Kale and the Yalna River Dragon

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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This story contains M/M between an anthro deer and a feral (talking) dragon. The story includes rough sex, with oral, rimming, and anal. It has mild NC.

This is for all of those people who were thinking "Man, I would like to read a story by auspher79 but they all just have too much darn vagina in it".

This story and it's companion are part of a little experiment. I made two versions: an M/F one and a M/M one. I wrote the M/F version first and then edited it so that I could keep nearly all of the wording exactly the same while switching genders. We'll see which one gets more attention. :P

In other words, the other story is nearly exactly the same as this one. Don't go reading both expecting to find something different.

(Hit cltr + F and search for "Gareth" to jump straight to the smut.)


Kale and the Dragon of Yalna River

Kale got up and stretched. He was a sprightly, anthro buck, and the deer had been relaxing in the warm midday sun when he had accidentally fell into a nap outside. Earlier in the day, Kale had been hard at work helping his father tend to the yam fields that his family owned. Despite his energy, owing to the buck's adolescent exuberance, Kale had had quite exhausted himself in the morning.

The yam was something his family depended on for a living. They only owned a small plot of land, and although the tubers were a staple of his tribe's diet, the crop was not exactly a high-price item to sell. The only other source of income was from his father, who was a moderately skilled gemstone hunter. Busy as he was with other duties, good hauls were few and far in between. Money was scarce.

Kale idly scratched his back and adjusted his drab green tunic. He walked back to his family's hut and was greeted by his mother, who sat at the table stringing small shells onto a lanyard, making a necklace.

"Kale..." The wizened deer spoke softly, with a certain air of gentleness in her voice.

"Yes, mother." Kale bowed his head slightly, showing respect.

"Your father asked me to remind you about your errand. The weather has cleared up since yesterday."

"Ah... of course." Kale's brow furrowed as he thought back to what his father said earlier.

His father wanted him to venture to the Yalna River, which lay beyond the forest, and scavenge for useful stones in the riverbed and shore. He had put this task off from yesterday, due to heavy rain.

Kale was to scavenge for Flint and Obsidian, as his father had just broken his last knife and needed to make a replacement. It was an easy task, as the stones were relatively common, but he was to keep a look out for for Jasper, Opal, and other rarer stones as well. Kale was not worried: he had been training under his father for the past several months and he was excited to try his luck by himself.

The buck nodded. "I'll leave right away, mother."

Her mother smiled sweetly. "Thank you, my buck. Now be mindful and take your cloak with you."

Kale rolled his eyes. "But mother.... it's not even cold out!"

His mother did not want to argue. "Just do it... please. It's my job to worry about you."

The buck sighed. "... Fine."

Her mother looked down to resume her work. "Thank you, Kale. Now, be careful. I know you're old enough to venture out by your own, but still... you never know what may happen.... you could even run into a dragon."

"A dragon?" Kale scoffed. "Mother, no one has seen dragons in the Yalna River for many years."

The older doe shook her head. "That doesn't mean they don't live there anymore. Be careful."

"Yes, Mother... " he sighed.

"Take care, now." His mother got up to plant a kiss on the buck's forehead. "You know I love you."

".... I love you too." the buck replied, giving his mom a hug. He then went to collect his things in preparation for the long hike.

Kayle gathered up his leather satchel, traveling cloak, and walking staff from the house and headed out from his small village. Although it was now sunny, the ground was still very wet and rainwater had collected, littering the village and surrounding forest with large puddles. Almost immediately, he stepped off the dirt path leading from his village and came across a shallow pool of water.

Kale took the time to sneak a glance at his dark, muddy reflection in order to groom his fur a bit.

The buck's expressive blue eyes looked into his reflection's... Their rich hue contrasted with his orangish brown fur, with ran short over most of his body. His chest and throat were covered in a pristine white, however... and Kale prided himself on the beauty of his coat. Tattooed tribal markings and fox bone earrings accentuated the natural beauty of his face. A breathable, dull green tunic and short pants hid the subtle and attractive curves of his shapely chest and waist. Breaking his gaze from the pool at his feet, he adjusted the straps on his satchel and continued on.

The Yalna River was over several miles to the east. However, the area was lightly populated and raw materials were still easy to find. Kale enjoyed his time alone with nature... it gave him time to think and reflect. He walked with an energetic step, traversing the forest floor with ease.... hopping over fallen trees and skipping across puddles of rainwater, using his staff as leverage to make the jump across the larger pools. It turned into a game to him... imagining puddles were lava to his feet and that he had to make it across every one.

Kale frowned as he came to a muddy section of the forest floor. Large, digitigrade tracks were sunk into the ground, disappearing as they led to drier earth. The indentations of large claws made him pause. They were recent... and they looked like... dragon tracks? Kale suddenly felt a chill run up his spine.

The young buck then laughed, realizing that he was letting his fear get the better of him. He had never seen a dragon in real life before... how could he possibly know what their footprints looked like? Large beasts of all sorts were common in the area, many of them perfectly tame. He shook his head, pushing the silly and paranoid thoughts out of his mind.

