Those Who Forgot to Die - Part 9

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This is a work of original historical furry fiction written by me David Bennett. The people of historical significance that are referred to in this story is purely there to make the story go on. Any likeness to someone living or dead is purely by accident. All characters except for Wolfpac are ©Bennettworks: Wolfpac is © his owner and creator Kyle B. For more on Wolfpac, visit .

This story tends to contain very extreme themes. It contains homosexual content, man-boy love, and extreme sexual intercourse - as well as a concentration camp environment. If gay romance and erotica is not your thing, or if you are under the legal age, then take your cute little ass away from this page and scoot. Otherwise read on, unzip your fly and have a blast!

If you enjoy what you read, contact me, the author at [email protected] or [email protected] . I am taking commissions at this time.


"So, this is the spot huh dad?"


"And this is where...?"


"Wow. I bet it doesn't look the same at all."

"Not at all Gregory, not at all. You should remember it, it's only been 10 years."

"Yeah, but you spent more time here than me."

"I know son, I know."

Zeke Von Hurstleburg stood in the alleyway where he would meet Reinhart every Sunday before he died. At the entrance was a plaque that Zeke had placed there. Seeing how Reinhart's body was never found, this spot served as his grave. Zeke stood, proud as ever this day. Zeke's hair was long again, and he had a new Gypsy coat and boots that Anita had made him. He wore a simple pair of denim jeans of white, and a white poet's shirt that Anita had also made. Around his neck was a new talisman to replace the old one. Next to him on both sides, were his adopted son's Gregory and his brother Steen. The boys were adults now, and had come to help pay for this trip back to Germany with their money from their jobs. The boys were also dressed in Gypsy clothes, Anita insisting they learn about her culture if she was going to be their mother.

Zeke leaned down and placed a single white rose under the plaque. He looked up and it read, "In Memory of Comander Reinhart - He saved my life".

"Hey, where's dad?" Steen asked.

"Oh, Wolfpac is with your younger brother getting him some weinershnitzel." Zeke said with a smile. He's never had genuine German cuisine like you can get here in Dresden." Zeke said with a smile.

"Well, we're going to go and get into the car. Take a few more minutes and then we'll drive you out to see Auschwitz - that is if you are comfortable with that." Gregory said softly.

"It's not like it's going to kill me now boys. Yes it was hard for me there, but I have to pay my respects to those who died."

"Yeah, I guess you and dad forgot to die huh?"

Zeke smiled and tossed his long hair back. "That we did. We forgot we were supposed to die."

The brothers turned and left Zeke there. Zeke stood, and thanked Reinhart for everything. Before long, there came a tugging at his trench coat. Zeke looked down and saw a little Jackal/German Sheppard boy of 10 standing there with a sausage dog in his hand, covered in the works. The boy was dressed near-identically to Zeke. Zeke smiled and leaned down and picked up the boy, who giggled with glee in response.

"Hey my adoring boy child! Did you enjoy your first sausage dog?" Zeke asked in a cute and funny voice. The boy laughed once more and nodded as he pointed to his sausage dog that had a bite in it. Zeke smiled and looked at it, "Got a bite for daddy?" He asked. The boy held the dog near his father's lips and he took a bite. Zeke loved it. All was missing was the sauerkraut. He nodded and he planed a kiss on the boy's muzzle that the boy returned. He then pulled off and started to walk out of the alley.

"You're silly daddy." The boy said sweetly.

"Of course I'm silly - I'm silly for you!" He said as he ticked his son's sides. The boy laughed and laughed until Zeke stopped. Zeke smiled and planted another kiss on the boy and looked about. "Hmm, where's your father?" He asked.

"Oh, he's coming. He got himself a wiener snitcher." The boy said, trying to speak in his best German. Zeke smiled and shook his head.

"No Milo Fritz, it's pronounced Wienershnitzel." Zeke corrected kindly.

"Ok Dad. Oh there he is!" Milo Fritz said as he pointed with his free hand. Zeke turned around and saw Wolfpac approaching. He was wearing leather pants, biker boots, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. He had bought himself and Zeke some expensive sunglasses it would seem. He handed Zeke a pair, which the three admired. "Ooooo...ahhhh" they all said jokingly. Wolfpac had a pair of his own on. Zeke looked at him, and thought that his beloved Wolfpac looked just like that actor he had seen in pictures...James Dean. He snickered and gestured to the car with his head.

