The Lab is off limits.

Story by Merril_fox on SoFurry

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Warning: Alrighty, here's yet another warning to those whom may not like this sort of thing, or for those who aren't of age to legally view this. If you're not 18 or older, or if you don't want to read about a male getting off, Avert thy eyes.

In My Daddy's Secret Lab

In a relatively secluded suburb a school bus stops in front of a magnificent house. A bunny with a light tan colored fur disembarks from his journey from his middle school. He turned and waved to the bus driver and the bus rumbled off. There is a name embroidered across his back pack that reads "James". he was a smart bunny, well if you call blowing the curb out for every test he takes in his AP college classes smart. He bounces up to the door and looks up to the surveillance camera.

" up...."he looked to the camera again.

A voice spoke out of the intercom "not until you punch in your key code."

James huffed and pressed the buttons on a lighted key pad in such haste the only thing you could see was him hitting the enter key at the beginning, and the enter key at the end. A loud clack was heard as the door unlocked and he pressed it open. The house was all sterile and almost all white. The tan bunny stripped in the air tight room and deposited his clothes in a vacuum that led to the automatic cleaning room. He shivered as he was used to being nude around the house, but today was different. He met someone. A girl pantheress. She was a transfer student to his middle school. He liked her a lot and wanted to speak to her. But instead he chickened out and planted a spy cam on her book bag. He wanted to see if she was at home yet or not so he hurriedly shuffled up to his room. After getting into his room he locked his door and sat on his bed with his global brand PDA. He quickly turned it on and typed in his password. Than a black screen came up with a little bit of movement. He thought he could hear a engine in the background. He growled to himself feeling dirty for doing this, but at the same time wanting to see her again. The movement stops and slamming doors are heard, then nothing. She had left her bag in the car. James sighed and closed his spy program. It was a failed attempt and he would retrieve his spy cam tomorrow at school. He sat there sulking for a while than thought of something. "Dad'll know what to do." he bounds off his bed and down to his father's lab in the basement. He types in the access code and the door opens with a 'swsh' sound. He pawed in looking around. "Dad? Are you in here?" he padded into the lab a bit further and looked around calling again "Dad?"

A holographic projection of his father flashes up in front of him "James. I went to the Supply Depot to restock on chemicals. Please don't go into the specimen room. I have an experiment in there that is in stasis. I know how you like to play around with my work, but please, don't mess with this one, I plan on selling it to a collector so we can live here a bit longer without the government having to fund my research. There is cake in the refrigerator. Be a good bunny." the hologram flickered and disappeared.

James smiled. "now what kind of specimen would dad not want me to 'mess' with I wonder." he smiled again and made a b-line to the specimen room and peeked in. it looked like a bunny about his size in a cage. He tapped on the window and it began to stir. It looked up at him peering threw violet eyes. James gasped as he had never seen such vibrantly colored eyes in his entire life. He unlocked the door and entered the room closing and locking the door back. "H..hello there." James moved closer sniffing the air. "w..what are you?" the being looked to him and crawled to it's knees. James looked on in awe. It had a sheath, but no wasn't young enough for it not to have dropped. It looked upon studying his build and sniffing for his scent. It blinked and looked upon his nude body. James realized what he was doing and covered his crotch. "Stop that." it looked down in shame. James moved close and patted it on the head. He wanted to apologize, but he didn't know what to say. It looked up at him with lonely eyes. James leaned forward and kissed it on the brow and smiled at it. "What are you?" James puzzled aloud.

"Pet." James looked at it as it spoke. " a pet..."

James smiled and wondered again "what kind of pet?"

It looked up at him "a lonely pet...."

James frowned at that and scratched between it's ears "What is it you are called?"

"37. Master calls me 37." it looked down at the floor.

James reached under it's chin and lifts it's muzzle and plants a soft kiss on it's nose. The bunny in the cage blushes red and looks away. "I want to give you a real name...but it is only to be used when I am here with you alone. Alright?" the caged rabbit nods but still blushes and cannot make eye contact "I will call you....Jay."