... and as he moved on, a pair of large, golden eyes narrowed in onto his tiny figure. They watched his every move, carefully camouflaged behind a grove of thick trees. A pair of nostrils huffed once, sending the leaves in front of them shivering in a gust of air. The eyes looked on with an expression of hunger.... and eagerness.

The eyes, along with the creature that owned them, followed the young deer at a distance.


Time passed quickly for the buck, and before he knew it, he had reached the end of the forest. As Kale weaved through the last few trees, he took his first step onto the plain-lands. Off in the distance, he could see a dip in the fields where the land dropped off into a ravine. In that ravine, Kale knew that a wide channel of water flowed by: the Yalna River awaited. Expansive fields of wild grass stretched out before him, peppered with the occasional old and gnarled tree. She made a bee-line for the river. Had he looked back, the buck would have seen a large, golden-eyed beast take its first steps out of the forest....

The river was a wild and untamed part of the Yalna territory, and many wild animals lived here. He carefully made his way down the ravine, steadying himself with his staff on the steep incline. By the time he had made it down to the water, the creature that had been following her was watching patiently, unwilling to make its move in an area with so much cover.

Kale was no stranger to gem hunting, as his father had brought him on many trips. Flint was common to find along the riverbed, and he gathered up a good number of pieces easily. Scouring the river bank, he bent down and pocketed a few drab rocks lying in the riverbank.... Once cleaned and polished, these dull rocks would be appraised as Jasper: a popular ornamental stone. Kale also made many trips up and down the ravine with sandstone in hand, climbing up to dash them to pieces on the large granite slabs below, hoping to find veins of minerals inside. After several hours of pocketing various lesser valuable gemstones, his searching truly paid off: Kale squealed in excitement as he found a few nuggets of red corundum by sifting through the riverbed: they could bring the buck a little extra income.

After he had filled his satchel with plenty of flint, along with a handful of semi-precious stones, Kale made his way back up the ravine carefully. He was excited about his finds and couldn't wait to show his father. The buck began to walk across the fields happily in the afternoon sun, taking his time and idly picking a few rocks and skipping them across the ground.

Just as he bent down to pick another rock, he spotted a large shadow overhead. His heart stopped and the buck sucked in a breath.

...There were only so many flying beasts that could make a shadow that large....

Kale looked up and saw a blue, winged lizard in the sky high above the plains... The buck almost screamed in fright.

It was a dragon.... a real dragon!

His heart raced. He knew that dragons were not normally found this far west... but that mattered little now. The only thing that was on the little buck's mind was his survival. Suddenly, the creature quickly began to drop altitude. He knew it had spotted him.... it had to. He was out in the open and looked like easy prey.

Kale dropped his staff and made a break for the nearest tree, and the dragon gave chase, pulling in his wings and making for the deer in a steep dive bomb. He drew near to the tree just as he heard the beast land behind him with a growl. The buck managed to grab hold of a high branch and lift himself up with youthful athleticism. The dragon lunged, but he had climbed high enough just in time to have his feet narrowly miss its claws. Kale lifted himself higher and looked down, shrieking as he saw the dragon below him get on its hind legs and try to follow. It could not easily worm its large body past the branches, though, and the dragon grimaced as one of its horns caught on a nook in the bark. It gave a frustrated huff and decided to stop for now, lowering its self down to sit on its haunches and stare up at him.

Kale then heard a soft laugh in a deep, masculine voice.

"Young deer, I have patience. I've already watched you for some time, now."

"GO AWAY!" he screamed. The buck's heart was racing wildly in fear.

"You must be mistaking me for a stupid beast. A simple tree is not going to stop me.... I will burn it to the ground if I have to." The dragon huffed.

The buck held his breath. He was right: the dragon could simply flush him out with fire.

"I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! JUST LET ME GO!" He yelled, too frightened to realize how loudly he was speaking. The dragon flinched at the shrillness of his voice.

He gave a toothy grin. "Oh, I know you will. And if you're good, you may leave with your life."

"OK PLEAS-I, uh.... what?" He gave the dragon a mistrustful look, unsure of his words.

The blue drake chuckled and looked at him straight in the eye. "_I said.... _if you're good... you may leave with your life."

Kale bit his lip. He knew what that meant: the dragon desired to mate.

The dragon continued. "So come down from your tree, buck... and we shall see about what to do with you."

Kale swallowed uneasily. He had heard stories.... horrible stories before of dragons that toyed with their prey, sometimes wounding or forcefully mating with them. In either case, he heard the dragons would offer freedom, only to eagerly chase their prey down moments later... It was like a sadistic game to the vile creatures. He hoped that this dragon was more horny than hungry... but Kale was innocent enough to not be sure how one could even mate with another male in the first place.

Leaving the relative saftey of his tree was the very last thing the buck wanted to do, but he had no choice. Slowly, the lithe deer dropped down, branch by branch, until he lowered himself to ground level.