"I am done here. We should head over to the house and salvage what we can, and then lets continue."

"Well let's go." Wolfpac said as he took Milo Fritz into his arms and walked his way towards the brand new Mercedes that was waiting for them. Zeke and Wolfpac hopped into the back, and the car pulled away from the alleyway. Zeke gave it one last look, and then sighed. He turned to look at the boys in the front. Gregory and Steen seemed to be all right, perhaps anxious, but all right. Zeke had no clue how it might have been for them during the war, but he guessed they had their own hardships. Zeke turned towards Wolfpac and Milo Fritz. Milo Fritz was finishing the sausage dog in his hand, and Wolfpac was holding him gently.

"You nervous?" He asked Wolfpac. Wolfpac turned to regard his love and shook his head.

"Not at all. Being home is a good thing for me. I don't know how visiting the camps will be though, are you sure you want to do that? Are you sure you want to go? You may give yourself another anxiety attack." Wolfpac asked Zeke in as kind a way as possible. Zeke looked at him, and drummed his right hand fingers on the armrest of his door. He looked confidant.

"Ben, I have to do this. I have to know that I can be stronger than my memories. If I don't walk into that place with my head held high, and my wits about me; and I turn into the sniveling little mass of seizures that I usually am in a case like this, then I will never be able to honor the souls of all those that died around us. I can't let all those men, women, and children's lives be for nothing." Zeke said as he looked at his son on his mate's lap.

Wolfpac nodded and sighed, leaning his head against the rear dashboard. "Why did you call me Ben? You always called me Wolfpac." Wolfpac asked.

"There are times that I don't want to call you by your understand right?" Zeke countered.

"Of course. As for what you just said, you're right. It would be a shame if all those people died for nothing. Us returning will be a great victory."

"Yeah! And you can always piss on the officers quarters if you want!" Chimed in Steen in the front. Everyone in the car laughed, save Milo Fritz who didn't get it. All he knew was he heard a naughty word and therefore kept his mouth shut.

When the laughter died down, Wolfpac looked over at Zeke and leaned in to whisper. "Hun, I remember that you were a boy lover, and that you were incestuous. Are you ever going to do that with Milo Fritz?" He asked. Zeke turned and looked at his 10 year old son. He looked so innocent sitting there on his father's lap. Milo Fritz was looking out the window now that he had finished his food, and was watching the buildings go by. Zeke wondered; would he ever sex Milo Fritz? He thought about it, and turned his head to look out the window himself.

"That's his own choice if he ever does anything with us. I am not going to influence him."

"Just wanted to know." Wolfpac whispered back as he sat normally again.

As the bombed out ruins of an old neighborhood went by, Zeke began to ponder what had transpired over the last 10 years. He really should have felt better than he did at the moment. Once more, things were going his way, and life was sweet.

Anita had bought them all a fancy apartment in the Empire State Building, where they all live. Anita got a job as an interior designer, and a fashion model. She was even due to make an appearance in Femfur later that year to do an erotic photo spread. Everyone was thrilled at the Femfur offer. As far as the parenting goes, Anita took the role as the third party, letting Zeke and Wolfpac share sole parenting duties of Milo Fritz. Anita however plays an important role in young Milo Fritz's life as his female influence.

Gregory and Steen both got jobs as taxi drivers when they were old enough to drive. While working for Yellow Cab Co. they spent their spare time in night school, working on getting their high school diplomas, and now they are working on going to college. Gregory wants to become a doctor, and Steen wants to become a lawyer. Gregory would make jokes about that and say things like "I don't know which is worse: lawyers or the Nazis". They all got good laughs at that.

Milo Fritz grew up healthy, and was a well-loved child. He had his fathers and his mother to look over him, and he is attending grade school. It made Zeke proud to see that his own flesh and blood is doing so well in life. Zeke had spoiled the boy he thought, buying him all those toys and things, but really he hadn't. Milo Fritz was as well behaved as any child.

