Meet the Black Stars; Draco's Story part II

Story by Cartoon Malero on SoFurry

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#2 of Meet the Black Stars

[Milky Way Galaxy; Sol Cluster, Artificial World; Serria, Main Training Grounds, Year 3,588 A.D, June 8thth, 11:03 AM]

"You will be facing off against numerous combat androids, each of them armed with weapons that you will come across in the line of duty. Pirates, privateers, smugglers, mercenaries, slavers and yes, even the same dumb mother fuckers who are striking out against VALOR outer colonies and terrifying the locals." The staff sergeant said as he pointed towards the holographic compound that would be their battlefield

Draco looked at the weapon he was given at the armoury, as the sergeant continued to give his lecture.

"Unlike the backwater scum you will be protecting innocents from, all VALOR marines are equipped with the M63 Assault Rifle. This bad boy can be switched from single shots, burst fire and full auto, depending on the situation that calls for it of course." The staff sergeant held up the large light weight weapon into the air with one hand, "The M63 fires depleted uranium shells that will rip apart anything short of a VALOR grade tank with the shear impact of the amount of force given behind it, you DO NOT I repeat DO NOT want to be on the receiving end of this."

The black skinned human slammed his fist on the large green button on the podium beside him so the first squads of marines could enter the course. Draco was followed in behind with Sarah and Rek'tar along with several other recruits that too varied in different species that had been absorbed into VALOR.

Draco took point of the large eight man squad as they walked single file into the compound that was suppose to represent a farming community that the terrorists where known to strike at. The conditions of the houses were in a poor state reflecting all the damage the attackers must have done in the holographic scenario that was only insult to injuring as the area was an already poor community.

"Contacts!" a human recruit yelled as he placed a large green arrow on his team mate's Heads up Displays to indicate the direction they should look in

Draco turned to see numerous humanoid shaped machines charging through the ally ways of houses and barns. Along his HUD came a blue bar that went from left to right scanning all of the enemy targets with a red diamond for each of the individual targets before the highlights expanded to full body outlines.

A red claw recruit that wasn't Rek'tar broke from their formation and began running at the advancing combat droids with his weapon firing. Draco sat on one knee as he brought up his weapon and immediately his HUD brought up cross hairs to show where his gun pointed along with an ammo counter in the bottom right corner. With a push of a button Draco switched to a single burst firing mode and his HUD zoomed into a red outline of an android that was taking cover behind a wall, its red outline giving its position away. He slowly squeezed the trigger and a powerful shot exploded the air around the nozzle of the rifle, the round penetrated each wall in the house before it took the head of the android clean off. The red outline of the android flashed to grey before a skull and cross bones flashed above its body indicating to both Draco and the squad that one of the enemies was dead.

The combat androids started to fire back at the marines from cover who walked down the main roads at a steady pace as rounds deflected off harmlessly off their power armours.

"This isn't combat, this is sport!" A marine laughed beside Sarah as he followed several androids into a building

Rek'tar kept his head low as bullets whizzed over him and kept his body close to the concrete wall beside him. His HUD showed five red outlines on the other side of the wall that moved in a single file line, he backed away from the wall slowly and switched his rifle to automatic and proceeded to out right obliterate the once standing wall and everything that was near it. One by one the outlines became grey as the kinetic force of each round ripped through the wall like it wasn't even there allowing the combat androids to be torn apart. Rek'tar continued holding onto the trigger until the clip in his weapon ran dry with a small blinking light on his ammo counter on his HUD telling him to reload.

Draco placed his left hand on his friend's shoulder that jumped from being startled and aimed the weapon in Draco's face but the cross hairs on his HUD disappeared as he was a friendly target.

"Hey, hey!' Draco said as he backed off

Rek'tar shook his head, "Don't do that" he yelled angrily

"Hostiles enemies detected." A combat drone buzzed in its robotic voice as it walked up to the marines with its weapon in hand

Before Draco could take a shot the drone's arms were blown off. The humanoid robot turned around where its head exploded from the final shot, the combat android fell over backwards allowing for Sarah to walk up to the two.

"Even in power armour you knobs still have the reaction time of a koral slug." Sarah said with a smirk under her helmet

Both Draco and Rek'tar looked at each other and shook their heads in shame as Sarah continued to stand in a smug pose with her weapon in hand.

[Milky Way Galaxy; Sol Cluster, Artificial World; Serria, Commercial District, James' Street Pub, Year 3,588 A.D, June 8thth, 8:09 PM]

Draco, Sarah and Rek'tar sat on barstools in front of the long counter as a female human bartender cleaned a glass while they drank.

"Send anther plate of wings our way." Rek'tar ordered as he pointed to the empty dish between him and Draco on the counter that was filled with chicken bones.

