We'll Fight Together Phase II

Story by Duke The Wolf on SoFurry

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We'll Fight Together: Phase II

"Put me down, you monster!" The words of Duke simply did not reach the huge muscular fiend as he carried the puny wolf out of the forest, revealing a huge town with big brick buildings, forts, and way far down, a castle.

"Kid, you better just shut up before my hunger takes over and I eat you, you annoying little brat! How can such an annoying little kid be related to Emperor Lugia VI?" This had caught Duke's attention.

"Wait... you monsters think I'm related... to an emperor?! Who do you think I am?! I'm not one of you!" Duke struggled and kicked, but the Machamp just kept carrying him closer to the town.

"I'm not sure exactly, but when you landed, the emperor immediately knew you were here and sent us to bring you to him, and with anyone else that came with you, was our decision."

Duke closed his eyes and stopped the struggling. "I see what I have to do. I'll agree to be whatever you want me to be, do whatever you want me to do, just as long as you don't damage my friends, and let them be free to leave this planet. Is that acceptable?"

"Well, if they're not dead yet, we could consider it. Their chances of surviving by the time the message gets to them that they're free are very slim. This planet is just full of hungry clans that would love to eat your friends." Duke was almost hopeless at this point.

"Just take me to your emperor; I'll be a good boy for you." Duke closed his eyes and went to sleep as he was carried. He really wanted to save his friends, he didn't care anymore if he was related to some Lugia character, he just wanted to go home with Wolf and snuggle. What have I gotten into?! He wondered to himself.


Wolf leaned against the back wall, hoping for good news, something like that Duke was not related to the emperor, and that they could just go. Sadly, Wolf knew that if he wasn't related, they'd all be killed anyway. Maybe it would be for the best if he was related, then he could bust all of them out. Most of all, Wolf did not want to stay here, he wanted to be back at his own base with his love Duke.

"So, when do you think news will come?" Fox asked, walking close to Wolf with a worried look.

"I dunno; let's just hope it comes before fate gets to us first."

Fox looked down. "You know, I know you and Duke had sex, I just know it. I also know that you and he did other things together."

Wolf turned to face Fox. "Yeah, what of it?"

"Well, I was just... you see... aw forget it, Wolf, will you... do me?" Fox licked Wolf's ear.

Wolf gave Fox an extremely odd look, and Falco looked over at the two in surprise as well.

"Fox... what has gotten into you?! What about Krystal?!" Falco shouted, getting angry.

Fox faced Falco. "We're going to die here, Falco. I wanna at least get to experience what Duke did. Plus, Wolf. I find you very, very attractive."

Wolf laughed. "You know, your tail hole always did look quite tempting. Aw, why not you dog?!" At this, Falco was speechless. Wolf was gonna cheat on Duke, and Fox was gonna cheat on Krystal. Unbelievable. Falco just sat down and went to sleep in the corner.

"Okay Fox, baby, why don't we slip off those clothes of yours?" Wolf said, already pulling down Fox's pants.

"Alright, stud." Fox said, ripping off his shirt, revealing his somewhat slim build.

After Wolf had thrown Fox's pants to the side, he took off his own shirt, revealing to Fox his muscular build. "Oh, you're so hot man, I love you." Fox said clinging to Wolf in one of the tightest hugs he had ever given before.

Wolf chuckled and lightly pushed Fox away, and then removing his own pants, so now the two had only their boxers on. Wolf turned Fox around, and pulled down his boxers a little, revealing his already extended cock, and he pulled down Fox's boxers, and then slid in his dick easily in Fox's somewhat wide tail hole.

"Oh, you're tail hole is... so much wider than Duke's... so much easier to penetrate... I love it."

Fox could only moan at the pleasure he was already getting, and his own cock popped right out of his sheath, revealing a cock that was much smaller than Duke's.

Wolf then wrapped both of his arms around Fox, and pulled him in, at the same time thrusting forward, forcing his cock all the into Fox's ass. "Oh... Oh!" Fox closed his eyes tight, enduring the great sex Wolf was giving him.

Wolf kept thrusting and thrusting, leaving Fox's tail hole sore. "Oh... Fox, I think I'm about to cum, get ready!"

