Natalie's Story Chapter 1 Part 3 (Love and Lovers)

Story by Finalhours on SoFurry

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"So you need a ride home?" Asked the muscular black wolf. "Hold on one second my boyfriend." She said trailing her finger down his chest. The word still seemed alien coming from her when she acknowledged him since she had never had a boyfriend since just this morninng when he had followed her into the bathroom. As she thought this over she pulled out her cell phone and dialed in her dad. "Hey dad i have a ride home you don't have to worry about it. and i have someone i want you to meet." She laughed under her breath as his tone grew suspicious. "Ok then ill see you when you get here." He said his voice getting darker with each word. as she hung up she looked over at Vincent "Ok were all set." She whispered in his ear as he drew her into a hug.

The next thing she knew was she was in his arms being carried to the car. "I can walk myself you know." she giggled into his ear. "i have to sweep you off your feet somehow right?" he chuckled the laugh that she had grown to love in so short a time. "I don't think it's supposed to be literal!" she said as she playfully nibbled his ear. "well here we are. hope you like it." he said with pride in his voice. as she looked down she gasped. "This looks exactly like my dad's except yours is red!" she said with shock. "nice to know i might have something he like's to talk about when i walk in huh?" "he will either hate you or think your the best thing that has ever happened to me." she said her smile growing as she got in on the passenger side. when she got in and looked at the back seat. "are those pictures yours?" she said as she grabbed the nearest binder and flipped through his drawings. "glad you like them don't meen to brag but ive won a couple contests with some of these." he said fondly as he fired up the engine. she was so engrossed into the art that she didn't notice his hand slip down her pants.

As he slid two fingers into her she gasped as the bliss flowed through her body. "shouldn't you pay more attention to the road..." she mumbled as her words trailed off into moans of pleasure. then as her body went into the realm of pleasure that was him she knew that he was everything she wanted and more. so much more. after five minuets of this sweet pleasure bubles burst into her vision as she reaced her climax soaking his hand. "hope this doesn't stain your seat". she murmured in bliss "ill get you back later." she said kissing him on the cheek as they pulled into her drive way.

"dad im home!" she yelled up the stairs to him. "be down in a second you and your friend go ahead and sit down." he yelled back down. they sat down and they smiled at each other until Jason walked downstairs. then she noticed something her dad looked better then usual his hair was straighter, his clothes cleaner almost new looking, and he smiled when she looked at him in shock. "So this is who you wanted to show me? atleast you amde a good first pick." he teased in the way only he could. "Dad do you always have to embarrass me in front of every one?" she said as her face wen't red. as Vincent stood up so did Jason. "Nice to meet you Mr. Felix im Vincent." "nice to meet you son. Natalie would you go upstairs and get better dressed please?" asked her dad. when she saw the twinkle in his eye she knew what was going to happen so she went upstairs to get ready. as soon as she was out of ear shot his expression turned a little more stern. "Do you have plans tonight son?" he asked his tone more serious. as soon as the black wolf nodded no he continued as he set to work. "take her out to eat and to a movie by the time you bring her home i want to see a giddy smile on her face." he said with a smile as the hundred dollar bill passed hands "i know this sounds wrong for me to ask this of you but she needs this trust me." he said quietly as he heard his daughters door opened. "I won't let you down sir." said Vincent as his mind reeled at what had just been asked of him.

when she walked down the stairs both of their jaws dropped. "what? i got this last week incase something like this happened." she said as she smiled at both of the boys looking her up and down. what Jason saw he couldn't belive his daughter was in an all lavender purple dress with a slightly deeper purple pair of heels. "can we go now daddy please?" she begged as she twirled around makeing her dress fly out. "go ahead you two." Jason's smile widening as he saw the look on her face when her eyes met Vincent's. he opened a link with his daughters lover. <looks like she really loves you. i hope i didn't make a mistake by letting you take her out for a date.> as his thought finished its journey he closed the link and went back upstairs. after he made his way to the top of the stairs the vixen tugged on his arm. "come on we need to go to your house so you can get dressed up!" she said as she pulled him to his car and got in. when they got to his house he went inside to tell his parents what he was doing pulling her inside with him.