The large dragon patiently sat before him. His rough, hide was colored in a deep blue tone, the scales dotted with patchy brown markings. The drake's smoother underbelly was a murky cyan hue. Large horns protruded from the back of his skull... they were dark gray in color and curved in a slight S shape. Spiny frills accentuated his ferocious-looking yellow eyes. Large wings were tucked carefully on his back, and a thick tail curled around his muscular feet, with the tip lightly swaying in the air. As he glared at Kale, he couldn't help but feel that the dragon was an overwhelmingly intimidating creature.

The dragon held out a fore-paw to the buck, offering his hand. "Greetings. My name is Gareth." Although his actions were polite, there was nothing but sarcasm in his voice and menace in his eyes. The buck gingerly took hold of a large, clawed finger and weakly shook it, saying "Um... I am Kale of the Odocco tribe." he did not look up at him, diverting his gaze off to the side.

The dragon chuckled and broke the handshake. "Very well, Kale. Pleased to meet you." he abruptly dropped his smile and pointed at his tunic with a claw.

"Now take off your clothes."

The buck swallowed and bit his lip, before putting down his satchel and unfastening the clasp on his cloak, letting it drop to the ground. He then paused and took a deep breath before reluctantly removing his tunic and short pants. The buck stood there naked and blushed, feeling even more vulnerable than before.

The horny dragon gave him a once-over. The buck's front was covered in an unusually pristine white. His firm pecs begged to be squeezed, and his broad shoulders stiffened up from the tension in the air. Down his flat tummy and between his legs lied a fleshy sheath and two white-furred balls. Overall, his body had a fine figure.

The drake liked what he saw so far. He waved his claw in a circle, smiling. "Turn around"

The buck reluctantly obeyed and turned in a slow circle. Gareth caught a view of his short, cute tail and ample buttocks. Orange-red fur traveled down the buck's back and outside of his legs, while his white coat painted his crotch and the inside of his thighs, traveling all the way up to the underside of his tail. The pattern attractively curved around his round buttcheeks.... The buck had quite an ass on him.

Gareth lifted a paw and gave his ass a firm squeeze, running his claws through the fur. The buck inhaled sharply at the dragon's rough touch. The claws were hard and cool on his skin. Gareth then traced a paw around his slim waist and felt up his loose sheath from behind. "Mmm... quite the body you have there, buck. It would be a shame to not use it." The dragon then grabbed his snout and jerked his head over the buck's shoulder to the dragon's face, causing Kale to gasp in fright.

"Quite a mouth, too.... " He stared into the buck's frightened eyes with a narrowing gaze. He then loosed his grip and ran his large hand down his chest once more, feeling the softness of his fur. His fingers trailed to his back and found their way down underneath his tail. He then unceremoniously slipped a claw just inside of his puckered asshole. The rough sensation caused him to flinch and tense up around the intruding digit.

"Hmmm... feels tight. Virgin?"

He bashfully shook his head yes. The buck didn't know what his ass had to do with the question. The concept of anal sex was unknown to him.

"A shame...I would have preferred one with a bit more experience."

Gareth ceased his groping of the innocent buck and sniffed his claw once before bringing it back down to the ground. He was clean inside... which boded well for the buck. The drake then stood up on all fours, slightly raising his tail out of the way.

"Well, get to it."

Kale was unsure of the situation. "Um.... what do you want me to do?"

The dragon sneered. "I want you to use your hands and mouth on me, stupid buck. Get me aroused."

He nervously nodded and drew to his side. Gareth snorted and lifted a hind leg leg for him, showing off his belly. Kale ducked down and crouched under the dragon. Attached to his lower belly, the dragon had a large, stubby bulge of scaly skin. There was a horizontal slit down the middle, and the thick, red tip of his cock was already protruding from it. Kale was surprised: it looked different from his own package. Behind that, a pair of heavy-looking testicles hung closely to his body. The deer took a big breath and dutifully put his hands to the dragon's bulge, squeezing it gently. It was very soft and squishy to the touch, but he could feel a firmness inside, much like the buck's own sheath. He brought his other hand to his massive sack, and gently fondled him.

The dragon growled. "Careful, buck.", causing Kale to let a small whimper escape from his throat. The deer retreated his hand and began exploring elsewhere, but he felt a slap on his rump from the dragon's tail.

"I did not tell you to stop. I told you to be careful."

Kale swallowed and went back to massaging the dragon's testicles. Despite the circumstances, Kale found himself interested in the feel of the dragon's package... as he had never touched another male like this before. His balls felt heavy yet delicate, and he ran his fingers across his hairless sack gently, pulling at his fleshy blue skin and gently rubbing the sensitive orbs underneath. All the while, his other hand groped the dragon's loose bulge of skin and squeezed, feeling his cock grow underneath. He curiously ran a finger across the slit, feeling the soft and supple skin.

Gareth chuckled. "You're doing better than I expected."