"Sure thing, Hun." The human smiled before she walked to the kitchen

Sarah drank the last of her hard liquor and shook her head from the kickback of it before slamming the rest of the shot glass back down on the counter. The bartender came back with the same flavour of Buffalo wings the three had been eating for the past hour.

"So you three finally graduated into the marines?" She asked while putting the platter in front of Rek'tar who clearly wanted it more than his friends.

"Yep." Draco answered as he nodded with an empty beer glass in his webbed hand, "We all got assigned to the two-hundred eighty-eighth Hellcats regiment. We ship out in the morning."

The bartender clapped her hands excitedly, "That's wonderful!" she congratulated, "It's on the house tonight you three!"

Rek'tar placed a handful of wings with his three-talon hand in a napkin and slid it over to Sarah who was beckoning for the red claw to send some her way.

"Thanks Jessie." Draco said "It was only a matter of time before we were going to be admitted, well... longer for these two without my expertise to lead them."

Draco's answer got him a friendly smack on the head from Sarah before he responded with a small lick of affection on her forehead.

"Oh you two." Jessie sighed before passing the clean glass to her robotic assistant who placed it on the cabinet behind them, "Now don't blow your new career by getting caught by your C.O"

Sarah smiled as Draco took her in his arms and had the yellow furred female sit in his lap on the stool before she answered the human, "They won't find out because I won't leave any evidence of it."

"I'm serious!" Jessie said when she turned to Rek'tar who was waving for anther platter will his mouth full of chicken meat, "You wear that armour with respect or not at all"

"Sheesh, you sound like our drill sarg." Draco argued back, "We aren't going to 'blow' it."

"Trust me, you don't want to be sent back home because you were found fucking each other's brains out when you should be out on patrol, peoples lives depend on VALOR law enforcement especially in the outer colonies were the fleets don't patrol that oft-"

"Jessie! The wi-" Rek'tar said before he himself was interrupted

"They are coming, Rek." Jessie snapped back, "Now if VALOR's forces were half as big as your stomach the terrorists wouldn't be a threat."

"It's not my fault this place has the only good food in the entire district, I'm sick of eating military rations." Rek'tar answered

Sarah lifted her head upwards so Draco could lick the yellow fur around her neck; he also wrapped his arms around her waist so she was closer to his body.

"If I had known that introducing you two together would make you both be in an unending puppy love then I should have invested in one less stool since you both only use one." Jessie smirked before she left to the back room

Sarah pulled at Draco's dog tags that were around the outside of his army shirt so he could be tugged forward allowing her breasts to be squished against his chest. Both of them licked their partner passionately to express their heated love for one anther with Draco's hands slowly sliding up her shirt so he could grab at her black bra in attempt to feel her breasts in the public bar. His member grew hard along the side of his right leg that Sarah blushed as she felt his cock rub against her which she returned by moving her closet hand to his thigh so she could give her love a secret hand job when on lookers thought she was just rubbing Draco's thigh.

Rek'tar rolled his eyes when he saw his two friends and knew what they were really up too. He popped a pickled egg, a handful of beer nuts and several chicken wings into his jaws were he began to chomp on the odd mixture of food and swallow it all whole as his attention was now held by the television closet to him that was stuck on the news with subtitles as the noise from the patrons was much to loud without it.

The doors of the kitchen swung open with the white skinned; curly haired, human that was Jessie walked back to her most welcomed customers with one more tray of food for the hungry raptor-esc alien.

"Here you go hun." Jessie smiled when Rek'tar licked his chomps

Jessie looked at her other friends who were still fondling one anther. She saw that Sarah had been focusing on rubbing Draco's thigh more than any part of his body and when she looked closer she saw that her yellow furred friend had her hand wrapped around the bulge on the side of his leg.

"Get a room you two." Jessie ordered as she tossed an access card to the both of them

Draco caught the small card out of the air without taking his focus off his girlfriend. The two got off the single bar stool and walked up to the inn that was the upstairs while they refused to take their webbed hands off one anther.

"Hey, turn the T.V up." Rek'tar said before he swallowed anther handful of nuts that was in his sauce stained hand

Jessie picked up the remote from her apron and jumped over the counter to sit beside the much larger alien on the stool beside him. She pointed the device at the television when Rek'tar slid the platter between the both of them as the volume went up.

"The Sepress Prime Revitalization Project is to be completed in the coming month; VALOR has increased the amount of security from the growing threat in the outer colonies and has requested additional reinforcements from the Draconian Kingdom to help police their worlds." The human news anchor said with the VALOR logo behind his body on the wall

Rek'tar turned his head to Jessie "Do you know what this project is about?"

Jessie nodded, "Back during the war against the darkspawns VALOR launched a major offensive on Sepress Prime that was a forward base for them so they could attack deep into VALOR territory. It was one of the bloodiest battle in the war, the indigenous species that was the dominate race on the planet were wiped out in the resulting battle."

