What We Learned Today

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Author's note: Wow I really pulled out all the stops on this one so don't be too surprised, okay. Just as a fore-warning, yeah, it's pretty intense. Basically I discarded every thing sacred (haha that's funny for me to say) and started with a blank page and a full pack of smokes. At the end of the pack about four or five hours later, I finished and Tra-la-la, this is what I got. Love or hate it, I don't care. If you don't like the tags, then why waste your time?


~What We Learned Today~


"Your brother Nick as back from his tennis." The cubsitter called out, lifting the sunflower coloured curtain from the window frame. Matthew's eyes grew like two large explosions of ember-filled clouds and he raced from his spot next to furnace over to the front door. The young pup's tail began to beat the air, swishing side to side in a ecstatic display. Pawsteps sounded on the other side of the wooded barrier and the handle began to turn. With a click it unlatched and a tired Labrador stood in the doorway.

"Hey Matt," he huffed worn-out with apathetic wave and slumped inside. Skidding the ground, a white metal racket hung from his paw and followed behind. "Hey there, kiddo. Have fun out there today?" The cubsitter chimed approaching to help the young athlete with his book-bag. Folded ears and a droopy tail gave him away but Matthew lied anyway. "Sure" he said as the blue bag slid heavily down his arms. "Had fun I guess, I'ma go take a shower now." So with a black cloud hanging above his head Nicholas trudged down the hallway and slumped his way inside the sanctity of the brightly light bathroom. "Don't forget to wash behind your ears!" The cubsitter called out behind him, watching the door swing close.

Watching their cubsitter hang the blue bag on the coat-tree, Matthew felt as if he could weep. His brother had just blew right past him with barely saying a hello. Not to mention he didn't even give a hug. Nicholas would do anything for a hug, epically one right after his brother came home from his tennis matches. Something about how he smelled was just wonderful. Oh god how it would excite the little puppy, every whiff of his brother's musky scent after a hard day on the court sent shivers down the little labrador's spine.

"Miss Bailey, I'm going to go play in my room now, Okay?" He asked looking at his sitter with hopeful eyes, praying that she was unaware of his true intentions. Folding down to look the boy in the eyes, the Tigress patted him on the head and nodded with a smile. "Sure thing sport. Don't forget to clean up your room before bed." Begrudgingly Matthew forced a smile of his own. "Sure thing Miss Bailey." The words coming from his mouth left a sour taste, he hated being treated like just a kid.

Sneaking a peak over his shoulder, the little pup walked down the hallway with just one thing on his mind. He was going to sneak his thrill from his brother's shoes. Nicholas always left his sneakers outside the door when he took his little showers, an easy 'target' as long as no one was looking. As a farce he open his door, walked inside to close it loudly and then waited for a few seconds before he crept back out into the hallway. Miss Bailey was busy spot-cleaning the leaving room and chatting away on here cell-phone, there was doubt that she would have even heard the door close in the first place.

Feeling secure in his 'mission' ahead of him, Matthew took the first few steps in tip-toe and then a careful stroll up to the bathroom doorway. Unfortunately the hallway extended from the middle of the living room which made doing this very stealthfully an impossibility. Another glance down the pale wall-papered tunnel. Good, Miss Bailey had her back turned; it was time for the pup to make his move or loose the opportunity all together.

Shifting his view lower, the little labrador sought after where his brother's shoes were. Desperately he scanned the lighted area that flooded out from under the big brown door but to no avail. "Where are they?" he asked aloud out of frustration. Sadly, his cubsitter heard the little dog's ponderance. "Where's what Matty? Did you loose something?"

Embarrassment set in and left the boy speechless, aside from a few mumbles. "Na... Never mind mi... Miss Bailey." Barley finishing his sentence, Matthew dashed back inside his room and hide behind a slamming door. His cubsitter merely shrugged it off and continued to clean. "Damn," Matthew cursed, but only softly. Swearing would be punished by chores, and that was just an awful thing for him. Almost as awful as being unable to get his fill of brother's tasty scent.

