Digi-Night (Full and Done)

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#1 of Digi-Night

Digi Night

"Is it done yet?"




"How about now?"

"For god sake Guilmon no!" a human that stood about five foot five with spiked up all around red hair glared down with red eyes toward a small red, white, and black marking dino Digimon known as Guilmon. He pushed his open red shirt away so he could place his hands on his hips, glaring all the harder at his Digimon. A few days ago the Tamer found out that the Digimon loved bread like it was going out of season, which at times annoyed his Tamer since almost everyday he would have to get more and more bread, or as he was doing now; make it.

"Hey Linkmon?" asked Guilmon tilting his head, for as long as Link knew the Digimon, he always put a 'mon' at the end of his name, even though he would tell him it was just Link.

"What is it Guilmon..." he answered in a grumbled voice.

"How about now?" Link eye twitched as Guilmon gave a huge grin, Link left the room for a bit and put his head inside a pillow and screamed as loud as he could, which was muffled save for small sound heard coming from it. Guilmon head poked out of the kitchen to look at his Tamer and tilted his head as Link pulled away.

"Yes...it is..." Guilmon yelled in happiness and started to jump from one foot to the other as he waited for the human to pull it out. "But you have to wait for it to..." he never got a chance to say what he wanted to, because Guilmon had already had the whole thing in his mouth chewing loudly. Link just shook his head and gave a small smile. To him, Guilmon looked like a big puppy that loved to have fun, though he could talk like all Digimon, he seemed to have the brain span of a child, which was why he couldn't stay mad at him for too long. He reminded Link of an old friend he once had, who died long ago, it was one of the reasons Link allowed Guilmon to be his Digimon; but he never told him this.

Guilmon came to Link a few years ago; he was sixteen then, now eighteen. Some of the Tamers were only children, the elders or Digital Knights as they were called who watch over the Digimon for any strong dark fiend. They said that the Tamers had to be a pure of heart, and that Children were the closest thing to a pure heart, but Guilmon chose Brandon anyway, for reasons no one knew. Link thought that maybe it was because he always gave him bread all the time, other thought it was because Link was like a child in a way, but still an adult after his mother went missing in the Digital world when he was only ten. The red Digimon yawned and went over to the living room sofa and plopped himself down and yawned again before curling up and started to sleep. Link watched him for a moment then went up to his room. His Digivice which was the one that could be used with the card swayed on his hip as he went to his room and closed it; locking it as well.

His room was somewhat large, a bed, a TV, nightstand and a few games; as well as a computer. The bed was large enough to hold both Tamer and Digimon because Guilmon loved to sleep with Brandon at times, which he didn't mind. He looked down at his bed, and knelt down and pulled a box from underneath, it was red with the sigh of a crust on the middle that looked like a flaming claw. Closing his eyes he slowly opened it, keeping the tears from coming. Inside were pictures of himself when he was younger with his mother as well as his best friend, a Digimon name Agumon. Before Guilmon, Link was a Tamer with the Agumon, the two were like brothers in a way and Link mother considered him her son in a way as well. Having met at a long age of eight, the two set off to play for the years until his mother, their mother; was kidnapped. No one knew what did take her or why, but they knew she was sent to the Digital World. The two swore to each other they would go and save her no matter what. For years they traveled the world of Digimon, growing stronger and stronger, to the point Agumon could Digivole to his Mega form, Wargreymon. But, when at last one day, when out to find a lead they thought would lead them to their mother, they were attacked. Wargreymon did all he could, but the small army was stronger, and Link was held at knife point. At the end Wargreymon gave his life to save his Tamer, his friend, his brother. As Link knelt over him crying saying he would be fine, the Digimon made him promise that if any other Digimon wanted to be his partner, to allow them to, for him. Holding back his tears, he agreed and soon, Wargreymon became nothing but Data in the sky of the Digimon world.