Rek'tar shook his head, "That's just awful."

"Yeah, it is. But, but!" Jessie said as she picked up a wing in her hand, "After the great war twenty years ago VALOR went back to Sepress Prime to bring back the valgary race."

"Do you know how they are doing it?" Rek'tar asked intrigued

"Apparently one of those aliens did manage to survive and VALOR is using the living valgary to map out their genetic structure so they can 'grow' their own valgaries without birth defects, mutations and so forth. I just hope the trouble brewing out there doesn't reach Sepress Prime, but with you three out there I'm sure the project will be safe." Jessie said as she brushed the backside of Rek'tar

[Milky Way Galaxy; Sol Cluster, Artificial World; Serria, Commercial District, James' Street Pub, Second Floor, Room six, Year 3,588 A.D, June 8thth, 8:31 PM]

Sarah was thrown onto her back from Draco's powerful arms as stood over her on the bed. She tugged at the orange fur along his legs with her soft hands as her boyfriend slowly climbed up over top of her, his dog tags hanging from his neck that swayed back and forth in front of his bare torso. With a strong pull; Draco was brought forward onto Sarah's near naked body as the yellow furred female used the metal necklace as a tool to get him right on top of her.

"So what do you think our first assignment will be?" Draco asked right in her face

"Well." Sarah answered as she wrapped her arms around his body to hold him down, "Can range from; security on a trade world, policing cities, or the worst yet...sitting around in a Dreadnaught Carrier Cruiser in a no danger zone."

Draco brushed the top of Sarah's head with his left webbed hand before he moved his free hand to her waist so he could grab hold of her underwear. His curled fist began to slowly undress her of the last piece of clothing; Draco closed his eyes feeling his erect cock brush along her stomach fur that protruded out of his boxers. Sarah looked at the thick member that stroked itself on her chest back and forth; Draco moved both of his hands to her hips so he could better move his lower half. The orange furred platypus smiled as his eyes were shut as he enjoyed feeling her short fur brush against his penis allowing for the excited male to go faster and faster that only increased in pleasure when Sarah wrapped both of her hands around his thick cock.

His eyes open wide and his tongue hung from his mouth when he looked down and saw that Sarah was rubbing his dick furiously with her own bill opened wide. Draco's breaths became sporadic while he watched Sarah move her left hand to the end desk beside the bed and pull out the first drawer as she continued to give her muscular love a hand job as he still rubbed against her stomach fur. She pulled out a tube of hand lotion from it and squeezed a glob of it into the same hand while giving her love a seductive look, her hand gently wrapped around Draco's hot and throbbing cock and squeezed hard allowing the lotion to drip between her fingers that made him blush hard.

The cream ran down the sides of his dick that caused it to glisten in the light, Sarah's hands began messaging his manhood to make sure the lotion covered every aspect of it, soon she began moving her talented fingers up and down that was much easier now that is cock was now all wet. Draco closed his eyes tight as he began moving his body like he was pushing and pulling out of her vagina but instead was still sliding his hot, wet, member up her chest until he reached the bottom cleavage of her firm furry breasts. Draco leaned his body even further so his cock could go right between her two twins allowing for it to point directly into Sarah's face.

His cock ran up and down from in between her breasts as her hands copied the motion of his thrusts when Sarah also began wrapping her tongue around his powerful member that was soaked in the hand cream and his own bodily fluid. She licked the head of his dick that had started to expand ready to blow its load into her open mouth. Draco's hands gripped hard on Sarah's naked waist as his body desperately wanted to organism, the constant feeling of fur that ran along the underside of his cock, penetrating the tight space between her firm breasts with every single thrust, her wet hands intensifying each and every push that got him hard that also got him closer and her long tongue that sent every sexual node on the head of his penis into absolute ecstasy.

Draco's arms suddenly lunged forward as he screamed in pleasure; his hands grabbed the back of her head and brought it forward so his cock was now deep inside her throat. Sarah's eyes opened wide from the spontaneous move where she proceeded to began to lick and push her tongue around the thick meat that was now inside her mouth, her eyes closed shut as she could feel the large member expand in her throat ready to blow. She didn't gag as Draco began to thrust his pelvis back and forth as he stood on his knees; Sarah opened her mouth wide allowing for Draco to easily pull in and out of her mouth which she sucked on passionately

And in a flash Draco's fully erect cock reached its breaking point and began unloading his hot cum into her throat. His body became tense as he felt his penis would never stop pumping his hot seed into his girlfriend's mouth like a fountain.

Sarah's tongue twisted around the small portion of dick that was jammed down her mouth, helping to lick up any of his love juice that ran down his cock. Draco's arms became limp as he sat back on her waist, his dripping cock staining the fur on her chest that had been matted down from the various liquids and his constant rubbing.