"Wait, maybe I can sneak in and take his outfit," Matthew contemplated leaning his back against his brightly painted bedroom door. His glazy orange eyes squeezed tightly and Matthew gulped. Taking a sniff at his brother's shoes was one thing, being able to get his paws on Nicholas's tennis outfit was a different story entirely. For that, Matthew would have to actually enter the bathroom and make it back out unnoticed. Not an easy thing to do it seemed.

Time and time again he ran the thought in his head. He would have to act on the plan soon or else his brother would walk out of the steamy shower and catch him in the act. Also Miss Bailey had to be pre-occupied enough so that this little maneuver could be pulled off. His plan was three-part. One, Distract Miss bailey with a request for a sandwich and milk. Two, race in the bathroom and take precious inhales of Nicholas's musky uniform then three, make it back out undetected. Each second planned down to the last detail, visualizing every step he would take, Matthew prepared to set his devious plot into motion. Yeah for just a pre-teen pup, he was wickedly conniving dog.

Bursting through the brick red door, the little labrador skidded to a stop and shouted in the politest voice he could muster given the current circumstance. "Miss Bailey may I have a sandwich with peanut-butter pickles and a glass of milk?" He asked, running parts of his sentence together. "Not right now, Matty. Dad and Mom will be back in time for supper."

Damn, he didn't plan for that. With one tiny sentence his carefully crafted plan began to crumble. "Oh but I suppose I can get you some crackers if you want. I just have to find them first." Success, he cheered in his head and his tail wagged furiously. As the cubsitter rounded the corner into the kitchen Matthew pivoted his weight towards the door beside him. Fingers wrapped around the handle and he gulped. It turned, clicked, and opened slowly; greeting the young pup with a wave of steam.

Inside, Matthew was inside! Inside the same room where Nicholas stood dripping wet and naked. Playful ideas of voyeuristic nature surfaced but were dismissed with the remembrance of limited time. Besides, his desires didn't evolve sexual interactions with Nicholas, just getting a hold of sensually scented items every now and again. In accordance with his plan, Matthew made his way to the hamper and skimmed through the articles of clothing ontop.

Jackpot! Beneath a white towel lay the prize he sought. Matthew pick up the green shorts and strummed his fingers across the yellow strip that ran vertical with the left leg. He could barley contain his excitement. Even in arm's reach of his muzzle, the the lovely smell graced his nose. Before he became too memorized the little labrador heard the sound of the shower faucet shutting off. Best be going Matthew thought and left the room still clutching the multi-coloured shorts.

Emerging back into the dimly light hall, the best plan in the world seemed to have just went off without a hitch. Then he heard a set of paws directly behind him. "Whatcha' got there sport?" Matthew turned and froze in fear seeing his teenage cub-sitter standing right beside him. Stuttering, the lab tried to forge any reason in the world for why he was holding his brother's gym-shorts. Well any reason other than the truth.

"mah... muh... muhh..." He quivered and his tongue refused to form words. It was too painfully embarrassing, she had to know just by the look in his orange eyes. "Nicky, I thought you were getting a shower, you done already?"

What, 'Nicky'?!? I'm not Nicholas! The little pup almost shouted but he realized this confusion was to his benefit. People were always mixing the two boys up for one another. They weren't twins but had strikingly similar appearance, a light brown spot on Matthew's chest being a dead giveaway though. But perhaps it was the childish manner in how he pronounced his words that set them apart the most.

Silently nodding, Matthew went along with the false identification and pointed to Nicholas's room. "Awe, go ahead and sleep lil' man, I bet you're tired from tennis anyhow Don't forget to put those in the hamper." Miss Bailey ruffled the pup's head-fur and kissed him on the cheek. She glanced around strangely and then bent over to whisper in his ear. "I'll be in a bit to play." There was a odd undertone in what she said followed by a much more intimate kiss.

Heavily his tail slunk in-between his legs. That kiss, it wasn't like how mom and dad or Nicky kissed him. Something was very off. Fighting the urge to simply confess, Matthew gave a false smile of enjoyment and took a few steps towards his sibling's room. Miss Bailey smiled back and left for the living room once more, humming to herself as she went.

