The Apprentice, Book 1a

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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#1 of The Apprentice

Apprentice Book 1 - M/m, Caressing/Oral/Anal/Masturbation - May 04, 2007

By Afril

(cl) 2007 The Gay Furry Association

Tama and his Apprentice, Book 1

(Apprentice 1 to 5 with additions)

Version 1.2 - Typos caught by CatWeasel

Chapter 1 - A dusty rabbit

'Rornes, Crafter' is what the sign said. The young rabbit screwed up his courage, opening the gate and walking up to the door. It was beautiful in it's simplicity and he very much wanted to learn how to make such doors. How to shape wood.. Actually, Any work would do, Long as he could make coin to give to his parents. But woodworking was a quiet desire - Quiet because there was no way he could pay to learn. An uncle told him about apprenticing.. So he had walked to the town. Walked down the lane. To this door.. All in hopes that he might be able to talk the one who lived here into taking him on. It meant so much to the family... Sighing, he touched the knocker, caressing the metal. Then lifted it and let it fall, striking the plate, hearing the sound echo inside the house. Shivered.. It had taken all he had to just do that simple task. He didn't think he could repeat it - Not even if it meant going to the The House of Twin Moons.

The House would hire him.. They liked their 'Guests' on the young side. Or so he had heard often enough. 'Be good or we will sell you on the Street of Desires.' Gods forbid! He was of age to be apprenticed, and with 11 siblings he had to find someone willing to take him in. Waited several lifetimes.. Noticed a rope with a brass sign - 'Pull Rope for Service.'

Dared he? Da said, 'Theys can only kills ya once.. Ans ye can always return ta us, ya knows.' If the male said No - Perhaps he knew of someplace else the rabbit could go. But no matter what, He would get Da money. Whatever it took. Reached up and tugged it.. Almost jumped out of his pants when a bell sounded deep in the house. Stood straighter as footsteps came closer and closer.. Then the door moved.

"What do you want?"

The fox looked out onto his short but well-kept yard, cross as he was vexed by a stubborn turning that would not take no matter how much he cursed it. And found a urchin, barely dressed in some rag. Obviously male and obviously frightened. Nothing was broken or amiss that he could see.. Besides, Urchins never hung around to get punished.

"Yes?" he inquired of the ragamuffin.. Wrinkled his nose at the faint reek of ammonia coming from the youth. "This isn't a public urinal Boy.." Then thought better of it. He wasn't angry at the Lad, just the intrusion.. At that damnded oak newel that would splinter and chip if he looked at it crossways. Reached down and gently rubbed the dusty headfur, curiosity getting the better of him. Messengers came in all sizes and shapes..

"I am not going to bite... Now - Breathe and tell me why you have come to my door."

Rand gulped in air, winced as a drop of urine stained his shirt - Blast! He was Barely of age. Still young enough to pee when scared out of his wits.. Wanted to growl at the headrub.. Swallowed a dry breath. Thought of his siblings.. Hoped he didn't embarass himself further.

"I.. I came to see if Sir was needin' an apprentice. I.. I always wanted to be learnin how to make doors and chairs and such.. If it pleases Sir." Anything.. Anything was better than packed earth, dust and heat.

Green eyes stared into soft brown ones. Well.. "And what if I Don't need an apprentice?"

The bunny hadn't thought that far ahead.. Blinked. Wrung his hands and lowered his head. Swallowed again. He wouldn't cry.. He was of Age, Not a child. Adults didn't cry... Whispered, "The Street of Desires.."

Tama's ears twitched.. Did he say - The lad was much too young for That Place. Huffed. Reached a finger down to lift the trembling chin. Well - The fox could use someone to fetch things, keep the glue pots wet and such. Besides.. How could one say no to that face. Sighed.. 'You are going soft in your old age. But he is cute..'

"Alright.. But on a test basis only."

Gods, Look at him shine.. Got the rabbit inside, and sighed again. Dirty, scrawny.. Perhaps with enough work he might make a manageable assistant, And if not... He Is cute. Stop thinking with your nuts..

"Apprentices get one copper per week - Minus breakage. A place to sleep, 2 meals - *Ahem* 3 meals a day.. Now - Off with that rag first.. Then a bath, And..."

Without any more thought than the wind, Off came the shirt, showing a very sexy rump with a cute tail that waggled a little under the predator's gaze. The fox found himself dry-mouthed, the tip of his canine penis pushing his apron out. Gods! Long legs rode that ass he wanted to nuzzle and bite, Caress and hump, Tickle and tease.. The lad half-turned, showing he was indeed male - White from chin to crotch, brown everywhere else, with a cute nutsack that would be a pawful when he got older. How could anything so adorable be so damn hot!

Rand stood a moment, feeling the gaze wander over him. Privacy was non-existant in his hut, And bathing was done with several of his siblings. For some reason the green eyes made him feel strange. Warm.. Especially between his legs. He blushed slightly, trying to remember what little he knew about being apprenticed.. Saw as well as smelled the rut and shivered.. He barely came up to the male's shoulders - An older male, Who probably knew all about sex and other mysteries that he could only guess at. And maybe teach a young rabbit?

"A bath.. With yourself, Sir?"

Caught for a moment, Tama had to shake himself.. "Bath.. Ahem.. Yes. Get rid of that dust.."

Took a step. Another.. Found his paw on the furry cheek, squeezing it. Felt the muscles move against his palm.. Definitely needed some padding, but Gods even skinny as it was just touching it made his balls swell. Got a soft giggle from it's owner.

'Gods, When did I have time for a lover after.. After... No. We had sex but He wasn't a lover. So, Never.' Patted it, feeling the tail wiggle under a thumb. Half pushed, half-guided the dust-bunny to the bathing room, showed him how to fill the tub, where the soap was, and scrub-brush.

"Thank you Sir.."

Rand had to stand in his toes to kiss the fox, a soft lip-press of gratitude. But it felt good and he wanted it to last much longer than it did.. However the water wouldn't stay warm forever. Even so he needed a hand to get in it. His gasp of pleasure was loud enough to drown out the softer moan from the fox watching that so sexy leg slide into the water. Bit his lip - As much as he wanted to toss the apron off and jump in the tub, that oak post wouldn't turn itself.. Sighing, he patted the cute bunny's head and walked out. Who was having a hard time trying to remember what he was doing himself..

That so beautiful tail. That so sexy rump. Did it lift enough to show a flash of white between the legs? His dick popped erect, wanting attention as well. But it wasn't polite to spill his seed in the water.. Just like it wasn't polite to piss in it. Kits did that.. So he washed, trying his best not to moan as he worked the brush on his feet, his legs.. His chest and face, ducking it in the water.. His back, wishing the fox was there to help.. No! One touch and he would be spurting all over that russet fur.

