Gym Buddies II: Part Two

Story by SpeakingWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Gym Buddies II

Gym Buddies II: Part Two

"You got a text last night," I said conversationally before taking another spoonful of cereal. I know I shouldn't have brought it up, but Dan had been in a bad mood ever since he looked at his phone. He glared at me.

"Yeah, I know," he replied. The tone he used told me the discussion was over, but I wanted to press harder. He looked in the empty cupboard for the box of cornflakes, which was right in front of me. I shook it to get his attention and he crossed the kitchen to take it from me. I felt a little bad for him when I saw a limp in his step. The worst thing was that it made me a little frisky when I thought of last night.

"It woke me up."

"Sorry." He didn't actually sound sorry at all as he poured himself his breakfast. I didn't like seeing him in a bad mood, so put my cereal down on the table and stood up to hug him. It felt like he was falling into it, so I didn't let up. "Sorry, I'm being an asshole, aren't I?"

"Being the asshole is my job, pup, not yours," I chuckled. He let out a murr as he fell even deeper into me.

"Call me that again, Luke," he asked. I couldn't possibly pass Dan up on this offer, so I leant down and nibbled on his ear, making him giggle.

"You're mine, pup," I said, the mouthful of fur sliding around on my tongue. I glanced over at the clock and left his ear alone. "Eat your breakfast," I instructed, "we've got to be at the gym soon. We need to get there early, too - you need to work off those brownies I made you." Dan gave me a knowing smile.

"Well, I think we burned a few calories last night," he chuckled. He was trying to make it sound sexual, but the word 'calorie' couldn't work in an erotic sentence; at least, not in my opinion. "We could... burn a few more, you know?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked, eyeing his frame up and biting my lip for him to see.

"Yeah," he said breathlessly. I walked closer into him, feeling the warmth of his crotch even from a distance.

"You know, we could do things in the gym," I suggested. His ears perked and I could hear his tail slapping into the chair as it wagged. "You want to do that?" I smiled. He nodded, panting the same way he'd been last night. "Me, too. So eat up and we'll get you on the treadmill," I said with a wicked grin.

"Oh," he whimpered. His ears flopped down against his head, and he looked genuinely disappointed. "I thought... well, I thought you might have..." This was worse than seeing him in a bad mood. Having my little brother upset because I wasn't suggesting a fun-filled morning was horribly unpleasant. I pulled him into me and licked his nose.

"When we get home. I still have to return the favour for last night, remember?"His eyes lit up as a smile passed his lips and his pants grew by a few inches. I placed a paw inside his boxers and felt his length, rubbing it slowly. He gasped and panted jaggedly with each stroke. He was already dripping with pre, which matted into my fur.

"Don't stop, Luke," he begged. I pulled my paw away from him and took it to my muzzle to smell him. I murred, which made him giggle. "You like that?" he asked.

"As good as always, pup." Dan tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "We slept in the same room for seventeen years; how I could I not know how you smell? It drove me crazy some nights." A moment passed as we looked into each other's eyes. "So get some breakfast, get dressed and we'll go to work." Dan nodded and started back to his cereal. I pulled him into me before he could get away and whispered in his ear, "You're going to work hard for me and earn yourself a treat."


I don't think I'd seen Dan eat and get dressed so quickly. I knew he didn't enjoy the gym that much - he was obviously looking forward to the prospect of a reward. With a gym bag slung over his shoulder, he rushed to the door and opened it wide. I caught his paw to stop the door from opening any further and he looked at me, confused.

"Luke, what are you doing? We need to go!" I let out a small chuckle as I leaned into him.

"Pup, whenever we're in this house," I started, "we can be whatever you want. But out of this house, we're just friends. Okay?" Dan nodded his head with a frown on his face, so I pushed him against the door and kissed him passionately. I wrapped a paw around his head and dragged my claws down his neck, making him murr and tilt his head backwards. I pulled my lips from his and smiled. "We can't let anyone find out, understand?" I asked, my fingers now playing with his fur. He nodded again, his frown disappearing from his face. He opened the door to get to the car, so I struck his rear with the flat of my paw before we were out of the house.

Once the engine had kicked into life, Dan asked me a question. "So, how is this going to work?"

"What do you mean?" Trying to listen to him wasn't the easiest thing - it seemed as if the drivers in the area were trying to ram us off the road.

"Well, are you going to be a personal trainer for me?"

"Yeah," I answered, swerving to miss a crossing pedestrian and honking violently. "We met each other at our last gym, I got the job and you were looking for a change of scenery." Truth be told, I hadn't thought this part through. The look on Dan's face told me he wasn't impressed.

"And you think they'll buy that?" he asked.

"They'll have to - it's the truth," I winked at him.

"What about our names? Won't they think it's strange that we both have the same surname, the same look..."

"Pup," I interrupted, "no-one's going to make that connection. And if they do, we'll just act dumb."

"You can act dumb?" he snickered. If I hadn't been so focused on getting their safely, I'd have struck him again. Instead, a smile crossed my face.

