A Day at the Marina

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Ever wonder where all those marvelous performing animals at Sea World and other Ocean parks come from??

A Day at the Marina

By William W. Kelso

I floated in a warm soft world, drifting in and out of awareness, sometimes awakened by pain, pleasure, or both. I think I was out of it for most of the time though as every time I woke up for awhile things had...changed. I still couldn't believe what had happened; was happening, to me, and trying to cope would often send me spiraling back down into welcome oblivion, it was better than the alternative. But I knew that things would never be the same again.

It had started out so great, the vacation of a lifetime! A special budget vacation package made available through the company I worked for, it was for two weeks at a five star exclusive Holiday Resort and Sea World called 'The Shingles'. I'd been to the original Sea World a few times, and it was a dump compared to this place. Normally it was booked solid by the upper class who could afford to indulge their whims, but by booking ahead of time for the off season a 9 to 5 wage slave like me could actually afford it. And it came with all the frills; they had no 'tourist' class, only premiere, and for once in my life I was the one being treated like royalty. Once you checked in everything was free, the food, room service, the shows and entertainment, everything! Everything that is, except for the gambling. Oh, you got $500.00 in free chips to start, including another $200 in rolls of dollars for the one-armed bandits. But that didn't last long, all it did was prime the pump so to speak, which I'm sure was one reason they gave out the free cash.

And I was sucked in, I'd never gambled a day in my life; it was illegal where I came from, but not here. And I was an overnight addict, hook, line, and sinker. I actually did pretty well at first, winning a nice little pot in the quarter machines, and after the first night was about $15,000 ahead, to me a fabulous amount of money, but chump change to the resort. But the almost $350,000 I ran up over the next week was not chump change, and they just kept giving me more and more credit, the bastards. I kept telling myself my luck was sure to break, it couldn't stay this bad! How many others had thought the same thing since the first cavemen rolled the bones for the last chunk of Mammoth meat? And finally they said 'no more credit', and I tied on a bender and passed out in my room; the drinks were still free.

I was gently; and politely, awoken early the next afternoon by two rather intimidating men in Italian suits, and after I got cleaned up and dressed they asked me; still politely, to come with them as someone wanted to have a little talk with me about my 'finances'. I was taken into the bowels of the huge resort; well away from the 'guest' areas, and escorted; politely, but firmly, to the office of a Mr. Smith, who appeared to be in charge of 'collections'. He offered me a drink, I accepted, and it was down to business. I didn't say much, I didn't have much to say, and was still badly hung over.

"Well, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Smith said, we appear to have a problem. According to our records your net worth is around $40,000 dollars, including the stocks & bonds your uncle left you. Now the problem is, you owe us $500,000."

"WHAT! I spluttered, almost choking on my drink, it's more like $350,000!"

"Ah, Mr. Smith said, that was before the interest and special charges for extending credit past the normal limits."

"That's bullcrap, I said, that can't be legal!"

"Oh, I assure you it's quite legal, Mr. Smith replied, and you signed legal documents to that effect, several times. The terms were explained to you, but you may have been distracted at the time."

"Oh man, I mumbled, holding my head in my hands, I don't have that kind of money!"

"Oh, we know that Mr. Simmons, Mr. Smith said, but we do want our money, we can't just let such a large amount slide. It's not good for business, I'm sure you understand. Therefore we've decided to give you a rather unique employment opportunity; that is if you pass some required medical tests first. If you are acceptable then your debt will be eliminated. If not, well, we'll work out something else."

"What kind of 'employment opportunity'? I asked, I'm a good office manager, but that's about it."

"Nothing quite so...ordinary, Mr. Smith said, we have more office managers then we know what to do with. No, we have something very special in mind for you, you might want to consider it an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, and start over with a new life."

"Um, not really interested." I said.

"At this point I'm afraid that's of no consequence, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Smith said, the decision has already been made, and it's out of your hands. Now please, if you will accompany your escorts we can get started."

I tried to get more information out of him, but he politely had me taken from his office; escorted by the equally polite guards, who took me to what appeared to be a rather normal clinic. There I was examined, poked and prodded, had blood and other samples taken; more than once, was run through an MRI, had a CAT scan done, and all manner of other tests, some I had never had done before. It was the most thorough medical exam I'd ever had, and it scared the Hell out of me. My clothes had been taken at the first, and were not given back to me at the end; I was just left in a room; more like a cell really, with nothing on but my hospital gown, the kind with the open back. I tired the door; and as I'd known it would be it was locked, so I got in the nice comfortable bed; I was cold, and just waited. I even feel asleep for a while. The only time I woke up was when I was brought a rather nice meal, complete with a bottle of premium scotch. Evidently whatever they had planned for me it didn't include a diet of bread and water.

