Artifacts, The Grimoire, Chapter 13, Surprise!

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

Artifacts, Chapter 13, The Grimoire, Surprise!

By William W. Kelso

Laura was excited; ever since she'd found that weird little book on magic things had really turned around for her. She had bought the book at an antique and junk shop, with the intention of giving it to a friend who was into that Wicca stuff since the book was supposed to be about magic. I mean, what a load, right? But then she decided to try a couple of spells for 'shits & grins', and to her shock they had actually worked! And some weren't even all that hard, though a couple of the ingredients were a little hard to find. But since then she'd enlarged her cup size to D, had lengthened and thickened her hair, gotten rid of that nasty acne she'd always struggled with, AND had a hot new boyfriend who probably wouldn't have even looked at her before. So she'd decided to keep the little book. They hadn't made out yet, but they had it all planned for the weekend.

She was meeting him at her grandparent's old house in the country on Saturday; her folks thought she was on a weekend stay over with a friend who was covering for her. It had been empty ever since Granma had to be put in a rest home, but was still furnished and everything, including a nice BIG bed! They planned on spending the whole weekend getting to know one another better and doing some serious fucking. She was no virgin, but he was her best boyfriend so far. And she had a REALLY big surprise planned for him, and herself. She'd made up a potion that was supposed to make someone 'a perfect lover'; whoever drank it became the ultimate sexual partner for their lover. She thought about taking it herself, but finally decided to give it to him since she was already so hot. Then if worked she'd take some too.

She went out to the farmhouse Friday night right after school to get everything ready, and make sure the place wasn't trashed or anything. They planned to meet at 8:00am sharp, so she left the small bottle of potion with a note that said, 'Drink this as soon as you arrive, Love, Laura.' Then she left for home so she wouldn't be late for dinner.

Tod arrived at about 7:50 the next morning, a little early, but that was OK. He had a few things to unpack anyway, and planned on making a surprise breakfast. He was really excited, and already had a partial boner as he thought about fucking his new girlfriend, man she was hot! Big tits, nice ass, and she'd practically begged him to do her. What more could a guy ask for? But the problem had been, where? Both had large families, so their houses were out, and so was the school. But as he walked into the old farm house he thought, oh yeah, this was perfect! Then he noticed the small bottle on the kitchen counter with the note under it. He picked up the note and read it, and then looked at the bottle. Taking the stopper out he sniffed, and it smelled OK, kind of minty. Probably some sort of aphrodisiac, or Spanish Fly, he thought, she wants me to stay hard for as long as possible. So why not? Couldn't hurt, so he drained the small bottle.

Almost instantly he felt kind of hot and flushed, so sat down in a chair to wait for Laura. He dozed for a little while; almost falling asleep, and then snapped awake suddenly. He had a raging boner now, and it was so hard it hurt. He looked at his wristwatch, and it was 8:30. Where the heck was Laura?? He'd never been so horny in his life, his cock was throbbing with need and his pants were stained with pre. It almost looked like he'd wet himself, and he was sweating, God it was hot! The house had the power turned off; they'd planned on making out by candlelight since the nights were cool, but in the day it was pretty warm. Guess I'll go outside and take a walk, cool off a little, he finally decided, I'll hear Laura when she drives up.

He left through the back door since they'd agreed to park around back so no one would be suspicious about cars parked in front of a supposedly empty house. As he exited he stepped off the porch and decided to take a look at some buildings next to the house. Noticing movement in one of several old pens he wandered over, and an old brown mare came trotting over to say 'Hi'. The horse came up to the fence, and he reached out to pat her nose, and as soon as his hand touched her he felt a mild shock pass between them, almost like a static electricity snap. He pulled his hand back and rubbed it against his shirt; that had stung! Then he gasped as he felt as sudden surge in his cock like he was getting an erection, but that couldn't be right, he was already rock hard! But there was no doubt about it, he could feel, and see, his cock growing. Already his shorts were tenting like never before, and the feel of his cock rubbing against the cloth was growing more and more pleasurable.

