A Father's Love - Chapter 1

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This is the first installment of a five-chapter work that follows the life of Kes Darkmane, and her father, Kinla.

A Father's Love

By Darkflame

Chapter 1

He rubbed his temples softly as he listened to the whining ferret.  The female's eyes were alight as she bitched in an extremely animated fashion, some silliness involving his lack of attention to her.  He looked at her through empty eyes, watching her ample breasts bobble as her paws waved about in the air, her ranting clearly far from finished.

"Does this have anything to do with your work, Ezry?  Or are you just here because you desire my attentions?"

Pointing out her obvious attempt made her stop dead in her tracks.  Her ears were pinking at the sound of his rich, baritone voice, and she stared at him through wide eyes.  He could sense the slight change in her scent, though rather than the affecting him as it had naturally been intended, it only irritated him further.


Every time he said her name, she quaked in her place.  He seemed to have that affect on many females.

"You are obviously here, because you wish to have something further than a professional relationship.  I would like you to note, however, that I have never neglected your work here, and I am positive you are well aware of this.  I will make a report of your visit today, though I will not turn it in to our superiors, unless you should press this matter further.  You may leave now."

"But... but sir..."

"Sir, now?  Ezry, I believe I stated you are dismissed."

He stared at her through his golden eyes, watching her tremble in real fear now.  He loved seeing that in any creature, not just females.  Her quaking form crept out of the office, closing the door behind her, and he breathed a sigh of relief.  The entire morning had been absolute hell.  He had woken up late, though only by a few minutes, but the resulting rush made him very upset with himself, and he had taken it out on his little girl as he had driven her to the bus stop.

He thought of his darling little kit.  She was everything to him.  Since her mother had left the two of them ...

"for that wretched fox who lived next door...." He thought with a snarl.

...she'd been the only point of light in his otherwise dark life.  Work at the office was mundane, highly uninteresting, and a constant point of stress.  When he went home, and his darling daughter had greeted him with such warmth, and love, he all but melted into her, every time.

She was such a special kitten...

She boasted an shadowy pelt much like his own, a solid coat of ebony, save that tiny triangle of white at the hollow of her throat.  Her form was still that of the eleven year old, pre-pubescent child.  Lanky, sometimes slightly awkward; he thought of when she'd complained to her daddy about the pains in her legs and arms, growing pains; she was going to grow into quite a beauty.  Of that, he was absolutely certain.

Awkwardly small was her lithe tail. She had yet to get that particular growth spurt.  He could watch that appendage waving about all day, it was so interesting to him.  It betrayed her every mood, her moments of elation, worry, or frustration, simply by moving in a particular manner.  He knew her completely, and knew everything about her.  She was his princess.

A warm smile had melted his heart earlier that morning, despite an uncontrolled burst of anger toward her.  It had been a cool day, her puffy winter coat covered up her entire upper body, though he'd been careful to make sure her school uniform was pristine, as always.  The white blouse had been carefully ironed, the black vest with the golden school crest pressed neatly.  Her green and black plaid, plaited skirt rested over her thin, though muscular legs, and her tail waved about anxiously, from behind her sitting form.  She'd smiled at him, her emerald eyes...

"Her mother's eyes..." he thought with a sigh

... sparkling in the dim morning light.  She'd leaned over and kissed his cheek tenderly, obviously worried about her father.

"Have a better day at work, Daddy, okay?" 

She'd said in her sweet voice.  He'd sighed, and simply nodded as she hopped out of the car and stood at the bus stop, the giggling, squealing greetings she received from her friends making him feel like an outsider.  He sighed as he began pulling away.

"I love you Daddy!"

She'd called out to him, just as he hit the gas.  He couldn't help his reaction.  He smiled brightly, and waved to his darling kit, and had made his way to hell.

The morning had been horrible.  Three reports had not been finished.  One employee was to be terminated because of his tardiness.  The copy machine had gone down yet again, his employers were breathing down his neck because of the late reports, and now Ezry had a crush on him; her boss.

He continued rubbing his temples, and made a decision.  He hadn't taken some time for himself in years.  Not since just after his sweet child had been born.  He pushed the intercom button that when to his desk, and took a deep breath as his office assistant answered, in his lilting tenor voice. "Yes, sir?"