No matter what he thought he smelled or thought he felt from the caress - He wasn't going to give the male any reason to toss him out the door. He needed this. Food was never in abundance and news of something called 'Taxes' that they didn't have. He knew Ma cried over it.. That was what had made him come here. Would make him do whatever it took to stay in this house. To learn.. And a whole copper! Scrubbed extra hard to get the dirt from his fur, only gasping a little as he worked his nuts and sheath over. Go down, Blast you! Sighed and finally got out. Dried himself as best he could. The cooler air was a shock and somehow he managed to get everything tucked in and at least a little better presentable. Padded to the back, looking at the huge bed. It felt soft and warm and smelled of cedar. Didn't see a cot or pallet, but even the wood floor was better than dirt.

Heard a growled curse and quickly returned to the main part of the house, Followed the sound down a hall to a workshop. There his Master was slowly turning something that would be beautiful.. It was beautiful now, as far as he was concerned. Almost as beautiful as that red ass that moved as he watched it... With a growl, the male tossed a tool on the floor, glaring at the wood. Without a thought, Rand ran to pick it up - Metal was scarce as Hen's teeth, let alone something that was obviously crafted. Held it with reverence..

Tama was going to let another growled curse go, but stifled it when he noticed someone beside him. Someone smelling of male and clean with a hint of rut than made his tail bush a little. He dared a glance.. The white was much more pronounced now.. As was a pair of pink nipples poking from the thin chest. The hands held his tool, turning it as if it was some holy relic and not a bane.

"It is a gouge - Number 4. See how it gouges a ring in the wood?"

Well, it would if the damn wood would cooperate! Gods! To see that cute face light up, to watch him almost drop the heavy tool as fingers brushed the turning. He took it, worried about toes and feet not his own, putting it in it's place. Watched the brown eyes follow his movements, taking in all the tools of his trade. Had he ever been so young? So filled with wonder at so many new things? Once perhaps. A noise made him flick an ear, red staining the long brown ones beside him.

"When did you eat last?"

Fingers gripped the flat stomach as if to silence it. He was never that skinny. Took his apron off, and put it on a peg. Felt the gaze slide across his paunch and lower.. Almost laughed. Young, Virgin.. Maybe not totally? Shook his head. He was getting soft.. Taking in strays off the street. Slapped the sexy ass lightly.

"Well? Have you forgotten how to speak?"

Rand stifled a moan as the strong paw squeezed his butt. Eat? It was all he could do not to reach out and grab that double pawfull of white sack. That short but fat sheath.. Much like his but so different.. And so much bigger. His stomach rumbled again and he blushed..

"This mornin' Sir.. Afore I left to find ye. Cold turnip soup. Same as we always have."

He put his head down, somehow ashamed that his family was poor. The paw slid up his back and rubbed his ears.. "I think we can find something more than that.. Ick! I smell. Go to the kitchen and put water on for tea.."

Rand inhaled deeply, thinking his new Master smelled very nice - Hot male, Honest sweat. He had no idea what putting water on meant, but another light swat got him up on his toes and not leaning towards the crotch he so wanted to explore with fingers and tongue and muzzle. A few moments of instruction got him on his way, almost giggling as he felt eyes watch his rump bounce as he walked off to the kitchen area. But Adults didn't giggle, Did they? Found the kettle and a bucket and a dipper. Filled the former, putting it onto a large metal hinge. Swung it onto the fire that seemed too low. But there was no wood nearby. Went back to the bathing room and stood in the doorway, just staring at the male. Such a big, beautiful rump.. Such a large body.. Gods!

The fox turned, a semi-limp cock hanging from it's furred holder, swaying as it's owner moved. A pink tongue slid over dry lips.. Wide brown eyes staring. A cough brought sense back to the lad, who stuttered why he had come, still staring at that fox-dick as if to know every vein by heart.

"It's Master Rornes.. Scraps will be in the bin marked as such.. You do know how to read."

Another stammered reply, with that hard stare undiminished. The fox grinned, stepping a little closer. "No fire means no supper.. And I hate to go hungry - I might even be inclined to eat You."

Look at those ears burn.. You would like that, Virgin rabbit? Teeth pressed into your so cute ass? Fingers squeezing your hot balls? *Proing* Damn! The eyes widened it that was possable. A soft whisper about the Street of Desires... Tama growled, getting those eyes off his erection.. Just.

"Wood. Tea. Supper. Or should I get another apprentice?"

Watched that sink in.. Then genuine fear showed in those too wide eyes. Then it was Yes, Ser, and Sorry, Ser.. And Please Ser.. All in a rush of butchered language. And even with all that those hot eyes gazed longingly at his crotch for a moment more.. Then there was an outline in the air of a fleeting male. He knew about the Houses on the Street of Desires, and who was in them. Old enough to Suck, Old enough to Work. Shook himself. Thought about the britches hanging in the closet.. And how much they made him itch. Then laughed.. He was getting this upset because a young buck wanted to stare at his cock? There was a day when he would have bedded the male before supper. And after.. He Was getting old.

In the mean time the rabbit was pulling a splinter from his palm, and trying not to cry or curse.. Scraps indeed! But he braved the pain long enough to get an armful and back to the kitchen with not so much as a thought to Hunky foxes and their so tempting cocks. Found his Master already there taking the kettle off, and motioning him to put the wood in a basket. Then bade him sit and watch as things came out of cupboards - Good cups and utensils made from silver and.. He did cry then.. His family made do with wooden bowls and spoons. Handed down shirts and slept in a pile to keep warm when the fire went down. Strong fingers pushed a cup into his hands.

"Sugar in the bowl.. And I think Honey with the bread. Tomorrow we can shop for Jam."

A kiss sweeter than either stopped the waterworks for the sheer surprise of it. A deeper one made him moan softly, the tea forgotten as he dared touch the soft furred cheek. Then he blushed as the fox growled about burned stew and apprentices shouldn't be so damn hot.. Managed a sip - It didn't quite make his hair stand on end.. Not Quite. A spoonful of sugar.. He could get used to it. Then there was a bowl of hot food and a couple of pieces of bread with honey and he managed to say his graces with head bowed.. Meaning every word of thanks. Ate slowly, savoring every spoonful and bite. Politely inquired if he may have a little more.. And almost cried again as he got his bowl filled a second time, a crust big as his hand given with it. Took the foxes hand and kissed it with joy, getting a growl and a gentle cuff on the side of his head.

Tama thought the stew a bit thin, but watched the lad eat as though he was dining at the Dukes table.. Seconds? He would dump the pot in front of the rabbit and let him eat until he was sick! Reached over and rubbed the bulging belly, laughing softly. Enough, or perhaps another piece of stale bread.. Then the kiss on the back of his hand... Tomorrow they were going to Market, Damnded the cost! A half-cup of mulled wine and the lad's lids were barely open. The sun was down, and it was enough for now.. Bunny had probably walked most of the day to get here.. On Turnip Soup? He shuddered. Again felt the frame of skin stretched on bone. Perhaps 2 coppers a week.. One for his purse and one for his parents.

