to say the least, almost 2 inches longer than Zeke. Zeke smiled and set into work for himself, sucking like wild at him. The taste of Wolfpac was...ambrosia itself. Zeke let the oblong object slide into him until it crested into the back of his throat, and let it slip it's way slowly back out. He had been sucking cock since he could remember. He recalled using his brother's cock as a pacifier as a child.

Wolfpac brought Zeke's hands onto his ass, and let him play as he sucked, and bobbed.

"Mmm yeah...cock in your like that Zeke?"

"Mmm hmm!" He moaned as he felt a hand placed on the nape of his neck, and guided him deeper onto him.

It was like that for an eternity. Zeke thought that he was quite the resilient cocksucker, but it seemed that Wolfpac had an amazing tolerance and stamina, no matter how good he was. Zeke's jaw began to tire, and he pulled off slowly. Wolfpac grinned, and pulled his brief's down. He then moved his way over to the counter and laid on it, opening his legs. Zeke didn't bother wasting any time, as he grabbed some lubricant off of the doctor's table, and lubed himself up. Once done, and with a healthy slurp, he entered Wolfpac. The pair let out another tandem noise of pleasure, glad to convey their similar delight. Zeke pulled back and started to hump, as Wolfpac opened his legs wide, grunting and clenching with every other thrust.

Wolfpac was incredibly tight, and his ass lips were like a ring of pleasure around him. Zeke worked his best to thrill the man below him as he pumped himself like a piston in an engine. Wolfpac didn't do much more than lay back and enjoy the ride, he had waited months for this day and it was finally happening.

Zeke opened his eyes and saw Wolfpac, biting his lower lip, and his eyes clenched shut. The vision was one of indescribable beauty.

Wolfpac worked his legs then and helped Zeke in his thrusting. He helped Zeke thrust as deep into him as he could, almost tying them together. Zeke let out a long soft moan, laid his body on top of him, and whined like the boys he used to love.

"I'm going to cum soon." He whispered, feeling that he was indeed close. Wolfpac opened his eyes and placed his hands on Zeke's hips to guide him to stop.

"Not yet...I want to have you." He said. Zeke pulled out, and grabbed onto some of the lubricant that was on the table and lubed up Wolfpac nicely. His cock started to shine in the light when he was finished. Wolfpac then grabbed onto a towel, wiped the lube off Zeke's cock, and positioned him to bend over. Zeke braced his hands on the bench and let out a murmur as his tail was lifted. Wolfpac slowly inserted his own cock; oh God it was nirvana! The cock reached its peak, and took to gilding in and out very slowly. It was the kind of passion that Zeke had longed for in a relationship, he wasn't going hard and rough like the others that he had experienced in the past, but nice and slow. He could feel his prostate being tested, his hard cock throbbed; it was so sensitive from all the stimulation that he was near orgasm.

Wolfpac brought his hands around Zeke's belly and up to his chest, and messaged Zeke's pectoral muscles gently as he glided in and out. The pair breathed hard and heavy, panting and quivering with every movement.

" going to cum so soon!" Zeke whined. The repetitious stimulation of his prostate was sending him into a flood of ecstasy. Wolfpac looked down, and watched his cock glide in and out. His knot at the bottom was the limit point, and once he reached that, he would pull back and Zeke's lips would be pulled with him making a beautiful display.

"Just wait...I want to show you something...that I learned." Wolfpac groaned softly as he slowly began to lean his body around to the right. While humping a bit harder, he was flexible enough to reach around with his torso, neck, and head to give Zeke a blowjob, while he humped from behind. Zeke's eyes shot open and gripped so hard at the bench that he ripped holes in the cushion.

"Fuck! Fuck me hard, so I can cum!" Zeke said absently. Wolfpac's hands gripped onto Zeke's hips now, and he began to drive hard into him, now humping Zeke with the familiar animal lust that he craved. Zeke was starting to moan, when he felt something put in his mouth. It was Wolfpac's underwear. It was balled up so he could scream and it would be perfectly muffled; just what he wanted. Zeke felt the familiar blowjob on his cock and the humping in him, and all he could do was moan as loud as he could with the underwear in his mouth.

