Lurking in the Mud - Turn the Tables

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#4 of Lurking in the Mud

Mud Larking - No. 4

Garn & Story © Russet

Jag © JagKitty

Jag checked the piece of paper held in one paw for a third time then looked down the winding track that curved away out of sight behind a thick stand of bushes. He'd been following the directions to his friend Garn's country cabin for the past hour and it wasn't looking any more inviting. He had traversed narrow country lanes until he had been forced to leave his car behind and break off into the woods down a wide bridle path. It had been quite pleasant, the views along the bridal path had clearly been designed to give sweeping vistas up hill and down dale but now he was faced with plodding along this muddy track toward the river.

Shrugging the young feline stepped off the path, screwing up his muzzle at the way his feet crunched through the crust of solid mud and sank into slimy, gooey earth below. It was sticking to his paw pads and squishing up between his toes. Continuing down the muddy track Jag slowed to a crawl. Using overhanging branches and tangled brush to steady his descent down the steep slope the path turned into. It was pretty slippery and a couple of times his feet almost went out from under him but a solid grip on a gnarly branch helped stop him from sliding down the bank. Mewling in protest Jag looked around to see if there was another way down, the bottom of the slope looked worse then up above. It gave out onto a broad expanse of brown mud that spread from the bottom of the hill down to the river.

Staring in disbelief at what he was expected to cross to reach the cabin on the far bank of the river Jag mewled and stamped his foot angrily on the ground. He could see a winding path of paving stones on the far bank and what looked like a track that could be driven down! The tricky otter had sent him to the wrong bank to force him through the mud! Turning around slowly, grumbling under his breath Jag started to try and pull himself back up the steep slope, he wasn't going to go roll around in the mud for the pleasure of the otter. He got maybe four, five feet before the ground under his paws started to slide, a thick cascade of mud oozing out from under his paws, carrying them with it. Hissing in alarm the jaguar grabbed for a sturdy looking branch only to have it slide out of the bush leaving him without anything to hang onto. The branch had been carefully placed in the bush to look like it was part of the dwarf tree behind, in reality it was not attached to anything and now Jag was starting to slide down the hill with the cascade of muck.

Throwing himself forward Jag almost caught hold of a nearby stone but his paw splattered into the mud. Scrabbling for purchase the feline found his body sliding down the hill in an uncontrolled tumble. He didn't remember much of the fall it was over almost before it began and he was picking himself up out of the muck, shaking his head to dislodge it from his ears with a grimace as he realised there was no way he was going to get back up that slope to his car.

Taking stock of the state of his clothing Jag sighed, he'd lost both his trainers and the jumper he had tied around his waist. Patting his pockets his frown faded into a wicked little smile as he found a small glass vial. Pulling it out of his pocket made him wince, the fabric of his jeans was sodden and the mud had a slimy, gritty texture that rubbed his fur the wrong way. Squirming a bit against the sticky muck Jag pulled off his t-shirt and dropped it to one side with a splat, the vial hidden in the palm of one hand he looked around. If this was the otter's idea of fun and games then he would probably pounce at any moment and then the real fun would begin.

Slowly getting back to his feet Jag grimaced as his legs sank up to the knees in the slimy mess. It was thick and clung to his body almost like a second skin. This made it difficult to walk but he pushed on, forcing his way forwards through the muck. It was a matter of dragging one foot out of the muck; swinging it forward and plunging it back in. He left a series of slowly filling holes behind him and each struggling pull threatened to tug his jeans down around his knees. He gave into the inevitable after having to heave the heavy jeans back up for the fifth time. Hopping on one leg he managed to pull his foot free and plunged it back into the slimy muck.

Balanced on his other leg, wriggling his foot free of the sodden denim his eyes alighted on a rippling wave moving across the surface of the mud flats straight toward him. A sleek brown, mud coated tubular shape slithering rapidly across the mud. Flailing a bit Jag kicked his foot free of the fabric and dived at the approaching otter. It wasn't a very elegant dive or a successful one. The mud didn't really give much of a platform for him to dive off of so he mostly just sank down to his knees and chest and slid forward.

The otter let out a yell as he caromed into the cat and the two rolled over in a tangle of limbs. Squirming about Garn wrapped his arms about the Jaguar's waist and rolled in the mud. The two slid across the surface for a bit then came to a rest with Jag lying atop the otter's chest laughing and wiping muck from his eyes. They were steadily sinking into the sticky mess but Garn had a smile on his face as he grinned up at the feline atop him.

