Gym Buddies II: Part One

Story by SpeakingWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Gym Buddies II

Gym Buddies II: Part One

I stopped the car when we reached our new home and glanced over at him. My brother, my boyfriend, call him what you will - he seems quite happy at being called my 'gym buddy'. His eyes were perfectly cute as they stared at me the way they had done the entire journey. I'd always loved his eyes, two amber stones set in his white furred face, framed with tufts of grey.

"This is it," I said, waving a paw to the apartment I'd been keeping an eye on. After speaking to the landlord last night, I'd secured the place. "It's kinda small, but-"

"It's perfect," Dan interrupted, his eyes still locked on me. I don't think he'd even seen the weather beaten door. If he had, I doubt he would have used the word 'perfect' to describe it. I looked into his eyes and leant forwards, bringing him into a passionate kiss. "I love you, Luke," the husky said through heavy pants. I placed a paw on the side of his head and played with his ears.

"I love you, pup." Dan seemed to prefer it when I called him 'pup'. To be honest, I always used the term when I wanted to be closer to him. Our tongues caught each other again, and the taste of his maw amazed me.

Dan's phone beeped excitedly, and I sighed as he pulled away.

"It's probably just mum and dad telling us to call them when we get home," he insisted, pulling out the phone to check. They were the type to worry about us, and if they had any clue what we were really up to, they'd kill us both. I glanced at Dan, who was looking a little shaken at the text message he'd received. He passed me the phone to read it.

Hey, babe! ^_^ I won't be in the gym for a while - need to get away. I'll text you when I'm back. Al. xx <3

"Why can't he just leave me alone?" Dan insisted angrily. I couldn't help but feel bad for the coyote, Dan's first boyfriend and mate. After all, he wasn't being spiteful.

"Because he's in love with you, Dan. Cut him some slack, yeah?"

"But I'm in love with you," he shouted, wrapping his arms around me. I stroked the soft fur on his head, calming him down.

"I'm in love with you, too. But he's just being friendly," I said, not entirely convinced when I thought about the kisses and heart the message ended with. Dan, seeming contented with the answer I gave, squeezed me tight and murred. I planted a kiss on his forehead before trying to pull away from the smiling husky, who groaned and tugged me back. "We're going inside," I explained, "unless you want to sleep in the car for the night?"

"So long as I can sleep with you."

My ears perked up at this. Did he mean to say that? My brother never struck me as the forward type. From the little he told me about his encounters with Al he was quite submissive. I chuckled at him and slid my paw across his waist. His member was firm beneath the fabric of his jeans, so I pulsed my paw against it, squeezing him tightly. He closed his eyes and moaned, pushing his hips upward into me.

"Get out of the car," I growled at him, a heavy hint of lust in my voice. He instantly did as he was told, moving his pants to hide the tent I'd left there. He ran to the door with his tail wagging happily, looking back at me with great eagerness. I got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

"Come on," he shouted, practically dancing on his feet. He'd obviously been looking forward to this. Who was I kidding - I'd been looking forward to it, too. I shifted my member and locked the car door.

"It should be under the mat," I said as I walked towards him. Dan lifted the piece of fabric, picked up a key and slid it into the lock. He smiled as it clicked and looked back at me, a little shocked to see that I was now standing less than a foot away from him. "Let's go inside," I said, holding out my paw for the key. He held it tight in his fist.

"It'll cost you," he teased, licking his lips and showing off his wet, glistening tongue. The thought of him using that tongue on me made my length unsheathe, though I tried not to let it show. He was too busy watching my face to notice. I put my paw around his, waiting for him to give me the key. Moving into him and sliding my tongue gently across his, I opened his lips and began exploring his muzzle through a murr. I giggled slightly, which made him pull back and look questioningly at me.

"I'm kissing my brother," I explained with a coy smile. He returned the chuckle and pulled me into him, his muzzle touching my ear. His tongue started flicking the edge, which tickled me perfectly. Leaning further into me, he took my ear in his mouth and suckled on it gently, making me murrowl in pleasure. My knees trembled and I pushed him into the wall to gain my balance. "Let's go inside," I suggested.

Dan stopped suckling on my ear and jumped onto my body. I carried him in and closed the door behind us, making my way across the hall and into the bedroom. It was really small - and I hadn't considered that Dan would have to sleep here, too. Regardless, the one bed was more than enough. I sat my little brother down on the bed and knelt in front of him, running my paw along his thigh.

"I love you, pup," I said, my eyes sparkling blue.

"I love you, too, Luke," he replied, and smiled sweetly at me. I placed a paw on his chest and pushed him into the bed - something which his giggles told me he wasn't expecting. I lowered my paws onto the bed and hopped on, mounting him and letting my now fully erect member rub against his sex.