"Tell Martin and Lowell that I'm taking the afternoon off.  The stress is getting to me; I need a half a day to myself.  Alright?"

"Got it, sir"

A silent mental check accompanied his sudden rise from behind his desk.  His black, patent leather shoes were shined, and on his footpaws as always.  His gray pants were neatly pressed, though slightly rumpled from the morning wear.  The black leather belt was holding his white dress shirt tucked in, his neat tie swirled with emerald green and royal blue.  It was the only point of bright color on his being other than his eerie golden eyes, and had been a gift from his special offspring for Father's Day, this past June.  He remembered the way her face lit up when he'd opened it up.  She'd been saving for.... He didn't even know how long.  But it was beautiful, and he always managed to wear it on days when he needed to get his mind away from the office.  He grabbed his gray suit coat, and looped it over his shoulders before striding out of his office, keys in his paw.

"Have a good day, sir!"

He smiled and waved to his assistant, and made his way to the parking garage.


The drive home was uneventful, though his expression was marred by the perpetual frown upon his muzzle.  A problem-filled morning left him looking forward to simply relaxing at home all the more.   It was too bad his kit had school; he would have enjoyed taking her out somewhere.  Perhaps for ice cream before all the stores closed for the season.  Maybe just out for dinner.  That's it; he'd take her out for dinner.  Maybe even to a nice restaurant.  She was more than well behaved enough for such places, and she understood what a treat it was.

After parking his car in the large garage, he entered his comfortable home.  It was a ranch-style house, only one floor, but more than enough for their needs.  It had been enough even when her mother had been living there.  The blue aluminum siding had always reminded his ex-wife of the sky, the black shutters a point of accent around every window.  The white doors had sets of windows in them, the whole house having a welcoming, friendly air to it.

He walked through the kitchen pausing long enough for a quick glass of water, and made his way to the living room.  The gray and black peppered carpet covered the floor, with smoky gray furniture.  There was a large, very comfortable gray lounge chair, which he reserved as his chair, for when he wanted to watch his favorite sci-fi movie.

A large paw ran over his panther facial-features, then through his neatly cropped mane.  He kept it carefully trimmed for office purposes, but ached for the days when he could keep it down to his waist, tied back into one, long braid.

Carelessly kicking off his shoes, he settled back into his thoughts, letting them go wherever they may.  For a short time, he thought about work and the stress therein.  He snarled with annoyance and tried to relax.  He found his thoughts circling his ex-wife.  Her snowy pelt haunted his mind, and her emerald eyes, full of life, and more beautiful than the rarest gem.  His daughter had inherited those eyes... ah yes, his beautiful little kit...

He smiled as he settled back into the couch, thinking about his darling little child.  He'd relished every moment with her, ever since the court decided her mother should no longer have any contact with either of them.  Not that the bitch had wanted anything to do with that wonderful point of light in his life.  She'd been too concerned with getting laid by the nearest thing with a dick, anyone except her husband.

A dark growl filled his throat for the slightest moment, followed by a depressed sigh as he let his thoughts circle his kitten.  She'd asked for more space, she was a growing child, and desired more privacy, as she entered the horrible teenage years.  But last night, she'd asked him if he would help her with her bath, like he had since she was born.  He'd agreed, and found that to be the highlight of the evening.

She'd had a very messy day at with one of her little friends, and had come home with mud all over her coat.  An embarrassed promise to clean the house after she'd finished tracking the dark earth all over the home was quietly professed, but only after she had bathed.  She entered the bathroom as always, only to emerge mere minutes later, sheepish, and with an guilty expression on her face.  The mud had caked over her clothing, and she had found herself trapped within the cotton confines.

He'd laughed at her predicament and agreed to assist, not expecting his heart to soar so quickly at his child's request.  They'd meandered into the bathroom, paw in paw, and he began drawing the bath water.  Carefully, he chipped away chunks of dried mud from her clothing, giving her the ability to remove her clothes as he returned his attention to the tub.  When he turned once more, his breath caught in his throat.