"Welcome to my home Jag, I have to say mud looks good on you, all slinky and extra mrowr!" He grinned, grinding his hips teasingly against Jag as his feline friend shifted in his lap and grinned. A flash of white teeth, a paw gliding up the otter's chest to stroke his muzzle and a soft mewl as he leant down and rubbed his nose against the otters.

"I would have preferred to not lose all my clothes though, bad otter."

"Ah I can get you new clothes don't arrffk" The otter cut off with a splutter as Jag tipped his paw up and dumped something into his muzzle. Spluttering he tried to spit the liquid back out but the black cat held his muzzle shut with both paws and bore down on him with all his weight to minimize his struggling.

The otter found himself forced to swallow the liquid in his maw and coughed somewhat when Jag let his muzzle go and pushed up and off him. "What was that for? Ew that tasted disgusting what was it?"

Stretching his arms above his head, shaking off some of the mud coating his arms the jaguar just smiled and watched the otter. Pushing himself up his arms sank into the mud and he wriggled into a sitting position before pulling them free. Jag couldn't help but giggle in barely suppressed glee as the otter realised his arms slipped free much easier than they should have done. The mud was oozing up around his stomach as he sank down into the hole he had made with his body. His head snapped up startled as he realised he was shrinking, the feline looming over head laughing happily squishing around him in the muck watching him get smaller and smaller. Flopping down in the mud, wriggling to get comfortable Jag watched as Garn struggled to get free of the clinging muck. His smaller body made it easier to float but harder to pull free of the clinging liquid earth. It didn't take long for Jag to be left with a five inch otter squirming around before his nose. Pulling himself above the mud he squeaked in alarm as the cat lashed out with a paw and pinned him back down into the muck.

"Mmm little otter, toy otter, mine now." Giggling the feline squirmed a bit deeper into the muck and let the otter up. Watching him struggling and squirm he grinned as he got his bearings and started to swim away from him. He let him get just far enough away to think he was escaping and then pounced! Paws shooting out to capture the wriggling otter about the waist and hook him back in close to his chest. Leaning down he mewled at him and giggled, "Mine" Ponderously the feline rolled onto his back and lifted the otter up to sit on his stomach, grinning he murrred as he had a fun idea and forced his legs up out of the mud and rolled them up above his chest, exposing his rump.

"Bye bye naughty otter," he mewled in delight as he slipped the squirming mustelid down his body. He brushed him lightly across his twitching sheath, across his plump balls then down the crack of his butt and with a giggle pushed the squirming otter's head up into his rump. The mud coating him acted as excellent lubricant as he started to push the miniaturised otter into his arse like an over sized, squirming dildo. Using his free paw Jag started to stroke his cock, teasing it out of his sheath as the wriggling, squirming, protesting otter stimulated his prostate and rump.

Digging his shoulders into the mud Jag lowered his legs back into the mud with wet splats, buttocks clenching around the otter, working him in deeper with one hand as he continued to stroke over his cock with the other. Letting out a passionate mewl the cat pushed the last of the otter into his rear, tickling his feet, groaning at the way he squirmed and writhed inside his rump and then with an ear shattering rowrl of pleasure he hit his peak. Cock twitching in his paw he painted his muddy stomach in a splash of cum, groaning as more jets of sticky kitty seed sprayed from his over-worked dick. Banging his head against the muddy ground in time with the twitching eruptions of cum from his dick Jag lost himself in the pleasure of the moment, just enjoying the rush of orgasm.

Lying still Jag just sprawled out in the mud, enjoying the pleasant after glow. Wriggling a bit he slowly sat up and stretched, yawning heavily before looking around and mewling. He was stuck at the bottom of a steep hill with an otter wriggling in his arse. Rolling onto his stomach he pushed himself to his knees and struggled to stand up. It was going to be a long slog down to the river, and then he had to get wet and get to the far side and probably take a bath! He shuddered at the idea of having to take a bath but this muck wouldn't shift itself otherwise. Still it hadn't been quite as arduous as he had expected, there had been a slinky sexy otter to play with and the mud wasn't that bad now he was covered in it. Grinning he leapt forward and slid across the top of the mud flats, riding them down toward the river, giggling and rolling over and over as he slide along. Slipping and sliding toward the brightly sparkling river the mud coated feline revelled in the feeling of being free and not having to worry about anything for a time.
