Behind Locked Doors | Part 2

Story by Rivard on SoFurry

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#9 of Inner Dilemma

I sat at the bus stop waiting patiently. I couldn't get Mike off of my mind. How could I? After what happened only a few hours earlier, I didn't know what could help get my mind off of him. Just then, the sound of the bus engine broke me from my thoughts as the bus slowed down to a halt. The sound of the air from the hydraulics made a loud hiss as the bus came to a stop and the doors opened. I stepped on and showed the driver my student identification. Students got to ride the buses around town for free in an effort to cut down on gas to get around.

I walked past a few rows and found a pair of seats empty and sat in the window seat. My head rested against the window and my muzzle felt cold against it. I just sat there looking out of the window with no particular interest as to what I looked at. After a few minutes of just looking out of the window, I had to move my head because my breathing started to fog up the window.

I traced letters with the end of my paw on the window K-Y-L-E with a heart around it. It seemed like a fourth grader drew it, but it still warmed my heart in that moment. My paw continued to move with the letters of M-I-K-E. I then realized what I wrote out, and I wiped the fog off of the window along with the heart with Kyle's name on it. The events from earlier were still far too real.

I kept my head down throughout the rest of the bus ride. A lot of furs got on and off at different places as I listened to the sounds of children chatting away, listen to a couple arguing about some political matter and to the music blasting from someone's headphones two rows in front of me. Eventually I noticed my stop was coming up soon and I pulled the wire above me. A beep went off and the sign on the front of the bus flashed on that said STOP REQUESTED.

A couple of furs got off at the same spot, but as soon as they got off, they headed in different directions. I for one just stood there looking up at the steeple in front of me. I didn't move because I was hesitant on what to do. This was what I came to do, but now the doors seemed scary, Then Mike's voice came into my head


I had no rebuttal to that statement. I walked up to the doors and opened them. I stepped into a small foyer that contained some coat hangers, chairs, and some pamphlets about church activities. A set of double doors was along the left side and I assumed that's where the sanctuary was. I pushed one of them open to find that I was right. Down the middle was an aisle and on either side were the pews for the congregation. There seemed to be no one in the sanctuary, which was a relief to me.

I walked down the aisle about halfway unsure of what to do. My legs seemed to go on their on and walked into a random row and I sat down. I looked around at the stained glass windows of renaissance looking art and saw a giant cross behind where the preacher's podium. This made me think of when I was a child, I went to church when I was a cub, I never enjoyed it, and I went because my parents took me. We went most Sundays, but then we just stopped going. That was like ten years ago.

I noticed that it was getting later in the evening and I didn't want to stay for much longer. I lowered my head, closed my eyes, and put my paws together. That was something I remembered from Sunday School all those years ago and I did, what I never have done since then. I prayed.

"Uh, hey God. It's me, Allen. I know I haven't done this in a long time, it seems like I'm talking to nothing now, but I don't know where else to turn. I need you to help my friend Mike. He's been going through a lot lately and nearly sacrificed his life for me. Now he's in a coma. Could you please heal him so that he gets better? I love him too much to watch him go through this and have to see his parents stand there worrying about their son. Please help him." I couldn't think of anything else to say. "Amen, I guess."

I opened my eyes and lifted my head. I didn't feel any different. I guess I felt some stress come off of my shoulders, but I didn't feel like you see TV evangelists do when they pray and people are crying.

Maybe this was a waste of time.

I walked down the aisle and through the double doors. I still saw no one around. I turned to the doors that I walked in through, and opened them,

The cold air met me as soon as I stepped out. I zipped up my jacket and put my hands in my pockets. I headed to the bus stop and sat on the bench. The bus eventually came and I got on. It had gotten a lot more crowded, because furs were getting off of work so I had to stand in the aisle and hold onto the cold bar above me.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost missed the bus stop by my residence hall. I hopped off and headed straight for my room. Once I got into my room, I took out my phone and dialed Kyle's number.

It only rang once before I heard Kyle say, "Hello?" I could tell in his voice he had been worried.

"Hey Kyle." I said. It felt really good to talk to the otter again.

"Hey Allen, how you holdin' up?"

"Better now."

"Where'd you go?"

"I went to one of the churches in town and prayed."

"Oh! I didn't know you were religious."

"I'm not, but it was the only thing that I could think of doing to help Mike."

"Okay," Kyle said on the other end. There was a pause where neither knew what to say, but then Kyle spoke up. "Allen, Detective Bosh contacted me and said that the trial is in a couple of days. Thursday at 3:30 to be exact."

