Road Rovers: A New Start 5

Story by Kane Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Road Rovers: A New Start

here's the next chapter. i don't own the road rovers in any way


Blitz sat in the living room watching tv and occasionally looking out the window. He let out a sigh bored out of his mind with nothing to do. His adoptive son Dylan is at school right now and Scout was snoozing as he had a long night working his stripper shift. Blitz mind then wandered to his mate Hunter. Those days were perfect, Hunter always found something fun to do whether it was sex, outdoor activities, or whatever. His eyes began to water as he thought of those days. How could he ruin such a perfect thing he had. Hunter always brightened his day up and the love each other shared was something he could never replace.......... ever! Blitz shook his head and tried to focus on the tv but to no avail his mind kept going back to Hunter. He sighed and went into the kitchen to fix himself something to eat ( he usually can keep his mind off things if he gets something to eat). The dobi got out bread, turkey, and some common condements to make a sandwhich. Before he could make the sandwhich the phone rang. Blitz hoped it was the school telling him to get Dylan for bad behavior or because he's sick ( anything to ease his boredom). He picked up the phone and his eyes grew wide.


Bruce has had the best week of his life. His dream guy is now his boyfriend, they were living together, and everyone at work stopped teasing him since he's sleeping with the guy that can fire them. He thought about all of this as he cuddled with his sleeping mate. The bear inhaled the sheep dog's manly and musky scent. It was intoxicating to the bear as he buried his nose into his mate's armpit trying to get the scent permenately stuck in his nose. Shag recently had his entire body fur cut so it would be shorter and more cooler for the sheep dog during the summer months. This made sleeping with him more comfertable but the downside he can feel Bruce's touches better and be easily woke up.

"Well looks my puppy wants some big strong doggie musk". Shag said in a half growl half yawn. All Bruce could do is shake his head (though movement was limited in the dog's armpit). Shag got up and let Bruce fall face first into his pillow. Bruce looked up dissapointed but became happy as Shag stuck his butt into the bear's face. Bruce inhaled deeply taking in the dog's manly musk, he gripped both buttcheeks and spread them apart so he could proceed to lick Shag's tight pink pucker. Once the bear's tongue touched the sensitive flesh Shag let out a low moan that turned into a growl. Bruce smiled at the growl and buried his tongue deeper into the dog's ass tasting every inch of the dog's inner walls. Shag was now panting, it had been awhile since Bruce rimmed him and it was heaven to him. He wanted the bear to fuck him but the bear was too scared to do it. His train of thought stopped when Bruce's tongue brushed his prostate and let out a whine of pleasure.

Bruce was savouring every bit of flavour he got out of his mate's ass. His cock ached with it being fully erect and he bet that Shag needs some attention. "Hey baby my cock needs some release could you give me a bj and fuck me."

Shag heard his mate's plead and would gladly would have done it but he had a better idea. "Nope." He heard Bruce whine and whimper at his answer. Shag chuckled and turned to face his mate who had on a pitiful sad look on his face. "Now don't give me that look you know that i would do it but i have needs too." His mate had a confused look on his face so Shag decided to get right to the chase."I want you to fuck me then I'll fuck you deal". Bruce eyes went wide when he heard this.

"But the last time I took the dom side I scratched your cock up. I don't want to hurt you again." Bruce then looked to the ground in shame. Shag smiled softly and sat down on the bear's lap forcing him to look into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey that only happened because I rushed you when you didn't have any experience in sex. And you didn't scratch my cock up you only grazed it and i'll help you okay." Bruce looked into his mate's eyes and saw only love and concern. He nodded in agreement, Shag got off his lap and lead him into the living room and sprawled out on the couch spreading his ass so Bruce could get a full view of his target. Bruce licked his lips ( his dom bear heritage taking over). He got onto Shag's back and slowly massaged his back and shoulders. Shag being the sub in this matter just laid back, relaxed and let Bruce have his way with him. Bruce stopped massaging and lined his cock up to Shag's ass. He slowly pushed his cock into his mate's now wet walls getting a groan out of his mate and himself. He fully hilted his cock into his lover and let it set for a few minutes just in case. He then slowly began to fuck his mate. Shag knew that Bruce was big but still he couldn't beleive how big he felt. His mate began to pick up the pace and both began moaning and panting like crazy. Shag propped himself up to where he could push back in time with his lover's thrusts.

Bruce felt his cock pulse and his balls draw up which meant he was going to cum soon. He thrust harder and faster till he finally cum. "FUCK FUCK AH AH AH AH aaaaaaaahhhhhh god that was great". He fell on top of Shag and basked in the afterglow.

"Hey now wasn't that great."

"You bet it was you two got me so hard." Shag looked up towards the door to see his assistant Tony. The tiger grinned as he looked how far both these two came as mates.

"Hey can I get on this."

"Sure but you'll have to settle for sucking my dick cause Bruce is too worn out to do anything else." Bruce groaned as he jetted some more cum into his lovers ass. Tony smiled as he walked over to the two. Shag shifted to his side( Bruce bein carried onto his side) and let his proud 18 inch cock bounce int othe open air only to be enveloped into the tiger's maw. Shag groaned as he instantly cummed ( his cock was sensitive as it was rubbin against the fabric of the couch). Tony lapped as the cum gushed out.

"That was tasty and I need to stay here for a while cause my house is being fumicated. And don't worry i'm not taking your boyfriend."

"I know you won't cause I would rip you to shreds."

"Oh assertive now are we." Bruce nodded and snuggled into his mate and Tony made his way into the guest room.


Scout was having the best dream, Hunter came back and made up with Blitz and they were all happy. But all dreams come to an end especially when he is shook awake by his roommate. "Hey watch Dylan for a few days I have to go to Russia."

Scout disoriented asked, " Why? What for?"

Blitz replied quickly," Can't explain right now I gotta go." He then rushed out the door. Scout just sat there completely confused then slowly realized that Hunter could be in Russia and called Blitz. He grew excited at the thought he'll get his friend back

it may not be that good since i rushed it but here it is.