He lifted his legs and wrapped them around my hips, and we spent a moment rhythmically moving against each other as we kissed. My tip was already leaking with pre, and Dan made his way across my chest, tugging on the zip of my sweatshirt. I pulled away to let him see what he was doing, but he stopped and lifted his paws above his head, exposing his exquisite body to me.

I'd admired him secretly for years. Only a couple of days ago, I'd been touching myself to the thought of him. What excited me so much about that night was that I knew Dan was doing the same, even if he was thinking about his then boyfriend. Secretly, I imagined that he was thinking about me instead. Considering the way we were rubbing against each other now, I started to wonder if he was.

I took off his sweatshirt, threw it to the edge of the bed and ran my paws to the bottom of his t-shirt. I pulled it up to reveal a sheet of pure white fur, which I ran my paws through. It was softer than the rest of him, which was really saying something. I pulled his t-shirt up and fell into him, murring as our fur met.

"Oh, you're so soft," I complimented him, before feeling something nudge against my throat. "And so hard at the same time," I said with a cheeky smile. Dan blushed and looked at the ceiling. I raised my head and popped each of the buttons of his jeans open, revealing his unsheathed member instantly. "No underwear?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the throbbing red meat my brother was offering.

"N-no," he stuttered. I pulled his jeans down to his ankles and caressed his legs as I pushed my body into him. He wrapped his legs around my waist and pulled me closer. Before unbuttoning myself from the confines of my pitched jeans, I leant to his face.

"Are you ready for this?" He shook his head and smiled.

"We'll need something to... help," he said, though I had no idea what he was talking about. He rolled his eyes at my incredulity. "You did pack some... lubricant, didn't you?"

"Oh," I shouted with a chuckle. He joined in the laughter and stroked my fur. "It's in my bag." Nothing could move me, though. I was too enticed at seeing his nearly naked body, and his warm pre soaking into my clothes through to my fur was brilliantly arousing. "The bags are in the car," I added.

"Do you want to get it, then?" he asked after a pause. He released me from the grip of his legs and let me up. But I didn't want to go all the way out to the car, bring the bags in and search through them. I was sure that I'd lose the erection that I had if I went too far away from the naked husky on my bed. Instead, I made my way into the bathroom and looked through the cabinets, kicking off my jeans on the way. I picked up a small tub of lotion, which was labelled 'Sore Paw? No More!' and made my way back into the bedroom. Dan was pleasuring himself, and I noticed his knot was growing already.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked. A little shocked, he looked over at me and gestured me to the bed.

"That was quick," he said as I mounted him again, my boxers pressing eagerly against him. I showed him the lotion that I picked up from the bathroom and smiled toothily as I emptied the contents into my paw. I ran the cold cream along his tailhole, making him shiver. I slipped a finger gently inside him and murrowled. "Oh, Luke," he whimpered. I don't know which excited me more - how warm he was or how tight he was. Either way, I licked my lips as I imagined finally entering him, something I'd been fantasising about for far too long. Once I'd prepared him for me, I stopped when I realised I'd forgotten something.

"I'll be back in a minute," I said, getting up. Dan pulled me back into the bed with a worried look on his face.

"Where are you going?"

"The condoms are in my jeans," I explained, my paws dripping with lotion. Dan smiled at me, and said something I never would have expected.

"Leave them there." He pulled me into a kiss and spread his legs as far as he could. I ran my paw against the back of his leg and pushed it upwards, smearing his fur with the ointment. All the flexibility lessons I'd been giving Dan in the gym were about to pay off. He wanted me to fuck him unprotected - and, being honest, I wanted it, too. I wasted no time in pulling down my boxers and revealing all eight inches of my red shaft to him. I kneeled over my little brother and dribbled some of the lotion into his paw.

He took a moment as he looked at my length, as mesmerised by mine as I was by his. He put his soaked paw against it and rubbed me gently. No wonder he shivered - the substance was freezing cold against my warmth, and my murring let Dan know how good it felt. I moaned as he rubbed the ointment into my knot and squeezed it tight.

"Good boy, pup," I said as a drop of pre landed in the fur on his stomach. Dan leant forward and licked my tip once, which caused my back to arch. Once he'd lubricated me sufficiently, I pushed my nose to his and lowered my hips, pressing my hard tip against his tight ring. "I love you," I whispered.

"I lo-AH-" he was interrupted as I plunged gradually into him. My tip was soon engulfed by his warm body, which was tensing as I went further inside him. I could feel that I was leaking pre inside him, so took him slowly. I wanted my first time with my brother to last. I eased my tip out and slid back inside, murring as I did. Dan bit his lip as I entered him and groaned a little. The part of me that loved him wanted to stop and make sure I wasn't hurting him too much. The part of me that lusted for him insisted that I drove deeper into him. With a grunt, I forced another inch of my hot length into him, making him moan loudly.