I was not expecting the trial date to be so soon. The nerves of the trial came back and I kept thinking about it. I didn't say anything back.

Kyle continued, "Listen, I know you might not want to do this, but..."

"Kyle," I cut him off, "after all that has happened to Mike, there is nothing that will stop me from testifying."

A sigh of relief came from the other end of the line. "Okay," he said, "my parents can take us there. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay, talk to you then. Love you."

"I love you too Allen."

I hit the hang up button. That's when it hit me. We just used the "L" word for the first time. It wasn't in a romantic way; it was like how my parents would say it as they left the house. It was kind of depressing.

Pushing that thought aside, I had to think about the trial looming in a few days. My mind wrapped around all of the possibilities of that day. What if I mess up? What if the panther is found innocent? What if I'm too nervous to speak? These and other "What if" question buzzed through my mind for the rest of the night and I found it hard to go to sleep, but eventually, tiredness took over and I drifted off to sleep.


I walked in my room having just taken a shower. I dried my fur, which always took a while. Once it was dry enough, I got my brush and I straightened out my fur. I made sure that I didn't miss a spot because I needed to look as presentable as possible. I grabbed some boxers once I was satisfied with the brushing and slipped them on. I got a pair of black dress pants and a white button up collar shirt and a tie. I brought them as a just-in-case outfit and this was the only time I have used them so far.

Right as I put the pants on, I heard a knock on my door. I padded to the door and looked through the peephole and saw Kyle standing there already dressed. I opened the door. He walked in and gave me a quick kiss.

"My parent's will pick us up in about fifteen minutes," He said.

"Okay," I said while putting on the shirt and buttoning it up. Once I got my shirt buttoned up and tucked in, I slipped on a belt and worked on the tie. I never tied a tie before, but I didn't want Kyle to know that, so I tried my best.

"The trial shouldn't take too long," Kyle said, "and maybe we'll get something to eat afterwards. I was thinking that we should eat at...Oh for heaven's sake, let me help."

Kyle noticed that I could not tie a tie and mine looked like a giant shoe knot with a circle that couldn't go over my head. He untied it and wrapped it around my neck. He adjusted the length and started tying it the proper way. I smiled at him as I watched his face while he was helping me out. Kyle finished tying it and was adjusting it when met my gaze. He grabbed my tie and pulled my into him and our muzzles met. This kiss was much more passionate than before. I pushed my tongue into his willing muzzle and our tongues wrestled with each other. He pushed me on the bed and started lying on top of me when we heard another knock on the door. I let out a moan of disappointment. We pulled apart from the kiss reluctantly and I went to open the door.

John stood there wearing a light blue polo shirt and khaki pants. He walked in and hopped on the bed. Kyle and I gave each other a look and both smiled a bit in a "you gotta be kidding me" way.

John must have spotted this, "Oh crap, did-did I interrupt something?"

"Don't worry about it," Kyle answered, "my parents will be here any minute anyways." As if on cue, Kyle's phone vibrated and he opened it up to read the text message. "Alright, they're here. Let's go."

The car ride was mostly silent. My ride consisted mostly of me taking deep breaths in attempts to calm myself down. It would only work for a moment each time so I kept doing it. I could see that Kyle was very focused. His facial expression wasn't scared or nervous, it was sad. I put my arm around him and pulled him closer. I planted a kiss on his forehead just above the eyes and it seemed to ease him up a bit. It certainly helped me.

After what seemed like hours, Kyle's parents pulled up in a parking lot and we slowly climbed out. We walked up the steps to the courthouse. John reached the door first and opened it letting everyone else enter first before heading in himself. When I entered the courthouse, I saw Detective Bosh and my dad conversing. My dad looked over at me and smiled. I had no idea he was coming. I hugged him.

"Thanks for coming Dad."

"Of course Allen, I'm here to support you," he answered. They started to walk into the courtroom when Detective Bosh called Kyle and me over to him.

"Some last tips before this begins, the jury is mostly women, so that will give you a better chance at getting sympathy. Also, when Mr. Nezbit asks you questions, look at him, and when you are recounting your stories, make eye contact with the jury if you feel comfortable enough. It can go a long way. Personally, you should be fine, but it will help just in case."

"Will the defendant's lawyer come up and ask questions?" I asked.

"Yes," Bosh answered, "he may have some questions lined up, but he may pass if he wishes, but I'm not sure what he'll say."