Fox looked back at Wolf. "I think I'm about to cum as well! Don't hold back, hottie!"

With one more thrust, Wolf's cum sprayed all over and into Fox, while some of it dripped out and got on the hard floor. Fox's own cum squirted forward and all over the floor, which apparently the guard Ursaring noticed. "Hey, what are you two doing in there?!"

Wolf gave the guard a death stare. "If we're gonna die here, we may as well enjoy ourselves, you can't take this passion away, you bastard!"

The Ursaring gave a sad look. "I wasn't gonna stop you... I actually wanted to join you. I have a pretty impressive cock." He said as he showed off his great big cock. Even Wolf was impressed.

"No, creatures like you don't deserve this pleasure." Fox said, giving Wolf a look to continue.

Wolf stopped thrusting. "Fox, please suck me. I'm so pissed off I'm afraid I'll thrust you to death. Fox nodded and got on his knees and between Wolf's. He sucked on Wolf's cock, cleaning all the cum off, while Wolf pressed his paw against Fox's head, making him bob even further into Wolf's dick.

Wolf cummed into Fox's maw, and Fox swallowed it all down, loving the taste more than any kind of beverage he could think of. "I doubt you can swallow this load, you whore!" Wolf said as he unleashed an even greater amount of cum into Fox's maw. He tried to swallow it, but some of it dripped from his maw.

Fox lifted off Wolf's cock and looked up at him. "Wolf... I love you." Wolf looked down at him and smiled warmly. "I love you too, Fox."

Duke's gonna be so angry... What am I doing?!


Instead of heading right for the castle like Duke expected, he stopped in a building that looked like a shop. The Machamp stepped up to face a shopkeeper, and he put Duke on the floor, laid him out on his back, and placed a foot on top of him, lightly pressing him against the floor. "Gimme a leash." He said, and the shopkeeper handed him a leash, the Machamp didn't even hand over any type of money!

The Machamp picked up Duke, and threw a collar on him that he conveniently had with him, and then he attached the leash, making it all the more embarrassing for Duke. "This is insane, how can you do this to me, I may be royalty!"

The Machamp smirked. "Not yet you're not royalty, as far as I know, you're my property until I turn you in to the emperor, so for now we're gonna go on a little walk to the castle, now go!" The Machamp said, stepping forward and yanking Duke's collar as he did so, causing great pain in the neck. Duke had no other choice but to move forward, so he did.

The two walked all over town, and Duke got a chance to see just where he was, and how civilized it was. It looked to him like an old medieval-like town... absolutely no electricity... Duke could smell the bakery a mile away, and oh how he wanted it... "So, can we at least get something to eat? I'm starving!"

Machamp looked down at his little pet, and then nodded. "Sure, but we're getting my favorite, tacos!" Duke liked tacos as well, so this slavery might not be too bad. Machamp walked Duke about a half a mile to a hut. They walked in. and it smelled greatly like tacos. Duke thought he could stay in there forever.

Machamp walked up to the front stand. The cashier, who was a Magmar, asked Machamp what he wanted. Machamp got 5 taco Supremes, and got Duke one children's taco. It was about 3 inches long, and had a little bit of meat in it. Duke just popped it in his maw and swallowed it. He watched Machamp gobble down his tacos violently, and it made Duke want to puke.

Then, when Machamp was finished, he pulled Duke in close to his face with the leash, and let out a huge belch, it smelled horrible and a few bits of hard shell hit Duke's face. Duke gagged, and just looked down. "Yeah, I bet you hate that, you little whelp!"

"Shouldn't you be taking me to your emperor?" Duke said, still looking down in shame. He could not believe that he was possibly related to his emperor, and yet Machamp treated him like shit!

"Well, my requirement was to have you to the castle by sunset, and it's about noon, so you got a while to be my buddy, heh heh heh."

"Maybe you'll get extra credit if you turn me in early?" Duke asked, trying to find ways to get out of this situation.

"Having you to push around is credit enough, my friend." He replied, petting Duke's hair.

Guess I've still got a while before I find out what's gonna go down...