"S-So...what about you?" Draco asked as he regained his breathing

Sarah sat up as she swallowed all the hot liquid that was forced down her throat before she smiled at him, "You can make it up to me one day." Then with a wink she laid back on the bed

[Milky Way Galaxy; Sol Cluster, Artificial World; Serria, Mission Briefing Complex, AA-12, Year 3,588 A.D, June 9thth, 8:32 AM]

Rek'tar walked into the enormous briefing room; hundreds of rows of chairs covered the circular room that converged onto a single podium in the centre of the room. VALOR marines from all different races sat in their uniforms, talking to one anther in their chairs about the mission that required the entire regiment to be present. Rek'tar smiled when he saw that his friends; Draco and Sarah, had reserved him a seat to the both of them which he took immediately.

"Hey guys." Rek'tar greeted as he shifted his tail with his small arms so he wouldn't have to sit on it

"Cramped as hell in here, but I managed to hold off the takers." Draco proudly stated

Sarah motioned for the two males to be quiet when the regimental commander took his place at the podium at the bottom of the room. Television screens came on for the people in the upper rows that couldn't see or hear their commander as how far away the human was.

The regimental commander took a breath and a sip of the glass of water that was on his stand along with the personal data assignment that had his speech ready to read off of.

"As I'm sure you are all fully aware by now, the outer colonies are rarely patrolled by our brothers and sisters." The regimental commander stated when he clicked a button on his PDA for the view screen behind him to turn on

"VALOR has been trying to replenish its losses from the Great War twenty years ago which have required our government to make some cut backs to prioritize our resources. This has of course led to problems in less desirable worlds..." he continued when several pictures came on

Fires, revolts in the streets, and absolute anarchy ran through countless destroyed cities that used to be proud farming communities and trade worlds. A video followed of rows of VALOR marines marching through the same city streets chasing down any civilian that took up arms in protest against the government.

"Since VALOR had to allocate resources to their most important colonies the ones left out of the budget plan were left to fend for their own causing a huge rise in pirate activity. Our trade routes are being raided that threaten the few worlds we can safely secure...which bring us to our mission." The commander read in a loud clear voice

The view screens showed a single large red planet that was on the very edge of VALOR controlled territory along with various satellite imagery of the planet's surface that showed underground factories, computer labs and munitions depots.

"Intelligence believes that several pirate clans have banded together and has made the world of Hellion V their main base of operations. Our president wants to crush the terrorists once and for all by ripping out the heart of their forces and eliminating their leadership in one quick raid." The regimental commander continued

The view screen changed to show a picture of a white skinned human male in a VALOR general's uniform that had been converted with his own pirate symbol and color schemes.

"The leader of the terrorists is General Grey that used to command several regiments in VALOR... but he has now turned rogue. The fifty-fifth Fire Hawk airborne division and the ninety-seventh Rolling Thunder armoured company will be joining us on the attack on Hellion V. The Draconian Kingdom our 'allies' have made no attempt to offer any help against the terrorists leaving us with very few troops to spare." The regimental commander bowed when anther officer took the stand

The new speaker wore a black trench coat over his black power armour; a dress sword was attached to his waist that was in its sheath and he also wore a black officer's cap over his helmet. It was the same individual who overlooked the medical room where Draco was getting his power on for the first time.

"I do not have much time so I am going to keep this short, because of this operation that will no doubt send a message to any conspirators within our jurisdiction; the president has given the authorization to deploy the Justicar." The ominous-looking officer said sternly

The entire briefing room went into loud cheering as the stress from the oncoming mission was taken off their shoulders completely; the black armoured officer slammed his fist on the podium to get the attention back of every single person in front of him.

"You will not get in the Justicar's way, you will not pester him with any question, and you will NOT assist him in his objectives. You marines are to provide support to detour the focus on the terrorists while the Justicar will deal with the rogue general, do I make myself clear?" he asked

Rek'tar turned to his friends with the largest smile across his face as he saw both Draco and Sarah were just as ecstatic as he was.

"Holy shit the Justicar? The guy is like a fucking legend back in my home world!" Rek'tar said excitedly

"He's a goddamn legend in VALOR and the Draconian Kingdom, Rek, maybe if we are lucky we can catch the Justicar when the mission is over." Draco answer back

"Wait till I tell my brothers that I met the Justicar, in person, the war hero himself!" Rek'tar said as he already began to day dream on how jealous his family would be

The black armoured officer looked at the marines in the rows of chairs who were all out of their power armour and in their military fatigues that displayed their regiment number and rank on their left shoulder.

"If I find any of you marines harassing the Justicar you will be discharged from the military immediately. You will also not engage General Grey in anyway; the Justicar is here to deal with him personally."