Despite her lack of form, she was beautiful.  There was the slightest hint of curvature to her body, her waist tapering into her hips slightly, her tail waving about nervously behind her.  Her tiny nipples were erect, and poking through her fur at the chill of the room. Bashfully, she stepped forward, intent on getting to the bathtub.


He'd helped her in, struggling to fight his body's reaction to his kit's body.  He couldn't be thinking such things about his special girl.  It was wrong... 

And yet, as she settled into the warm, slightly steaming water, and he began gently lathering her pelt, he couldn't help letting his mind water to places he knew it shouldn't.  He imagined softly laying her back in his massive, otherwise empty bed; he pictured softly caressing her whole, tiny body, with his gigantic, gentle paws.  He imagined the thrill of teaching her the delights of adulthood...


Wide, surprised eyes glanced to his daughter's face as he stopped short. He had frozen in his place, sitting on the side of the tub, his paws on her shoulders.  A lightly embarrassed chuckle rumbled within his throat as his fingers began moving once more, his touch upon her body almost shifting of that of a lover, rather than her father.

"It's alright, honey.  Just let my mind drift for a minute.  How you doing, kiddo?"

She smiled up at him, that sweet, beautiful smile.  His heart melted.

"Good, thanks, Daddy!  It feels really nice to have someone else do all the work for a change!"

Water splashed in the tub as she grinned and giggled and he massaged the suds into her back fur.  He did not ignore the rising purr that emanated from her body.

Somehow, he'd finished the bath with no further sinful thoughts, and helped his progeny out of the tub, before helping her dry off.  Fur was such a pain in that regard.  Her own panther features, though diminutive and far more feminine than his own, were softened with her contentment.  She held the towel around her body more firmly, shivering just slightly.  He'd noticed how hard her nipples were, and tried to ignore it.

He led her to her room, and picked out his favorite nightie for her, along with a new pair of panties.  After handing her the green and white garment, he smiled inwardly, knowing the rich color matched her luscious eyes.  She pulled the nightdress over her head, carelessly pulled on the panties, and looked startled as she looked up to her father.

"I forgot to clean up the mess I made!"

She looked fearful, worried...

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, sweetie.  I got it this time, alright?"

She nodded, looking apologetic.  He pulled back her covers and tucked her into bed, purring himself as he ran his paws over her rounded ears, listening to her own purr for just a moment.  He then turned off her light, and made his way back to his own room, where he let his fantasies wander, and had stroked himself into oblivion....


His thoughts snapped back to the present.  He was well aware he had a raging erection, and very much needed to get himself off again.  He was about to unfasten his pants, when the opening of the front door made him stop dead in his tracks.  His little kit bounded into the room, her book bag flopping onto the floor by the door, her coat ending up in a heap on top of it, her school uniform still completely immaculate.



She squealed with delight when she saw her father, running toward him.  He was confused, not sure why she was home so early; then the red, circled "half-day" jumped to the front of his mind.

He barely reacted quickly enough as she leapt into his lap; his paws caught her around the middle, and placed her on his knees.  She giggled wildly and purred as she grabbed for the TV remote, and flipped on the complex electronic system, looking for her favorite afternoon programs.

He inhaled her scent deeply.  She smelled of youth, sweet, only a tiny hint of musk, barely detectable.  Her tail was waving back and forth over his lap, making him groan inwardly.  She purred happily, as his paws remained around her waist, her attention on the characters on the TV screen.

She shifted backwards in his lap, snuggling against his body, making him groan out loud.

"Daddy?  What's wro..."

She stopped mid-word as she felt something poking against her bottom.  Had she not realized there was something on her daddy's lap already?

"Shhh... honey, it's okay.  Daddy's just a little teeny bit uncomfortable.  Don't worry, ok?"

She turned her head, and looked at him with worry; but he only smiled, and shifted his hips, trying to control himself.

"Daddy, are you sure you're okay?"

Her long, black tresses framed her face, her eyes filled with worry.  He was touched, and his control flew away from him like a startled bird.  When he spoke, his voice was husky, and trembling.  But his paws moved with a gentle confidence.

"Daddy is doing wonderfully, sweetie.  Daddy even has a present for his princess.  I think you're really going to enjoy it.  But it's going to take time, is that okay?"