The Knights found Link at the spot where his friend was killed, and they sent him back to the human world, where he stayed until Guilmon found him. The human picked up his Digivice he used for Agumon, it was long and fit his palm, a screen on the front with a few button below it. A top button was seen that he could use to hit when he wanted him to Digivole, using what the Knight called the DNA charge. Like Agumon, it was orange. Once Agumon was killed, the screen never turned on or beeped because no Digimon was used for it, some said that some Digivice could be use to transfer Digimon if their one were killed, though not proven yet, Link didn't want anyone to use this unless it was needed. Holding back a shaken breath, he decided that from now on he would wear this, as a reminder of who he lost, putting a chain around it, he hung it around his neck and put the box away. Standing up and going back to the living room, he saw that Guilmon was still sleeping and gave a smile; going to the door he gave a sigh.

"I need more bread." He muttered to himself as he closed the door and left his house and went toward the store.

With three bags filled with food, mostly of bread, Link made his way back toward the house, thinking lightly to himself what to make for supper that night, when he heard a small groan from a bush not to far from him. He looked over and heard nothing for a while, but when he heard the sound again, did he go over to see what was making that sound, what he saw made him gasp in surprised. A yellow fox Digimon he knew as a Renamon lay on its back, a while underbelly fur was seen, blue markings under the eyes as well as a long fox tail. It wore he arm bands like many of its kind. But what made him gasp was that it was covered in blood. Even though Digimon were made of Data, some Digimon somehow gain blood from staying in the human world so long, its white and yellow fur ruined from blood as it groaned again, opening its black and blue eyes.

"M...master?" the voice sounded female as Link dropped his bags and knelt over her and looked over her; gashes where seen over her body as he cussed harshly under his breath.

"It's alright," he told her. "I'm here to help."

"You're not my master," she answered. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because you are hurt!" he almost screamed. "Can you move?" she tried but screamed as she fell back down. Again Brandon cursed as he brought her paw over his shoulder and then lifted her up; holding her like a bride would at her wedding day. She whimpered slightly in pain as he held her head and legs in his arms and picked the bags up with his teeth and started his way toward the house. The door was opened once Guilmon saw him, he was going to tackle him like he always did, but once he saw the Digimon in his arms, and he didn't try.

"Linkmon!" he cried. "What happened to this Renamon?" Link shook his head taking her up to his room and laid her on his bed as she cried in pain again.

"I don't know," he answered going to his old clean clothes and ripped them in strips. "Guilmon, go to the bathroom and bring me both warm and cold water and the first aid kit!" the Guilmon nodded and ran off, coming later with the things he asked for. Taking the warm water, Link started to clean her fur and her wound, as she howled in pain, her arms and legs trashing around as she was deeply in pain. Link and Guilmon held her down until she settled down and began to work again. Once the wounds were cleaned of blood, Link brought out the disinfection and dapped it in a cloth. "Here," he passed her a pillow he never used. "This is going to hurt so use this to scream of bite alright?" she nodded shakily and took it in her mouth as she closed her eyes. He pressed it to her body as she roared in pain and started to rip though the cloth as he did this to the rest of her wounds. Once he was done, he wrapped the cold wet cloth around her wounds as she settled down and started to breath a bit claimer; sleeping on Link bed.

Both Tamer and Digimon sigh in union as the Renamon slept, Guilmon sometime later leaving the Renamon and Link alone. As the Renamon slept, Link couldn't help but wonder why she called him her master, or why would she call anyone her master. As far as Link knew, the Renamons were a great Digimon that were powerful in any way. Hours past slowly for the Tamer as he waited for the Digimon to awaken, Guilmon didn't bother him, but did pace at times; but he soon fell asleep on the sofa for the night. At last the Renamon woke up with a groan looking around in confusion.

"Hey there," Link said with a smile. "Are you alright?"

"You're not my master," that was one of the first things she said to him as far as he could remember. "Why did you help me if you're not my master?" Link was somewhat more confused as he sat in a chair by the bed.

"You were badly wounded," he answered. "You needed help and I gave it to you."

"But why...?" Link rubbed the back of his head as he thought.