Went to get a pallet of straw and a blanket from the storage, placed it near his own bed. Got some coals for the small fireplace, fetching the lad at the same time. Squeezed the cute butt again, feeling the bunny lean against him, barely able to walk. Got him bedded and got the fire banked to take the chill from the room. Got a sleepy, "Thank you Sir.." and another kiss than thrilled him clear down to his toeclaws. Sat, looking at the male sleeping, watching every twitch and wriggle.. Got another cup of wine before he could find sleep. It wasn't fair, how damn hot that rabbit was!

Chapter 2 - Blessings and curses usually come wrapped in the same package.

Tama woke half-muzzy as someone was saying 'Sir', and gently shaking him.. Wha? Oh.. The lad. A paw touched icy fur.. He was freezing!

"Get in here!" He growled, tossing the covers aside. Damn fool rabbit.. Didn't even know enough to restart the fire. Don't do.. Cold paws wrapped around his waist, cold nose pressed against his chest. Cool belly pressed to hot groin. Gently laid the covers over the thin frame. Reached down and gave the cute butt a firm squeeze. Got a wriggle, but the lad was already deep in slumber. Sighed and looked at the ceiling.. Then at the ears barely visible above the covers. Gave them a kiss and snuggled the warming body against his.. And squeezed that delectable ass again.

Woke again to an aching hard-on and something fuzzy-warm pressed against it. Oh-No.. Oh yes.. The lad had his dick trapped between two furry pillows of rump and was wriggling every now and again, making soft noises whenever his dripping head pressed against the pink ring under the leaf-shaped tail. A nice length of red flagpole waved from the white fur as the rabbit slid his leg along the foxes, one hand trapped between his two, snuggling it.

The bunny *Stretched* and he damn near came all over the lad's hot ass.. And what did the cheeky devil do? Kiss the palm of his hand..

"Mornin Master Rornes.."

Push that bony back against his chest, squeeze his cock and lay there as if nothing was happening. Well... Nothing Was happening. Apart from being rubbed and caressed and wanting to pound some rabbit ass.. He reached down with his free hand and swatted said rump. Bit one of the long ears gently.

"If you want Morning Meal, you will have to get up.. Since someone can't light a fire. Ah.. No excuses, I like laying besides you as much as you are enjoying it.. But lying abed doesn't make coins come to our purse either. Now up."

And up they got, yipping against the cold floor, the cold air. Rand got to watch his Master use the water pot, then used it himself.. Saw what a match was and how to make it spark.. Thought to himself this was what he should be doing while Master was still in bed - Getting things ready. And next time he would. But it was soo nice to lay in that soft bed with a hard prong digging into his rear.. Helped put water into 2 kettles this time - One for tea and one for the bath. Tama patted the sexy butt.

"What would you like with your tea.. Maybe some sticky buns?" Look at those ears burn.. "After we wash.. We will have to get you some proper clothing.. Can't have you running around like that in the Square. Speaking of clothing.." He checked a calendar on the wall. "Cleaning Maids comes tomorrow - I suppose I will have to teach you how to make the bed as well."

Look at him.. Trying not to ask but so wanting to.. "Water is hot. Off to the bath with you, Young Apprentice." Another swat got the lad moving.. And the fox followed with a kettle of very hot water. Showed the bunny how to fit the stopper, how to mix the water until it was Just Right. And got in with him.. To scrub his back, never mind any other reasons.

Rand almost moaned when those strong hands worked his back over, getting on his knees and gripping the tub-end when they slid to his rump.. Squeezing and kneading and he was going to explode.. Until the cold water got dumped on his head. Aaaaa! He shook and sputtered.. Then turned to glare at the fox. Except his eyes kept sliding to the pink pole that waved at him from the white crotch..

"My turn Sir? To wash, I mean."

The fox nodded and turned, giving him an eyeful of russet butt.. And the kettle went off. It wasn't fair! The fox stood and shook a little and went off to fix it, Stating that it may be too heavy for a young lad. So Rand finished his bath and dried, and waited.. The fox returned and finished washing, the water a little cool.. But he didn't mind, having a hot naked rabbit to look over. Got out, allowed the lad to help him dry off.. Seems he couldn't keep his hands off the foxes tail. It was so big and fluffy and caressable.

"Alright.. I guess nothing is going to get done until you get it out of your system.. Touch it."

The rabbit looked confused.. Then shy. "Is.. Is you Sure sir?"

"Are you. Are you sure, and while I am not completely, I want Food. Then I will have to get into those horrid pants and coat and all That entails and I can't put them on like this. So touch it."

Rand licked dry lips and leaned closer, trembling as he reached out to grip the erection in front of him. Felt the warmth of the skin, the veins throb, the stickiness of the liquid that seeped from the tip. From pointed head to knobbed base his fingers caressed it all. So much like his, but so different.. Giggled as fingers tickled the back of his neck.

"You like that I gather.. Now listen Boy - You have a name, I can't keep calling you Boy or Lad..."

"Rand Sir.. And yes, I like touching you a lot, Thankee.."

Tama shivered.. Both from the stroking and the broken words.

"Thank You, not Thankee.. And I give you warning - If you suck, you swallow. No making a face or pulling back at the last minute. All of goes down your throat.. Heavens knows you could use the extra protein."

The rabbit stopped, startled.. Looked up at the fox.. Then gently kissed the head.. Engulfed it, shoved it halfway down his gullet, trying not to gag.. Sucking, swallowing, trying to breathe.. Trying to pull the hard meat out by the roots.. Anything to get the fox off.

"Hey! Watch the teeth.. Oh Bugger my Aunt!"

Streams of hot liquid shot down Rand's throat as he sucked and stroked.. Pulling back long enough to gulp in air scented with fox-rut, making his own body shudder. More pooled on his tongue as he lashed it over the pulsating cock, tugging, squeezing, sucking with a will.. He dared a quick squeeze on the fat balls, wanting them emptied into his mouth. And got his wish..

The rabbit gently bobbed his head on the maleness, getting only sweet pre. Which he drank as greedily as he had the semen that had come before. It was strong, acrid, even starchy.. But still not as bad as that first sip of tea yestereve. Now he could enjoy the feeling of the taut skin in his mouth and under his fingers. Of spicy scent that filed his nostrils, and made him want to bury his nose in the thatch of fur. He wanted to be on his knees and suck on his Master's dick forever... But despite all he could do, it slowly shrank back into it's holder, which he kissed. Nuzzled the now smaller testes in their sack.

"Thank you Master.."

Damn! Tama was holding onto sanity by the slimmest of threads, and to the doorway with a death-grip. He meant to scare the lad.. Maybe get a quick stroking and get on with the rest of the day. Instead he got a starving wastling who emptied his nuts so well, he might not see an erection the rest of the week!