Mr. Nezbit walked up to us and put a paw on Kyle's shoulder and mine. "It's time," he said.

I felt a dead weight in my stomach as we walked into the courtroom. The whole place looked like it was carved out of chestnut wood. It resembled what I saw a courtroom looking like in movies. We walked up to the third row and filled in with Kyle and me on the inner aisle side. The seats were uncomfortable and were angled at a ninety-degree angle.

Other furs filled the seats, a lot of them I didn't know personally, but I assumed that most had some relation to Kyle, Mike, or even the panther.

We sat there for about ten minutes as I watched Nesbit on the Prosecutor's desk looking over paperwork and then I saw the panther's lawyer; a tall German Sheppard with black and tan fur.

The bailiff walked into the courthouse and stepped up, "All rise for the honorable Judge Wilson."

Everyone in the room stood on their footpaws as a door in the back opened an in walked a stallion with the black robe thing that judges wear. He had a stern look on his face and I could tell that he was not one to sympathize with and that the stallion gave off the impression that he was very by the book and professional.

"You may be seated," Judge Wilson said and everybody took his or her seats as he sat down. "This is the case of the people versus Henin and the charges consist of assault and battery, use of a deadly weapon and attempted murder. How does the defendant plead?"

"Not guilty, your honor," the German Sheppard said defiantly.

"Okay then, we shall proceed," said the judge, "the prosecution shall state its case."

"Thank you, your honor," Mr. Nezbit said while standing up, "I would like to call up my first witness, Mr. Kyle Grey."

I looked over at Kyle as he started to stand up and walk to the front. His face was unreadable. It didn't look scared, and it also didn't look confident. He sat down and the questions began.

Kyle told his story mentioning parts that I had not heard of. He told the jury that he was walking downtown from the movie theater, when he was grabbed by the bear and panther and then pulled into the alley. It hurt to hear this otter retell one of the most horrific events, but it had to be done.

"Thank you Mr. Grey, I know it must be hard to relive that," Mr. Nezbit said in a sympathetic voice.

"Will the defendant be asking any questions?" Judge Wilson said.

"No your honor," said the German Sheppard.

"Very well, Mr. Grey, you are dismissed."

Kyle stood up slowly and walked back to where we were sitting. He tried to keep a neutral face, but it showed both sadness and relief. I took his paw in mine once he sat down and I stroked it in a comforting way.

Then I heard, "I would like to call my second witness, Allen Sampson."

My heart seemed to stop. I knew I was coming up soon, but for some reason it hit hard and I lost all preparedness. I felt a paw pat my back and saw John give a 'get-up-there' head motion.

I stood up and walked to the stand. It seemed like the stand was not getting any closer, but I made it and sat in the seat and faced everybody. All eyes were on me, and it felt weird to see everybody staring.

The bailiff walked up to me and said, "State your name for the record."

"Allen Sampson" I spoke towards the bailiff.

The bailiff then held out a bible and said, "Place your left paw on the Bible and raise your right paw."

I felt the cool leather beneath my left paw as I slid it over the front cover and then raised my right paw so that it was level with the side of my face.

Once I did this, the bailiff continued, "Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"I do"

The bailiff walked away and Mr. Nezbit walked up to me, "Mr. Sampson, we just heard Mr. Grey's story, could you please tell us how you got involved in this?"

"I was walking downtown with my friend Mike Simmons," I said, "when we heard a disturbance ahead of us. Once we reached the alley, we saw Kyle getting jumped."

"Is this one of the two," Mr. Nezbit pointed at the panther, "who was attacking Mr. Grey?"

I looked at the panther straight in the eye, "Yes"

"Let the record show that the witness has pointed out that the defendant was one of the attackers." Mr. Nezbit said loud enough for everyone to hear.

I then recounted the rest of what happened. I followed Mr. Nezbit's advice and made eye contact with the jurors. I realized that they had to stay neutral on the issue, but I could tell that some of them had saddened faces on them.

Then I came to the hardest part of the story, my near-death experience and Mike's sacrifice. "The bear pulled out a gun on me. A few moments after that, the police showed up and started yelling at him. He lowered his gun a little and then pulled it back up and aimed at me. That's when I felt two paws push me away a-and I-I saw t-t-that," it was becoming very hard to speak, "that Mike was shot." Those words seemed unreal as they came out of my muzzle. I took a few breaths remembering that I had to do this for Mike, for Kyle, for all of us. "Then that's when the police moved in. Then I must have blacked out, because next thing that I remembered, I was in the hospital."