He'd gently lifted her plaid skirt to her waist, and softly hooked his thumbs in her panties.  She'd shivered, but not objected.  After all, she could trust her Daddy.

After shifting his body, he pulled her panties from her rump, over her tail, down her legs, and finally off her body completely, keeping them in his paw.

"Hon, could you watch the TV for a minute?"  He whispered as his daughter's head turned toward the TV, watching her favorite cartoon characters bounce around the screen.  The lump in his pants had settled between the cheeks of her rump, and her gentle shifting was driving him wild.  He lifted the panties to his muzzle, and inhaled deeply, taking in her slight scent, before placing them on the couch next to him.

A loud, happy purr accompanied his motions as he wrapped his arms around her warm body.  He smiled as she purred as well, her eyes closed for just a bit.  She had always been his lap kitten.  One of his paws slipped over her thighs, petting her gently.  He was not going to rush his darling princess.

Leaning against him more heavily, she smiled as she trembled just slightly.  She was thrilled at her father's attention, and marveled at the feeling, knowing her heart was beating faster and her insides had gone all wobbly, just like when her favorite male classmate spoke to her.  Her happy thoughts made her arch into his gentle touch more fully, wanting to take full advantage of his caressing fingers.  Her legs slipped apart just slightly, whether it was an instinct or a simple reaction, he couldn't tell.  Fingertips lingered over her thigh just a moment more, before softly slipping between her legs, just barely touching her slit.

She jumped in his arms, whispering with surprise.


"Shhh... honey, it's alright.  Just let daddy know if it hurts, okay, sweetheart?  I promise, you'll enjoy this over time."

She nodded as his fingers traced up and down her netherlips, over and over.  He purred with utter delight as he realized she was softly rocking her hips against his touch.  He could feel her sex getting moist, but she wasn't ready yet.  He leaned forward slightly, pressing his chest against her back, loving how warm she was against him.  His free hand softly pushed her hair out of the way, and his rough, feline tongue flicked against her neck, eliciting a quiet whimper from his kit.

He continued stroking her slit, his fingers never dipping into her treasure, until she was thoroughly wet, a tiny spot appearing on his pants where she was sitting.  He softly parted her lips, and rubbed a single finger against her previously untouched clit, a second fingertip pushing into her virginal entrance...

"Daddy!" she squealed, though only partly in pain.

"Does it hurt honey?" he asked, hoarsely, his tongue constantly flicking against her neck, his teeth occasionally nibbling at her flesh, making her shudder.

"Only a little, I.. it's starting to feel kinda good..."

She whimpered as his finger continued working, slowly relaxing her, spreading her sex further with every movement.  Her scent had taken on a new flavor, the needy scent of a fully-fledged female.  He murmured to her as she rocked in his lap, making him crazy with her movements, the TV long ago forgotten.  He pushed her forward just slightly, still rubbing her sex tenderly, softly sliding his finger in and out of her, over and over, as he unfastened his own pants, pulling his throbbing length through the slit in his boxers, the pulsing, solid-as-steel flesh jutting upward through the two layers of cloth.

"Daddy has a better surprise for his princess.  But it's not going to be nice at first...  Should I give it to you, fast or slow?"

A tiny touch of guilt touched him, as he knew she wouldn't know what he was asking, but it disappeared as she murmured for a quick gift.  She was nearly incoherent with the sensations he was causing her, and that pleased him immensely.  He wanted nothing more than to make his precious little girl happy.

He lifted her carefully, and placed her over his hardness, rubbing the tip of his cock up and down her slit, until he found his target, just barely slipping into her tight, burning depths.

"Oh honey..."

He murmured as she went stiff in his grasp, nearly dropping her upon his massive length.  She screeched in pain, and he could feel her heat intensify as he held onto her body tightly.  She was crying, and it broke his heart to hear her like this; but she was so hot, so incredibly tight.

"Daddy!  It hurts!!"

She squealed, over and over, squirming in her Father's grip, her movements slowly losing intensity as he simply held onto her, holding her over him, his cock squeezed more than he'd ever imagined by her tiny box.  He knew if he moved at all, before she was relaxed again, he'd hurt her more than he already had, and he also know if he moved at all, he wouldn't last very long.