Kale watched as his fondling had an effect on the dragon. The head of his cock fully emerged from between his legs. Kale inhaled sharply. It already looked quite big from the outside, and he wasn't even fully aroused yet. He paused and began to worry if he could even stroke off a dragon with a cock this large.

"Continue stroking me, buck." The dragon commanded.

Kale flinched, realizing that he had stopped while in thought. He began to grasp the dragon's cock firmly around his bulging slit and rub the loose skin back and forth. More and more of the dragon's thick shaft appeared, until there was about 7 inches hanging from the dragon's belly.... and more waiting to show its self. Tentatively, he moved his hand forward and wrapped it around his cock. The deer felt it jump in his hands as the dragon reflexed. Kale began to stroke him slowly. The dragon's cock felt warm and very slick on his fingers.

After a few moments, his cock had grown to near full erection. The dragon's penis was slightly curved and had a teardrop shaped cock head that Kale found was very sensitive to the touch. It was covered in a slick fluid that made stroking the dragon easy. The shaft's girth was massive and its length easily dwarfed his forearm, and Kale had no hope in being able to take him in his mouth comfortably. To top everything off, the dragon had a 2 flared knobs at the base of his shaft, which was much wider than the rest of his cock. A bead of precum had collected at the tip. The dragon seemed so virile in his hands.... In spite of himself, he though it was a bit arousing to to hold, but the sheer size scared him.

"Faster." The dragon commanded.

Kale obeyed and began to double his efforts, bringing both hands to his pulsing shaft and gripping him firmly. He then started to stroke his cock at a fast pace. The buck had stroked himself off plenty of times before, and he assumed that what felt good on his own body would feel good to the beast above him as well. He focused on movement and pressure, squeezing hard as he moved his hands back and forth. The dragon began to squirt pre into the air at regular intervals. Kale knew very well what the liquid was, and found that it was very slick. He decided to coat his hands in it to help stroke the dragon off.

Gareth was amused. He was doing very well for someone with no experience with other males. Indeed, the buck was focused hard on trying to please the dragon as best as he could. He hoped that if he did a good job and pleasured the dragon well enough that he would more willing to spare his life.

Suddenly, the dragon bent down and glared at him. "What are you waiting for, little deer? Use your mouth already."

He looked back at the drake and nodded fearfully, before turning back and grimacing. He steeled himself and leaned in, bringing the cock to his lips. Kale tentatively licked at the head, tasting him. The dragon's precum gave off a bitter, sour flavor and smelled thickly of his own musk. Slowly, he began to lap at the tip while stroking his shaft, trying to get used to the flavor. The deer's smooth tongue traveled all over the head of his cock, taking in the feeling of his smooth flesh. Kale felt the organ throb with arousal at the presence of his tongue. He took that as a sign he was doing a good job. He closed his eyes and began to fall into a rhythmic licking.

Suddenly the deer felt a hand on the back of his head and he opened his eyes wide in surprise. The hand pushed forward, forcing his jaws to part around the dragon's thick cock. Kale tried to cry out, but only let out a muffled whimper as the dragon's shaft quickly filled his mouth up. A small bit of pre shot deep into his maw. The dragon grunted in pleasure and began to rock his hips, causing the deer to gag as the huge shaft tickled his throat.

"That's it... don't struggle too much, buck." Gareth looked down to watch him squirm around his shaft.

Tears began to well up in Kale's eyes and he found it hard to breathe. He relaxed his jaw and focused on letting the dragon take control. Gareth's cock was squirting pre inside his mouth, and as he couldn't spit it out, Kale was forced to swallow the bitter fluid.

With nothing else to do, Kale began to lick him as he thrust, rubbing his tongue on the underside of the draconic shaft. The deer's tongue added a whole new level of sensation for Gareth, and the dragon's eyes closed in contentment and thrust steadily. He was content in letting him take the first few inches in his mouth for now, as the buck was pleasuring him rather effectively.

The dragon worked Kale's mouth at a steady pace. Eventually, the buck began to relax and get used to the feel of the cock sliding in and out of his jaws. He steadied himself, and swallowed more of the pre that was collecting in the back of his mouth. The deer realized that he was starting to like the rhythmic sensation Gareth's cock provided... and he couldn't help but let out a small moan as precum-mixed drool collected at edges of his lips.

The deer was enjoying it.

Kale had been trying hard not to, but the buck's arousal was getting the better of himself. He had already been stroking himself for several minutes now, and had his right hand wrapped around his own cock. At the time, Kale had figured that he might as well get himself off too, but as his arousal increased, the buck surprisingly found himself getting into the sex act and now was sporting a firm erection of his own. The idea of having something so sensual in his mouth was a bit exciting to the deer, especially this being his first time with anyone.

Kale's arousal was not blind to the blue dragon above him. "Oh... So the young buck is enjoying himself?" Gareth asked teasingly. "Heh.... what a little slut you turned out to be."