Wolfpac got a job as a boxer almost immediately after being released from the hospital. Wolfpac started boxing in some of the seediest boxing joints in New York in the hopes of being discovered. After a long and arduous year of getting beaten up for nothing, he was discovered, and sent to an official league. There, he won New York's Golden Gloves two years in a row, and is third in line to fight the world heavyweight champion later in the year. Wolfpac was famous, and had even been seen on Television. He was the first boxer to box in pink shorts, and he was the first boxer to ever nock out a referee during a match for insulting his outfit.

Zeke; Zeke had the most interesting time of them all. Zeke had landed a job at the New York Times as a simple street reporter, and through his good articles, had been promoted to one of the highest editors, and had his own column. Zeke also won the Pulitzer Prize in 1950 and 1953 for his stories on Kennedy. When Wolfpac got into boxing, Zeke decided to get into professional wrestling as a fallback career. Zeke wrestled all over New York, and had even wrestled in Madison Square Garden. Like Wolfpac, Zeke wore pink tights; in the world of wrestling, it was unheard of, but definitely got attention. Zeke had won the World Tag Team Championship with a vicious wrestler named "Killer" Kowalski. Zeke never figured himself as a wrestler as his first career, so he poured his energy into his writing, often times writing the articles covering his own matches. Zeke was planning to wrestle the German heavyweight champion in Berlin later in the week, but this week they were on vacation.

The vacation was literally a vacation. Wolfpac, Zeke and the Boys all got time off from jobs and school in order to have a nice vacation. They had been planning it for over a year, and the timing was great. Zeke liked that he would be able to clean out his old flat and send his things home that he hadn't seen in a few years.

The time they spent at Zeke's home was short. The home was slightly damaged from the war. The police, to prevent looters from moving through, had boarded the house up. Zeke and Wolfpac had to call in the police to let them in, instead of trying to break in themselves. The police were more than glad to let Zeke back into his house, the police officers of Germany now were far more kind then the Nazis ever were. The officers even stayed to help Zeke move the stuff into a rental truck. When Zeke was finished, he sat down and toasted all the police officers a drink.

Zeke hopped back into the car and the family drove across country towards Auschwitz. The entire time, young Milo Fritz slept across his parent's laps. He was sleepy, and he needed to save his energy for the next day. It was just as well, because Zeke really didn't want him to see Auschwitz...ever. When Zeke and Wolfpac arrived, they saw that it had become a tourist attraction, and that you could take a tour of the place for a few Marks. When Zeke told the person at the admissions desk that they were former inmates there, the people running the camp's tours were thrilled to give them their own private tour. A young woman of 20 or so was their tour guide. She showed them what had become of everything, including barrack number 9. Just about everything was intact, and just as Zeke and Wolfpac remembered it. They were able to correct a lot of the mistakes that the woman made while giving the tour, telling her what truly was and wasn't done. After a while, to many it would seem like Zeke and Wolfpac were giving the tour to her, and not to them! Word of two genuine, former inmates must have past quickly around the tours, because before long Zeke and Wolfpac were swamped with people asking them all sorts of questions. People asked to see their tattoos, and some even asked for autographs. In a sick and perverse way, the horrible place of death on which they stood had made them famous, and they owed it.

Autographs signed, and hands shook, the pair made a trip to the gift shop. There they had all kinds of trinkets. There were even "genuine" uniforms used during the war. Zeke leaned in and would tell the customers browsing the former inmate uniforms which were real and which were not. Wolfpac bought a Zippo lighter that was actually owned by their former Director, and a pack of cigarettes to go along with them. Zeke was browsing the uniform shirts, just randomly, when he saw a shirt with a familiar number upon it. 1357717 the shirt read. Zeke ran over and showed Wolfpac who couldn't believe his own eyes. It was Donna's! He ran over and showed it to the staff and told them all about the person who once wore the shirt. They pulled out this large ledger, and looked up the number. Zeke was right, and the staff decided to simply give him the shirt because of the sentiment.