"You did very well.. Now I really want some tea. But.." He knelt and touched the bobbing dick jutting between the lad's legs. "I think this needs to be cleaned out first."

Scarcely had he slipped it between his lips than the rabbit's hips buckled and the sweetest cream he had ever tasted flowed in a river down his tongue. The fox swallowed, savoring the feeling, the smell.. Again and again the cannon fired it's load, helped along by strong fingers caressing the lad's scrotum, teasing it to empty itself. Another squeezed and rubbed the quivering butt, tickling the puckered hole.. Rand passed out somewhere about his seventh orgasm, long past the ability to give what the wickedly talented tongue and muzzle demanded. Nothing came out of the pulsating erection, much as it tried.

With one last flick of his tongue, Tama lifted the boneless body and put it to bed.. But not before taking measurements.. Of course some may ask what biting the hot ass several times measured, but the rabbit didn't ask, and the fox didn't explain. Then it was dress and growl and grab a purse and off to Market. An apron of strong linen to keep splinters and chips from sensitive areas. A couple of pants for times when modesty must reign.. And even then they would show off the sexy butt very well. Sections of cheap wood for practice - The rabbit had to start on something. And a cartload of vegetables.. Along with milk to be delivered every morning. Cold Turnip Soup was not going to be a staple in His House!

Returned with his purchases to find the kettle back on, the bed if not made well at least spiffed up, and a sexy bunny doing his best to wrestle with a broom. The fox put his purchases on the counter and watched the so hot butt wriggle and shake as the lad did his best to push what grime did exist up the hall and towards the back door.

"And will you do the same for the workshop?"

Down went the broom and the fox oofed as a rocket of fur pounced on him.


Kisses rained on his muzzle, arms hugging him tightly. He had to laugh at this bundle of energy that not two bells ago was out cold. Reaching in for a package he pushed into the rabbit's hands with instructions to try the contents on and to meet him in the shop. A shy look melted his heart yet again, and a soft kiss then the lad was off to the workshop. Never had a crown been spent so well. Removing his clothing, he tossed all the old stuff out of cupboards and tins and the cold box, replacing it with fresh food. Made 2 cups of tea, and brought it with the everyday sugarbowl to the back.

There, standing as if a prince, was the rabbit with his apron on.. Untied, on wrong.. But he was as proud as he could be. The fox laughed, straightened and tied it, playing with the sexy butt. Bent to nip it, getting a shiver and a giggle. Stood and nuzzled the long ears, getting more giggles. Gave a long hard stare to the oak newel that still sat on the lathe. But it could wait.. Started by showing the bunny every tool, naming it and what it did. Let him take a piece of scrap and gouge, plane, cut and saw on it until he was sure the lad would keep all his fingers.. But still kept an eye out as he tried to cajole a few more lines out of the post.

The midday bell came with a pair of aching backs, and some sly looks at naked rumps. But they sat and ate sandwiches made from fresh bread with butter. Then back to it, Rand being shown how to gather the scraps and strips and shavings without getting splinters everywhere. Got instructions on how to add water to the glue pots and regulate the fire under them. Even that blasted oak post allowed itself to be gouged, A small hand held by a larger one.. And both very proud of that small valley. A few more projects got done - Inlays and cutouts glued in with a rag that used to be a shirt wiping the excess.

The evening bell tolled, and two furs stretched and groaned.. And grinned at each other as they tossed aprons on pegs, a young butt being patted and squeezed while an older nutsack was caressed and kissed. Kettles boiled water for a slow soak, both of them content to just lay for a while, Long ears nuzzled in retaliation of a cute butt wriggling against a swelling sheath. A salad sufficed for supper, washed down with cold cider. The pallet was put up, the rabbit kissing his Master and lover deeply.

"Thank You ever so.. Sir."

Tama blushed for the first time in who knows when, slapping the cute butt. "Water Pot then to bed. Tomorrow we wear pants. Company is a coming, and We have deliveries to make."

The rabbit didn't want to let go of the foxes sheath that held so much promise.. But got in a kiss before padding off, wriggling his rump without thinking about it. Hot, sexy, cute.. The fox gave thanks to whoever put the scamp on the path to his door. Paying Day was 2 sunrises off.. Maybe an early present? Then the lad was back with hot kisses for his balls and hotter caresses on his sheath, his chest, finding foxes have nipples also. Another gentle swat on that so sexy butt got a giggle and a bunny sliding in the covers. Tama shook his head, went to use the pot himself, filling the chamber from an oak bucket. Wound the hall clock (One of his first major projects. A few flaws kept him from selling it but it sufficed in his modest home), and slid next to the male stifling a growl as the youth immediately shoved his rump into his Master's crotch, rubbing and wriggling until a hard throbbing erection was dripping against the brown furred backside.

Fingers gripped it, gently tugging it between the too thin cheeks, caressing it lovingly. A brown eye looked over a bony shoulder at the uncomfortable fox, head turning to steal a kiss.

"When Sir? If I may ask.."

Another, deeper kiss.. "When what, you sexy little scamp.. I think if I wake early enough you can have my cock in your muzzle. But only if I wake early enough.."

The long ears mottled and the sexy butt wriggled again, fingers rubbing the tip, coming away sticky with pre. "I mean.. When.. When will you make me your female..."

Rand wished he had bitten his tongue watching the shocked expression on the foxes face. He removed his hand and lowered his head to the pillow, fighting tears. At best he would be switched for his stupidity.. At worse he would be tossed out on his rear.. And then it would be the House of the Twin Moons... A sob fought it's way out of the hard-pressed muzzle, and another.. And then he was turned over, a paw touching his cheek where tears matted the fur.

"Beat me Sir.." He blurted out, "Make me sleep on the floor.. I will just be an apprentice, Not look , Not touch... But please don't kick me out! Please..."

Tama did growl then.. Grabbed the rabbit by the scruff and shook him. "Do you want to be tossed out with nothing on but your fur? Do you?"

Got a wild-eyed head shake.

"Do you want to be beaten? Switched? I don't have any switches but a leather strap will do.."

Paws covered the bony rump, eyes still wide and tear-filled.

"Do you want to sleep with me in a soft bed, or on the floor on a hard pallet.."

The bunny sniffled and put his head on the foxes chest.. Yeeped as his butt got swatted.

"You are my apprentice. You will stay in this house and sleep in this bed until I say otherwise. Understand?"

A soft "Yes, Sir.." made him growl again, and swat the sexy butt when the lad stiffened. Lift the trembling chin with a finger. Kiss the soft lips.

"Now, as to sex.. I am not a young, randy Buck who wishes to hump all day and night, despite what my dick may think.. And I said In The Morning, You may please me, Did I not?"