Kale winced at the insult, but decided to ignore the dragon. When he started to feel more comfortable with the blowjob, the deer began to suckle on Gareth's shaft gently, using his jaw and tongue in sync with the dragon's thrusts to maximize the pleasure.

Gareth was taken by the new sensation, and bent down to watch the slutty young buck suck on the dragon's own cock. He enjoyed seeing the deer as he bobbed his head slowly, and watched his tongue move in and out of his mouth. His gaze followed the deer's moving fingers as he stroked Gareth's own shaft with one hand and stroked himself with the other. The combination of his squeezing fingers and suckling treatment was very effective.

Kale looked up at the rest of the cock in front of him and his eyes trailed to the knobs on the base of Gareth's shaft. Tentatively, Kale stretched his hand forward and curiously explored these knobs, squeezing them and testing their firmness. They were practically hard as a rock. Gareth let out a sharp breath when he squeezed them again. The dragon appeared to like it... so Kale grabbed hold and massaged them.

Gareth let out a breathy "Mmmm...", apparently too lost in pleasure to give him another snappy comment. The young buck took this as an encouraging sign and continued to squeeze the base of his shaft, fondling him firmly. His own erection was now raging hard, and he began to drip pre into the ground while he stroked. The blue dragon began to grunt as he thrust, again teasing the back of his throat with his cock tip. The deer's esophagas would tighten up in reflex, but he focused on relaxing himself, knowing it would make things easier.

Suddenly the dragon's pace quickened and he began to growl. Kale wasn't prepared for the paw that appeared at the back of his head and pushed him forward. The dragon gave a massive thrust and his cock passed into the buck's throat, causing his esophagus to tense up around the intruder. Kale gagged loudly as the dragon thrust once more and sprayed his seed deep into the deer's throat. He had no choice but to try and swallow the savory, sticky substance. It shot down his throat and covered the inside of his cheeks and tongue. He swallowed frantically, but the dragon released too much for the young buck to take. Eventually his seed began to spew out of his mouth and on the grass below. Kale did his best to suckle him forcefully though all of this while squeezing the base of his shaft, trying, for his own sake, to increase the dragon's pleasure. All the while his other hand massaged his throbbing erection.

As the dragon's cock began to soften in his mouth, the deer popped him out from his jaws, gasping for breath. His lips and snout were smeared with drool and dragon semen, and the sticky seed thickly coated the inside of his mouth as well. He climbed out from under the dragon as watched the dragon's cock drip more cum onto the grass. The deer looked at Gareth with a hopeful expression, wishing with every ounce of his body that the dragon would tell him he did a good enough job and was free to go.

"Well?" he asked shyly.

The dragon was very pleased at the deer's efforts.... but he wasn't keen on letting a winner like this one slip away so easily. "You did very good, young buck. But you're not going anywhere yet."

Kale's heart sank. The young deer was hoping that he would have had Gareth satisfied already.... but apparently the horny dragon wasn't finished. "Just as long as the drake isn't hungry afterwards..." he thought. Kale was willing to do anything in return for his life.

The dragon, however... needed a little recovery time before his second go. In the mean time he decided to prepare Kale for what was coming next. But first, he decided to take a litle enjoyment in teasing the buck.

Gareth smiled deviously and leaned in close to the buck's face. "I am pleased.... you deserve a bit of a reward."

The dragon leaned down and began to lick at the deer's cock, lapping at his throbbing shaft and teasing the tip. Kale immediately let out a loud moan at the feeling of the dragon's tongue... he had never felt anything like it before, and the sensation was amazing. The dragon licked up his pre eagerly and explored his crotch for several minutes, lapping at his balls with suprising gentleness. Kale quivered as his tongue ran across his shaft once more. The buck previously had only known the touch of his own fingers down there... and having the sensation of another's tongue on his flesh was such an exciting and new experience for the deer. He began to press back into the dragon's snout, and felt his scaly lips brush across his shaft. After a few more licks, the dragon abruptly stopped, incredibly disappointing the deer.

"Why did you..." The deer gave a pleading look.

"That's all I care to give at the moment. Now bend over." The dragon gave a cruel smile.

Kale frowned but did as ordered, getting down on all fours, unsure of what was to follow.

"Just relax." The dragon commanded and leaned in close to the buck's crotch.

"Wait...." The deer was worried; he didn't know what Gareth was going to do.

The dragon nosed under the deer's tail and began to lap at his puckered ring of flesh, drawing his tongue over the sensitive skin repeatedly. The deer reflexivly tensed up at the feeling, unsure of what the dragon was doing. Gareth then began to lightly press his tongue against the opening of the deer's entrance there... putting a rhythmic pressure on the ring of muscle. Slowly he increased the force of his licks before sticking his tongue against his puckered hole and pushing steadily.

The buck cried out. "Ah! What are you doing?" but the dragon only ignored him.

Kale's short tail shot up high in the air in a reflex. He whined and clamped down on the intruding tongue as it entered his ass. The sensation felt very uncomfortable. He had never even considered the idea of using that hole for pleasure before...