Unknown to me some calls were made, research was done, and it was determined I was a perfect 'candidate' for 'special' employment. I was basically a nobody, single, no close family, unimportant job, so; in short, I wouldn't be missed. Then when I passed the medical exam with flying colors the final decision was made, without my being consulted of course. Steps were taken, I was 'checked out' of my room, listed as boarding the return flight to home, and just vanished off the face of the planet. Of course it helped that they had done this many times before. And while this was going on I languished in my nice little cell, wondering what the heck as going on. My protests that this was 'kidnapping' were politely ignored.

The next time the door to my cell opened there were four men, my two 'loyal' guards; polite as ever, one pushing a gurney, and another in a white coat with a syringe. The one in the white coat said,

"Congratulations, you're been accepted for employment, please come with us."

I didn't want to, didn't cooperate, but it didn't make any difference. The two guards held me down easily, the syringe was stuck in my arm, and my last memory was of being 'helped' onto the gurney. I have no idea how long it was before I woke up again.

I came too slowly, in stages, and felt pretty good overall. It was warm and quiet except for some faint gurgling or bubbling noises, and when I opened my eyes the lighting was subdued and dim. I tried to move, but nothing happened. Next I tried to say something, but gagged a little as I realized something was stuck down my throat, and I had a mask of some kind over my face. And as I became more aware I also realized I had something stuck in my ass, AND in my cock. Catheters, I guessed. I was paralyzed, but could move my eyes, and from what I could see I was floating, suspended in some sort of thick gel, or other fluid of some kind. It was warm and wet, and crystal clear, but it definitely wasn't water. I could see the wires and tubes that were attached to my body and where they disappeared into the floor of the tank or tube I was encapsulated in, and out of the corner of my eyes I could see more of the same tanks scattered around the room, and most had dim figures floating in them. The one I could see clearest had a nude woman floating inside it, tubes and wires stuck in her body just like mine, the biggest ones in her mouth, ass, and pussy. She was good looking, with large breasts and wide hips. I must look like that, I thought, and wondered, can she see me??

There was something very wrong, impersonal and cold, about the whole set-up. Oh God, I wondered; were we being maintained so our organs could be harvested?? I'd heard about stuff like that! They cut out what they had a buyer for, but kept you alive as long as possible to keep the rest of your organs 'fresh'. Panicking, I tried to move again, managing to twitch a little, making the thick fluid heave a little bit. A monitor recorded my 'agitation', a sedative was administered, and I feel asleep again. Occasionally a person in a white lab coat came by, checked the readings from the monitors, made some adjustments if necessary, and then left again. The room was otherwise deserted except for the occupants of the tanks, the only sounds faint gurgles and beeps from the equipment. Every now and then eyes would open, stare around in terror, then close again as sleep returned.

Next time I woke up things hadn't changed, I was still floating naked in a tank with all sorts of thing attached to, and/or stuck inside, my body. If any parts of me had been cut off I couldn't tell, and there was no pain, just a faint discomfort and by bones ached a little. Was I getting arthritis from being still and unmoving for so long?? How long HAD it been, anyway? There was no way to tell time in this place. I was aware of figures occasionally moving between the faintly glowing tanks, but couldn't see them clearly. I looked over at my 'neighbor' in the nearest tank, and then took a closer look. There was something odd, different, about her now. It took a second to figure it out, but then it hit me, her hair was gone! Not only on her head, but her crotch as well, she was bald now. Her mound was slick and clean, her pussy lips clearly visible where they were spread by the tube inserted in her vagina. What does that feel like, I wondered? Despite the fact my view of her left nothing to the imagination I felt no stirring in my own sex. Whatever was being pumped into me obviously included a sexual depressant of some kind, guess they didn't want me getting a boner with a tube stuck into my dick. How nice of them. Then it occurred to me, was I bald too? I couldn't tell. Then I guess the machines decided I'd been awake long enough, and I felt a tingle in one of my arms and fell asleep again.

The next time I woke up the dull ache in my bones was worse, and I felt really strange, my skin itching and it felt like it was twitching as well, and it also felt too tight I some places like it didn't fit quite right anymore. And when I saw the woman in the next tank I freaked out, and was put back under right away as my brain activity scans peaked. But not before I'd seen the changes her body was undergoing. Her legs were growing together, and her arms were getting shorter, her fingers having grown together into what looked like paddles, and her skin was turning grey! Somehow I knew the same thing was happening to me as well, my body felt wrong, twisted and warped! I bucked and squirmed, my arm tingled, and though I fought it I soon sank back into oblivion. My last thought was, oh God, what are they doing to us!?!