The upset cries from his precious daughter were diminishing by the second, though her muzzle was covered with tears.  Her piteous sobs were slowly shifting into quiet, nervous moans.  This was not lost upon her father.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?"

He murmured as he leaned forward, still holding her tightly, his length barely piercing her, and nibbled upon her eartips, making her whimper with pleasure.  Slowly, his paw drifted between her legs and drifted across her pearl, making her jerk against him, gasping with pain and pleasure, her eyes flying wide open.


Her hips jerked forward and it was all he could do to keep from pumping into her right then.  She was so tight, and her muscles were beginning to caress his cock further, rippling and pulling lightly, her natural movements beginning to kick in.

"Ohhhh Daddy..."

She murmured quietly as he held onto her, his fingers gently toying with her clit.  His mouth moved all over her ears and neck, making her purr with delight, the pain of the beginning all but forgotten.  She mewed for him, over and over, the sensations making her dizzy with happiness.  He groaned at the sound of her voice, that singular sound almost enough to send him over.

"Honey, Daddy's gone make you feel even better in just a minute, okay?"

She was panting slightly, lost in pleasure.

"Mmm, okay, Daddy."

He growled quietly, and took the nape of her neck in his teeth, biting lightly, knowing the affect it had on felines as he bucked his hips forward, her sex so much better than his closed fist could ever feel, he could feel the tip of his shaft bumping her cervix, over and over, as he struggled to breach her inner most walls, every movement filling him with delightful pleasure.  She ground her hips against him, aching for more, loving the sensation of him filling her so much.  She felt like he was splitting her apart, but if felt so good.

"Daddy, oh Daddy!"

He bucked his hips forward, feeling her tightening more and more as each second passed.  He drew his paw away from her tiny clit, and brought it to his muzzle, releasing her neck, and sucking on his fingers gently, taking in her taste slowly, as though it were a fine wine.  He inhaled her scent deeply, as he flicked his tongue over his fingers, the tangy sweetness overwhelming him.  It'd been far too long since he'd tasted a female.  This was so special, his sweet little kit surrounding him in the most intimate of ways.

Slowly, he wrapped his hand around her own and guided her touch between her own legs, assisting her in discovering how to please herself.  As her own touch caressed her button, she screeched in pleasure as her hips jerked forward again, her sex pulling his cock into her more deeply.  He could feel himself about to make her a woman, his whole body trembling at the prospect.

"Yesss... that's it..."

Quietly, he murmured his encouragement as he bit her neck once more, his hips thrusting upward into her, his massive shaft bumping against her final barrier, over and over.  He could feel how close she was, the claws of her free paw digging into his thigh as her fingers squeezed and rubbed her pearl frantically making her hips jerk forward, pushing him in deeper.  Suddenly, she screamed to him, and bucked her hips forward, driving his cock into her to the hilt, his member smashing through her hymen, though the mind boggling pleasure seemed to block the pain.


She shrieked as her sex tightened around him completely, drawing him into her fully.  It was too much.  He couldn't take anymore.  He bit her neck harshly and slammed his hips forward, shooting his thick, hot cum deep into his kit's womb.  His claws were digging into her upper body slightly, tearing through her blouse as he shot load after load of his seed into her small body.  She was wailing with utter bliss, her whole body tingling with sensations.

He continued rocking into her burning depths, amazingly, still hard after all this.  He wondered if his kitten would like another round.  He licked her neck affectionately, tenderly, the way a proper lover should.  Her body was slightly limp in his arms, her hand having fallen away from her button as she gasped for air, murmuring "daddy..." over and over, making his ears ring, his heart throb with delight.

"Mmm... honey, that was so good.  Did you like Daddy's present?"

He was panting slightly, he could feel his cum and her juices soaking into his pants, and to his boxers, noting that both were still fully clothed, and chuckling slightly.

"It.. I didn't think I would... but can we.. can we do it again?"

He smiled as she spoke, her voice carrying affection, a slight twinge of pain, and for the first time... lust.

As he began gently bucking into his daughter's molten depths once more, he moaned as she purred with delight.  He would definitely have to take her out to dinner tonight.