After time, the humping became faster and faster, their panting moans matched the pace of the humping. Faster, faster, harder and harder. Finally, in one hard ram Wolfpac tied himself to Zeke, as Zeke's eyes clenched tight in response.

"FFFFUUUUCCCKKK!" He screamed at the top of his lungs with the underwear in his mouth, as his cum ripped into the mouth of Wolfpac. He could feel Wolfpac cumming inside of him, the sensation not unlike a urine stream in his anus. Zeke sighed...and panted through his nose. Slowly Wolfpac pulled his way up, rested his chin on Zeke's shoulder, and pulled the underwear out with his free hand. Zeke coughed a few times, but not that it mattered too much. He was at peace.

There was about 10 minutes of silence, as the pair simply held the other like that, resting in the calm and pleasant embrace of their love. It was Wolfpac that spoke first.

"I can't believe we did this!" He said in happiness.

"Yeah, I guess we owe Fowler some loving" Zeke said with an evil grin.

And three days later...they was the first time a threesome had ever been held in the officer's quarters.

It was late one evening, almost a week after the bout of sex. Zeke and Wolfpac now shared the same bed, and were cuddling. Zeke woke up, and blinked his eyes. When they adjusted, he could see the familiar sight of his barracks at night, and the giant searchlight that prowled like a watchdog. Zeke looked about, and saw that his "husband" as the others as knew him was asleep, and sleeping like a baby at that. Zeke and Wolfpac had been sleeping in the same bed since the Nazi's decreased the amounts of barracks, and now all the barracks were integrated with different groups. Every bunk was filed with at least one male now. Zeke was going to lay his head back onto his pillow, when someone poked him from the side. He turned and faced the person whom had tapped him.

"What?" He asked in a grumpy tone. "I have to fucking work in 3 hours." Zeke whispered to the male in front of him.

"I here you're the boss around here." The male said. "Number's 1332794. I heard about you when you came in." The male said.

"From?" Zeke asked in a half caring tone.

"Everybody that used to be just in the Homo Barracks. I hear that you have been here the longest and that you even survived some fights." The male said.

"Yeah...I suppose that I am the boss then. But you mind letting me sleep? My husband and I have to work later." Zeke said as he turned onto his side once more, cuddling with Wolfpac again.

"I just wanted you to wish me luck. I am going to escape. Bye." The male whispered as he crept away.

"Unlikely." Zeke sighed to himself as he fell back to sleep once again, pondering this "boss" of the Homo's thing. He never told people what to do, and he certainly never really felt like he was in charge of anyone. Zeke did feel a certain responsibility towards the others in the camp, but he couldn't be their father.

As Zeke slept, things transpired all around him that he was used to. Even the random gunshots and screams were a commonplace thing to him. He was used to it...or desensitized rather.

When Zeke awoke and dressed for the day, the people of his barracks were shocked to find the head of prisoner 1332794 on their doorstep. Zeke, always the first one out, grabbed the head and tossed it aside so the children wouldn't have to see it when they wandered out of the barracks. It would seem that 1332794 never made it that far. The Nazi's had ways of reminding the prisoners of what happens to them if they try to escape.

"Shower time for Barracks 9-13! Get your clothes off and get to the shower house." Called a Nazi officer standing outside the Barracks. Zeke nodded, not sure of this was a death sentence or not, and relayed the message to the men and boys inside. Zeke and Wolfpac stripped the other and walked outside with their fellow bunkmates and stood fully nude with the others, awaiting orders. When all were accounted for, they were rushed over to the shower house.