"Oh, fuck," he whimpered, pulling my muzzle to his and locking me in a deep kiss. He murred into me as I felt his warm knot grow and push against my stomach. Knowing that he was so close to coming made my member throb greatly inside him, and for a moment, I thought I came myself. "Fuck me, Luke," Dan whined. I'd dreamt of him saying those words, but the one time wasn't enough.

"Say it again, pup," I demanded.

"Fuck me-ngh!" As I thrust greatly, he groaned and let out a gasp. I smiled widely at him.

"And again," I said. Every time he said the words 'fuck me', I obeyed and drove deeper into him. It didn't take long until my red knot was pressing firmly against his tailhole, easing it open with each drive. Soon I could feel his knot swelling to nearly the size of a tennis ball, firm and ready to pump out his juices.

"Luke, I'm gonna come," he warned me, his back arching and his hole pushing me deeper into him. I took my paws, which were still smeared with lotion, and grasped his shaft gently. He gasped as I made my way up and down the hot length, and he let out a great moan of pleasure when I teased his slit with my dewclaw. My face was suddenly filled with his hot breath as he panted heavily. Now I wanted him to come, so increased the movements of my paw and squeezed the base of his shaft. "No, Luke! Tie me first!"

"You're sure?" He bit his lip and nodded greatly, his paws running into my hips and dragging his claws along me. I pulled my pulsing member out of him and pushed back in. I did it again, took a deep breath and grabbed tightly onto his shoulders. I thrust into him as hard and deep as I could. My knot passed into his hole with a loud pop and he yelled as his orgasm peaked. Reaching his crescendo, his ring tightened against my swelling length, making us both cry out in pleasure.

I felt his knot swell and his hot ropes spray onto me. He groaned as his bright red length shot forcefully. It felt as if his claws were now trying to break the skin on my back, which made me drive deeper into him. It was a vicious cycle that I didn't want to put an end to.

"Thank you," Dan said breathlessly, his length still dripping with his hot seed. His amber eyes stared deep into me, and I lowered myself to kiss him gently. Our tongues were dancing around each other, and the feel of his warm come melting into my fur was perfectly arousing.

I rubbed slowly against him, my knot stuck firmly in his tailhole. Our passionate kiss was interspersed with deep murrs. It was broken with gasps of pleasure, but Dan was adamant to keep my muzzle locked in his. Every time I pulled away for air, he wrenched my head back and continued exploring my maw with his tongue.

I felt my ballooning flesh press against him, his elasticity refusing to give in. Dan yipped a little, and I'm sure his groans turned more pained than pleasured. "I'm sorry," I insisted through hot breaths, "it'll be over soon." He opened his eyes and glared at me.

"It better not be! Fuck me harder!" Dan's claws made his way to my rump and forced me deeper into him. My knot grew again, which caused Dan to scream out my name and pull my neck so that our muzzles met. Another pulse into him made him cry out, and I wondered if he would have another orgasm. He tensed one last time as I swelled to full size, arched my back and came inside his tailhole. I groaned through our kiss, and Dan's tongue was much stronger than I'd imagined it to be. I felt my come swirling around the head of my length, pumping vigorously into my brother.

My climax drove hard into him, and he moaned with each throb of my firm member against his tight walls. Tears were streaming down his face as he groaned in pain, and I suddenly felt horrible. "I'm sorry, pup," I panted, "I didn't mean to-" Dan pulled me into another kiss to silence me and looked into my eyes.

"They're happy tears, Luke," he insisted. The sentiment caught me off guard, and I wasn't sure he was telling the whole truth. The tightness of his hole was hurting my knot a little as it still released rope after rope of hot come. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said, smiling down at him and kissing his forehead. I nuzzled into his neck and rested until my knot wore down and I could free myself. Hopefully, this tie would last a while so that I could cuddle up to my brother. It didn't take long for Dan to wrap his arms around me, nuzzle me back and kiss my cheek.

"Should we get washed before we go to bed?" I closed my eyes and pushed into his fur.

"That can wait until the morning," I said. After all, getting up would mean separating, and I was too enticed by the husky to let him slip away from me. "Let's just get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight, 'gym buddy'." I chuckled at him.

"Goodnight," I replied, paused and then whispered in his ear, "pup."


I hadn't quite fallen asleep twenty minutes later, but Dan's beeping phone ensured that I was awake. Pulling his sweatshirt to me, which was hanging on the edge of the bed, I rifled through the pocket to find it. I slid the phone open, and the bright screen made my eyes wince in defence. This thing could have given me a tan, I was sure.

A blue square of light was burned onto my retinas, which slowly faded into nothingness. When the phone went into a power-saving low-light mode, I opened my eyes and read the notification. It was exactly what I had expected to see.