Summer with Leomon: Rachel (Mother) Edited Version

Story by Nappy on SoFurry

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#5 of Summer with Leomon

A chapter told from Ben's Mother's (Rachel's ) side.

Rachel woke up early to check up on her son... and also to go to work. Rachel worked as an editor for a newspaper. She had to usually go early and get started and then she would have to stay late to finish up final touches. She also did little jobs for other workers who just forgot about them or asked her to do them as favors.

Her husband had left her only few years ago because he had another family in some other city. She could never tell her son the truth and she herself didn't want to believe it either.

She simply said that he was a bad man and she blamed herself for wanting the divorce. She loved her husband and her son too. Ben was almost a replica of his father (only he would never do such a horrible thing like his father).

Ben's father was just like him, but Rachel was blinded by what her husband had done to her and Ben. Since Ben was just like her husband, she started to see him as the man who wrecked their family. Rachel is in and has been in a state of confusion and depression.

She went to her son's bedroom and slowly pushed open the door. Ben wasn't there. His bed was empty and she sighed. Almost every morning she would wake up and peek in on her sleeping son. Seeing him would always make her happy. When she was still with her husband, every morning she would see him in her bed beside her. Seeing her son made her feel the same way she did before.

Her face saddened and she grabbed her bag then left for work. It was a pretty long drive to her building because there was a lot of traffic everyday. When she got there she did her normal thing.

She went to the lounge, got some coffee, talked a little to her friend Alice (who she never really considered to be a good friend), and then sat at her desk and got to work awaiting any short little jobs or orders that might come her way.

From the corner of her eye she noticed a middle-aged man staring at her. His name was Jerry. He always stared at Rachel and would sometimes even asks her out to dinner and shit. Jerry (even though he was kind of her stalker) was a good friend to Rachel. She told him about her past, her situation now with Ben and her husband too.

Jerry always listened with an open mind and was really sweet to her. At times, Rachel even considered going out with him. Rachel was 39 years old and at this age she thought she was too old to be seeing anyone.

Rachel needed a man though. For both her comfort and so Ben would have a father again. Ben needed a manly figure, especially in this situation right now. The night before, Ben had lied about what he spilt on the couch and it turned out he was actually masturbating.

Rachel knew she had to talk to Ben, but she had no idea what to say. She wanted a man there to talk to him. She thought maybe with a man like Jerry around then Ben would have years as a teenager.

Jerry approached her desk. "Rachel, are you okay? You seem a bit down this morning."

Rachel sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine it's just..." Rachel was about to explain to Jerry how her son wasn't at home that morning and then she finally realized, "Where was Ben?"

"What Rachel?" Jerry asked.

"Uh, oh nothing" Rachel said.

Jerry sighed now and went back to his desk.

Rachel's day was surprisingly not that hard and she didn't have that much work to do. Both Jerry and Alice and a few other co-workers talked to her. She decided to ask if she could take off early.

She went up to her boss (her boss was a big chunky guy who was really pretty nice) and asked if she could leave early and explained how her day had been and after a few minutes of talking, her boss said she could go home.

Rachel took the long drive home again and had to park a bit far away from her home. It sucked because she was wearing high heels and had to walk back to the apartment. She kind of jogged back actually. Her feet were sore when she got home and she took of her shoes then sat on the couch.

She began to rub her bare feet. The feeling of her hands caressing her foot was a great pleasure that made her sigh. She loved foot rubs. When she thought of this she giggled.

She giggled because when Ben was little (about 6 or 7) he loved to give her foot rubs. Whenever Rachel got home from work, Ben would ask if her feet hurt. If she said yes, Ben would immediately start rubbing her feet.

Back then they had table cloth that reached to the floor off their table. Ben would hide under there and when Rachel sat down she would suddenly feel something nuzzling on her feet. It was Ben trying to be all sneaky (although it was completely obvious it was him) and playing with her feet.

Rachel knew her son had a foot fetish. She wasn't the only one who he did that to. Ben did that to some guest and relatives who visited (mostly the relatives though). When Ben was nine he stopped doing that completely and hasn't rubbed her feet since.

Rachel turned on the TV and waited for her son to return. In about two hours Ben walked in the door and Rachel turned to him. Ben made an almost disappointed look on his face when he saw his mother.

"Ben, we need to talk... about last night" she said.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Ben replied.

"Ben, I know what you were doing last night. You didn't spill any drink, you were masturbating. I know you were."

Ben's eyes got really big and Rachel knew she was correct.

"Mom, I don't want to talk about this please. It makes me feel weird." he said.

"Baby, we need to talk about this. I..." Rachel didn't know how to begin.

"Whatever, I just don't feel comfortable talking about this with my mom" Ben started to retreat to his room until Rachel stopped him.

"Ben, we're going to talk" she said.

"Just leave me alone! I don't want to talk about it!" he yelled.


"Just let me go be alone!"

"Don't yell at me! You're acting just like your father." Rachel yelled.

"That's it! I'm tired of you fucking saying that!" Ben screamed.

Rachel gasped at what he said.

"You say I'm just like dad and yet you hate dad! Do you hate me too mom?! Do you even like me?!"

Tears started rolling down Rachel's cheeks. Ben silenced himself and took a few steps towards her.

"Mom... I'm..." he began to say.

Rachel stopped him. "Ben, I love you more than anything or anyone, and I loved your father too."

Ben now looked really confused and Rachel knew she had to tell her son the truth.