The shower house was a long, concrete floored room made only for showering. Privacy was non-existent here. The roof was shaped in a delta, and there were a row of windows along all four walls that touched the bottom to the ceiling. Coming out of the ground and bending over in a long row, were 3 pipes with numerous showerheads coming out of them. It reminded Zeke of a car wash. Everyone huddled inside, and crowded around the heads. Once inside, Zeke counted how many he would be sharing the showers with. 200. He gulped and was huddled against 2 males he didn't know. One was a Fox looking male, and the other was a rather alluring Mink. The mink had the pink triangle tattoo on his left forearm, but the Fox did not. The Fox was trying to cover himself up with his tail, while it seemed that the mink was hugging his body tight to Zeke. He even felt the male wrap his arms around Zeke and hug him tight. Wolfpac spooned his body to Zeke from behind as a Jew buffeted him in his backside.

"Don't let me die, please don't let me die." The Mink whispered.

"I can't promise that." Zeke whispered back, trying to help the obviously panicked Mink.

"They're going to gas us I just know it!" Whined the male.

Zeke then began to feel something warm against his groin, something warm and moist. He felt it dripping down his legs. The male was urinating. He continued to hug him; the male was so scared that he had pissed himself...and Zeke. Zeke took to petting the back of his head, beginning to sympathize.

"What's your name?" Zeke asked the Mink, as he was still being urinated on.

"1357717..." The Male said in a trembling tone...his urine stream diminishing.

"No honey, your real name." Zeke asked. The male sighed, still hugging Zeke and closed his eyes.

"Donna" He said softly. Zeke petted his head still and looked over his head at Wolfpac.

"What should I do?" Zeke asked.

Wolfpac, still being crowded, scooted out of line to move to another faucet. "Whatever you want. He may be right. Go for whatever makes that mink feel comfy before..." He stopped himself as he moved across the room.

"But I don't want to...cheat." Zeke said, remembering the whole Reinhart/Fritz affair.

"I don't care sweetie. He may need something along those lines as a distraction. Just do it and help him." Wolfpac finished as he was then on the other side of the long Shower house.

Zeke looked down at the sobbing mink named Donna, and took the male's mouth up and pressed his to it. Around the room there were some disgusted grunts, some jealous grunts, and some indifferent whining. Zeke felt the mink kiss softer than any man or boy he has ever kissed, he could tell that this male was into soft and passionate expressions of affection. The male then broke the kiss and whispered a thank you before he started to sob softly.

Above everyone's heads, the pipes began to rattle. Everyone gasped and huddle tighter together. Zeke could feel Donna hug him so tight that his breath was almost cut off. Zeke closed his eyes and braced himself. This was it. Gas...or water...gas...or water.

Suddenly something ice cold began to rain down on him and the other males. As his eyes reopened, he looked about and saw it was water. He was going to live! He may freeze for a while, but it was better than gas.

"Oh thank Allah!" Cried someone as he welcomed the water on his knees and spread his arms toward the sky.

"Thank god indeed." Came another voice. "This is a blessed day, let us all give thanks."

"Amen." Zeke nodded as everyone in the room began to chant in their respective languages, however, they all seemed to be speaking in one voice. I reminded Zeke of the bible story of when the apostles were all sitting there and the Holy Spirit came down upon them and they all spoke in tongues. Just like that day, they were all thanking whom or whatever they owed thanks to for their lives being spared.

As Zeke held onto Donna, another male walked over. He was an old retriever type of male, and looked like he had been around. He held out his hand and made a few chants, and made the sign of the cross. Zeke nodded and thanked the male. It turned out that the male that had done that was a Roman Catholic Priest, and he had just blessed them and the water. Zeke smiled and looked to the freezing cold water that was falling on him.

"Ha...the joke's on the Nazi's." He snickered. "They mean to demean us with this freezing cold water, yet it's now holy water!" He thought to himself as he rubbed Donna's back. Donna seemed to be falling asleep against Zeke, despite the horridly cold water that was splashing down upon them.

After a while, the water ceased, and the doors to the house were opened. The sudden realization of how cold they all were hit them at once. Everyone was shivering and hugging themselves to keep warm.