The dragon retracted his tongue and shot a glare at the young deer. "I said to relax.... I won't tell you again."

He looked back at Gareth and gave him a worried nod. The young deer started to focus on relaxing the muscles in that area as the dragon again pressed his tongue up against his anus. Despite his efforts, the deer found himself tense up once more on the intruding tongue as it wiggled into him. Kale again focused on relaxing his muscles and felt his body slacken as the dragon pressed further. With his body finally resting, the dragon pressed into passage his much easier. Gareth grabbed on to his ass cheeks pressed his large snout up against his rump. He then began to pump his tongue in and out of the buck's hole repeatedly, watching as the deer's tail flexed in response to his penetration. Each thrust would stretch the area a bit, causing great discomfort to the buck, but he had to admit it also felt a bit pleasurable in its own little way. He traced a hand along his body down to his aching cock and stroked himself again, causing the dragon to chuckle.

The blue drake squeezed Kale's ass cheeks firmly, holding him there as he continued the assault with his tongue. Gareth rubbed around his tight ring in circles, stretching his anal passage and causing the buck to wince. He drew out completely to wet his tongue in his mouth again, and slithered it inside the deer's anus once more. He tended to clamp down on the foreign organ every time it entered him but by and large he was getting better at relaxing his muscles as the time went on. Suddenly, the dragon pressed in in deep with his tongue, stretching the deer's already abused anus further. It was painful to the buck and he cried out.

"S-s-stop! Please! It hurts!"

The dragon ignored him and lapped deep inside of the buck, feeling his muscles spasm around his tongue. He squeezed the deer's ass again, and ran his claws through his short fur. The dragon's tongue stayed inside of him and the Gareth waited until he calmed down and began to relax once more. Then, after running his tongue around in a few more circles, the dragon finally retreated the organ and gave his stretched asshole a final lick.

Kale turned and gasped. "What... was that?"

Gareth smiled. "I was lubing you up and stretching you in preparation."

"For what?" he asked, innocently.

The dragon only grinned further, not saying a word.

The buck's eyes opened wide. "Th-th-that's.... it's... but I poop from there!"

Gareth laughed and gave a sadistic smile. "Not right now you don't."

The blue lizard then swung his legs over the deer and lowed his hips. His cock was already mostly erect once again.

"Line me up, little buck." He barked.

Kale gritted his teeth in frustration and reached back, feeling for the dragon's cock. He found it eventually and gave it an unintentional squeeze as he gripped the shaft and reluctantly brought the tip to his already stretched asshole. Hee then felt the dragon press in against his backdoor passage and the deer immediately clamped down again, untentionally squeezing the entrance shut and denying him access. The dragon did not stop though, and only pressed in harder, rubbing the tip of his cock over the deer's puckered asshole. Kale reminded himself that he needed to relax. He once again untensed his muscles. Immediately, he felt the dragon's large, bulbous tip slip in. Kale gasped in surprise of the sensation and cried out in pain. Gareth's draconic cock felt absolutely massive already, and he had taken only the first couple inch or so.

Gareth tensed up at the sudden feeling of the young buck's anal passage around his cock. He began to flex and spurt a bit of pre shot into the deer's ass. He grunted at the resistance the buck gave him... Gareth knew he was gonna need all the lubrication he could get. The deer's saliva, and the semen that already coated his cock helped immensely, and he slid deeper into him with relative ease.

However, "relative ease" took on a very different interpretation for the buck. Kale squirmed in discomfort at the experience of being anally penetrated for the first time. The dragon's cock stretched him wide and he had cried out in pain as the bue reptile thrust forward. Kale could not stop himself from tensing up around the draconic shaft, and squeezed Gareth hard. And despite all his muscle's efforts to expel the intruding organ, the dragon's shaft remained inside.

"You're so... tight." Gareth grunted in pleasure.

The dragon grimaced and slowly began to pull out. Kale began to feel relief as the pressure gradually abated.... but his next thrust was just as painful as the first. Kale gasped and tried to focus on relaxing his muscles once again, knowing it seemed to help earlier. The entire experience was not quite what he had imagined for his first time having sex. The deer kept his head down and took it silently, relaxing his anal passage and waiting for the next thrust. As Gareth continued to press into him, he continually squirted more pre into the buck's ass, helping his thrusting along even more. Kale was grateful as the pain eventually started to fade.

The dragon was enjoying himself immensely. Kale's virgin passage was incredibly tight on his cock, and he clamped down on him every time he thrust.... it was almost too perfect. The dragon let his tongue fall out of his mouth as he got lost in the incredible pressure the buck put on him. He began to thrust into the deer at a steady pace.