When I woke up again things had changed drastically, and I was very aware that I now had a tube stuck into the back of my head, I could feel it and was apparently breathing through it! I could feel the flow of air. There was still a mask over my...snout, and I could tell there was still a tube stuck down my throat. I stared at my slim tapered snout or nose, and it was covered in what looked like grey rubber. I also found my peripheral vision to the sides was much better now, and I could see other tanks now; most occupied; some with other men and women, others with things no longer human. Oh, you could tell they used to be human, but were becoming something else. Like me, I realized in horror. That snout was definitely NOT human. I looked at the 'woman' again, but little was left. Her legs had completely grown together, her feet flattening and growing into what could only be flippers. Her arms were just flat stubs now, and her once large breasts were fading bumps. Her vagina was gone, and in its place was just a slit the tubes disappeared into. She had a snout too, her head misshapen and bulging, grotesque, eyes farther back on the sides now, and a dorsal fin was growing from her back. She suddenly squirmed and waved her 'arms' weakly, then became quiet again. Do I look like that too? I wondered as I felt a tingle, and slipped back into the comforting darkness.

Next time I woke up I remained aware for a longer period, and my eyesight had grown even better. I realized that the other shapes in the tanks were not all the same. While most I could see looked like the 'woman', or were in various stages of becoming like she was now, others were definitely different. In some larger tanks were large plane shaped creatures with strange faces and long whip like tails, and one had what could only be a...shark, but not quite, it still had some human features. Rays, I suddenly realized, those other things are, manta rays! But the woman was gone entirely now, replaced by a dolphin! Her body was sleek and streamlined, grey with a lighter belly, and I could see her eyes moving. They're turning us into animals, I now knew, and I'm like her! I'm a...a dolphin too! But why?? Suddenly she squealed, a kind of high pitched squeak, and I heard it!! I tried to respond, but was already drifting back into a drug induced sleep. But I'd recognized a call of distress and fear, and some...instinct in me wanted to respond. A call for help must be answered!

The next time I woke up things had changed drastically, and I was no longer alone in the tank! Some people in what looked like wetsuits were in the tank with me, and while two held me the others were removing the wires and tubes from my body. I thrashed weakly as the tubes were pulled from my rear and penis; it really hurt, and then I was placed onto a sling attached to a crane, and was lifted out of the thick gel, and I suddenly felt cold as the air contacted my skin. The last to be removed was the tube in the top of my head, and the mask over my face. With a loud gasp I sucked air into my lungs through the hole in my head, and with a gasping squeal snapped my jaws, and felt lots of pointed conical teeth with a long thick tongue as I tried to talk, to say something, to ask them what the Hell they'd done to me!?! But all I could do was squeak and grunt.

"Clean out his blowhole, make sure it's clear! One of the people said, and be sure to put plenty of the cream on his genital slit, he's raw back there, we don't want an infection."

I thrashed a little more as I felt someone 'fondling' me, but the warm cream she was smearing on my privates did feel good. I wanted to get up, but everything was so wrong, so strange. I thrashed a little more, trying to stand up, and someone rubbed my side, and said,

"Take it easy fella, we'll take good care of you, just calm down." Another one said, "Should we sedate him?" The first replied, "No, not now, he might drown now that he's off support. Come on; let's get him to a holding tank."

As I was hoisted out of the tank I noticed the tank next to mine was empty, and some more people were cleaning it. The woman; or rather what had once been a woman, was gone. And as I was wheeled out of the large chamber I saw still more tanks of varying sizes, and while some where empty I saw other with more people in the process of becoming more dolphins, or other things. I saw one that could only be a killer whale, and another that was starting to look like a seal. This is insane, I thought, I need to get out of here! But all I could do was squirm in my sling, squeaking shrilly in panic.

I was taken through a long corridor, and then into a much large chamber where I could smell water, salt water, and felt a need to be in it, an increasingly desperate need. My skin felt dry and itched, and my body felt heavy and clumsy. As I was wheeled along a raised platform with a heavy metal mesh for the floor I could see large tanks underneath, and shapes were moving in some of them. As I watched dolphin broached, looked at me, then sank back into the water and swam away.

"Here we are, holding tank fourteen. One of the people said, then as I was lowered into a pool, he said, "Welcome to your new home, at least for awhile."