"mom! dad! im going out with somebody tonight i gotta get dressed first!" he yelled as he started to go upstairs leaving her in the living room. as she stood there waiting for him she heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. "where are you going and with wh-" the wolf which was just as muscular as his son stood there gaping at her. "hi." she said waving at Vincent's dad as her smile grew. "sorry to pull him away on such short notice im Natalie." she said as she shook his hand. "oh thats quite alright young lady so when did you start dating ive never seen you before." he said when he got his voice back. "today. your son's a good artist." she said as her dreamy smile came back. "i always thought hed date another wolf." his dad said with reluctance as he edged away waiting for her answer. "technically he is im half wolf." she said with a smile. "really now? where does the wolf come from?" asked the black wolf. "my mother she died in a car wreck when i was ten she gave me these ear rings just before she died."she said as her mood changed. they sat there for awhile as she ran her fingers over the ear rings that she never parted with.

"okay Natalie you ready?" pulling her out of her reverie of memories. "yes i am you stud." said the vixen as she pulled him into a long kiss. "okay you two i don't need to see this! go do this elsewere!" as he covered his eyes and walked from the room. "he's right so where do you want to go for dinner?" he said as his eyes glazed over with lust. "hmmm... how about galvain's? i haven't been there in awhile. and they have some really dark corners." she said as she rocked with him back and forth. "ok lets go." he said as they walked to his car.

as they ate their food and decided what they wanted to go see so they went to see the movie and finished it. as they pulled out of the theatre parking lot they figured it was time to go somewhere romantic. "lover's point?" asked Vincent. "no thats to cliche and its probably packed." so they sat there and wondered for about 5 minuets. "how about the river?" he enquired. "sounds good." she said as her thoughts wandered to the would be fun. as they drove there she got bored so she decided now was a good time to get him back for earlier. his thoughts in the would be didn't notice that her hand was inching closer to his sheath.

as she grabbed his hard on which was already there before she had thought of it he gasped. "payback's a bitch huh?" she said as she smiled and started to pump up and down his shaft. "no its not its alot better then that." he gasped through the pleasure. she thought about it then decided to take down his pants. "don't stop." he said his voice husky. "theres no point wasting dessert now is there?" she said as she started to deep throat him. "i still can't get over your a virgin and your this good." he said as his meat got licked up and down getting close to his orgasm. afetr about two more minuets of this she felts his body tense up and his hand pushed her head all the way down shooting all of his seed into her thoat not letting a drop go to waste she licked up and down him makeing sure she got it all. "i think im ready for the main course don't you?" she said as she climbed in back and started taking off her panties and hoisting up her dress. as he turned off the car he climbed in back and got ready to shove all of his meat in her. but before he did she flipped him on his back and got on top. "oh no i get to work first." she said as she grabed his dick and slid it in her .

as she started to ride him she moaned his name feeling the rapture flow through her body as she did her job. the motion was simple to her which was suprising because it was her first time. as she got to the top she slammed herself back down to his balls feeling the pleasure flow through her. "damn Natalie your tight..." he panted as she picked up the pace going faster as she got closer. The wolf reached his climax first and shoved her all the way down filling her with his cum. with the feeling of being filled she reached her's aswell spilling her juices onto his cock. as she got off she started to lick up their mingled love juices which was a plesant taste to her after she finished he shifted so she could get into position. after she thrust her ass into the air as he got behind her

he shoved it all in with one swift movement sending her into deeper rapture. as she was thrusted into she started to moan very loudly. he was everything with her like this he was exactly what she needed and wanted as she started moving with the thrusts making the pleasure surge through them both. the exquisite fullness made her reach her climax quickly this time with the torrent of juices going back towards him he reached his as well filling her again with his cum and the pleasure of the feeling as he moved back she turned around and kissed him "i love you Vincent."

as he drove her home all she could think about was that feeling that he had given her and wonderd when she would feel it again.

end of part 3