Jay smiles at him "I have a name....I've never had a name...."

James kissed him again "do you wish to share company with me?" Jay nodded "if I open the door will you try to escape?" jay frowns at him and shakes his head. James nods to him and opens the latch he leaves the door propped open with a glass flask from the other room and steps into the room. He sits beside the other male bunny and moves close to him. James had always been more affectionate toward males then females. He didn't know why though. He wrapped his arms around Jay and nuzzled his cheek. Jay blushes hot and shivers under James' touch. James smiled and kissed his cheek again "What? What's the matter?"

Jay looked up at him "n.. no one... has ever touched.. me like that.... it felt... nice." at this James smiled and kissed him again.

"You are a cute pet." James hesitates " Jay...I..I want to....try something..." Jay looks unto his face. James leans down Jay's naked chest and stops at his surprisingly packed abs. He kissed the rock hard abs and trailed his tongue further down to moderately sized sheath and sniffs. There was a small slit at the tip of Jay's sheath. James brought his paw up to it and slowly began to circle the slit with his claw tip. Jay gave a sigh and a moan as he had not ever felt a touch like this before. The circling continued for another minute or so, until James began to slip his finger into Jay's sheath.

"OOoooOOhhhh...." Jay arched his back and clawed at the floor. James smiled and circled in his sheath. "UUhuuhhhhhh!!!!" James thought it a good place to stop but on the same page wanted to go so much further. He withdrew his finger and looked it over. It was coated with a slimy coat of Jay's precum.

James licked his finger clean and murred excitedly as Jay's fluids tasted just like carrot juice. He leaned his lips down to the now panting Jay's sheath and licked in it. Jay arched his back again and moaned out loud. James noted he sounded pleased, so he began working the base of his sheath massaging the meat that lay deep within it. James worked it faster feeling it grow in it's holder. Suddenly a sweet juicy piece of flesh filled his muzzle. He began to suckle the pink flesh that he had coaxed out of it's hiding place as the other bunny gasped and moaned heaving breath after heavy breath of blissful pleasure. James laid on his belly and stretched his leg out touching the propped door with his toes. Jay murred and curled his toes in and out as he began to feel a new warmth deep inside himself. It welled up like a blister swelling and pulsing deep in his insides. Suddenly Jay gave a squeal and bucked his hips once filling James' awaiting muzzle with his carrot flavored cum. James kicked his feel trying to get to his knees suckling like a baby to a bottle when the flask propping the door open dislodges itself and the door slams shut locking behind him. a 'clack' sound was the only thing that made James stop. He looked behind him in dismay as he knew he was In some deep shit when his father got home. He shrugged it off and looked into Jay's eyes again. They sat there just holding each other for a long time.

They had began to nod off as they heard a sound. It was James' father. He was angry as he stormed into the lab. "GOD DAMNED INVESTERS! THEY NEVER KNOW WHAT THEY WANT." he moved to the control panel and pressed a few buttons. Than came the words that froze James as he realized why his father was so mad. " Abort project 37. Code 02." James watched in horror as several sprinkler like devices slid down from the ceiling and began to spin. Jay's ears perked up as he saw James close his eyes and cover his face. A liquid began spraying from the sprinklers. It splashed onto their fur and began to mat their fur down. Soon the cool feeling was overcome by a burning sensation. The liquid spraying down upon them was hydrochloric acid. They both began to scream as it burned off their fur and began to scar and disfigure their skin. Their cries fell upon deaf ears. within a ahour their mangled corpses where dumped into the incinerator. James' father wondered why he was taking so long to get home. but realized what happened all too late.


So? what did you think? contact me and tell me. I really want to know what you liked/disliked about my story. please contact me. any critisism is better than no critisism at all.(it's the only way i can improve myself)