With a gasp of pleasure he unzipped his fly, and his cock sprang out, and he stared down at it in shock. It must be a foot long, he realized! But...but how?? That stuff he drank!! That must be it; it was some sort of cock growth formula! Oh, man, this was great! But...but it was STILL growing, it must be fifteen inches long now! This was TOO big! And his balls, they were growing too, his shorts straining to hold them in. And he was SO hard! Damn it, where was Laura!? He needed her! He groaned as his cock throbbed, small spurts of pre oozing from its slit.

Suddenly he gasped as he felt another surge of growth between his legs, and looking down whimpered. His cock was at least twenty inches long now, and something was wrong with the shape. His slit had turned into a small round opening, the head was flattening, and he could see thick veins pulsing under the slick throbbing flesh. Groaning, he leaned against the fence as another surge pushed his cock out even further, and with a rip his shorts gave way and he grunted at the weight of his balls as they settled between his legs. As his erection kept growing he became aware of a heady scent in the air, and his cock began to throb even more, aching with need. He'd never felt such lust before, and lifting his head he found himself face to face with the horse, which was staring at him intently, and he realized the scent was coming from her. The horse nuzzled his face and licked it gently, and he felt his cock erupt into another growth spurt, and stepping away from the fence he looked down at himself and gave a groan of shocked disbelief.

His cock jutted out, at least two feet long or more, too thick to put his fingers around; and the thick shaft was a mottled pink, white, and black color where it emerged from a developing sheath, and as he stared a spurt of pre shot out of the large flared mushroom like head of the huge equine penis. Oh my GOD, he realized, he had a horse's cock! AND balls, he also realized as he hefted one of the large black shiny orbs and he could feel the heat it radiated. And he felt weak as another wave of intense lust washed over him, his cock bobbing as it throbbed painfully, pre drooling from the tip in thick glistening strands.

The mare wasn't sure what was happening, but all she knew was that as soon as she had seen the strange male she wanted him, and almost instantly had gone into full blown estrus, her sex now ripe and swollen. She gave a squeal, and turned to present her hindquarters to the rampant male, lifting her tail invitingly.

Tod tore his eyes away from the impossible sight between his legs as the scent hit him again like a warm soft hammer blow, and raising his head found himself looking at the horse's rump from a few feet away. The mare had lifted her tail, and the large leathery lips of her sex were wet and swollen, fluid dripping from them. His horrible new cock pulsed and as a thick spurt of pre oozed out as he felt his lust grow unlike anything he'd ever felt before, and holding his cock with both hands to steady the huge fleshy pole he walked to the gate to the pen, and let himself in, his shorts sliding down his legs until he kicked them off.

As he approached the horse she suddenly settled down onto her belly, folding her legs under her, to put herself on a more accessible level with her mate to be. W-What am I doing?!? Tod thought as he approached the horse, his eyes on her beckoning sex. He knew this was horribly wrong, but he'd never wanted, or needed, sex so badly, and for some reason the mare was the most desirable female he'd ever seen, her scent enticing, her offer irresistible. Squatting a little he guided the head of his massive penis so it brushed against the mare's nether lips, and then leaning forward he pushed into her vagina, her lips flaring and slowly swallowing first the head, and then the shaft of his aching cock. Her sex was hot, wet, slick, and it felt incredibly wonderful as inch after inch of his cock sank into her, but even as he mounted her he was thinking; this is insane, I can't do this, she's an ANIMAL!! But oh God, it felt so good! Moaning in pleasure he kept pushing, and slowly his huge shaft disappeared into her quivering sex as it sucked eagerly at his cock.

As his thighs slapped against the horse's rump he paused, then with a groan began to fuck her with slow powerful lunges, up to fifteen inches sliding out before plunging back in. He could feel his blood pounding in his veins, his ears ringing from the effort of pumping blood into his huge rigid cock. Every time he slammed into her and hilted he gave a grunt of what was almost pain as the pleasure was overwhelming, his body had not been meant to feel the pleasure meant for an animal many times his size. And all to soon his first orgasm built up, and then exploded in his huge balls and he felt cum gushing through his cock as it throbbed and pulsed, balls straining, and he screamed and passed out from the unbearable ecstasy.