"My mother always taught me to help all that need it, which if anyone needs a good hot meal, a place to stay, if you can give it; gives it." The Renamon looked at him as if he was crazy.

"You're not like my master."

"Who is this master you're talking about?" demanded Link as Renamon looked away.

"Many Digimon call them Tamers, but my one demanded that I call him master..." she started to tell her story as Link listened. "If I was hurt in battle it would be up to me to heal myself, before I became his Digimon that was easy, but he made me fight all the time, over time I would be put into even with wounds." As Link watched and listened to her, he saw that her Tamer had broken a once pride Digimon into something else. "Yesterday when I lost other battle, he left me where I was laid, saying he didn't need someone as week as myself..." she seemed close to tear as Link looked away and then back to her.

"Renamon," he said as she looked over. "Listen, if you need a place to stay, you're welcome here for as long as you like. I can't stand to see someone hurt or wounded, when you're healed, you can leave if you want." The yellow Digimon looked over at him with a shock look.

"You mean it?" she asked as Link nodded. "Thank you...master."

"Don't call me that." He smiled and patted her shoulder lightly. "My name is Link alright?" Renamon smiled lightly and nodded, closing her eyes and slowly sleeping.

The next few weeks the Renamon had grown stronger over time, two days later she was out of Link bed walking around a bit. Guilmon would talk her ear off about the different type of bread he like, as she would only half listen at time as she watched Link at time. She noticed one time that he watched a couple of humans walk past holding hands; he would let out a sigh and close the shades. When she did see this she asked Guilmon about it.

"I'm not sure," answered the smaller Digimon. "Maybe he upset that he can't have what they do?" when the first week came and gone, Renamon asked Link to rename her, when asked why she simple said that the name Renamon didn't seem to fit her. He thought for a moment and asked what if just shorten her name, and not use the mon part, just to call her Rena for short. She thought and liked the name and from that day, the Renamon Link saved was gone, and replaced by Rena.

The three became very close friends, Rena would sometime see other Renamons, different fur patterns like red or white, and they thought she was weird since she would smile and not frown. Some Tamers asked what was wrong with her to Link when she wasn't listing. He only smiled and shook her head.

"She happy," he answered looking back. "When one is happy, one should smile should they not?" Link started to show Rena how to clean and cook since she wanted to help while staying with them, both males thought she was still healing since she held a cloth on her forehead like a bandana, but in truth; she was already better. She didn't know why, but she didn't want to leave at all. Link happily showed her, and when it came to cooking, he would hold her paw in his hands to show her in each different way. And every time he would hold her, it would cause her breath to leave, heart to quicken; and yet she still did not understand why. On the third week she went over to Brandon room, he was cleaning it a bit when he looked up to see her and he smiled as she smiled half back.

"May I speak to you Link?" she asked as he nodded sitting on the bed.

"Sure," he answered. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well..." she started looking to him, keeping her tail around her waist. "I saw that other Digivice around your neck, even Guilmon at times, we both wondered what it was for, me speaking to you is a two part thing, this one question; and another when you answer it if you will." Link looked down and brought the Digivice out and looked down at t slightly before sighing and telling his own tail of how he lost his mother and friend. As Rena listened, she couldn't believe how long he had been on his own until Guilmon came, but even then it was like he was mother him so taking care of two. Renamon brought her paw to his hand and held it tightly. "You'll have you're mother back one day Link," she told him as he gave back a small smile.

"Thank you Rena," he answered. "Now what's your second question?" Rena looked away and sighs.

"Can I stay here...I mean...live here?" Link looked over as she spoke. "I like it here, it been so long since anyone had ever cared for me...I like it." Link smiled and patted her leg.

"Alright," he answered smiling, she smiled back and as the two friends got up to leave, the Digivice began to glow. They watched with wide eyes a Link brought it up to see what was going on, when a light was brought onto Rena, she stayed still as Link held it still, afraid of what might happened if he moved. The light moved from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet and tail, as soon as the light retracted to the device, did Rena blink and look around. Link looked down to see the orangeness change into a yellow.