A much chastised "Yes Sir.." Muffled by another, longer kiss.. A finger traced the little puckered tail-hole, making the bunny stiffen and moan into the foxes mouth.

"As to the other.." *Tap* went the finger, causing the ring to flex closed then open.. "Perhaps after Paying Day.. If you do not bother me about it. If you do as you are told. If.." Damnit!

The rabbit was hugging him and crying on his chest. Words came to his twitching ears.. Taxes and siblings and.. Eleven of them? Greater Gods! And selling his rump on the Street of Desires.. And other such worries as a small rabbit might have. Tama turned onto his back, holding the young male, blinking as he stared at the ceiling..

"Blessings and curses usually came wrapped in the same package."

A very wise male had said that of Him once.. He tossed the covers off and sighed. Slid the lad off him as well.

"Come with me.."

Lit a candle and taking the lad by the hand, walked to the main room. Opened the desk in the corner and took two copper pennies from the various stacked coins. Put them in the rabbit's hand. Who looked up at him with wide eyes.. Then knelt and kissed his scrotum.. Put the coppers on the floor so he could caress them, slipping the pointed tip between his lips, his other paw caressing a leg, moving to grip the bushy butt. Tama growled, opening his muzzle to yell at the rabbit's daring.. To whimper when the lips slipped from his cock, the lad looking up at him.

"Da says only to take what you earn.. And I haint earned anything yet. Not near as much as that no how.. I know you said In the Morning.. and I shall - Every Suns-rising and Suns-setting until I have earned these coins."

Jiggled the furry nuts, kissing the dripping tip so softly and lovingly while still looking into the startled green eyes. Then the brown ones closed and down went the head, ears quivering as the rabbit gently sucked on the length, bobbing his head, caressing the throbbing meat with his tongue. Fingers rolled the testes in their holder, now both hands caressing and combing the fur.

The fox could only stand and groan as he felt the spark run up his spine.. Fool! Damndable stubborn pride.. Gripped the long ears, rubbing them, then down to squeeze the shoulders as his hips arched, orgasm making him moan and go blind for a long moment.. Butt pressed to the desk, crotch pressed to the damp face. Felt the hot mouth tug on his cock, warm breath stir his fur, fingers cradle his aching balls. Shivered as the rabbit swallowed, the tongue scraping his too-sensitive head. Managed to rummage a small purse from a drawer, and hand it to the young male. Who took it, put the coins in it.. And all the while kept the still erect meat cradled along his tongue. And probably would have all night if Tama hadn't gently lifted the lad's head, took the purse, got a cloth to wipe his face, a cup of water for them both..

Guided the half-asleep bunny back to the bed. Slipped into the covers, and sighed as the rabbit snuggled to him, rubbing the bony rump, Wondering what he had gotten when he opened that door yesterday. A soft kiss on his chest made his murr.. A sexy hot male who while as cheeky as green wood, was also too damn cute to stay mad at. Squeezed the too thin butt again.. Kissed the head snuggled against his chest.

'What am I going to do with you?'

Chapter 3 - Wash Day

Tama woke with a moan and soft lips wrapped around his erection. Slow, long sucks combined with gentle caresses on his nuts had him blasting his seed into the hungry lad's muzzle much too quickly.. For Rand. The rabbit very much enjoyed feeling the cock throb and flex in his mouth, and wished it to stay hard so he could lick it and kiss it and suckle on it... Sighed as a gentle reminder of the days work ahead made him nod.. And bob quickly, getting a second muzzleful of cream.

And not until the knobs went soft as the shaft did he let it slip from his lips, back into it's white-furred holder. That got a soft kiss, as the rabbit slid up to hug the panting fox, Nuzzling the nipples that stuck out of the furry chest. Giggling as his Master moaned. He had no idea how long he must work to earn those 2 copper pennies, but if it meant taking the foxes cock in his mouth every bell he would do so.. And willingly. Got a swat on his rear, and softly kissed the older male. Yeeped at the cold floor on his foot-pads, wriggling his rump as he made his way to the kitchen, putting on water for a bath and Tea. Returned to snuggle up to the warm body again, caressing the still plump sheath.

"Master Rornes.. You mentioned wearing somethin for when the maid comes - But I only have the apron you bought me.." Another debt to be worked off, another soft caress that brought a groan from it's owner.

"P.. Pants..." Panted into a long ear, followed by a yeowl as fingers rolled the white furred nut holders, a too hot tongue working his nipples, followed by kisses all over his chest and stomach. A quick paw gripped the rabbits ruff before the lad could get him hard yet again.. Still not quick enough to stop lips touching his cock-tip, peeking out in response to all the lust he smelled.

"Traitor.." He muttered, before lifting the male and kissing him long and hard.. Good - Let Him pant for a while. Swatted the bony rump, getting them both out of bed, and pulling the sheets, blankets and case off it. They reeked of hot male, and he wanted no gossipping female taking those sheets by themselves. Bundled with others the scent was muted down to a tolerable level.. Showed the rabbit how to make the bed properly.. Casing, then fitted sheet. Then a regular sheet, blanket and the comforter on top of it all. Took it off and made him redo it while the fox took the kettles off. Returned to nod at the shy male, grinning.. Grabbed his nuts, teasing the bobbing erection. Made the lad walk all the way to the bath that way.. Then knelt and swallowed it, squeezing the bony ass, swallowing every drop of so sweet bunny-cum the white balls gave him.

The way those cheeks gripped his fingers he may not wait until after Paying Day to take the lad's virginity.. Then again he may not be able to get hard again.. At least he hoped not to. All this sex was tiring.. If a lot of fun. Dumped the rabbit into the tub, poured water on him, stirred it with a paw and jumped in himself. Washed the sputtering male, getting gropes and squeezes in return. But they were both dried, the tub emptied, and presentably dressed when the maid rapped the knocker on the door.. Somehow managed to be.

The squirrel grinned at the males, smelling sex on both of them.. And all over the house - Along with the a musty, Too long shut in scent that had her chittering at the fox.

"Master Rornes.. I tell you and tell you. You shut the windows, you shut out all the good air. In Winter, ok.. But is not Winter. Is Spring. And a new lad? Past time you got help with your work.. You sit and sit and get fat. Now get - Both of you.." Held up a hand as her helpers came in with brushes and brooms and buckets.

"Don't touch the Shop. Don't re-arrange the canisters.. I Will dust the desk, Even if you growl.. So much dust you leave prints. And what your customers say? Say Marigola do no good work. Leave Dust. Out.. Not to return until Midday Bell. Unless you want to scrub floors.."

Tama laughed and kissed the squirrels hand, making her blush and fluff her tail out. "Yes, Mistress Marigola."

Put the little purse in Rands hand. "Come Apprentice - We have been ousted from our abode. Best not to upset her ladyship.."