As he lay across the horse's back he began to change again, his hips swelling, the nub of a tail pushing out from the base of his spine, his legs thickening and changing shape as his toes grew together into shiny black hooves. Then the changes slowed again as white hair spread across his hindquarters and legs.

With a moan Tod woke up, the last wave of pleasure from his massive orgasm slowly fading. With a groan he stepped back, and his still rampant cock slid from the mare's vagina with a wet slurping sound followed by a spray of sexual juices, cum dribbling from the tip. With a loud snort the mare got up, and trotted into the barn. But Tod didn't pay any attention; his gaze was locked on his lower body, which was no longer human. From the waist down he was a horse! His legs were bent all wrong making his stance look awkward, and his feet had become large black hooves, and reaching behind him he found a TAIL! His obscene cock now emerged from a thick sheath, and his balls were even larger now, much larger then any he'd ever seen even on a horse before! And his lust was worse then ever, his cock still throbbing with need, and he could still smell the mare. He heard a whinny from the barn, and with a moan he turned and staggered towards the barn door; hooves stomping in the soft dirt, he needed her again! Needed the relief she offered. He no longer wondered, or thought about why he did, all that mattered now was satisfying his unbearable lust.

As he entered the barn he heard the mare call out to him, and watched in growing dismay as several other equine heads emerged from stalls to regard him; all mares, the scent of the other mares as they began to go into estrus overwhelming. N-Nooo, oh God, he thought, even as he entered the first stall. He sobbed in pleasure and horror as he mounted the mare, now able to reach her rump without her having to kneel, knowing what he was doing was a very bad idea, but unable to resist his horrible need. As he began servicing her he felt more changes start in his body as his chest began to swell, the buttons on his shirt popping off one by one as he lunged into her, and he soon reached another intensely pleasurable orgasm as he pumped his cum into her, the mare squealing in pleasure as he groaned from the intense relief.

With a grunt he dismounted and staggered to the next stall, finding it harder to remain upright now as his arms rapidly became legs, fingers starting to grow together. As he serviced the next mare; grunting in ecstasy, his shirt split and the pieces fell away from his burgeoning body leaving him entirely nude, not that he noticed. His sole attention was on the mare he was servicing, his thighs slapping into her rump with loud meaty thwacks as he energetically fucked her, both squealing in pleasure. Then he gave a guttural moan as he climaxed, his cock throbbing and pulsing as thick cum blasted deeply into her sex, the ecstasy almost unbearable. More, he thought, he wanted, needed, more!! With an eager snort he dismounted, and moved to the next stall.

He had to use the posts and wall to stay upright as he moved to the next eager mare, her scent irresistible. He sobbed as he saw his hands, his fingers continuing to grow together into shapeless lumps of hard black nails, white hair covering most of his arms now. And his jaws ached, and his teeth felt like they were too large for his gums. He tried to say something, but could only make grunting mumbles as his too thick tongue hung from his mouth.

He gave a loud squeal of ecstasy as his cock slid into the next mare's quivering pussy, and began fucking her with powerful thrusts. He tired to hold onto her mane with his hands at first, but as they began to slip he finally just let his arms hang down her sides as they twisted and reformed. He groaned in pain and pleasure as his jaws and face began to push out, and saw white hair flowing down his forming muzzle, and with a snapping/cracking sound his spine began to lengthen as his neck began to thicken and grow, his hair moving down his back as it became a long thick black mane. With a final thrust he whinnied in agonizing ecstasy as his balls strained and throbbed, his cock pulsing as huge amounts of cum blasted into the mare's womb. Then with a snort he dismounted and back away from his squealing mate.

Horrified, Tod tried to rear up again and again; to stand up, only to fall back down on his front legs, his rampant cock bobbing as strands of pre and cum dribbled from it. He looked down his white muzzle at his large black nose, and turning his head on its long neck stared at his broad back and rump, his long black tail swishing. No, oh God NO, he realized, I'm a horse!! An animal! This is impossible! Rearing he gave a loud whinny, kicking at the air, trying to deny what had happened. This was wrong!! Giving a loud snort he finally lowered his head, staring down at his front hooves in resignation.