"Scan completed," came a computer like voice. "Digimon Renamon can now be used for Taming." Both blinked as they looked to each other then to the Digivice.

"It..." Rena said. "Made you my Tamer?"

"I...I guess so," answered Link as h smiled. "So I guess you really can stay now huh?" she smiled and laughed as well as Guilmon walked into the doorway.

"Hey guys!" he cried. "What I miss?"

"My Tamer has a heart that burns with fire!" cried a Leomon as he puffed his chest out. "Though only a female I know that one day she will make a fine warrior if her mother allows me to train her!"

"Leomon..." answered a small Patamon. "Humans can't fight Digimon, okay maybe a few but she only a female, and what if she gets killed?"

"I wasn't going to allow her to fight Digimon you small yellow thing!" roared the lion like Digimon. "These male human have been eyeing her and I want her to be able to defend herself if I can't!" Rena shook her head. Link had met up with some old friends who were Tamers to the two fighting males; Guilmon had stayed beside Link like always as they turned to the yellow fox. "What about you Renamon?" asked Leomon. "What's your Tamer like? From all I can tell he the only Tamer to have two Digimon!"

"The name is Rena," she spat as she crossed her arms. "And Link is great, he makes me feel safe and needed when it just the two of us."

"How so?" asked the small Digimon as Renamon looked up.

"I'm not sure," she admitted. "But I feel something every time I talk to him, or when I'm near him." Both males looked to each other then back to her with a smug look. "What?" she asked rising a brow to them.

"You love him, don't you?" Rena was glad she had fur or she would've been seen blushing.

"Wha...what?" she asked. "No. I mean at time I think of him and me...WAIT why am I even telling you this?!" the Leomon howled with laughter causing Guilmon and the two other Tamers to look over at them, then went back to whatever they were talking about.

"Rena," he answered. "There is nothing to worry about, you think you are the first Digimon to fall for their Tamer?" Rena was even more confused now as he went on. "Some Digimon and their Tamer have such a powerful bond, that they go into the next level of being a 'team' if you get what I am saying; heck," he went on. "Just yesterday I saw a female Flamedramon and her male Tamer making out under a tree. This is very rare, but not unlikely!" Rena looked down as she thought.

"So...I could be with Link if I wanted to? No one would call us weird or anything?"

"No," answered the Leomon. "Some may, there are some who think that human and Digimon couples are wrong, but not around here, so I guess you're safe!" Rena had a lot to think about then. She was even still thinking as she, Guilmon, and Link made their way back toward their home, nightfall coming sooner then she thought.

Link laid on his bed, eyes opened as he thought for a long time. Guilmon laid beside him snoring lightly muttering about food like he always did when the door light was blacken from someone standing on front of it. Sitting up he saw that it was Rena standing on he door frame, arms crossed as she looked over to her Tamer and friend.

"Hey," she nodded to him. "I didn't wake you did I?"

"Nah," answered the human stretching a bit as he got out of bed, he never wore a shirt to bed so his chest was bare to the Digimon before him. His chest was a bit hairy; a snail tail going down his belly to where his groin would began as Rena looked over when he wasn't looking. Small muscles were seen as well as a few scars; one was seen the most though. It started from the tip of his shoulder and looped around his arm until it was no longer seen around his wrist. It was red with a bit of black but didn't look like it hurt at all. This was the first time the fox had ever seen the scar so she couldn't help but look as Link so this and held his arm away. "It's an old scar," he answered. "Don't remember where I got it from." Rena only nodded as she tuned to Guilmon; she somewhat cursed that he was there, but had a better idea of what to do.

"Link?" she looked at him. "Can I show you something?" Link looked to his watch and saw it was close to midnight, but since not being able to sleep he shrugged and nodded, following the yellow Digimon outside, while putting a shirt on.

