Living With Two Horny Dragoness 2

Story by DarknessDraco on SoFurry

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#1 of Living With Two Dragoness

Next morning, was a bright day for the three dragon's that are living together. Blaze woke up feeling refreshed from last night activity. He started to move around in his bed and started stretching his whole body. He looked around his room and doesn't see Diana and Crystal in his bed. All of a sudden he smelled breakfast coming from his kitchen, so he went to go look until he saw Diana and Crystal naked in his kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Well goodmorning handsome did you had a goodnight sleep?" Crystal asked while cooking some bacon and eggs. "Yes, and you know was the best night I ever had thanks to both of you" Blaze said smiling. "Well it looks like someone excited" Diana said while pointing at Blaze erection. "I can't help it because I see two of the hottest dragoness naked in my kitchen cooking breakfast" He explained. "Aww thank you and I hope you like your breakfast" Diana said. "You know Blaze... after we are done eating breakfast do you want to go for another round of sex huh?" Crystal asked with a seductive smile.

He stood there for a second and thought it over "Yes...yes we can do that, but if your down to be dominated in bed" He said with a evil gin. "Well we will see about that won't we" both dragoness said while winking at each other. They started to eat their breakfast that the girls made. Once they were finished their breakfast, the two dragoness cleaned up and Blaze went to his bathroom, but little did he know that Crystal and Diana were sneaking into his bathroom.

While Blaze was showering he heard a noise until it was too late that the girls open the curtains and scared him. The girls scared him and he fell in the tub knocking himself out. While he woke up he groaned and rubbed the back of his head and notice Diana and Crystal are giving him a blow job. "Huh...uh...uh my head" He said. "We are sorry Blaze we couldn't wait and can you forgive us?" both dragoness said. "'s okay but just give me a warning okay" He asked. "We will make it up to you by doing this" Diana said. "Wait...what do you mea-aaAAAHHH" He said.

While Diana has her muzzle over his shaft and Crystal has her muzzle all over his balls too. He was panting really hard because of the pleasure he was getting from the two dragoness. "Ah...oh...oh my god I think I'm going to exploide and it's going to be a BIG one too" He said trying to breathe. "Okay give it to me right now I want to taste your seed baby" Diana demanded. "HEY I want to taste too" Crystal cried. "OH MY GOD...I can't hold it any longer" He said. Once he couldn't hold it he shot a BIG load of dragon cum on both dragonesses muzzles and face. "Mmm Blaze you taste better than the last time" Crystal said while gulping down his seed. "Yes, you taste more sweeter than the last time" Diana said agreeing with Crystal.

"Well you girls are tastier" Blaze said with a chuckle. When they were done they cleaned themselves up in the shower. After they were done showering, they went to the living room to play "Call Of Duty Black Ops". "You girls can't beat the master on Black Ops" Blaze said. "Oh we will see who's the master right Crystal" Diana said. "Yes, we will see" Crystal said agreeing.

"What the hell...I got double teamed that's cheating" Blaze said. "We told you that your not the master" Crystal said with a smile. "Yeap, so you got to take us on a date" Diana demanded. "What we didn't make a deal" He said. "Well we just did right now ha ha ha ha" Crystal said with a big smile. "Okay...where do you want to go tonight?" He asked frowning. "Take us to a movie okay" Diana demanded. "Yes take us" Crystal agreed.

When tonight came Blaze took the girls to see a movie. "Okay what movie you girls want to see?" He asked. "Lets watch Transformers 2" Crystal asked. "Yes, lets go watch Transformers 2" Diana said agreeing. So, all three of them went to go watch Transformers 2 and once they were finished watching it they headed on home at night time when it was dangerous. While they walking home they got jumped by 5 people. 1 electric dragon, 2 bulls, 1 horse and 1 human. "HEY...what the hell is this and what do you want?" Blaze asked with a angry face.

"All we want is those two dragoness you have with you" Electric Dragon demanded The Leader. "HELL TO THE NO...over my dead body" Blaze shouted with a angry face. "Well that could be arranged go get him boys" The Leader demanded. All five of them went charging at Blaze, but little did they know that Blaze knows marterial arts. Two bulls came at him with a full charge, but Blaze jumped in the air and kicked both of them in the chest. While the bulls fell the horse grabbed his shoulder, but Blaze grabbed his arm and flipped him over and snapped his arm.

The horse was screaming because of his arm is broken, but got kicked in the face and got knocked out by Blaze. The human charged at Blaze, but got round house kicked in the face and flew towards the trash cans. While Blaze turned around he got tackled by the two bulls and they started to beat him on the stomach and the face. While Blaze was getting beat up the two dragoness grabbed some bricks and smacked the two bulls across the head.