Once the tigress was out of sight, Matthew desperately pawed at his mouth trying so hard to her taste off of his tongue. Maybe the smell of the clothing he was still holding could do the trick. Not holding anything back, he draped the green shorts over his muzzle and inhaled like it was his last breath. Sadly the taste remained and another problem came to light. Now he had an irritating taste in his mouth and was a little too excited for his own good. Disregarding the fact that Nicholas was still in the bathroom, the little pup blindly barged inside for cover and for a drink of water.

"Umm, Matty, what are ya' doing?" pounderd a very surprised brother who quickly wrapped something around his waist. This day can't get any worse Matthew thought search for an explanation as to why there were Nicholas's gym-shorts hanging from his nose. No good, he wasn't too fast with lying.

Still in shock from the intrusion, Nicholas repeated himself, only this time a little more calmly and a little more sternly. "Why are you in here Matty? Wait, those are my..." The connection was made, Matthew was sure of that. Nothing in the world could hide the fact that the little pup was sporting wood while his dear brother's smelly clothes hung from his face. "Oh my god, Matty, you're hard." Yeah, there it was. A crushing statement that would probably change life between the two boys forever.

Nicholas stood dripping onto the white tile floor, almost transfixed upon the tented bulge in-between his brother's little legs. In a solitary moment the clothing hung on Matthew's nose ceased to matter to Nicholas and he took a step towards his sibling. "Can... Can I see it?"

No amount of mental evaluation could provide an answer as to why Nicholas just asked that but it seemed the words floated in the space between the two boys. Taking another step closer to Matthew, the naked pup lifted his tail and showed off a little more than expected. With his brother in arm's reach, he had to think fast or else the situation could become very awkward. Seeing the worry in his brother's orange globes, Nicholas tried to sooth his worries. "It's no big deal, Matty. I'm not mad I just want to look. If you don't let me I'll tell on you for taking my tennis clothes." Mixing a calm plea with a little bit of blackmail, Nicholas was sure he had his brother cornered. He out reached a paw towards his brother's hips and grinned wildly.

"Well I'll tell on you and Miss bailey!" Retorted Matthew at the top of his lungs, his voice breaking to a squeaky yip. As the article adorning Matthew's face, fell Nicholas stopped in mid-motion, paralyzed with fear. True it was a bluff based on what had just went on in the hallway moments before hand but it was enough to make his sibling nearly tremble with fear. "I know how she kisses you, Nicky. She thought I was you and put her tongue in my mouth..."

With a breath of relief, the little lab realized his brother's bluff. Deciding not to call it right away, Nicholas fluttered a pair of 'innocent' eyes and folded his arms across his chest. "That mean's I could tell on you too." he replied his smile fading to a smirk. The tide of the argument turned to his favor and Matthew knew. Muttering a low growl Matthew frowned; Nick always won the fights. "Now, let me see." One finger pointed at his back at his brother, Nicholas tapped his hind-paw on the hard floor.

Defeated and feeling hopelessly traumatized, the younger sibling turned his lower paws together and sniffled. It wasn't so much that his brother hadn't seen him naked for months, no this different. Sure they use to take baths together in this room but now it felt like this demand was a crushing weight. Nicholas had NEVER seen his bro sporting a hard-on. Surreal as it seemed Matt slowly unbutton, his older sibling looking on-ward in anticipation; not suspecting why the eldest lab would want to have his dear brother strip before him.

Painfully the zipper slid down and still the bulge wouldn't be diminished in size. Instead it flopped out and bobbed behind it's thin white covering. "I like you're whitie-tighties," came a gruff voice as a pair of eyes admired the brief's Matthew had on. "I wear big-boy underwear myself."

Almost a slap in the face to be belittled in such a way, a whimper escaped Matthew. "Hey, hey, don't be sad, I use to wear them too, ya' know." Was he trying to comfort or demean the little labrador wondered, feeling very vulnerable. "Now finish undressing. I want see it 'up' before you go soft. Matthew wanted nothing more than that though. Flashes of running popped inside his head and were quickly forgotten. No way he could leave. Not this way, his penis as hard as a tree and with Miss Bailey surely right outside in the living room. Better to just get it over with afterall, right. What harm could really come from showing off his prick to sibling anyway.