Kale buried his head in the nook of his elbow, thankful that the dragon was being relatively gentle. He knew Gareth's cock wouldn't be able to fit completely inside of him, but what he was taking seemed like far too much. The massive shaft in his rear was painful and uncomfortable, but there was also a sort of pleasure to be had as well... an odd sensation that he couldn't really describe. The buck huffed and slid a hand between his legs. Kale delicately reached past his swaying balls and leaned farther to feel his own asshole. He brushed up against his wet crotch fur, matted in the dragon's fluids. The entrance to his anus was stretched wide around the dragon's cock, and the skin felt completely taunt. He reached up and felt the dragon's firmness of the dragon's shaft as it repeatedly slid inside of him. It was.... at little arousing to the buck, actually.

He decided to drop his hand lower and continue to stroke his own needy shaft as the dragon pounded him from behind. He rubbed up and down on his own cock, feeling the slickness of the dragon's saliva that still covered his crotch. His balls were wet and matted with a mixture of the dragon's spittle and the pre that leaked down from his ass. Once again his hand squeezed at his own throbbing shaft, and it made the sensation in his rear feel a lot more pleasurable. Having both his cock and asshole pleasured at once gave the buck a bit of a thrill, and he shivered as the dragon continued to thrust into him.

The extra pleasure from his stroking definitely made it easier to deal with the pain from the dragon's cock. The deer barely noticed as the eager drake increased his pace and thrust a little deeper. Kale shivered as Gareth's cock's ridges stretched his hole and massaged his ring of muscle. He filled the deer up so completely that Kale could even feel his cock throb inside of him as the dragon began to grunt with every thrust. Lost in the rythmic sensations that the draconic cock provided, the little deer swelled with arousal.

Gareth was lost in the pleasure as he reamed the little buck beneath him. He felt every squirm and twitch of his body as each thrust carried him a little deeper into the deer's ass. The sensations urged him on to his second orgasm. Gareth let out a growl and closed his eyes, focusing on the immense pressure around his organ.

Kale's own pleasure was getting the better of him, and the young deer gave a pleased "Mmmmmm" as he sped up and stroked his own aching shaft with a speedy pace while the dragon had his way with the deer's rear end. His tail twitched with delight in the sensation in his ass.

The young buck then took the weight off his other arm and braced his shoulders agaisnt the ground so he could reach back and fondle his balls as well. The dual method of pleasuring was more than enough for Kale. He began to cry out Gareth's name, which surprised the dragon. The horny deer felt his climax approaching quickly and he began to feel a tense, filling sensation deep in his body.

The buck squeezed his eyes shut and gripped his shaft hard as he felt his cock stiffen up even more. The first wave of pleasure hit him like a sack of bricks. Due to the anal stimulation, his orgasm felt far different and more intense than any climax the buck had given himself before. Kale squirmed in bliss at the rush of euphoria and pleasure. His own body surprised himself as his asshole rhythmically clamped down on the dragon's thick shaft. The buck's semen shot out onto the grass, and he moaned loudly at the unfamiliar filling sensation in his rear while his anal muscles spasmed around the dragon's shaft.

Gareth gasped in shock at the powerful contractions around his cock. He had already been close and the buck's new sensations were about to push the dragon over the edge. He bent forward and thrust aggressively, pounding the hell out of the little deer beneath him. Slowly, a pressure began to build up inside of his groin. The dragon held on, building up the pleasurable sensation for a while, before finally relaxing and letting his orgasm take charge. The horny drake came inside of Kale with a roar, expelling a massive amount of semen deep in the deer's ass. His body was rocked forward by the drake's powerful thrusts. Kale could sense the dragon's cock stiffen and felt the warm seed gush inside his anal passage.... It was a strange sensation. The pressure inside of Kale's rear was immense, and the dragon's powerful thrusts triggered a second wave of pleasure in the young buck's body as he squirmed in bliss. The buck moaned Gareth's name once more as he somehow managed a second orgasm, and the buck's cock throbbed in his hands as it leaked more fluids onto the ground below.

As the deer's stretched and abused asshole slowly began to stop its strange contractions, Gareth began to pull out. Kale sighed in relief as he felt the dragon him slowly withdraw from his abused asshole. Finally, the head of his shaft popped out with a torrent of pent-up dragon semen, which ran down the buck's taint and trickled off his hanging balls. The dragon said nothing as he got off the dazed and defiled buck. Kale collapsed on the ground and rolled onto his back, immensely sore and shocked from somehow attaining double orgasms.

Gareth huffed and sat down, lifting a leg to lick himself clean. He took his time, savoring the taste of his own seed as his tongue cleaned every inch of his soft cock. As he licked, the drake looked up at the exhausted buck, gazing at his ravaged ass and dripping cock, already having retreated half-way into the deer's sheath. Had he not have came twice already, he would have gotten hard from the view. But unfortunately, his already softening cock was beginning to retreat back into his body.

Meanwhile, Kale shifted to his side and tentatively lifted his tail. The deer trailed his hand back to his tender rump and examined the abused entrance. His entire backside was covered in thick dragon seed, and his insides ached and quivered from the unfamiliar stimulation. The loose and stretched muscles felt strange to him. Kale found with a bit of morbid shock that he could even insert a finger inside with barely any resistance. When Gareth was finished, the blue dragon stood up and stretched his legs.