"Thanks for helping me there" He said. "No problem" Diana said. "Blaze watch out" Crystal shouted with wide eyes. He turned around and got stabbed five times in the stomach by the electric dragon. "Ha ha ha ha ha...I told you to give, but look at you bleeding" The Leader said with a evil grin. Blaze was grabbing his stomach, but he pulled himself up and kicked the dragon in the stomach and punched him the jaw while knocking him out and breaking his jaw.

"Blaze...oh my god are you okay?" Diana asked with tearing eyes. "I think...uh...I think so" he said while falling to the ground. "Blaze hold on I'm calling 911 please stay with us" Crystal demanded. Blaze was bleeding a lot and he tried to stay awake, but he blacked out from the blood loss. "Blaze" a voice calling him. "Wh-what who's there...who's calling me?" He asked. "Blaze go back it's not your time your time to leave you have two beautiful dragonesses waiting for you to return" a feminie voice said. "What w-wait is that you mother?" He asked. "Yes my son" His mother said. "Mother I missed you so much" He said crying his eyes out.

"I know my son I missed you too, and I wanted to see you one last time before I go" His mother said crying her eyes out too. "Blaze, you need to go back they need you and they need your protection" His mother demanded. "Okay, but will I ever see you again mother?" He asked. "I will watch over you and I'll be with you always in your heart like I have you in mine and I always love you no matter what okay" She said while kissing him on the cheek. "Okay and mother" He asked with a smile. "Yes my son" She said. "I love you" He said with tearing eyes. "I love you too my son and goodbye and have a great life" She said while hugging him with tearing eyes and disappearing.

"Goodbye mother (sniff)(sniff) goodbye I'll miss you" He said crying. He woke up while tears coming down from his eyes and found himself in the hospital. He tried to move and groan at the same time. "HEY...Blaze your awake thank goodness that you are because we thought you were dead and we wouldn't be able to live without you (sniff)(sniff)" Diana said with tears coming from her eyes.

"We missed you so much (sniff)" Crystal said with tears coming from her eyes too. "Uh...h-how long I've been in the hospital?" He asked. "You been here over a week now" Crystal said. "Really that long...okay I see (sniff)(sniff)" He said with tears. "Blaze why are you crying?" Crystal asked with a puzzle look. "I thought I died and I was surrounded with white lights and I saw my mother" He said frowning. "Really, oh my god and what did she say?" Diana asked.

"She told me it wasn't my time to leave and you girls need me to protect you and she loved me" He said with a big smile still with tears coming down his face. "Aww I'm happy that you got to see you mom" Diana said smiling. "I'm glad that you mom trust us to be with you" Crystal said smiling. "Yeap...I'm glad that you girls are in my life" He said with a smile "Especially I'm glad that I don't feel lonely like I was before you girls came into my life".

The doctor came in and told the girls that they have to help him until his wounds are healed from the stabbing. The two dragoness understood what they had to do to help Blaze get better. After they checked Blaze out of the hospital they headed to the apartment. When they maded to their apartment the girls settle Blaze on his bed. "Uh...oh I'm so pissed off that I let my guard down for even a second, but thank you girls for helping me. I don't know what if I do without both of you" He said trying to get comfortable in his bed.

"You are very welcome" Diana said with a big smile on her muzzle. "It's the least we could do for saving us from those thugs" Crystal said with a hug. "Well you very welcome, I couldn't let them take both of my mates" He said. "Aww your so sweet Blaze mmmmuuuuwwwwaaaa" Crystal said while kissing him on the lips. "We are very glad and proud to be your mates" Diana said kissing him on the cheek. "So, what's the agenda for today?" He asked trying to get up from his bed. "The agenda today is for you to get some rest, so your wounds can heal" Diana said pushing him down on the bed gently.

"Yeap, you did enough for to help us so we are going to help you" Crystal said reassuring. "Okay, okay I get it" He said with a smile. "Good, so me and Crystal are going to make something to eat for you because you didn't eat over a week" Diana said. "Now that you brought up food I think I'm kinda hungry ha ha ha ha" He said laughing. "Okay, we are going to make something special for you and you going to like it a lot" Crystal said. "Okay I can't wait" He said with mouth watering.

When Diana and Crystal were making some special food for Blaze they were very happy and excited too. Once they were done they returned to Blaze's room and fed him. He finished his food and thank Diana and Crystal for it and fell asleep. The girls ate their food and cleaned up and got ready for bed. So, they put on their pajamas and went to Blaze's room and went to each side of him and fell asleep.