Scooting the waistline of down his quaking hips more of him became visible and Nicholas's long tail began to sway as his floppy ears perked up merrily. Fingers on the elastic, the little puppy took one last swallow and yanked his underwear down in front, reveling himself to an on looking audience of the one he called 'brother.'

Even only halfway out of the sheath, it glistened in the florescent lighting, it's pale pinkish colour contrasting with the jean-shorts that had once concealed it. "Wow Matt you're bigger than me when you're hard." murred his sibling, taking in the sight before him. Every vein a beauty to behold to his older brother and the relatively massive chizzle-shaped tip, a crowning jewel spotted with a small drop of white. Waiting no time with displaying himself further, Matthew slapped the elastic band back over his unit and felt the strangest urge to grin. Knowing that he had something better than his sibling rival was enough to encourage his pride, yet not enough to take the edge out of the situation he was in.

A pair of yellow fingers guided it back to the safety of concealment and Matthew fixed his pants back around his waist. "Are we even now?" He asked, being fully dressed again. "Maybe, but you still can't tell got it?" Nicholas warned, all the while his tail beating the air behind his rump.

"I promise," responded a timid little pup, feeling almost defeated once again. What could he say though? That his brother caught him kissing the cubsitter and was forced to flash his junk as some odd form of punishment. What an asinine thing to confess to his parents none the less. "So can I go yet, Nick?" Solemnly the older dog shook his head and then did something unexpected. Well something even more un-expected than forcing a strip of brother. Nicholas dropped his towel to the floor and motioned to his sheath. Unmistakably a red tip had poked out of the end and seemed to stare at the yellow furred pup. "No, now you have to make ME hard. If you don't I'll have Miss Bailey touch you down there."

The idea seemed both a deterrent and a encouragement not to do as told. True, Matthew was use to touching himself when his little area had enlarged but to have his sitter do it, no; that seemed even more wrong than fondling his brother's shaft out of it's hiding place. "Can't I do something else instead? Beside's Miss bailey thinks you're in bed. She said she was going in there to play with you and she'll know that you're... that you're..."

Oh shit, Nicholas thought seeing the gears turning inside his brother's head. "Hey Nick, does she touch you down there when you're in bed?" Now it was on. Every secret the two brother's had from one another were laid out on the table and left the pair feeling uneasy just looking at one another. So instead their eyes fell upon the floor heavily. "Yeah, she does, Matty; but I wanted her too. It fells really good. One day I woke up from a nap on the couch beside her and she saw I was hard. She asked me if I wanted her to play with it and I liked the idea. It was back two weeks ago when I had to stay home from school with a cold. She even let me see her on the potty. I guess that's why I wanted to see you hard, because I wanted to make you 'happy' like when see put her paw there..."

Quietness fell between the two boys and Matthew was left in awe by his brother's shocking confession. Perhaps what just happened wasn't so bad. Perhaps Nicholas really could make him feel like that too.

By now both labs had lost there excitement and Nick chose to start dressing. He stepped inside a pair of gray boxer-briefs and pulled them around his ankle up to his belly-button. Instead of taking the opportunity he had to leave, Matthew walked over to the toilet and sat down, taking it all in. "Hey, I have an idea," Nicholas announced as he dressed his lower half in poka-dotted pajama pants preparing for 'bed.' "Why don't you come to bed with me. Maybe we can play the game with Miss Bailey together.

Seeing how the mechanics of sex were still a little lost to him, Matthew gave it some thought. "I guess. Will she be mad if I want to play too?"

Smirking again, Nicholas laughed a little. "Nah, she'll like to." Matthew stood up and neared the door. The prospect was little strange, sure. But so what? Maybe it really was as fun as he had been promised. "Sure, but do we have to kiss?"