The officer turned sharply to his side and stormed out of the large briefing room, adjusting his cap on the way out as well. The regimental commander took his place back at the podium as he waited for the chatter to die down as he knew anyone being this close to the Justicar could not contain them self.

"Intelligence had identified the terrorist's combat numbers to be about two-thousand strong, which is nothing to how many troops that we will be deploying. Report to your squad leaders and gear up marines, today we crush these terrorists once and for all." The regimental commander said when his troops began howling and cheering

[Milky Way Galaxy; the Outer Colonies, VALOR Fleet; Rising Sun (Shock Jumping to Hellion V), Flag Ship Jericho, Hanger Bay A-3m Year 3,588 A.D, June 9thth, 2:41 PM]

Several VALOR star cruisers suddenly appeared over the red world of Hellion V from a shock jump, the massive blue and black ships flew in a tight formation as they exited the wormhole that was created so they could arrive in mere minutes what normally would have taken thousands of light years otherwise.

A tide of marines rushed into their designated drop ships that were all neatly lined together in the combat ready hanger bays with all of their large doors opened to carry the amounts of blue and white armoured VALOR marines to the planet below. Red lights blinked on and off with the ship's A.I repeating the captain's orders over and over for all combat personal to get to their drop ship.

VALOR escort and bomber fighters launched from the fleet first to soften up the landing zones for the large army that was going to be deployed in mere moments. Anti-aircraft turrets began to return fire on the zooming one-man fighters from within cover of their massive pirate stronghold. The red sky became that much brighter when the terrorist forces began to deploy their own aircraft that they had stolen from countless raids, the black and red painted ships launched from the stronghold to engage their own government's forces.

The doors to Draco's drop ship closed shut when the last of his platoon entered and began sitting in any seat that was left. He pulled the large harness that was above him over his power armour and he held Sarah's hand tight who sat just beside him. The hanger bay door's opened allowing for the rows of drop ships to keep in formation as they shot out of the hanger at huge speeds towards the planet below, Draco refused to let go of Sarah's hand as the drop ship entered the atmosphere, he could hear rounds sputtering off the side of the metal walls, and the screeching of VALOR bombers followed by a deafening explosion that shook the drop ship well.

The drop ship landed. The front doors opened as each harness that kept every marine safe unlocked and retracted back to the ceiling. Draco waited for Sarah to get onto her feet when he turned to the exit to see that the first squad that was led by their squad leader leaving the drop shop was immediately ripped apart from laser fire, their power armours offered no protection as they were now nothing more than bloody ribbons.

Draco's HUD showed the torn bodies with grey outlines but as he looked for survivors more red color energy projectiles started to rip into the drop ship armour; a marine's head was taken clean off from a single round that was far to accurate to be just pirates firing blindly at the hull.

"What the fuck man! Since when do fucking pirates have tech like this!?" A panicked marine said as he kept his head down

Draco looked at the walls of the drop ship but his HUD could not pick up anything that would resemble a red outline, all he could see was the green ones around his team mates and the grey ones around the shredded dead. Draco saw that Sarah was keeping her self close to the ground along with Rek'tar who crawled along beside her.

"Were fucked man were fu-"the scared marine said before he was interrupted when a round penetrated the hull and got him square in the forehead

Draco shook his head as the heard the marine's suit flat lined with a long beep when he heard Sarah shout.

"Draco, watch out!"

A red and black armoured VALOR marine stood at the drop ship's door way with his weapon raised. The marine's armour resembled identical that of the SPBA except for the obvious color change from blue and white to black and red, his power armour was also mix and matched from various other scrap parts for repairs giving the pirate a completely asymmetrical look.

Draco immediately fired a trio of shots into the pirate's chest that penetrated his armour causing his chest to explode; the deceased target fell to the ground on the drop ship's ramp.

"Was the pirate wearing power armour? How the hell do terrorists get their hands on tech like this?" Rek'tar asked

Draco walked over to the dead enemy as he kept low to the ground to make sure the pirate didn't have any squad mates backing him up. He took the terrorist's weapon and clearly saw it was the same weapon that they used except it was covered in illegal modifications that increased its deadliness by tenfold.

"It doesn't matter." Draco answered as he opened anther drop ship door, "We have to get to the stronghold were General Grey is hiding, if one pirate managed to do this much damage, then think what our forward forces are going through."

Draco threw the modified weapon to the ground in disgust as he motioned for the squad to follow him in a single file as they exited the back of the drop ship.

[Milky Way Galaxy; the Outer Colonies, Hellion V, Pirate Stronghold Year 3,588 A.D, June 9thth, 3:02 PM]

Draco kicked down the metal door down with his boot that would allow the squad that was following his lead into the large fortress.