The warm water felt wonderful as it closed over my body, and one of the people slid into the water and unhooked the sling, and as soon as it was gone I gave a big swish of my tail and swam off, and bumped my nose into the side of the tank! OWWW! I thought, and gave a squeak of pain. Then I heard a voice, perfectly clearly even though it was under water.

"Take it easy, you need to learn to use your new body. The tank is fairly small, so you need to be careful about swimming too fast. Practice swimming and diving, stopping and turning. Don't try any jumping for now, you might hurt yourself."

I centered in on where the 'voice' was coming from, and found a small speaker in the side of the tank. I swam over to it; carefully, and looked at it for awhile, then driven by instinct rose to the surface, blew, took a breath, and submerged again. Twisting as much as I could I looked down at my body; my long slick streamlined torpedo like body, nothing human remaining about it. Looked at the fins, powerful flukes, grey rubbery skin, and a slit where my cock and balls should be. It looked like a vagina; sort of, but thank God I was still male, I could tell. I could hear the people who dumped me in the tank talking, and realized they were leaving. I stuck my head out of the water and chattered at them with squeaks and squeals as I tried to talk. 'Please, I tried to say, don't leave me here like this!! This is wrong, I'm not an animal!!' One of them; the woman, squatted down and patted my snout.

"Be a good boy now, she said, you'll be fed shortly, and some things will be explained to you."

I don't want to be fed! I thought; I HATE fish! I was; or had been, allergic to seafood. Oh good Lord, I thought, what if I still am? What the Hell will I be able to eat!? I started frantically swimming around the pool, splashing with my tail, upset and mad as Hell. This is WRONG, how could you DO this to a human!! I thought in rage, then, realizing I was alone now, I slowly calmed down and took a look around at my new 'home'. There wasn't much to see, the tank was fairly large, and about fifteen feet deep. And except for the speaker and some lights there was nothing to see. I could feel water flowing through some slits covered in mesh, so at least it was being filtered and kept fresh. The pool was comfortable though, nice and warm. And despite my rather agitated mood I had to admit it did feel wonderful to be able to swim so easily and gracefully, it was almost like flying. But I calmed down, and was more careful, after bumping my snout a few more times. It hurt! And I was also...hungry. But when the woman came to feed me later I had mixed feelings. I was hungry, but when she threw a big chunk of raw fish into tank I was less then delighted, I still found the idea of eating raw fish kind of disgusting. Finally, my stomach rumbling, I decided to give it a taste, and with a snap grabbed it and swallowed a chunk, whole. No chewing for me, not with jaws like I had now. And it was pretty good, so I ate the rest, finally sticking my head out of the water and letting her just drop the fish into my open mouth. After I'd eaten I felt a lot better too, God I'd been hungry! When it became obvious there was no more fish I dived and surfaced on the other side of the tank, figuring it was time to be uncooperative. I still had trouble believing what had been done to me, and still had no idea why. Then I heard the underwater speaker give a beep, and; curious, swam over next to it.

"Good, the speaker said, when you hear the beep that means we have something to tell you. You obviously know you're not human anymore, you are now a Tursiops; of the family Delphinidae, in short, a common bottlenose dolphin. We know you have lots of questions, but can't ask them of course. So we'll give you a quick rundown as what will be required of you. You're no longer human; and never will be again as the process is irreversible, so get used to it. You'll be well fed and cared for as long as you cooperate. You will be trained to perform at our resort, and possibly others. We've found that dolphins and other aquatic life with human intelligence make much better performers then 'naturals'. If you won't cooperate you'll be sold to some aquarium or zoo somewhere, and I doubt that would be as enjoyable a life as the one you can have here. You; and all of your fellow changelings, have been given this opportunity to pay off your debts by becoming a contributing member as one of our 'special employee's."

I floated; stunned. They'd turned me into an animal so I could do TRICKS for the tourists!?! And I'd be like this for the rest of my life?? A fucking animal, performing for fish? With an angry flick of my tail I rammed my snout into the speaker, denting the metal grill over it. FUCK you, I thought! Suddenly I felt an electric shock blast through my body, and stunned, floated listlessly.

"Any disobedience or violence will be punished instantly, the voice said, so do not do that again. That charge was mild, but they can be much stronger. A word of advice, you are dependent on us for everything, food, medical care, even the water you swim in. We don't like to hurt you, but disobedience with NOT be tolerated. Behave and your life will be quite pleasant, most of our special employees learn to enjoy it."

Fuck you, I thought, as I floated on the surface. This is WRONG! I can't even TALK for God's sake! I don't WANT to be like this! But of course the speaker didn't answer.