"Don't speak to your trainer like that, or I'll drill you."

"Mmm, drill me hard," I heard him murr. I glanced over and saw him slip a paw down his pants.

"For fuck's sake, Dan, put it away! We're nearly there!"

"You know you love it," he said.

After an exhausting journey of dodging the lemmings on the streets, we were outside the gym. It was much larger and looked like it had some high-tech equipment. Even the vending machines looked like they were bought ten years into the future. I unbuckled my seatbelt and placed my paw on the handle, when I suddenly smelled something.

"Dan, calm down." I looked over to see he was still tented.

"Sorry," he said, closing his eyes and willing himself to concentrate on something else. I opened the door and got out. It was warm today, so I unzipped my sweatshirt and sat on the hood of the car as I waited for him. About two minutes had passed when he eventually joined me. "How's this?" he asked. I took a quick sniff of the air around me.

"Much better," I said, only able to smell his arousal slightly. With Dan in tow, I headed into the gym and approached the receptionist, a vixen with flowing red locks. I told her that I was here for the trainer's position and that Dan would be my test subject. I was sure I heard him mutter something under his breath, possibly about a physical examination he required.

"Okay, could you tell me your names, please?" she said happily as she picked up a clipboard and pen, which already had a few names written down on it.

"Of course. We're Luke and Dan Martin," I indicated each one of us with my paw. She looked at us with a slightly perplexed look.

"You're related?" Dan let out a slight nervous chuckle.

"We get that all the time," I said before Dan could let anything slip with his goofy laughter. "But no, we're not related." The vixen shifted her glance between us and her clipboard, writing our names on the paper.

"Well then, Mister Martin, Mister Martin," the receptionist glanced at each of us, "we actually won't get started with this until ten O'clock. These are your gym passes," she said, handing us two plastic white cards with 'VIP' printed across each one. "I just need you to fill in these forms," she explained, sliding two blank liability forms across the desk.

After filling them in, we opened the doors into the gym and were amazed. Outside, the building promised us a high-tech gymnasium, and we weren't disappointed. The machines were dotted with screens and buttons to track your progress. The walls leading towards the saunas and steam rooms were lined with walnut panels. The rest of the walls were covered in perfectly streak-free mirrors.

"This place is amazing, Luke," Dan remarked. When I glanced at him, I saw his eyes were fixed on a chocolate-filled vending machine. I struck his arm and was greeted with a startled look.

"Let's start off with some stretches," I said, leading Dan into an unoccupied corner of the room. He started to make some quip about last night, so I shot him a look and stopped him. "Dan, if someone finds out about us, we're screwed - okay?" He smiled. "What?"

"I'll tell you later," he sighed. His eyes looked into me and I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I'll tell you later, too," I returned.

After the stretching exercises, he and I ran on two treadmills, each of us matching the other's pace. However, I could tell that Dan was quickly running out of steam. Part of this trial involved seeing how physically capable we could get our clients. "Okay, pup, let's stop," I said, turning mine off. He didn't need telling a second time, and instantly brought the runner to a halt. When he was getting off the machine and rested his head between his knees, I worried that he was going to be sick.

"I'm fine, Luke, really." The look of concern on my face must have been obvious, which made me chuckle. A tiger wearing a tight red polo with the gym's logo embroidered on the front blew a whistle.

"Guys, I'm looking for all the candidates for the trainer's position. Over here!" His voice was just as sharp as the whistle he was using. I patted Dan on the back as he picked up a blue towel and patted his face down with it. We were the first ones over to the tiger, followed by a few others. I hadn't looked how many there were behind me, but I could tell it was a lot. This was going to be a tough position to get. "All right, guys welcome! My name's Tom and I'm going to be sorting out which of you becomes our new trainer. Your trial subjects will be tested in three week increments to track their progress; whoever does best will get the job. Any questions so far?"

Silence fell for a moment. The tiger looked at the clipboard the receptionist had written our names on earlier.

"Okay, we have... Scott Dixon?"

"Yep," a cheetah to my left shouted out. The tiger gave him a smile and I felt like giving up there and then. It felt like he would show favouritism towards his feline friends.

"Andrew Moore?" An otter with a black streak of hair confirmed his presence. "Luke Martin?"

I nodded my head and smiled. "That's me, Tom." I got the dirtiest look from the tiger imaginable. Obviously, he wasn't the type of boss who enjoyed first-name terms. His lip sneered as he wrote something on the clipboard.

"Pippa Fitt?" A female leopard with bold red hair smiled and raised her paw. With a name like 'Ms. Fitt', I was sure she would get the job of being a gym trainer. "Ryan McGill?" A panther wearing a baggy red sweatshirt and black jogging pants. "Steven Edwards?" There was no response, so the tiger glanced around before crossing his name off the list. "Okay, next one," he fumbled to read the receptionist's writing, "something Mason, anyone here called Mason?"

"That's me," a voice said. I turned around as he confirmed his name.

"It's Al," the coyote said. "Al Mason."