"I'm really sorry," Mr. Nezbit said leading against the stand, "No more questions for me."

Judge Wilson spoke up with the same monotonous tone, "Will the defense ask any questions?"

"Yes, your honor." The Sheppard stood up and made his way over to the stand. "First of all, I'm sorry for what you have gone through, and for your friend."

I didn't reply, I just stared at him without moving a muscle.

"With that being said, I find some flaws in your story."

I was a bit surprised; I thought everything was pretty straightforward.

The Sheppard continued, "first of all, you said that my client brought out a knife on you and cut you, is that correct?"

"Yes," I answered.

"But a knife was never recovered at the scene. I do not think that the knife walked away afterwards."

"He lost his hold on it and it fell in the dumpster."

'Of course it did," the Sheppard said. "Another thing, once you saw Mr. Grey getting beat up, you intervened. Why didn't you call the police?"

"Because," I answered, "Kyle didn't have time for the police to come, I had to help."

"You took the law into your own hands," the Sheppard said with his voice a little louder, "like a vigilante. You decided not to let the police do their job because you had to do it."


"Doesn't that sound like a vigilante? May I remind you that it is illegal to do so."

"Objection!" Mr. Nezbit shouted and standing up abruptly, "the defense is trying to turn the case around on the witness and using leading questions."

"Sustained" Judge Wilson said then looked at the German Sheppard, "What are you trying to say?"

"What I'm trying to say is that my client acted in self defense and because of Mr. Sampson's and Mr. Simmons's actions, my client got hurt," the German Sheppard said and then turned back to me. "One last thing, you said that you blacked out after the police came and after the shooting. What color were the walls on either side of the alley?"

"I-I" I stammered, unsure about the topic of the question.

"What was on the bear's shirt?"

My paws were starting to sweat.

"What did the gun that the bear had look like? What color were his eyes?"

"Where exactly are you going with these questions?" Judge Wilson asked.

"What I am trying to prove is that during a distressful time and during a period of unconsciousness, one does not remember all of the details of what happened. I am saying that this," he pointed at me, "is an unreliable witness. He could not answer any of my questions about it, so how can anyone be sure he can reliably recall the events on that day."

I did not say a word; no one did for a second and I got scared. The Sheppard started to walk away when I it hit me.


The German Sheppard turned around and looked at me with a perplexed look.

I continued, "The walls in the alley were a red brick on both sides. The bear wore a white baggy shirt with black imprints on it. The gun was black and a standard handgun. His eyes were a dark grey or black."

The German Sheppard looked stunned that I answered all of those questions. I looked over at my dad whose eyes were wide, John with a dropped jaw, and Kyle was grinning a little.

"No more questions." The Sheppard said and walked over to his desk.

"Mr. Sampson, you are dismissed." Judge Wilson said.

I stood up and my legs felt wobbly, but I made it to where Kyle was and sat down. The grin on his muzzle was still there and I laughed to myself a bit as the court case went on. The next part was getting statements from the Detectives, including Detective Bosh, just to say that they went through protocol.

Then the panther was called to the stand. He was sworn in and the Sheppard asked him questions that the panther easily answered once he was done, Mr. Nezbit stood up.

"I got to hand it to you," he started, "you are really holding your own despite all of the evidence against you."

The panther said nothing to this.

"We will see if you can maintain that after you see this." Mr. Nezbit pointed to the side where a television was stationed. "We have surveillance footage of you and the bear." The footage started and it was from one of the light posts from behind them. It then cut to another angle directly behind them and a few feet above.

"That could be anybody," the panther said.

"I know that," Mr. Nezbit said, "but this is where we find out it's you."

The footage showed the panther looking behind them as if to see if anyone is watching. Mr. Nezbit paused the film. "It is very rare for a panther to have a red patch on his or her fur. Your patch of red fur is identical to the one on the video."

The panther sat there and looked down with a defeated look and said, "Those little fuckers mess everything up."

Everyone, including me was shocked at the sudden statement. The panther looked up at me. "I wish I could have killed you both!" he snarled.

Judge Wilson banged his gavel, "Order! Order! One more outburst like that and I'll hold you in contempt of court."

The panther didn't say anything else. He just glared at me, and I returned it, then he turned his gaze to my side where I noticed he was looking at Kyle. The bailiff escorted the panther to his lawyer.

"Okay," Judge Wilson said, "The jury will now meet and come with a final decision. This court is now in recess." He banged his gavel once and everyone got up and filed out of the courtroom.