The pair left, tossing their stuff in the back just as Milo Fritz was waking up. He wanted to see the camp. Zeke said it was time to go, but Milo Fritz protested and said that this was "home" after all, so why can't he see it? The parents caved in and showed him around, but spared him the details about what really went on around there. When they stopped back in the gift shop, they bought Milo Fritz some postcards to take back to school, and a toy tank.

Back on the road, the family was headed for the Airport in Berlin. Wolfpac was napping, and so was Steen. Gregory and Zeke and Milo Fritz were the only ones awake. Milo Fritz was playing with his toy tank, a Panzer if Zeke thought correctly. He had seen a bunch of them roll by during his time at the camp. Little Milo Fritz was having fun making the gun turret move around.

"So Milo Fritz, you ready to go swimming tomorrow?" He asked his son quietly.

"Yeah daddy! Are we really going to a nakey beach tomorrow?" He asked in an almost amused tone.

"Yes my son. Are you comfortable with that?" He asked.

"Yeah! I don't care, me being nakey with you is ok. It's not bad or anything."

"You are right, and we'll get to work on our tan's huh?" Zeke said, nuzzling his son.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see France."

"Well, We'll be there tonight, and we'll be on the beach by noon." He informed. The boy kissed his father with glee and rested his head against his chest.

"I love you daddy. You are gonna make sure no one tries to touch me right?" Milo Fritz asked in only slight worry.

"No. The only people allowed to touch you that way, are your fathers and your brothers, and that's only if you let them. Understand?"

"Yes sir!" He said as he hugged his daddy tight.

* * *

"You boys have fun!" Zeke said as he lay down on a lounge chair. Next to him was Wolfpac, his beloved mate. The pair smiled as their boys ran off towards the water, to frolic in the surf. Zeke leaned down, and sipped on his champagne, and handed Wolfpac his. He pair were happy.

"This is funny." Wolfpac said with a chuckle. Zeke turned his only, for he was enjoying his sunbath.

"Mmm?" He inquired as he sipped.

"Well, 10 years ago there was nothing like this. Here we are Zeke, on a nude beach, and they don't care!" He said. Zeke listened and nodded, and lowered his new sunglasses over his eyes. Everyone there was completely unclad, and walking about without care. Zeke smiled and opened his eyes to check out what the boys were doing. They were wrestling around in the surf, and little Milo Fritz was having fun running in-between their legs. He could see a little friskiness in him, and suspected that...yup...the boy made a lunge for his brother's groin. He laughed, it was inevitable he supposed. He waved at the boys to watch the adult-behavior but to enjoy wrestling if they wanted.

Zeke turned his head and finished the wine in his glass, and looked back up at the French skies. For once in many years he had the time to actually admire the skies above him. There were plenty of fluffy, fat, white clouds overhead for him to look at, and not one would ever bring "bad rain" upon them. Zeke stared at the cloud closest to him, and smiled as he tried to guess what it looked like. He thought it looked like a rabbit. He moved to the next, and guessed that the next one looked like a bus. He moved to the next and guessed that it looked like a...oh my. Zeke snickered, and looked at his mate and saw he was people watching. There were naked men and women walking around. He would scoff at the hetero couples walking by, and ogle the single males. Zeke shook his head and tossed an ice cube at his mate's groin. Wolfpac jumped about 40 feet into the air and turned and growled playfully at Zeke. Zeke laughed and turned back to his clouds.

"What, its practically on display Zeke. We can look can't we?" Wolfpac asked.

"Look, but not with intent to play with darling." He said in-between giggles.

Zeke closed his eyes, and took a short nap. While he was asleep, Wolfpac decided to go and pick up some Ice Cream for the boys. Zeke dreamed a rather lusty dream of an orgy right there on the beach, and couldn't help but to sprout a large wood. He was woken up by it. He looked about and saw a few men and women staring at it, but he just shrugged and pondered returning back to sleep. Just as he had his eyes closed, someone tapped his shoulder on his right. He turned and looked. It was a hot and sexy otter type of male. It seemed he too was aroused. Zeke wondered what his aim was.


