Vorn's Beginning

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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Vorn: The Beginning

Vorn created by Tiemeth(The Lonelydragon) Story by AdmiralQ

A creature has been unleashed on the world. A creature of unknown origins made of black magic latex and red orbs for eyes. This creature only knows two things: one that its name is Vorn, two in order to achieve its maximum potential it must merge with another being. With this simple but important knowledge it sets out to find a host.

Vorn stalked his first victim, a purple female dragon in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to attack. The dragoness eventually approaches a heavily wood area in a park, seeing his chance Vorn strikes.

Twilight couldn't sleep so she decided to go for a walk to exhaust herself, luckily there was a park nearby her house and crime was down so she felt it safe to go there late at night. She was deep in the park when she tripped cursing she looked back to she what she tripped on when to she sees a puddle of black goo crawling up her legs." What the heck!? Get off!" She tried scraping the goo off her leg to no effect.

Vorn continued his trek up the dragoness loving the feeling of his body on the female's scales. When he reaches the females pussy and tail hole exploring them he notices her gasps and shivering and makes a note to himself to further explore that later and again when he covers her breasts.

"What in the heck is this thing doing?" Twilight wonders in her head as the latex feeling good passes her pussy and tail hole. She tried getting up but the goo kept her legs pinned in it."aaaahhh!" she gasps as the goo covers her breasts sending tingles through her body. Soon her wings arms tail are all covered leaving her head. She thinks about calling for help but it's late and she's deep in the park doubtful that anyone would here her. The goo has covered her neck now and moving to her mouth. She closes it to prevent it from going in, but that doesn't bother the goo it continues on to cover her snout and her nostrils. "I CAN'T BREATHE!" Twilight panics for a few seconds before she realizes she can breathe the goo is producing air for her. She closes her eyes as the goo covers the rest of her head and wonders what's next. After a minute or two she feels her body(for she can't see) stand up wobbly and stiff without her telling it to. She feels her body looking down, examining herself. From the view of someone looking at her she looks like a black dragoness with a white mane, red glowing eyes, and a blacker v shape area on her breasts. The most amazing thing is her eyes are still shut yet she can see though she notices a red outline at the edges of her vision. She tries to speak but it comes out garbled for she meets resistance. "What the HECK! is going on?" she says mentally.

<I'm checking out my new body> a strange voice replies.

"Who said that?" asks Twilight.

<I am Vorn your new master>


<Yes your new master I am the so called goo over your former body. You know that's insulting! Goo! I'm latex not goo!>

"Former body!?" Twilight growls_.<yes your body is no mine to use. OH the POWER!>_Vorn exclaims.

"In your dreams." Twilight responds. Focusing all her concentration she mangos to move a foot forward_.<What! NO! Your body's mine.>_ for the next few minutes they fight for control of the body. To an onlooker they see a very drunk dragoness. The struggle takes them near a cliff at the end of the park_._

_<You are tiring, I will win in the end give up now.>_says Vorn. Twilight notices the cliff knowing that there are sharp rocks at the bottom responds.

"That maybe true but you will not win." and dives off the end of the cliff. Vorn tries to use her wings but she fights to keep them closed_._

<Are you crazy!> Vorn screams_.<Even with me around you, you won't survive hitting the rocks a see below. Heck! It might even kill me.>_

"That's the point." after a little more struggling Vorn screams

<AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!> and quickly separates himself from Twilights body. Noticing she's free she quickly opens her wings and glides up her legs scraping against the rocks there sharp ends cutting her legs as she flies off.

Vorn meanwhile falls on the rocks with a splat, since he was now in his original form he was in no danger of dying from the fall. It's the trade off of having a host body, he is overall more powerful but is also more vulnerable_.<She is SSSOOOOO! going to pay for this.>Vorn declares as he starts his climb back up to the town. He also starts think<Why didn't I have complete control. Her body should have been mind to use.>He continues to ponder the situation.<She even started to tire me out with her struggles. That will NOT do there must be a better way to subdue the host.>_ He finally reaches the top of the cliff and pauses to regain strength_.<First I'll find a place to rest then I'll begin to watch the inhabitants in this town to find the key to subduing a host so that this doesn't happen again.>_

Over the next two weeks Vorn observes the town looking for anything that might help him. During the later half of the second week he finds something. In the middle of the night he observes a dragon couple engaged in some bondage sex in their house. The male is completely bound unable to move much while the female teases his cock with her tail. Within a few minutes he's on the verge of climax when she suddenly moves her tail away leaving him moaning in frustration. This continues throughout most of the night the female teasing the male to the verge of climax then to pull away until he pleads in every possible way for her to let him cum. She eventually does then they settle down to sleep. Vorn notes how submissive the male was during the later half of the play and how easily the female controlled him_.<Perhaps this is what I was missing.>_ Thinks Vorn. <I'll have to observe them more before making a decision.>

Vorn watches the couple for a couple of days seeing them actually trade places every night, for the next night it's the female who is bound and teased for hours before being allow to orgasm. Then it's the males turn the next night. Vorn finally concludes that sex is the key to control and searches out Twilight for his unfinished business.