The next day; after being fed again, my 'training' started. I found there was a kind of slide at one end of the tank, and they had me swim up on it so a trainer could examine me and apply some more of the antiseptic cream to my genitals since they were still sore and inflamed from the catheters. She put some on my blowhole too; it was kind of sore as well. It actually felt pretty good, and I was a little embarrassed when I felt a stirring in my genital slit, but managed to keep from getting an erection. It felt different, but I knew what was happening. But damn, she slid her hand inside my slit and caressed me as she smeared the cream on, and it was hard NOT to become aroused. I wasn't human anymore, but I was still a male.

After she finished applying the cream she told me her name was Sandy, and she would be my 'trainer'. She asked me that if she got in the water with me would I be good and not try to hurt her? Well, I was still pretty upset, but I didn't want to hurt anybody, so I nodded my head, and she slid back off the slide with me. Then she gripped my dorsal fin and had me drag her around the tank. It was kind of humiliating, but the feel of her slick wetsuit next to my own slick skin was kind of nice. Then she had me slide up on the slide again, and gave me a big piece of squid as a 'treat', and it tasted lot better than the fish I'd been fed so far. I was kind of sad to see her go, she'd been nice to me and I kind of liked her. Then the speaker beeped again, and I swam over to it.

"Good, the speaker said, you did well. Sandy knows you're a changeling, so will treat you with respect. If you like her and will cooperate with her we will make her your permanent trainer. You need to try using your echolocation some now, and we will introduce you to another; older and well trained, changeling in a few days. He will teach you a lot, and how to talk to the others. Yes, you can talk to other dolphins. The vocabulary is limited though, especially with 'naturals'. But it is enough to allow you to coordinate intricate maneuvers with one another, and have some 'conversations'. You will also be taught a series of body signals and sounds you can use to communicate with trainers as well. Eventually you will be paired with another changeling as we have found you perform best as mated pairs, and you both will learn to work with other pairs. Now get some sleep, you did well today."

It took a few seconds for that to sink in, a MATED pair?? As in sex, with a female? A female dolphin?? I wasn't so sure about that. It was one thing to be stuck as an animal, but to have SEX as one?? But I couldn't help remembering how it had felt as Sandy had smeared the cream on my penis. What would it feel like, with a...mate? It gave me something to think about until I fell asleep. Sleep was kind of weird, but instinctive, and I floated to surface to breathe at regular intervals without even really realizing it.

Sandy came back next day, fed me, and then had me take her for rides again. She also applied some more cream, which I was very cooperative about. She took her time, and I think she knew how good it felt to me. Then she taught me a few signals that the trainers used. Some were sounds such as slaps on the water or taps on the side of the tank, others were hand signals. They were simple, and I caught on fast, especially with the incentive of squid treats. I was a little appalled that I was almost enjoying myself, it just seemed to be...natural. At least I had company; it was boring in the tank otherwise. Other then swimming around there was nothing to do. So I came to look forward to her visits. I also practiced my echolocation too, and it was pretty neat to have built in sonar. It's hard to describe the feeling, but I knew exactly where everything was. My eyesight was really good; both in and out of the water, but the sonar let me 'see' things a lot farther away in amazing detail. And later I'd find it was also useful and in communicating with other dolphins, porpoises, whales, and other aquatic animals. Even changelings who'd become something other than mammals, such as sharks or rays, could understand some of it, as well as the other sounds we made.

Once it was obvious I was 'cooperating' a door was opened and I swam through a tunnel to a much larger tank. As soon as I entered I knew I wasn't alone, there was another dolphin in the tank with me. I saw, and 'heard', him call to me. He swam over to me, and at first I was a little shy, unsure how to react to another changeling like myself. He swam up next to me and looked me in the eye, swam off a little ways, then turned his head and looked at me again. It was obvious he wanted me to follow him. He was older; and larger, but was friendly, so I followed. Soon we were swimming side by side as fast as we could go in the nice large tank, but the first time he jumped I hesitated. He did it a few more times, then clicked and squeaked at me, and I knew he wanted me do it too. So the next time he jumped I followed, and it was fun, thought I made a pretty big splash compared to his smooth reentry into the water. But I caught on fast, and soon we were jumping in perfect synchronization with ease, leaving hardly a ripple. I heard Sandy clapping, and we were rewarded with a nice big piece of squid. I felt ridiculously proud of myself.