Ducked a rag tossed at his ears. Pushed the lad in front of him, leaving the door open. Maybe she was right.. It was a little stuffy in there. Went around the side of the house to the shed, where a cart full of objects waited. Rand stood gaping at all the things.. Chairs and posts and ornate scrollwork.. Bigger pieces like tables and such the customer picked up - Or had delivered by wagon.. The fox was not an ox. Most of the items would go to the Millwright, who would add the finer pieces to their own workings, while a few would be taken to customers who wanted something special for a wedding or a birthing.. A child's desk and chair was well within his ability to create. But first, a Morning Meal.. With a rabbit who tried his best not to wolf down the sweetcakes pressed on him by the cartwoman who winked at the fox.

Gods, it would be all over Town by Midday Bell! Master Rornes had taken a boy under his care.. And where did he put it all? Paid for it, patting the rabbits rear. They both pulled the cart, even though Rand tried his best to do it by himself.

"Put some more muscle on those bones and I might let you.."

But let the lad unload it at the Millwrights. Master Pteh was spare with his kindness but paid in Silver. And rubbed the rabbit's head with a gentle roughness, grinning at the fox. Bout time he got an apprentice.. Maybe now those scrollworks and inlays and filigrees would come sooner than once a fortnight. The fox had a talent for making finery that eluded his best lads efforts. A few more stops and goods exchanged for coin. Then they sat on the now empty cart in the shade and watched people go about their lives. Hawkers told how great their ware were compared to a rivals. Guards walked in precision across the streets.


The rabbit turned to stare at a fisher who barely fit the ragged coat and trousers he wore. Jumped off the cart and ran to hug the male, making Tama a tiny bit jealous.. Which surprised him. Pulled the male over who bobbed in greeting.

"Master Rornes, This is Ohfl.. He works the second farm over from my Da's."

"Me Lord.." The fisher took his hand, making the fox start. Lord.. Him in his Second best pants and shirt. Watched the lad take out his purse. Press the coins in the males grubby palm, and the fishers eyes went wide, looking at the coppers.

"One to my Da.. And one for you for takin it to him.."

The male stuttered, trying to put the coins back in the rabbits hand.. Got the purse shoved in his hands instead. "Tell Ma to mend them holes in yer pockets.. I is Apprenticed to Master Rornes now. He keeps me well, and pays me better than he should. You tell Da now, Ok? I will sends all I can so he can pay what he owes.. And you tell Molli if she is good maybe She will get a new dolly. And Tamm and Bele... You tell Ma I got new pants by Master Rornes, and I will work hard for him, and pay him back as I can.. So no cryin, nor worryin.. You know how Ma is. Take care of yerself Ohfl.. Give the good Farmer Mees my wishes for a good harvest. Give Da the same.."

Hugged the fisher, tried not to cry. Returned to the cart, and waved to the male, who didn't quite run down the lane. Not quite.

"Mister Ohfl likes to drink now and again but he is good folk.. So Da says."

Tama held the rabbit's hand, and nodded.. How much went on around his little town he knew nothing about? The bell made him slide off the cart and start walking back home, looking over at his charge. When they got home, he was going to find out about dolls and dresses and taxes.. Mistress Marigola could ferret out what was needed - Discreetly. His own master had done no less for a young gay fox, Orphaned in a border war with only the clothes on his back and a desire to learn.

The badger had taken him in, taught him how to carve and how to work the lathe. Looked the other way when he found another male to love.. Not that it lasted long. Not a Lover, As he had to find out the hard way.. Left him enough gold to start his own business here in LaFaelt. Felt his ears warm when the rabbit smiled.. Could love still burn in his old heart? Or was it lust for the so young, so innocent male.. Maybe a bit of both. Only time would tell.

Chapter 4 - Gifts, Small and large

"I put the milk in the ColdBox, Master Rornes. Laundry is done, and if I may say - You need a new vest.. One with some gold thread. You is a Craftsman.." Grinned at the youth who blushed at the swat on his rear as much as the female.

"Dolls, Eh? For rabbits. Whats the Family's name? Ah.. Them I know of. Along with a dozen other families who works the lands for Farmers.. Such as they are called. Pah..."

Mistress Marigola took a dim view of those who lived on the sweat of others. Goosed the fox, who yeeped and found himself blushing..

"A silver extra and I will make sure they gets what they needs.. He is good stock, that boy is. You work him well, Feed him good. He be true to you.. Be good for a stupid fox sitting in the must and dark, Open some windows.. Get some curtains.. Burn less candles. Or not, and show off your hot naked male bodies to all who pass by.."

The squirrel took the coins and shooed the others out, but not before giving foxes rump a pat. He had a cute one.. Nice and round with enough padding to make it worth grabbing. Now he had a boy to take care of.. Someone to romp in the sheets with, If the smell was right. Someone to make food for and care after. Coins clinked in her apron pocket. And generous too.. She gathered her girls and walked to the next place, listening to them whisper. They could keep quiet as well as she could. Just let someone say bad of the fox - Mistress Marigola may be only a head taller than a yardstick, but her hands were hard as boiled leather..

Tama closed the door and swatted the rabbit's butt. "Not a word from you about this.."

Fetched a glass of milk for the lad, an ale for himself and made 2 sandwiches. Then peeled his clothes off, making sure they were folded and placed back in the closet.. Along with the smaller pair. Donned his apron, getting the fires lit under the glue pots and putting a broom in the rabbits hands.

"You want to pay me back? Clean.. I don't trust those gagglers in here. You know what is scrap, what is firewood and what is not worth keeping at least."

And sat at the lathe, pushing the treadle down, working the post bit by bit, using sanding scale and rasps to fine-tune the rounds and valleys, keeping an eye on the belt - It had a tendency to jump off the pulley if worked too fast. Stopped a moment and admired his work. It was as easy to overdo as it was to under do.. But this was Just Right. Took it off and added it to a set of 3 others, making sure they all looked the same. Grinned and kissed the startled rabbit.

"Put these in the cart, and put it in the shed. I think you may have brought me some luck, Lad.."

Whistled a snatch of something as he selected a few pieces for his apprentice to work on when he got back. Strips for inlay, blocks for cutting boards. Shaved pieces to steam-bend for borders and other needs. Waited for the rabbit to return to hug him. Patted the cute butt again. A quick peek out the door to find the cart in the shed and the doors closed. Went back in, giving the lad some wood, a small saw, and instructions on what he wanted done. Which wood to glue and in what order. Left the puzzled but happy male to go to his desk and get his order book.. Damn. Those posts had taken forever to finish.. Hmmmm - The usual batch of pieces for Master Pteh, A single table top to decorate.. Have to hire a wagon for that. A couple of easy days work.. Looked down the hall, grinning. So someone wanted to be his female, Did they?