After their pleasuring time, Wolf and Fox fell asleep on the floor, cuddling tightly as the floor was quite cold, and the guard Ursaring just watched jealously. Wolf felt kind of bad for Duke, but he thought he may have been in love with Fox now. And Fox truly was attracted to Wolf, even though not even a day before, they were mortal enemies.

After a few hours, they woke up, but Falco was still sleeping. By now, it was almost sunset. "Fox, baby. We need to know if Duke is alright. I can not feel content until I know he's safe."

Fox gave a caring look to Wolf, but smiled. "Well, honey, even if he's not okay, we can still be together, right?" Fox rubbed Wolf's back calmly.

"I just don't know, Fox. Duke was my first love I ever had, he made my whole day just by me waking up and seeing him smile. If I find out that they killed him, I won't be able to live with myself knowing I was unable to protect him."

"Wolf, you must understand. We tried to save him. There's no way we could've taken on those big guards. It's okay Wolf. If we find out that he's dead, at least we tried."

Wolf began to look a little annoyed. "We can't just sit on our asses and hope he's alive. There must be something we can do." Wolf looked over at the Ursaring, who looked awfully bored. "Hey tubs, wanna get in on some action up in here?"

The Ursaring looked up. "What do you mean prisoner?" He was pawing at his balls, but stopped.

"If you let me out, I'll let you bang foxy here for as long as you want, what do ya say, buddy?" Wolf grinned at Fox, then at the Ursaring.

Fox pushed Wolf. "What are you doing? I don't want that guy's dick!"

The Ursaring got up from his chair. "I swear though, if you tell anyone that I let you out and I lose my job, I'll kill you!" He proceeded to unlock the cell door and let Wolf out, looking at Fox evilly.

"Wolf, stop! What about me?! What about us?!" Fox backed away into the wall, giving the Ursaring an unwilling look. "You stay away from me, you rapist!"

Wolf gave Fox a sad look. "I'm sorry Fox, but Duke is the one for me. After I save Duke, I'll get you out of here as well. Have fun in there you two!" And Wolf ran off.

The Ursaring grabbed Fox by the chest with both of his paws and threw him down on the floor, making a 'thud'. Fox tried to get up, but was too late as the Ursaring plopped on top of him, pinning him down completely. "Here I come, little foxy!" And he fucked the living shit out of Fox for hours and hours...

What no one had noticed in all the action was, oddly enough, Falco was no where in sight, the Ursaring never even noticed, he was far too busy with his new mate, Fox.


Wolf made his way out of the prison building, looking carefully for enemies that may try to capture him again. He was in town, tons of pokemon all around. But he just could not find Duke. He didn't want to call Duke's name, because that would only cause attention. He looked upon a huge castle, at the very end of town, and set out for it...

He was on his way, now at the center of town, when suddenly; he picked up Duke's scent. "Duke! Where are ya, buddy?!" He looked to a taco place, where he picked it up, and went right for it. When he got inside, he looked around, but no sign of Duke. "Damn, I'm too late." He went up to the Magmar.

"What can I get you today, sir?" Wolf looked angry. "Sorry, I'm not here for food, but I need to ask you a question. Earlier today, was there a blue wolf here by any chance?" The Magmar nodded. "Yes, him and his master, a Machamp were here earlier today. It looked like the Machamp was treating him harshly however."

Wolf shook his head. "Damn, what are they doing to him?! Do you know where they went?" The Magmar had to stop and think. "I believe I heard them talking about taking him to the Emperor?" Wolf nodded. "Okay, thanks for the help, you're a friend." And Wolf was off, leaving the Magmar with a confused look.

Don't worry Duke, I'm coming!


After Duke and the Machamp left the Taco place, they started to head for the castle. "So, what are you gonna do after you drop me off to your Emperor?" Duke asked, trying to make a good slave and make conversation. "Well, I'll probably get paid tons of money for getting you to him safely, so after I witness the Emperor's anger that you're not related to him and then watch him eat you, I'll be wealthy and live a happy life, knowing that you're dead!"

Duke simply hated his master. There was no easier way to put his feelings toward him than the word hate. He wanted to run away and go home, but instead he was stuck with this massive muscular jerk.

As the two walked through town, more and more people began to look at Duke as something different. Something odd that did not belong in town. Someone even threw a bottle at Duke, leaving a bruise on his side. Everyone seemed to hate Duke, but they didn't say a word to Machamp, they didn't even really care about him.