Once we were outside, my dad came up to me and embraced me. "I'm so proud of you Allen."

I returned it, "Thanks dad."

"I didn't know you were so observant," Detective Bosh said as he walked up to me.

I smiled a bit, "I've always been like that. I'm just lucky he asked those questions, I took a bit of a guess on the color of the bear's eyes."

The adults chuckled at this. Just then, Kyle came up and hugged me tight. "Oh Allen, you did amazing."

"I couldn't have done it without you" I answered.

"You're just saying that"

"No I mean it. I saw how confident you were on the stand and that helped me out a lot."

"Alright you lovebirds," John said as he sat down, "save it for later."

"You always show up at the worst times," I said to him with a smile.

"I got to keep you under control," John said, "after all, someone has to."

Just then Mr. Nezbit walked up to our group, "They're starting back up."

We got up and headed back into the courtroom where the panther, German Sheppard, Mr. Nezbit, the bailiff and Judge Wilson were already in their respective places. Once we were in our seats, a door opened and the jury walked into the room and took their seats.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?" Judge Wilson asked.

"We have your honor," one of the jurors said. He handed a piece of paper to the bailiff who gave it to the judge. Judge Wilson read it, folded it back up, and gave it to the bailiff who returned it to the juror.

"In the case of the people versus Henin, how does the jury find the defendant?" Judge Wilson asked.

"We the jury find Mr. Henin guilty against all charges," the juror said. A huge weight lifted off of my shoulders when I heard this. I looked over at Kyle who shared the same feeling.

"Thank you," Judge Wilson said, "the jury is now dismissed." The members of the jury stood up and exited the door which they came in. "Mr. Henin, you will return in one week for your sentencing." The judge grabbed his gavel and slammed it, ending the case.

I couldn't help but smile at this. My dad and Kyle's parents were shaking hands. John came up, grabbed my paw, and pulled me into a bro hug. He did the same with Kyle.

We left the courthouse in high spirits and headed out to eat together. We chose an Italian restaurant right by the courthouse. The entire meal was filled with laughter and good cheer. My dad and Kyle's parents got along really well as they discussed what each other did and other things that adults talk about. It felt really good to just be sitting down and enjoying a nice meal surrounded by friends. There was only one person missing. Mike was still in the hospital.

"It's okay," John said, pulling me out of my thoughts, "he's going to be fine."

"I guess I'm not the only observant person here," I said.

We finally left the restaurant and after our goodbyes, Kyle's parents took us back to campus and dropped us off.

John headed off to his room and Kyle and I walked to my room. Once we walked into my room, I shut the door, locked it, and pulled Kyle into a passionate kiss. Kyle was a bit surprised by the suddenness of the kiss, but then relaxed. With our muzzles still locked, I loosened my tie and started to unbutton my shirt.

Kyle pulled away and grabbed my paw. "What are you doing? That's my job." He picked up where I left off and I unbuttoned his shirt. His shirt couldn't unbutton fast enough, but eventually it came off and we returned to our kiss. I felt Kyle's paw rubbing at my chest and then moved down to my abs. I moaned in the kiss as Kyle brought a second paw to rub me. The paws worked their way down to my belt and went to work loosening it and then unzipping my pants. My pants fell to my ankles and I was only in my boxers. My cock was already pretty hard at this point as it pitched a tent. Kyle wrapped his paws around the waistband when I pushed his paws away.

He looked up at me a bit confused. "You're not going to have all of the fun," I said and then picked him up and laid him down on my bed I leaned over him and worked at his belt and pants. Kyle lifted his hips a bit so that I could take them off easier. I slid them down to his ankles and then pulled them all the way off. I climbed on the bed with him and lied down on top of him and our tongues explored the insides of each other's muzzle again. Soon, I couldn't stand the fabric between us and I lowered myself kissing every couple of inches down his torso until I reached his waistband.

I slowly pulled them down and his cock sprung up as soon as it was released from the confines of his boxers. It was fully out of its sheath and I continued to pull the boxers off. I took little time to get my own boxers off in my excitement. I brought myself up to Kyle and kissed him as our cocks rubbed against each other.

"W-What if your roommate walks in?" Kyle said breathing heavily.

"Don't worry," I said, "he lives with his girlfriend, and he won't come here."