What did he have that was slick.. Rummaged for oil, grease.. Something - Well. Not Axel Grease. It worked, but.. Yuk. Ah.. Some kind of.. *Sniff* Ugh. Oh yes. Sunderflower. A gift.. No way he was using that to cook with! But it could be used for Other things. Like lubing that damn squeaky treadle... Also good for making wood shine. Long as the cub washed after.. Heh, Long after if he got his knot in that hot ass.. Best to start small. Went back to see how the bunny was doing.. Doing quite well, actually. A few beginner mistakes but that was to be expected. Rubbed the lad's head, grinning.. Got one back with a glance at his crotch. Oh you will get it.. But you have to finish your work first.

Returned to the Kitchen, humming as he made up an Evening Meal as he had not in months.. Maybe not since last year. But then again last year he didn't have the rabbit to cook for. One last quick look.. Rand was doing fine. Hadn't cut off anything nor glued his fingers together. Showed the lad how to use a stone to do a rough sharpening on the saw.. Might make an Apprentice out of him yet! Marked a day on the calendar to get everything sharpened by an expert.. Some things are better off paying for. Finished his preporations.. Got the pot in the fire, the dough on the hearth. Now all he had to do was wait.

Rand finished gluing the last strips, putting them in a pattern.. *SniffSniff* something smelled very good. Almost enough to distract him from a problem.. It didn't look right. He tried another pattern.. Still didn't look right. He let the small fires die out. Better to restart them than to try and fix glue-pots boiled dry.

"Master Rornes.. It's not right."

The fox walked in, looked at the inlays.. Nodded. Dipped a finger in a water cup. Rubbed the 4 pieces. Placed them in the corners against a lighter block.

"Still need to be sanded, but this will give you an idea."

Raw as it was, it still looked pretty. The rabbit sighed, then giggled at the pat on his rear.

"Get cleaned up for Evening Meal." Both aprons went on pegs, both males washed their hands. The youth sat down, this time smiling as the cups and plates came out. Helped set the table.. Giggled as he sipped his cup of ale. Carefully put a piece of bread (Or whatever the lumpy thing was) on his plate, and took the bowl of stew from the fox. Spoke the Grace, and kissed his Master. Ate as slowly as a starving wolf.. Got seconds on everything. Burped and giggled, the ale making him light headed. Master told him to take the little pot to the bed, then make the bath ready.

Tama did the dishes, letting them dry on a rack he had made many years ago. Perhaps the rabbit could do one as well.. Always good to hone one's skills on easy things.. Got the lad in the water, grinning at the giggles and sloppy kisses and gropings as he washed both of them. Dried on clean towels that smelled of Spring air. Closed up the house, except for a few small windows.. It would be cool, but not cold. Returned to find Rand sitting on the bed, looking at the pot, a small fire already burning. Sober enough to be trembling.. And curious as to why the fox held a bowl in his hands.

"Master?" Paws tucked between legs, he looked at the fox, noting a glint in the green eyes.

"Still want to be my.. Female? Pah.. Lover. You will never be a female."

The lad giggled again and Blushed so fetchingly. Bit his lower lip, but nodded. Got up and leaned over the bed, legs apart, tail wagging and up to show the pretty pink hole that made the fox growl. Knelt to kiss it, making the boy shiver and moan softly. Push back against the hot lips, the warm tongue that teased him so. Was disappointed when it left, yiping when teeth bit his rump, quick nips that made his dick bob and sway between his legs. A finger touched his ring, slick and warm.. Pushed inside, making the rabbit flinch..

"It will hurt less if you relax.." Whispered in an ear, more nibbles along the fleshy length taking his breath away.. How was he supposed to relax! But somehow did.. Feeling the digit go deeper inside him.. Moaned loudly as it slid back and forth, touch places inside him that sparked lust and need and heat. It slid out, Much to his disappointment.. Only to be replaced by something much hotter, thicker and already dripping pre.

Rand squeezed the sheet with shaky fingers, wanting this so badly.. But also afraid. Buried his head to cover the scream as the pointed tip breached his anal-ring, pushing inside slowly.

'I am no longer virgin..' bounced around in his head, arching up as fingers found his erection, teasing the tip, pointing it at the cup on the bed. His rump waggled, as another inch was pushed in.

"Godssss..." he hissed, a deeper echo from the fox making his ears twitch. There was pain, but there was also heat, a burning itch that made him want to shove back until he could grind his cheeks against the so sexy ball-sack.

"Ma.. Masterrrr.." He did scream as fangs bit his neck, several feet of log plowed into his back-passage, making it stretch to accommodate the intruder, and cum exploded from his cock.. Every spurt made him squeeze the canine penis in his guts, squeeze and stroke and pull on it until with a muffled howl it spurted jets of heat into him. The feel.. The smell.. His knees buckled, held impaled by the pulsating cock, his own still jerking, adding to the puddle in the bowl. Part of him noted Master thought ahead.. Sticky sheets meant pulled fur. A small but well stoked fire would last long into the night so they wouldn't have to get up. The rest of him was shuddering, trying to coax one more inch in, trying to cope with the feelings..

Fingers wrapped around his balls, Fingers tweaking his nipples.. His back pressed against the strong chest, hands gripping what they could of the fox, which was mostly butt-fur. He moaned as the throbbing cock moved slightly.. Moaned louder into the hot mouth that smothered his, tongues flexing against each other. One last stroke on his cock and Rand fell on the bed, unable to do more than pant. Tama moved the bowl, and pushed his new lover farther in the bed, managing to get the lad and himself in it. Yipped as the rabbit squeezed him again, a hand rubbing his leg, a long foot caressing his toes. He nibbled on the long ears in retaliation, and felt the body stiffen.. Then go limp. Chuckled.

"Going to have to have more stamina than That if you want to keep up with me Lad.."

Famous Last Words! Caressed the heaving chest and stomach, licked the pre off his fingers, turned the head to kiss the closed eyelids, then panting muzzle.. Snuggled the limp body and fell asleep himself.

Chapter 5 - Paying Day

Rand awoke to aches in muscles he didn't know he had. And an urge.. Hastily moving his Master's arm, the rabbit kissed the still sleeping fox, and scrambled out of the bed. Ran down the hall to the Water Pot, groaning as he dumped quite a bit of sticky droppings in it. Moaned as the cool cloth tamed the burn under his tail. Blushed as he already wanted the fox cock in him again, his own stiffening as what happened last night came back in force. Flushed as he was taught, using a little water to wash his rump off.

Put the water on for Tea and bathing, snuck a bite of leftover bread.. It was a little chewy and burned in places but filled the belly. Returned to the bed, dipped a couple of fingers in the oil-pot, pushing then as deep as they would go under his tail.. Oh Gods! He almost came again just from the waggling and pushing.. He wiped the excess on his thighs and crawled in to lift the covers so he could gaze on his master's body. The so strong arms and chest, round belly, fat balls, and firm sheath he caressed as he lay his head his head on the fox, listening to him breathe, waiting for his Master to wake.. Hoping the day's workload might be a light one so he could hump his Lover..