At the end of the day I was sent back to my 'own' tank for the night, but spent the days after that in the large tank with my dolphin and human trainers. Every time I mastered a new trick there was a new one to learn. I was taught to tail walk, do flips of various kinds; back flips were the hardest, jump through hoops, and other 'fun' things. Part of me thought it was demeaning, but I was just having too much fun. I couldn't help but wonder if my change had been more than just physical, and had also included conditioning to enjoy being a performer. How could you tell? And even if I did know, what could I do about it? This was my life now, and I could spend it swimming in circles in some oversize aquarium somewhere, or have fun. Fun won.

After one day of learning back flips and some hoops I was given another treat, one that was totally unexpected. I went back to my tank, was fed, and got ready to go to sleep until the next day. So I was surprised when I heard the 'come to the slide' signal, and with a few strokes of my flukes I slid up onto it, and Sandy was there again. And she was naked! Even thought I wasn't human anymore I could still tell she was beautiful, and when she laid down next to me in the warm water and started rubbing her naked body again mine I had no choice but to...respond, in the usual way. She rolled me part way over, and I was able to see myself fully aroused for the first time, and it was bit of a shock. I was large, and long, and my cock tapered to a point. It also seemed to be a little prehensile, the tip curling as she began stroking the shaft. I shuddered in pleasure and gave a little squeak; still a little confused, until she said,

"You've been doing very well, so I thought I'd express my 'appreciation'. Don't worry, we're compatible. Even the 'naturals' enjoy coupling with humans, and the changelings do even more, both male and female. It's a side benefit of being a trainer that we don't advertize. It's just between us and our partners. Hmm, I think you're ready my dear friend!"

And I was, oh God how I was! She rolled over on her back, and pulled me on top of her, and as soon as I felt myself pushing against her sex as she helped guide me into her I gave a strong push with my tail, and slid into her over half way. She gave a sigh of pleasure, and wrapped her legs around my body. It was a little awkward, but we didn't really notice. I was lost in a sea of sexual pleasure so intense it was beyond anything I could ever have imagined. Her sex was so warm and slick as it caressed my aching cock, and with a few more sweeps of my tail I finally hilted, and felt the pointed tip of my cock push through another barrier, and I realized I'd penetrated her cervix as well. She groaned and gripped me hard with her legs, her arms rubbing my flanks as I squirmed on top of her, my cock buried deep in her body as I fucked her. I grunted too, giving little clicks and squeaks of pleasure, my whole body shuddering. I knew it was bestiality, but I couldn't have stopped even if I'd wanted too. Her naked body was warm and slick, and felt as smooth as my own body as we moved together. And when I finally came I was amazed at how much cum there was, it spurted out of our joined sexes and drenched her crotch as I came and came. Then it was over, and I slid out of her and back into the tank; and circled weakly, exhausted. She called me again, and I swam over to the side and stuck my head out, and she gave me a kiss on my snout, and said,

"I hope that was as nice for you as it was for me, we'll be doing this a lot if you want to." I shook my head rapidly, and she gave a laugh.

I watched her as she left. Oh yeah, I thought, I want to, as much and as often as possible. Then I rolled over and swam around the tank on my back for awhile splashing with my tail. You know, I thought, I think I could get used to this after all. Eventually I fell asleep and dreamed about our wonderful experience, both as a man and a dolphin.

She gave me that special 'treat' about every other day, much to my delight. I know now it was partly an incentive to cause me to want to please my 'owners' more, but it was also more than that. I know she enjoys it as well, as do other human females who paid me visits every now and then, but she was my most 'regular' partner. And she taught me other ways to couple with human mates. Mostly it was done on the slide, the woman underneath as it was very uncomfortable for a dolphin to lie on their back out of the water, our dorsal fin got in the way and we just weren't built for it. The woman could lie on her back or stomach, but I preferred her on her back as it allowed for deeper penetration. But by far the best was when she was in the water with me.

One evening when she came for our special treat she was carrying a re-breather mask, similar to a regular diving tank, but smaller as it recycled the air through scrubbers. Normally it was a back-up for an emergency, but as it used up less room and wasn't as bulky it was perfect. She slipped into the tank, nude except for the re-breather, and floated on her back as I mounted her, then we moved slowly through the water with gentle sweeps of my flukes as we coupled, her legs wrapped around my lower body. And it was so much better this way, it felt more...right, and natural. I had learned to control myself, so no more quickies for me, I liked it nice and long, and so did she. She hugged me with her arms and I missed having my own arms as I wanted to caress and fondle her breasts and body, but it wonderful enough just the way it was. She slid back and forth against me, and by speeding up my slow circling I could penetrate her more deeply, and the feeling was just incredible as her sex clenched around my shaft. When I finally climaxed with a squeal of ecstasy she screamed around her mouthpiece in a blast of bubbles, and some of my cum leaked out as a white cloud that quickly dispersed in the warm water. After a few minutes I swam us over to the slide, and after I dismounted she rested next to me for awhile, breathing heavily and splashing water on me to keep my skin wet. Sometimes we coupled more than once, but that was it for the night. We'd both worn ourselves out. Then she gave me a kiss, patted my flank, and said,

"Tomorrow you'll meet your partner, and start a new round of training. First with her; then with multiple other dolphins as you learn team work; and you'll be sharing the same tank with her from now on. If you decide you like one another it will be permanent."