I then felt a jolt of excitement and pleasure as Kyle had a hold of both of our cocks and started rubbing them. It became hard to support myself on my forearms. I closed my eyes to this sensation. I opened them to see Kyle smiling at me. I lowered myself and licked across the top of his muzzle. He returned the favor and our tongues wrestled each other.

I was close to climaxing, but I didn't want it to end. I grabbed Kyle's wrist so that he would stop pumping. Kyle raised an eyebrow at me with a quizzical look on his face.

"I got an idea," I said and then scooted down to his waist.

My muzzle was about three inches from Kyle's groin and I felt a little nervous because I had never done this before. I looked up at Kyle and I felt a wave of lust and excitement that calmed my nerves. I licked the tip of his shaft and heard a satisfying moan from Kyle and that drove me onward. I gave a few more teasing licks and then licked down this shaft to his balls and put one of them in my muzzle. I licked it for a bit and then put the second one into my maw and started sucking on them. A gasp from Kyle told me that I was doing a good job, but I wanted more than that. I let the orbs out of my muzzle and went back to the shaft. I ran my tongue from his base to the tip and then took one paw to position the shaft so that it lined up with my muzzle.

I kissed the tip of it as a bit of pre came out and I licked it as I continued to make out with the tip. I was so into the moment that I didn't taste it at first. I slowly lowered my head as more of the warm flesh slipped into my maw. I took in a couple of inches, then I pulled my head up and immediately went down to take even more of it. I did this one more time until I had all of Kyle's inches in my maw. I began to rhythmically bob my head up and down on the shaft. Kyle put his paws on my head and scratched me behind the ears. I loved it when he did that and my tail started wagging.

"Allen, I-I'm close" Kyle stammered, but I kept at it, I wanted to please my otter as best as I could. I picked up my speed and began to come in tune with Kyle's hips moving up and down trying to get as much in my maw as possible.

With a cry, Kyle released himself in my maw. I knew it was coming, but then again, it was a bit surprising. He shot a load in my mouth closely followed by another one that hit the back of my throat. I pulled myself off of him and coughed a bit as Kyle shot the rest on his chest.

"You alright?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said between coughs, "just didn't expect it to be like that."

Kyle pushed me onto my side and then onto my back. He leaned over to my ear and whispered, "my turn."

He slipped down with a sly grin on his face. He grabbed the base of my shaft just above the knot and gave a teasing lick. I shuddered at the new sensation. Kyle did this a couple more times and then he started licking all over my wolfhood. I grabbed the sheet I was lying on and watched Kyle work his magic. He opened his muzzle and started to take my shaft into it. It wasn't long before my shaft was enveloped with the warmth of his muzzle.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and place my paws on the top of his head. He started sucking on my cock and electricity shot through my body. I gave a loud moan. Kyle took this as a sign to continue. He started to bob his head up and down. His left paw held himself in place and his right paw started to rub my balls playfully. My breathing got heavier with each passing moment. Kyle then mover his right paw and grabbed my knot. Once he had a hold of it, he started to squeeze. I tried to suppress the loud moan, but the pleasure was too much for me to control. I felt my climax getting closer.

I tried to warn Kyle, but all that came out was, "Kyle, I-"

He understood what I meant and gave a nod in approval. The sensations of the blowjob kept building up inside me and I new I wouldn't last much longer. I started to thrust my hips into his muzzle with no complaints from Kyle, as he seemed to enjoy it. With one final thrust, I shot my load. Kyle didn't lift his head up and cough like I did; he kept his head there and accepted his treat. Once I shot my final rope of cum, Kyle lifted his head and crawled up to me and lowered his muzzle onto mine. Some of Kyle's cum was still in my muzzle and we exchanged each other's juices.

We broke from the kiss, and Kyle laid nest to me and we wrapped our arms around each other. Kyle scooted closer to me and had his head against my chest.

"I love you so much," I said.

"I love you too Allen," he replied.

Hearing that work 'love' used in this way was magical. I wanted to melt in Kyle's arms in that very moment. We lied there in the afterglow of our lovemaking. I didn't want this moment to ever end.

Kyle eventually dozed off and I continued to just look at him sleep. He looked so peaceful lying there. The moments passed and I just stared at Kyle breathing as his hot breath rustled my fur. My eyes got heavy, and I drifted off into the abyss of my mind.


Sorry about the wait, I wanted to hold off until right before I left for Nationals. I can't say that the rest will be this long, but I wanted to give you a long read (at least I consider it long). I gave you a break from the cliff-hangers this time, which I'm sure some of you are happy about. Comment, fav, watch, and vote at will.