A tear rolled down the cheek, wetting the white chest-fur. Lover. Not Slave or Toy. Master had called him Lover. Gently tugged the sheath down to kiss the pink tip, swirling his tongue around it, loving the feeling of it, watching it swell then closing his eyes, and with a giggle straddled it, rubbing it between his cheeks until it was full, and the knobs firmly holding back the sheath. He had to almost sit down, but it slid in easier this time, and the rabbit moaned quietly, not wanting to wake the fox.. At least not until he got it All inside.

Tama woke to something hot and way too tight wrapped around his dick. Fingers gripped it, and moaned grunts made his ears twitched. Groaned himself.. Damn fool! Opened his eyes to see the rabbit grinding his butt around, trying his best to get those last inches in.. Toes curled, lips bitten, sweat popping from the forehead he was determined to get it All.

"Hey.." he said softly, reaching up to caress the tear-streaked cheek. "Nobody does it all in one day. Not even rock-headed young rabbits. Is that the kettle I hear?"

The lad jerked, sighed.. Leaned forward to kiss the fox, let the hard-won inches slip from his rear. Squeezed the erection one last time then slid off the bed to walk a little crookedly onto the kitchen. Tama laughed and got up to help, Putting aside one pot and carrying the other to the tub. Stoppered it, poured and mixed and sat, eyes closing.. Until a hot ass plopped into his lap, his erection slithering into a hotter tail-hole. Growled.. Then sighed, snuggled the rabbit, wincing as his nuts complained about the butt mashing them. And about the abuse they had to endure over the last few days. Let them... They lay together like that until the water got too cold. The fox reached behind him and pulled the stopper. Nibbled on the long ears, getting the lad to giggle and move that too sexy butt.

"If you want Morning Meal, You will have to get up. And Work.. We can't just lay abed and expect people to drop coins in out hats.. Unless you want to go outside and let them watch."

Look at those cute ears turn red.. Reached around and tugged the warm rabbit dick, stroking it until the bunny arched, semen shooting all over the so sexy toes. Almost did himself as muscles gripped and squeezed his dick. Gently lifted his lover, attacking the so cute feet and toes, making the bunny screech and laugh, wriggling those toes in his muzzle. Slid his tongue up those so long legs, nibbling on Rand's calves.. Just because it made the lad shriek and giggle. Kissed the calves and sucked the nut-sack, pressing his teeth in, getting a gentle tap on his forehead as the rabbit-cock sprang back to fullness. Green eyes looked into half-lidded brown ones.

"Morning Meal goin to be cream, Ma.. Lover? Urf."

Tama kissed the rabbit, shoving him against the back of the tub. "You called me Lover."

The bunny nodded, and hugged the fox, kissing him again, moving his legs to slide them over the russet-furred butt, rubbing his dripping cock against the warm stomach, hands in the foxes headfur, kissing him. Sighed as the fox-dick softened and slipped back into it's holder. Kissed the so hot lips one last time..

"If my Lover wanted me on hand and knees in the front yard and for a penny a pitch passerby could watch you thrustin in me, I would do so.. Just we could lay abed and kiss like this. But 'tisnt My stomach that is growling.. And I don't think I can pop enough times to fill ye." Another soft kiss.. "But I would be a willin ta try."

Tama howled and nuzzled the giggling male. Got up and put the kettle back on the fire, stoking it up.. Hang tea! He would sup on his lovers kisses.. And bread. Brought both with a couple of cups of ale and thoroughly washed Rand's sticky body.. Nipping the pink nipples, teasing the sexy brown butt. They fed each other bits of bread, sips of ale and the occasional splash of water with the dipper until nothing remained. Toweled each other off and padded off to work past the Midday Bell, Swapping butt-grabs on the way to the wood pile or glue pots. A couple of chairs, a stout chest and even a breadbox took shape.

Evening Meal was sandwiches, more ale and they snuggled in bed, after a quick rinse to get rid of any dust. Tama murred and nipped his lover's long ears, swatting the wriggling rump that kept rubbing his crotch.

"Tomorrow is soon enough to continue your lessons, Young Apprentice Rand.."

And laughed out loud at the look the rabbit gave him over one sexy shoulder, leaning over to kiss the sweet, hot lips. "I am not a young todd nor a young rabbit.. I have to rest sometime. And that means no sex.. Mind if the need is too great, I don't mind watching your hot ass wriggle as you pump your dick."

Rand turned around and Hugged the fox tightly, kissing the soft chest fur. Tama chuckled, nuzzling the long ears. Heard singers and laughter.. Paying Day. The inns would be full, and heads would throb tomorrow. Kissed the rabbit's head, listening to him breathe. How did he get so tangled up in just 4 days.. The first of which he spent on a straw mattress on the floor. And now.. He couldn't think of Not having the lad in bed with him. Let his balls hurt, he would survive. Tipped the face up, kissing it.

"Sir?" the rabbit sleepily asked, Giggling as his butt was squeezed, wriggling it.. "Want me after all, Then?"

Was a little disappointed at the shake of the russet head. But only a little..

"Love you.."

Rand jerked up, staring at the green eyes. Blushed, but slipping his hands around the male, squeezed the sexy butt. Gently kissed the fox, then deepened it, stopping only long enough to whisper, "Love ye back.. Tama My Master, My Lover..."

Snuggled the fox, wondering what the days ahead would bring.. A painful butt, aching muscles.. Maybe an aching brain too? So much to learn!

"Tama.. Lover? What does ye want fer Morning Meal - Besides me, I means.."

Yeeped as his butt was swatted.. Giggling far too much for his liking. But as he kissed the fox again, thinking 'Maybe not..' Not when the male's eyes sparkled like that. Not when those fingers made his gasp and moan and want the male humping him, sleeping beside him, over him.. His ears twitched..


Tama shivered as the fingers dug into his rump, the brown eyes shining in the wan light of the fire. Praying Day came after Paying Day.. And not just because the priests called to the people to worship. Many would be Praying their heads didn't blow off their shoulders. Nuzzled the rabbit.. Lover - How wonderful it sounded. Morning Meal?

"Your sexy butt.. And whatever we can scrounge. First Day will come after tomorrow.. And we will go shopping again. I promised you Jam, Didn't I.. I can't promise it will be as sweet as you, However.."

So cute when you blush like that. Gods, I could fall in love with you all over again. "Sleep Sexy.. We have work to do."

End of Book 1

Addendum: Because I didn't write this with an outline, I wasn't able to hint about what happended in late chapters. But now I can. I can also add things to clarify ideas I had while writing that may have gotten lost in the rush to get my thoughts down. I hope you enjoy.. And Thanks Catweasel - Yes I do use '..' too much :)