After she left it was a long time before I feel asleep. A female, a female dolphin. I was both excited and just a little bit...scared. I mean, what if she didn't like me?? So far I'd only met one other dolphin, the older male, and I wasn't sure how to act around a female. I wondered if it would be the woman who'd been in the tank next to mine, but how could I even tell? And the 'language' I'd learned so far was pretty limited. Stuff like follow me, hello, jump now, food this way, be careful, good, bad, etc. I wouldn't be saying anything complicated like 'Hey baby, what's your sign?' or 'Want to go out for dinner, I know a place where the raw fish is great.' Hell, I couldn't even ask her if she had a name. So far as dolphins having names I could recognize the male from his 'voice', and he could recognize me. But it wasn't the same, not really. That's what drove home the fact to me more than anything else, that I was an animal, and animals don't have names if they can't talk, no matter how smart they are.

The next morning after being fed the door opened and I swam to the larger tank as usual, but instead of the male dolphin who was my friend and trainer the female dolphin was waiting for me. I knew it the second I entered the tank. She was on the far end, and we both circled slowly for awhile, gradually moving closer. Then, through a subconscious signal I didn't even realize, we both turned and brushed past one another at the same time to have a look. She was smaller than I was, and a lighter shade of gray, at least on her belly. The next time we passed we rolled and twisted around one another for a closer look, and I decided she was pretty. She was also more slender and 'delicate' then I was. Suddenly she shot the surface and jumped, so I followed, and soon we were racing around the tank in perfect coordination, jumping and doing underwater loops and twists, having a great time. Finally we calmed down a little, and swam side by side more slowly, looking at each other, and I moved a little closer and brushed against her, and she didn't object or pull away. We 'talked' a little, but it was basically just 'happy' sounds, squeaks and clicks letting the other know we were enjoying ourselves. I quickly realized I was infatuated with her, and when she in turn brushed up against me my whole body gave a tremble of pleasure. Our sense of smell in the water is not that great, but I could smell her, and she smelled really nice. Sweet and warm, and very very female. I didn't notice Sandy watching us get acquainted with a big smile on her face, or notice when she left to give us some privacy. It wouldn't have mattered if she stayed anyway, we wouldn't have minded.

I'm not exactly sure how I knew she was ready, and wanted me, but I did. We took deep breaths and dove down a few feet, then rolled against one another and I unerringly found her slit, and with a lunge and flick of my flukes I mounted her, and she gave a shrill squeak of pleasure. A few more lunges and maneuvering and I hilted, and we moved together in perfect harmony as we drifted, just moving our tails enough to keep from sinking. I had thought mating with Sandy had been pleasurable; and it was, but it paled in comparison the pleasure I felt now, a sexual euphoria that was so intense it was almost unbearable. We remained joined for about fifteen minutes, then as a massive orgasm made my whole body shudder I felt her trembling as well, and after we separated we floated side by side until we came down from our intense pleasure high, then with flicks of our tails we shot to the surface, breathed, then swam around the thank rolling around one another, diving and rocketing to the surface in huge leaps to celebrate our joy. There was no doubt, we were mated, we just knew. Then we calmed down and swam side by side for awhile, before diving to mate again.

We were left in the large tank all day, which we spent in sexual bliss, and when it as time to go back to my 'own' tank, she came with me. We slept side by side, just barely brushing against one another, happy, content, at peace with the world. And I no longer cared what had been done to me, without that I never would have found such perfect happiness and love. Maybe they meant that to happen, but if they did I just didn't care anymore.

The next day it was training time again; the 'honeymoon' was over. When we went back to the large tank the older dolphin was waiting again, and at first I took on a protective stance between him and my mate, until I noticed he had a female with him as well, and I felt embarrassed when it was obvious they were a mated pair as well. He seemed amused, yet approving, of my attitude. After all, one did protect ones mate from danger, but of course he was a friend. Soon all four of us we dashing around the tank as we got acquainted in the way of our kind, his mate was a lovely darker grey color and she and my mate hit it off right away. For having such a limited 'vocabulary' it was amazing how much information we could share. Then Sandy and another trainer slipped in the pool and it was training time.