Bursting into laughter, Nick waved his paws and followed his brother towards the door. "What, kiss each other or kiss Miss Bailey?" Matthew paused and turned; his eyes clearly telling he would rather lock lips with his family member than the tigress. Nicholas rolled his eyes and whispered. "Okay, okay. we can kiss each other if you have to kiss anybody. Now go and get in my bed. Oh and put on my pj's too. she'll like that best."

After a firm nod, Matt opened the door, glanced down the hallway and then tip-toed into his brother's room. It was a small bedroom in terms of his own but Matthew knew just where everything was. He crept over to the maple dresser and pulled out the top droor, selecting Nick's spare flannel pants. The change was quick and he didn't bother to remove his shirt before climbing into the messy bed by the window. Now all that was left to do was wait patiently for his brother to come into too then Miss Bailey would surely follow.

Sitting there in the dark, the little labrador pup admired his brother's comfy pillow and cushy mattress. A shelf opposite to where he sat held trophies of every kind and shape and Matthew let a smile of content form. His brother really was a good athlete and the entire room helped put the pre-teen at ease.

Steps outside of the door and Matthew pulled the green cotton blanket to shoulders. As the door sung open he saw the image of someone enter and things became a little tense once more. That is until the smell of floral shampoo reached him. "Hey Matt, I got to know. Why were you sniffing my shorts?"

In any other contexts the statement would have been both denied and humorous to those who heard it but now it was just another secret that needed to be known. "I like how you smell brother. When you give me hugs after you play tennis, it makes my... my..." Matthew struggled to find appropriate terminology to use in describing his penis but failed. "It make's your cock grow bigger, doesn't it?" Nicholas finished for him.

That was a swearword to the pup and hearing his brother explain it meaning showed trust. "Yeah. I don't know why though..." Giggling Nick joined the lab in bed. "I know why, Matty. It means you wanna' grow up and marry another boy." Not sure if his brother was lying, Matthew gave a half hearted smile. "Don't worry, it's an okay thing. Lots of people do that, Infact our teacher, Mister Evans has a husband instead of a wife. Anyways do you still want a girl to touch you?"

"Yeah, I guess, as long as you're there." Matthew replied feeling the warmth of his brother next to him under the sheets. No sooner than the two boys had fallen quiet again did their sitter Bailey walk in. "Hey there cutie, already for games? Wait, Matty what are you doing in here?" The time for explanations was at hand and Nicholas was the one to give them. He filled in the occurrences between the two pups with excruciating details and then went silent again after asking his brother could maybe play 'naughty things' too.

"I suppose," the tigress said with her long flowing tail wrapped about her hips. "But he has to touch you while you touch me. Wait, no better yet, do you little boys want to play an even better game called 'buttsex' with me?"

"Yeah, we'll play." Agreed both pups almost in unison. "Good, now mover over." They did as told and their sitter joined them in the bed. Laying to the left of Nicholas she stroked her paw down his chest and into his polyester sleepwear. Within seconds he was firm and began to wag his thick tail, wrapping the side of Matthews' body. "oaky, now get your brother hard." She instructed.

Wiping the sweat that had already formed on his brow with the back of his paw, Nicholas turned to his other side and presented it to Matt. Sniffing at his brother's outstretched arm, Matthew put both paws on his sheath and pushed down. An excited shaft spilled out and against the insides of the pajamas. With that accomplished the older sibling rolled himself back over and instinctively gave a few thrust with his hips, waiting for a friendly paw to meet them.

"Uh, uh Nicky. I want you to touch me down there too." Overjoyed at the thought he let out a happy bark. his thick fingers lifted her black pleaded skirt and busily danced at her lacey panties. Lowering the rough pad on his finger between her legs, Nicholas drew a little circle near her opening. Matthew sat in wait as his brother soaked his finger on the wet surface.

"Oh fuck that feels great! Nicky I want you to lay ontop of me while Matty lays ontop of you." Bodies switched around and the combined wait pressed down on their sitter. Matthew had trouble resting himself and he closed his eyes, took a deep breath; picturing just his brother laying before him. It was the only way he could make it through, the only way he could keep 'it' hard.