The male pointed at Zeke's left forearm, his tattoo. "What's up with your tattoo?" The male asked. The otter male had to be British, due to his accent, and seemed young, as if he was merely a teenager. Zeke was ashamed; not so much that this male asked, but more that he didn't know. He wondered how many other people walked with numbers tattooed into their arms. Was this a new fashion? He hoped not, he didn't feel like getting his Nazi prisoner uniform out of storage. He looked at the male, and saw that he had several tribal tattoos all over his body. He guessed he had to have traversed the world and picked up the tattoos somewhere, but some were Celtic in design, so a few had to be done within distance of his home. Zeke looked away, and sighed.

"You have never seen a tattoo like this before?" He asked.

"No, it doesn't make any sense. Why would you tattoo 1110624 on your forearm? The only thing I can think of is maybe your first kid was born on November sixth of 1924."

Zeke, both slightly angered by this, and frustrated by the memories of what he went through, sighed. "'s not that at all. I was - an inmate at a concentration camp." The male looked surprised, and sat down on the edge of Zeke's chair, his manhood no more than 5 inches from Zeke's face. Zeke ignored it...trying not to flashback.

"Really? What was it like?" He asked.

Zeke inhaled and exhaled deeply. "I-it was hell. Death was waiting for you at every moment, and you were tortured constantly."

"What kind of torture?" The male asked, absently touching Zeke's tattoo.

"Whippings, beatings, mental torture, starvation, shock treatment, backbreaking labor, mutilation...and that is just what I saw."

The male seemed slightly repulsed by what he heard. He gulped and reached down and started to play with Zeke's chest fur. Zeke was getting annoyed, and wanted this stranger to stop touching him. "Why would someone hurt someone like you?" The male asked as his massaging traced a little lower...and lower...too low...his hand was on Zeke's cock.

Flash...Zeke was in the alley again with Reinhart...Reinhart was molesting can't be. Zeke tries to fight the memory...Flash...he is in the concentration camp officer's courtyard. He is sexing

"Stop...leave me be..." Zeke said...trying to break free.

"Here, I bet this will make you feel better." The male said as he laid himself down on top of Zeke and began to kiss at him. Flash...Zeke was under Reinhart again...then he was under Schmidt. Schmidt was trying to rape him. Zeke didn't know where he was anymore.

"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU'RE DEAD!" He shouted, people all around watching as the male began to force himself further onto Zeke as Zeke writhed and whimpered under him. Zeke was hysterical and panicking; no one had a clue what to do.

"Shh, Omri will make it all better." The male whispered as he moved and inserted Zeke's cock into himself.

Zeke imagined he was there, sexing Donna he was with Fritz, but Fritz was dead. Zeke screamed and protested further.


Meanwhile on a sand dune not to far away, Wolfpac and the boys were sitting and eating their ice cream. Wolfpac's ear twitched when he heard something. "-Leave me alone! Don't send me to the camps..." he heard. He dropped the Ice Cream cone in his hand and leaped into action. He saw a small crowd staring at what was transpiring, and Wolfpac growled. He broke into a dead sprint, and kicked up sand as he ran. He shoved people out of the way, aggressively if needs be, and came upon the scene. He saw Zeke there, getting raped by this otter that was using him. He barked and reached over, and grabbed the male off of Zeke, and threw him to the sand. The male was so shocked, he just looked up as Wolfpac started to send a fury of stomps into his mid-section and groin. The male turned over and vomited as he was getting pummeled, begging for mercy.

Before long, the police arrived. They were the only clothed ones on the beach. They took the male away, and stood at Zeke's side. He was having a seizure. His entire left side was shaking, and his right side had gone numb. This happened to Zeke any time someone tried to get physical with him that he didn't know. Zeke was still flashing back, and was lapsing in and out of reality. The boys kept Milo Fritz occupied so he wouldn't know or have to see his father in this condition.

"Zeke? It's me Wolfpac! I am here, you are not in that alleyway and you are not in the camp. You are on a nude beach in France. Wake up!" Wolfpac started to shout as the police ordered the people back. Zeke shook, but started to come out of the hallucinations. He looked up at Wolfpac and cried.

"I'm sorry...I ruined the vacation." He cried.

"No it's not your fault. Just lay here and we'll take you back to the hotel to rest."

"Where are the boys?" Zeke asked through the shakes.