A Nazi officer stepped in. Zeke could tell who it was easily. It was the asshole Schmidt. Schmidt walked in, and looked all the naked males up and down, and eventually made his way to the middle. The water was going down the drains rather noisily, and it would seem that Schmidt was waiting for that to stop. Zeke turned his back to Schmidt, and continued to hug the now shivering Donna. Donna was gripping Zeke oh so tight. It made Zeke a tad uneasy. How old was Donna anyway? 18 perhaps, possibly 21. He seemed so young and virile, yet so mature.

"Alright ladies, you were filthy scum, and now you are just plain scum. I want all of you to step outside, and form a circle and begin running to dry off. If you fall out line, you will be shot. You run only until you are dry, when you are dry, raise your hand and you will be escorted back to the barracks. No work for any of you today."

No work huh? Zeke supposed that was good news. A day to rest. He hadn't had a day off in all the months that he had been there, and at least this day he would be able to rest his tired feet. Zeke inhaled and helped Donna out of his grip and took his hand, and aided him in walking out towards the outside. Schmidt noticed, and gave a yank on their tails.

"Wait here you two." Schmidt growled. Zeke sighed and nodded as the others all went outside into the rising sunlight. When they were alone, Schmidt gestured to the officer guarding the door to close it. Zeke shook a little, he was starting to shiver. Donna was in the more advanced stages of hypothermia, and would not be in a good way if he didn't get outside soon. Zeke guessed that Schmidt could see this too, but he wouldn't put it past Schmidt if he let Donna suffer for just a little while longer...just because Schmidt was that way.

"Well, what are you to doing?" Schmidt asked in a disgruntled tone.

"Standing here looking at you. By the way, that is a nice black eye you have, who gave it to you I wonder?" Zeke asked.

Schmidt did have a rather large shiner on his face from the punch of Zeke. He tried to hide it by turning his face to the side, but he couldn't. Zeke tried not to snicker; he didn't want any trouble from Schmidt today.

Schmidt rubbed the side of Zeke's arm that was still stitched up. "That's a healthy sized gunshot wound. I'd hate to see one in your ball sack if you aren't careful Von Hurstleburg."

Zeke nodded and shivered again. "Well," He began, his tremors causing his voice to waver. "What do you need?"

Schmidt looked at them, and smiled. "Give me a show. You seem to like holding his hand. Why don't you show me what two faggots do when they make love?" He said.

"But...this hardly seems the time or place." Zeke tried to protest.

"Oh please!" Scoffed Schmidt "You have privacy, your both naked, and you seem to have a connection with the other. If I'm not mistaken isn't that what you need? Or do you want some kind of fancy romantic setting with candles, wine, and sultry music playing?" Schmidt grumbled.

Zeke scratched his head mid shiver and looked at Donna. He seemed to be recovering bit by bit. Zeke then panned back over to Schmidt who seemed to have a sick and perverse look on his face.

"It's not like that sir, we can't do it just like that."

Schmidt grumbled, and then drew that ever so infamous Mauser that Zeke dreaded. It was aimed at the naked, and soaking wet pair.

"Get!" He ordered.

Zeke and Donna were led outside and across the camp. It was fairly embarrassing for the both of them. Zeke wasn't used to such nudity. Donna kept pace, and continued holding Zeke's hand.

Finally, they were in the central courtyard. Standing naked, and still kind of cold.

All around, Nazi officers were standing and gawking at them. It would seem that Schmidt had something cruel up his sleeve.

"Now. Do you two want to live?" He asked.

"Yes." Zeke and Donna both replied simultaneously.

"How would you two like to get a week off of work?" He asked.

The offer seemed too good to be true. A week off work had to a lie, there was no way that they would allow that, or would they...and at what price?"

"I'm listening." Donna said, becoming a bit braver than Zeke had come to see him that morning.

"I want you two to fuck. Right here...right now. I want you two to fuck and let all of us watch. Call it...research into the deviant behavior of the modern male in the absence of woman."

Zeke grumbled. "You can't be serious." Zeke said coldly. But the look from the lusty officers and Schmidt himself seemed to convince him otherwise.