Guiding the two boys into a rocking motion Miss bailey encouraged them a little and each continued to hump the one beneath them. Moans and murrs were made as each body collided, Nicholas completely lost in the sensation of contact from either side. Slowly the two boys rubbed their waists into their partners and playful paws massaged at bouncing shoulders. They traveled down to Nick's pants and nudged them off. Feeling his brother become naked helped inspire Matthew to discard his own. Dripping, his shaft bashed around the base for his sibling's tail and accidently pushed into Nicholas's clenched hole. The pleasure from it made Matthew nearly spasm out of control as Nicholas slammed his shaft against the tigress's soggy panties. "Good boy," She complimented as the sounds of pre fluids swished around. "Ooooohhh, Matty's inside my bum. I want it there deeper!" He shouted with joy. Miss bailey simply pulled her laced underwear down as well. "Well that makes you a little Bi puppy," She explained while Matthew drilled harder into his Brother's tail-hole. It wasn't long before Nicholas hit the target and plopped his penis inside his sitter. Pounding at the openings they had found both brothers inched themselves further in, sliding back and forth.

With one last moan, Nicholas felt every muscle tighten in his body. His hardened shaft twinge back and forth, soaking in the fluids around it. Even if he couldn't actually blow cum yet, he reached orgasm with his knot swelled and so did older teenager beneath him. The mattress beneath the tigress became stained with dripping fluids that spilled from the opening and NIcholas slowed to a stop. "What a good little labrador you are, but I think you're bro's still wants to continue this game. Time for something even better. Let me up and I'll help you boys finish our little game."

Matthew pulled out and they both rolled over next to one-another. Miss Bailey stood up and got out of bed altogether and wiped herself 'clean' with a paw. Pulling back the covers she smiled at them and petted Nicholas on the head then kissed him. "I want you to kiss your brother like that now too, then we can help him feel just a great as you got to." From the smile in his brother's eyes Matthew could tell he really wanted to experience that so he wasted no time. Almost tackling the other labrador, Matt wrapped his muzzle around Nick's and began to make-out with him. Sucking on his brother's lips, his tail flailed away like a helicopter preparing for lift off. It took a while but he let the kiss draw to a close and then ended. "Now what do we do, he asked his cubsitter with his brother pinned under his arms.

Amazed by the intensity of the kiss Miss bailey giggled. So you like kissing him huh? I guess that you both have a lot in conmen. Nick roll over onto your knees and show your brother your butt. Once you do he can put his cock inside." Maybe he was too tired but Nicholas shook his head. "I really havta go bathroom first." he whined going soft between the legs. Apparently It wouldn't be that easy. "You can right after your brother finishes. Now play nicely and help your bro out."

Matthew moved and Nicholas kneeled on hips paws and knees. His insides hurting a little bit, the older sibling winced at feeling his brother's shaft push back in. "I can't make it work again Miss bailey," complained a slightly disappointed pup. Instead, he pulled back out and Nick had to fight the urge to turn his bed into a replacement for the bathroom. "Then paw it off, Matty. Rub it really really hard and don't stop until I say so." Eagerly he held his bobbing appendage with both paws and pumped. What pre his body could make flooded the lab's fingers as his jerking paws glided up and down. "Ah.... Aaaahhhh!!! Aaaahhhh!" Matthew exclaimed feeling the throngs of orgasmic pleasure take a hold of his entire being. Clear splashes shot out inches away from his brothers gapping hole and splattered the sheets sloppily even further. "I... I... ugh, thing I'm done now he said and then rested standing on his knees. "okay then, Matty. Let Nick go use the bathroom and then you two better get to bed. Mommy and Daddy will be back soon, ya' know."

Nicholas rushed off to use the bathroom and Matthew collapsed falling asleep completely naked. With his final thoughts fading he felt his brother return to the bed minutes later after Miss Bailey had left. "Love you Matty," he whispered. "Let's play again real soon, just you and me; Okay?" Before sleep took its final hold Matthew murred with his eyes closed and whispered back. "I would love to, brother."