"They went down near the hot dog stand to get Milo Fritz something to eat. They will be back soon." Wolfpac soothed.

Zeke sighed...and slowly fainted. Some kind men and women offered some towels to wrap him in, and helped to tend to Zeke.

Milo Fritz had never had a French hot dog. It was interesting, but nowhere near the quality of the German ones. Milo Fritz looked from his food to his brothers who were talking to some local Kitsune boys. Milo Fritz smiled, for he loved his brothers a lot. Before long, Milo Fritz had to stand, his tender rear-end was getting seared by the hot sand. Being naked was not a problem for Milo Fritz, unless you try to sit down on the ground. He stood, and remembered he was thirsty. He walked over to his brothers' towels and grabbed some Francs out of their purse and walked towards a lemonade stand next to the hot dog stand.

When he got to the hot dog stand there was a male standing next to it, ordering lemonade as well. The male was tall, and looked strong, possibly German. Milo Fritz wagged his tail and waited behind the male. It was a golden retriever. He looked up and gasped at what he saw. There was a large scar in his back. I had two very familiar names in it, his father's and his dad's, along with a naughty word. The male in front of him heard the gasp and turned around slowly. Young Milo Fritz was only further surprised to see his father's initials carved into this man's chest. He stepped back and almost dropped his coins, this man was scaring him, why he had no clue.

"What?" The man asked in a slightly higher pitched voice then his daddy has. The male was also speaking German.

"Your back...and your front." Milo Fritz gulped, trying to answer in his best German.

"So? Do you know it's not polite to stare kid?" He said sternly.

It was at this time that Milo Fritz noticed that this male was missing his...dangly bells as he called them. He had no scrotum...was that the word that his sex-ed teacher had used? It looked like it had been cut open at one point. He then remembered the man said he didn't like getting stared at, so he looked up at his face. The man had his lemonade in his hand, and was looking more curious at Milo Fritz than angry.

"What? What's your problem kid?" The man asked in a tone of annoyance.

"You have my daddy's name on your back." Milo Fritz said as the male put his drink to his lips. When he heard Milo Fritz say that, he spit out his drink, and looked down at the boy, who seemed still shocked, but now slightly amused.

"What did you say?" The male asked.

"I said, you have my fathers' names on your back. My Dad's initials are on your chest too." Young Milo Fritz answered.

"Really? What's your father's name?" The male asked as he motioned for some more lemonade, this time 2 cups. Milo Fritz tilted his head and smiled.

"Zeke Von Hurstleburg! He's my daddy." He answered.

The male gulped, and looked around, and then smiled. He handed the boy the lemonade, which the boy accepted with a thank you. The male suddenly seemed nice, naked and scarred, but nice. He patted Milo Fritz on the head, and asked if he'd walk with him to his towel. Milo Fritz agreed. He followed the male over to his towel, where the man put some shorts on, and a t-shirt.

"So what's your name kid?" He asked the boy.

"Milo Fritz sir. What's yours?"

"Well, I don't know if your father mentioned me, but my name is Argus Schmidt."

Milo Fritz nodded, hearing the name Schmidt said in his house only once or twice. "Yeah, he's said your name once."

"And what has he told you about me?" Schmidt asked.

Milo Fritz shrugged. He didn't know. "I don't remember."

Schmidt then gave the boy another pat, this one on his back and said, "Well Zeke and I spent some time together a few years back when we were in Germany together. We had some interesting times. Would you like to see some pictures of your father getting pied in the face?" Schmidt asked in a humorous tone.

"Um...sure!" The boy said. Schmidt then led him across the sand, and off the beach towards a car. The man opened the door and told him the picture was in the glove compartment. When Milo Fritz opened the door, he felt a foot kick his little rear, and the door slam shut on him. The man then ran around the other side, hopped in, and sped off in the car, Milo Fritz scared to death.

"Young Von Hurstleburg, for as long as you are with me, you will get the chance to learn all about me."

"Daddy!" Milo Fritz whimpered.

It wasn't for hours that anyone knew that anything was wrong, and it was days before they knew who had taken Milo Fritz. Someone...who had forgot to die.