"Bleeding terrorists are still jamming us." A squad member said as she tired her best to gain communications with the fleet in orbit

"Are you still hiding our signatures?" Draco asked as he quickly turned his focus both left and right when he entered the hall way from the side

The human marine nodded, "They won't see us through walls just how like we can't see them."

Draco turned a corner where the hall way had lead the squad to a massive storage bay, hundreds of weapon crates, stolen military vehicles and a number of pirates were littered throughout the large room. One of the red and black pirates turned his head sharply and pointed at the VALOR troops that were just in awe in how much weaponry the terrorists had on hand.

Two marines that were in Draco's squad were quickly shot down as they ran forward to take cover in the room leaving him alone with Sarah and Rek'tar. He looked behind him around the hall way to hear the heavy foot stops of combat androids that were equipped with the same weapons as that of the pirates.

"Rek'tar can you handle these droids?" Draco asked as the pirates started to push forward from the front

The red claw gulped and gripped his rifle close to his body and nodded. "I'll give them hell, Draco."

Draco pulled a grenade from his waist and threw it across the room where it detonated sending numerous pirates from out of cover allowing for Sarah to finish off the wounded foes. The two ran into cover as they both watched Rek'tar hold off the android reinforcements by lobbing every grenade he had on hand as he was too scared to look out of cover.

A pirate came around the large metal crate Draco and Sarah were hiding behind but before the mismatched soldier could fire off a shot Draco pulled the weapon from his hands and shoved his elbow into the pirate's helmet that knocked him to the ground. With his gun pointed at the pirate's head Draco fired a single burst that stopped the terrorist from getting up permanently.

Suddenly Rek'tar screamed in agony as a round went through his right thigh dropping the raptor creature to the ground. He tried to crawl away from his position to warn his friends that his position was compromised when a pirate walked up behind him and placed his foot on his tail keeping him from scampering away. Draco turned his head to see the pirate execute Rek'tar on the spot with a bullet to the back of his head.

"Rek!" Draco screamed as he fired several shots into the pirate that caused the red armoured marine to fall over

Draco's HUD showed that Rek'tar's life signs had flat lined with a grey outline over his cold body. Sarah became distracted when she saw that their friend had just been killed allowing for the pirate that came around their cover to get her in a chokehold and started to drag her away from her last squad mate.

Draco tried to chase after Sarah's captor but he had to go back into cover as pirates continued to suppress his location with a volley of laser fire. Sarah did her best to get free but the pirate pulled his handgun and pressed it against the side of her helmet to keep her from moving as he moved her deeper into the complex away from the fighting.

"Sarah!" Draco yelled in both fear and anger

It a turn of events the suppressing fire on his location immediately stopped when the laser fire started to shoot erratically around the room. Draco looked out of cover to see a single VALOR solider was decimating the pirates with lightning speed, the marine's armour resembled that of a medieval knight that was silver and white, and his only weapon was a simple looking sword and shield that matched his look completely, it was the Justicar.

The pirate forces immediately started to pull back in fear as they ran deeper into the complex to get reinforcements, Draco walked out of cover as the Justicar stood in the middle of the bay as he got further instructions.

"Marine, why aren't you with your platoon." The Justicar asked sternly as he walked over to the blast scorched alien

"Dead, sir." Draco answered as the silver knight saw the marine bodies that must have been in his squad

"Hold this position, reinforcements will be here shortly." The Justicar ordered

Draco shook his head in defiance of the direct order, he focused on the Justicar and saw the words, 'General Fiaz, Arjun" beside his body.

"They have one of my friends down there, I have to get to her, sir." He asked desperately

"I'll make sure she is safe." The Justicar answered as he started to walk down the large path but Draco followed stubbornly

"What are you doing, marine?" The knight asked

"I'm going with you."

"Hell you aren't."

"Can I ask you something?" Draco asked

The Justicar stopped in his tracks, "Better make it quick." He said gruffly

"Have you ever loved some one that you would do anything for? These fucking pirates have my girlfriend and she is also the only one left in my squad, and I'm not going to let them kill anther one of my friends!" Draco yelled

The Justicar looked down at Draco and with a long pause before he motioned for the alien to follow him.

[Milky Way Galaxy; the Outer Colonies, Hellion V, Pirate Stronghold, inner hold Year 3,588 A.D, June 9thth, 3:33 PM]

General Grey saw one of his marines holding a VALOR hostage in his arms; the red and black armoured marine threw Sarah to the ground with his pistol still on the back of her head.

"I got us anther power armour, sir." The pirate saluted to the trench coat wearing general

"Capitol work, solider, soon we can start manufacturing our own gear and can stop raiding VALOR military compounds for supplies. Now what of the Justicar?" Grey asked positively

"He is following the route you planned for, sir." The pirate answered

"Good work, prepare for phase two of our plan, solider. When we captured the Justicar it will send a crushing blow to our malignant 'government'." Grey ordered before giving his marine a firm salute

Draco followed the Justicar down into the depths of the pirate stronghold with absolutely no resistance from the power armour-wearing mercenaries.