"It will return to normal in a day or so. And it will hurt in the mean time." Gareth said matter-of-factly, looking off to the horizon.

Kale was still reeling from the experience and panted softly as he propped himself up and turned to face the dragon. "A day or so? Does this mean.... You're letting me live?"

The dragon gave a perverse smile at his question. "You were..... satisfying." He turned back to the buck and looked him in the eyes. "Very much so. You are free to go, deer."

Tears of relief welled up in his eyes as he realized the dragon was sparing him from becoming his next meal. "Th...thank you, Gareth...."

He gave a sardonic laugh. "Don't thank me, little buck... for I desire no gratitude from you."

The satisfied drake stretched his wings and flapped a few times. "I will desire a second go with you eventually.... and when I do...." He gave a wild grin "I'll come find you.... Kale." He put emphasis on his name, drawing out the "Kay" sound with a sarcastic tone.

"In the mean time... you should be able to find me here if you need me." Gareth laughed at his own little joke. The blue drake then spread his wings wide and took off with a gust of wind, flying far to the east.


Kale was immensely relieved at his new lease on life, and rolled on to his back with a sigh. He had gotten through the ordeal somewhat okay... and was a bit ashamed to admit he even enjoyed himself in the process. Around the exhausted buck, the beautiful, ambient sounds of the plains resonated through the air, as if Mother Nature was acting like nothing had ever happened.

The deer lay there for a moment, collecting his thoughts. Kale was distressed from what had happened, but the buck was determined not to get upset: he reasoned that letting the experience bother him was only playing to the dragon's barbaric nature. He took a deep breaath, picked himself up, and walked in the nude down to the Yalna River once more. There he bathed in the running water, relaxing in the gentle current and rubbing the dragon's spunk free of his fur.

Feeling refreshed, the young buck climbed out of the flowing river and dressed himself. The bath had revitalized both mind and body, and calmly he took in a deep breath and adjusted the strap on his satchel. A wandering hand traveled back to his stretched asshole... Gareth was right: It was hurting.

The trek back home was quieter than the one on the way to the river. The buck was lost in thought, thinking of his experience with the dragon: how much he had hated it... and how much he had enjoyed it.


When Kale finally returned to the village, it was nearly sundown. The tired buck quietly entered the hut and greeted his parents with an excited grin.

"Evening, Mother... Evening, Father. Take a look at what I found!" He dumped the contents of his satchel on the table.

His father's face lit up with excitement. "My, my... Kale... you certainly had a great haul today. Enough flint to last me a while... Ooh, some Opal, Jasper... Quartz and Turquoise-and what's this.... Corundum?"

Kale beamed with pride. "Yes, father... I found the rubies in the riverbed."

His father began to feel giddy. "We need to get these cut and polished right away! I know a trader in the village.... a stranger. He's got a couple of nice things on sale... And I think he might buy this at a high price. Heh heh heh... You did well, my little buck. Very well."

The older stag grabbed Kale and wrapped him in a tight embrace, and the young buck laughed, taking pride in his quarry.

"See, Elana... I told you he would be fine out there on his own." His father said, letting go of his son.

His mother sighed in resignation. "I guess you were right, Moro.... I guess you were right." She turned to the young buck. "Kale... you didn't have any trouble on the way, did you?"

Kale gulped. "No. Everything went fine." he lied. The buck decided to tell his parents about the dragon another time when it was more convenient.... and when he was more sure of himself. Right now, Kale was rather embarrassed and ashamed at what had happened.... and he wished to keep it a secret.

His father spoke excitedly. "Well, that's wonderful!" He palmed the raw, unpolished gems in his hand. "A couple more beauties like this would get us rich! Say.... I'm even tempted to send you back to the river, first thing tomorrow!"

And at his father's words, Kale's eyes opened up wide in surprise.




~This story was a bit challenging for me to write in general.... most of my stories are about a seductive female, usually with some intimacy, but this time its obviously the male who takes control and he gave it to the deer all rough and scary-like. It was a bit fun to write about something different.

~Why did I choose a deer? Because.... (puts on hipster glasses) .... Foxes are too mainstream.

~I... had... no... clue... what to write for much of the anal scene. Seriously. I even had to look up other stories for reference.

~Oh wow.... I wrote the straight version first, then converted it into the gay version... and man. Just by switching the pronouns, it came out so much gayer than I would have intended it to be, lol. I mean... I don't think you would have gotten me to write stuff like "he had a lovely ass" any other way, haha.

~Narse... I know you're reading this. I thought I might as well throw in a little rimming. You're welcome. :P

~The "But I poop from there!" line is an instant classic, but sadly is not something I came up with. It's from some old porno I saw a long time ago.

~Personally, I think the cumcounter is a bit creepy, but I decided to turn it on for these two stories. Just to compare. Man.... now I sound creepy, lol.

~Yes, there was a Resident Evil 4 reference in the story.