Twilight has been recovering since that night. She thought of tell her friends about the goo that attacked her but without any real proof they wouldn't believe they'll think she's drunk. However she has decided never to be in the park at night and very hesitant to even go during the day. She also is very watchful during the day for unusually dark shadows. Unfortunately for her Vorn was perfectly design for blending with shadows and even now watches her to follow her home and take her there. Twilight returns home after a hard day's at work. Collapsing on her bed she debates whether she should sleep now or eat?

After carful consideration....and a yawn she decides to sleep ands shifts to get comfortable. As she settles a familiar black shape appears and heads towards the bed. When it reaches the foot of the bed and climbs up Vorn extents a part of his body up and glares at the near sleeping dragoness with his red eyes. If Vorn had a mouth it would be grinning at the prospect of finally getting her after that humiliating attempt 2 weeks earlier. Once again he begins with her legs and moves up. When he gets to her pussy and tail hole is where things get different he forms two cocks from his body and inserts them. Twilight gasps and then moans at the intrusion but not quite waking up yet. The fake cocks start to vibrate cause more pleasure for Twilight. Vorn continues on half way on her chest when she moves her hand and touches him. Going over the familiar latex she finally wakes up and sees what she fears. "NO! Not again." she cries and begins to struggle. Vorn increases the vibrations in the dildos and notices her reaction as she pauses in her actions from the pleasure. In no time he once again encases her body with his own and with her distracted by the dildos enters her mind easily. Soon he moves her body up and moves around noting that it is much more natural looking than last time. He contributes this to 2 things: 1 since this is the second time he's taken this body he's already attuned to it and 2 Twilight can't focus herself to resist with the stimulation down below_._

<Yes you remember me right. I'm harder to kill than that and you made sure that I'd remember you after last time. And now I discovered how to keep you this time.>_He opens the door spreads her wings and fly out into the night sky reveling in the joy of flight. Twilight meanwhile continues to react to the stimulation in her nether regions as the dildo push in and out of her pussy and tail hole. After 20 minutes she finally orgasm her cum absorbed by Vorn's body, she basks in the afterglow for a minute or two then remembers her situation and tries to regain control of her body.<What! No not again.>_ Vorn cries as Twilight begins the latest round of struggles and responds by pumping the dildos again.

"Yes it's working. I'll gain control of my body yet. Wait!? Oh no it's pumping again! Gotta focus got to resist......oooohhhhh but it feels so good." With Twilight once again distracted Vorn keeps control and decides to head back to her no his home before his host tries another cliff jump. After a few minutes she climaxes again then once again fights Vorn and once again Vorn pumps the dildos. This cycle repeats many times frustrating Vorn to no end_._

<EEEERRRRRRGG! This should be working better. Yet she still can resist.> Vorn ponders the situation_.<She is unable to resist me when I'm stimulating her but it doesn't last after she has an orgasm.>_ He reenters her/his house and sits down on a chair and continues to think and fight her when he get the proverbial light bulb moment_.< If I can stimulate my host without making her orgasm perhaps that will solidify my control.>_ He then sets about to put his plan into to action. Meanwhile in Twilights mind.

"Uugggghhh so tired I must have cum 4?.....no 5 times already and it still teases me. I got to resist I got to reclaim...oohhh I think I'm about to cum again.' Suddenly the pumping stops. "What? but I'm so close I got to cum." She tries to move the dildos but she can move her body even with all her focus on trying to make the dildos move nothing happens. She mentally screams out in rage about the frustration, but is silence when the dildos move again after minutes of silence except this time instead of pumping their vibrating. "Ooooooohhhhhh yes come on move. Make me cum." The vibrating continues right until she's about to cum when it once again stops. "No! It's not fair! I was SO close." She wails in frustration. As Twilight continues to get aroused and denied Vorn smiles at his clear victory.