Rena walked beside Link as the moonlight reached to his face; she looked over from the side of her eyes watching his every move as her tail swayed left and right, twitching at time. At last they came to a large field, a place Link had never seen before as Rena sat on the ground looking up at the sky; he sat beside her as she looked to him.

"What do you think of this place?" Link looked around and smiled a bit.

"It's so...I don't have words for it." Rena smiled and moved closer to the human. Link looked over and smiled back at her as she looked down and then back up.

"I also..." she started. "Have something else to show and tell you."

"Oh?" Link gave a questionable look. "What is it?"

"This..." she leaned forward, holding his head in her paws, and pressed her lips to his. His eyes went wide in surprised; Rena held his head and body close to hers' as she kissed him all the deeper as Link at last pushed her away with a shock look on his face.

Rena looked away as she got up.

"I...I'm sorry," she stammered. "I...I shouldn't have..." Link pulled her back down to him, causing her to sit on his lap as h forced kissed her this time. She melted in his arms as they wrapped around her waist and mid section. Her paws and arms wrapped around his head as her legs around his hips, her tail as well. Both of their eyes were closed as their tongues pushed and twisted around each other as their moans filled the area around them. When at last they were force to break apart to breath, both of their eyes locked fully to one another, until Rena hugged Link tightly, her head on his chest as Link looked down and draped a arm around her as well as she didn't look into his gaze. After a while it was Link to answer first.

"Rena..." he started. "When you kissed me...was that showing me how much you care for me?" Rena nodded her head still looking away from him, reason unknown to her, she just couldn't look at him right now. His hands trailed down and held her hip and tilted her chin up to him. "Well...same with me," he gave her one of his soft smiles as she smiled back, the two sheared another kiss, but not as strong as their first two, just a tender kiss like old lovers would. Her paw leaning up to his shoulders as they snaked their way in and under his over shirt, slowly pulling them off. Part of him wanted to stop her, but the other part allowed her to keep going until only his yellow plain shirt was on his chest. She clutched his hair in her paw, as he moved his hand to one of her arm bands and slowly took it off as she moved it from his chest to allow him better way to get it off. They went back to kissing as Link lay on his back with Rena kneeling over him, kissing each other with eyes closed as Rena paw went under his shirt, rubbing his chest and nipple causing him to shudder and moan slightly in their embrace. As they pulled away for breath, she was already pulling it over his head as he lifted his arms to allow her to get it off. She pushed back to his lips, tongues again wrestling around in each other as the human held a good grip on her hips as her free paw went toward his pants.

Just from the foreplay alone, he was getting aroused, a tent was seen on his pants as she gave a small smile. She had already mated before so she knew what a male was like, but she never mated with a human male, so it would be something new to her. She capped her paw over the bump causing him to moan out again as she rubbed him slowly up and down, making it grow even larger. To Link, this feeling already was driving him crazy, it almost pained him because of how tight his pants were. He almost wanted to rip them off and allow her to do what she wanted, but allow her to play with his body. Seeing his face she gave a small smirk and brought a claw nail to his zipper and slowly pulled it down, the hole of his boxers were pushed out as she moved it out of the way to show his harden human penis. Rena looked closer to see that he held some air around his groin area; she knew that human did have hair, but she didn't think around this area. A set of orbs hung slightly under his member whom stood at a length of eight inches. Over the weeks when Rena went on her own, she would meet up with some female Digimon, who would speak of how the male liked to be pleased. One of the things she heard was what they called oral sex. Though she never tried it before, they told her how it could be done and how to do it. Leaning her head down slowly Link watched with glazed over eyes. Before he could even ask what she was going to do, she licked the base to the tip ever so slowly.