Then his attention returned to other matters as he heard a beckoning squeal from the next stall, and as he entered he snuffled the new mare's rump, and then with an eager snort he mounted her and began to desperately service her as he tried to satisfy his horrible demanding need. The last features to change were his eyes, fading from blue into gentle brown, and then nothing human remained. He was now every mare's idea of the perfect mate, and any mare that saw him would want him, and he'd have no choice but to respond. And he serviced them again and again, insatiable as he made his way from stall to stall. He knew he wasn't supposed to be like this, that he was human, but he had no choice but to respond to the mare's as their idea of the perfect stud.

Laura arrived in a spray of gravel, livid. Of all the times for her stupid sister to borrow the car to run a 'few errands, errands that had taken over three hours! It was now after eleven! And the little brat had KNOWN Laura had dibs on the car for the weekend! The little bitch! She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Tod's car was still there, so at least he'd waited for her. She went in the house, pausing as she saw he'd gotten her directions and drank the potion, but where was he?? She called his name, and checked all the rooms, but nothing! Next she went outside and looked around, and wished those stupid horses would shut the fuck up! They were squealing and whinnying like crazy, and looking over she watched as a beautiful Arabian stallion reared up and mounted a squealing mare, lunging into the mare and then fucking her like crazy. Jeez, she thought, his cock and balls were huge! As the stallion fucked the mare he stared at her; making strange grunting sounds, and she felt her pussy getting wet. God, she thought, what would it feel like to have a cock that big shoved inside of you? She watched as the stallion threw his head back with a guttural squeal of pleasure as he climaxed, and as soon as he'd dismounted from the mare he started snuffling at another mare's rump. Then she went on searching for Tod.

Tod had seen Laura as she drove up, but he was too far gone in his rut to refuse the offer as a mare lifted her tail for him, and with an eager whinny of lust he mounted her. As he serviced the mare his looked at Laura and tried to beg for help, but could only snuffle and grunt as he lunged into his mate. God, he'd never know such pleasure, such ecstasy, and he couldn't stop!! No matter how many times's he'd mounted and serviced the mares, it wasn't enough! He could see Laura watching him fuck the mare, but he couldn't stop. He'd never felt such intense overwhelming pleasure! With a final thrust he climaxed, and as he pulled out of the mare he was already picking out his next mate, and he lost interest in Laura as he prepared to mount the next mare.

Laura, worried now, stood on the porch and called Tod's name, watching as the stallion finished humping the mare, and as soon as he was done he almost immediately mounted another mare, burying his huge cock in her dripping sex while the other mares all anxiously awaited their next turn at being covered by this amazing stallion, their pussies quivering eagerly, cum already dripping from some of them. Geez, thought Laura, wonder what his secret is?

As he lunged into yet another mare Tod pleaded in his mind, 'Laura, help me!! It was that stuff you gave me! Please, I can't...stop!! Oh God, it feels so good! Please don't leave me like this!! I don't want to be an animal! But she didn't pay any more attention to the squealing whinnying horses as they kept mating, and he gave a groan of ecstasy and despair as she went in the house and the door shut. There's no way I can tell anyone what happened, he realized, I'm going to be like this for the rest of my life!!

No trace of the missing teenager was ever found. Any clues; such as the remnants of his clothing, had been ground deeply into the mud of the pen as the sex craved horses had stamped over them again and again.

A couple of weeks later the man who had been renting the barn was delighted to find the unregistered stallion energetically servicing his mares, all of whom were now pregnant. He checked the unruly stallion for any tattoos, brands, or tags, but found nothing other then an additional surprise, a brand new Rolex watch around one of stallion's front legs. He filed a report with animal control on the stray horse, but no one had reported missing a pureblood Arabian stallion. So he submitted a claim, and soon the mystery stallion was his property, and its registration number was tattooed on the inside of its lip. The horse was unrideable, and was damned intelligent as it often managed to escape from is stall or pen. But padlocks took care of that, and so long as he gave it access to mares; even out of season, it behaved itself. And he didn't care if it was broken for riding or not, he made a fortune from renting out the stallion's stud services; and milking it for its sperm, as its offspring were unusually large and strong, and it was sexually insatiable and had the biggest balls he'd ever seen.

The End