"Ben, your father was the one who wanted the divorce. I loved him, but... he had another family" both Rachel and Ben started to cry.

"No, you said..." Ben whimpered.

"Hon', I didn't want to tell you because I knew it would... break your heart. I've been treating you badly as I would treat your father if he were here now." Rachel began to approach her son to hug him, but Ben recoiled away from her.

"Ben, please. I love you sweetie. Come to mama. Please!" Rachel was now bawling as Ben lowered his head to the floor.

"How could have lied to me. Worse, how could you have treated me so badly? I hate you!" Ben ran out the door as fast as possible.

"BEN!" Rachel screamed. Her son was gone and she was alone. She shut the door and went to her bedroom to lie down.

"Oh Ben, please come back. I need you" she cried as she pressed her head into a pillow.

She cried for a good hour until she finally stopped. She lied there staring at the ceiling when suddenly she felt something poking at her foot.

"Ben?" she jolted up to see, but was severely mistaken. She screamed and scooted up against the back of her bed.

"What are you?" she trembled.

Standing at the foot of her bed was a big yellow dinosaur looking creature. It looked kind of cute, but its size was intimidating.

"I'm Agumon, your name is Rachel right?" it said.

It talked! "How did you know my name?!" Rachel asked.

"Oh, I've been watching you for awhile now Rachel. I've grown to greatly praise you. Such a wondrous female human" Agumon flattered her.

Rachel suddenly blushed and calmed down a bit. This Agumon creature seemed nice.

"Tell me Rachel. Do you want to be even more beautiful? Do you want to attract males to you? Do you want your son to admire you? Do you want him to love you? I can give you that right now" Agumon said smiling.

Rachel's head was clouded with the thought of being beautiful and loved. If she could attract any decent guy, then Ben could have a father, she could have a lover. Ben would love her again and they would be a happy family.

"What do you mean you can give me that?" she asked.

"Just say yes and I'll show you" he said.

Rachel was silent and she decided to trust this seemingly nice creature. It would help Ben. Ben would love her and they would be happy. Rachel nodded her head.

Agumon's eyes started to glow very bright and Rachel was engulfed in light. She couldn't see a thing and didn't feel anything happening. Then the light flashed super bright like plain white and after that she was back in the room with Agumon still at the foot of the bed, now panting.

"What happened? Did it work? I don't feel a thing." Indeed Rachel didn't feel any different.

Agumon chuckled. "Go look in the mirror"

Rachel sat up to see into the mirror on her bedroom dresser. She screamed at what she viewed. In the mirror she didn't see herself, but a tall yellow fox/female human creature. Was this her?

"You are now my sweet Renamon." Agumon said.

"Renamon?" Rachel said.

"Yes, you are now a digimon like me, a beautiful digimon indeed. Renamon is your name now. It is what you are and is what you shall be forever"

"What! What do I do? Change me back!" she yelled.

"Well, most digimon try to find a human tamer, or you can call it partner, but you have no need for that. I can't change you back anyway. Now you shall be my mate, beautiful Renamon."

"You bastard!" Rachel yelled.

Agumon pounced towards her and Rachel quickly kicked his jaw. Agumon fell to floor and yelped as Rachel darted out her open window. Agumon roared running out of the apartment.

Rachel couldn't believe this was happening. As she darted off and on roof tops she realized through all this... she was having fun. The exhilarating power was magnificent. She had more speed, agility, and strength. Not only that, but she was kinda of pretty for a digimon.

Rachel now realized that she wasn't who she once was anymore. She was Renamon. That's who she was and that's who she might be for the rest of her life. "I'm Renamon"

Renamon (aka: Rachel) dashed around for a long time almost till midnight when she decided to go back home. When she got there she went back through her window and Agumon was nowhere in sight.

"Oh no, what if he got Ben?" she thought. She went to check in Ben's room.

He was fast asleep in his bed making soft little snores. Renamon giggled and stepped in the room. She stared down at her human son and was hoping that he had forgiven her.

Now what was she going to do? She was no longer human. How could she be a mother for her son if she was Renamon now? She would have to show Ben someday. Renamon would have to come up with something.

She looked at her son and remembered her lovely husband. Her son reminded her of him so much. Renamon stared to have a weird feeling. A feeling she hadn't felt for quite a while, the feeling that simulated her before when she had sex with her ex-husband.

Renamon quickly left the room and the apartment and went onto the roof. "How can this be! I'm... I'm fucking turned on! I was looking at Ben!"

Renamon realized that she had feelings for her own son, also dealing with the fact that she may have had feelings for Ben back when she was a human too.

This was all happening so fast. A new life as Renamon with newly discovered feelings for her son. How could she face her son now?

Summer with Leomon: Movie Night with Elecmon

Okay, in my new chapter I introduce a new digimon, Elecmon. I tried to describe him as best I could, but if you can't picture him well enough then look him up on the net and try to find a picture of him. Hope you enjoy this chapter. ...

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Summer with Leomon: First Time Outside

Today or tomorrow, next week or next month, this year or maybe even the next. Ben's head felt like it was about to explode. "Damn it!" he yelled. He had no idea when to tell Leomon. He was also worried if when after he confessed his feelings if Leomon...

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Summer with Leomon: Burgers and a Fetish

It had been one week since Leomon came into Ben's life. Ben was getting a bit worried though. Leomon had recently been complaining about being kept in the subway. He said it was beginning to feel very uncomfortable, dark and smelly. Also, he...

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