"Oh we are serious Von Hurstleburg. My officers, their guns, and I are all serious. We do want to see you fuck. Do it, and I'll reward you with a week off. Don't...and all my friends will unload their ammunition into your worthless hides."

Zeke cringed, and was about to say something, but Donna gave a flick of his tail, and looked right into Schmidt's eyes.

"Promise me in your own blood that we are guaranteed to live if we do this." Donna said with a firm tone. Schmidt still had a look of a horny teenager on his face, and he smiled. He pulled his service dagger off his clip, and cut his hand to bleed. He made some cheesy line like "I swear to you guys I'll let you live if you go bunkety bunk".

With that Donna turned and took Zeke back into his hands, and held his hands. "Give us some space." Donna sighed.

"Sure." Schmidt said with a sadistic grin as he stepped aside.

For a few moments, Zeke couldn't believe what was going on. He was being forced to have sex with a complete stranger, an unbelievably handsome one, but still a stranger...again! He gulped, and felt Donna spoon himself to Zeke in the front, and lean in to whisper.

"Just, go at me like you would go at anybody. Lets give them a's what they want."

"But..." Zeke began to protest.

"I can't thank you enough for helping let this be a way."

"I...I..." Zeke began, as he gulped and saw glints and shimmers of all the male's firearms. Every once in a while, Zeke would see that one was playing with himself inside his pants, as if he enjoyed what he saw. Zeke gulped and finished. "I don't know you."

"There is time for that later. Lets just live...alright?"

Live. That was the word that meant more than anything to Zeke. Donna was right. Zeke couldn't afford to not do this. It wasn't like the alley with Reinhart; he wouldn't be able to run away from this one.

The more Zeke pondered this, he realized that there were worse things he could be doing, and if a little public spectacle was all he had to do, he supposed that thanking God was in order after all.

"Yes...lets live." Zeke sighed.

And with that...they began.

* * *

Zeke staggered into Barrack number 9 and sprawled out on his bed. Donna staggered in afterward and fell onto the bed next to him. They panted; they were exhausted, and embarrassed. They had never met before, and here they were. Zeke cursed inwardly. Normally he enjoyed basking in the afterglow of the other male he would sleep with, but this was ridiculous, and an insult to his talents. Why should he have to fuck right there in the open with a stranger just so 40 odd some officers could jack off? He knew they were; he saw them. He wondered why. Had everyone turned gay in this world? Or was it just that they were horny, and they needed some kind of display?

Zeke stared at the wooden panels of his bunk bed. Donna had his face buried him his pillow, and his tail resting limp off to one side. Zeke and him were still naked; their clothes were being washed. So naked they would have to be until the others came by with their laundry.

Zeke turned, and looked at Donna slowly. Who was he? Where did Donna come from, and why did he make such a change from a complete coward to a public exhibitionist so quickly? Was it the cold water that had made him change, or the threat of death? Nothing seemed to add up to Zeke. Schmidt's attitude and this morning's activities had soured his concentration.

"Excuse me?" Donna's muffled voice came from his pillow.

"Err...yeah?" Zeke asked.

"Are you going to be alright?" He asked. "Did I hurt you?"

"No more than I hurt you I hope." Zeke said. He wasn't sure weather or not he had gone too rough. Donna was as soft and passionate as the most alluring wet dream he had ever had. Zeke had a tendency to be rather aggressive sometimes, and what with 40 masturbating and heavily armed men all around threatening death if they didn't get their show it made it rather difficult to tell how hard he was going.

"Not at all. I actually liked it."

"You liked it?" Zeke asked. Donna turned over in his bed, and ran a hand through his long bangs and nodded.

"Yeah, didn't you?"

"Well," Zeke said, rolling his eyes to the side. "It's not that there wasn't great heaps of pleasure, it is just that I have to get over the fact that our lives were on the line and that I don't really know you."

"I understand that." Donna said with a soft exhale and a snicker.

"How can you?" Zeke asked.

"Easy. I've been down this road before."

