The Birthday Dog

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The Birthday Dog

Kelsi had been sitting in her room anxiously awaiting her birthday. She was waiting to turn 6, and the time on the clock was just about to reach 12:00. She pushed back her long black hair as she wore her all pink pajamas which were almost too small for her already small body. She looked down at her clock seeing that it was already 12:03, she jumped out of her bed and ran to the door.

As she opened the door as slowly as she could, in an effort to not make a single sound. Unfortunately the boards right outside of her room were extremely creaky. She thought the best thing she could do was to jump towards the stair, only making even more noise as she landed. She slid down the railing, and jumped onto the the couch near the bottom of the stairs. She saw a big brown box right next to the fireplace, she found it weird because there usually weren't big boxes in the house.

She walked over to the box seeing it move a little. She walked curiously toward the box, looking around to make sure that her parents weren't around to catch her. She lifted the top of the box, and saw a golden retriever laying in it. The dog was sleeping so soundly that Kelsi didn't want to disturb it by petting it. But unfortunately she leaned on the side of the box to have a better look at her new dog. The box broke, and Kelsi fell straight to her knees. She startled the dog, it jumped to it feet and started to sniff the new human around it.

She noticed the sheath of the dog but she didn't fully understand what it was. She started to pet the dog up and down its body, until she worked her way down to the sheath that she just had to explore. The dog began to whine in pleasure. As he lay down on his side, Kelsi now saw a red tip coming out of the furry sheath. She saw some pre cum seeping out of the red tip, so she placed her finger to it and took a good sniff. Although she didn't care for the smell, she thought it would be an interesting thing to taste. The taste made Kelsi giggle, it was so sweet in her mouth that she had to have more.

As she looked back to the red tip she saw no more of the liquid. So she rubbed more and more but saw nothing else come out. She gave up on rubbing and put her head on the couch in exhaustion. Kelsi saw the paws of her golden retriever land on both sides of her head. And she noticed something poking at her pussy, she looked down between her legs to see the red thing was now 8 inches long.

She also saw that she wasn't wearing any panties. And in one swift move, the dog slammed his penis into her now 6 year old vagina. She tried to scream, but the wind had been knocked right out of her. And with every following time he pump his hips, her breaths were taken from her. And when she finally got the ability to scream her head was forced into the couch by the dogs paw. The muffled scream wasn't even enough to be louder than the clock now striking 12:30. Her pain only masked by pleasure, she felt the dogs penis slam into some kind of wall within her.

She tried to struggle away, only to have the wall within her to be broken. The pleasure now conquering the pain and making her move with the thrust. She looked back again to see that there was blood dripping from her pussy. Deep within her she felt a jolt of pleasure and a stream of warm liquid. She passed out from the pain and pleasure.

When Kelsi's parents came down stairs, the saw her daughter laying in a pool of blood and semen. But there was no sign that the dog was still around at all. When Kelsi woke up she was laying in a bed in a hospital room, her parents rushing to her side asking if she was alright and telling her that everything would be fine. Her parents began to have a talk with the doctor, she wasn't to interested so she started to look around. She look out the window seeing she was on the second floor. The sidewalks filled with with people and as she looked around, she saw a golden retriever looking straight towards her window.

"This can't be happening again", she screamed!