Deep Day-Dreams of Devotion & Desire (Illustrated by KeeDot)

Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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A tale of the supernatural grip of love.. or lust.. or seduction? -- A mini-story based on a random picture of my shark character.

Deep Day-Dreams of Devotion & Desire - by Amethystine

A Mini-Story based on the following picture:

Art by KeeDot, who can be found and praised here:

As the oryx stared in awe at the magnificent male, she reached out to press her hand to his.

Well, to where his was on the other side of the glass, pressing her palm so it would flatten out against the thick, cool, clear plane that stood between her and her beloved, the same way his fin-fingered hand was.

Unlike her hand, the places where his smooth-seeming skin squished up against the transparent wall were apparently lighter than the rest, due to how those spots pushed the water away. The wall was also standing between her and the thousands of gallons of water, which would quite possibly kill her, were her irrational wishes of togetherness with the object of her affection ever fulfilled.

The hooved girl flexed her fingers, the firm, thick black material that coated her fingertips dragging over the glass in an effort to imagine what it would be like to hold his hand, as she had hoped to do for so long.

He floated lazily in the water, tail poised to flick and carry him quickly away, in his coy, shy way. The cute way he would dart away from the front of the tank, playing an odd, yet endearing sort of hide & seek with her. The way he had done with her, and no one else. He ignored all others, for her, for as long as she had known him, as long as she could remember!

At that moment, though, he wasn't darting off. There was a playful look in his eye, and the hand that wasn't occupied with 'holding' hers, in their special tradition of mutual-glass-pressing at the same time, had begun to run down over his slender, sleek, sexy body.

The oryx shook her high-horned head and 'hmmm'ed, heating up under her heavy coat. She envied the exotic male's freedom, the liberation of the liquid he lived in. To be weightless and naked and able to do as he pleased all day. She wanted that. She wanted it with all her heart, having thought so long and so hard about it. She wanted to be with him, to be like him.

She shuffled her hooves on the tile floor as she was reminded of how un-aquatic her anatomy was. And yet, she didn't care, he would take care of her, wouldn't he? Of course he would, he was a strong enough swimmer for the both of them! She was certain that there would be some magic about the marine male that would let her be with him.. forever.

His hand, still in the middle of his small self-show, came to rest on his waist, before blithely sliding over his middle, to demonstrate his slit. It wasn't as though the girl's intent stares had missed it before, but to see the charming shark suddenly drawing attention to it made her jump and gasp.

The alluring aquatic being began to press his fingers into himself, smiling all the more playfully, looking as friendly as ever, his sweet eyes full of mirth and mischief as his moved his malenesses into view and started to stroke.

She could hardly believe her eyes. After so long of wondering and wanting, longing and lusting after those as-yet-unseen spires of sea-dweller sex..! She could have screamed, or passed out, or climaxed, right there and then, as she watched the perfectly sculpted spires slowly slide into view, hardening and lengthening.. with his lust for her, she realized!

Why else would he do that to himself, then and there? He must feel the same way about her, she decides. She _knows_, once she's thought on it more. Her hand over his can't help but flex into a fist, her other hand slapping hard onto the glass as well, rubbing over the cold, impersonal surface as though she could actually stroke his long tail of a body, as she imagined she was doing.

Her long swept-back horns added extra weight and force to her head's swoop inwards, her mouth open to lick wantonly at the spot where she discerned his dicks, refraction be damned. Her tail flagged under the flaps of her coat and she blissfully ignored the considerable clunk on the glass that her hand and her head's impact had made.

Although, said clunk drew the attention of another.

"Whoa, back up, misssy!" came a sibilant voice, along with firm hands on her wrists, pulling her back, a heavy tail wrapping around her horns and down over her face, blocking her view of the scintillating shark and his captivating claspers.

She struggled terribly, incoherently professing her undying love for the fishy fellow, threatening great violence to her unseen and evil assailant, shouting about how she wanted to dive into his tank and never ever EVER leave it again.

"Leave it AGAIN? You've never even left it once, honey! You just got here, for the first time," came another, more familiar voice. She remembered the rumble of that male's chest on his 'R's.. but.. it had been so long ago, the memory was difficult to dredge up from the depths of her mind, so lost in the sea of love and lust she had for the... the..

She stopped squirming, unable to see. What had she been fixated on? It was as though her obsession was blocked out by the thick, coily body of her first attacker! But, as said loops loosened and she could look around again, she felt lost.

"Sweetie, you okay?" asked the lynx, looking concerned. A look of concern for one's most beloved. "Your python friend here was showing me around the place.. and you haven't even taken your coat off yet! We've been gone for almost ten minutes, what have you been doing all that time?"

She looked around the entrance hall, remembering.. she saw the open closet, where she had been about to hang up her coat.. then she saw the tank, the murky water masking anything that was deeper inside than a few bits of rock near the front. There were no fish to be seen there.

"Oh, uh.. I don't know," she replied, honestly, being totally bewildered. "I guess it's one of those things, when you enter a new place you've never been in, and there's so much to take in.. it sorta staggered me, I think."

The little group then left to tour the rest of the reptile's residence, although the naga had a knowing smirk on his snout as they left the front hall.

His 'Aquatic Seduction Experiment', or "A.S.E.", pronounced 'Ace', had been quite the success!

~Any similarities to any persons alive or dead or fictional or imaginary is entirely coincidental. That means, even if these characters SEEM similar to other ones/people you know, there's no way that they're the same, as the ones in this story are completely different and don't act anything like this! Obviously :P ~