The character of "mud" is owned by micahdobie while the character of "sindra" is owned by inforiel; the story is based upon requests by the commissioner._ _ _ _ _ **pranked** ©2012 - sylvan scott [1,619 words] "geez, mud:
Lurking in the Mud: No. 21: Skunk in the Mud
#20 of lurking in the mud a lurking in the mud story for tarpaw on fa as he trudged along the dusk caked road will sighed and tilted his hat lower to try and shade his eyes.
Mother's Mud
He gathered some small branches and marked the edges of the mud patch.
Micro in the Mud
Chuckling, he turns the wolf's sight towards a very large field of mud. "tell you what, if you can make it to the other side of the mud here, i'll let you go free and clean, and even give you a prize. now hurry!"
Through The Mud
While they snacked, pumbaa suddenly let out a powerful, vibrating burp, at the same time raising the mud-covered tail to let out other gasses from the second orifice, creating a plethora of bubbles right in the mud, releasing a foul small with each loud pop
Mud Pool
The mud mouse was trembling, his body falling apart with splattering waves of gooey brown mud only for him to pull himself back together.
Cat in the Mud
Sidi hummed quietly as they strode into the repurposed warehouse. It had been turned into an art collective several years prior, much to their elation since their last studio space had closed. The fluffy black cat...
Lurking in the Mud - Stress Release
It was heaven, the thick, slick mud clung to her fur, flattening it and allowing the mud to ooze and squish and slide over her skin, reducing her from a fluffy poodle to a smooth, slick, mud coated canine of indeterminate appearance.
Q for Quicksand
"come on in, the mud's great!"
Lurking in the Mud - Out of Bounds
He didn't fall far, just squelched his torso deeper into the mud. mud sliding through the fabric of his shirt to cover and coat his fur.
Lurking in the Mud - Wrestling Duel
mud oozed up around them both with a thick, sickening squelch and jensu squeaked in alarm as his otherwise clean and fluffy body vanished beneath the mud.
Lurking in the Mud - Hooves in the Muck
#14 of lurking in the mud another lurking in the mud! seems like it isn't only otter's who enjoy some good muddy fun!