Soon the four of us were doing intricate and complicated 'tricks' with a precision that was amazing. One of the hardest, and most fun, was when we would swim as fast as we could towards one another from four different directions, then at the last second shot up and leap out of the water twisting in circles, then do back flips back into the water. It took awhile to get it right, but we never hit one another. We just don't run into one another, but enjoy brushing against one another every now and then. After a day of hard training we would relax and 'cool' down in our tank, and usually have a nice long slow coupling, our bodies quivering in ecstasy. After a couple weeks Sandy came back after dinner, in the nude, and I knew what she wanted. I wasn't sure about it, I mean, I was 'married' now, but to my surprise my mate didn't seem to be bothered about me mating with another female at all. Maybe because Sandy wasn't a dolphin, I don't know, I couldn't ask her. But she made it obvious she didn't have a problem with it. So I mated with Sandy and enjoyed it as much as ever, but we didn't do as often as we had before. It didn't occur to me until later that my mate had probably had human males for sexual partners. Frankly I don't how I would have responded if a human male visited the tank for the purpose of mating with her. I don't think I would have approved, but guess I would have allowed it.

A couple of weeks later another mated pair were introduced to the 'team', and more after that on a regular basis until the team was twenty strong, ten mated pairs. And the 'tricks' became even more complicated and intricate. We did smaller specialized tricks with smaller groups, and some really fantastic ones with the whole pod. Then the big day came, our 'debut' into the entertainment world. We'd practiced in the huge main tank for several days, but today it was open and there were thousands of people in the audience.

We started by entering through two separate tunnels, and then circled the pool until we were all in position. There was an underwater 'ding', and we turned and shot towards the center of the pool, and then fourteen of us broached and tail walked while the other six leaped out of the center and twisted and turned in the air, and I felt a thrill as I heard the applause. Next we broke off in smaller groups and dashed around the pool doing tricks in pairs and groups, jumping through hoops, leaping and tail walking, squeaking and clicking as we 'talked'. Then some trainers joined us, and we did more tricks and acrobatics with them. My favorite was when Sandy stood on my, and another males, backs and we joined a group of 'charioteers' as we dashed around the edge of the tank. Then a pair of killer whales was introduced into the tank. We'd trained with them too; they were also changelings which made it safer, and in the 'grande finale' a trainer stood on each of their noses and were lifted out of the water while the 'charioteers' rode around them in a big circles and other dolphins leapt through hoops and other obstacles. The crowd went wild, and then it was 'fun time'.

'Fun time' was the best of all; after the show was finished we split up to go do smaller tricks for smaller audiences, such as honking horns and 'counting'. I loved to play 'ball' with the kids, they'd throw a beach ball, and I'd bounce it on my snout and throw it back. The kids loved it, and so did I. We were also allowed to give some kids rides, towing them around the pool with a harness, or sometimes just holding our dorsal fins. When they stroked our sides and/or hugged us that was the best of all, and we'd squeak in delight while they laughed. Sometimes I wished I could talk to them, but what we had was good enough for me.

Then after the show we'd return to our tanks to be fed and rest, then mate a time or two as we moved together in incredible bliss and love. I don't know if naturals mated as often as changelings did, but I wouldn't have been surprised. In fact, I hadn't even 'met' any naturals yet, I don't know if they perform with changelings or not. Maybe it's not a good idea t to mix us for some reason. I guess we would probably seem a little strange to a natural born dolphin. I think I'd like to meet some though, sooner or later.

Despite our matings there were no offspring, and I assume they give us something to keep the females from conceiving. The females do go into estrus; which makes the couplings even more intense and enjoyable, but never get pregnant. I know we'll be allowed to have 'children' later though, we've seen some other pairs with their children, but they're usually kept separate. They still perform, but usually in kiddie shows, and the young dolphins get to interact with human children. I wonder if the young dolphins know their parents were once humans??

So I settled in my new life, one much more enjoyable and happy then my previous one had ever been. I came to see my gambling binge as the best thing that had ever happened to me. My mate and I are kept in one of the 'nursery' tanks now, our twins keeping close to their mother, a little male and a female, and I'm so proud. They let the males stay with their mates, and I'm grateful for that kindness. I miss the big shows, but we'll soon be allowed back into the main pool for kiddie shows, and as soon as the children are older they'll start training too. It's a good life, and nothing is better then a day at the Marina.

The End