He held back a moan as his body shuddered, Rena repeated this over and over, licking from the bottom to the top, or the over way around. At time she would slowly lick only the tip causing him to moan out then, holding onto her paws which were rested on his legs. He spread his legs out more, allowing her better entry to his maleness. After getting it nice and slick, did she then slowly hover her mouth over his tip, and started to suck the head. Link head was thrown back as his moan echoed though the forest; the Digimon that was pleasing him began to lick and suck the tip, taking more and more until only half as left. Bopping her head slightly as she sucked and licked. One of her claws went to his balls, slowly rubbing them and being careful of her nails, not wanting to hurt him. Once or twice his hips pushed up into her mouth, causing her to cough a bit, but she didn't stop, only sucked harder and faster, her tongue lapping at the pre cum that was forming around his tip.

"R...Rena..." he couldn't even form words of what he was hearing, this was the first time he ever had a blow job, or for the fact any kind of sex at all! And he was enjoying himself. He never thought in his wildest dreams that Rena would be the one he would first lay with, but that didn't matter at the moment, it was just the two of them now.

He could feel something rising in his body, the feeling he felt so many times before Guilmon came when he had nothing better to do. He moved his hands to his side and clutched at the dirt, moaning louder as his breathing became heavier and heavier, more pre started to form with Rena happily lapped up, until Link couldn't hold on.

"Rena...I...I..." he couldn't say it as his back arch as his moan became louder, cum spilling from his tip into the waiting mouth of the Digimon who drank it down at once. His breathing become normal after a while as Rena moved up and sat on his hips looking down at him. When he opened his eyes he was greeted with a smile from the female sitting on him, he smiled back, knowing that she would really go all the way with him, though he was limp now, he would do something to pass the time.

Holding onto her back, he pushed her onto the ground lightly kissing her neck and jaw line causing her to sigh softly as she rubbed his hair, his kissing trailing down her neck to her chest. At first he was worried that he would get fur in his mouth, but for some reason, that didn't happen; his hands moving to where her breast would be if she was human, he began to rub causing her to moan loudly. Link reminded himself to remember that the next time they did this, if they did this. As he edge closer to her hips, a smell unlike anything he had to smell hit him like a brick, he couldn't say what the smell was, but he needed it more, like a drug he needed it. When he reached between her legs, did he see where the musk was coming from; puffy pink lips were shown around where it was all white from what he always saw, her tail under her legs making it look like a pillow for her pussy as small juices were seen flowing from it. He smiled, loving the smell as he edged closer, Rena sat on her elbows, watching as his eyes and nose were out of her sight; she moaned loudly as the tip of his tongue licked the top of her quivering pussy. Link holding her legs apart until she did herself moved them as far apart as she could, gasping and moaning as her Tamer pleasured her with his flexible muscle. One of Link greatest thoughts was to eat a girl out, and now doing it; it was amazing. More of her pussy juice oozed out, which he was more then happy to lick and drink. He was surprised by the way it tasted, he couldn't tell what it was, but like the smell, he wanted more.

Rena fell onto her back, moaning out bringing her paw to his hair rubbing and cooing to him, telling him without telling him to keep going. Link smiled in his head as he pushed his face more in, licking deeply inside the Digimon as she screamed at the sudden movement; his tongue moving faster and faster, deeper in deeper, causing her to come closer, and closer. His hands moving up her body, causing her to shake, her breaths coming in short and heavy, her eyes closed as she arched her back and cried out loudly. Her cum hit Link face hard as half of his jaw was covered in the girl juices. He licked as much as he could off, and when he had his filled, wiping it off on his shirt. Rena laid on the grass, gasping and moaning in her after glow, when she caught her breath that seemed to come hours later, she saw that Link was crossed leg between her legs, a grin was seen on his face as she gave him a grin back.

"Where..." she gasped. "Where did you learn something like that?" Brandon chuckled lightly, moving his legs apart to show his once again hard cock as he rubbed his asleep legs.

"What do you think I use that Computer for?" the two sheared a laugh as Rena went on her knees and sat on his lap again, his member poking at her rear, but nowhere near her holes. The two hugged and sheared another kiss, Link tasting a bit of his left over cum as Rena with hers' as well. As they broke their kiss, Link slowly opened his eyes to look at the Renamon, kissing her cheek lightly. "I love you Rena," he whispered slightly as a sound of a purr was heard.