< Now that her body is now mine I shall explore my options and new talents.> A grin appears on his face. As morning comes around Vorn decides to head out and see how the town responds to the new "Twilight". Ula another dragoness walks up and says

"Twilight what happen to ya?" Vorn responds with a perfect impersonation of Twilight's voice

"Oh this, this is a magical latex suit that I ordered weeks ago. It's designed to fit your body perfectly."

"Oh! cool it does fit your body well it's like a second skin. How can I get one? Hey what about your eyes?"

"Those are contacts. Also I'll contact the company to see if they have anymore. I'll let cha know later. " Vorn is mentally laughing his new butt off at how easy this is While the real Twilight is barely hearing what's going on. Her main focus is still trying to orgasm(not making much progress there maybe she'll cum to it later. Yes I know a pun couldn't help myself. Maybe because of a certain green dragon.)As he joins Ula in the market place and seeing her buy food he realizes his host isn't hungry despite the fact it's been hours since she last ate and the constant stimulation uses energy he should be starving. After pondering that for a few minutes he comes to the conclusion his real body preserves the host bodies normal functions on it's own. Thus ends a day of Vorn's new life.

As the weeks pass Vorn's uses Twilight's job to get money, he even increases her profits and uses money to move to a more secluded area so he can plan an act without interference. As this time also goes by he doesn't ever worry about Twilight herself, after all this time all she can possibly think about is the orgasm denial and it's frustration. Vorn could have a full blown orgy and she wouldn't know. Even though Vorn has move her/his home to a more secluded spot he still visits the town for inspiration and to his luck he some something. A green dragon with yellow under scales and 2 long pointy horns cruising down the street, A dragon that wasn't from around here. Vorn Intercepted him at a bar "Hey cutie, what are you doing here?" The dragon looked over in Vorn's direction

"Looking for new 'help' at my museum the names Tiemeth." he responded offering his hand.

"Mine's Twilight" Vorn replied. After a small chat(not to mention a few beers) Vorn convinces Tiemeth to hear to "her" place. They lay down on the bed and Tiemeth starts by stroking 'Twilight's' body.

"Hey what's with your scales they feel like latex." Vorn grins and replies

"That's my skintight latex bodysuit. You like?" After a minute Tiemeth responds

"Yes I do, very much." As Tiemeth positions his impressive cock Vorn withdraws the dildo in Twilight's pussy so it doesn't get in the way. All three of them groan as his cock enters the pussy and he begins pumping. Being the head of a certain infamous museum Tiemeth can hold himself back a while and really enjoy the experience. Unbeknownst to him however Vorn has decided to try a male body now and begins to withdraw from Twilight onto Tiemeth starting with the cock. Both Twilight and Tiemeth climax as Vorn completely covers Tiemeth and immediately starts stimulating Tiemeths body, meanwhile after weeks of orgasm denial Twilight passes out with a smile on her face for finally being allowed to. Tiemeth wants to complement Twilight on the love making but finds out he can't. He tries to move but can't he starts to panic trying to figure out what happened and how undo it_._

<There is no getting out your mine now. So this is what a male feels like.>

"Who said that!?"

<Vorn your new master.>

"Where aaaahhhhh!!!!(cue cock and tail hole stimulation here.)where are you and why are you doing this?" His/their head moves to look at Twilight

<What's different about her?> asks Vorn

"Her black suit is gone...hey wait your the black suit!"

<Well you are smart. That means your brain will be very useful and as to why well...I just wanted to try out a male.> Tiemeth still dealing with the stimulation notices his body go over and pick up the still fainted Twilight ands starts walking out of the bedroom. He once again tries to focus and resist but despite already cumming once he was getting highly aroused and stimulated. Soon he feels like he's about to cum when feels something block it. Once again this cycle repeats as Vorn goes into the basement of the house and puts Twilight into a custom made pod design to keep her asleep and preserve for as long as he requires. <There now I can switch to her whenever I feel like it and she won't be able to stop me.> Vorn grins at the prospect. Vorn goes through Tiemeth's mind to see what he knows and how it can be useful while the poor dragon suffers constant orgasm denial. He eventually comes up with a plan to reproduce himself using samples from both Twilight and Tiemeth which are stored in his body and then infest others. Tiemeth has even supplied the first volunteers: A red dragon who is Tiemeth's rival, Another red dragon who was kidnapped and sexually tortured by a purple dragoness whose now his mate, and a silver dragon currently on permanent display at Tiemeth's museum. Even under his current ordeal Tiemeth learns of Vorn's intentions and can't help but look forward to it, he just wish he could cum. Vorn doesn't remain unaffected by Tiemeth going through all the possibilities and Tiemeths responds at least mentally causes an infamous smile appears on their face.

Is this the END?