"It's quiet...too quiet..." The Justicar said to Draco as he had his weapons drawn

"You think it's a trap?" Draco asked trying to get his mind from wandering into dark places if Sarah was alive or not

"Well of course it's a fucking trap; I'm only walking into it because I want to see what they have planned, is it the one where they have one super single for me to kill or a bunch of weak dudes for me to kill." The Justicar answered

The Justicar looked back at Draco who seemed to be walking at a faster pace than him at the same time trying not to go past the knight. Before the Justicar could comfort the incredibly worried alien who must have been sick to his stomach, several fully armed pirate's uncloaked them selves around the two when they both entered the head quarters of the stronghold. General Grey walked down the steps from his large office; a smug look was dominating his facial features with his hands folded behind his back.

"Ah the Justicar, you finally made it, I was wondering if you were going to show up at all." Grey said confidently

"Sorry I was late; your mercenaries were great at being speed bumps." The Justicar answered back

As the general reached the bottom steps his soldiers moved apart allowing for the trench coat-wearing human to walk through the open space in the formation.

"Where's Sarah!" Draco demanded that caught both the Justicar's and Grey's attention

"Your marine friend? Oh she's doing fine." Grey nodded for a soldier on the top ramp to show he was holding the female alien with his side arm still against her head

"You won't escape VALOR, Grey!" Draco yelled back

"I would have my marines dispose of you Justicar, but since I am no coward, I will deal with you ...personally." Grey smiled

"Alright you smug bastard, but just to let you know that I-"The Justicar stated before he was suddenly frozen in time

General Grey laughed as he lifted the completely still Justicar off of the ground with his mind and threw him across the room in a flash.

"Soldiers, kill this VALOR dog!" Grey ordered as he pointed at Draco while he walked off

The pirates closed the gab between their formation and open fired on Draco who dived into cover behind several computers. He activated his last grenade and threw it over his head where it exploded on contact with the ground causing several mercenaries to be thrown in the air in several directions at once.

General Grey turned around to see the lone VALOR marine was giving his troops more than they could handle as one by one his red and black armoured soldiers were shot down.

"It's just one of those blue and white grunts! Kill him you fools!" Grey ordered as he focused his mind on keeping the Justicar locked in time

Sarah saw that her captor was distracted and disarmed him of his weapon; she took his handgun and fired the entire clip into the pirate's chest before throwing him over the railing into the battle below. General Grey turned his head to see the female alien reload the modified weapon and proceeded to fire everything it had at him, he smiled as the projectiles disintegrated before they could reach his body. Grey lunged forward and took the same weapon she used to shoot him with and disarmed her easily with his own close combat training, he shoved his knee into her chest plate before wrapping his right arm around her neck choking her with his left hand holding the gun.

Draco ducked as the last pirate swung a knife over his head; the male platypus grabbed the terrorist's weapon for his own use and plunged it into the back of his head causing his life signs to flat line.

General Grey walked down the steps once more as he had Sarah struggling in his grip; Draco reloaded his assault rifle and walked closer to the general trying to get the perfect moment to save his girlfriend.

"I do not know what deity protects you on this day you VALOR swine but your luck is going to run short very soon." Grey said in a dark controlled tone

"Let. Her. Go." Draco demanded with his rifle still raised

General Grey laughed, "Oh sure I'll let her go."

The pirate leader released his grip on Sarah as she ran back towards Draco frantically. Draco screamed and motioned for her to get down but it was far too late, General Grey had aimed his side arm and fired a single round that penetrated her helmet causing Sarah's body to fall into Draco.

General Grey laughed as Draco remained frozen in shock as he heard the health signs of Sarah flat line with her green border flashing into a dark grey.

"VALOR will never win; I am General Grey, leader of the Crimson Separatist Alliance! Now with the Justicar's armour we will be able t-"

"I going to fucking kill you Grey!" Draco shouted with his weapon firing in full auto as tears impaired his view

He charged forward squeezing down the trigger of his high powered assault rifle until the clip ran dry, every single round that was fired did nothing to the human; each dissolved into nothingness. Draco threw his rifle to the ground not bothering to reload and took out his side arm pulling down the trigger with both hands but again he got the same result, General Grey remained unharmed.

"Mind over matter, something you VALOR dogs would never understand!" Grey shouted as he picked up Draco with his mind and threw him over his head into the wall

Draco coughed blood into his helmet as he got back up onto his feet but was thrown to the complete opposite side of the room before he could even get his bearings. Once more Draco got up onto his feet when he was lifted off of the ground by the general's telekinetic powers and was rotated around in a single direction at high speeds before Grey looked up at the ceiling where Draco was thrown and pinned onto. With his hands still folded around his back General Grey released his focus on Draco causing the alien to plummet back to the ground.