"What do you mean?" Zeke said as he looked back into Donna's eyes slowly. His look becoming serious. Both of them adjusted themselves so their shoulders seemed to be like high mountain peaks in the landscape of their bodies.

"Well it's easy. I was a stripper." Donna admitted.

"A what?" Zeke asked.

"You don't know what a stripper is?" Donna asked, semi-surprised.

"No." Zeke said, shaking his head.

Donna laughed, and wagged his mink tail a little, as somewhere behind Zeke someone entered the room. Zeke looked over his shoulder, and saw Wolfpac enter. Zeke smiled wide as Wolfpac sat down on the bed. The pair looked at him, and Wolfpac gestured for them to continue talking. They nodded and continued.

"So you don't know what a stripper is or what they do?" Donna asked.

"Not at all. Tell me." Zeke said, tucking his legs in a little to give Wolfpac some room to sit.

"Well, I worked in Paris. I originally came from America." Donna said with a smile.

"I thought I recognized your accent, you don't speak German as well as I would think."

Donna shrugged and sat all the way up. "I do what I can. Anyway, a stripper is a dancer that dances in front of an audience and takes of their clothes. I would dance in front of bars full of homosexual men, and take off my clothes for money."

Zeke rubbed his chin. There were places like this? "Really?" He asked as he turned to Wolfpac. "Are there places that have these kind of shows?"

Wolfpac smiled and giggled. "Of course darling, you need to get out more often."

Zeke scoffed and shrugged. "Yeah, don't we all."

"Anyway...Zeke," The Mink started as he used Zeke's name. "I would sometimes have sex with a male that I didn't know outside of the club in front of them, and it was all just for money. In a sense, it was so I could live."

"And...this didn't bother you?" Zeke asked softly.

"No. I didn't care. Look at me; I was the sexiest thing Paris had ever seen. The only reason I got sent here was because the women were jealous that I was gay and blew the whistle on me. So here I am now."

Zeke and Wolfpac nodded, and sighed. And spent the day hearing stories from Paris, stories of lusty shows, and terrible scandals.

By the afternoon, the trio had formed a friendship. Zeke and Wolfpac made it clear they were together, but the presence of Donna was a welcome one. They needed as many friends as they could get. The doors opened, and the three saw the Poofs bringing in their clothes. The three dressed in only their pants and underwear, and left their shirts on. It was at that time that they sat and commented on the other's tattoos.

"I can't believe these things." Groaned Donna, the tattoo standing out against his white fur. They looked at his and sighed, and looked at their own.

"What's your number?" Wolfpac asked Donna.

"1357717." He replied. "Yours?"

"1110666" Wolfpac said with a snicker.

"666?" Donna said with a snicker.

"Yeah, I know...don't say anything alright?"

"Sure. And you Zeke?"

Zeke held out his arm and showed them. "1110624."

Donna thought, and nodded. "You were 42 apart."

Wolfpac smiled. "Yeah, bit it seems that we are closer than ever."

The trio hopped into the same bed and kind of cuddled a little, and then the subject changed to something a little grimmer.

"Boys?" Zeke began.

"Yeah?" Donna and Wolfpac asked, their breathing deep and calm.

"Last night there was an escape attempt."

The other two inhaled and looked at Zeke sternly. "When?" They both wondered aloud.

"Well, more along the line of very early in the morning, possibly 2 in the morning. Someone with the number 1332794 woke me up last night and talked to me."

Donna leaned forward and pointed a few times. "You know, I thought I was dreaming when I heard that. I thought I dreamt about someone talking to you about an escape attempt."

"Me too..." Wolfpac admitted.

Zeke sat in silence for a moment and swallowed hard. "Well, he did try, but he got caught. I found his head on the doorstop this morning."

Wolfpac and Donna looked into each other's eyes and made similar faces of disgust.

"Fucking sick." Wolfpac muttered.

"A real Einstein." Donna semi-joked.

There was a long pause...and finally Zeke pounded a fist against his bed.

"I got it! I got it...I got it!"