"And I love you Link," Rena whispered back.

Link gave a small smile, again they kissed, but this time more powerful, their lust taking over again as Link began to push her onto her back. Rena held her arms around his neck and legs spread wide, tail going between his legs as she moved her neck to allow him to kiss and lick it deeply. She moaned from the touches he was giving her, gasped as one of his hands reached under her ass to rub her, as his hips moved back; the head rubbing onto her love hole. Rena looked up to see him looking at her, sweat pouring on his face she didn't see till now. Leaning up she licked him lightly before licking his ear and whispering.

"Take me now human," it sounded almost harsh causing him to shudder slightly. "Breed me like a bitch in heat, claim me as yours and make me scream out loudly!" Link shuddered, never had she seen her like this, but for some reason it turned him on all the more. Gripping her shoulders, he pushed her roughly, but not to roughly onto her back as she smiled, letting out a fake growl. Lining his hips up, he pushed in lightly and slowly. At once his eyes closed tightly, she was tight, or was it that he was big? He wasn't one of though ego guys that thought they were the biggest around, Rena shudder lightly as she moaned loudly tighten her grip on his neck. "Yes...so big..." she mated with many Digimon back home, but never were they this big, Link almost blush from the comment as he pushed more in, his hips touching hers as both sheared a shuddering moan. He stayed inside of her for a while until he started to pull back and push in.

Rena groaning and moaning lightly as she was taken, but slow was not her thing right now, she wanted hard fucking and she was going to get it one way or another. Grabbing onto his shoulders, she flipped herself with him casing him to cry out in surprised, her paws pushing him on the ground with a light thud, with him still inside her. At once she began to rise and slam down on him causing his breathing to come in short grunts and moans. Arching her back she humped and grinded herself onto the human cock, moaning as her tail wagged slowly. Sweat pouring down his face as he grunted and moaned louder, pushing his chest up stealing another kiss from her as she held him close, riding him all the harder. Link started to grunt in their lip lock, precum shooting up into her as Rena felt it, her tongue pushing into his mouth to wrap around his own as their moaning became louder until she pushed him back down; his hands on her ass rubbing it and gripping up as he started to thrust up.

"I...I'm gonna cum!" he screamed out in bliss as she opened her eyes and gasped as well.

"Yes..." she gasped looking down at him thrusting harder on him. "Cum for me Link, I need you now!" he didn't answer her as he sped up his thrusting up, her claws came from her paws and gripped him causing blood to flow from his shoulders, closer and closer, harder and harder the two fucked...until...

Both human and Digimon raised their heads back and cried loudly, Rena cumming over his hips and legs and Link shot load after load of cum deep within her. Rena didn't stop riding, and he didn't stop cumming; when he did stop cumming Rena fell forward on him, hugging him lightly around the neck as he held her hips with one arm, and her back with the other. The yellow fox was still panting as well as the human, leaning up she licked his chin and cheek before laying on his chest.

"I love you Link..." she breathe as she slowly fell asleep on him. Link smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too Rena..." he gasped. Looking around he knew that no one would disturbed them, so taking his over shirt he brought it over her hips and back; leaning on the grass, falling asleep under the night sky.

The only thing they didn't know was in fact someone was watching them. Cum was seen on the ground as the red dino Digimon claws were also filled with cum as he panted lightly turning to leave.

"Maybe Renamon will let me do that with her," he mussed to himself, wondering on how it felt to be inside a women.

You all asked for it and here it is! the full version of Digi-night! i really enjoyed how this came out, though around the end i did get a little bored so sorry it if wans;t the best ending. Now i'm sure you'r all gonna ask me. "Oh is there going to be a another part with Guilmon and Rena?" before you ask me that in comment please read this. there MAYBE a another part, i do not know. now for something else. I can't draw for the life of me and i don't have money to i can't pay, but if you all like my stories and can draw, show me some of your work and we can do a Story/art trade. more chapters or parts on other stories cumming soon!