"You are nothing to the C.S.A; VALOR has no place in the outer colonies." Grey stated as he slowly walked over as Draco remained on the ground

As General Grey got close, Draco pulled the modified pirate rifle that he had secretly slid under chest out from under himself and fired everything he could at the human before the recoil was too much for the one hand he had on the weapon.

"Is that all you've got?" Grey laugh as the rounds did nothing to stop him

Draco followed his attack by throwing the same weapon into the General's face forcing the human to use part of his focus into tossing the rifle away so it did not hit him square in the head leaving no room to stop Draco who punched the human as hard as he could straight into his shoulder causing Grey to spin like a top before he fell over.

Draco picked up two modified rifles from the dead pirates that were near him, holding them each in one hand as he walked towards Grey. The human traitor stood back up when Draco fired a round into his leg sending him straight back down to the ground.

"You killed Sarah." Draco coldly said as he pointed both of the weapons into Grey's face, "And I'm going to kill you."

"I'm afraid that will not be possible." Grey answered before he pushed Draco into the opposite wall with his mind

The ceiling exploded that caused debris to fall all around the room while the traitor general remained perfectly still; a stolen VALOR drop ship hovered overhead that had the C.S.A's colors.

"Goodbye... VALOR dog, it is here that we part company." General Grey smugly smiled when he was teleported on board

The pirate drop ship flew into the sky where it cloaked itself with its stolen stealth technology allowing it to bypass the VALOR fleet with ease. The Justicar broke free from Grey's stasis field now that Grey was out of range and walked over to Draco who was holding onto Sarah's body with his arms.

[Milky Way Galaxy; Sol Cluster, Artificial World; Serria, Commercial District, James Street Pub, Year 3,588 A.D, June 11thth, 12:31 AM]

Draco sat on the bar stool alone, crying into his drink now that both of his friends were dead on his very first mission. The bar stool on his left that Rek'tar regularly sat on was now simply collecting dust which caused the red faced alien to chug down the rest of his glass as he secluded himself from the rest of the patrons.

"He's over here, sir." A VALOR marine reported from behind Draco

Draco didn't bother to turn around as he saw no point anymore, all he could bare was drinking his pain away and never wanting to talk to anyone again. As Draco heard the foot steps from behind get closer he suddenly realized the bar was completely silent, so quiet one could hear a pin dropped.

"Mr. Flat Tail." The person behind stated before he took the stool that Draco normally reserved for Rek'tar

Draco turned to see it was the black armoured officer in his full attire sitting directly beside him.

"What do you want?" Draco asked uninterestingly as he waited for his drink

"I have come to make you an offer, one that you will have a hard time refusing." The officer said as he adjusted his black officer's cap

"I quit the military just a few hours ago, I'm done fighting." Draco said as he sulked over the counter

"I read the report the Justicar had given to me, am I right to understand you engaged General Grey, and lived?" He asked

"So fucking what?" Draco answered, "He got away, and my friends are dead, what's the point."

"General Grey is a powerful individual who was in a top-secret VALOR program to develop our own magic users just like how the Draconian Kingdom has their magi. The President has authorized the production of a squad of individuals that have shown exceptional skill despite the odds to hunt him down." He answered

"What about the Justicar?" Draco asked as he received a drink from an automated server

"The Justicar's loyalties cannot be fully confirmed as he as too many connections with the Draconian Kingdom, the president needs a group of individuals he can trust that will carry out VALOR's intentions no matter what." The officer said as he ordered himself a drink

"And you want me to join?" Draco asked

"You will be joining an elite team called the Black Stars, where you will hunt down these rebels and bring General Grey to justice."

"I already sent in my papers, it will take a while before I can be re-admitted into the army"

The black armoured officer pulled several papers from under his trench coat, "Funny thing, Mr. Flat Tail. It appears that your papers were lost in the shuffle of office life."

Draco watched the human tear up his papers in front of his eyes before he continued to talk, "The C.S.A is on the rise and VALOR cannot Ill afford anther war not when the Draconian Kingdom is slowly marching into our territory since we can do nothing to stop them, the president needs you, VALOR needs you Mr. Flat Tail."

Draco nodded as he pushed away his drink, "I'll make that bastard pay for what he has done...I'll join the Black Stars."

"You made a good choice private; you will have a new schedule downloaded into your PDA for Black Star training. Now if you excuse I still have to put the rest of your squad mates together."

Draco turned around on his stool as he watched the officer leave without taking his drink, "What should I call you?"

"Call me Charles, Charles Wareman." The human answered before adjusting his cap and