Then, the two finally arrived outside of the castle. It was huge, bigger than any mansion Duke had ever seen. They walked inside, and it was absolutely gorgeous. The walls were gold; there were tons of beautiful things hanging from the ceiling. They walked up huge staircases that lead to a huge dining area. They walked past the tables and into the next room. It was like a ballroom. It was a huge circular room, with plenty of room that would easily fit 500 different people.

Then, they finally arrived in the colossal throne room. Duke looked ahead and saw him. There he was, the Emperor Lugia VI. It was hard to describe what he looked like. He looked like a white and blue dragon, but he looked kinda fat. He was smiling widely at the sight of Duke, but the strange thing was, Duke could feel his happiness and joy, he felt Lugia's honor and pride. He could feel Lugia's kindness, and now Duke wasn't so scared.

Machamp bowed down, so Duke did as well. "Welcome, friends! I take it you had an easy journey here?" Duke looked at Machamp, who gave him the gesture not to say a word. Duke looked down and frowned. Lugia noticed, and tilted his head. "What is the matter, young Duke? What can I do to make you happy?"

Duke stood up, tears coming out of his eyes rapidly. "Get him," Duke pointed at Machamp fiercely. "Away from me! All he did on the way here was torture me, burp in my face, and didn't do anything when people threw stuff at me! I just..." Duke sobbed more. "I just hate it here, and I wanna go home, that's all."

Machamp stayed down, bowing with a frown. Lugia looked down at Machamp. "What is this, Machamp? I thought I told you to just pick him up and bring him here! I wanted you to make him feel like he already was home. And what did you do?! You made him cry! You made him want to go back to where he came from! Shame on you, Machamp, shame on you!" Then, two guards, Rhyperiors, came and grabbed Machamp, hauling him away.

Duke wiped up his tears and ran up to Lugia, squeezing his belly giving him a hug. "Oh, thank you, great Emperor Lugia. I just needed to be away from that horrible monster. I have all too many questions to ask you, Emperor, please listen to me."

Lugia smiled and wrapped his wings around Duke, making him feel warm and comfortable. "Go ahead; I'd be honored to answer your questions, young one."

Duke sighed. "I need to know that my friends, Fox and Wolf are okay. Your guards took them away and we were all split up. Please tell me they're not dead!" Duke buried his face in Lugia's belly.

Lugia sighed as well. "Well, I actually do not know what became of your friends. I'm sure they're not dead, but I'm not sure. If you want to see them again, that's no problem, I can take you to the prison, because that's probably where they are."

Duke closed his eyes, but then opened them suddenly as the throne room door slammed open. "Duke! There you are! I'm here to save you from this evil planet!" It was Wolf. Duke could not believe it. Duke got down from Lugia and ran up to Wolf, hugging and kissing him.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Wolf! How the hell did you ever get in here?! Wait... where's Fox? Please don't tell me..." Duke opened his eyes wide at Wolf.

Lugia got down from the throne and looked at the two. "Are you two... mates?" Lugia tilted his head in confusion.

Duke looked back at him and nodded. "Yes, we've been together for some time now." Duke turned back to Wolf. "Wolf, this is Emperor Lugia. He is really great; you guys really should get to know each other."

Wolf looked at Lugia, and Lugia looked at Wolf. "Hello, friend. Welcome to my castle! Please, you two should sleep here tonight with me, you've gone through a lot I'm sure." Lugia smiled at Wolf, who smiled back.

"Thanks for taking care of Duke, and yes, we will stay here tonight, I'm tired as hell. So where do we sleep?" Duke smiled.

Lugia lay down on his back. "Sleep on my belly, I'll cradle you with my wings so you'll be nice and warm." Duke hopped on, and so did Wolf. Lugia wrapped his wings around them, and they all went to sleep. The soothing sounds of Lugia's stomach gurgling and churning put Duke and Wolf to sleep almost instantly. "Good night, friends." And Lugia was asleep as well.

It's really peaceful here... Maybe Wolf and I could stay here for a while... I really like Lugia; I hope we're related... But... what ever happened to Fox? I wonder if he's...

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